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EAMS TOOLKIT GUIDE Guide to using the EAMS Upload Toolkit Spreadsheets Version 3.1 March 2016

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Guide to using the EAMS Upload Toolkit Spreadsheets

Version 3.1 March 2016

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Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 1

Version History ........................................................................................................................................ 1

Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 2

Important Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 2

Scope of Excel Spreadsheets ................................................................................................................. 3

General Information for All Spreadsheets ............................................................................................... 3

Property Appraisal Manual .................................................................................................................. 3

Colour Coding ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Drop Down Lists and Validation .......................................................................................................... 3

Adding New Lines ................................................................................................................................ 4

Information Specific to Each Spreadsheet .............................................................................................. 4

Site Information ................................................................................................................................... 4

Block Information ................................................................................................................................. 6

Floor Information ............................................................................................................................... 10

Room Information .............................................................................................................................. 11

Appraisal Information – NHS Scotland .............................................................................................. 12

Lease Information .............................................................................................................................. 17

Valuation Information ......................................................................................................................... 18

Version History

Version Notes Date By

Revision 3.0 New document created from HFS’ “Estates Asset Management Import Toolkit - 2 2 Issue.doc”

01/03/2016 CB

Revision 3.1 Amendments after feedback from HFS 30/03/2016 CB

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Health Facilities Scotland have developed an Estates Asset Management software system (EAMS)

with 3i Studio to assist with the management of the NHS Scotland property portfolio.

The system is to include healthcare facilities and owned and/or leased office accommodation and will

provide the facility for effective, efficient and consistent data collection and analysis.

The purpose of this document is to give guidance on how to bulk populate certain parts of the Estates

Asset Management System with new data using Excel spreadsheets in defined formats provided as

part of this toolkit which are then imported into the system.

Important Notes

New data only:

The import spreadsheets should only be used for initial import of new data provided by 3rd Parties who

do not have access to the EAMS system.

It should be noted that 3i Studio will charge for uploading these toolkits into EAMS so please

consider using the following alternative options, that attract no charge, before filling in these


Direct entry in the EAMS system

Particularly for updating existing information or adding Sites and Blocks

See: HFS User Guide_EstateManager

and: HFS User Guide_Updating appraisal data

Using the Import / Export function for Appraisal Data

This function in the software will either export existing data to a spreadsheet which can be edited,

added to and re-imported or a blank template can be created into which data can be added and

imported by the user

See: Data Import & Export Guide

In the first instance please contact a Board “Super User”, who has the necessary privileges to be able

to add sites and buildings, before using the toolkit. If you don’t know who your Board’s Super User is

please contact HFS or 3iStudio.

Charges for data work

These toolkit spreadsheets cannot be automatically imported into the EAMS system by users and

have to be imported by 3iStudio. There is a cost associated with this work that will be quoted for

on request. We would recommend contacting 3iStudio’s NHS Scotland Project Manager, Charles

Barrett, before issuing the toolkit out.

Assuming a purchase order is in place 3iStudio will require up to two weeks to schedule and complete

imports - sometimes more during particularly busy periods. We will ensure you are made aware of

estimated timescales if we are unable to complete within 2 weeks. We work on a first come – first

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served basis. Please ensure you consider this when trying to meet a deadline for data entry by

allowing ample time for data imports.

3iStudio will check all spreadsheets prior to upload for data compatibility (i.e. whether it can be

uploaded or not) but not for data accuracy. Sheets with errors that prevent upload (such as incorrect

site codes) will be returned with guidance on what needs to be updated for successful upload. We

cannot upload part sheets.

Scope of Excel Spreadsheets

The spreadsheets that are currently available in this toolkit are:

02. Site Information Rev4.5

03. Block Information Rev6.0

04. Floor Information Rev1.1

05. Room Information Rev1.1

06. Appraisal Information – NHS Scotland Rev9.5

07. Lease Information Rev1.5

08. Valuation Information Rev1.3

Please check with 3i Studio prior to issuing any toolkits to ensure that you have the most up to date


General Information for All Spreadsheets

Property Appraisal Manual

Everything contained in this toolkit must be read in conjunction with the “NHS Scotland – Estates

Asset Management – Property Appraisal Manual”. This manual is available from Health Facilities


Colour Coding

The columns in each spreadsheet are colour coded as follows:

Blue columns - data that is required for all records and feeds in to the National Reporting

Orange columns - data that should ideally be provided but is not always necessary

Yellow columns - data that is completely optional but may be of use to the Organisation

Grey Columns – Provided for calculations / info but not imported into EAMS

Drop Down Lists and Validation

The spreadsheets contain validation of certain cells to tie in with the EAMS system; the spreadsheets

are protected so that the validation cannot be changed. If there are any queries over the validation

please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 0845 675 5051 and ask for the support


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Adding New Lines

Where additional lines are required in any of the toolkit spreadsheets please insert new lines between

the pink lines – do not enter data into the white rows at the bottom as they have no data validation.

