edgefield advertiser (edgefield, s.c.).(edgefield, s.c ... · and the gorod seed wem sow to thre...

sMiseslafgeOUS. ARTICHOKES FOR HOGS. A correspondent in the Mississippi Far mner. says. .-One oft he chiapest articles which can be raised. as fond for hogs, a little experi ence has proved to me to be the Commoii ground artichoke. This swce and nut ri oue root is so thrifty in our climate tait it may be produ-ed abun'rtly with no othertrouble than that of pintiiig it. In- deed so thrifty and hardy is it known to be, that I have heard several farmers insist that it yielded better without, than with cultivation. It may he prtpagatod either by the seed or the root, thotrgh by rhe root the most speedily and safely. On the exa- inination of one of the roots, it will be found covered with germs, or 'eves,' anid from each, ifplanted separately. there will spring a stalk. Hence one of the roots may be cut into a great ttimber of small pieces for planting; and from the rind pai- red offhy the cook when the vegetable is used for the table, (where it is very fine) the plant will spring as well as from the whole root. The matnner of producing the artichoke which I wold recommend -although a very slovenly one-is that the farmer . ould in the spring. plunt the corners of his fences and the waste spots trhough his field< with it. By this means, with no f'tther paits whatever, except (of coturse) to keep hiis fields closed there will be produced by the fall, when he opens hi! farm to his stock, enough of these roots to keep his lo!s it) food dttring i ie winter. Nor would there be a necessity for replanting in the succeedingsprittg; for though hogs are remarkahly f'und o'tc artichoke,and will root to a considerable depth for them, yet they seldom extermi- nate them frotm a spot on which they have once taken hold ; and the yotug plants often spring after all their depredations. thicker than ever. The artichoke is sn productive that nearly haif a bushel of roots mny sometimes be gathered from a single stalk. Another excellent plant for hogs, and one easily cultivated, is the pindar or 'gou- ber pea.' The yield of this pea is most astonishing, being at the rate orf frmn six tweight hundred bushels to the acre, if properly cultivated. A veuerable and experienced planter of Nadison cottorrv, Maj. Vick, as I have undersinod, has been for a number of years practising what cannot but be an excellent system in the cultivation of this plant. lie plantt'. it with hiscorn between the hills, and after the same cultivation, leaves it untroubled to turn his hogs upon in the fall. TUH BtBLE.-We do not know where there is so good a description of the Bihle. in sosmall a compass, as to be fotnd in the article below from the Illariford Courier: A nation must ie truly blessed, if it were governed bty no other liws than tihose of this blesse'I book; it is so eonplete a sys- tem that nothing cart lie added to or takent from it ; it contains every thing needfni to be known or (lone; it alords a copy for a intg and a rile for a subject; it gives it- struction and council to a senate, athoritv and direction to a tnagistrate : it ctttttanns a witness, requires an iptrtial verdict of ajury, aud futrnisies a jutdge witi his sen tence; it sets the busband as lort of th.