ecumed sizing report for the first phase rev_0 mch (réparé) (2)

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  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    Project: ECUMED -El BibaneFeasibility Study for EBB Plant Upgrade For Gas

    Commerciali ationProject NO Contract NO EPPM document NO

    Clientdocument NO


    !"##$#% &'(

    ))))) ))))) ))))) *

    Date XX/XX/XXXX Page # of +(


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",


    1 21/0 /201! "##ued $ora%%roval

    &'N'-MC( MC( M)"

    0 1*/0 /201! "##ued $orRevie+ &'N' MC( M)"

    001/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    P"'CESS "E3.E& "E-U."ED M'D.F.C!,.'/ "EP'",

    /'4 "###%5"P,5P"5**5**#"E34!P!GE: % $ 6(

    "E3 D!,E Designation/!ME 3.S! /!ME 3.S! /!ME 3.S!

    Prepared by 3eri7ed by !ppro8ed by

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S,P!",

    /'4"E34 *P!GE: ( $ 6(

    "e8isions report:

    "e8ision /o "e8ision Description0 "##ued $or Revie+1 "##ued $or '%%roval


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9 $ 6(

    , !B2E 'F C '/,E/,S

    1. INTRODUCTION................................................................... ............ ......... 6

    1.1 G ENERAL.................................................................................................................6

    1.2 P ROJECT DETAILED S COPE ...........................................................................................6

    1.3 D OCUMENT S COPE .....................................................................................................7

    1.4 D EFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................7

    1.4.1 DEF IN IT ION S................................. ................................. .................................. ....... ...... ....... ..... 7

    1.4.2 ABB REV IAT IO NS.............................................................................................................................8

    1.5 U NITS O F MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................8

    2. DESIGN DATA..........................................................................................10

    2.1 E NVIRONMENTAL DATA..............................................................................................10

    2.1.1 CL IMAT IC AN DM ETE ORO LOG ICALC OND IT IO NS...........................................................................................................................10

    2.1.2 GR OUN DAN DS OIL CO ND IT IONS...........................................................................................................................11

    2.2 ELLS! LOCATION ...................................................................................................11

    2.3 P ROCESS DESIGN D ATA............................................................................................11

    2.3.1 EL L"E AD PA RAMET ER S...........................................................................................................................11

    2.3.2 CO MPO SIT IO NS...........................................................................................................................12

    2.4 CPFDES IGN PARAME TER S...........................................................................................................................122.5 GAS RE #U IR ED SPE CIF IC AT IO N $STEGSPE CIF IC ATIONS%...........................................................................................................................12

    3. CALCULATION METHODS.......................................................... ............ ...13

    3.1 P ROCESS DESIGN TOOLS ..........................................................................................13

    3.2 T "ERMOD NAMICS ...................................................................................................13

    3.3 M ODEL D ESCRIPTION ' B ATTER LIMITS AND ASSUMPTIONS ...............................................13

    3.3.1 FLU ID R ESE RVOIR...........................................................................................................................13

    3.3.2 EL L"E ADS...........................................................................................................................14

    3.3.3 PIPE L IN E...........................................................................................................................14

    3.3.4 FIRS TS EPA RATION...........................................................................................................................14

    3.3.5 AMIN E UN IT...........................................................................................................................14

    3.3.6 GL&C OL DE "&DRAT ION UN IT...........................................................................................................................14

    3.3.7 CO NDE NS AT ER EMOVA L UN IT...........................................................................................................................15

    3.3.8 INJEC TION G ASC OMP RES SO R...........................................................................................................................16

    3.3.( CO NDE NS AT ES TAB IL I) AT ION...........................................................................................................................16

    4. DESIGN OF THE NEW AMINE UNIT............................................................ 20

    4.1 SELECTION FACTORS FOR T"E T PE OF AMINE................................................................20

    4.2 CO 2 SELECTIVIT .................................................................................................20


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: + $ 6(

    4.3 * INETICS OF REACTION IT" CO2..............................................................................20

    4.4 C ORROSIVIT ..........................................................................................................21

    4.5 A MINE CONSUMPTION AND PRICE................................................................................21

    4.6 T "ERMOD NAMICS OF REACTION IT" CO2..................................................................214.7 M AIN E#UIPMENTS S I)ING .........................................................................................21

    4.7.1 DET ER MIN AT ION OF AM IN EF LO RATE...........................................................................................................................21

    4.7.2 SI) IN G OFCO2ABSORB ER...........................................................................................................................22

    4.7.3 AMIN E REG ENERATOR...........................................................................................................................23

    4.7.4 LEA NA MINE CIRCUL AT ION PUM PS...........................................................................................................................23

    4.8 SI) IN G OF" EAT E+C" AN GER...........................................................................................................................24

    4.8.1 SI) IN G OFLE AN AMIN EA IR C OOLER...........................................................................................................................24

    4.8.2 SI) IN G OFR IC ",LEA NA MINE "EAT E +C"A NG ER...........................................................................................................................244.8.3 SI) IN G OFR EGENE RAT OR C ONDENS ER...........................................................................................................................25

    4.8.4 SI) IN G OFR EGENE RAT OR R EBOILER...........................................................................................................................25

    4.8.5 SI) IN G OFA MINE FLAS "D RUM...........................................................................................................................26

    5. REVISION OF TEG UNIT DESIGN.............................................. ............ .....26

    5.1 REVISION OF TEG CONTACTOR DESIGN..................................................................26

    5.2 CURRENT TEG REGENERATION UNIT DESIGN......................................................28

    5.2.1 GL&C OL FLAS "TAN* OPE RAT IN G DATA AND DIME NS IO NS...........................................................................................................................28

    5.2.2 "E AT E +C "A NGERS INP UT DATA...........................................................................................................................2( AIR,G L&CO L"EAT E+C" AN GER E320...........................................................................................................................2( GL&C OL,G L&C OL " EAT E+C" ANGER...........................................................................................................................2( GL&C OL REG EN,DR& GAS ECO NOMI)E R...........................................................................................................................2(

    5.3 GL&C OL PUM PS...........................................................................................................................30

    5.4 CO NDE NSE RC OIL E+C" AN GER...........................................................................................................................30

    5.5 RE GEN ERATO R RE BOILE R...........................................................................................................................30

    5.6 LGSTR IP P IN G COLU MN...........................................................................................................................30

    5.7 LGST IL LC OLUMN-...........................................................................................................................315.8 REGENERATION PROCESS TROUBLE S"OUTING ................................................................32

    5.8.1 STR IP P IN G GAS FLORATE...........................................................................................................................32

    5.8.2 STR IP P IN G GAS COLU MN DES IGN $DIAME TER %...........................................................................................................................33

    6. NEW CHILLING UNIT................................................................................34

    6.1 R EFRIGERANT FLUID SELECTION ..................................................................................34

    6.2 P ROPANE RECEIVER .................................................................................................34

    6.3 P ROPANE COMPRESSOR ............................................................................................35

    6.4 P ROPANE CONDENSER ..............................................................................................35

    6.5 P ROPANE ECONOMI)ER VJ 4003-...............................................................................36

    6.6 G AS,P ROPANE " EAT E+C"ANGER EJ 4003...................................................................36


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 6 $ 6(

    6.7 G AS,G AS O UTLET COLD S EPARATOR " EAT E+C"ANGER EJ 4001A...................................37

    6.8 G AS,LI#UID " EAT E+C"ANGER EJ 4002......................................................................37

    6.( C OLD S EPARATOR ....................................................................................................37

    7. NITROGEN SKID...................................................................................... 38

    8. SIZING OF I ELINE................................................................................ 3!

    !. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................... 42

    10. A ENDICES........................................................................................... 44

    10.1 APPENDI+ 1- RECIRCULATION RATE OF DEA SOLUTION ..................................................44

    10.2 APPENDI+ 2- AMINE CONTACTOR DIAMETER CALCULATION ..............................................44

    10.3 APPENDI+ 3- AMINE REGENERATOR DIAMETER CALCULATION ..........................................44

    10.4 APPENDI+ 4- GPSA STANDARD FOR TEG CONTACTOR SI)ING ........................................45

    10.5 APPENDI+ 5- NORSO* STANDARD FOR SI)ING OF GAS LINE.............. ....... ...... ....46

    10.6 APPENDI+ 6- AMINE UNIT "EAT E+C"ANGERS TEMA S"EETS........................ ......47

    10.7 APPENDI+ 7- GLCOL UNIT "EAT E+C"ANGERS TEMA S"EETS...................... ......4(

    10.8 APPENDI+ 8- C"ILLING UNIT "EAT E+C"ANGERS TEMA S"EETS........ ...... ....... ....52

    10.( APPENDI+ (- STRIPPING GAS COLUMN DESIGN................................ ...... ....... ...... 56




  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: $ 6(

    #4 ./,"'DUC,.'/

    1 1. ENER')

