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www.PureResiduals.com © 2013 – Get Paid For Life! Best Recurring Income Opportunities Ebook Riches System How To Create Profitable Ebooks That Sell Like Crazy!

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How to prepare your info eBook and correctly distribute it so that Others SELL it for you! Get paid to write a book and it gets distributed for free. You simply do the work once and get paid over and over. (Hint: you can even outsource it!)


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Ebook Riches System How To Create Profitable Ebooks That Sell Like Crazy!

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P.j Germain

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1. Introduction

2. Getting started

3. Checking your market

4. The guru dilemma

5. Choosing a title and/or angle

6. Start from scratch or cheat?

7. How to research your book

8. How to outline your book

9. The hard part - writing!

10. Preparing for sale

11. Getting graphics

12. Setting up your sales letter & site

13. Which payment processor to use?

14. Affiliate program

15. Spit & polish

16. Final thoughts

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eBooks are incredibly easy to make, and having unlimited stock that takes up virtually zero

space gives you the equivalent of a magic lamp!

They used to be viewed with scepticism as people were so used to reading physical books that

they shunned digital copies as being scams, but with the popularity of the Amazon Kindle and

the Sony eBook Reader then eBooks are going mainstream and they are being taken out of

obscurity and taking their rightful place on the bookshelf of life. More importantly this means

your possible customer base is increasing rapidly too!

The main problem with selling an ebook is usually not the marketing, it is choosing what to sell,

and then writing it, most people fall at those two hurdles and never make it to the marketing

part as they lie in a heap on the floor with one of those hurdles wrapped round their legs

stopping them from achieving the success they deserve.

That is not to say your ebook will be a huge success, I've had far more failures than successes,

but the fact is:

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

- Wayne Gretzky

Finishing your first ebook is a huge achievement and after that most people find the process

easy to replicate so they can come out with a wide range of products and start to hit those

inevitable homeruns.

In this guide I'm going to talk you through the entire process of taking your product from a

twinkle in your eye to digits in your bank account! We'll leave no stone unturned as I reveal the

good, the bad, and the ugly to get you to take the necessary steps to complete your project.

Take each step one at a time and don't move onto the next until that one is finished.

In fact to make sure you take action then I'd advise you don't read through this whole book and

then put it on a digital shelf to collect digital dust, but you read through one chapter, take

action, complete it, then read the next chapter and complete the tasks for that… That way you

won't ever feel overwhelmed and you'll have the motivation from seeing your progress to carry

on and get it finished.

Once you make your first sale then you'll never look back!

To your continued success,

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Getting Started

Ok there are some things you need to think about before you start on your book, namely:

- Which market will it be in?

- Who will do the salesletter?

- Who will do the graphics?

- Who will load everything up?

We'll cover the market in the next chapter, but the other three are things that catch most

people out, as if you leave the decisions about them until you actually need them… then it can

cause weeks of delay!

So think about it before you start, you need a salesletter first of all, you have two choices, do it

yourself or hire it out. If you do it yourself you have two more choices, start from scratch or buy

a PLR product on the topic and use that as a basis for your own salesletter (a very effective

tactic for someone who hasn't written a salesletter before).

Now if you are going to hire someone to do it for you then you need to find someone you can

trust, after having run ins with lots of copywriters then I can say that, like anybody you hire,

some are totally unreliable, some are reliable but the copy is no good, etc etc.

Copywriting is a well-paid profession, so most copywriters charge a lot of money, the only place

I've found some good quality copywriters that are more motivated to get your job done on well

and on time, is on elance.com, and you can check their feedback there too from previous


I don't know why, but there are some great copywriters on there that you can hire for a fraction

of the price you pay to someone who has their own website and 'copywriting services'. Maybe

it is because it is a hobby to them, or maybe they don't realize their own value… but either way

that is where I go when I need copy now, I've paid way more money to well known copywriters

and had awful results, reputation and price is not always reliable, feedback on elance is usually

a much better indicator.

So the salesletter will probably take the longest time to complete, that needs to be dealt with

first so that by the time everything else is finished then it will be ready to use. Once you have

the outline for the book and all your research notes then that is the time to hire your

copywriter as you can give them all of that and they can use it to help write the salesletter.

Then you need to think about graphics, not a huge concern as most companies will get you a

concept in about 3 days, but you need to think about what you need (banners? Squeezepage?

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etc) then find someone you want to use and check their availability, as if you just assume they

can do it and find out they are running a week behind when you go to them, then that will

delay you unnecessarily.

