
Earthquake Safety and Preparedness BY: Eman Shirazi Period 9 Safety-Tips.jpg

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Page 1: Earthquake

Earthquake Safety and Preparedness

BY:Eman ShiraziPeriod 9

Page 2: Earthquake

During an Earthquake - Indoors

If a Earthquake is happing while your indoors its best to.

Take cover under a desk or a bench, cover yourself under something sturdy that won’t break and fall on you. Remember to cover you face and head with your arms and crouch in a inside corner of a building.

Do not stay close to glass objects such ass windows or cups made form glass’s. Also make sure your not under something that can fall on you because of the earthquake, such as a fan or picture frame.

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During an Earthquake- Indoor cont. You can use things that can help you from things

falling on you such as..

If you are on your bed , stay in the bed if the earthquake is happening when your in the bed, take a pillow and cover your head. If you are under something that can fall of you, its best to move to a safer area.

Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Most people get hurt during an earthquake because they are hit by falling objects when moving around to get out of the building or going into a building.

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Indoor Earthquake cont.

Do not use any elevators or go on any stairs!

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Protect surroundings, yourslef and property

Place any large or heavy objects on lowest shelves. Fasten your shelves, mirrors and or large picture frames of walls. Make sure you don’t have so many heavy objects above ground.

Store you food, glass, or any other breakable things on lowest shelves or in a cabinet that is shut very well.

To avoid water or gas leaks make sure you install a flexible pipe.

It is also essential you locate safe spots in each room under a sturdy table or against and wall with nothing on it that hangs.

Also to be safe make sure your family has earthquake safety drills- Drop, cover, and hold on.

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Protect surroundings, yourslef and property

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Outdoor- During an Earthquake

Move away from streetlights, utility wires and buildings.

Make sure to stay where you are.


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In a moving vechile – During an Earthquake

Stop as soon you feel it safe to. Do not get out of the car.

Do not stop under a building, overpasses, utility wires, trees, or anything that has an opportunity to fall on top of you.

After the earthquake you may proceed with cautious . Make sure you watch out for objects that have been damaged or that have a chance of falling

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In a moving vehicle- During an Earthquake pictures

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Under debris- During an Earthquake

Cover your mouth with a napkin, clothing, handkerchief.

Do not light a match

Do not move or try to kick the dust.

Tape on a piece of metal maybe a metal pipe or metal pan so rescuers can find you. If you have a whistle handy use it. Only shout if its your last option. If you shout it can cause you to inhale dangerous dust particles.

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Aftershocks- After an Earthquake

When an earthquake has finished be prepared for any aftershocks. These Shockwaves are usually less violent then the first earthquake but can be strong enough to do extra damage to weak structures.

Stay away from damaged areas unless police need your help.

Beware of objects that can fall off shelves.

There can also be tsunamis if you live next to costal areas. Tsunamis are also seismic sea waves. If local authorities say there is a tsunami or a dangerous wave on the way . Stay away from the beach.

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After an Earthquake Pictues

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First Aid Kit- Prepare for an Earthquake

Antibiotic ointment Extra prescriptions for all family members, as well as children's aspirin and other age-specific over the counter medications Diarrhea medication Eye drops Cold/Cough medicine Benadryl Insect repellent Ear and nose drops Hydrogen peroxide Skin disinfectant spray Old pairs of prescription eyeglasses Band-Aids Latex gloves Surgical mask Instant heat and cold packs Ace bandages Butterfly bandages Gauze pads Cotton swabs Adhesive tape Sterile bandage rolls Triangular bandage for a sling Tongue depressors Splint material Spray bottle with 10% bleach solution for disinfecting