economic study for elect gen 29-3-2011-merge

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  • 7/31/2019 Economic Study for Elect Gen 29-3-2011-Merge


    Economic Feasibility StudyFor Electricity Generation

    from Sea Waves Energy

  • 7/31/2019 Economic Study for Elect Gen 29-3-2011-Merge


    Table of Contents


    Project Description

    Likely Project Clients

    Chapter One: Sources of Electrical Energy Generation Used in theEgyptian Network

    1.1 Hydraulic Generating Stations

    1.2 Steam Generating Station

    1.3 Internal Combustion Engines Generating Stations1.4 Compound Generation Stations

    1.5 Wind Power Generating Stations

    1.6 Solar Energy Generating Stations

    1.7 Nuclear Generating Stations

    Chapter Two: Estimation of the Investment Costs and Calculation of the

    Elements of Income of the Project

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    2.2.6. Liabilities Interests

    2.2.7. Cost of After Sales Service

    2.3. Estimation of Income

    2.4 Costs of a Unit of Production

    2.5. Project Income Statement

    2.6 Project Cash flow Statement

    Chapter Three: Indicators of the Project Economic Feasibility

    3.1. The Present Net Worth for the Cash Flow

    3.2. Payback Period for the Project

    3.3. Internal Rate of Return

    3.4. Measuring the Relative Advantage of the Project

    3.4.1 Cost of Kw.h. Using Diesel Generator

    3.4.2. Cost of government electrical power The cost of domestic use Prices for Commercial Uses3.4.2.3. Prices for Industrial Uses

    3.4.3 Cost of Generated Electricity from the Project Station

  • 7/31/2019 Economic Study for Elect Gen 29-3-2011-Merge



    PrefaceDuring summer Egypt becomes exposed to hot waves where ambient

    temperature exceeds 450c during the day time and this forms a threat

    of power station failures due to the excessive electrical demand loads

    to operate air conditioning units to overcome such temperatures. This

    is expected to increase to reach temperatures in the Gulf area during

    the upcoming years.

    The Egyptian ministry of Energy and electricity resorted to

    disconnecting electrical power from some districts for periods of half

    hour to one hour to prevent electrical network failures in Egypt. Also,

    the ministry of Electricity asked the citizens to participate in solving

    the electrical power crises during peak hours and also to reduceconsumption particularly in using air conditioning which is widely used

    as a result of the large financial facilities offered by the producing


    The electrical power demand in Egypt have increased such that the

    peak loads increased from 3206 megawatt in 1980/1981 to 22750megawatt in 2009/2010 and this was accompanied by an increase in

    generated power from 20 billion Kw h to 129 billion kilowatt hour in

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    From the above, it becomes important to search for other sources of

    generating electricity that is economical in production and utilization

    by consumers.

    Project Description

    The invention is a device which transfer sea waves energy into

    electrical energy and the can transform more than 90% of the sea

    wave internal energy of the motion into kinetic energy whereas the

    capability of the other sources in transforming the internal energy into

    kinetic energy does not exceed 20%.

    The invention obtained an Egyptian Patent number 27404 on

    2/6/2010 and is registered internationally according to the following

    1. PCT Application: International application number: PCT/EG2007/000014


    Inventor: EL-Fikky, Alaa ElDeen Hassan (EG/EG); 6 El Negma

    Street, Heliuopoliss, P.O. 11351, Cairo(EG).

    International publication date 6 November 2008

    International publication Number: WO 2008/131786 A1

    International Patent Classification: F03B 13/18 (2006.01)

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    Probable Customers for the Project

    It is expected that the probable customers are from the projects closer tothe north coast where the sea waves are high and suitable to operate the

    station and therefore it is possible to be useful for:

    Coastal Villages

    Coastal Hotels

    Installation of stations for the distribution companies owned by theElectrical Distribution Holding Company as a giant project which will

    cover the gap in the current demand between the loads and the

    generated electrical energy.

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    Sources of Electrical Energy Generation Used

    in the Egyptian Network

    1.8 Hydraulic Generating Stations

    These stations are in the High Dam, Aswan Dam, Esna and Naga Hamady.

    The generation of electricity is based on the difference in water levels

    between two points and by using the potential energy resulting from the

    water fall, the turbines are rotated which in turn rotates the generator to

    supply the electrical power.