- household. and the wif'e as mitress of the table , tells him how to rule. and her ihow to manage. It entails hotor to pnt'ents and enjoins obedienee upon children; it pre- scribes and lintits the sway of soverei-nts, the rule of the ruler and authority of the master; commands the subjects to honor and the servant to obey; anl promises the protection of its author to all who walk by its rules. It gives directions for weddines and for burials; it protmises foodl and ri- ment, and limits the utse of both it points otit a faithful anid etertnal gutardaain to the departing husbanda antd fathter; tells imr with whom to leave his fatherless child ren and in whom his widow is to truttt, and protnises a father to aite foirmter nad a htts- band to the latter. It teaches a mant how lhe ought to set his house itn order, and ho~w to take his will; it appoints a (lowry fiar the wife, attd entails a rightt of the first- bornitand shows how the youncer. bratt- ches shall be left. It defendhs the riight of all and reveals vengeance to the chfrauder overreacher and oppressor. It is the first book and the oldest hook in the wvorld. In conttaius the chaicest matter, gives the be'st instructiotn, and affords the greatest pleats- ture andl satisfaction thtat ever were re- v'eale'd. It containis the best h~aws and prto- foundlest mysteries thatt ever were pettned. It brintgs the best tidlittg', and aff'ords the best ofeottforts to thte itnqutit'ing antd dis- consolaite. It exhibits life andl immorality and shows the way ton everbitsting gltrry.- It is a brief recital of all thatt is tao 'omel(. It settles all mtorters itt ud,-hate, resolves all dloubts, and eases the tntndc atnd con- science of all their scruples. It reveals the only living and true God, atnd shrows the wray to himn, antd sets aside all othenr godas antI describes the vanity of them, atnd of all that put their trust art thnemt. The Mind and the Soil.-Ti n cultivatitng the soil, we have our seed-time and or harvest time ; arid we all very wvell know, that if thte good seed is not deposited ini good time, the htarvest will be scanty or f'all. WVe catn reap~ only what we sow, uttless it he the wseeds antd inoxious plarcts whtich spring rup spontatneously fronm ouir neglect. Sea it is with lthe tmintd. It has its seed time attd its hrarvesttime-its ver- nal season of youth. arid its stuamer sea- son of mianihoodl. A nd the gorod seed wem sow to thre ynoung mind], will as a.,suredhl grow, and give its increase. ats that wicd we dleposite in tire soil. Orar crops temra to increase our wealth, antidad to, our aini- mal enrjoymenlts. The imrprovemrenr (a the mind, not only tends to thtese dlesirabkI ends, by aiding tire labror of the bhads, hui it tends to knowledge, to virtue, to happi. ness. Do we estimate these thrings righttly, and give to each its relative valute? Vi we not tratduate rthe waes (if rte labrorer who cultivates our soil, lby tire mieasure o good btecanr rendier uts? Andl d 'ye no graduate the watges of the teaceber, wh< cultivates the omnds of our childrent by very didl'erent principle--by the smnal amount wvhiech his captacity compels hin to taket At'e we tnot apt to make meri of the soil, and the want or it the critertor ofour choice in the cultivation of the mind! And yet, all must acknowledge, that qual ification and excellence are as mucb morr iwlispensable in the liter. than it is in tle fnrmer, is mind is superior to malner-a! a uoodn man is superior to a aotod crop.- Who would not feel a higher pride in rear- in a family of intelligent. vir tuouts 1 ad useliul children. than in rearine a fine hea-t. or inl raising a great erop of corn ? Lei us try to mend this mtteltr-to ge good laborersin the menil and moral, n4 well ag in the vegetable field of culture. Then sitall our children "rise up and bless us." -Cultivator. Efects of sleip upon the Eyes.