So send them an email to check when they can do it and try to book your graphics at least a

week before you need them. Wait until after you have started the bulk of the book though as

you may change the name of the product and ideas behind it as you get into it.

The last thing you need to consider is who is going to put everything together. Don't forget that

more often than not a minisite design company does not offer any service for putting together

your site, they just provide the design of the template which you then have to populate with


You can learn how to do it all yourself and I would advise that you do that as soon as possible so

you can stop paying expensive webmasters, but for this first project then you might want to

concentrate on the book and marketing first - then next time you won't be struggling so much

as you'll know what you are doing more, and will have extra the time to learn about html.

Or you can hire someone off elance or a forum to do it for you, they need to setup your

salesletter and preferably format it for you, ask your copywriter if they can format your

salesletter for you, then get the webmaster to duplicate that style on your website. They also

need to setup all your other pages which we discuss later in this guide.

You will need to setup your payment processor no doubt, but they usually give you step by step

instructions on how to do that anyway. You can then give your webmaster the code from your

payment processor to setup the buy button and have them integrate it.

So think about those three things above and get them organized now rather than struggling

later, you won't regret it!

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Checking Your Market

There is nothing worse than spending time writing a product then finding out that actually you

either have the wrong angle for it (discussed next) or that there is no market for it.

Market research is crucial, first of all you have to check if there IS a market for you product,

what is the search volume like? Are there any competitors out there selling a similar product?

The best place to search for that is at Clickbank.com in the marketplace, you can see exactly

what people are selling and how well it is selling (check the gravity score, anything over 20 is

selling reasonably well). Now a lot of competitors is actually a good thing, that means other

marketers are making money and it means the people in the marketplace are buying!

They have done the groundwork for you and found out that people are buying and more

importantly WHAT they are buying, so then your might find out for instance that dog training

sells better than dog health, if you were planning on doing a dog health book you could change

your mind before you waste time.

You can almost guarantee that if there is no competition then that market is not one that you

can make a lot of money. Marketers are always looking for new ideas for products, so people

have either tried in that market and failed, or the profit from the search volume is so small that

is not really worth the effort.

You also need to think about backend products, you might be able to create a book on 'How to

clear your house of an ant invasion' but what are you going to sell to those customers next

time? The big money is made in getting people onto a customer list and selling them more

products on the backend, it is usually far more costly to acquire a new customer than to sell to

an old one.

So here are the steps you need to take to make sure that you have the best chance of


1. Choose your market/product idea

- Look at magazines for markets, check out Clickbank.com, visit DMOZ.org, look at

Amazon and see what books are selling well.

2. Check that there are enough searches/buyers in the market

- The searches and buyers are linked, some markets might have a load of searches per

month, but the people are not really interested in buying anything, so products don't

sell well in that market. In other markets then there may be very few searches but they

are really passionate about the market and buy everything they can get their hands on!

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Check how books are selling on Amazon, scope out Clickbank.com and other affiliate

networks to see how things are selling (they usually have some sort of indicator to say

how well the sites are doing) and check to see that people are buying and there is

enough search traffic for you to get in and grab some for yourself.

3. Check out your competition

- See how many competitors you have out there that are advertising in the same places

as you want to advertise, how firmly entrenched are they? Are they making sales more

importantly! Are they big million dollar companies or just another small marketer with a

good product? Can you see ways you would improve their sales process/website or even

product? Can you create a product to compete with them?

4. Think about the backend potential

- Check affiliate networks and see what physical and digital goods you can offer on the

backend, and how much you can make per sale. Can you create multiple products

yourself to sell to your customers? If you buy your competitors products and sign up to

their customer lists you will get an idea of what they are selling on the backend so you

can do the same…

5. Decide if you want to enter this market or not

- You now have a lot of information about the market and you have to make the call of

whether or not you think you can be successful in this market and make a product that

will be able to sell. Don't stick with a bad market just because you spent time

researching it, if you are unsure then start the process again with another market until

you find one you like. Choosing a good market is half of the battle, so don't skimp on


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The Guru Dilemma

Ah yes the guru dilemma, I've suffered from this as well and I think everyone does at some

point in their journey to internet success. It is the problem of worrying that you can't sell

anything on a topic as you are not a 'guru' and people only buy from gurus or experts.

An expert is a matter of opinion, it is often just someone who knows more about the topic that

them! So if you research your topic well and are happy that it provides real value to the person

who buys it, then you shouldn't worry about not being an 'expert', I have never received a

question on a topic I am selling a product about that I couldn't answer from my initial research

or a quick Google search.