Copying and pasting pre-populated lines will also provide additional lines available to populate.

Information Specific to Each Spreadsheet

Site Information

Important: The site information spreadsheet should only be used for adding multiple new sites to

the system. However, it is strongly recommended sites are added directly to the system by the local

Board “Super User”

The Site Information spreadsheet has two worksheets in it:

Site Information

This contains the basic site information to be populated into the system.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code

The Site Code entered here should be the correct Location Code from the NHS Scotland Location Code Directory maintained by NSS. “NHS Scotland – Estates Asset Management – Property Appraisal Manual” for more information. Up to 10 Characters


Site Name The locally used Site Name should be entered here. This name should be unique across all Sites entered. Up to 10 Characters


Site Status

The Site Status (Land) should be selected from the picklist. It should be noted that the Site Status is independent of the Block Status, except that if you select, for example, ‘Surplus’ as a Site Status then it would be expected that all the Blocks on that site would also be shown as ‘Surplus’.


Essential If the Site is an Essential Site select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


Site Future Plan The Future Plan for the Site (Land), in relation to disposals, should be selected from the picklist.


Land Area (Ha) The Land Area should be entered in Hectares up to 2 decimal places.


Site Grouping The NHS Organisation responsible for maintaining the information on this Site should be selected from the picklist for the Site Grouping.


Address Line 1 Enter the first line of the address for the Site. Ideal

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Address Line 2 Enter the second line of the address for the Site where applicable.


Address Line 3 Enter the third line of the address for the Site where applicable. Ideal

Town Enter the Town. Ideal

Postcode Enter the Postcode. Ideal

County Select the County from the picklist. Ideal

GIA (m2)

Enter the Site Gross Internal Area (GIA) in square metres rounded to the nearest square metre. Note that the system can calculate the Site GIA from the sum of the Block GIA’s within a Site if these are provided in the Block Information.


Is GIA Estimated? If the Site GIA is estimated select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


Site Cross Reference

If your Organisation knows the Site by a different code or other reference then you can enter that code as a cross reference in this column.


UPRN The Local Land and Property Gazetteer UPRN from your local Council.


Site Type

This identifies the overall or main type of activity carried out on a Site.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Site Information worksheet.


Organisation Name

The NHS Organisation occupying this Site should be selected from the picklist.


Site Type

The Site Type should be selected from the picklist. It should be noted that the Site Type selected should be the most appropriate when the primary uses of the Site are taken into consideration. It is understood that this may be difficult in certain situations, hence the Site Type “08 Multi Service Hospital” has been included in the list where there is more than one primary use for a hospital site.


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Block Information

Important: The block information spreadsheet should only be used for adding multiple new

blocks to the system. It is strongly recommended blocks are added directly to the system by the local

Board “Super User”

The Block Information spreadsheet has three worksheets in it:

Block Information

This contains the basic block information to be populated into the system.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Site Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Block No

Enter a unique Block Number for this Block within the Site. Note that it is recommended in most cases that a block should generally equate to a building. The main instance in which this would not be the case is where an extension with a different build year has been added to an older building in which case it makes sense to treat the extension as a separate block. Also note that the Block No ’00’ is required to be used by all NHS Organisations for the ‘Site and External Areas’ on a Site. Up to 10 Characters


Block Name The locally used Block Name should be entered here. This name should be unique within the Site. Up to 50 Characters


Block Status

The Block Status should be selected from the picklist. It should be noted that the Block Status is independent of the Site Status, except that if you select, for example, ‘Surplus’ as a Site Status then it would be expected that all the Blocks on that site would also be shown as ‘Surplus’.