-A date portion ofsleep is as essential to enable the eyes to perform their olire comfortably and efiectively, as a due portion of rest Is to enable the limbs wearied with toil, or- or the mind with reasoning. er other kind (if exeriion, to resnme nith alaerity their wonted office. But sleeping. too pro- iracted. on the other hand, is hardly lesa destructive of accurate, henhbliy vision. than when taken too p:iringly ; flr itn the anete ca tI ire n is enifeeiled by nire- itilg activity wiahouit a proper deree ofrepo-e. so in theothercase, ahieeye front Ifatrequeit or insulficient exerei4e. heeroties torpid ;anad dtill, and i iinaetion he persis- redl inl, if is at len111h un11fitted fOr its fune- tiuns.-Curtis on the E'j. Preservation ofPumnpkins.-We under- stand that M1r. C' S. W. Dorqey is at this time feedhing his milch cows freely on pumpkis ollast vear's growth, whiih ;are in a state of perfect preservation. The hunter is of ahe linteqt quality. and of the richest coloar, ts ni-thi hie experictl rrom such food. -is mo:1" of pmreervintg so perfectly a ve21etabale which while it ean he kept soiud, all consider so valaler, but which has generally been found to be delicate and perishabh-, is woritv of bein:; noted. We understaud his ,ystein t be to cover the space itn his harn intended for their preservation with dry straw, say a foot or IS inches thick. Oat this is pl;a- ved a laer of putmplakins, anld oan that another thick layerof israw, and so ott and the result is that hi<4 cows have been supplied to ile present tite with Ii an abun- dance ol' this superior lood, in a perfectily soaund and pure cndition. One irord inore.-When zentletmen site- ceed inl experintcns so usefual as this, ahey ought to communicato ilie resalt It lie A nerican Foarer. and tot hide aheir lights under a bushel air leave them tn be aliscovercl bay accident-rerb. sup sat.- American Fumier, of April S Dress the Vind.-On natly morninug before going to church what i dressin there is among all elnsses. ntd what i stir to appear gay and pleasing. It is a1ajite suillceient for the rrat purposes of our ex- iqtcte i i wash tile oanside ilthe ph titer Ctirles ima le atranged, line torioisehli coibs fixed. sparkling ear rinta;s hall!. !plendid garmenta- displavied, and yet. perhap, the gay fair noe's; Mind tnay be poisoned with concit, troubled with rival ry, and kept an ti torture by ignorance and vault y. Windtpr soap dIes not w awh out the stains of tle heart-olo nle Wn ler can not throw a fingranae over :ai im pi1P minid ; nor will all the rubiis of Gol roida <azzle I lie recording iael into a l1r- getifulness of illinie.z up the leaves of the book of retribution. Tit.:- Pavrss I- is ihxico.-A letter fromt Mexico srayn:---Newipapers are not so cheap in this countt rV as %% ith yoti. Arty little trifling paper Iblisied in Mexicao costs 825 to 830 a year, published once- or twice a week, and then n certninty that oitn-half ie iiuers are lost (in the road. anal. afier all, the matter eont;ainead woui not fill this shieei aof papaer. Therae mte n-a aboave fifteen pap 1ers pulished in the wvhaole Republic. M~nonteryjand lrest P'oinat Rail Road. -Thela Geoa rgia .le-'ii-r-roni ian, oaf:22 ineataat, says. tha t"his pulic i t' erpirizea 4 r- gressmat with great slpirit. A few dayvs ncia we anr~ltced that the ears were rut- ning twa-ve miles out from Montigomtery, Otar last accounts saate thait they ntow a-n twenay-five miles. nnd the enmtpletiona of the rad is still raptidly progressinig." heat Crop.-The Whleeling Times of The craip for nmany miles rountd this place, we are assuaredl, is niearly or iquhie as goodl as it was last y'ear. TPhere never wats befaore as muich wheat in thae counary as now. Valley Wheai Crop.