In fact I rarely get that many questions, if people have questions they tend to ask them on

forums etc and don't want to disturb the 'expert' who sells a product on the subject ;)

The only way I found to get past this was just to get a product out there and sell some copies,

you will soon lose the fear and you'll be creating all sorts of products then which you never

thought you'd have the guts to.

This guide helps you get past that first stage so you can stop letting this fear hold you back (I am

assuming you are not a guru in the field you want to write about - if you are then ignore this


Of course you could use the fear productively and actually go out and get an expert to create

your book for you… either by paying them royalties on the book in return for their input on it

and using their name/experience in the marketing of it. Or you can just pay someone with the

experience you need to write it for you or write some of the content for you.

With the royalties method then you have to convince them that it is worth their time, unless

you pay them for the content they write, then use the royalties to pay for them allowing you to

use their name for credibility. This may be more difficult when you are starting out, unless of

course a friend of yours is an expert you can get to help in return for some royalties!

So this is the hardest of the two methods, you have to approach someone and flesh out the

details, probably paying 10 - 15% royalties on the net profit every month etc. Yet you do get the

credibility of being able to use them on your salesletter - this means you could have someone

with 20 years experience in their field and all sorts of qualifications that you can quote on the


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Credibility is not something you can just make up, and it can have a huge effect on your sales as

it builds trust in your product. Also the product will be better as you have their input so you are

confident it can get great results.

If you buy content off an expert then will get great content but you lose the credibility for the

salesletter. You just offer to pay them a set amount per page to write about your topic, give

them certain chapters you need and ask them to write about them.

Then afterwards you collate all the writing together, add content anywhere you need to and

give it an introduction and anything else it needs - and then you can be confident it is a great


You can often use forums to contact people who seem to be experts in their field. Go to a dog

training forum and see who gives helpful and knowledgeable posts, then contact them with

your offer, create a connection with them first by saying you have enjoyed their posts and they

seem to be a great dog trainer etc, don't just jump in and say you'll give them money to write

for you!

You might be surprised by how many people are shocked that you'd actually pay them to write

about the topic they love… (think about all the information they give out for free in the forum

you found them in…).

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Choosing a Title and/or Angle

A title can help to sell your product, I know we should not judge a book by its cover, or title in

this case, but we do! If you have an interesting and exciting title then it will help people to get

excited about your product and acts as a constant commercial for your product in all your

marketing, intriguing people enough to click through to your site, consider these two:

The Ultimate Step-by Step Dog Training Success System


My Dog Training Tips eBook

Now I don't know which would sell best as I don't know the market, the top one might be too

hypey for the market, but I would imagine the top one would get more interest and make more

sales because it is more punchy, it says 'step-by-step' which suggests it is easy to follow, it also

says it is a system which to me suggests it was developed over time to help people, rather than

just being 'tips' like in the second book.

Can you see the difference between the two? The best place to get ideas for your titles is from

the other products on the market. Check out the ones that are selling well and see what kind of

title they have. Then sit down with a pad of paper and a pen and start to just write down any

ideas that come into your head until you have about 20, don’t think too much about them or

judge them as you write…

Then go back afterwards and see which ones you like, more than likely you will end up

chopping and changing one or two of them to get one you really like, but it is a great way to

quickly come up with a powerful title.

Now the angle, you can either have one in your salesletter as to why you created the product,

which helps to sell the product, or you can have one for the actual product, or of course you

can have both!

For the salesletter then that could be something like you were bitten by a dog when you were

young and so now you created a product about how to stop dogs biting so that nobody has to

go through what you went through… Stories are a powerful copywriting tool and they help the

prospect to both bond with you and trust you, and to rationalise the reason you have decided

to create and sell this product to them.

The same can be said for the product, if you use an angle like the above then you can continue

it throughout the product to make it more interesting and engage the reader more. But usually

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the kind of angles I am talking about for a product are either targeting a subniche of the

market, giving it something unique, or making it look as simple as possible.

So for targeting a subniche, then lets say that you have your dog training product again, but you

also noticed that a large portion of the searches are for problems with dogs biting things.

You've seen a successful product out there that deals with this and you think that concentrating

just on biting would be more targeted than just a dog training product that covers everything.

This gives you a unique angle to use in your marketing as you are concentrating on just one

problem, so if someone has a problem with their dog biting and they see your product or the

general dog training one, then hopefully they will click your ad and buy your product as you are

specifically talking to them.

Or you could add something unique like a piece of training software that keeps track of a dogs

progress through their training… you can then add that into all your marketing and use that to

differentiate yourself from your competitors.

