eco - discovery centre ec

Ecologically sustainable DEVELOPMENT F15 – Lauren, Rosalind and Lily

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Ecologically sustainable DEVELOPMENT

F15 – Lauren, Rosalind and Lily

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The Centres

The Community HallThe Information Centre(by the Marketing Consultant)

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The Discovery Centre

The Main Building

The Cafe

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Introduction SustainableConcepts

My sustainable ideas

Encouraging Sustainability



Sustainability Videos

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Introduction: The Public Space

• Our team, ECO (Environment and Community Organisation) is taking part in a government launched competition to design, develop and submit a proposal to redesign Wentworth Point, from an industrial area to a thriving community. The most popular reason why Wentworth Point is an ideal place to redevelop, is because of the location, as it is suitable and valuable for offering opportunities to connect and grow a new community, as it is close to the Parramatta River, sporting facilities, shopping centres, major businesses and vibrant restaurants. The new design of Wentworth Point should encourage people to visit, work, live alongside playing and learning. It should also include solutions to promote connectedness and the community. It should also be a sustainable area, and include sustainable features.

• As an Environmental Consultant, I have to design a building called the ‘Discovery Centre’ as well as justify reasons for the architecture and features I have chosen, based upon sustainability.

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Sustainability definition

Sustainability is a key factor to consider when designing a building. We need to look after the environment and make sure we are using the most sustainable options, and make sure that we think about its’ sustainability in the future. There is an increasing demand on sustainable buildings because they will benefit society in more ways than normal non-sustainable buildingsA sustainable building would include at least one of the following aspects:• It continues to serve its purpose and maintain itself, or enhanced for the benefit of

future generations. This would include making sure that it will endure long-term weather, vandalism and decay.

• To reduce our dependence use of fossil fuels• To reduce our dependence on synthetic chemicals (aerosol cans)• To reduce our destruction of nature and conserve biological diversity and

ecological integrity. This includes making sure that we don’t harm wildlife or create more pollution or greenhouse gases, or damaging the earth.

• Sharing resources or creating systems that promote recycling and less waste. This includes using recycled, renewable and/or reusable materials to further benefit society, to make sure that we are not disrupting nature or impacting the environment

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What is sustainability (video)

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Sustainable design in practice (video)

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Encouraging Sustainability

Sustainability is the most important factor to consider for this generation as we are faced with arising issues. We aim for sustainability because of the rising in population (stats show that the population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050). This would mean that the demand for a variety of buildings will be much greater.Another important reason is because we are harming the earth by creating greenhouse gases, widening the hole in the ozone and polluting the earth’s natural resources.The population of the earth has also been depending on resources that are running out and are non-renewable, such as the fossil fuels – coal, natural gas and oil. These materials are used up more quickly than they can replenish themselves.

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My sustainable ideas

• I have included aspects such as renewable and recycled materials such as timbers and wood which are definitely renewable, as well as 100% recyclable, reusable and refillable glass. I have chosen for the

• I have included the native plants (such as bottle-brush) and trees (blue gum) that will encourage native species to inhabit Wentworth Point. I will also try my best to ensure we don’t cut down excess trees, by possibly keeping trees that are currently standing.

• I have ensured that the building is properly made so that there it continues to stand without decaying or rotting.

• But I also have to ensure that we are not stopping people from getting their needs.

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Energy Source – Solar Panels

• ECO has chosen to include the use of solar panels on the roof all our buildings, as this is a sustainable energy source as it is generating energy that naturally comes from the sun, and will not run out. It is a renewable energy source, and will most definitely reduce the electricity cost as well as reducing the fossil fuels that would be burnt to create the electricity. This would benefit the environment as it is not using non-renewable energy sources and will not run out, and will reduce the pollution in the air which is used to create electricity. Solar Panels can generate electricity to power most appliances in all of the centres.

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Water Source – Water Tank

• ECO has chosen to include water tanks in the exterior of all buildings as this is an effective method to preserve water that could be used for many appliances such as toilet and watering systems. This will definitely contribute in making the centres more sustainable, as it gives the centre their own personal water supply and saving the world’s most scarcest natural resource. It will also reduce the water bill greatly, and will save energy transporting water from home to home.

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Recycling Waste –Chicken coops and Vegetable Patches

• Recycling our waste is an effective method to be sustainable, as we are reducing the amount of organic waste that ends up at the landfill and the associated release of methane, a greenhouse gas that is particularly damaging to the environment. It also reduces the fossil fuels that would be used to transport the waste to the landfill.

• By creating chicken coops, instead of discarding our waste into a rubbish bin which ends up in a dump, we could feed chickens who would potentially create eggs for us in return.

• A compost bin and a worm farm are other methods of discarding waste as the worms break-down food scraps into nutrient-rich soil, which would help your gardens and vegetable patch develop.

• This is recycling our waste to benefit our gardens, as we can use the waste we produce to create a free source of garden fertiliser that improves your soils and fertilise your plants.

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Travel Methods – Bike Racks and Bus Stops

• Our organisation have inserted features to encourage citizens of Wentworth Point to take alternative transport methods than cars. Cars burn petrol which is a fossil fuel which is non-renewable and release toxins that are extremely harmful to the environment, and polluting to the air.

• A smarter travel plan is to take a bus to the centre and back, as we have inserted a bus-stop as a feature in our design of the Sketch-up. They are a great way of reducing air pollution as it transports a large quantity of citizens all going to the same place, which also would reduce pollution.

• Bike racks situated outside of the Discovery Centre would encourage more and more people to ride their bikes to the centre and back, (and lock their bike up outside the centre). Riding a bike to destinations are extremely beneficial as you are getting fit and physically exercised, and you are not damaging the environment.