Essential If the Block is an Essential Block select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


Block Type

The Block Type should be selected from the picklist. It should be noted that the Block Type selected should be the most appropriate when the primary uses of the Block are taken into consideration. It is understood that this may be difficult in certain situations, hence the Block Type “08 Multi Service Hospital” has been included in the list where there is more than one primary use for a hospital block.


Block Future Plan The Future Plan for the Block, in relation to disposals, should be selected from the picklist.


Site Address If the Block Address is the same as the Site Address select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


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Tenure The Tenure should be selected from the picklist. Required

Organisation Name

The NHS Organisation occupying this Site should be selected from the picklist.


Year Built Enter the Year the Block was built. If the build year is uncertain then an approximate build year should be entered.


GIA (m2) Enter the Block Gross Internal Area (GIA) in square metres rounded to the nearest square metre.


Is GIA Estimated? If the Block GIA is estimated select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


Construction Narrative

Enter a short descriptive narrative on the construction of the Block.


Historic Listing The Historic Listing should be selected from the picklist. Ideal

Telephone Number

Enter the main telephone contact number for the Block, if appropriate.


Temporary Construction

If the Block is a temporary construction (e.g. Portakabin) select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


Remaining Life of Block (Yrs)

Enter the estimated Remaining Life of the Block in Years. Optional

Cross Reference If your Organisation knows the Block by a different code or other reference then you can enter that code as a cross reference in this column.


UPRN The Local Land and Property Gazetteer UPRN from your local Council.


Notes Enter any notes related to the Block. Optional

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Block Appraisal Summary

This contains a summary of the Condition Appraisal information at Block level.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet.


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet.


Facet The Facet for which you are entering an Executive Summary should be selected from the picklist.



The Condition for the selected Facet should be selected from the picklist.

This is a Required field for:

Physical Condition

Building Fabric



This is an Optional field for:


Space Utilisation

Functional Suitability


Note that overall condition rankings for Space Utilisation, Functional Suitability and Quality are required to be reported but this is covered by entries in the Rooms data.

Required / Optional dependent on Facet – see notes

Appraisal Level The Appraisal Level should be selected from the picklist. Required

Appraisal Date Enter the Date the Appraisal was carried out. Required

Executive Summary

A general narrative regarding the condition appraisal findings for this Facet on this Block.


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Block Photo

This contains one or more Photos of each Block.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet.


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet.


Date Enter the Date the Photo was taken. Optional

Description Enter a description for the photo (e.g. Front Elevation). Optional

Photo Filename

Enter the physical filename for the photo. Please ensure you follow the guidelines from the Guidance Manual for the size and naming of the photograph as follows: Each photograph should be stored as an individual JPG file and be no greater than 150kB in size with a resolution of 150 pixels per inch (recommended size 640 x 480 pixels). Each JPG

It is recommended files should be named in accordance with the following convention; A-B-C-D-E where; A is the Site Code e.g. T504B B is the Block no e.g. 01 C is the text FABRIC for Building Fabric or M&E for Engineering Services D is a unique (per Block) three digit photograph reference eg. 002 E is the file extension i.e. jpg

Example: T504B-01-FABRIC-002.jpg


Photo Folder The Photo folder should be selected from the picklist. When uploaded to the server the photographs will be segregated into folders by NHS Organisation using this Photo Folder name.


Main View If the Photo is the Main Front View Photograph of the Block select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’. Please only select ‘Yes’ for one photograph per Block.


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Floor Information

The Floor Information spreadsheet has a single worksheet in it.

Floor Information

This contains the floor level information to be populated into the system.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Floor Level Enter the Floor Level e.g. 0, 1, 2 etc. Up to 6 Characters Required

Floor Code

The Floor Code will auto-complete from a formula. It can be overwritten if necessary. The Floor Code follows the convention: A-B-C where; A is the Site Code e.g. T504B B is the Block no e.g. 01 C is the Floor Level e.g. 0 Example: T504B-01-0


Floor Description Enter the Floor Description e.g. Ground Floor. Up to 20 Characters


GIA (m2)

Enter the Floor Gross Internal Area (GIA) in square metres rounded to the nearest square metre. Note that if you have accurate CAD drawings, it is possible to populate the Floor GIA from the drawing using the Easylink module.


Is GIA Estimated? If the Floor GIA is estimated select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


GEA (m2)

Enter the Floor Gross External Area (GEA) in square metres rounded to the nearest square metre. Note that if you have accurate CAD drawings, it is possible to populate the Floor GEA from the drawing using the Easylink module.