-T he St aiutont pec-a ir aof the* 23d1 sayV: It appihears that ahe wheat cropi genernally' in thi< Volley haas baeena seriouasly inaj uried by thae trs.- There isnta large qinamity of oldl wherat oat landaa. howtever, wihichi, wvitha th lnraew cr0op, will eaquial altr full auveriage sulipply.-Balli- more Amnerieun. CAst.: OF A WoMi~AN wiTti Two IIUs- BAsos-JuIstice in aL ij/naidary.-Chaiel Justirae Shaiw, ini dectidlinig a crase recenatly aa t hi Naorih, rearnked thla ''iiri n marriedl womnt hias goaad prootf thlat her hu asbanda is deaad, sihe imary malrry again, atal if her buhan td nrnsi t to lie alive andia retturnis. she uindauteadly wouldl not lie gih ly ii afhigamy, hecrause the guilty iten'lt wast wvratig; butt whieba husbanad wuh-ttl be ent iiled amo her, wulu d lie mnitter alorihb.' in suich a case we thinak it wulid he ane more than fiair for the two huasbandtas to hal- loti fair choice, and in case of a tie allows the wvomaan to thraowv the eastinig vote. ISoda-A few (launces of sodna will softet n hog,,headh of the hta-rdest water. ha is greatly superior toi pot oar pearl ash. giving~ a dlieni'te ni biteniess to the linen. wihima thec slighatesmt intjutry, andtil naeve'r, ainless ex eis is uised, in thea least effeets the hands The receipts of i lour, a Newu Yor'k ha the Ctanamls. fi-nim the iipenaing af na-viga tiaan on the 2Oalb Alaril toa ahe GaIt of ,tily were about :J-1:3.000 barrels, aIt is Haid that Amterican bank sinck na canal andi rail-way shaires are blat ii Gireat liritaiaa ao te extenit of necarly 200- 000,000 idollars. 1The Thames Taunnel hnts now reachic the low water mark. It will lie complc P ROCLAMATIOi. Exceulive Department, Co)l.ma't. .Intv 1ith, i40. Y hli-. Excellency. B. K. liensegan, Esq. B Governor and -Conmnander inl Chtief inl amt over theS taie of Smith Carolina. Whereas, informiatio, has been received at this Department. that n msest awrocios murder wast connitted in Inion District, on tie I H f Jnne last. Iv a eermin nerro man f DI. the property of Elisha Porter. Esq.. upon the body eef Eli'ha Bied-ne', a citizen os;sid District. and thal the said Jill has fed tfrom.stice. Now to tile endlS that juistice mayv he lone, and tiat the ,:tid fJ1a maY het broiensvt to ed il trial tll hi< ot'eiice, a f alorsesid. I do her'e offera Rew trd of' ne humhiied and litiv dolilars ir his 4 apprehcension and delivery into*any jail of fit State. The saidl Jim is descrihed as a black ellow, with heavy eve brows. 1hih1 cheek hones. sul- ky ctut-nees tre. d nhosu !2 yrars of nge. Given ilyder mv ,11 t and tle seul of the 4sinte. lit 5'oi'shin. tle 1tith of Jnly, otne thonssmd ei*rht tshsundred and forv. and in: the sistv-lisih venr oftils Indepesdence of thle United Statues of Amerien. B. K. IIENAGAN. By the Governsor. 11. LanssD. Secretary of Siatc. July 17. 1:440 r 2; Nil(1 eo f So011 a 1'ill' li 1. EDGEFIE LD DISTRICr. IN Tlli ('03IO10N PLEAS. 71L.1,. 11. AD.A.\S. who ik itn tile en.ieotv o" (Ite Sherifirofthles idlstrict. by virtue ofe a 'vril. of rupias td iat.s;eciae -it thet suit of Wilhamln Cook, having filed It-s ptition.ned a schedie onl onth. of his ih.'oea e-i:ie. real amt persoial. with the puirpooe of' o!bta'i Stain tie efit o the Art ofl* the Genirl A;tmbly of is SIte, commiionily called the Insolvent Dtor's Art." PUr..sc NOiTtCt iS here'tby' give. that the pe- itio of' the saidt Wme. it Adoms will le heard andi iloni:ed in he Court 4f Commol le,. 