eclass j shon seismic waves

Seismic Waves Class J, Shon N

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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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Seismic WavesClass J, Shon N

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Primary - Also calling as P-wave, this type of waves are moving to become together.


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Secondary waves - also calling as S-Wave this type of wave is more dangerous than Primary wave because this wave moving up & down.

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Body - also calling as C-Wave this wave is most important and dangerouses wave because this wave moves to everywhere

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1) How are the Seismic waves creates?2) Which wave is the most dangerous and why?3) How many waves are there?


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1) Elastic wave of the Earth produced by a Earthquake.2) The C-Wave is most dangerous wave because move of this wave

spreates to everywhere.3) There is 3 Different type of waves, that waves are Primary P-

wave, Secondary S-wave, Body C-wave.


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The Seismic Wave has 3 different type of Waves. The first wave is Primary P-Wave they moving left to right and than right to left. The Second wave is Secondary wave S-Wave this wave more dangerous than Primary wave because this wave moving up & down. The last and most dangerous Wave is C-Wave because this wave spreating throught everywhere.


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Glossary." 7bcore3 -. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>.