    The source of energy generated is the cleanest and cheapest source,

    however, it cant be relied on greatly specially in summer as the powerformthese station relies on the irrigation water discharge which is determined by

    the Ministry of Water Resources in addition to the negative effect of

    temperature rise during the summer season as well as the aging of a large

    proportion of these stations which has been in operation since the sixties.

    Therefore the hydraulic power represents only 9.2% of the total power in


    The following table shows the saving in the use of fuel as a result of relying

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    1.9 Steam Generating Station

    Steam Power Stations rely on obtaining steam in its gaseous form(Superheated Steam) resulting from boiling water using natural gas. The

    steam is ejected through valves which will rotate the turbine which then

    rotates the generator. These stations use different types of the available

    fuels like coal, liquid petroleum, and natural or synthetic fuel gas.

    The steam stations are large and their costs are low relative to their largecapabilities and have the advantage of the possible use in desalination.

    This dual function makes it useful in places where there is lack of non-

    saline fresh water and therefore it is usually built closer to sea coasts. Also,

    they are built near rivers. Stations are built closer to electrical energy

    consumption centers to save the costs of constructing transmission lines.

    In Egypt, these stations are in Shoubra Al Khaima west Cairo Korimat

    Sidi Kirir Abu Qir while the consumption centers are in the cities and

    populated areas, commercial centers and industrial areas. The stations of

    this type generate 38.5% of the total power generated from generating


    1.10 Internal Combustion Engines Generating Stations

    Power plants using Internal Combustion use fuel oil or natural gas which

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    1.12 Wind Power Generating Stations

    Egypt enjoys a relatively steady wind activity and a speed reaching (8 to 10m/s) in the Suez gulf area and the red sea coast between Ras Ghareb and

    Safaga as well as in Sharq El Owinat. Wind Power generating plants have

    been installed in Hurgada and Zafarana for a total power of 145 Mw, saving

    up to 125 thousand tons of equivalent petroleum fuel per year which

    reflects positively on the economics of the renewable energy projects.

    The total electrical power generated from the wind power plants reach 1122

    Mw.h (0.08% of the power generated from other plants) and this has a

    running cost of 172 Million pounds where the average cost is EGP 0.15 per

    kw.h. from Zafarana plant and 1.07 from Hurgada and is being sold to

    distribution companies at EGP 0.142 per kw.h. where the Government

    subsidize the price difference. The New and Renewable EnergyOrganization incurred losses of EGP 129 million during 2009/2010 after the

    addition of EGP 241.5 million to its expenses, being the interests on debts

    resulting from financing its investments using local and external finances,

    which reflects the high costs of these investments which exceeds EGP 2

    billion and contributes only 0.08% of the generated energy.

    1.13 Solar Energy Generating Stations

    Th b f h f hi i th t i l f i l

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    The difference in the nuclear power stations is that instead of the chamber

    where the fuel ignites there is a nuclear reactor where heat is generated as

    a result of uranium atom splitting due to the impacts of the electrons

    moving in the outer layer of the atom. This huge thermal energy is used in

    boiling water in water boilers and evaporating it into a very high pressure

    and temperature steam. Egypt started to construct the first nuclear reactor

    in " EL Dabaa " .

    Distribution of generated power according to the type of generation (Kw.h.)


    Hydraulic Power Plants 12,862

    Thermal Power Stations distributed as follow:

    Steam 53,520

    Gas 11,429

    Combined Cycle 46,621


    Wind Generated Energy station in Zafranaa Kw.h 1,122

    Power purchased from the industrial companies 26

    Power Generated from private sector BOOT 13,184

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    Chapter Two

    Estimation of the Investment Costs andCalculation of the Elements of Income of the Project

    In this chapter, the investment costs for the project are estimated in order

    to reach the required capital necessary to start the project then measuring

    the elements of costs of the product followed by measuring the income

    according to the volume of expected demand from the product of theproject in order to determine the benefits from the project.

