earthquake and tsunami in japan

Earthquake and Tsunami In Japan

Upload: karniksingh

Post on 09-May-2015




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Earthquake and Tsunami

In Japan

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JAPANCalling for help..

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2011-03-11The date that will be remembered

for the occurrence of the most devastating natural disaster in

Japanese history

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8.9The magnitude of the earthquake that

triggered the tsunami. This is the greatest magnitude earthquake to hit Japan since records have been kept.

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9.5Magnitude of the world's largest

recorded quake, which took place in Chile on May 22, 1960, according to

the USGS.

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8Estimated number of feet that Japan’s main island shifted as a

result of the earthquake.

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8,133People were confirmed

dead by police, quoted by Kyodo news agency, as of

20th March,2011.

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15,000 Number of dead there would exceed

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12,272 People are still missing

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362,877People have been

evacuated and are staying at shelters

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200,000Rough number of people – living near the distressed

Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture

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2,367 Shelters created so far

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249,879 Households in the north were without electricity

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1.04 million

Households in 11 prefectures were without

running water

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117,274Buildings have been

damaged, with at least 14,407 completely


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15 trillion yen

Barclays Capital estimates economic losses. That's

roughly 3 per cent of Japan's GDP.

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$100 billion

Minimum estimate of losses of the quake, tsunami and fires,

According to catastrophe modeling firm Eqecat.

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$40 billion

Damage to infrastructure such as roads, rail and port facilities.

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$15-35 billion

Estimated amount of losses caused by the earthquake alone that may

be covered by insurance, according to AIR Worldwide.

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14% to 17%

The estimated amount of Japanese businesses and homeowners with

earthquake insurance

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1,000 times

Radiation levels inside the plant are more than normal

levels, Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency

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$23 million

Donations to help Japan in fast 2 day, according to an early tally by the American Red Cross and

the Chronicle of Philanthropy, a newspaper covering nonprofit organizations.

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More than $150 million

Amount raised for relief within four days of the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, according to the Chronicle of


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116 Countries and 28

international organizations had offered assistance to


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