e-portfolio (english)


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Page 1: E-portfolio (English)


Page 2: E-portfolio (English)

Contents My Language Passport

My Language Biography

My Dossier

Helpful Tips Hello

About myself My Prizes and Awards

Self – Assessment Grid My Communication Level Our Plans

My Compositions My Reports My Projects My Tests

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MY LANGUAGE PASSPORTHi, everybody! Let me introduce myself. My name is Liuda. I’m 13. Meet my classmate, Kristina. She is my best friend and we are crazy about learning foreign languages.

Hello! How are you? I’m Kristina and I’m 13 too. We really want to go to London, so we help to learn English each other. Today we are glad to present Liuda’s English Portfolio.

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ABOUT MYSELFSurname: HorovaFirst name: LiudaAddress: 97 Sevastopilska Street, Krasnyi Lyman, Donetsk region, UkraineNationality: UkrainianDate of birth (day| month| year): the25th of May, 2000Sex: f Age: 13 Form: 7What foreign languages can you speak? English, German, FrenchWhen did you begin to learn foreign languages? English – the 2nd form, German – the 5th form, French – the 5th formWhat are your hobbies? Learning, reading, comedies, embroideryWhat are your favourite lessons? Foreign languages, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, HistoryWhat is your future profession? Pharmacist or archaeologist

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I’d like to tell you a bit about myself.

I like to learn new things, discuss smth at English and German lessons.

I am keen on reading and I’ve got a big library at home. I am

good at learning.

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I use the Internet. It helps me to communicate with kids all over the world and improve my foreign languages.

Kristina and I are interested in embroidery.

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We like to act and speak English, German and French.

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MY LANGUAGE BIOGRAPHYLevel Form listening reading spoken



I can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided if the topic is reasonably familiar. I can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes. I can understand the majority of films in standard dialect.

I can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints. I can understand contemporary literary prose.

I can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.

I can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest. I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

I can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to my interests. I can write an essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. I can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences.

I can understand speech with requests and problems explanations. I can understand contents of conversations, discussions, lectures and reports on familiar topics, although cannot recognize some phrases and expressions.

I can understand simple familiar information in letters, leaflets, directions, newspaper articles. I can understand the gist of specialized simple structured texts within my own field.

I can hold a conversation on familiar topics without delays and pauses, using simple language tools. I can explain my attitude and respond to the questions. I can summarize and synthesize information.

I can talk about my own experience; describe my attitude to the events. I can make short presentations and reports, followed by my comments and conclusions.

I can write short reports and explanations with simple structure within field of my direct charge. I can write simple clearly structured texts, make a summary, argumentation of my doing or views.

10 - 11

I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job- related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.

I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).

I can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of book or film and describe my reactions.

I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.




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Level Form listening reading spoken interaction

spoken production



I can understand everyday speech when the delivery is standard and clear. I can understand the main point of TV shows, films, where visual reception plays important role. I can understand the gist of short lectures, familiar stories, when speech is relatively slow and clear.

I can read simple texts about things I’m interested in, leaflets, short official documents, simple and clear instructions, short descriptions of events.

I can exchange opinions and information on familiar topics in predicated everyday situations. I can ask another person to help when I need it.

I can express myself in monologue to talk about my feelings, everyday aspects of my environment (people, local area, study) using simple language tools.

I can write short simple texts, create messages to describe the topic, problem, etc. I can describe my dreams, hopes and expectations.

I can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, employment). I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.

I can read very short, simple texts. I can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters.

I can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can handle very short social exchanges, even though I can’t usually understand enough to keep the conversation going myself.

I can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent school.

I can write short, simple notes and messages. I can write a very simple personal letter, for example, thanking someone for something.




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lForm listening reading spoken



I can understand and follow simple directions. I can understand simple questions concerning my experience, as well as simple everyday dialogues, supported with mimic and gestures.

I can understand simple illustrated texts, guides, game directions, instruction for the use of familiar things. I can find relevant information in simple and familiar texts.