    El- i ane o # ore +ell# are located at a out 1* 3m far from t e CP$ 4t eon# ore central %roce##ing facilit56 #ituated on t e to+n of 7ar8i#

    Pre#entl59 El- i ane :eld i# o%erating a# de#cri ed elo+;

    - Producing from t e o # ore +ell E > e %roduction i# andled to t e CP$ t roug an *? #ea line and t e treated ga#

    i# rerouted from t e CP$ to e re-injected t roug ? #ea line

    Figure #: ,;e 'ns;ore ℓeads Con7guration

    1 2P RO@EC> DE>'")ED &COPE

    > e main engineering ta#3# for t i# %roject can e #ummari8ed into t ree 4!6%art# a# follo+#;

    1/ $ea#i ilit5 #tud5 for #elling 1/! of ga# %roduction and injection of t e

    remaining Auantit5;

    - Pre%are t e reAuired #imulation# to #ell ,-= MM&C$D and inject B-11

    MM&C$D of ga# in order to recover conden#ate

    - De:ne t e reAuired %roce## modi:cation# for t e :r#t % a#e

    - Perform needed calculation# for modi:ed or %otential additional reAuired



  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: < $ 6(

    - Develo% t e co#t e#timation for t e related modi:cation#

    - a#ed on t e recovered conden#ate Auantit5 and t e ga# #ale#9 develo%

    t e :r#t % a#e economic anal5#i#

    2/ $ea#i ilit5 #tud5 for #elling t e total ga# %roduction;

    - Pre%are t e reAuired #imulation# for treatment of 1= MM&C$D of ga# to

    t e #ale# #%eci:cation; t e total ga# %roduction +ill e #old and no re-

    injection to e con#idered > u#9 no conden#ate recover5 o%timi8ation to

    e con#idered ot er t an t e ga# treatment reAuired to meet commercial

    #%eci:cation# Conden#ate recover5 +ill #till e %o##i le and it +ill e #old


    - De:ne t e reAuired %roce## modi:cation# for t e #econd % a#e

    - Perform needed calculation# for modi:ed or %otential additional reAuired


    - Develo% t e co#t e#timation for t e related modi:cation#

    - a#ed on t e ga# #ale# develo% t e #econd % a#e economic anal5#i#

    - '# an alternative economic o%tion9 one anal5#i# +ill e made for t e

    im%lementation of t e reAuired modi:cation# on t e facilitie# to treat t ecom%lete 1= MM&C$D in one time and to #tart treatment of onl5 ,-=

    MM&C$D in t e :r#t % a#e and u#e t e remaining Auantit5 to recover


    !/ $ea#i ilit5 #tud5 for #ale# ga# tran#%ortation

    - '##e##ment of t e di erent t5%e# of ga# tran#%ortation met od#9 de%end

    on t e tie-in %oint location and ga# c aracteri#tic# > e o%tion of

    tran#%ortation of non treated ga# +ill e al#o a##e##ed

    - Pre%are t e reAuired #imulation#/ 5draulic calculation# for tran#%ort of

    1= MM&C$D of ga# to a tie-in %oint to t e &>E. net+or3

    - a#ed on t e ga# #ale# develo% an economic anal5#i#

    ,;e present report is de8oted to t;e 7rst p;ase= t;e feasibility study for

    selling #$( of gas production and injection of t;e remaining >uantity4

    1 !D OC MEN> &COPE > e o jective of t i# document i# to c ec3 t e o%era ilit5 and t e adeAuac5 of

    t e e i#ting facilitie# and to #i8e reAuired additional eAui%ment# on ot CP$


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: ? $ 6(

    and ot er unit# relevant to El i ane $ield Develo%ment Project > i# #tud5 a#

    een carried out for a total ga# %roduction of 1=MM&C$D9 ca#e of #elling 1/! of

    ga# %roduction and injecting t e remaining Auantit5 in order to recover


    1 ,D E$"N">"ON& ' REF"'>"ON&

    1 , 1 D E$ "N "> "ON&

    $or t e %ur%o#e of t i# document t e follo+ing de:nition# # all a%%l5;

    '@ner$Client EC MED Petroleum

    Contractor EPC contractor

    Engineering company Engineering Procurement and Project

    Management 4EPPM6

    Project El i ane-Detail Engineering for .a# C5cling

    Production Pilot Project

    Supplier$ 3endor > e %art5 4#6 + ic manufacture# and/or

    #u%%lie# eAui%ment9 tec nical

    Document#/dra+ing# and #ervice# to %erform t e

    dutie# #%eci:ed

    1 , 2 ' // RE F"'>"ON&

    > e follo+ing a reviation# +ill e u#ed;

    B1P : ottom-(ole Pre##ureCPF : Central Proce##ing $acilit5

    EBBA : El i ane Gell ead num erE'S : EAuation of &tate1P : (ig Pre##ure113 : (ig er (eating Falue

    , : @oule > om#on2P : )o+ Pre##urePC3 : Pre##ure Control FalvePFD : Proce## $lo+ DiagramSEEB : Electricit5 Com%an5 of El- i ane 4H &ociItI dJElectricitI El-

    i ane K6S,EG : >uni#ian Com%an5 of Electricit5 and .a# 4H &ociItI >uni#ienne

    dJElectricitI et de .a8K6,EG : >ri Et 5lene .l5col

    1 = N">& O $ M E'& REMEN>


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #* $ 6(

    "n general9 &" unit# +ill e u#ed (o+ever9 t ere are recogni8ed e ce%tion# and

    %referred unit# t at are u#ed in t e Oil .a# indu#tr5

    ,able #: Units of Measurement

    Measured -uantity Preferred Unit DesignationCorro#ion 'llo+ance Millimeter# mmDen#it5 3ilogram %er cu ic meter 3g/m !

    Electric Current 'm%ere ' milli-am%ere m'

    Electric Potential Folt F

    Electric Po+erGatt GLilo+att 3GMega+att MG

    Electric Re#i#tance O m O mEnt al%5 Lilo @oule %er 3ilogram 3@/3g$orce Ne+ton or 3ilo Ne+ton N or 3N$reAuenc5 (ert8 (8(ead Meter# m(eat )oading Lilo+att# 3G(eat >ran#ferCoe icient

    +att# %er #Auare meter %erdegree Cel#iu# G/m

    2 C

    )atent (eat 3ilo @oule# %er 3ilogram 3@/3g)engt millimeter#9 meter#9 3ilometer# mm9 m9 3m)uminance )u )Ma## Lilogram 3gMa## $lo+ Rate 3ilogram/ our 3g/Mec anical Po+er 3ilo+att#9 mega+att 3G9 MGDiameter "nc e# "n

    Pre##ure ar gauge9 ar a #olute9Lilo%a#cal arg9 ara9 3Pa

    Rotational &%eed revolution# %er minute RPM)o+er (eating Falue4)(F6

    3ilocalorie# %er &tandard cu icmeter 3cal/&CM

    &%eci:c (eat 3ilojoule# %er 3ilogram degreeCel#iu# 3@/3g C

    &tre## Ne+ton %er #Auare meter N/m 2

    >em%erature degree Cel#iu# C> ermal Conductivit5 +att %er meter Cel#iu# G/m C>ime 5ear / da5/ our/minute /#econd 59 d9 r9 min9 #

    Felocit5 meter# %er #econd or meter#%er our m/#9 m/

    Fe##el Dimen#ion# meter#9 millimeter# m9 mm Folume 4actual6 cu ic meter# m !

    &tandard .a# Folume &tandard cu ic meter &CM 4Note 16


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: ## $ 6(

    Measured -uantity Preferred Unit Designation

    Folume .a# $lo+ meter /da5 4%er our6Million &tandard cu ic feet/da5&CMD 4&CM(6MM&C$D

    Folume 4liAuid6 Cu ic meter m !