But by far the easiest way to give yourself a great angle to use is just to make it seem as easy as

possible to the prospect. We all like things to be easy, and the easier something looks to use

then the more people will be interested in it. So you can call yours the '3 Step Dog Training

Success System' or something like that and use that in your salesletter to say that your system

is so easy it uses just 3 steps.

Then in the product you just have to arrange the content so it takes the reader through those 3

steps. It is slightly more work for you to setup, but it helps the prospect to think it is that much

easier to use your product than your competitors. You see this sometimes in days rather than

steps, so maybe a '3 day acne cure' or a '14 day beach-body diet', anything you can do to help

the prospect feel that using your product is going to be easy and get results quickly (just make

they can do it if you promise it!).

So choose your title and any angle that you want to use (you don't have to have one, it just

helps you stand out more) and now let's start cheating…

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Start From Scratch or Cheat?

This is where things get interesting, now you are almost at the point where you can create your

product, but the question is, should you cheat…?

You see PLR material is sadly underused, although most of it is very basic, then it can be a great

framework to build on to create your main product. Think about it, most PLR is just basic

information, so if you get a PLR book on dog training then you can expect it to cover the basics,

the history of dog training, some of the popular techniques etc and maybe some resources.

Great! You now have a history of dog training, some great websites to list as resources, and you

have a possible outline for your book and some ideas about what to write in each one! You can

then start to bulk out the book and expand it, and it sure beats having to start with a blank

screen and create a product out of thin air!

There are other tips to help you get past the 'blank screen' syndrome which we'll cover in the

next chapter, but I love to use PLR to help me get started and think it helps me to create a much

better end product, even if I do have to rip out most of the PLR content and replace it.

Of course the other way you can 'cheat' is to hire someone to write it for you! You can either

get them to research and write it for you, or the best way is for you to research it and create

the outline which we'll discuss next, then you give them the outline and all your material so

they can write it.

That way when you get it back, then from your research you'll know if they have been writing

about the correct things, and you'll also be able to go through and just tweak it to improve it

and make it your own as well. You can hire people from places like Elance.com but expect to

pay $10 a page or maybe more…

Now onto creating your outline…

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How to Research Your Book

With solid research and a good outline then you are 70% of the way there, the rest is easy. Now

to research your book you are going to need to get into the market and understand them and

understand what they are currently buying.

So it is time for a bit of espionage… first you need to research the problems in your niche, go to

popular forums and look at the problems people are having in your niche, write down every last

one you come across and note the frequency of ones that repeat, these are gold because if you

can answer those questions in your book then you know people are out there looking for that


Check sites like Yahoo Answers to see what people are asking about in your niche and other

question sites like AnswerBag.com, again these are a goldmine of information as you can see

exactly what people are asking, and the answers, without even having to read through all the

normal chitchat you get in a forum.

Compile a list and you'll start to see all the problems you can solve for these people, and also

what areas you need to concentrate on most (the ones with the most questions as people are

obviously struggling more with that area) so you can focus on that both in the product, but also

talk about it more in the salesletter.

Then to research information you need to set aside a couple of days to go Google hunting for

sites in your niche, make a note of all the good ones you find and save them to your favourites,

then read through them and make notes on everything you find that is useful and interesting.

You then need to get dirty and research the competition, what do they offer, and more

importantly what don't they offer that you can. You are starting to understand the market now

Quick tip: When you are making notes then it is up to you how you prefer to do it - but I prefer

to type out the information myself in my own words (remember if you copy and paste

information then use that in your product that is copyright infringement) and split it out in

sections as I do it. So whenever I find information I think could be put into another section I will

make a heading for it in bold in my Word file, then type out the information below that.

This helps you out tremendously as you are not adding all the information you find into one

area so you have to go through and try and sort it out yourself later, and you are not writing it

out by hand so you have to type it all out later! Also you now have some chapter topics starting

to form ready for your outline which will help you when we get to that stage.

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so if you can see holes in their product and it is still selling well, then you know you can make

something even better!

So by all the products that are selling well, even Amazon books that get good reviews - you then

know the kind of thing that your prospects are purchasing and are happy with - so you know

the kind of product you need to create (not like an Amazon book, physical books tend to have a

lot more filler than digital products, people buying digital products want quite and easy

solutions to their problems, not pages and pages of information they can't use right away).

Again go through these and add notes to your research file, by now you should know a lot

about the subject and have a lot of great information to base your chapters around, let's move

on a start to create an outline.

