edge app metavallo presentation v.5

Casino Technology Unleashed

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Post on 15-Aug-2015



Data & Analytics

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Casino Technology Unleashed

Built by a team of like-minded technology professionals, our mission is to build powerful software solutions that are easy to use and provide a tangible return to our customers. Our company names, “Volante” - the Spanish word for Flywheel – and “Metavallo” - the Greek word for Adapt - were chosen because they encompass corner stones of our business methodology. Our companies are geared toward the vision of continuous, concentrated effort to build momentum. We work hand in hand with our customers to achieve continual innovation and evolution. We ensure that our products align with the initiatives and direction that produce results for our end users.


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The Engine is the customizable platform that all of our products are built off of. The solution was designed to be robust, scalable and customizable. It was written in .NET 4.5 utilizing Windows Communication Foundation and a SQL backend. We have implemented a Service Oriented Architecture, allowing for controlled expansion of services and features, while optimizing the speed and lowering the overhead required for intense system requests.


.Net  4.5 Windows Communication Foundation

SQL  Database SOA Process Automation

Authorization Customized Reporting Notifications


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EDGE is a web based software solution that allows your organization to create transperancy, consistency and accountability. EDGE allows you to electronically track, organize and manage your related evaluations, scores and corrective actions. Utilizing a responsive design, the system is accessible via supported browser(s) on both PC and Smart Device based systems. Tracking & Information Capabilities: –  Role Based Dashboard –  Scalable Reporting Capability –  Electronic EDGE Assessment –  Customized Behavioral Weighting –  Automated Progressive Corrective Action –  Secret Shopper Capacity –  Full Admin Module for Self Administration of Program

Exceptional Delivery of the Guest Experience

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EDGE - Dashboard

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Get an overview of key data, easily identify trends and utilize internal vs. external evaluations to establish a more effective service environment. -  Gap Report – View average score information for

internal evaluations vs external evaluations. -  Assessment Type – View percentage breakdown of

internal vs external evaluations. -  Dept. Pace – View the number of evaluations

conducted by a department during the week. -  Score by Scale – View the average score by

assessment scale to find out where you are excelling and where you need help.

-  Evaluations Grid – Track and search all evaluations in the system.

-  Corrective Actions – Track and view all EDGE related corrective actions generated by the system.

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EDGE – Dashboard (Continued)

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-  Access the evaluation from any smart device or browser.

-  Evaluations can be initiated by internal users or secret shoppers.

-  Receive system notification of Secret Shopper Evaluations in real time

-  Coaching and resistance notes are included to aid in the coaching process

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EDGE Evaluation

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If having a Positive/Energetic Attitude and Friendly Farewell evoke a heightened positive response from your client base, simply customize the a n s w e r s c a l e i n t h e Administration Module and you are ready for results.

-  The EDGE system will allow you to work with your EDGE fac i l i ta tor and weight the answers to questions based on your goals and needs.

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Question Weighting

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Configure the system to generate EDGE related corrective actions based on customized metrics. •  The corrective action will be

generated automatically upon submiss ion of a sub par evaluation.

-  View previous evaluation scores and corrective actions without leaving the form.

-  Reinforce consistent coaching techniques

-  Corrective Actions are tracked and notice of receipt can be confirmed electronically by employees.

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Corrective Actions

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Access the Data Tables to view: •  Deta i l ed pe r fo rmance by

Company, Property, Department, Supervisor, Team Member.

-  Specif ic observat ions and coachings including all notes.

-  Per t inen t i n fo rmat ion fo r performance appraisals.

-  Key Property and Department measurable objectives.

-  Who your top performers are and who is going through the motions.

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Full Data Table Access

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Because EDGE is a web based system. You have the capacity to allow users to access the system without having a device on your network. If a user has the correct URL and an active user account, they can complete the evaluation from home or on a smart device. -  Create multiple secret shopper

accounts and provide only the ability to enter an evaluation.

-  Internal / external employees have the ability to enter external evaluations. This is dependent on the users permissions.

-  With direct access into the EDGE s y s t e m S e c r e t S h o p p e r evaluations are available to be presented in real time.

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Secret Shoppers

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The Admin Module in EDGE allows you to manage your own deployment. System Admins can: -  Create / Manager Users -  Create / Manager Depts. -  Configure System Emails -  D e f i n e k e y s y s t e m


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The EDGE System accommodates specific company needs either to be used with the overall EDGE Program or as an overlay to optimize your current service program. Have the ability to modify the EDGE system components or customize the system completely. -  Use the five EDGE service behaviors or your own existing behaviors -  Utilize the corrective action module to manage service standards or expand

to a module which tracks all corrective actions -  Single property or multiple property deployment -  If you need it we can customize it

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Tractability and Customization

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EDGE streamlines the collection and dissemination of key customer service data. The result is to provide a positive impact to revenue through improved customer service and ensure that data is readily available and powerful.


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A typical employee spends 30% of his/her time looking for information in filing cabinets, hard drives, documents and email.


Save employee time and effort by providing key program information from multiple devices.


U.S. Managers spend an average of 4 weeks a year searching for or waiting on misfiled, mislabeled, untracked or "lost" paper.

EFFECTIVE SERVICE MANAGEMNT Companies who create customer satisfaction by adding service value see 56% higher customer loyalty.


Frank Oppenheim CEO Metavallo, LLC [email protected] 314-603-8151


Lou Rosa CFO Metavallo, LLC [email protected] 636-627-7179