I can greet other people and introduce myself. I can respond to the greeting and ask how someone feels. I can order food and drinks. I can do everyday shopping.

I can express myself with simple connected sentences to give a short simple description of myself and my environment. I can talk about what I can see in a picture and describe other people.

I can copy words, sentences without mistakes, write names of countries, buildings and food. I can write short connected paragraph about myself, my place and my family.


I can understand familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.

I can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example, on notices and posters or in catalogues.

I can interact in a simple way if the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech and help me formulate what I’m trying to say. I can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.

I can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where I live and people I know.

I can write a short, simple postcard, for example, sending holyday greetings. I can fill in forms with personal details, for example, entering my name, nationality and address on a hotel registration form.



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A1 A2 B1 B2 С1 С2

A1 Foundation


A2 Elementary

A2+ Pre-intermediate

B1 Intermediate


B2 Upper Intermediate


C1 Advanced

С2 Proficient


Page 13: E-portfolio (English)

My Learning English Student What can I do well?

What can I do not well?

What can I do badly?

Teacher What can I do well?

What can I do not well?

What can I do badly?

3 2 1 3 2 1

To learn new words

To write smth correctly

To do English exercises

To learn poems, proverbs

To learn grammar rules

To listen English texts | dialogues

To ask and answer the questions

To make and act the dialogues

To play games

To discuss smth

To sing English songs

To learn and retell the stories | texts

To translate smth into English | Ukrainian

Student 35 30 4 1Teacher 38 36 2 0

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OUR PLANS1. Introduction (September)

Composition: “My plans for this year”

Project: “My life”

2. We Are Different (October)

Composition: “My family”

Report: “Some Interesting Pages Of The History Of My Family”

Project: “My Favourite Cartoon Character”


3. Getting Along With Others (November)

Article: “Problems and Solutions”

Project: “Radio Programme for Travellers in Ukraine”

Letter: “Some Social Customs in Ukraine”


4. Doing Chores (December)

Project: “Planning My Big Dinner”

Report: “Jack of all trades and master of none”


5. Doctors! Doctors! (January)

Role – play: “Patient and Doctor”

Project: “A Healthy Lifestyle”


6. British Lifestyle (February)

Report: “Every Bird Likes Its Own Nest”

Project: “Family Life In Ukraine”


7. Sport In Britain (March)

E – mail: “Taking Part In Sport”

Project: “Olympic Games In Future”









9. Shopping Paradise (May)

Letter: “Doing Shopping In Ukraine”

Paragraph: “What Shoppers The Ukrainians Are”

Composition: “London Is a Shopping Paradise”

Project: “Focus On Shops”


Presentation Of My Portfolio (May)

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Ex.6, p. 17 Oksana Karpiuk “English 7”

Write sentences about your family and your friends.MY FAMILY

A composition by Liuda Horova It’s very important for everybody to have people, who love you, who understand you, whom you can apply to with your problems and who will never betray you. For me these people are my family. The heart of our family is my Mom – kind and loving, always ready to listen and help. She is 42, but she does not look her age: she looks much younger. My Mom is slim, not very tall, but rather attractive with her blond long hair and beautiful blue eyes. She is a very busy woman and she’s very clever and wise. My Daddy is a very clever and educated person. In spite of his strictness, Dad is a very sociable person and makes a good company. I should admit that I look like my mother in appearance (both blue – eyed and big - nosed), but I’m very much like my Dad in character. And on the contrary: my elder sister Maiia looks like our Daddy in appearance and like Mom in character. Maiia is 9 years my senior. She is tall, slim, blue – eyed and shy. Like our mother, Maiia is a kind – hearted, hard – working and friendly person. I think only people who like and dislike the same things can understand each other, so Maiia and I are good friends, we understand each other, we share our problems. Maiia’s kindness and optimism always supports me in difficult situations. Actually we are a very friendly family. We understand each other at first sight and come to help each other without any extra word.