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How to Outline Your Book

For me then creating the outline is the hardest part of the book, once you have that in place

then you have a roadmap to completion, you just fill in the blanks and out pops a finished

product! My outlines are just the table of contents with some notes added to them, you might

want to go a step further and actually plan out each chapter, but I'd advise you to wait until you

are writing the chapter before you do that, let's first assemble all our research into a table of

contents for us to work from.

To create your table of contents then what you want to do is look at a book on Amazon or one

of the dummies guides, and look at their table of contents to get ideas, also look at your

competitor’s products and see what they use.

On Amazon when you do a search then you sometimes get a little tag above the book in the

search results to say 'look inside' in blue and orange. If you can see that then click on that

search result and go in and click the image of the book to get a peek inside at some of the

pages, which pretty much always includes the table of contents!

The same goes for the 'for dummies' range of books that are out on every conceivable topic,

you can view inside most of them on Amazon anyway, but if you go to Dummies.com and in

particular this list, then you can see all their books and when you click on one you get a tab

which lists the entire table of contents!

Now if you look at a few of those, and use your research material which you should have cut up

into different sections, then you can quickly come up with a great outline for the book. Just split

out anything you think should be a different chapter, like 'Dealing with aggression' or 'How to

stop your dog biting', then at the end you will have a nice long list of possible chapters.

Now cut out any chapters you don't think are relevant, then group the remaining ones together

where they are talking about the same kind of information so you make sections, you might

have a dog health section to make sure their dog is healthy, then you might have a section on

training the owner as well, and one obviously on training the dog, but you could have a basic

training section and an advanced one.

After that is done then make sure it is in the right order, have a look at the order the example

books are in to see if yours is similar, then you might want to add in notes to each section about

what you want to include. I do this but it is not absolutely necessary, I just find that from my

research I will have some great info I want to make sure I don't miss off, so I put little bullet

points underneath any chapter heading that I have information for, and list anything I want to

make sure I cover.

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Then in a few weeks when I get to that chapter I won't have to try and think what to write, I'll

have a little list to remind me!

It also helps you to make sure you don't miss anything, and really make sure that your chapters

are appropriate, you may find that one chapter you can't make any notes on as you don't really

have any information on it, then you need to decide whether to include that in another chapter

or maybe just ditch it if nobody else has any information on it then maybe it is not important.

So you have your research and your outline done, now you just need to 'paint by numbers' and

start to flesh everything out, let's discuss that.

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The Hard Part - Writing!

When I say hard part that is because that is what more people consider it to be - actually that is

a part I really enjoy and now find easy, but it wasn't always that way. When most people think

about writing they think about classes at school and about how to write 'properly' and that

leads people to worry about getting their writing 'correct'.

One huge secret about writing online is that you don't need to be able to write like an English

teacher, you just need to be able to write what you would say. I hate reading something that is

all stuffy and perfectly grammatically correct, with long paragraphs and semi-colons comes out

of the wazoo - yuck!

I don't even know when you are supposed to use a semi-colon, I hate writing long paragraphs,

and if an English teacher saw my writing they'd probably faint in horror! But that is not only

what you can get away with online, but what people expect. The great thing is I have never had

anyone ever email me and say that I shouldn't be starting sentences with 'and' like we were

taught in school - or correct anything else, people prefer to read something written like a

conversation online.

That is not to say you can write utter garbage, I have seen some real rubbish written online and

that is not nice to read, but if you can write nicely as you would say the subject to people, (try

not using the word 'like' too much!!) then you'll be fine.

Or you can have it written for you like we said earlier of course!

Making writing about ten times easier

Ok - here is a secret that is hard to start doing, but has paid dividends with me again and again.

The key to writing a good product is to read all the information for a chapter, then just start

writing and don't stop. Seriously.

If you start to correct things, rethink things, adjust things, then it messes up the flow and I

guarantee you that it will take you two, three even ten times as long and your product will not

be as good when you finish.

When you write then part of it comes from your subconscious mind, which is much more

powerful than your conscious mind, then your conscious mind is the one running around trying

to 'sweep up' all the little mistakes and judge what you are writing.

Go through and just write the whole chapter in one go with as few stops as possible, THEN

afterwards if you need to then go back and read and correct it (I wait until the product is

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finished before I do that). Then read all the research you have on the next chapter and go

ahead and repeat the process. You will spend less time agonising over what to write, your work

will flow much better - and you may be surprised by how well it actually comes out first time!

Checking your work

Ok here some are great ways to double-check your work, first of all have someone else read it,

when you get too close to your own work then don't notice the little mistakes that others will.

