easy pop meodies book 1


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Easy pop meodies  book 1
Page 2: Easy pop meodies  book 1

~trv ()~ M-=Luu1-=§ Unique Pop Melody Supplement to Book 1


r-. Thisbool<b•Po1>.nx*~IOT110HAlLEON.O.ROGUllltJIME'TH000<My-~ll'"" - lllr-- Ü<:h"">v•"""*'relor..-.:;(l<lbei<lwMtl!IHlftP!ll'Oprialeme!llO<lbool<?090-Alhll.~.

-ot.-,.iopiay .... EASYPOf'MELOOIESp«:e.Gn«tbat9-lnf/IS!'/-lhe"'"'"°I ll'll!te~Of---t&toploy.

uo1119,... fone,.,...glJilartolhe!Unngroloolon""°"ll · I· Tho1~!<1d<lot_.,"""'{l~--CD0 r-; :!i';,:.a~or1 .. ~i";:,,":::~cip=l!,<!:,.;;:::.:,..-,:::=;:::

lnld<{-.ia.Q.OnlhooCD ..... boro:j&ndmeloc!yareontt-i.ll--111•b<ond,,,.,,.onn'911-

91i1 H AL• LEONARO• ~C:O M .. OAATION - ---··-·--·---··

Mell>Odlloolcl CDT-.... -~

' .. . " _.11.•0

Page 3: Easy pop meodies  book 1


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1~ r r ir

4H ll l

~ 1 1 j j :::::O L

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___ .,. -

IJ vai le)S oi

0.C.(OeCapol•IFIN (IO!heend) tellsyou1Dgobad.IO ... O.OoMlfl!I .-.dplayunlllyou~Nkle