    Folume $lo+ 4liAuid6

    Cu ic meter/ ourCu ic meter/ da5arrel/da59 arrel Oil/da59 arrelGater/da59 arrelConden#ate/da5

    m ! /m ! /da5PD9 OPD9GPD9 CPD

    Pi%e/No88le #i8e# "nc e# "n

    D5namic Fi#co#it5Linematic Fi#co#it5

    Centi%oi#e# cPCenti#to3e# c&t

    &tandard condition# are 1 01!2= ara at 1= = C

    Normal condition# are 1 01!2= ara at 0 C%4 DES.G/ D!,!

    2 1E NF"RONMEN>') D '>'

    2 1 1 C )"M '> "C 'ND ME> EO RO) O."C') CO ND "> "ON &

    El- i ane +eat er i# c aracteri8ed 5 moderate +inter and #moot er #ummer

    mean+ ile #ome occa#ional #torm# ma5 occur

    'ns;ore Data: Gind Direction and #%eed;

    o Dominant +ind direction ENE

    o Ma imum +ind #%eed;

    One our +ind #%eed; 1!0 3m/

    One minute +ind #%eed; 1 , 3m/ De#ign 'm ient >em%erature#;

    o Mean minimum air tem%erature; 0 Co Mean ma imum air tem%erature; !2 C

    o Ma imum air tem%erature; =0 C Relative (umidit5; 0- * 'ir %re##ure; 1, ! %#ia Rainfall;

    o Minimum mont l5 rainfall; 1 mm

    o Ma imum mont l5 rainfall; ,1 mm

    ' s;ore Data:

    Minimum #ea ed tem%erature; 1! C


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #% $ 6(

    &till +ater level 4average6; 0 m Ma imum centenar5 +ave eig t; = = m &+ell eig t ; ! = m Period a##ociated +it ma imum +ave; 12 1 # Ma imum tide elevation a ove #till +ater; Q1 1 m One our +ind #%eed; 1!0 3m/ One minute +ind gu#t; 1 , 3m/ &urface current #%eed; 1 1 m/# =0 de%t current #%eed; 0 B m/# ottom current #%eed; 0 = m/# Conductivit5 420 C6; =0 m&/cm

    2 1 2 . RO ND 'ND &O") C ON D">"ON&

    > e o # ore #oil %ro%ertie# are inve#tigated 5 %re##ure-metric #urve59 t e main

    re#ult# could e #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able %: El5Bibane ' s;ore Soil Pro7le

    Dept; Soil ,ypeE ecti8e



    Friction !ngle

    &and#tone Q != ar# 00-1000 !0-!=12m-20m (ard ,0 ar# 1000-1100 !=-,0

    > e &ei#mic 7one; 8one 0

    2 2G E))& J ) OC'>"ON

    > e ta le given elo+ indicate# +ell#J location

    ,able (: &ells 2ocation

    &ell Statu U,M U,M y "emar s


    None 1!B,2 ! 02!10 &ame a# E


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #( $ 6(


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #9 $ 6(

    Parameter E>uipment

    DesignPres4 barg

    Design,emp4 HC



    or I59** !$B



    &uction/di#c arge

    !0/*, =

    - -



    &uction/di#c arge

    *, 2/22*- -

    1eater 15#*% Outlet >em% == C

    2 = .'& REV "R ED &PE C"$"C '> "ON 4&>E.& PEC "$ "C '>"ON&6

    > e reAuired #ale# ga# #%eci:cation# are #ummari8ed in t e ta le elo+;,able 6: "e>uired Gas Speci7cations

    Parameter Unit 3alue

    (ig er (eating Falue 3cal/Nm ! B!00 W 1022*

    Go e "nde 3cal/Nm ! 11B 1 W 12 ,0

    Gater content 4%%m6 U *0( 2& content mg/Nm ! 2&ulfur content mg/Nm ! =0.a# tem%erature C 10 W =0CO 2 content mol 0 =( 2 and N 2content mol

    O2 content mol 0

    (4 C!2CU2!,.'/ ME,1'DS

    ! 1P ROCE&& DE&".N > OO)&

    > e #oft+are (Y&Y& 4ver#ion !6 i# u#ed for t e %roce## #imulation under

    #tead5 #tate condition#

    &c lum ergerJ# P"PE&"M modeling &oft+are ver#ion 200B i# u#ed for %roce##calculation and 5draulic #imulation for t e #tud5 at #tead5 #tate for t e %i%eline

    connecting t e %i%ing outlet t e CP$ +it t e tie-in %oint on t e &>E. ga#


    ! 2> (ERMODYN'M"C&

    > e #imulation# ave een %erformed a#ed on Z'mine %ac3age? in amine unit

    #imulation and ZPeng/Ro in#on EO&? u#ing t e inar5 coe icient data %rovided

    5 (Y&Y&

    ! !M ODE) DE&CR"P>"ON 9 '>>ERY ) "M">& 'ND ' && MP>"ON&


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #+ $ 6(

    ! ! 1 $ ) "D R E&ERFO"R

    > e ga# and oil com%o#ition# 4'%%endi 26 re#%ectivel5 inlet and outlet t e (P

    #e%arator are recom ined and reintroduced a# a feed #tream (ence t e#e%arated ga# com%o#ition i# given in t e ta le elo+;

    ,able : Estimated separated Gas composition

    C'MP'/E/,S M'2E F"!C,.'/CO 2 0 01

    Nitrogen 0 01 2Met ane 0 *2=Et ane 0 0 *!

    i- utane 0 00

    n- utane 0 00B*i-Pentane 0 00!n-Pentane 0 00!1n-(e ane 0 001=Pro%ane 0 0!!en8ene 0 0002

    C5clo e ane 0 00022-M%entane 0 000!-M%entane 0 000!2-M e%tane 0 0001

    >oluene 0 0001n-(e%tane 0 000n-Octane 0 0001n-Nonane 0 0001

    2-M e ane 0 0002!-M e ane 0 0001

    ! ! 2 G E)) (E' D&

    > e +ell ead #tream from E

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #6 $ 6(


    ' t ermal conductivit5 of t e %i%e material of ,= G/m\ L +ill e a##umed

    ! ! , $ "R &> & EP'R'> "ON

    > e CP$ inlet %roduction i# carried into t e (P t ree % a#e# #e%arator 4F-10016

    a# a :r#t removal of +ater and conden#ate > i# #e%arator a# a de#ign %re##ure

    of 100 arg + ic can limit t e CP$ inlet %re##ure > e ga# at t e inlet of

    #e%arator i# con#idered at !1 arg and !1 C

    ! ! = ' M"NE N">

    "n order to remove car on dio ide from inlet ga#9 an amine unit i# fore#een

    do+n#tream (P t ree % a#e #e%arator 4F-10016

    > e 'mine unit +ill e de#igned to treat 1 MM&C$D of ga# +it 1 mol

    CO 29 5 circulating lean amine #olution 4!0 +t DE'6 t roug t e contactor to

    remove car on dio ide from inlet ga# and #ati#f5 t e cu#tomerJ# reAuirement of

    0 = CO 2 Ric amine from t e ottom of t e Contactor i# a# ed from

    a%%ro imatel5 !2 ara to = ara t roug a level control valve and #ent to t e

    'mine $la# Drum to #e%arate t e 5drocar on ga# from DE' #olution > e ric

    DE' i# eated to a%%ro imatel5 = C 5 t e Ric /)ean 'mine E c anger and

    t en fed to t e 'mine Regenerator > e lean amine i# cooled t roug t e

    Ric /)ean 'mine E c anger and %um%ed via t e 'mine oo#ter Pum%# to t e

    )ean 'mine 'ir Cooler and t en t roug lean amine :lter# > e lean amine i#

    cooled to a%%ro imatel5 ,0 C and routed ac3 to t e 'mine Contactor after

    adju#tment of amine #olution o+ rate and com%o#ition 5 t e +ater ma3e-u%

    ! ! . )YCO )D E(YDR '> "ON N">

    "n order to %revent 5drate formation9 a >E. contactor unit i# fore#eenu%#tream of t e @-> om#on conden#ate removal unit