    2.1. Project Investment Costs

    2.1.1. Estimation of the Cost of Adminstration Building:

    It is a place characterized by easily accessible and is located in the middleof a classy and an area of 200 m and estimated price per meter

    comprehensive finishes and trims the necessary and appropriate about

    4000 pounds, total value 800.000 L.E

    2.1.2. Equipment and Tools:

    The project relies on installing production line to assemble the purchased

    equipment components procured from the suppliers and hence needs the

    f ll i i d l

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    2.1.3. Transportation

    The project needs Transportation Cost - 2 Toyota Busses, 14 PassengerEach. a total cost of EGP 440.000

    Adminstration Building 800.000

    Equipment and tools 61.250

    Transportation 440.000

    Total 1.301.250

    Add: Cash for starting the activities 6000.000

    Add: 10% contingency for estimation errors 130.125

    Total Investment Cost 7.431.375

    2.2. Project Running Costs

    The running costs consist of:-

    2.2.1. Labor Cost

    Th t d ti t th t di t th l l f i d

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    Unskilled(Ordinary) Worker 2 Average 3 1,000 2,000


    3 High 5 3,000 9,000

    Security Person 2 High 3 750 1500

    Drivers 2 High 5 1,200 2400

    Total 33.900

    Salaries have been calculated for the period of the study years according tothe following assumptions:

    Average rate of yearly increase in salaries is 15%. Medical Care for workers according to regulations for health


    Hours of daily work (one shift) is 8 hours including one hour rest.

    2.2.2. Cost of Production Components

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    2.2.3. Cost of Station Building

    This is the building which houses the equipment which transforms themotion energy extracted from the wave motion with a total number of 56

    pieces in addition to the generator which transforms the mechanical motion

    into electrical power.

    The building is concrete, prepared to install the equipment and is

    constructed of sea water and environment resisting materials to resist alsothe weather conditions in coastal areas. The building will be constructed

    inside the sea at a distance between 5 to 50m from the shore over an area

    of 400 Square meters, at 4 m height above sea level. The cost per square

    meter for these specifications including finishes and preparations for

    installing the equipment is estimated at EGP 3000 per square meter with a

    total of EGP 1,200,000

    2.2.4. Other Production Requirements

    Building Maintenance

    - For administrative buildings EGP 20 per Square meter, i.e. a total

    of EGP 8000 for 400 Square meters.- For production buildings EGP 5 per Square meter, i.e. a total of

    EGP 4000for 800 Square meters.

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    2.2.5. Cost of Packing:

    Packing materials consists of pallets (for every two units) and woodestimated at 0.02% of the selling value of a unit of production according to

    the average cost of packing of equipment.

    2.2.6. Liabilities Interests

    The study estimates that the project owner will borrow 30% of the

    investment costs from banks at a rate of 16% which include the cost of:

    interest, commission of highest debit, government relative stamps fee, and

    that the loan will be paid from the project income on 5 yearly installments,

    starting from the second year of its operation.

    2.2.7. Cost of After Sales Service:

    These are the maintenance services which the project is obliged to do

    during the year after selling and is estimated at 5% of the selling value of

    the sold units.

    2.3. Estimation of Income

    There is no determined price for selling the product as there are no similar

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    Therefore it is possible to start the process of supply and installation of

    several stations in different locations and hence continue in the process of

    producing equipment and the related processes to absorb the fixed costs of

    the project.

    The number of stations which the project can produce and sell each year

    can be estimated to be TWO stations in the first year, rising gradually in the

    following years.

    2.4 Costs of a Unit of Production

    Table 3 shows the unit production cost which includes the direct variable

    cost and the previously estimated fixed cost. The portion of cost for the unit

    of production from the fixed cost is estimated based on the average

    available energy for the project through the years of its useful life, less 20%

    as a contingency which represents the ability of the project to sell all its

    planned products and therefore the fixed cost can be spread over 6

    stations per year.

    2.5. Project IncomeStatement

    Table 4 in the attachment shows the project income in 8 years and the

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    understanding the liquid cash in the project during the years of its work and

    also the exposure of any form of unbalance in the financial structure of the

    project. It also gives the scenarios for the decrease in income and its effect

    on the project obligations.

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    Chapter Three

    Indicators of the Project Economic Feasibility

    This chapter discusses calculating the economic indicators of the project

    which expresses the financial status of the project during a future financial

    period as determining the payback period for the owner to get the invested

    money back from the project profit, the present value for cash flow and the

    internal rate of return.

