east west monorail

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  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail




    Monorails cost 10% - 15% of Rail Subwaysand can carry

    60,000 assen!ers " hour#

    An e$tensive Monorail Syste can be constructed for afraction of the rice of the ro osed road and rail tunnels#

    A sub ission for the &ast 'est (in) *eeds Assess ent study

    Alan Ide 9 th of July 2008

    (Download document at www.NewAustralia.net to use hyperlinks)

  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    The East West Monorail Solution

    Imagine gliding silently above Melbourne's trees and traffic on a graceful and elegantMonorail and being able to build it for a fraction of the cost of a rail subway

    ! eattle monorail (Image: Wikipedia)

    The Proposal Much more "ublic trans"ort can be built by building monorail lines then s"ending #$%& (illionon road ) rail tunnels*

    &ast-'est (in) Route " *otes +ost.illions/

    i!h oint Ashburton Monorail +ootscray ,(- -omain ,aulfield ,hadstone .olmesglen / Ashwood&


    3oc)land 3oncaster Monorail onsdale !treet1 Albert oad1 .oddle !treet1

    3astern +reeway1 -oncaster oad&


    Southern +ross Rich ondRail Subway

    A 2 4m rail subway with one undergroundstation lin4ed to +linders !treet !tation


    T TA( 7#2

    Why Monorail? Monorails are the chea"est way of adding grade/se"arated1 high/ca"acity "ublic trans"ort over thegridloc4 on the ground&

    Monorails are roven# Many monorail systems are in use as high/ca"acity "ublic trans"ort systemscarrying thousands of "assengers a day&

    Monorails are safe# (eing totally grade/se"arated monorails are one of the safest forms of trans"ort&

    Monorails are environ entally friendly# Monorails have similar energy/efficiency to other mass/transit systems& 5hey are far less energy/intensive to build than a rail subway while having a far lowerfoot"rint than surface rail& Monorails can be installed with a minimum of disru"tion on the ground andhave a lower visual im"act than other ty"es of elevated rail systems& Monorails can travel at over804m6h "roviding an e7cellent alternative to cars in crowded cities&

    Monorails are cost effective# etrofitting a subway to a crowded city is usually "rohibitivelye7"ensive& reat uncertainties usually e7ist as to the full cost of dealing with the myriad undergroundservices sewers1 storm water1 mains water1 electricity ) gas&: as well as geological challenges suchas roc4 and mud& ;ften subway systems are below sea/level creating many e7"ensive and time/consuming challenges during construction and maintenance&

    Monorails are 8uic) to build# 5he monorails "ro"osed here could be built in time for the 20$0election&


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    Monorails Cost LessMonorail systems cost about 14% er )ilo etre of a subway system& ,onstruction ris4s are less withMonorail system due to the ease of above/ground construction&

    Trans ort Syste +ost er

    )ilo etreMillions/


    .eavy rail subway A 211 +rom !ir 3ddington's re"ort / #< (illion for $&

    Buala um"ur Monorail @Monorail Malaysia:

    #=! ?% A recent two/carriage monorail system on high"illars&

    Melbourne &ast-'estMonorail

    A 50 CroDected cost of .itachi 'Medium si ed' monorail&

    @ !ee Monorail !ociety cost data "age&

    9ro osal A ro$i ate3istance

    )ilo etres/

    +ost er )ilo etreA Millions/

    &sti ated Total +ost.illions/

    .igh"oint Ashburton Monorail 28 # 0 1#2

    -oc4land -oncaster Monorail 2? # 0 1#4

    !outhern ,ross ichmond ail!ubway

    2 #>$$ 0#

    Total +ost 7#2

    Re ainder fro 16#5 .illion 17#1

    Eote that some of this cost should be recou"ed from a FMonorail land ta7G on commercial land nearmonorail stations& .igh"oint1 ,rown and ,hadstone would be e7"ected to donate s"ace to route themonorail to their "ro"erties&

    5he remainder of the #$? (illion could fund $*="grade signalling to allow 2/minute headway throughout metro area&

    ail e7tensions to owville1 !outh Morang1 Mornington ) Alamein to 3ast Malvern&3lectrification to !unbury1 Melton ) eelong&Many tram and bus im"rovements& Curchase of more trains&="grades to the regional rail networ4& !tandardisation of 4ey freight routes&-u"licate single/line trac4s& 37tra e7"ress trac4s from +ootscray !unshine&

    emove flat rail crossovers between !outhern ,ross and Eorth Melbourne stations&,layton !tation Monash Medical Monash =ni !"ringvale oad / Eunawading monorail&

    Building rail subways is so expensive it should only be onsidered as a last resort!