Page 4: Easy pop meodies  book 1



~ r r r 1 r "Y"'5 at'ld l'm wilh

F Am

~E![ ... G

~I r

_.,o:-_ _ ., __ IF E~

r IFftE·

1 1 r 1 r r r )'OU. lt'o on · !)" •

' l F r 1 1

~ f r 1 E F f 1"f'· 1 j 1 t iov.. 1 .,....,. er knew 1here...,.. so


1 F g-tttrtrtr 1 ; keei:I . ong me

"' lf

Page 5: Easy pop meodies  book 1


1 r

1 f

ln "'I' hotlr oi dM<·nen She" stand · ing right ln

' ' 1 ra-----crzwr=-~FH~-

#====e+rtr l 'TI

Page 6: Easy pop meodies  book 1



~~~tttttttt=~~~f~lf~~ leans. leans. '"' .

\1 º'

.. . ~~ ====tJ -----:--r====r~

2 -. = · ~

' -


<m .. ..

Page 7: Easy pop meodies  book 1


~! ; j • j 1

1 i i r 11' , trJ T .. me, ~ me l_bo9p.o,

tflj me,- Oh, whowrOlethebook oi clar- ling-- Ba·by,youknowl

.4bJ 1; j f 1

l l B . '::': ·~ ill'l·$W81', WM ~ .. - . ... _ bov9?_ 1 won-dl<,"'°"· de< 'Atoo,--

rn:t o;i1 ""'Y k's true:-

c4 ' ~E Ba·by.

l r ' ' F 1 1

1 F r 1 r F ba.·l)y,-- • !ove )QU, 19$. 1

~- ~

º' ' 1r1FFFF Ir rF

Page 8: Easy pop meodies  book 1

·~DON'T BE CRUEL •low . 1u1 (TOAHEARTTHArSTRUE) ---:..e:.-=

1 J J J

~ 1' J 1 ·, 2 j j 1 1 1 1 ; LJ± klfle_ N )<lllcar>lcome• round,_ AI least.polgasetel·•

~ f l J llzz±j l J J l J J_I phone. Ooni Be Ctuel-- roa r.ean lt\31'1 lrue.--

t4::~ WLJd 1 1 J J J 1 ~ Ba!Jy,ltl macle )00 m~- lo< somellWlgl rr9t'-

Oonl stop thkM<· ing Qf me Oonl "'" me leel t.

~_[~- 3 1LLL 1 11 ....... Please let'stor '1'11 lhe pasi_ lhe ~·- Com!t onO'l'll<hereand lave me, You

ruwr111ooksbnght a head. knowwha11wafl!)OU10!oay.

·~----Donlwantnoath · e< lcMt.-­Wl"fSllOuldwebe a-1)111111--


Page 9: Easy pop meodies  book 1


., l r

~)OUI ejel - " .

~[11 J 1 í j l 1

l j ~- .. . ,

i l H ..... 'ry

1í IJ EJD ,.,_ '

I; p rJ J Ali my lov - "'i:I.

" ""

Page 10: Easy pop meodies  book 1



~-=----. Are you oo

to make me

•m e

~ar--~ ; Falr1 Pa<$ ley. slwl. ley,

' rJ = f'l)'~





~g±f=t:~==:i= -, -:; -. to wtlo lives there. _ For --

Page 11: Easy pop meodies  book 1

~ LOVE ME TENDER ---.. a...,_.,-v •• ...._

~=@E-UJÃ º' )+#~

"" hearl.

LOve de<, \ove me sweet:

mo ""'

~ -Love der. ioYe


heve macle my For ifs tlle~ lhat

l'!I be vours !hrough

ll8Y er 191 me tal<• me li) yQUI'

Ar tell me you are

com.plete. be. long, .. ""''

'' ri~

Ir J;;4;;4:qo

For my óar in• 1 ~ you, . ~,.

Page 12: Easy pop meodies  book 1



~ J 1fl' 1 IÍ J 1 i

~Ysr J 1 'T 1í J J J 1 b - She$Ulelookshap·py. lsuream blue-- l'm tf'Kot9' wilh coum ing lh8 stars a bowe.-

~ G ~JJ1J l 1 r 1 r 1 t 1 Ir J g 1hn! rm gon-na cry. S)l!I Bye, Love

tomp·ti·nes&.I teelllkeloould <li9-fll'9

Page 13: Easy pop meodies  book 1


' 1!3t 1 rF F F 1 $it.ling in t"is

1 G t; F 1 1 iJ J F Hf---W 8 Mal<· ing

~I J j J li! r r RO·bCJd, ____ _ Ooeoi·nl l'laW

G . o

r#J F f IFFH Ir r glD·"'SI ID

~i r Ir w l i , G

r r 1 r F 1 l r r

·ttttr D.C.a'Z]

Page 14: Easy pop meodies  book 1



1 L 1 l l O F~

t;' J 1 i i 0 1 E±B 11 4

t;' T 1 j 1 j l l 1 ii]" 1 l,J J 1

~J 1 J. l ;JJIJ,EL

"{ 1 °JJJ 1J "" 1 1~ ~ - - - . - ; ; • ,;;:;;;;pq:;;::J

Page 15: Easy pop meodies  book 1


Por oiJ Ev'·ryb<üth )OU-


_...,.._., ...

J n r r

l td92pS 9\l"·rywotd)OU- say, W· ry lli!IW )OU ev'·r/VOWIO'J- i:«lak. w'·rysmile)OU

~1 J l J F • 1 J D · 8 1 J ,_ - r 1 play.ev'· tynighl)OU Slay l'I bewa1ch-ing......_ )OU

lake, eot-ry claim )OU stake, !1 be watd>·"'9-- )OU

~~1 1 l ij 1 1· G

11 D ~ ! 1 r

Page 16: Easy pop meodies  book 1


1 ' ' cm 1 i u 1 ·o i gz: sail'd- up IO lhe sun found- lhesellll


tt' L Q*!?lgQ. 1..:, U

~· 'fu l g l li f f f u 1 1 1 J 1

)191 low suo-ma .fine_ We .. iY9 ;.., a )'ll·lowsub·ma-,,.,.


Ff*#44 IH lJ l 1 f f f L G

l;;CJ;b 1 IOi: . 1

Page 17: Easy pop meodies  book 1


lunny, tf J wasa SC1Jlp10<,

lsatOl\the roof __

Soexcusemetor çettlng,~

---oi; ~---T-

lllls feel ing in

butlhen airion eOOkidted ofllhe bullheselhingsl

no10t1e oi lhose

whomakes po liCJn$ in a

oi lheven;es.'"'~

you seel'lle lor got.ten li lhay're

eas 1 ly tude. __ _ '""'' -trav Ili .,,. show. 1

gOI me quile cross, bul lhesun'sbeel'l~1e

greenOflhe)"l'eblue, __ _ an y way_ !he

Bi E

4' r=· ~ J P-g=-"~-8 ,,.,, biJI_ boy, ij

whdelwroteth1s soog. _ wl\a11 1'9ally mean_

l'd buy a big hOllSe wt\efe My gd'I iS soog and U.one's ll"S lor peo pie lil<e keep ~ ..

Page 18: Easy pop meodies  book 1

And youcantell ev •ry bod ... ..... 11 may _ be QU~e sim . ple.bl.t

e '"

rf n_. i ' • '12E2µ2FL=i l hopeyoodon1mn:I

l hopeyoudon1mood. !hatlP1<t down"1


Page 19: Easy pop meodies  book 1


, rn 1r r r WJA ~~. you can rod< il, Well, )OU can """"IQ ~.

)OU çen foi it, do lhe )OU cang.'OOVe it, )OU can

~~rrrEUJ l1 1 "1DJ 51<>1npancl e -venSlfQll~. allhellop. WIMltl>e r&al-lystartton'l(N9it. 8llhehop Wherelhe

f$r r r r r r 1 r 1 ê r r r E1±fl <.c·ord siarts a Sl)ln · nln',)OIJ ca ~·SO when)OU cl'OCk · en, ai tne fll""·ln' is lhe o;moollHISI and lhe mu -so; is lhe oool•est, 8l lhe

F:-+. " ~ ILJ li mm hop. Oo lhe <Sançe wn . 118 · llOn llla1 is hop. Ali lhe aus and lhe .;Hct.s can

~ur rrrr1r1 lfTJUI """!'ln' lhe na - tion, at tne llop Lehgo tolhehopl

gel 1hell kld<s, li! lhe hop *' J 1 1J 1 'r r r u 1 'i J J iLI (Oh, ba by,) lefs oo to lhe hopl (O\. ba bof.J

:;r F F LJ I 1 J i f 11° EilJl IAl"s go IO lhehool (Oh. l)a - by.) lel's go to rhehopl

Page 20: Easy pop meodies  book 1

~ LOWRIDER ---.. w-----ll--~JorrJ-i--L.oo Oll<a",OwlooW ___ _

~ff~~-·~ Ali my ffiends knowlheLow Rid er Tll

Low Rid er drivesa littleslow.et. er ~ev.'rystreet.yeah.

don1vseno gas, """"'-

Rod is a lit.tle M9'1 er. Rid He'sareal QO er.

istt>eonelll meel,'fOilh.



~c='!-Jl! .. dZ::DJJD ~l Takeali1tle trip, taMa llltletrlp,

I' o.c. lf __ _

~--tm=-m=F=~ J rwith me)

Page 21: Easy pop meodies  book 1

$ ~ MAGGIE MAY ---t'I ----<>..--Wake up, Mag gie 1 !hink 1 goc somellllng to

(TI-e) mom iog sun wtien ~·s your face real fy

AI 1 oeed·ed was tolend

~ "" -U'llldon-to ...

pose 1 coold col lact my books aod get on

"' " "'"


real fy should

in my eyes yQU're

moth - er wl\llt e lov er. you

anc1 ma1<eaivin'oot-a

., "'

Page 22: Easy pop meodies  book 1

Maggie 1 could-n1l\alle lried _ M ·Y more __ _

Mag-gie l coukl-nlllave llied_ anymore __ _

Mag-gte 1 Mshed l'd seeoyourlace __ _

~~· ;oo led me a • way lrom ,_ Yoo me a way trom

Yoo made a firlll dass lool out a

~~-------~..:FEJ-----home, Just to s.avtt you ffom be ing a

hõme, just to save )'OIJ trom be ing home. ·cause yoo did -nl wanl to be

biri 1 was tlllOO as a lool

You stole lone. You stole l>éan 1 could n'

be. You 'tole