Next, leave it a few days after you finish before you edit, give you brain a break so it is not

reading what it already knows and skips things, then when you do check over it read it aloud, or

read it aloud in your head.

What may sound ok as you write it, and look ok on paper, may not sound right when read

aloud, and as most people read things aloud in their head, then this method allows you to catch

things that will ruin the smooth flow of your work.

Can I sell other products inside my own?

Absolutely! Just don't turn it into a 'pitch fest' and have loads of different things in there. The

two best ways to do it are to either casually mention a site that people can visit for something

and link to it, hopefully getting some people to click through. Like:

"Dog toys are a great way to reward your dog after a successful training session, for a great

range of dog toys you can visit example.com"

It is not pushy or salesy and complements the topic that you are writing about.

The other powerful way to do it is to have a 'resources' section in the back of the book and list

useful and helpful resources there with an affiliate link where you can, you'll see this in a lot of

digital books nowadays, print books tend to just link to the site directly, but with an eBook it is

a cinch to link through an affiliate link instead.

That said - the best (and only in my mind) method of linking to the sites is by using a redirect, so

you setup a page on your own website in a folder called 'resources' or 'recommends' and you

put a file in there that redirects through your affiliate link.


Because if you don't and that company ever goes out of business or changes their affiliate link

structure - then all the copies of the book you sold previously will have a broken link in them! If

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you use this redirect then you can just redirect them to a similar product and still keep the

chance to make some commissions!

Setting up a redirect is relatively easy, all you need to do is open up the software program

'Notepad' on your computer, paste in the code below, and change the red urls to your affiliate

link, then save it as whatever you want to call it plus .html (not .txt which is the default file it

tries to save it as).

Then just link to that file and it will take care of the rest! Here is the code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">



<title>You are being redirected</title>

<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url= http://www.example.com"></HEAD><BODY>

<font face="Tahoma">You are being redirected to a great website - if it does not redirect

quickly please <a href="http://www.example.com">click here</a>. </font> </a>



What to write with

You can use any kind of word processor to type up your work, just make sure it is one that you

can alter the layout on as you need and insert any pictures you need etc! Most people have

Microsoft Word but if you don't have that you can get a free version of similar software from


That's it - the writing part is up to you, make steady progress every day, then reward yourself at

the weekend when you have done a certain amount, I set a number of words that I want to

write in a day and I stick to that religiously (about 1000 words left for today!).

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Preparing for sale

We are in the digital age, so you need to convert the file you've typed up into a PDF (portable

digital format) file so that people can read it, but not change it! It also gets round any

compatibility issues as a PDF should be readable on any free reader that almost every computer

will have.

If you have Open Office then that feature is built in, you just click a button and it is done, but if

you are using Word or something else then you will need some separate software to help you.

You can get the software below for free and once installed it shows up as a printer for you in

your normal print menu, you can then 'print' to pdf.


That should help you out!

But before you create the pdf there are a few things you need to check…

Do the links work?

You need to check the links in the book both before AND after you convert to pdf, before you

convert it then go through and double-check all the urls look ok, after you convert it then you

need to go through and click the links and just be sure that they work and that the redirect we

spoke about earlier works to get people through to the site you want them to go to.

Is it formatted nicely?

Check that everything is spaced out nicely and there is a pagebreak after the end of each

chapter, make sure all your titles and subtitles are bold or different sizes to differentiate them

from the main text, make sure the font is big enough to read! You shouldn't really go less than

font size 12 or it will be hard to read and people will have to zoom in on the pdf.

Don't use fancy fonts that make it hard to read, definitely not for the main body of the text, but

also not for titles - they may look good - but there are lots of different fonts you can use to

spice up your work which are easy to read - get a friend to read the pdf and see if they find the

fonts hard to read to check.

Does it cover all the questions you picked up from forums and questions sites?

They were the burning questions in the market so you need to make sure that you have

covered them in the final product.

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What kind of front cover do you want?

Some people just have a plain text front cover with some different coloured text on it and their

name, you might want to consider getting a proper front cover for you book though just to give

it a premium look when people first open it.

When you get your 'ecover' done which is just a digital representation of a softback book (or

hard book/DVD etc) then usually the file they make before they turn it into the 3d model is a

nice size to use as a front cover, ask the designer if they will throw in the 2d image they use to

create your ecover before you order, then just insert that onto the first page and size it to make

sure it fits nicely.

Is your table of contents correct?

Make sure you table of contents is still correct, you might have updated the name of some

chapters as you went along or added chapters in etc.