Level Order

By default the system orders the floor levels alphabetically by Floor Level. However this may not order the floors in the way you require. The Level Order column allows you to define the order you would like the system to order the floor levels.


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Room Information

The Room Information spreadsheet has a single worksheet in it.


This contains the room information to be populated into the system.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Floor Level Enter the Floor Level as entered on the Floors worksheet or as is entered in EAMS.


Room Number Enter the Room Number e.g. 001, 002, etc. or for ‘pseudo’ rooms PS001, PS002 etc. Up to 8 Characters


Zone Name

The Zone Name will auto-complete from a formula. It can be overwritten if necessary. The Zone Name follows the convention: A-B-C-D where; A is the Site Code e.g. T504B B is the Block no e.g. 01 C is the Floor Level e.g. 0 D is the Room Number e.g. 001 Example: T504B-01-0-001


Room Description Enter the Room Description e.g. Office. Up to 35 Characters Required

Room Area (m2)

Enter the Room Area in square metres with an accuracy of up to two decimal places. Note that if you have accurate CAD drawings, it is possible to populate the Room Areas from the drawing using the Easylink module.


Space Utilisation The Space Utilisation ranking for the Room/Department Area should be selected from the picklist.


Functional Suitability

The Functional Suitability ranking for the Room/Department Area should be selected from the picklist.


Quality The Quality ranking for the Room/Department Area should be selected from the picklist.


Room Height (m) Enter the Room Height in metres with an accuracy of up to two decimal places.


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Appraisal Information – NHS Scotland

The Appraisal Information – Mandatory spreadsheet has four worksheets in it. For ease of entry of

data related to different facets the worksheets have been pre-populated with one set of Element /

Sub-element entries for each facet. These entries can be copied and pasted where more than one

set, or additional individual line entries, are required. Lines can also be deleted where they are not

required and depending on the Level of Appraisal being conducted.

Building Appraisal

This contains the Building Appraisal information to be populated into the system.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Block GIA For calculating other columns

Block Type For Information Not Imported


The Location should be entered here. The Location can be any one of a ‘Location Name’, a ‘Department Name’ or a ‘Room Zone Name’.

A ‘Location Name’ is a descriptor of a physical location e.g.: ‘Whole Block’, ‘Ground Floor’, ‘Elevation 01’, ‘Roof 01’.

A ‘Department Name’ is an identified Department within the Organisation e.g. ‘X-Ray Department’, ‘Alexandra Ward’, ‘Finance Department’.

A ‘Room Zone Name’ is a unique identifier that ties in with rooms data for the Block and follows the convention: A-B-C-D where; A is the Site Code e.g. T504B B is the Block no e.g. 01 C is the Floor Level e.g. 00 D is the Room Number e.g. 001 Room Zone Name Example: T504B-01-00-001


Facet The Facet should be selected from the picklist. You will only be able to pick the facet appropriate to the worksheet


Element The Element should be selected from the picklist. Required

Sub Element The Sub-Element should be selected from the picklist. Required

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Design A descriptor of the design of the sub-element; can be picked from the picklist or entered as text


Materials A descriptor of the materials used in of the sub-element; can be picked from the picklist or entered as text


Condition The Condition for the Sub-Element should be selected from the picklist.


Remaining Life (Yrs)

Enter a Remaining Life in years for any Sub-Element that has a cost. Any Sub-Element in condition B with a cost should have a Remaining Life of between 1 and 5 years. Any Sub-Element in condition C or below that has a cost should have a Remaining Life of 0 years.


Year If a Remaining Life has been entered then the spreadsheet will auto-calculate the Year. Alternatively select a Year from the picklist.


Life Cycle Period Expected life cycle period in Years Optional

Comments Enter a comment about the condition of a Sub-Element, where applicable.


Remedial Action Enter a comment about the Remedial Action required to be taken, where applicable.


% of Block GIA Calculation Not Imported

Quantity The Quantity can be entered with up to 2 decimal places. Optional

Unit If a Quantity is entered then a Unit should be selected from the picklist.


Rate If a Quantity and Rate are entered then the spreadsheet will auto-calculate the cost rounded to the nearest £1,000.