    $See What to do with ! "illion# ta$ in Schedule.%ls


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    Monorail Syste" Capa ity Monorails ca"acity varies widely from small tourist systems to the giant 5ama commuter trains&

    Monorail Ty e &$a le 9assen!er


    +arria!es 9assen!ers " hour "

    direction with 4inute headway

    :ery S all?0 4m6h



    < $1>>0

    itachi - S all%0 4m6h



    > >0

    itachi -Mediu 80 4m6h

    Reco endedfor Melbourne/

    3&g&5o4yo ) ;4inawa


    % ?01$80

    itachi - (ar!e80 4m6h

    3&g&5ama ) Bita4yushu

    $1$ 8Cea4:

    % ?>10

    5he high ca"acity of the .itachi monorails is due to the wheels being below the floor1 unli4e the low/ca"acity !ydney monorail which has the wheels between each car& Cassengers in all .itachi monorailscan move through the full length of the monorail train&

    5he "assenger loadings for the .itachi monorails were "rovided by .itachi Australia as "art of theirreview of an earlier version of this document& .itachi Australia suggests a "ea4 standee loading of 8"eo"le6sH& meter with

  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    Monorail Cars

    Le#t : &he 'lat walk through 'loor on a itachi*s +itakyushu monorail.(Image: itachi )$ight : &okyo ,onorail. Note the 'ront door 'or emergency e-acuation $etween trains. (Image:Wikipedia)

    .itachi monorails are characterised with an o"en layout allowing for loads of about $1000 "assengers ona Medium/si ed si7/car train&

    5he straddle/beam A 3 designs shown on this "age are recommended over the sus"ended cardesigns such as !A+3 3 to reduce the visual im"act of beams and the ris4 of truc4 / monorailcollisions&

    As A 3 monorails run on rubber tyres and are "owered by electric motors they are very Huiet&evels of < d( are Huoted here for .itachi A 3 systems & i4e other "ublic trans"ort1 monorails

    would reHuire adeHuate heating and cooling to ensure "assenger comfort&

    %isabled & ess

    5he Monorail system can be accessed by lift from street level& As lift floor1 "latform floor and monorailcar floors are at the same level there is no im"ediment to the disabled "erson using a Monorail system&

    .itachi's vehicles are also able to acce"t a wal4way to evacuate disabled "assengers between monorailtrains should a monorail become stranded between stations&

    Ti 'eting

    Ideally the Monorail would use the new my4i system or whatever system is in "lace for the rest ofMelbourne's "ublic trans"ort&

    Alternatively the Monorail could be 'free' with o"erating costs being met with a monorail land/ta7surcharge&


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    Stations!tations can be built into e7isting buildings increasing the value of the building& Minor stations couldhave a smaller foot"rint if they use multi"le lifts rather than escalators& !tairs should also be "rovided forthe athletic as well as for emergencies&

    Ideally stations would be translucent to reduce visual im"act& 5his would entail as much as "ossible ofthe structure being constructed of glass or other trans"arent material& !olar "anels could "rovide "owerto the station& !tation walls would "robably need to wra" around the monorail to "rovide "rotection for"assengers in bad weather&

    A station on the small Sydney monorail. se o' transparent materials should reduce theimpact o' the station while retaining the weather proo'ing (Image: Wikipedia)


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    &estheti s

    ,oscow monorail (Image: Wikipedia)

    MelbourneGs monorail could be a great visual asset to the city and a maDor tourist draw card if adeHuateattention is given to the design of the "illars and beamway& 5his has not always been the case withother e7isting monorails&:

    A FMedium si edG monorail such as the !eattle Monorail is recommended for Melbourne& 5he Flargesi edG monorail such as the Bita4yushu Monorail "robably has too large a visual im"act&

    5he Moscow Monorail shows that it is Huite "ossible to have aesthetic su""ort "illars& 5he beam shouldbe "laced above street trees to avoid the need for tree removal1 as demonstrated with sections of the5o4yo Monorail & !ome Ja"anese monorail "illars are covered in lattice wor4 to encourage cree"ers tocover the "illar& 5his would discourage graffiti& !ee also the !inga"ore Monorail "illars&

    Advertising should not be "ermitted on "illars1 monorail cars or the beamway& Cillar design should besim"le and elegant / the obDective should be to fit in with Melbourne rather than stand out from it&

    Swit hing 5here is a myth that monorails have a "roblem with switching& .owever1 in reality all serious monorailsystems have switches that are used continuously in day/to/day o"eration&

    5he "ro"osed system reHuires switching at the Ashburton end and from the main beamway to storageand maintenance facilities& 5his can be achieved using one of the methods e7"lained by 5he Monorail!ociety on their switch myth "age& !ee also .itachi 5rac4 !witch "age& (oth sites have video cli"s ofswitches in o"eration&

    5he Melbourne Monorail would "robably use the !egmented !witches shown on the above "ages&


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative


    Monorail systems are not immune from "roblems caused by "oor design&

    5he !eattle monorail has suffered a collision between two cars on a section of trac4 where the beamswere too close together& 5he beams should always be far enough a "art to allow monorails to "asswithout signalling&

    here monorail "ylons are located on or near road or rail lines they should be built to withstandsubstantial im"acts without colla"se&

    As far as "ossible Monorail cars should be fire "roof and "rovide some means of esca"e& .itachirecommends evacuation from one monorail train to another one on the adDacent beam / although thishas never been necessary in "ractice& .itachi monorails can also be cou"led together and "assengersevacuated through the front or rear doors& !ee .itachi web site for diagram &:

    here monorail beams cross roads with a height clearance less than other e7isting infrastructure thena "rotecting beam should be "laced across the road ahead of the monorail beam&

    5he monorail should draw "ower at multi"le "oints and have multi"le bac4/u" generators ca"able of atleast moving the monorail cars to the ne7t station&

    All monorail stations should be staffed& !taff should be trained in first aid and be ready to assist thedisabled as well as "roviding security and information&

    &ama monorail / a itachi 0arge &ype# monorail carrying o-er 1222 passengers per 3 cartrain at up to 42 km5h. (Image: Wikipedia)

  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    & Case Study( The To'yo Monorail

    5he 5o4yo Monorail a *, edium Si6ed* itachi monorail. (Image: Wikipedia)

    5he 5o4yo .aneda Monorail "rovides a great e7am"le of how well a monorail can "erform and is agood model for a Melbourne Monorail&

    $2 January 200

  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    )ighpoint &shburton Monorail $outei!h oint =ootscray +.3 3o ain - >ueens Road 'indsor -

    +aulfield +hadstone ol es!len Ashwood - Ashburton

    37ce"t for the turning loo" at the .igh"oint end of the system1 the beamway would consist of two beamssu""orted on single "illars& Cillars would generally be located on the median stri"s of maDor roads andnot result in loss of roadway e7ce"t on Kueens oad& ,lic4 = to see relevant oogle Ma"&:

    Se! ent "MonorailStation

    3etails Available Trans ort?nterchan!e

    i!h ointReturn (oo

    $>0m diameter single/beam loo" with maintenancewal4way and some stabling& Crovision for future e7tensionto Air"orts

    .igh"oint !tation between .igh"oint .ome Ma4er and !ho""ing,entre&

    .igh"oint bus services&

    .igh"oint /+lemington

    -ual/beam over Ci"e Ma4ers Car41 Maribyrnong iver and+ischer Carade to +lemington acecourse

    +lemington !tation at est/end of main stadiums& =le in!ton Railway (ine+lemington Lictoria=niversity