    3.1. The Present Net Worth for the Cash Flow

    Is the present value of the cash flow of the project for a future period i.e.

    the present purchasing power of the cash flow that the project will gain inthe future. The value of one EGP which will be gained in 2013 will be

    equivalent to EGP 0.23 in 2020 and can be calculated from the following


    PV = (1/(1*1+D)k)

    Where A = Cash Flow, D = Discount Rate and K = Number of years

    The discount rate is used with a 20% to be equivalent to the expected

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    The data of the present net worth table indicate that the project can pay

    back the capital invested (EGP 1.431 million) if the assumed sales values

    in the study are achieved, in a period of one and half year. If the payback

    period is calculated on the bases of discounting the real achieved values

    during the years, we find that the payback period not to exceed the fourth

    year of operation.

    3.3. Internal Rate of Return

    The Internal Rate of Return isthe discount rate for cash flow which makes

    the total present value for the net cash flow equal to the investment cost.

    Table numbershows that the Internal Rate of Return is approximately

    116% .

    3.4. Measuring the Relative Advantage of the Project

    The relative advantage of the project is represented in the comparison

    between the investment cost and the running cost of the project with the

    alternatives of obtaining the same power from:

    Purchasing a 1000 kw.h. generator

    Or Government Electrical power

    This part answers the following question: how much is the return that the

  • 7/31/2019 Economic Study for Elect Gen 29-3-2011-Merge


    Total Investment Cost 3.550.000


    Fuel: 100 liter/hour x EGP 1.1 per liter = EGP110/hour

    For two generators = EGP 220/hour


    Oil consumption at a rate of 100 (liter/250 hour)

    x EGP 20 /Liter

    x 2 Generators=EGP 16/hour


    Periodic Maintenance and spare parts at anaverage of EGP 500/250 hours of operation =EGP 2 X 2Generators=4 per hour


    Depreciation at a rate of 10% yearly and thismeets the Useful life of the equipment

    40.5 per


    Cost of one hour work of the generators 280.50/hour

    Cost of Kw.h 0.280

    3.4.2. Cost of government electrical power

    The cost of power sold to different users:

  • 7/31/2019 Economic Study for Elect Gen 29-3-2011-Merge

    21/32 Prices for Commercial Uses

    Kw.h/month EGP/Kw.h

    First 100 0.24

    Next 101 to 250 0.36

    Next 251 to 250 0.46

    Next 601 to 1000 0.58

    More than 1000 0.60 Prices for Industrial Uses

    Peak TimeEGP/Kw.h Non PeakEGP/Kw.h

    First: Industries Requiring High Consumptionof Energy. (Cement Iron Aluminum Cupper-Fertilizers Petrochemicals)

    High Voltage 21.7 0.226

    Ordinary Voltage 26.3 0.395Medium Voltage 35.8 0.538

    Second: Glass Ceramic - Porcelain

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    or times when the waves are inadequate to operate the station the

    following will be the results:

    Type ofCost

    Cost Elements Value



    Costs of purchasing 1000 kw.h. station

    complete with all connections andpreparations inside the station

    + Standby Generator



    Total Capital Costs 6.575.000



    Cost of maintenance contract with thesupplying Company after the first year of

    operation complete with the service andspare parts EGP 50,000 / year/365days/24 hours = EGP 5.7/hour EGP 5.7 /hour

    Depreciation at 10% yearly and thismatches with the end of the useful life ofthe equipment

    Therefore, Depreciation per hour =480.000/365days/24hours = EGP 54.80



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    Therefore the final result in the case when the client consumes 600.000

    kw/.h per month

    thecase ofhotelaccountableby 45piasteirs/kw

    Using theGovernment

    Electrical Power inCommercial +

    Standby Generator

    Using 2 Diesel

    Generators to operatefor 24 hours

    Using the ProjectStation + Diesel

    Generator covering30% of operation

    EGP 211.680 EGP 168.600 EGP 47.200

    The calculations are based on the following:

    Cost of using Government electrical power = (420.000 Kw.h x

    EGP 0.45) + (180.000 kw.h x EGP 0.126) = EGP 211680

    Cost of Operating 2 Generators (one at a time, swapping oneanother) 12 hours each, the cost of operation = (Fuel EGP

    220/hour) + (Oil EGP 16 /hour) + (maintenance EGP 4/hour) +

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    If we assume that the age of plant of the proposed project 20 years, the

    volume of savings per year is about 2.11 million pounds and the

    customer can recover its expenses at the station after 2.4 years

    It is thus clear that the project achieves the client's big advantage in

    operating cost compared to other alternatives

    As far as the government is concerned, the ability of the project to generate

    electricity and the coefficient of transformation of energy are consideredadvantages, as in the overall scheme, the objective is to cover the gap in

    electrical power loads.