If a Quantity and Rate are entered then the spreadsheet will auto-calculate the cost rounded to the nearest £1,000. Note that this means that any figures calculated to be less than £500 will be rounded down to zero. Alternatively you may enter a cost directly into this cell.


Cost Base Date Enter a Cost Base Date. Default is 01/04/2014 Required

Consequence The Consequence score, where applicable, should be selected from the picklist. A Consequence score should be entered for every record that has a cost.


Likelihood The Likelihood score, where applicable, should be selected from the picklist. A Likelihood score should be entered for every record that has a cost.


Total Risk Calculated Not Imported

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Photo Filename

Enter the physical filename for the photo. Please ensure you follow the guidelines from the Guidance Manual for the size and naming of the photograph as follows: Each photograph should be stored as an individual JPG file and be no greater than 150kB in size with a resolution of 150 pixels per inch (recommended size 640 x 480 pixels). Each JPG

file should be named in accordance with the following convention; A-B-C-D-E where; A is the Site Code e.g. T504B B is the Block no e.g. 01 C is the text FABRIC for Building Fabric D is a unique (per Block) three digit photograph reference e.g. 002 E is the file extension i.e. jpg Example: T504B-01-FABRIC-002.jpg


Photo Folder The Photo folder should be selected from the picklist. When uploaded to the server the photographs will be segregated into folders by NHS Organisation using this Photo Folder name.


Surveyor Enter the Surveyor’s name or initials. Optional

Survey Date Enter the approximate Date the Survey was undertaken. Optional

Engineering Appraisal

This contains the Engineering Appraisal information to be populated into the system. It is essentially

identical to the Building Appraisal sheet but with Engineering Element and Sub-Elements.

Photo files should be named in accordance with the same convention as the Building Facet except

use M&E as the text descriptor;

Example: T504B-01-M&E-002.jpg

Statutory Appraisal

This contains the Statutory Appraisal information to be populated into the system. It is essentially

identical to the Building and Engineering Appraisal sheets but with Statutory Element and Sub-

Elements and the Design, Materials and Lifecycle Period columns are excluded.

Photo files should be named in accordance with the same convention as the Building Facet except

use STAT as the text descriptor;

Example: T504B-01-STAT-002.jpg

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Environment Appraisal

This contains the Environment Appraisal information to be populated into the system. This worksheet

is optional.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS


Block No

Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS. Note that for the utility consumption Elements / Sub-Elements listed below the values are only required to be entered for each Site against Block ‘00’:

01 Energy Consumption - 01.01 Electricity Consumption

01 Energy Consumption - 01.02 Gas Consumption

01 Energy Consumption - 01.03 Oil Consumption

03 Clinical Waste - 03.01 Clinical Waste

05 Water Consumption - 05.01 Water Consumption



The Location should be entered here. The Location can be any one of a ‘Location Name’, a ‘Department Name’ or a ‘Room Zone Name’.

See Building Appraisal for more info


Facet The Facet should be selected from the picklist. Required

Element The Element should be selected from the picklist. Required

Sub Element The Sub-Element should be selected from the picklist. Required

Condition The Condition for the Sub-Element should be selected from the picklist. Note that the picklist for the EPC – Energy Rating is different from the normal Condition picklist.

Required (only for highlighted cells)

Quantity The Quantity can be entered with up to 2 decimal places.

Required (only for highlighted cells)

Unit If a Quantity is entered then a Unit should be selected from the picklist.

Required (only for highlighted cells)

Rate If a Quantity and Rate are entered then the spreadsheet will auto-calculate the cost rounded to the nearest £1,000.


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If a Quantity and Rate are entered then the spreadsheet will auto-calculate the cost rounded to the nearest £1,000. Note that this means that any figures calculated to be less than £500 will be rounded down to zero. Alternatively you may enter a cost directly into this cell.

Ideal (for Board Schemes)

Cost Base Date Enter a Cost Base Date. Preferably your costs will have been uplifted to be estimated costs as at 1st April 2010 if that is required.

Ideal (for Board Schemes)

Consequence The Consequence score, where applicable, should be selected from the picklist. A Consequence score should be entered for every record that has a cost.


Likelihood The Likelihood score, where applicable, should be selected from the picklist. A Likelihood score should be entered for every record that has a cost.


Remaining Life (Yrs)

Enter a Remaining Life in years for any Sub-Element that has a cost. Any Sub-Element in condition B with a cost should have a Remaining Life of between 1 and 5 years. Any Sub-Element in condition C or below that has a cost should have a Remaining Life of 0 years.