    "n order to %revent 5drate formation9 a >E. contactor unit i# fore#een

    u%#tream of t e @-> om#on conden#ate removal unit

    > e #+eet ga# from t e 'mine Contactor i# routed to t e .l5col contactor 4>-

    106 near it# ottom and o+# u%+ard t roug t e ottom tra5 to t e to% tra5

    and out at t e to% of t e column )ean gl5col i# fed at t e to% of t e column and

    it# o+# do+n from tra5 to tra59 a #or ing +ater va%or from ga# > e Contactor

    o%erate# at ] =0 C and !0 ara +it a lean >E. De 5drated ga# from t e


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: # $ 6(

    Contactor over ead i# eated t roug t e .a#/.l5col (eat E c anger 4E-!106 to

    == C and routed to t e @-> om#on unit to recover conden#ate

    Ric >E. from t e contactor 4>- 106 +ill e %re eated t roug t e over ead

    conden#er on t e gl5col #tri%%er #till column and a# ed to a%%ro imatel5 , ,

    ara in t e gl5col a# tan3 4F-1206 > e a# ed ga# i# #ent to t e are net+or3

    > e ric >E. i# ne t :ltered efore entering t e .l5col reconcentrator 4(-,106

    to remove t e a #or ed +ater > e lean >E. #e%arated from +ater i# cooled in

    t e 'ir/.l5col eat e c anger 4E-!206 and %um%ed t roug t+o .l5col %um%#

    4P-=10'/ 6 to t e .a#/.l5col eat e c anger 4E-!106 for furt er cooling efore

    returning to .l5col contactor >- 10

    ! ! C ON DEN &'>E R EM OF') N">

    "n order to remove an5 conden#ate9 t e ga# # ould %a## t roug a liAuid

    removal unit 5 reduction of tem%erature 5 u#ing a @oule-> om#on e %an#ion

    unit > e conden#ate removal unit con#i#t# of t e follo+ing item#;

    (eat E c anger 4E@-,0016; ga#/ga# eat e c anger

    > e eat e c anger de#ign %re##ure i# = arg for ot # ell and tu e# #ide

    + ic +ill limit t e ma imum o%erating %re##ure efore t e @oule-> om#on

    e %an#ion

    @>-Falve 4PCF-,0016

    > e e %an#ion %re##ure !0 arg i# con#idered t e lo+e#t value reac ed 5 t e

    valve and + ic de:ne t e com%re##or :r#t #tage #uction %re##ure 'ctuall5 t e

    @> valve i# full5 o%ened

    &e%arator 4F@-,0016

    "t i# %rovided to #e%arate ga# from t e formed conden#ate after %re##uree %an#ion

    > e :gure given elo+ # o+# a #c ematic of t e conden#ate removal unit


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    H"#$ E%&'#()"*G#+,G#+

    D*- G#+

    W"$ G#+

    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #< $ 6(


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: #? $ 6(

    Figure %: Condensate remo8al unit 5,;omson unit

    ! ! * "N@E C> "ON .'& COMPR E && OR

    ' multi#tage injection ga# com%re##or i# #imulated to increa#e t e injection ga#

    %re##ure from !0 arg to a%%ro imatel5 1=* arg via t+o #tage# com%re##or 't

    t e level of t e com%re##orJ# #cru er#9 t e %o##i le formed conden#ate i#

    rec5cled to t e MP #e%arator 4F-1006

    ! ! B C ON DEN &'>E & >' / ") "7 '> "ON

    > e removed conden#ate from di erent CP$ unit# i# #ent to conventional t+o

    % a#e# #e%arator# 4F-100 F-1016 reAuiring a long re#idence time for

    conden#ate #ta ili8ation > en t e eated conden#ate o+ing from t e eater

    4(-1026 i# #ent to t e #torage tan3# 4>-101 '/ 6

    > e recu%erated Auantit5 of conden#ate # all e #ta ili8ed at a #uita le %roce##

    o%erating condition#


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %* $ 6(

    > e (Y&Y& o+# eet of t e CP$ con#idering t e ne+ con:guration i# # o+n in t e follo+ing :gure

    Figure (: 1JSJS PFD of t;e CPF

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %# $ 6(

    > e #u - o+# eet of 'mine nit i# modeled a# # o+n in t i# :gure;

    Figure 9: ,;e !mine Unit Modeled Flo@ s;eet

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %% $ 6(

    > e #u - o+# eet of De 5dration nit i# modeled a# # o+n in t i# :gure;

    Figure +: ,;e ,EG Unit Modeled Flo@ s;eet

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %( $ 6(

    94 DES.G/ 'F ,1E /E& !M./E U/.,

    , 1 &E)EC>"ON $'C>OR& $OR >(E >YPE O$ 'M"NE

    > e c oice of t e %roce## #olution i# determined 5 t e %re##ure and tem%erature

    condition# at + ic t e ga# to e treated i# availa le9 it# com%o#ition +it re#%ect to

    major and minor con#tituent#9 and t e %urit5 reAuirement# of t e treated ga#

    ME'; eliminate# #imultaneou#l5 and non-#elective 5drogen #ul:de and car on

    dio ide "t i# ine %en#ive (o+ever9 it a# #everal dra+ ac3# $ir#t9 it react# in an

    irrever#i le manner +it merca%tan# "n addition9 it# va%or %re##ure i# relativel5

    ig 9 re#ulting in greater lo##e# com%ared to ot er amine# $or t e#e rea#on#9 it i#

    mainl5 u#ed + en t e concentration of acid ga#e# i# relativel5 lo+9 t erefore +ecannot u#e it

    D.'; "t i# more e %en#ive t an t e DE' and a# al#o t e di#advantage of

    5drocar on# a #or%tion9 t erefore +e cannot u#e it

    D"P'; a%%lication# mainl5 concern t e treatment of ga# containing CO&9 a# +ell a#

    t e recover5 and rec5cling of ( 2&

    > e t+o t5%e# of amine# commonl5 u#ed for removal of CO 2 from natural ga# are

    DE' and MDE'

    > e main #election factor# of t5%e# of amine# for t e %uri:cation of natural ga# are

    li#ted ere 5;

    - CO 2 &electivit5

    - Linetic# of reaction +it CO 2

    - Corro#ivit5

    - 'mine con#um%tion and %rice

    - 'mine degradation

    - > ermod5namic# of reaction +it CO 2

    , 2CO 2 &E)EC>"F">Y

    &electivit5 i# a alance et+een t e ma## tran#fer rate# of t e acid ga#e# com%eting

    for t e amine in t e #olvent > e le## reactive t e amine9 t e etter t e #electivit5

    MDE' i# fairl5 #elective to+ard# (2& removal ga#e# containing ot ( 2& and CO 2

    ecau#e it doe# not react directl5 +it CO 2 "n #uc ca#e9 DE' i# t e e#t #olution

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %9 $ 6(

    , !L "NE>"C& O$ RE'C>"ON G">( CO2

    > e reaction et+een CO2 and DE' amine# i# #igni:cantl5 fa#ter t an t e reaction

    et+een CO2 and MDE'9 t erefore t e DE' i# favored 3ineticall5

    , ,C ORRO&"F">Y

    > e DE' i# more corro#ive t an MDE' ut in t i# ca#e t e corro#ion i# not an

    im%ortant factor for t e #election of t e amine t5%e ecau#e t e e i#ting facilit5 i#

    #i8ed for t e mo#t corro#ive amine t5%e

    , =' M"NE CON& MP>"ON 'ND PR"CE

    > e oiling tem%erature of DE' i# ig er t an t at of MDE' t erefore t e lo##e# of

    amine are greater for t e ca#e of MDE'

    > e DE' i# le## e %en#ive t an MDE' t erefore t e DE' i# favored according to

    %rice factor

    , > (ERMODYN'M"C& O$ RE'C>"ON G">( CO2

    ot t5%e# of amine #olution# are almo#t total t erefore t e5 are

    t ermod5namicall5 favored (o+ever9 t e MDE' doe# not react directl5 +it CO 2

    t erefore it# conver#ion rate i# lo+er com%ared to DE' conver#ion rate

    (ence in t i# ca#e t e DE' i# t ermod5namicall5 favored

    >o #ummari8e9 a# %er &electivit5 for CO 29 Price of amine9 Linetic# of reaction +it

    CO 29 Corro#ivit59 'mine degradation and 'mine con#um%tion9 and t ermod5namic#

    of reaction +it CO 29 t e %erformed amine for t e ga# treatment i# t e DE'> e criteria of c oice of t e t5%e of amine are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able ermod5namic Q -Price of amine Q -Linetic# of reaction +it

    CO 2Q -

    Corro#ivit5 - Q 'mine degradation Q Q

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %+ $ 6(

    C oice criteria DE' 4!06 MDE' 4,0 6 'mine con#um%tion Q -

    > erefore +e ave c o#en to u#e t e DE' #olution for natural ga# treatment

    , M '"N E V "PMEN>& &"7"N.

