easter part four - s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com · we believe in and value worship at...

Please feel free to be creative with this lesson – you may like to think of a different way to tell the story or have an activity that will demonstrate the lesson clearly. During the activity time the children have several choices – please encourage them to complete the main activity before they engage in other activities Welcome 5 minutes Page 1 Worship 10 minutes Page 1 Recap Last week 2 minutes Page 2 Discussion 15 minutes Page 2 Activity 10 minutes Page 2 Prayer 10 minutes Page 4 Lesson Review 5 minutes Page 3 Wrap Up 2 minutes Page 3 Please note that this is a guide only Easter – Part Four Memory Verse “Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 Topic: Easter Lesson Objective: That children learn about Easter and why it is so important to us as Christians Worship We believe in and value worship at Northridge. The Facilitator will let you know when it is time for Kids Worship. Please come downstairs and join with the other children for Worship Please encourage the children to join in and help the younger children to engage. We would also ask that you participate as the children will watch you also. Feel free to speak to the kids worship team or the Facilitator if you have any questions. Kids Bizz, Praise Welcome Lesson Outline: Welcome all the kids. Ask them to tell you what they have most enjoyed about their year so far. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

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Page 1: Easter Part Four - s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com · We believe in and value worship at Northridge. The Facilitator Welcome 5 minutes Page 1 Worship 10 minutes Page 1 Recap Last

Please feel free to be

creative with this lesson –

you may like to think of a

different way to tell the

story or have an activity

that will demonstrate the

lesson clearly.

During the activity time

the children have several

choices – please

encourage them to

complete the main

activity before they

engage in other activities

Welcome 5 minutes Page 1

Worship 10 minutes Page 1

Recap Last week 2 minutes Page 2

Discussion 15 minutes Page 2

Activity 10 minutes Page 2

Prayer 10 minutes Page 4

Lesson Review 5 minutes Page 3

Wrap Up 2 minutes Page 3

Please note that this is a guide only

Easter – Part Four

Memory Verse

“Jesus said “I am the

way, the truth and

the life. No one

comes to the Father

except through me.”

John 14:6

Topic: Easter

Lesson Objective: That children

learn about Easter and why it is so important to us as Christians


We believe in and value worship at Northridge. The Facilitator

will let you know when it is time for Kids Worship. Please come

downstairs and join with the other children for Worship Please

encourage the children to join in and help the younger

children to engage. We would also ask that you participate as

the children will watch you also. Feel free to speak to the kids

worship team or the Facilitator if you have any questions.

Kids Bizz, Praise


Lesson Outline:

Welcome all the kids. Ask them to tell you what they have most

enjoyed about their year so far.

“Jesus said “I am the

way, the truth and the

life. No one comes to

the Father except

through me.”

John 14:6

Page 2: Easter Part Four - s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com · We believe in and value worship at Northridge. The Facilitator Welcome 5 minutes Page 1 Worship 10 minutes Page 1 Recap Last

Lesson Review

• Memory verse:

The memory verse for this week is:

“Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No

one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

• Give each child a memory verse card and tell

them that if they can remember this verse next

week they will get a sweet.

Wrap up:

• Have a leader or Helper close in prayer.

• Make sure kids take their craft at the end

of the Lesson.

• Please ensure that they are signed out by

a parent or guardian before they leave the


• Once all the children have left please

assist us by making sure the room is tidy and

ready for the next group. Please also make

sure that the Blue sign in folder is returned to

the kids table.

Be Gentle Code

Kids Bizz ,Praise

Recap on Last week:

Ask if any of the kids can remember what we learnt last

week – we wrapped up the Easter series.

The memory verse was:

“Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one

comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

If anyone can tell you this verse give them a snake, (there

is a jar on the leaders’ resource spot with snakes in it).