Year If a Remaining Life has been entered then the spreadsheet will auto-calculate the Year. Alternatively select a Year from the picklist.


Comments Enter a comment about the condition of a Sub-Element, where applicable.


Remedial Action Enter a comment about the Remedial Action required to be taken, where applicable.


Photo Filename

Enter the physical filename for the photo. Please ensure you follow the guidelines from the Guidance Manual for the size and naming of the photograph as follows:

Each photograph should be stored as an individual JPG file and be no greater than 150kB in size with a resolution of 150 pixels per inch (recommended size 640 x 480 pixels).

The file should be named in accordance with the same convention as the Building Facet except use ENVIRON as the text descriptor; Example: T504B-01-ENVIRON-002.jpg


Photo Folder The Photo folder should be selected from the picklist. When uploaded to the server the photographs will be segregated into folders by NHS Organisation using this Photo Folder name.


Surveyor Enter the Surveyor’s name or initials. Optional

Survey Date Enter the approximate Date the Survey was undertaken. Optional

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Lease Information

The Lease Information spreadsheet has two worksheets in it.

Lease Information

This contains the core lease information to be populated into the system.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS.


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet or as is entered in EAMS.


Lease Reference ID

Enter a Lease Reference ID that is unique for this Lease – note that this must be a whole number greater than zero. VERY IMPORTANT – you must use the same Lease Reference ID on the other worksheets in the Lease Information spreadsheet to tie other information to the correct lease.


Type of Lease The Type of Lease should be selected from the picklist. Required

Granted or Taken

If the Lease is one where you are the Landlord and you have Granted a Lease to another Person or Organisation then select ‘Granted’ from the picklist. If the Lease is one where you are the Tenant and you have Taken a Lease from another Person or Organisation then select ‘Taken’ from the picklist.


Floor Area Leased (m2)

Enter the internal Floor Area in square metres that is the subject of the Lease rounded to the nearest square metre.


Land Area Leased (Ha)

Enter the Land Area in Hectares that is the subject of the Lease to two decimal places.


Lease Term (yrs) Enter the number of complete years of the Lease term. Optional

Lease Term (months)

Enter the number of months of the Lease term. Optional

Commencement Date

Enter the Commencement Date of the Lease. Optional

Expiry Date Enter the Expiry Date of the Lease. Optional

Is VAT charged on Rent?

If the Landlord has opted to charge VAT on the Lease then select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


Is VAT Recoverable?

If the Landlord has opted to charge VAT on the Lease and you are able to recover the VAT then select ‘Yes’ from the picklist, otherwise select ‘No’.


Rental Basis The Rental Basis should be selected from the picklist. Optional

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Legal Date Enter the Legal Date of the Lease. Optional

Deed Packet No Enter a Deed Packet Number if appropriate. Optional

Notes Enter any general notes relating to the Lease. Optional

Rent Information

This contains the rent information that relates to a particular lease.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Lease Information Sheet


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Lease Information Sheet


Lease Reference ID

VERY IMPORTANT – Enter a Lease Reference ID that relates back to the same Lease Reference ID entered on the Lease Information sheet – note that this must be a whole number greater than zero.


Rent Date

Enter the Date that this annual rent amount came into effect. Note that you may enter Dates and Amounts in the future if so desired (e.g. if you know what future rent reviews will be) but the system will show the current rent based on the current date.


Rent Type If this is the Initial rental amount payable under the terms of a new Lease then select ‘Initial Rent’. If this is a revised rental amount after a Rent Review then select ‘Rent Review’.


Rent Amount Enter the annual rental amount exclusive of VAT. Optional

Valuation Information

The Valuation Information spreadsheet has a single worksheet in it.

Valuation Information

This contains the valuation information to be populated into the system.


Column Notes Requirement

Site Code Enter the same Site Code here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet.


Block No Enter the same Block Number here as you entered on the Block Information worksheet.


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EAMS TOOLKIT GUIDE | Guide to using the EAMS Upload Toolkit Spreadsheets | Page 19

Valuation Date Enter the Date that this valuation was effective from. Required

Valuation Type The Type of Valuation should be selected from the picklist. Required

Value Enter the Valuation Value. Required

Notes Enter any general notes relating to the Valuation. Optional