    -ual/beam over +ischer Carade and "ar4land&


    !tation over Mills ,lose Eone&

    Lictoria=niversity /+ootscray

    -ual beam over Eicholson !treet1 over low/rise sho"s to+ootscray ailway !tation&

    +ootscray 5he +ootscray Monorail !tation is above Irving !treet andthe +ootscray ailway !tation&

    @eelon!, Altona,'illia stown, Melton,.endi!o, St# Albans lines "lusbus and tram services&

    +ootscray /EorthMelbourne

    -ual/beam over .o"4ins !treet and -ynon oad&5he main maintenance and Monorail storage facility couldbe located at some "oint adDacent to -ynon oad &


    Monorail !tation is over railway station& .road eadows, field and allEorth Melbourne lines&

    EorthMelbourne !outhern ,ross

    -ual/beam over rail trac4s leaving s"ace for future railover"asses that are needed to remove flat rail crossings inthis area&

    !outhern ,ross Monorail !tation is over L6 ine "latforms near !"encer

    !treet and under e7isting roof structure&

    All rail services#

    ,ollins1 (our4e and !"encer!treet 5rams&

    !outhern ,ross 37hibition

    Monorail e7its through new o"ening in !outh wall over,ollins !treet and in front of the new Age building along!"encer !treet& -ual beam crosses over rail viaduct and

    arra iver to 37hibition !tation& !ome loss of "ar4ing in!"encer !treet&

    ,rown Monorail !tation is over or near ,rown ,asino near,larendon !treet& +ootbridge to 37hibition ,entre&

    !t& Bilda1 Cort Melbourne1 AlbertCar4 5rams&

    37hibition !outhMelbourne

    -ual/beam over ,larendon !treet1 hitman !treet1 Bingsay !treet ; another route over the M$ 5oll way&


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    Se! ent "MonorailStation

    3etails Available Trans ort?nterchan!e


    !tation near the intersection of !turt !treet and Bings ay& !turt !treet and Bings aytrams

    !outhMelbourne /-omain

    Cower !treet1 !turt !treet1 Bings ay1 Car4 !treet

    -omain Monorail !tation is over -omain tram interchange All !t& Bilda oad 5rams-omain /

    eo"old-ual/beam over !t& Bilda oad north service lane overtrees: and (owen ,rescent to Kueens oad& (eam overstreet trees& !ome loss of car "ar4ing s"aces&

    eo"old !tation over Kueens oad ) eo"old !treets& ,onnectingwal4way from Albert Car4 to Armadale !treet over Kueenand !t& Bilda oads&

    !t& Bilda oad 5rams

    eo"old orne

    -ual beam continues over centre of Kueens oad&

    orne !tation over Kueens oad ) orne !treets& ,onnecting

    wal4way from Albert Car4 to .igh !treet over Kueen and!t& Bilda oads&

    !t& Bilda oad 5rams

    orne indsor

    -ual/beam along Kueens oad to Crinces .wy&

    indsor ;ver Crinces .wy& Sandrin!ha (ine#,ha"el !treet 5rams

    indsor Malvern

    -ual/beam along Crinces .wy& Cylons on Eorth side ofcentral median stri" with beam over street trees&

    Malvern ;ver or near Malvern ailway !tation& lenferrie oad and .awthorneoad 5rams&

    +ranbourne, 9a)enha and=ran)ston (ine

    Malvern ,aulfield

    -ual/beam along Crinces .wy and then along !ir JohnMonash -rive&

    ,aulfield ;ver !ir John Monash -rive adDacent to ,aulfield ailway!tation&

    Cossible monorail stabling over current rail wor4 yards:

    +ranbourne, 9a)enha and=ran)ston (ine#Eo ? 5ram&

    ,aulfield /,arnegie

    -ual/beam along !ir John Monash -rive and -andenongoad 6 Crinces .wy

    ,arnegie !tation over Bornang oad&,arnegie /,hadstone

    -ual/beam along -andenong oad 6 Crinces .wy1entering sho""ing centre near -avid Jones&