    , 1 D E>E RM "N '>"ON O$ 'M "N E $)OGR '> E

    > e met od to calculate t e minimum amine o+ rate in ca#e of DE' #olution i#

    # o+n in '%%endi 1

    > e main outcome# are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able ?: amine Ko@ rate calculation

    Parameter !ctual Processsc;eme

    MM 1=

    Xa 41 W 0 =6/1 U0 1

    ^ * =B

    M) 0 !

    G> !0

    DE! recirculation rateUSGPM 2 !

    DE! recirculation ratem ( $; 0

    $or amine #olution# +it DE'9 t e minimum ca%acit5 of lean amine circulation

    %um%# for t e actual %roce## #c eme # all e over t an 0 m!/

    #ing t e c emical reaction9 to eliminate t e acid ga# t e amine molar o+ # all e

    t+ice of t e CO 2 o+ rate9 in t i# ca#e t e DE' circulation rate i# eAual to #*49

    m ! / u#ing a correction factor of 10

    , 2 & "7 "N. O $CO2'/& OR /ER

    > e met od for calculating t e diameter of t e a #or%tion column i# # o+n in

    '%%endi 2

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %6 $ 6(

    > e main de#ign data are illu#trated in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able #*: C'% !bsorber Design Data

    Parameter# Falue

    Gas processed Ko@rate MMSCFD #6Gas processed Ko@rate


    Contactor pressure Paa (%**

    Contactor diameter m *4?6%

    > e main (Y&Y& #imulation re#ult# for t e CO 2 a #or er are illu#trated in t e

    follo+ing ta le;

    ,able ##: C'% !bsorber Main Si ing "esults

    Parameter# Falue

    Gas processed Ko@rate MMSCFD #+4?+

    Contactor pressure bara (%

    /umber of stages #*

    !bsorber diameter m *4 6%

    Section ;eig;t m 64#

    ,ray spacing m *46#

    !mine solution li>uid 8olume Ko@ m ( $;


    Mol L C' % inlet contactor #4 %

    Mol L C' % outlet contactor *4(*9

    Con#idering t e a ove calculation re#ult#9 t e #i8ing re#ult# of t e +or#t ca#e are


    ,able #%: "esults of si ing of absorption column

    De#ign Parameter Falue

    Diameter of column 4m6 0 B 2(eig t of column 4m6 1

    Num er of %late# 10

    , ! ' M"NE R E.ENER '>O R

    > e met od for calculating t e diameter of t e regeneration column i# # o+n in

    '%%endi !

    >ac3ing in con#ideration t e de#ign ca%acit5 of t e recirculation %um% of #*49m ! / t e minimum diameter of t e amine regenerator column # ould e of =1 2


    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: % $ 6(

    > e main (Y&Y& #imulation re#ult# for t e 'mine regenerator are illu#trated in t e

    follo+ing ta le;

    ,able #(: !mine "egenerator Main Si ing "esults

    Parameter# Falue

    amine processed 8olume Ko@ m ( $; #*49Fraction of C'% in reac; amine outlet

    absorber mol L#46%

    "egenerator pressure bara #4+

    /umber of stages #*

    "egenerator diameter m *46*?

    Section ;eig;t m 64#

    "eboiler duty MMB,U$; 94+%?Fraction of C'% outlet regenerator mol L *4%

    Con#idering t e a ove calculation re#ult#9 t e #i8ing re#ult# of t e +or#t ca#e are


    ,able #9: "esults of si ing of regenerator column

    De#ign Parameter Falue

    Diameter of column 4m6 0 1

    (eig t of column 4m6 1Num er of %late# 10

    , , ) E'N 'M "N E C"RC ) '> "O N PMP &

    > e data of lean amine circulation %um%# are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able #+ : Data for lean amine circulation pumps calculation

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    Folume o+ for t e amine #olution# m ! / #*49&uction %re##ure ara 1 ,

    Di#c arge %re##ure ara !2 2

    Fa%or %re##ure ara 0 ,!

    Ma## den#it5 Lg/m ! 100B

    &i8ing re#ult# are # o+n in t e ta le given ello+;

    ,able #6: 2ean amine circulation pumps main design parameters

    De#ign Parameter# nit Falue(5draulic %o+er 3G * 21,

    Electrical %o+er 3G 1,

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %< $ 6(

    De#ign Parameter# nit Falue

    (M> mCE !02

    , * &"7 "N . O$ (E '> E XC ('N. ER

    , * 1 & "7 "N. O $)E'N 'M "N E '"R COO)E R

    > e #i8ing of t e lean amine air cooler i# %erformed u#ing t e #oft+are (>$&

    > e data of lean amine air cooler are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able # : Calculation data of lean amine air cooler

    Design Parameter Unit 3alue

    >em%erature of amine #olution inlet aircooler C *0

    >em%erature of amine #olution outlet aircooler C ,0

    'mine #olution o+ rate Lg/ B 2! 1

    'ir cooler inlet %re##ure ar !2 2

    &i8ing re#ult# are mentioned in t e ta le given ello+;

    ,able #u e# %er undle - 9+>u e %a##e# - 9

    'rea reAuired m 2 9+

    >u e lengt m ?4 9

    &ee >EM' # eet of amine air cooler in a%%endi

    , * 2 & "7 "N. O $R"C(/)E' N' M"NE (E'> EXC( 'N .ER

    > e #i8ing of t e ric /lean amine eat e c anger i# %erformed u#ing t e #oft+are(>$&

    > e data of ric / lean amine eat e c anger are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able #?: Calculation data of lean$ric; amine ;eat e c;anger

    Design Parameter Unit 3alue

    >em%erature of ric amine inlet eat e c anger C ,0 2=>em%erature of ric amine outlet eate c anger C =

    >em%erature of lean amine inlet eat e c anger C 112

    Ric amine o+ rate Lg/ 100== 2

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: %? $ 6(

    Design Parameter Unit 3alue

    lean amine o+ rate Lg/ B 2! 1

    (eat e c anger inlet %re##ure ar 9

    &i8ing re#ult# are mentioned in t e ta le given ello+;

    ,able %*: Calculation results of lean$ric; amine ;eat e c;anger

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    >u e %a##e# - %

    'rea reAuired m 2 4#

    >u e lengt m (4*9EM' # eet of ric / lean amine eat e c anger in a%%endi

    , * ! & "7 "N. O $R E.E NE R'>O RCONDEN &ER

    > e data of conden#er are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able %#: Design parameters of amine condenser

    De#ign Parameter# Unit Falue

    ,emperature inlet condenser HC ??4+

    ,emperature outlet condenser HC 6*

    Condenser inlet pressure bar #4%

    Ko@ rate g$; #+%+4#%

    1eat duty MMbtu$;r %4%6

    , * , & "7 "N. O $R E.E NE R'>O RR E/O")E R

    > e data of Regenerator Re oiler are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le

    ,able %%: "eboiler main design parameters

    De#ign Parameter# Unit Falue,emperature inlet "eboiler HC ##%4+

    Ko@ rate g$; ##+?

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (* $ 6(

    De#ign Parameter# nit "nlet ve##el )iAuid outlet .a# outlet

    Ma## o+ rate 3g/ B 1 0* B 1 , == *

    Folumetric o+ rate m ! / 11 2! 1 * B !

    Pre##ure ara ! ! !>em%erature C ,0 ,0 ,0

    Ma## den#it5 3g/m ! 10*, 1 =B!

    > e re#ult# of #i8ing are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able %9: !mine Kas; drum si ing results

    De#ign Parameter nit FalueDiameter m 0 =

    )engt m ! !