Over the past couple of weeks we’ve been

learning all about how Jesus died on the cross

and then rose again from the dead. Today we

are going to have a look at one of the times

when Jesus was with his friends, before he went

back to Heaven. The Bible tells us that Jesus

spent time with his friends, before going back to

Heaven. It tells us in the Bible that when he came

back to life he had a body, and he could walk

and talk to people. In today’s story, Jesus even

eats breakfast with his friends. Later on we’ll hear

all about that special breakfast time, when we

read about it from the Bible.


What you will need:

Paddle pop sticks


Banner – ‘he lives’

Jesus template


1. Stick the paddle pop sticks together

as seen in the picture above.

2. Give them a Jesus to colour in.

3. Once they are try attach the ribbon

to the horizontal stick.

4. Stick Jesus to the sticks.

“Jesus said “I am the

way, the truth and the

life. No one comes to

the Father except

through me.”

John 14:6

Page 3: Easter Part Four - s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com · We believe in and value worship at Northridge. The Facilitator Welcome 5 minutes Page 1 Worship 10 minutes Page 1 Recap Last


This morning I have a picture for each of you. (Give a print out of the picture to each child) It’s just a little game

for fun! I want you to stare at the four small dots right in the middle of the picture. Concentrate and stare at the

dots while I count to fifteen, then close your eyes. When you close your eyes, a white spot will appear and there

may be a picture inside of that white spot. Let's try it and see what happens. Are you ready? Okay,

concentrate! One, two, three.......(to fifteen)

Now, close your eyes and keep them closed.

Do you see anything? You may open your eyes now. How many of you saw the face of Jesus?

Some people have a little trouble seeing it at first, so if at first you don't see the face of Jesus, keep trying and

eventually you will see his face. Sometimes it helps to stare at a blank wall.

Our Bible lesson today tells an amazing story about a day when Jesus walked on a beach and talked to Peter,

but to start with, they didn't even recognize him. They weren’t looking for him, and so he was the last person

they had expected to see.

Here is what happened.

Adapted from John 21: 1 – 14

After Jesus has risen from the dead, he appeared again to the disciples. One of these times was at the Sea of

Galilee. This is what happened! Peter, Thomas Nathanael, James and John, and two other disciples were

together one evening, when Peter announced, "I'm going fishing."

The rest of them thought it was a good idea and replied, "We're going with you." They went out to the Sea of

Galilee and got into their boat. They caught nothing that night.

When the sun came up, Jesus was standing on the beach, but they didn't recognize him.

Jesus spoke to them: "Good morning! Did you catch anything for breakfast?" They answered, "No." He said,

"Throw your net into the sea on the other side of your boat and see what happens." They did what he said. All of

a sudden there were so many fish in their net, that they weren't strong enough to pull it in.

Page 4: Easter Part Four - s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com · We believe in and value worship at Northridge. The Facilitator Welcome 5 minutes Page 1 Worship 10 minutes Page 1 Recap Last

Then John realized who it was! He said to Peter, "It's the Master!" When Simon Peter realized that it was Jesus, he

was so excited that he put on the clothes he had taken off for work, and jumped into the sea to swim to shore.

The other disciples came in by boat, pulling along the net full of fish. When they got out of the boat, they saw a

fire laid, with fish and bread cooking on it.

Jesus said, "Bring some of the fish you've just caught." Peter joined them and pulled the net to shore—153 big

fish! And even with all those fish, the net didn't rip. Jesus said,

"Breakfast is ready." Not one of the disciples dared ask, "Who are you?" They knew it was the Master. They knew

Jesus was alive!

Jesus then took the bread and gave it to them. He did the same with the fish. This was now the third time the

disciples had met Jesus, since he had been raised from the dead.

What’s this got to do with me?

This story in the bible is very important. We must know that Jesus came back to life and lives today. When we

are not in Church and doing other things like going to school, working or playing with friends, we often don’t

think about Jesus being close by us, and we don’t expect Jesus to talk to us in times like that. However, our story

about Peter shows us that Jesus does come to us when we are working and playing. Even at times when we

are not expecting Jesus to show up, he is right there with us.