    ,hadstone !tation in1 over or ne7t to ,hadstone !ho""ing ,entre& ,hadstone bus services,hadstone


    -ual beam along Middle oad and arrigal .wy over N:

    Monash +reeway&.olmesglen Monorail !tation at 3ast/end of .olmesglen 5A+3 near

    railway station&@len 'averley Railway (ine#

    .olmesglen Ashwood

    -ual beam along arrigal .wy median stri"&

    Ashwood !tation near .igh !treet arrigal .wy intersection Ashwood/ Ashburton

    -ual beam above .igh !treet median stri"&

    Ashburton Monorail station over Ashburton ailway !tation car "ar4&(eam switch to allow trains to return to .igh"oint&

    Ala ein Railway (ine

    AshburtonTer inus

    !tabling for several monorails over rail easement Eorth ofstation between red tennis courts and rail line &


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    )ighpoint Southern Cross Station Seg"ent

    Monorail "ath shown in red& 37isting heavy rail M35 lines shown in blue&

    Ma"s courtesy of oogle Ma"s:


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    %o 'lands * %on aster Monorail $oute3oc)lands (onsdale Street Albert Road oddle Street &astern

    =reeway 3oncaster Road S rin!vale Road - *unawadin!

    37ce"t for the turning loo" at the -oc4lands end of the system1 the beamway would consist of twobeams su""orted on single "illars& Cillars would generally be located on the median stri"s of maDorroads and not result in loss of roadway& ,lic4 = to see relevant oogle Ma"&:

    Se! ent "MonorailStation

    3etails Available Trans ort?nterchan!e

    -oc4lands Return (oo

    A single/beam loo" around the doc4lands area with astation&

    !outhern ,ross !tation over the -+; near !outhern ,ross .igh"oint Ashburton Monorail All other rail lines&

    onsdale !treet -ual/beam over treesMelbourne,entral

    !tation over Myer/end of Melbourne ,entral abovewal4way:

    All loo" services

    onsdale !treet -ual/beam over treesCarliament !tation near Carliament ail !tation All loo" services& 5rams&

    Albert oad ).oddle !treet

    -ual beam over trees&

    Eorth ichmond in4 to Eorth ichmond ail !tation ,lifton .ill ines1 5rams.oddle !treet -ual/beam over treesLictoria Car4 Monorail !tation is near railway station& ,lifton .ill ines3astern+reeway

    -ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&

    ,handler Monorail !tation near ,handler .ighway& (uses3astern+reeway

    -ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&

    (ur4e Monorail !tation is near (ur4e oad (uses3astern+reeway

    -ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&

    (ulleen oad !tation near intersection& (uses


    -ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&

    -oncaster oad !tation near intersection& (uses& Eo >8 5ram 5erminusNN

    -oncaster oad -ual/beam over median stri"-oncaster!ho""ing,entre

    !tation over or in !ho""ing ,entre (uses

    -oncaster oad !"ringvale


    -ual beam continues over centre of road& !everal stationsin this segment&

    Eunawading !tation near Eunawading rail station& (eam switch toallow trains to return to -oc4lands& ine could bee7tended down !"ringvale oad&

    ingwood ine 5rains


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    The Southern Cross $i h"ond $ail Subway 5he 4ey bottlenec4 is between +linders !treet and !outhern ,ross !tations where there are only si7trac4s to carry all 3ast/ est traffic& A short rail subway can solve the "roblem while 4ee"ing theenormous costs involved with subway construction to a minimum&

    5his two/trac4 2 4m subway could run under the ,(- with 3astern "ortals near 37hibition !treet and aestern Cortal near !outhern ,ross !tation & A single underground station would be "rovided under

    +linders !treet with escalators u" to +linders !treet station& 5he above subway should be built to allowe7tension to +ootscray1 ,aulfield or elsewhere at a later date&