    +4 "E3.S.'/ 'F ,EG U/., DES.G/

    = 1REF"&"ON O$ >E. CON>'C>OR DE&".N

    Using GPS! standard

    > e revie+ of t e >E. contactor i# %erformed u#ing t e .P&' #tandard9 t e

    calculation %rocedure# are attac ed in '%%endi ,

    > e integral #cru er i# alread5 modeled a# %er t e actual %roce## #c eme

    > e ta le elo+ # o+# integral #cru er dimen#ion#;

    ,able %+: integral scrubber dimensions

    Parameter Unit 3alue

    Diameter m 0 B1,,

    (eig t m 2 2*

    > e follo+ing data are con#idered for contactor #i8ing;

    ,able %6: Glycol contactor .nput parameters

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (# $ 6(

    Parameter 3alueContactor o%erating %re##ure4 ara6 !0

    .a# den#it5 43g/m!6 2! =)iAuid den#it5 43g/m!6 110

    .a# o+ rate 4&m!/ 6 1* !0

    > e main re#ult# are #ummari#ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able % : Glycol contactor Main "esults

    Parameter 3alue

    > e +ater content inlet contractor4mg/&m ! 6 2*!= 1B

    > e +ater content outletcontractor 4mg/&m ! 6 1!! B!

    Gater removal 43g/ 6 =0 !2

    .l5col o+rate 4m ! / r6 0 *

    Diameter 4m6 0 *,

    Num er of tra5# *

    >ra5 #%acing 4m6 0 1

    ' #or er eig t 4m6 , **

    Using 1JSJS simulation

    ' (Y&Y& #imulation %erformed to model t e actual contactor > 10 including it#

    diameter9 internal# 4 u le ca% tra5#6 e#timate t e >E. contactor #i8e con#idering

    t e follo+ing in%ut data;

    ,able %

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (% $ 6(

    Parameter 3alue

    Contactor %re##ure 4 ara6 !0.a# >em%erature inletcontactor 4 C6 ,=Ma imum .l5col o+rate4m! / r6 0 *

    .a# %roce##ed o+rate4MM&C$D6 1=

    ' #or er diameter 4m6 0 B1,

    >ra5# t5%e u le Ca%>ra5#Num er of tra5# *

    &ection eig t 4m6 , *

    >ra5 #%acing 4m6 0 1

    > e main &imulation re#ult# are # o+n in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able %?: Glycol contactor Main si ing "esults

    Parameters 3alueGater content inlet contactor43g/ 6 =0 1

    Gater content inlet contactor4%%m6 !2!= *Gater content outlet contactor43g/ 6 1 1

    Gater content outlet contactor4%%m6 ###4(

    > e +ater content do+n#tream t e .l5col contactor >- 10 i# 111 ! %%m9 "t doe#nJt

    com%l5 +it &>E. reAuirement 4Gc *0 %%m69 for t i# rai#on a de#ign revie+ of

    regeneration unit +it t e e %ected ga# o+ rate i# made availa le in ne t


    = 2C RREN> >E. RE.ENER'>"ON N"> DE&".N

    = 2 1 . )YCO )$) '&(>'NL OPE R'>"N. D'>' ' NDD "M EN& "O N&

    > e data of .l5col a# drum are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le

    ,able (*: Glycol Kas; drum operating data

    De#ign Parameter# nit "nlet ve##el )iAuid outlet .a# outlet

    Ma## o+ rate 3g/ * ! * 0 ! Folumetric o+ rate m ! / ! B! 0 *1! 2 =

    >em%erature C *0 *0 *0

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (( $ 6(

    De#ign Parameter# nit "nlet ve##el )iAuid outlet .a# outlet

    Ma## den#it5 3g/m ! 2= = 10 0 1 1 *

    > e dimen#ion# of .l5col a# drum are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able (#: Glycol Kas; drum dimensions

    De#ign Parameter nit E i#ting FalueDiameter m 0 ,0

    )engt m 1 =

    = 2 2 ( E'> EXC( 'N.E R&" NP> D'>'

    = 2 2 1 '"R/. )YCO )( E'> EXC( 'N .E RE!20

    > e data of .l5col air cooler are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le

    ,able (%: Calculation data of Glycol air cooler

    Design Parameter Unit 3alue

    >em%erature of gl5col inlet air cooler C 1* ,

    >em%erature of gl5col outlet air cooler C 1,0

    .l5col o+ rate Lg/ *B B

    'ir cooler inlet %re##ure ar 1 10!

    Dut5 Btu$;r 120000

    = 2 2 2 .)YCO)/. )YCO )(E'> EXC( 'N .ER

    > e data of ric gl5col/lean gl5col eat e c anger are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ingta le

    ,able ((: Calculation data of glycol$ glycol ;eat e c;anger

    Design Parameter Unit 3alue>em%erature of lean gl5col inlet eate c anger C #??4em%erature of lean gl5col outlet eate c anger C #em%erature of ric gl5col inlet eate c anger C *

    >em%erature of ric gl5col outlet eate c anger C

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (9 $ 6(

    ,able (9:Glycol regen$Dry gas economi er ;eat e c;anger data

    Design Parameter Unit 3alue>em%erature of gl5col regen inlet eat

    e c angerC #(?

    >em%erature of gl5col regen outlet eate c anger C +9

    >em%erature of dr5 ga# inlet eat e c anger C 9em%erature of dr5 ga# outlet eat e c anger C +(49

    eat e c anger inlet %re##ure ar (*4#

    = ! .)YC O) PMP &

    > e data of gl5col %um%# are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;,able (+ : Data for Glycol pumps si ing

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    Folume o+ for t e gl5col .P( %#*

    &uction %re##ure ara 1 1

    Di#c arge %re##ure ara !0

    &uction tem%erature C 1!*

    Fa%or %re##ure ara 1 1*

    Ma## den#it5 Lg/m ! 10*

    = , CO NDEN&E RC O") EXC('N .E R

    > e data of conden#er are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able (6: Main Design parameters of Glycol unit condenser

    De#ign Parameter# Unit Falue

    ,ype 5 Coil e c;anger

    1eat duty Btu$;r 9 %+*

    = = RE .ENER '> OR RE/ O")ER

    > e data of Regenerator Re oiler are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le

    ,able ( : "eboiler main design parameters

    De#ign Parameter# Unit Falue

    ,ype 5 Fired ;eater e c;anger

    1eat duty Btu$;r 9

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (+ $ 6(

    = ). &>R"PP "N . CO ) MN

    > e lean gl5col do+n#tream t e re oiler %a##e# t roug t e )ean .l5col

    &tri%%ing .a# Column t at contact# t e lean gl5col +it dr5 ga# from a# drum9furt er removing +ater from t e gl5col to t e ig er %uritie# reAuired 5 t i#

    o%eration9 t e main de#ign data for t e ). #tri%%ing ga# are #ummari8ed in t e

    follo+ing ta le;

    ,able (

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (6 $ 6(

    ig er +ater content in t e dr5 ga# #tream leaving t e contactor > e lo+er %urit5 i#

    t e ig er dr5 ga# +ater content i#

    > e ne t #te% i# to %erform t e regeneration %roce## trou le # outing a# long a#t e lean gl5col %urit5 i# lo+

    t e follo+ing regeneration %arameter# a# to e revie+ed to im%rove regenerated

    gl5col %urit5;

    #tri%%ing ga# o+rate#tri%%ing ga# column de#ign#till column de#ign

    = * RE.ENER'>"ON PROCE&& >RO )E &(O >"N.

