each of the quizzes given during the semester are copied on the following slides (they are...

Each of the quizzes given during the semester are copied on the following slides (they are “blank” so that you can look up the answers and use these as a study guide). Note that there were also three other “quizzes” on days when attendance was taken as a quiz grade. Each of these are 10 points. Not all classes may have had all of the quizzes shown. There is some variation due to when classes were cancelled due to snow. All quiz grades are listed at webhost.bridgew.edu/ramey/www You can find your quiz grades listed under your class section, under the random number printed on Chapter 12 quiz. You should also review the assignments. These are not returned, but the last slide in this set lists all of the assignments. If you have any questions… email me ([email protected]) or come by my office… Room 216 in the Science Building. I am generally in Mon – Thu from 10 to 12. Or, email me and we will set up an appointment for a specific time!

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Each of the quizzes given during the semester are copied on the following slides (they are “blank” so that you can look up the answers and use these as a study guide).

Note that there were also three other “quizzes” on days when attendance was taken as a quiz grade. Each of these are 10 points. Not all classes may have had all of the quizzes shown. There is some variation due to when classes were cancelled due to snow.

All quiz grades are listed at webhost.bridgew.edu/ramey/www You can find your quiz grades listed under your class section, under the random number printed on Chapter 12 quiz.

You should also review the assignments. These are not returned, but the last slide in this set lists all of the assignments.

If you have any questions… email me ([email protected]) or come by my office… Room 216 in the Science Building. I am generally in Mon – Thu from 10 to 12. Or, email me and we will set up an appointment for a specific time!


1-4. identify each of the maps at right (be specific). 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 4. ____________________________________

5. These maps (1-4) are generally known as ______________ maps.

6. The map at left is different from those above, which are used for analysis. This type of map shows physical features, towns, roads, political borders… This type of map is called a _____________ map.

7. From the Greek, geography ( “geos – grafia”) means:_____________________________________________________8-12. List the 5 main themes of geography. 8. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10. __________________________________ 11. __________________________________ 12. __________________________________





CHAPTER 51. The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is ______________________________________________.2. The Crude Death Rate (CDR) is _____________________________________________.3. The Crude Rate of Natural Increase (RNI) is calculated as: RNI = ______ - ______. (You

may use the appropriate abbreviations here.)4. The Arithmetic Population Density = __________________ / __________________.5. The total world population is currently just over _____ billion people.6. TRUE or FALSE (Circle one) The Rate of Natural Increase is always positive.7. The major underlying cause of the rapid increase in the world’s population in the 1800s

was the _______________ _______________.8. Using the map at right, describe one

characteristic of the kinds of areas of the world inwhich we find human settlements._______________________________________

9. Using the map at right, describe one characteristic of the kinds of areas of the world inwhich there are very few human settlements._______________________________________.

10. The Doubling Time of a population is calculated as _____ / _____________________.11. If the growth rate of a country is 2%, its population will double in ________ years.12. If that country’s population is 100 million today, its population will be _________

million in 70 years (assuming the growth rate remains constant over that time).

Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V?

5. _____________ This curve represents?



1. ______________ 2. _______________ 3. ________________ 4. _______________ 1 – 4. Name the four original stages of the Demographic Transition Model.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 9 – 13. Draw (in outline form) the appropriate population pyramid for each stage

7. Draw in the curve for Total Population

8. Draw in the curve for the Rate of Natural Increase

6. _____________ This curve represents?


15. ________

Describe what is happening in terms of population growth at points 14 and 15.



You may abbreviate or describe




1. A country whose citizens are mostly engaged in agriculture and are barely producing enough to feed the family is one that has a ______________________ economy.

2. “The extent to which a society is making effective use of resources, both human and natural” is the definition of ______________________.

3. The richest 20% of nations have become wealthier over the past 50 years, while the poorest 20% have seen no gains. This is called _____________ _____________.

4. FDI stands for ___________ ___________ ___________.

5. Large assembly plants in Mexico that are run by US, European and Japanese companies are known as ______________________.

6. The development strategy of making your own goods instead of buying them from another country is called _____________ _____________.