Peter’s fishing trip was not going well and they were probably thinking lots about their empty nets. Whatever

they were thinking about, Peter and his friends were just not expecting Jesus to show up at that moment. But

suddenly they heard a voice from the shore. He was right there with them, watching them and caring about

what they were doing. Jesus is right there with you too, watching you and he cares about what you are doing!

He cares about you so much!

Jesus had fish and bread already cooked for them and he told them to bring some of the ones that they had

just caught too. Then Jesus said ‘come and eat.’ He wanted Peter and his friends to feel comfortable and at

peace with him. Jesus wants you to be comfortable with him too! You don’t have to do anything special to

spend time with Jesus. You don’t just get to spend time with Jesus in church, and then that’s it! He’s there with

you whatever you are doing.

He’s there when you eat, when you sleep, when you chat with friends and family. Jesus is with you all the time.

He wants to spend time with you, not just in church, but whatever you are doing, no matter how ordinary thy

might be.

Jesus loves you and he’s alive and he wants to be part of your life today. Have you ever forgotten about him?

Have you asked him to be with you? If you want to come back to

Jesus or welcome him for the first time, let’s do that now!


Ask the children to find a space by themselves and to sit quietly with their eyes closed. Tell them that Jesus is

here with us right now, and that you are going to invite him to come and touch everyone right now. Pray and

invite to Holy Spirit to come.

As you see Him touching the children, just explain to them as simply as possible what it is that is happening, for

example, ‘I can see that some of you look really peaceful right now, and that’s just because the Holy Spirit is

touching you and bringing you his peace.’ ‘Some of you can feel your eye lids fluttering and that’s the Holy

Spirit touching you.’ ‘Some of you look at bit wobbly and that’s the Holy Spirit too.’ It’s always helpful to teach

the children to recognize the presence of the Spirit, and to welcome Him.

Finish off by praying for any specific children who would like prayer, and pray also for children who are being

touched by the Holy Spirit, so you can bless what He is doing. Ask any of the children who are not receiving to

come and help lay hands on their friends and bless what God is doing.

Vineyard Kids Curriculum

These notes are part of the Vineyard Kids Curriculum produced by Katie Rogers of Belfast City Vineyard and distributed for download through www.vineyardkidsuk.com. This is a free curriculum based on vineyard values and produced with the support of Vineyard Churches UK. If you have downloaded & made use of this material we would be grateful for any feedback or comments you may have. Please post them on our website www.vineyardkidsuk.com. THIS MATERIAL IS STRICTLY NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED FOR COMMERCIAL GAIN. © Katie Rogers 2011

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Leading Prayer in Kids Bizz

Come Together:

Bring the children together in a circle. Ask if there is anything that they would like to pray for.

Some Questions you may ask to help them think:

Is there something that you would like to praise God and thank him for this week?

Are you sick or do you need healing?

Have you hurt anyone or been hurt by something this week that you need to ask forgiveness for?


Pray together— there are two choices here:

They can pray for each other or they can pray for themselves (out loud).

Praying for Each other:

If they would like someone else to pray for them ask the child to sit in the middle and for another child to pray for them

(ask for volunteers). If both children are comfortable they can lay hands on as they pray.

Praying for themselves:

If they would like to pray for themselves they can either sit in the middle or where they are. Ask them to pray in a loud

voice so everyone can hear. We want them to be comfortable so be flexible and sensitive to the Childs needs.

Continue through the group until everyone has been prayed for.


Then take time to sit and listen to God and see if there is anything that he would like to say to the group. Ask each child

to sit silently and listen to God. Explain that God may speak to them all in different ways, e.g. a picture, an idea a colour

etc. Then after a minute ask if there is anything the children felt God was saying.


If anyone has anything please write it in the Kids Bizz Prayer Journal with the date, service time and child’s name. Then

have a leader thank God for the lesson and any healings, words or pictures.