    = * 1 &> R "P P"N. .'&$) OG R '> E

    + en increa#ing #tri%%ing ga# o+rate feeding ). #tri%%ing column 9 it +ill

    conden#e t e eavier com%onent 4 >E. 6 in t e #tream leaving re oiler #tage 9and

    t e +ater va%our goe# ac3 to t e #till column and +ill e rejected from t e to%9 a#a re#ult t e regenerated gl5col %urit5 i# im%roved

    > e %ro%o#ed #olution i# to add additional amount# of #tri%%ing ga# coming from

    amine u# drum to t e e i#ting one coming from gl5col a# tan3

    > e follo+ing %roce## #c eme # o+# t e gl5col %urit5 im%rovement 9 to ring it

    from B 2 to B* = + en increa#ing #tri%%ing ga# o+rate

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: ( $ 6(

    > e ne+ regenerated gl5col %urit5 B* = i# #+eet a le decrea#e t e dr5 ga# +ater

    content from 111 ! %%m(2o to , , %%m(2o #o t at it meet# clo#el5 t e &>E.

    reAuirement 4 *0 %%m(2o 6

    > e follo+ing %roce## o+ #c eme # o+# t e main #imulation re#ult# u#ing t e

    im%roved regenerated >E. %urit5

    > e #tri%%ing ga# column diameter # all e revie+ed #ince t e feed ga# o+rateincrea#ed

    = * 2 &> R "P P"N. .'&C O)M N DE&".N 4D "' ME >E R6

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: (< $ 6(

    > e #tri%%ing ga# column diameter i# eing recalculated via (Y&Y& #oft+are 4 tra5

    #i8ing utitlit5 69 t e actual #tri%%ing ga# diameter i# 0 2 m 9 and a# %er t e attac ed

    #i8ing re#ult# t e diameter # ould e 0 ! m

    > e follo+ing ta le # o+# t e reAuired #tri%%ing ga# column de#ign;

    / / 9:;S< S 1==TS 1

    S< E > 3==TS 1

    I < 9/ P ?

    S< D ;< < $;% 0.3048

    M @ F9 > $ % 8.45

    + S< 9 A < $;2%

    7.2(7o icit5 No cla##i:eda8ard


    Protect from#unlig t &tore ina +ell-ventilated



    > e #i8ing of Pro%ane receiver drum i# determined 5 referring to #tandard DEP> e data of Pro%ane receiver drum are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le

    ,able 9#: Propane "ecei8er .nput Data

    De#ign Parameter# nit "nlet ve##el )iAuid outlet .a# outlet

    Ma## o+ rate 3g/ = ,1 0 =* = ,0

    Folumetric o+ rate m ! / 2=1, 0 000B 2=1,

    Pre##ure ara 1 0 1 0 1 0

    >em%erature C -!B -!B -!B

    Ma## den#it5 3g/m ! 2 ! =*= 2 !

    > e re#ult# of #i8ing are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able 9%: Propane "ecei8er Main si ing Data

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    Diameter m 0 B*

    (eig t m 2 2=


    > e main data reAuired for com%re##or #i8ing are a# follo+;

    ,able 9( : Stage # Main Data

    Property 3alue

    Gas Molecular &eig;t 994#

    Compressibility Factor *4?

    Gas Mass Flo@rate g$;r + 9#

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9* $ 6(

    Property 3alue

    Suction ,emperature HC 5(

    Suction Pressure bara #4#

    Disc;arge Pressure bara 94+

    Duty & #9(

    ,able 99 : Stage % Main Data

    Property 3alue

    Gas Molecular &eig;t 994#

    Compressibility Factor *4?(

    Gas Mass Flo@rate g$;r + + e main data reAuired for t e #imulation are a# follo+;

    ,able 9+: Propane Condenser .nput Data

    Parameter# "nlet Outlet

    Pressure bara 1B 1* *

    ,emperature HC 10, =,

    Flo@rate g$;r = =* = =*

    > e re#ult# of #i8ing are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able 96: Propane Condenser Main si ing Data

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    (eat E c anged 3G (?#

    =P ROP'NE E CONOM"7ER F@-,00!;

    > e #i8ing of Pro%ane economi8er drum i# determined 5 referring to #tandard DEP> e data of Pro%ane economi8er drum are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9# $ 6(

    ,able 9 : Propane Economi er .nput Data

    De#ign Parameter# nit "nlet ve##el )iAuid outlet .a# outlet

    Ma## o+ rate 3g/ = =* !!* 2! 1

    Folumetric o+ rate m ! / 2!B 12 , 2!! 2Pre##ure ara , , ,

    >em%erature C -0 , -0 , -0 ,

    Ma## den#it5 3g/m ! 2, 0! =!0 1 10 1

    > e re#ult# of #i8ing are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le;

    ,able 9 e #i8ing of t e .a#/Pro%ane i# %erformed u#ing t e #oft+are (>$& 4#ee

    '%%endi *6

    > e main #i8ing re#ult# of t i# eat e c anger are #ummari8ed in t e ta le elo+;

    ,able 9?: Gas$Propane E c;anger Main si ing Data

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    E c ange area m2 #?4+

    (eat e c anged 3G % ?4?

    >u e Num er - B2

    & ell "D mm !!

    )engt m ! =

    . '& /. '& O >)E> C O)D &EP'R'>OR ( E'> E XC('N.ER E@-,001'

    > e #i8ing of t e .a#/.a# Outlet cold #e%arator i# %erformed u#ing t e #oft+are

    (>$& 4#ee '%%endi *6

    > e main #i8ing re#ult# of t i# eat e c anger are #ummari8ed in t e ta le elo+;

    ,able +*: Gas$Gas 'utlet Cold Separator ;eat E c;anger Main si ing Data

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    E c ange area m2

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9% $ 6(

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    >u e Num er - !,

    Num er of tu e %a##e# %er # ell - 2

    & ell "D mm 1B! *

    *. '& /) "V "D ( E'> E XC('N.ER E@-,002

    > e #i8ing of t e .a#/)iAuid i# %erformed u#ing t e #oft+are (>$& 4#ee '%%endi


    > e main #i8ing re#ult# of t i# eat e c anger are #ummari8ed in t e ta le elo+;

    ,able +#: Gas$Propane E c;anger Main si ing Data

    De#ign Parameter nit Falue

    E c ange area m2 %49

    (eat e c anged L+ 9*4u e Num er - !

    Num er of tu e %a##e# %er # ell - 2

    & ell "D mm 1B! *

    )engt m 1 22

    BC O)D &EP'R'>OR

    > e #i8ing of cold #e%arator drum i# determined 5 referring to #tandard DEP> e data of cold #e%arator drum are #ummari8ed in t e follo+ing ta le

    ,able +%: Cold Separator .nput Data

    De#ign Parameter# nit "nlet ve##el )iAuid outlet .a# outlet

    Ma## o+ rate 3g/ +6#6 ##*+ 9+##

    Folumetric o+ rate m ! / (*4+( (4%6 % 4%

    Pre##ure ara

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 99 $ 6(

    ' #en#itive #tud5 i# %erformed for di erent %i%eline diameter# 4, inc 9 inc 9 *

    inc 9 10 inc and 12 inc 6 to #elect t e a%%ro%riate diameter for tran#ferring t e

    treated ga# from t e E %lant to t e &>E. net+or3

    &imulation 5%ot e#e# are %re#ented in follo+ing ta le;

    ,able +6: Simulation 1ypot;eses

    Property 3alueDistance From t;e CPF to tie5in

    point m%+

    Ele8ation Di erence m


    "e>uired Pressure in t;e tie5inpoint @it; S,EG /et@or bara


    Pipeline "oug;ness mm *4*9+

    ,;ermal Conducti8ity &$m%4I 9+

    Mean ons;ore ground

    temperature HC%*

    Gas Flo@rate mmscfd +4 %

    > e re#ult# of t i# #imulation are # o+n in t e :gure# elo+;

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9+ $ 6(

    Figure 6: Pressure Pro7le of gas e port pipeline

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 96 $ 6(

    Figure : 3elocity Pro7le of gas e port pipeline

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9 $ 6(

    > e re#ult# of t i# #imulation for di erent %i%eline diameter are #ummari8ed elo+;

    ,able + : Pipeline calculation "esults


    4inc 6

    .a# o+





    am PCF

    4 ara6


    at tie-in


    4 ara6


    5 4m/#6






    4 ar/100





    4 ar/100m6

    9 +

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9< $ 6(

    Parameter ,reated Gas S,EGSpeci7cations

    Pre##ure 4 arg6 = at tie in %oint

    >em%erature 4 C6 20 10 - =0Molar o+ `MM&C$D = 0 , -(ig er eating Falue43cal/Nm ! 6 1090=

    B!00 - 1022*

    Go e "nde 43cal/Nm ! 6 129!B 11B 1 - 12 ,0

    Ma## Den#it5 43g/m ! 6 ] >P *1 B -

    Molecular Geig t 2* 01 -

    Gater content 4%%m6 , , *0

    CO 2 content 4 mol6 0 ! 0 =

    ( 2& content 4mg/Nm ! 6 0 2

    ( 2 and N 2 content 4 mol6 =

    O2 content 4 mol6 0 0

    > e follo+ing ta le # o+# recovered conden#ate #%eci:cation ;,able +?: Condensate speci7cation