Also make sure that if you put page numbers on the ToC that they still match up after you have

fully finished.

Do you have a legal disclaimer on the front?

You should always cover yourself against any legal issues, both for people copying your book or

giving it away for free, or people using your book and causing themselves injury or financial loss

etc - so make sure you get some advice and get a proper disclaimer added just after the front



Testimonials really add power to your salesletter, they are social proof that other people have

enjoyed your product and found it beneficial, of course the best ones are the ones with photos

as people perceive them as more difficult to make up.

So how do you get them? Well you have two choices, launch with them or without them, if you

launch without them then what you can do is create a short bonus report, and put a note at the

back of your product that says if people send you a testimonial they get that short report for

free as a thank you. I have used this and had as high as a 66% response rate!

Of course those first sales will be harder as you have a site with no testimonials on it!

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The other way you can do it and this is usually before you start to promote the site, is to solicit

them on forums or other places where you can find groups of people who would be interested

in your product. You can just offer a free copy of the book in return for feedback and

testimonials you can use, but that doesn't always work, based on experience then no matter

how happy the person is to receive it for free, and how much they promise to give you a

testimonial, as soon as they have their hands on it then that promise goes out the window…

But if you send out 10 you might get 1 or 2 testimonials, so it is still worth a try! (depends on

the market too as how they stick to their word).

Or you can offer a free copy of the book and offer $20 via PayPal in return for 'success stories'

or testimonials from people. I am not sure about the legalities of paying for testimonials mind

you, so you'd have to check that, but I see weight loss sites doing this a lot.

That way they have extra motivation to send you a testimonial! Sure you pay, but this is just a

one off - hopefully after you get some sales then you will have testimonials coming in

voluntarily from customers!

That should be it - just make sure after the conversion to pdf that it doesn't mess anything up

(it happens sometimes!), it if does then it is usually a picture too close to the end of a page so

that it moves onto the next page, just make the picture smaller and recreate the pdf file.

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Getting Graphics

Graphics are the suit and tie for your site, they are what the customer sees and forms their first

impression of your company and your product from, remember first impressions count ;)

The basic layout of the graphics is a header with your title on and website name, a footer that is

smaller and simpler but matches the header design, then a background to the area you are

going to put your writing that is just one image that repeats down the page to frame the

content area. Like this:

So this is the small image that repeats

And once it is repeating it forms a frame like this:

You put your salesletter on top of that.

So the basic layout looks like this:


Content area


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Then you need a digital representation of your product called an 'ecover', you can get all different kinds

of designs depending on whether you have a video product or book etc, below are a few examples so

you understand what you are getting:

The softback book example is what you will be asking for if you are writing an eBook. So you need to ask

for the following:

A custom header, footer and background

1 custom eCover of a softback book

Custom buy button and bullets

That should give you everything you need, then maybe later you can get some affiliate banners to help

you promote your product.

A setup like that above should cost about $199 which will give you a template ready for whoever is

loading the site up to just load the content into.

Now let's talk about actually getting the site loaded up.

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Setting Up Your Salesletter & Site

This is where your webmaster comes in if you decided to go for one, or did you decide to do it

yourself? If you did then w3schools.com is an invaluable resource for you to learn from either

now or if you decide to learn any html in the future, it is not as hard as most people make out,

it just requires some practice like anything else.

Ok so you either need to setup, or ask you webmaster to setup, the following pages:

- The salesletter, just copy and paste the salesletter in and format it accordingly

- A download page, this is where people go to download your product after payment,

don't forget to zip your file up and upload it to the server for people to download

- An affiliate page, if you have an affiliate program then you can give details of how

people can participate and how they get paid right here

- A privacy policy, an important legal page that says how you will collect and use

information about the visitor, you can find free generators online for these but make

sure you are happy they cover everything before you use them

- A disclaimer/terms of use page, this is where you give the legal terms of use for your

site and limitations of liability etc, again you can find free generators and templates

online, but be sure you are happy they cover you before you use them

- A contact page, this is where you will have some contact details or a contact form for if

people have questions or problems

Then you just need to have the salesletter connected to your payment processor which then

forwards to your download page so your customers can download their product straight after

they pay.

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Which Payment Processor to Use?

Most people just use PayPal to collect payments online, and that is one option, but they have

been known to close accounts very readily, especially if something like a stolen credit card is

used to pay for something of yours, which is hardly your fault! So you might want to consider

these alternatives:

Clickbank.com - the number 1 payment processor for digital items, they take payment, pay any

affiliates and give you your money. Easy to setup and use but you have to get your product

approved so it can't be on any of their prohibited topics (head over to Clickbank - Getting

Started to check what the topics are).