~~~=1-j=gj==-- - j lhars vmar .- ly hurts. paoi 1 canctowtth lelM! you ~ 1 tned . ...,

Page 23: Easy pop meodies  book 1


lm - ag-'ne L. rê-:: ~ , J n J r

e F! e ~

~~J J r l r 1 11d.nn D·bove US OR · ly

~ '1 1 ' 1 -cy-f-trt-F--t-+n lm • ag · ine an lhJ p.o · pie..--

1 r f j day,

-~ 'g J -'

1 r ~ • - n1 l'lard to do-· -lwonder of !C1J can;_

44 ! l 1 r .. ~-­... ,. __




Page 24: Easy pop meodies  book 1

and 00 <9. 1 a broCh er-hood "'" °'

lm ao irlll ai lhe lm ag lne an lhe


say rm



tl>eG on- ly




drnm • er.



--,.. __ _

' -~

day- )Ollll~.-,~-----


1m ao·ine no

Page 25: Easy pop meodies  book 1


C:1::::== l: ;::~1::::= c1::==-: 1:::1::::=

.._ . .. ;.

Page 26: Easy pop meodies  book 1

Lomg (JheBeoffes) • Atlhe Hop (DannyA 1heluniof$} • 8ooll oi Love

• Bye Bye love (Evedy Btothers) • Don't &e Cruel (To o Hearl That's True)

~>') • Every Breoth Vou Toke (Police) • House oi lhe lllslng Sun (Trodmonat) •

(.Joho lennoo} • lei ti &e (rhe Beo1IEt$) • Love Me Tender (Etvis PrG$1er) •

Song <EllOfl John>