In my opinion, only people who like and dislike the same things can understand each other. I can say it about my family.

Liuda, let’s talk about your family. What family traits have you got in your appearance and character? Have you got friends in your family? What are they like?

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MY REPORTSI am going to write my report about the history of my family. I know some ancestors in my mother’s line. These ancestors are the members of my family tree who lived a long time ago. Look at “MY FAMILY TREE’.

Olena Serhii

Maiia and Liuda

Demian Halyna


Hanna KlavdiiaMaksym

























Liuda, how much do you know about the history of your family? Perhaps your great grandfather came from another country? Do you have a relative who lives far from you? What would you like to know?

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Ex.6, p. 22 Oksana Karpiuk “English 7”

Find out more about your family history and the heredity.


All members of my family took part in historic events in different times. My relatives created their own patriotic pages in the book of history of our state. They put a lot of pages in that book from the government of the tsar Nikolai II and the Great October Socialist Revolution till the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War. We hadn’t any shirkers or lazybones in our family. We didn’t like the phrase “my house I will hide”. Courage and bravery run in the family. For example, one of my great grandfathers was a leader among engine drivers in our town. He was decorated with different orders. Another one took part in the building of Belomorsko – Baltiyskii Canal. I know some established facts about one of my great grandfathers, who was a clairvoyant, and another one was a lecturer of Moscow Polytechnical University. I am so proud of my family.

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Ex.10, p. 28 Oksana Karpiuk “English 7”

Remember one of the characters from a book or film (cartoon). Choose one of them and describe his| her appearance and character.


My favourite film is “Shrek”. I like the film because it’s an exciting story on a basis of a fairy tale. The film has got several parts and fantastic special effects. All the characters were created by computers, but they look real. “Shrek” tells about a monster who lives in a wood. His name is Shrek. The Princess Fiona is a monster too. She is his wife. Shrek and Fiona have three baby – monsters. They are green, funny and cute. This strange green family has a lot of friends: a donkey, a wolf, a Gingerbread boy, Pinocchio etc. But one of them is my favourite. His name is Puss.

I like cartoons and “Shrek” is one of my favourite computer animation films. Let’s talk about it!

Liuda, I would ask you about your favourite film. Do you have any favourite characters from a film or cartoon?

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He is red, green – eyed Puss – Boots. He always puts his black hat, belt and boots on. Puss – Boots has got his sword. He can cross swords with enemies to protect his friends, because he is brave and proud. All pussies like Puss – Boots. I understand them. He is so handsome and charming. Puss likes to sleep on Shrek’s pillow and laps too much milk, so he becomes fat and lazy after it. Sometimes he is so naughty. But Puss begs his friends pardon with his beautiful eyes. Well, he is an attentive, friendly, devoted, kind – hearted cat. Puss likes children and they find him funny. I like this character very much and look forward next part of this film about his amazing adventures.

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OK. I’ll try and put it into my portfolio.

Try to remember what you have learnt from Unit 1 and test yourself.


GRAMMAR Ex.1, p. 30 Oksana Karpiuk “English 7”

1. Make up the forms of comparison of the adverbs.1) smartly more smartly the most smartly

2) well better the best

3) early earlier the earliest

4) friendly more friendly the most friendly

5) fast faster the fastest


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VOCABULARY Ex.2, p. 30

2. Read and match the words with their meanings.1. thoughtful a) thinking only about his/her own needs

2. devoted b) without other people, sadly

3. lonely c) to bring trouble, to worry

4. to bother d) showing care for the needs of others

5. selfish e) giving one’s time, energy to someone or something

1 – e, 2 – d, 3 – b, 4 – c, 5 – a.


3. Complete the interview with the a), b), c), d), e) phrases.A: Have you got a true friend? a) Well, she is intelligent and cheerful with good sense

of humour.

A: Why do you think that he | she is true? b) Yes, that’s right. I quite agree.

A: What does your friend look like? c) I think, I have.