7. NIEO stands for __________ _____________ _____________ __________.

8. When growth in the core countries is reinforced at the expense of the peripheral countries, this is known as ______________.

9. Core and Periphery effects are when _____________ countries are able to accumulate wealth at the expense of _____________ countries.

10. Indicators that look at what, how and how much of a product a given country makes are called _____________ _____________ indicators.




On the blank Economic Transition Graph, please fill in and label the following:

1 – 4. Graph the changes in the four major industrial classifications from the 1700s to today.

5 – 8. Label each of the lines on the graph with the appropriate industrial classification. Note that these are not specific industries (such as agriculture, manufacturing, services or consulting), but the broad general sectors that industries are grouped in. Do not abbreviate.

9 – 13. Fill in the name of each stage of the Economic Transition model. This should be the formal name of the stage, not the economic, social and/or cultural changes driving the restructuring of industry.

14. In more recent times, one industry has had a significant impact on what types of jobs are becoming important in the US economy and how we do many others types of jobs. What would be a good descriptive label for Stage “?”…?

15. Extra credit! Note on your graph the first time we begin to see a major change in the type of work that people are doing, and describe why we see that shift (where we are able to create a “surplus army of labor” that moves from one industrial sector to another… and what enables that shift to occur?).


Economic Transitions… (Dates shown are for the US)


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.










Newtown has a total labor force of 15,000. Of those, 5,000 are classified as basic employment. Newtown is a center of specialized fabrication of computer chips sold to manufacturers of fast-array mainframes outside the area.

1. The multiplier [k] in Newtown is: _______.2. How many non-basic workers [En] are there? _______

One of the firms in Newtown closes, laying off 100 employees, all of whom were among those classified as basic workers [Eb].

3. How many total jobs [Et] will be lost as a result of these layoffs (assume that none of these workers will be employed at other firms in town right away)? _______

4. How many non-basic jobs [En ] will be lost due to the layoff of those 100 basic employees [Eb]? _______

Another firm decides to re-open the plant that was closed, and expands it, hiring 200 workers, all classified as basic employment [Eb].

5. How many total jobs [Et] will be gained in Newtown? _______6. How many non-basic jobs [En] are generated by the hiring of those 200 new basic

employees [Eb]? __________7. How many total jobs [Et] did Newtown gain over the losses from the layoffs? _______

8-9. Based on the description above of the types of firms that are in Newtown, this cluster of activity could be categorized as both a type of ____________________ and a(n) ____________________ agglomeration.





CHAPTER 101. TRUE or FALSE. The “city”, an “urbanized area” and a “metropolitan area” are just

different names for a city. For example, The city of Boston, the Boston urbanized area, and the Boston metropolitan area are all the same thing.

2. The “downtown” area of a city or town where most economic activity took place until the 1950s is called the _______________ _______________ _______________.

3. In the 1960s, Gottman described the urban region on the US Atlantic Coast from Boston to Washington as if it were one “super-sized” city, which he called _______________.

4. That urban area is also sometimes popularly referred to as the _______________ Corridor, named after the two major cities at either end.

5. The _______________ _______________ model describes the spatial organization of the early industrial city in the US (from the early 1800s to the late 1800s).

6. The primary form of transportation for most people in the lower income and working class in the city described in Q5 is _______________.

7. What new type of transportation system changed the way many people in the working class/middle class moved around inside the city in the late 1800s? _______________

8. That next period of US urban evolution is described as the _______________ model because of the radial, or star-shaped, pattern created by the system named in Q7.

9. Industrialization brought about a great deal of change in the area of the next to the downtown part of our cities in the early 1800s. This area is called the __________ _____ _______________.

10. The major railroads that connected cities to each other, and manufacturers to resources created the first reorganization of land use in the city, which is called the _______________ _____ _______________ corridor.


1. Show on the map the central city “downtown,” and… 2. Label it with the correct terminology.3. Show on the map the “area of change” near the downtown and… 4. Label it with the correct terminology.5. Show on the map the extensions of the city created by a new mode of transportation in the late 1800s 6. What was that new transportation system? 7. What was the common name for the type of development along these lines?8. Label one area in which one would be likely to find post-WW II “bedroom communities” (Label by what we refer to these areas today).9. Joel Jarreau of the Washington Post would have labeled what area as a “city-like area outside the city” (Use his name for this!). 10. The model that describes the city from the early to the mid-1800s is the _____ model.11. The model that describes the city from the late 1800s to World War II is the _____ model.12. The model that describes the city after World War II is the _____ model. 13. The city and the surrounding densely populated area is commonly referred to today as a _____ area.


