e-rule by syazwani binti safee pb11077 nurul ashikin binti rani pb11083

e-Rule By Syazwani binti safee Pb11077 Nurul ashikin binti rani PB11083

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Page 1: e-Rule By Syazwani binti safee Pb11077 Nurul ashikin binti rani PB11083


BySyazwani binti safee Pb11077

Nurul ashikin binti rani PB11083

Page 2: e-Rule By Syazwani binti safee Pb11077 Nurul ashikin binti rani PB11083

cyber crimes

• Big increase in cyber crimes(The Star 27 Apr 2011)

KUALA LUMPUR: There has been an increase in cyber crimes in Malaysia over the last two years, more than 3,500 of them reported in the first three months of this year.

CyberSecurity Malaysia chief operating officer Zahri Yunos said some 8,000 cases were reported last year and attributed this to the growth in Internet usage and broadband penetration that now stood at 55%.

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What is cyber crime?

• Also known as computer crime,digital crime, e-crime and electronic crime

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Examples of cyber crimes


Internet banking



Intellectual property


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More example cyber crime

• Identify TheftSome criminals use the Internet to break

intovictims' online financial accounts, taking passwords, money and sensitive information

• Computer VirusesComputer hackers are digital age criminals that

can bring down large infrastructures with a single keystroke emitting a computer virus

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Reasons for cyber crime

Reasons for cyber crime

For financial means

Purely out of mischief To signal some

form of protest

Purely to pursue criminal activities

Revenge on someone they hateTo forge


Identity theaf

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Property infringements and legal right

• Software piracy That action against the law when the employees install the same programme

on multiple using software for which one license agreement was paid.-freeware and shareware Freeware allow you copy or download without payment Share ware is a software that canused by everyone for free for a limited time

period only-treacherous

Cyber -vandals like to change the public site and display the information and how it canbe done by hackers as disloyal are interpreted to severe penalties.

-stolenIf the contractor can access via the Internet to other users' information such as personal data, lists, records, personal e-mails, even with good intentions can be defined as theft

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•Tentang masalah jenayah siber

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• Jenayah Siber di Malaysia Naik 100%13 Januari 2009 (Harian Metro)

• PULAU PINANG 25 Julai – Sebanyak 6,167 kes penipuan dalam Internet melibatkan nilai kerugian RM63 juta dilaporkan di negara ini sepanjang tahun lalu.Ia meningkat empat kali ganda dalam tempoh empat tahun berbanding pada 2007 yang hanya mencatatkan 1,139 kes dengan nilai RM11.4 juta.


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Kesan jenayah siber

• Kerugian wang ringgit. Ini kes biasa yang berlaku di internet. Contohnya ditipu melalui chatting room Yahoo Messenger.

• Maruah diri tercemar. Contoh mudah apabila video dan gambar kurang elok tersebar meluas oleh orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

• Kestabilan politik tergugat. Contoh paling mudah apabila seorang remaja menghina lagu NegaraKu, maka tersebar ke segenap pelusuk dunia

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