A: What is your friend like? d) We help each other. And we’ve got much in common, I suppose.

A: Do you agree that everyone is special by being different?

e) She is tall and slim with beautiful blond hair.

B: c), d), e), a), b);

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LISTENING Ex.4, p. 31

4. Listen to the young woman’s opinion about Richard Gere, a film star. Read the statements below and put the letter “T” for the true statement and the letter “F” for the false one.All women like Richard Gere. I don’t understand them. They say he is handsome. What’s handsome about him? He’s got small eyes and a big nose, his hair is terrible. Well, he is slim and straight. It’s OK. In my opinion many men are slim, but not all of them are handsome. Maybe he is a good actor but I don’t think he is handsome man. As far as I see it he is not even good – looking.

1) Many women say Richard is handsome. T

2) This young woman agrees with the others. F

3) In her opinion, Richard is slim and straight. T

4) She thinks he is a bad actor. F


Read the information about one of the Zodiac Signs. Imagine your classmate was born under the star. Write a paragraph about your classmate (5 sentences).I have a friend. She is my classmate. Her name is Diana. Her Zodiac Sign is Leo. She is a generous, brave and proud girl. Her hair is short and blond. Diana has a kind heart and a pretty, round, good – humoured face. But sometimes she is rude, because she’s got some difficulties with English language and usually get bad marks. I think it isn’t the biggest problem in her life, because I can help her to solve it. As a real friend I can help her to learn English.

LEO July 24 – August 23

leading brave proudpopular generous

rude boastful untidy

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NOW I CAN…listen and read about people and friendshiptalk about my family, my friends and about my classmatesuse the degrees of comparison of manner adverbsask for someone’s opinion and express my opinionexpress agreement or disagreement describe people’s appearance and charactersdo a project about film’s, book’s or cartoon’s characterswrite a paragraph about my friend or another person

TOTAL = points

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Follow this plan if you are writing an article.Think about your reader. Who is your article for?First write down all your ideas – then organize them.Think of one key sentence for each paragraph and add more information.

Paragraph 1 (INTRODUCTION)1. Attract the attention of your reader.2. Introduce the topic of your article.

Paragraph 2 (MAIN BODY)3. Give the main information.

Paragraph 3 4. Add extra information.

Paragraph 4 (CONCLUSION)5. Summarize and give your opinion.

Note: The language of an article is usually formal. You should not use short forms like: I’m, isn’t, won’t, etc. Some useful words can be: First of all / Secondly / Finally.


An article

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The plan of writing a description.•Imagine who will read your description and what information will interest them. Follow this plan.•Think of at least key words or phrases to describe the person. Follow this plan.•Describe one feature in each paragraph and add extra information.Paragraph 11. Introduce the person you are going to describe.

Paragraph 22. Describe one key feature.3. Add extra information.

Paragraph 34. Describe what is special about that person.

Paragraph 45. Finish with a personal opinion.

Are you writing a story? Follow this plan.Give your story a clear beginning, middle and end.Think of key words to describe places / feelings, etc.Write three paragraphs.

Paragraph 11) Set the scene. Say where you were and what you were doing.2) Describe how you felt.

Paragraph 23) Describe the place and give some background


Paragraph 34) Describe the main event, and the outcome.

A description A story

The paragraph writing in the following ways:showing the relationships between the ideas with words like: and, for example, because, also, besides;using pronouns to replace repeated nouns;leaving out the second subject, when two verbs have the same subject.

A paragraph writing

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The review writing in the following ways:Think about your reader. Who is your review for?Use descriptive language and sound enthusiastic.Write four paragraphs.

Paragraph 11. Say what you are reviewing.2. Explain why you chose to review it.

Paragraph 23. Describe the main characters of the book / film or the object of the game.

Paragraph 34. Describe the story / game.

Paragraph 45. Give your personal opinion and recommendation.

The plan of writing of a report.Think about your reader. Who is your report for? Reports are usually for teachers / parents / somebody official.Use formal language and a clear structure. Write four paragraphs.