1-4. In the IPAT model, where I=PAT … the letters stand for1. I: _______________ 2. P: _____________3. A: _______________ 4. T: _____________

5. In the IPAT model, generally societies with low affluence (wealth) have a ____________ impact in the environment.

6. In the IPAT model, highly affluent societies have less impact than one might expect. Give one reason why when we have “excess wealth” we are likely to reduce our impact on the environment.________________________________

7. In recent times, we have begun to understand that we are part of our environment and therefore we must be good shepherds of “Mother Nature”… in terms of the relationship between man and nature, this social and cultural perception is referred to as: _______ _______ _______.

8. Pollution that crosses a state or national boundary (from where is it created to other places it has an impact on), is known as the problem of:_______________ _______________.

9. From Q 8… the US and Mexico have protected a 60+ mile area on either side of the US-Mexico border to try to alleviate this problem. This is known as the _______ _______ zone.

10. The area shown at right, in SE China, is a good example of: __________ __________ __________.

11. Aluminum is sometimes nicknamed “_____________ _____________” because it is so energy intensive to refine from ore.


1. The awareness of being part of a group due to cultural influences is the definition of __________ __________.

2. The map at right shows the commuting patterns around Chicago in the 1970s… this is a ____________ region.

3. The map at right shows the area served by the Appalachian Regional Commission… this is a _____________ region.

4. The home of the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) in the Salt Lake City area would be called the __________ of that culture.

5. The area around Salt lake City where Mormonism is the dominant religious affiliation is the ____________ of that cultural trait.

6. The area beyond that, for example spreading south in Arizona, where the Mormon faith has a lot of influence but it is not the dominant religion, is the __________ of that cultural characteristic.

7. The image at right shows “the human modifications to the environment,” which is called the ____________ _____________.

8. The special case of a perceptual region when it is defined by “insiders” (those who live there) is a ___ region.

9. The area in the north central states (Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota) that was settled mostly by Scandinavian immigrants is notable for the influence of the _____ church.


Chapter 121. Orange is the symbolic color associated with the _________ in Northern

Ireland.2. “Sinn Fein” means “_________ _________,” which is associated the

movement in the early 1900s towards home rule in Ireland.3. In 1690-1691, Ireland __________ to the British with the signing of the

Treaty of Limerick.4. The IRA is the underground “army” linked to which of the two groups in

Northern Ireland? __________5. In 1916, the _________ _________ succeeded pushing the English out

of Dublin for a short period of time.6. In 1845-1849, the __________ __________ resulted in a million or more

Irish dying of starvation.7. In the mid-1500s, Henry VIII severed al ties with the Catholic Church

and created the __________ ___ __________.8. The “residential separation of one group from the rest of the population”

is the definition of __________.9. If the social distance between different groups is small, the Segregation

Index would be close to _____.10. A residential area like the housing estates behind the “Peace Lines” in

some cities of Northern Ireland in which people are forced to live would be called a __________.

Chapter 9

1. 01 – Millionaires:  as the name implies, collects America’s most successful achievers and old money.  It ranks first in median and per-capita income, salaries, self and investment income, home values and net worth, and ranks second in higher education and professional occupations.This is an example of: _______________ _______________2. “The maximum distance people are willing to travel to obtain a central place function” is the definition of __________.3. “The minimum market size needed to support a central place function” is the definition of __________.4. A village, town or city is referred to as a __________ _________ in marketing theory.5. A good or service provided by a market if called a __________ __________ __________ in marketing theory.6. A quart of milk would be categorized as a __________ __________ _________ in marketing theory.7. A new automobile would be categorized as a __________ __________ __________ in marketing theory.8. Christaller created an idealized model of markets using hexagonal-shaped areas to overcome the problem of __________ _____ __________ (underserved or overlapping areas).