  • 7/31/2019 Economic Study for Elect Gen 29-3-2011-Merge


    Item Area Unit Cost Total

    Adminstration Building 200 m2 200 4,000 800,000

    Total Cost of Buildings and Construction 800,000

    Wooden (Oak) Benches 1.5 x 3 m 5 1,600 8,000

    German or Italian Tools Set 15 750 11,250

    Adminstration Furniture 1 30,000 30,000

    Comuter Sets 4 3,000 12,000

    Total Cost of Buildings and Construction 61,250

    Transportation Cost - 4 Toyota Busses, 14

    Passenger Each2 220,000 440,000

    Total Investment Costs for the Project 1,301,250

    Capital Equipment (Used in Production

    Table "1" Project Total Investment Costs

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    Parts Unit uantit Source Unit Cost Value

    Motion Guide Rails Steel

    Sections 12 cm

    m 8 Egypt 50 400

    Flanges for Fixing the Steel

    Beams in the Concrete Columns

    no 20 Egypt 6 120

    Bolts for Fixing the Steel

    Sections in the Concrete


    no 40 Egypt 1 40

    Moving Transformation Box

    Steel Sides of the Box

    800x400x5 mm

    Kg 30 Egypt 6 180

    Base and Cover of the box 200x

    800x 10 mm

    Kg 30 Egypt 6 180

    First: Cost of the Components of an Apparatus for Transformation of Energy

    Transformation of Power 18 - 30 kw.h

    Table No "2" Direct Cost of Protioon of Electrical Generation Station

    Motion Guides

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    Rotation Unidirection Fixation


    no 2 Foreign 1200 2400

    Motion Directing Gears inside

    the Box Fixed to the Motion

    Direction Fixation Units

    no 4 Egypt 120 480

    Bolts for for Fixing the Rotation

    Motion Direction Unit

    no 20 Egypt 1 20

    Steel Rollers to Maintain the

    Chain Position in Side the Box

    no 10 Egypt 25 250

    Steel Rollers Fixing Components no 20 Egypt 0.2 4

    Motion Transmission ShaftBearin Fixed in the Box

    no 1 Egypt 650 650

    Bolts fo Fixing the Bearing no 8 Egypt 1 8

    Impact Receing Flanges in Top

    and Bottom of the Box

    no 2 Egypt 140 280

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    Sping Guide Shaft Fixed in the


    no 3 Egypt 55 165

    Motion Transmission Gears

    Lower End Gear to Fix the Chain


    no 1 Egypt 120 120

    Main Tranmission Gear no 1 Egypt 120 120

    Rotation Unidirection Fixation

    Unit with the Main Gear Fixed

    no 1 Foreign 1200 1200

    Motion Transmission Patrs

    Main Shaft for Motion

    Transmission from the Float to

    the Transformation Mobile Box

    m 4 Egypt 60 240

    Main Rotation Shaft Connected

    to Main Motion TransmissionGear

    m 0.5 Egypt 220 110

    Transmission Gears from the the no 3 Egypt 200 600

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    Connection with Several Axis

    Fixed at the End of the Rotating


    no 1 Foreign 220 220

    Bearings for Rotatin Shafts

    Including the Roller Bearings

    no 2 Egypt 120 240

    Chain Size 60 m 20 Foreign 40 800


    Float 2.5 m Diam. And 2 m


    Kg 1100 Egypt 5 5500

    Negative Pressure ChamberFixed below the Float 2m Diam

    and 2.5m Height

    Kg 600 Egypt 5 3000

    Axial Connection to Fix the

    Vertical Transmission Shaft

    Connected to the Moving Box

    no 1 Egypt 550 550

    Chemical Treatment and

    External Surface Paint of the


    1 Egypt 1500 1500

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    Item Value

    First: Variable Cost of Production

    Direct Production Components 2,397,304

    Packing Materials 19,200

    Equipment and Transport Maintenance 10,025

    Building Maintenance 4,000Cost of After Sales Services for Sold Stations 480,000

    Vehicle Fuel 79,200

    Cost of Station Building 1,200,000

    Total Variable Production Cost 4,189,729

    Second: Fixed Production Cost

    Salaries 101,700

    Debit Interests 89,177

    Depreciation of Fixed Assets 22,531

    Total Fixed Production Cost 213,408.00

    Total Production Costs for the Station 4,403,137

    add : 25% Adminstrative costs 1 100 784

    Table "3" Cost of Production Unit

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    Item 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