Paragraph 11. Say what the report is about.

Paragraph 22. Explain the advantages of the first idea.3. Explain the consequences / result of the first idea.

Paragraph 34. Introduce an alternative idea and explain the advantages.5. Explain the consequences / result of an alternative idea.

Paragraph 46. Summarize your arguments, give extra information.7. Make your personal recommendation.

Choose a title to give information about the event.Include all the key information: date, time and place.Also say: -if there is a dress code (do people have to wear certain clothes?)-if the guests need to bring anything-if there is a charge (do people have to pay to enter?)Ask people to contact if it’s necessary.


A review A report

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Informal letter Formal letterYOUR ADDRESS

oStreet number and nameoTown/ City and postcodeoCountry, if foreignoDate

97Sevastopil’s’ka Street KrasnyLyman, 84403 Ukraine 4th December 20________

Dear Diana,…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Love, / Your friend,Liuda

GREETINGSoGreet your friend

MAIN BODYoGive your reasons for writing

ENDINGoEnd your letter in a friendly way


1. When you write a formal letter, always put your address (but not your name) in the top right- hand corner.2. Put the date below the address.3. Always start “Dear Sir or Madam”, if you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to.4. End the letter with “Yours sincerely” if you know the person’s name or “Yours faithfully” if you don’t know the person’s name.

•The computer includes your email address and the date automatically.•Write the email address of the person you’re writing to.•Write the address of the people you would like to send a copy of the letter to.•Choose a subject.•Write the message like a short informal letter or a personal note.

Writing an EMAIL

Put the date at the top. (You can leave this out.)Write Dear and the name of the person you’re writing to.Write your message. Use short forms (I’ll, it’s, we’re) and short sentences. Finish with a friendly phrase: See you soon, Wish you were here! (Lots of) Love, (to family members and close friends) Best wishes.Sign your name. First name is usually enough.Write the name and address of the person you’re writing to.

Writing a postcard

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Your presentation should have: A. An INTRODUCTION in which you say:what and who you are (your name and position)what the issue iswhat your purpose isWhat I want to do (today / this morning) is to…My purpose / aim (today / this morning) is to…what your topic isI’m going to talk about… / The topic of my presentation is…what points you will coverMy presentation will be in 3 parts.First I’ll talk about / deal with…Then / Next / Secondly, I’ll consider / deal with…Thirdly / Finally I’ll / …when the listener can ask questionsIf you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt me.Finally, I’d be glad to answer any questions you may / might have.B. A clear signal at the start of each part of the BODY of the presentation:Let me begin with…Right Now if we turn to… O.K. Let’s deal next with… + topic So This brings me to… I would like to go on to…C. A clear SUMMARY / CONCLUSION AT THE END OF EACH PART of the BODY presentation, in which you restate your main point: To summarize, …To conclude / In conclusion …D. A CONCLUSION in which you: repeat your main pointsgive your main conclusionE. An ENDING:Well, that’s all I have to say. Thank you for your attention.If you have any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.

Giving a presentation

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Learning English should not stop. There are some advices for you below. Listen to English songs and radio programmes. Watch English and American films and cartoons(not “dubbed” into Ukrainian). Read English magazines, newspapers or books. Make friends with some English – speaking people and communicate with

them. Notice how English – speaking people say things. Write down interesting

words and phrases. Don’t forget about your “Portfolio”!

1) english.language.ru>Интерактивное тестирование

2) testuz.ru>eng.php

3) english – profi.com>tests.html

4) Native – English.ru> Тесты

5) HomeEnglish.ru>Tests

6) infoenglish.info>Тесты

Learning English should not stop. There are some advices for you below. Listen to English songs and radio programmes. Watch English and American films and cartoons(not “dubbed” into Ukrainian). Read English magazines, newspapers or books. Make friends with some English – speaking people and communicate with them. Notice how English – speaking people say things. Write down interesting words and phrases. Don’t forget about your “Portfolio”!