You also need to head over to that page to make sure that your salesletter and download page

comply with their rules, they have specific rules about what you must include on your pages if

you are going to get approved, like telling the prospect how and when they can get their

product after purchase, that kind of thing. Only if you have all that in place will you stand a

chance of getting approved.

2Checkout.com - these are another large payment processor online, they will handle all your

payments for you and they also have the ability to handle an affiliate program for you I believe,

the only difference is that it is nowhere near as easy to use as Clickbank for potential affiliates,

so you won't get as many unless you actively promote the affiliate side of things.

Google Checkout - the payment processor from Google, if you use this processor on your site

and you advertise in Google Adwords then you get a funky little Google Checkout sign

underneath your ad to draw attention to it! They are easy to use and reliable, but they don't

handle affiliate tracking and payment for you.

PayDotCom.com - I see these sometimes labelled as a payment processor, when in fact they

just an affiliate processor, they sit in front of your PayPal account and track if an affiliate makes

a sale and tells you what you need to pay them.

Which leads me nicely into talking about your affiliate program…

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Affiliate Program

Affiliates can be some of the best sources of traffic that you can get, so you need to seriously

consider having an affiliate program.

An affiliate is someone who makes sales for you in return for a percentage of that sale. So they

send traffic to your site all day long and only when that converts to a sale and you make money

do they get paid, perfect!

Of course you need a product that converts well in order to keep affiliates, if they send you lots

of traffic and your salesletter doesn't convert that traffic into some sales for them then they will

stop promoting your site and move on… that is where a good copywriter is worth their weight

in gold!

If you go for Clickbank as your payment processor then all of this is handled for you, there are

loads of sites out there that teach affiliates how to promote Clickbank products so they will

know what they need to do with your links etc, also there is a marketplace where affiliates can

browse through all the products including yours and pick the ones they want to promote

quickly and easily.

If you go for PayDotCom.com then that also has a marketplace affiliates can browse, but they

only record who makes sales and how much you owe them in commissions. All the money goes

straight to you into your Paypal account and you need to arrange payment for the affiliates

yourself every month or 2 weeks, whatever time period you want.

That may sound easy enough, but then you are also responsible for refunds, and if someone

refunds on a product you've paid an affiliate for already, then things can get messy…

2checkout are another option, but I've never used their affiliate tracking before and don't know

anyone that has, so it is hard to comment on it.

The obvious answer seems to be Clickbank, especially with your first product, if you are

approved then it is just so much easier!

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Spit & Polish

We're onto the final straight now, you are almost there!

Now you need to run through everything from a customer's perspective, go to your site, does it

look ok? Does it look ok in the Firefox browser as that sometimes shows websites a bit


Do all the purchase links work on your site? Do the links to the disclaimer, contact page and

privacy policy (and affiliate page if you have one) work and are those links on the bottom of

every page?

Are you sure the salesletter looks and reads ok? Do the testimonials look ok or should you

move them?

Then make a test sale, check that you get to the download page after payment (with Clickbank

you can make a test sale easily, with other processors you may have to actually pay to see that

it works properly). Then check that you can download and open the product (a big thing that

people often don't check!).

Check that your contact details are on the thank you page so that if someone does have a

problem then they can contact you - after all they just paid you money so you don't want them

frustrated trying to download the product and have them ask for a refund if they can't figure it


Only after all that is done and you are totally happy with it should you then start to promote it!

But first sit back and relax, you are now a product owner ready to take on the world!

Final thoughts

So that should be everything you need to take you from rough idea to polished diamond of a


Of course there are more things you can do like building a list of customers after they get to the

thank you page etc., but I wanted to keep it simple so you stood the best chance of getting this


If you have done all the steps then well done! Things only get easier from here, you have learnt

some valuable skills and the next time you create a product it will be faster and the end result

will be better. You can even branch out into video and audio products as well now!

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Or you can improve the product you just made, make some additional reports and give

customers the option to upgrade to the 'platinum' package so you make more money per sale.

Don't forget to promote this product though, that should be the main focus of your efforts now,

don't make the mistake that most people make and run off to make product 2 thinking that

product 1 will sell itself!

Get traffic and sales for this product first, then spend some time developing product 2 while

STILL promoting product 1, maybe then try to get as many affiliates on board as possible so that

you can step back and let them promote for you?

Either way, you can taken a huge step towards success now, take a break for a few days - you

deserve it!

All the Best to You!!!

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The Traffic Blackbook

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