    5he "ro"osed rail subway route is shown in blue on the above ma"& 5he "latform at !outhern ,rosswould be Dust north of the (our4e !treet "edestrian wal4way& 5his subway could connect Altona1

    illiamstown ) erribee services to one or more eastern lines&

    +n reasing Train Capa ity without a Subway ;ne of the 4ey Dustifications for "ro"osing an 3ast/ est rail subway is to increase the ca"acity of thesuburban train system& 5he "ro"osition is that the e7isting four trac4s between +ootscray and ,aulfieldare at ca"acity and two new trac4s are needed&

    .owever1 if signalling across the networ4 is enhanced to allow trains to run with 2/minute headway

    most of these "roblems can be solved& 2/minute headway is already attained in the evening "ea4 in thecity loo"& .eadway of 2/minutes or less is common on the Moscow1 Caris and ondon metros&:

    .etter Ti etablin!5o fully utilise e7isting trac4s trains should be run in OburstsP& ;n the -andenong line this would involverunning the following services in the following seHuence in twenty/minute bursts from the city on the-andenong trac4*

    $& +!! ? / i""sland 37"ress Ca4enham !ervice Cassenger or +reight:2& oo" / Ca4enham 37"ress -andenong !ervice $?& oo" / Ca4enham 37"ress -andenong !ervice 2 "ea4 hours:>& oo" / ,ranbourne 37"ress ;a4leigh !ervice $

    & oo" / ,ranbourne 37"ress ;a4leigh !ervice 2 "ea4 hours:%& oo" / owville 37"ress ,aulfield !ervice $

  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    !ince the i""sland services originate from +linders !treet !tation only ten of the above services travelvia the single ,aulfield =nderground oo" trac4& Assuming trains run with a 2/minute headway theseten services could run every 20 minutes& 5his then "rovides the following level of service*

    3estination +urrent evenin! ea)services er hour

    9ro osed evenin! ea)services er hour

    i""sland 5wo 5hreeCa4enham +our !i7,ranbourne 5hree !i7

    owville *oneB ine not built yet: !i7!tony Coint ;ne every other hour ;ne > every hour +ran4ston +ive !i7 from loo"1 two from +!!,heltenham +ive !i7

    .ere is a sam"le 20/minute segment for the -andenong ine& +or sim"licity it starts at $Due to single track to Stony >oint only one ser-ice 5 hour is practical at this stage.

    ?stimate does N@& consider use o' third track so more ser-ices should $e 'easi$le.


  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    Eote also that the timetable is Ocloc4 faceP& 5he ,aulfield to Ca4enham "assenger need only rememberthat there is a train at 9 "ast1 29 "ast and >9 "ast each hour on every day morning and night& In "ea4hours there is an e7tra train in case she canGt get on the first one&

    5he only Huestion mar4 over this is the assum"tion that the networ4 is ca"able of safely running with 2/minute headway& If not1 clearly wor4 is needed to bring the signalling system u" to internationalstandards& 5his is li4ely to be far chea"er than building e7tra trac4 in a subway& !ee !chedule&7ls forfurther details&

    A similar result can be achieved on the !ydenham line& In the following e7am"le ? (endigo/line trainsare scheduled and can run at $004mh: with 9 !ydenham trains in "ea4 hour& At best % !ydenhamtrains are scheduled currently with (endigo/line trains often forced to travel at below %04mh&

    Eote that !ydenham !ervice? would need to o"erate out of !outhern ,ross and not via the oo"&

    Sample Sydenham 0ine train schedule showing two 0


    '0Sydenha% (ine Schedule

    (endigo !ervice!ydenham !ervice$!ydenham !ervice2!ydenham !ervice?(endigo !ervice!ydenham !ervice$!ydenham !ervice2!ydenham !ervice?

    M i n u t e s

  • 8/11/2019 East West Monorail


    The Monorail Alternative

    Seven +ar Train SetsMany new train sets would be needed to o"erate an im"roved timetable& All new train sets should befour/car sets& 5hese can be matched with e7isting three/car sets to form seven/car sets which are themost that can be accommodated at the loo" stations&

    $e o""endationsCroceed with a feasibility study of the monorail o"tions&

    Croceed with the design of a 2 4m !outhern ,ross ichmond rail subway&

    Croceed with other "ublic trans"ort "roDects made "ossible by E;5 building a $