    No of sold production units 2 3 5 7 10 12 15 20

    Price of unit of production 4,800,000 4,800,000 4,800,000 5,040,000 5,292,000 5,556,600 5,834,430 6,126,152

    Total selling Value 9,600,000 14,400,000 24,000,000 35,280,000 52,920,000 66,679,200 87,516,450 122,523,030

    Direct Production Requirements 4,794,586 7,191,878 11,986,464 16,781,050 23,972,928 28,767,514 35,959,392 47,945,856

    Filling and Packing Material 19,200 28,800 48,000 70,560 105,840 133,358 175,033 245,046

    Maintenance of Equip. and Transport 10,025 12,531 15,038 20,050 27,569 35,088 40,100 45,113

    Buildings Maintenance 4,000 4,200 4,410 4,631 4,862 5,105 5,360 5,628

    Cost of after sales Servicing Sold Stations 480,000 720,000 1,200,000 1,764,000 2,646,000 3,333,960 4,375,823 6,126,152

    Vehicles Fuel 79,200 81,576 84,023 86,544 89,140 91,815 94,569 97,406

    Cost of Station Building 2,400,000 3,960,000 6,600,000 9,240,000 13,200,000 15,840,000 19,800,000 26,400,000

    Total of variable Production Cost 7,787,011 11,998,986 19,937,935 27,966,834 40,046,339 48,206,839 60,450,277 80,865,200

    Wages and Salaries 406,800 467,820.0 537,993.0 618,692.0 711,495.7 818,220.1 940,953.1 1,082,096.1

    Debit Interests 356,706 356,706 285,365 214,024 142,682 71,341 - -

    Depreciation of Fixed Assets 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125

    Total Fixed Production Costs 853,631 914,651 913,483 922,841 944,303 979,686 1,031,078 1,172,221

    Total Production Costs 8,640,642 12,913,637 20,851,418 28,889,675 40,990,642 49,186,525 61,481,355 82,037,422

    Net Result 959,358 1,486,363 3,148,582 6,390,325 11,929,358 17,492,675 26,035,095 40,485,608

    Income Taxes 191,872 297,273 629,716 1,278,065 2,385,872 3,498,535 5,207,019 8,097,122

    Net After Taxes 767,487 1,189,091 2,518,866 5,112,260 9,543,486 13,994,140 20,828,076 32,388,487

    Table 4: Project Income Statement

    First: Income

    Second: Cost

    Third: Net Project Results

    Second: Fixed Production Costs

    First:Variable Production Cost

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    Item 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

    Net Profit After Tax 767,487 1,189,091 2,518,866 5,112,260 9,543,486 13,994,140 20,828,076 32,388,487

    Add Annual Depreciation 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125 90,125

    Subtract installement of Loan Pay 445,833 445,833 445,833 445,833 445,833

    Net Cash Flow 857,612 833,383 2,163,158 4,756,552 9,187,778 13,638,432 20,918,201 32,478,612

    Item 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

    Net Cach Flow 857,612 833,383 2,163,158 4,756,552 9,187,778 13,638,432 20,918,201 32,478,612

    Rate of Return 0.833 0.694 0.579 0.482 0.402 0.335 0.279 0.233

    Net Present Value of Cash Flow 714,676 578,738 1,251,828 2,293,862 3,692,362 4,567,612 5,837,887 7,553,517

    Average Present Value for Net Cash Flow

    2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

    ( 1+D )K 2.169 4.705 10.204 22.133 48.006 104.126 225.848 489.865

    1/( 1+D )K 0.461 0.213 0.098 0.045 0.021 0.010 0.004 0.002

    PVE 395,395 177,144 211,987 214,909 191,387 130,981 92,621 66,301






    Table No "7" internal rate of return"

    Table No "5" Cash Flow Statement

    Table No "6" Present Net Value For Incoming Cash Flow

    Cash Flow