    Property 3alue 'ctual volume o+ 4 arrel/da56 ]

    =0 C/1'tm*0* =

    >rue FP 4 ara6 ] ! * C 0 2 BReid FP 4 ara6 ] ! * C 0 0==

    Ma## Den#it5 43g/m ! 6 *, 1

    Fi#co#it5 4cP6 0 !B*1

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 9? $ 6(

    #*4 !PPE/D.CES

    10 1 'PPEND"X 1 ; REC"RC )'>"ON R'>E O$ DE' &O) >"ON

    "n ca#e of u#ing t e DE' #olution t e recirculation rate i# calculated 5 t e follo+ing;

    L DEA =192 MMX a

    WT ML

    G ere;

    )DE'; DE' #olution minimum recirculation rate 4 &.PM6

    MM ; ga# o+ MM&C$D

    G> ; amine #olution +eig t %ercent circulated

    M) ; mol loading9 mole# acid ga#/mole

    Xa ; reAuired reduction in total acid ga# fraction

    ^ ; &olution den#it5 4l /gal6

    10 2 'PPEND"X 2; 'M"NE CON>'C>OR D"'ME>ER C')C )'>"ON

    > e amine contactor column diameter i# determined referring to t e given correlation;

    Dc= 10750 Q PG ere;

    Dc U Contactor diameter in mm

    P U Contactor %re##ureV U ga# %roce##ed o+ rate

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +* $ 6(

    10 ! 'PPEND"X !; 'M"NE RE.ENER'>OR D"'ME>ER C')C )'>"ON

    > e column diameter i# determined u#ing t e given correlation


    160 L

    G ere;

    ) U 'mine circulation rate 4m ! / 6 U i# t e de#ign ca%acit5 of t e lean amine

    circulation %um% !!0-P'-001'/

    Dr U Regenerator diameter in mm

    10 , 'PPEND"X ,; .P&' &>'ND'RD $OR >E. CON>'C>OR &"7"N.

    > e Auantit5 of +ater t at # all e removed i#;

    W r = W i W o 4mg +ater/&m ! +et ga#6

    > e +ater content of #+eet ga# re#%ectivel5 inlet and outlet contractor can e

    calculated u#ing L'CEL correlation;

    W i= A1 P

    + B1

    W o= A2 P

    + B2Git ;

    P; > e o%erating %re##ure at t e >E. contactor 4 ara6

    A1 9 A2 , B1 9 B 2 ; con#tant at t e o%erating tem%erature #ing t e LREM&ER

    ROGN art9 +e can de:ne t e a #or%tion ratio 4' rU! =6.iven t i# ratio t e lean gl5col o+ rate can e determined u#ing t i# correlation;

    Q TEG = W o

    ( E 1 1 ) Ar mg 4mg/ 6

    Git ;

    E; E icienc5 of t e a #or er

    G O ; G ater content ou tlet contractor 4mg/&m!6

    mg ; .a# o+ rate 4&m!/ 6

    >o calculate t e contactor diameter9 t e follo+ing correlation can e u#ed;

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +# $ 6(

    G= C ( g ( l g))0.5

    $? ,;H. %

    g ; .a# den#it5 43g/m ! 6

    l ; )iAuid den#it5 43g/m ! 6

    > e contactor #ection can e calculated 5 t e follo+ing eAuation;


    Git ;

    mg ; .a# o+ rate 43g/ 6

    > e contactor diameter can e calculated 5 t e follo+ing eAuation;

    D= 4 S (m)10 = 'PPEND"X =; NOR&OL &>'ND'RD $OR &"7"N. O$ .'& )"NE

    "n line# + ere %re##ure dro% i# not critical9 ga# velocit5 # all not e ceed limit# + ic ma5

    create noi#e or vi ration# %ro lem# '# a rule of t um t e velocit5 # ould e 3e%t elo+;

    V = 175 ( 1 )0.43

    G ere;

    F ; > e ma imum velocit5 of ga# to avoid noi#e in m/#

    ^ ; > e den#it5 of ga# in 3g/m!

    or 0 m/#9 + ic ever i# ever t e lo+e#r

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +% $ 6(

    10 'PPEND"X ; 'M"NE N"> (E'> EXC('N.ER& >EM' &(EE>& Rich / Lean Amine heat exchanger

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +( $ 6(

    Amine Air cooler

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +9 $ 6(

    10 'PPEND"X ; .)YCO) N"> (E'> EXC('N.ER& >EM' &(EE>&

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: ++ $ 6(

    Gas/glycol heat exchanger

    Gas/glycol heat exchanger

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +6 $ 6(

    glycol/ glycol heat exchanger heat exchanger

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: + $ 6(

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +< $ 6(

    10 * 'PPEND"X *; C("))"N. N"> (E'> EXC('N.ER& >EM' &(EE>& Gas/Propane EJ-4003 E!A "heet

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: +? $ 6(

    Gas/Gas #$tlet col% separator EJ-400&A E!A "heet

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 6* $ 6(

    Gas/li'$i% EJ-400 E!A "heet

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 6# $ 6(

    Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Specification Sheet ( condenser -chilling unit )

    10 B 'PPEND"X B; &>R"PP"N. .'& CO) MN DE&".N

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!", /'4"E34 *P!GE: 6% $ 6(

    LIQUID !"#ILE (#!"$ %!A&)

    1__TS-1 2__TS-1 3__TS-1

    Mass Flow (kg/h) 922.6 918.8 912.1

    Liquid Flow (m3/s) 2.6 1!-""# 2.63#!-""# 2.6"$!-""#

    Mol!%ula& '!igh 1##." 1# .8 1#$.2

    T!m !&a u&! (*) 2"".9 199.# 19$."

    +!,si (kg/m3) 966.9 968.9 9$1.8

    is%osi (% ) ". 99# ".6"$2 ".62#6

    Su&0a%! T!,sio,(d ,!/%m)

    29.3$ 29.#9 29.$"

    'A "U! !"#ILE (%" %!A&)

    1__TS-1 2__TS-1 3__TS-1

    Mass Flow (kg/h) 1$.$9 13.96 $.21

    as Flow ( *T_m3/h) 2".#$ 1 .$8 8.#6"

    Mol!%ula& '!igh 32.1# 31.2$ 21.18

    T!m !&a u&! (*) 199.# 19$." $.2

    +!,si (kg/m3) ".8691 ".88#9 ".8 28

    is%osi (% ) 1.61 !-""2 1.69 !-""2 1.212!-""2

    Fluid &!ssu&! ( a&) 1."1# 1." 8 1.1"3

    002/'R11/12 0,/10

    %ra Si ing* stripping gas colu+n si ing ( dia+ater)


    T&a S!% io,4 TS-1 5* L Liquid +&aw4 "."" 7

    S!% io,_1

    S!% io, S a& 1__TS-1

    S!% io, ,d 3__TS-1

    , !&,als a%k!d

    Mod! +!sig,

    % i:! 00

    S a us *om l! !

    +!sig, Limi *ha,!lli,g

    Limi i,g S ag! 1__TS-1

    ,%lud! a o& ;!ad 00

    S ECI#ICA%I",S

    S!% io,_1S!% io, S a& 1__TS-1

    S!% io, ,d 3__TS-1

    , !&,als a%k!d

    Mod! +!sig,

  • 7/24/2019 ECUMED Sizing Report for the First Phase Rev_0 MCH (Rpar) (2)


    E-U.PME/,S S.0./G "EP'", F'" ,1E F."S, P!",/'4"E34 *P!GE: 6( $ 6(

    10 10 >"E-"N PROCED RE >O 'DD 'M"NE $)'&( F'POR >O &>R"PP"N. .'&


    Plea#e refer to t e %i%ing and in#trumentation diagram entitled PROCE&& $)OG

    .)YCO) DE(YDR'>"ON

    P'CL'.E 9 document No R02-0 -DG.-PR-00-00,

    > e >ie in %oint i# located do+n#tream of t e E&DF-,10 valave and t e u%#tream of

    t e valve NE- 00* 4 t e line in + ic mounted a re#triction ori:ce RO-,106

    > e i#olation +or3 i# guaranteed 5 clo#ing 9 t e E&DF-,10 and valve NE- 00*