e3 spark plugs brand review


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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Page 1: E3 Spark Plugs Brand Review

E3 Spark Plugs


Page 2: E3 Spark Plugs Brand Review

5-4-3-2-1 iGniTiOn

1995: Pyrotek engineers begin testing edge-to-edge spark discharge theories.

E3 Spark Plugs: History

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#481997: Using proprietary test protocol, 48 different electrode configurations were tested until dis-covering the electrode geometry that would become the foundation of E3 Spark Plugs technology.

E3 Spark Plugs: History

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EPa1998: The EPa finds that Pyrotek technology “offers clear advantages in HC and CO emissions con-trol while at the same time improving power and fuel economy.”

E3 Spark Plugs: History

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6,495,948december 17, 2002: U.S. patent issued for an invention that relates to improved spark plugs for igniting a fuel charge in an internal combustion engine, and is particularly concerned with an improved spark plug construction which improves combustion pressure and fuel milage and diminishes exhaust pollution.

E3 Spark Plugs: History

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October 2001: Pyrotek begins working with Mark wronski to name and create the brand identity for a new spark plug that will enter the north american market in the first quarter of 2002.

E3 Spark Plugs: History

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a COMPlETEly nEw kind Of SPark PlUGThe first new spark plug patent in over 100 years

E3 Spark Plugs: brand development

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E3 Spark Plugs: Core brand attributes

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MOrE POwErlESS POiSOnPyrotek labs: commited to the continued development of poweful, efficient, clean combustion technology.

E3 Spark Plugs: brand Promise

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E3=The name


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The Mark

The E3 name is short-hand for “Energy, Efficiency, Ecology.” The bold italic capital “E” is used to convey strength, power and movement. The circle-3 represents the motion of wheels, engines and planet earth.

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The Product

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ExPlOSiOnS600 TiMES a SECOnd

E3 Spark Plugs: voice/language/Tone

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HiGHly COMPrESSEdGaSOlinE and OxyGEn iGniTEd by a SPark

E3 Spark Plugs: brand voice

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E3 Spark Plugs: Visual Style – Automotive

bOld, inTEnSE, dynaMiC, draMaTiC,HiGH-EnErGy, briGHT, ClEan, HEaT, Hard-EdGE,SaTUraTEd COlOr, a SEnSE Of SPEEd and POwEr

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ClEan, bOld, inTEnSE COlOr, dynaMiC,HiGH EnErGy,briGHT,draMaTiC

E3 Spark Plugs: Visual Style – Marine

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PUrE SPEEd, raw POwEr, HiGH-EnErGy, ClEan, bOld, inSEnSE, SaTUraTEd COlOr, dynaMiC, draMaTiC, COMPETiTivE

E3 Spark Plugs: Visual Style – Powersports

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E3 Spark Plugs: Challenge

bUild CrEdibiliTy and aUTHEnTiCiTy


ExPand THE brand inTO inTErnaTiOnal MarkETS