5ihr LE.ge!'til. Di-trict, sit Etdaciel,. C. Hoisse. ell Wednet-edu.v. the '21st ti. of' Octiber next. isr st some sitsieinent day ' thle Term of snid Court. vthieb will be then selti: atn all the cteditor ef' the sanid Wm. ii. Ad.:'ims. are here- h.v sm11811n e-011 nerzoniy sir hov attorne'. then and there, in tit said Crs, So show c:'si.e, it they ean. why the beict oithe Act noressid. sthinkti ot teit gransted tSi the said William 11. Adamts. ipon his e xectting the assigent re- eptired by the Act afotresnid. GEO. POPE, C. C. P. ler!:'s Ofr. Jul/y t!I1.1M40.ne5 State of3011th ( 'arolina. ID EFil 1D DISTR ICT. IN Til COMMON PLEA:4. Er EN t 11 UFFi'A-t , Senl.. who is it te E. e'etov of tie Sh-eri1'eff the sniel )strict. ev vire oftwrits ot' rapins ad satisfaciendumti. t; lie sit oft Lewis Coi;ies nd Lerratin (Gd- 1ings.having filed his petitit. with a schedul e tit nth. ef hsis whole estate bolti real and per- sOtali. with te purpose o obtisieg the ieie- it ef ite Acst of the Getnera Assem ly of this "lttne. cotn eniivtalled ie 'iInsolvet'iJtebo's 'sst.tc No rsc. is herby ziven. that the pe- iine of th -sti d ilery filTetnte, n . wi l te e'tret and conesitersled. it the Court ofe'tsmmi I'lens ftller tdgeield Distrtict. con Weinesdiny :Ief 21:it day of Octobrr next. or tss some stit- see'atcnt d:ey durimtn tlih Term of said Cmirt, which will thei tbee itt sessio: and all tle cresd iiters of the seid Ileary litli'inn. se..are here- hey stmmoned personally or by nte'y. then ;Iani there, ine the said orll to shw entie. it tirv enn. whtv tilt- he'nefit elo tie Act attb'resnid. <!b41.dint oIe granted to e sisaid lienry iltiT- Iran, sn. pit o nt11tt tti. exceiting the assinpment required iy hliesnid Art. G EOU. PO PE, C. C. I'. IR iG i.hF I) DTSTh[ RiCTi d" -'.I iiG E W. T'tit )'atASwh '..i-e ine the eni- tod ofi.'el the She'risl' sif the 9-tiI- )i-trr'-t. hev verlte tef cert.tini writs eotruaiasud satis~uri- emrium. at Sthe tstiSt faw reses'e &~ tBeasrtl s' (. & S Lvs''. Watrrent Kimtbrell foer t-e use halintgiis f'i'le' icetitions wvilth sc'tedutl' ectn ontth. of' ttts whtie. estate, t'ealt attd psera. w'irth the~ purpse~ of' obetainin't thSte hcesifit eet tse Act oft te G etwrail 5 Asely. sef this State, 'istcmonly P'ut.sc Nocr ;c is hterehr giv.ens tht the pe" titiontt ot ther.I :-i Georg~e~ W. '1Thomt:se, w.ill te ihea:rdt ndsidss cs'ered ine tite Court ofe' Como ttti Plea-.. t'er Edge'ttiuhl Dist risct.at Edsgerlie'td acut . Hi otnse, sin Wisidnesday te 2 1st da~y oet' Or'tei-er tiex t, or tes sasse' sicbIsrtenen tday eef thie Ti'em tctsnid C'ourt. wh''licht will b tie eti snting:e antd alii thte cedior's sof tthe siad Geir':e W. 'Theeonmt nre lier'hv tss etnoed pe'.rstitally set by~ rar- tne'y, the'and thiere. its lice saoid (e irt. Seo shew'' ens'aie, it ihesy e'nnt. why use benteftit e'the' Act n- l'ere'si.tuu1 hon i no he grt a'ed to ste sid G. WV. 'Thmates. cntean hsis Aee'ntinc ste nssign- ment requjtired iby thce Act ifore'-nidl. G EO. PO PtE, C. C. P. S'tate of Soistlh ( arliina. ED~iW iE LD DISTR ICT. IN TIiE COMMON PLEAS. A BNER BUSIINELLwhto cw inthte enssto- .dey of' te therifA' of'5tesaidl District, Iby v.irtone ot'a ntit' capia~s rad sat isfaciendum, net thse r'iit at' nker, Josonses & Ca harvinig filed i petitan, w."ithi5 ta'sedie scn oalth. tet'hi" whale estte real antd persmd, wvi. h the puerposse ot'eb.e tinitng the beiltsit' tihe Act at' thte Gentesrai Asrsembisy at'-tis State. ctiionnony calted the "Isoslve't lDebitsr's' Act." Puni.sc No-rIcE iiere'by givesn, thatl the Pe- titiaon eef the sidi Athner tBtshnellec wiitt ibe hiecrtd anid conisidtereds. in the CoenrI set Co.. mions Plents for Eeigteseld Dirstrict, out Wednr'etday sthe 21st diay'rt Sf Octsober inext. sir ris 'somee subtsegntett dta'y duerincg the T1ermt eef sid ('eiurt, wh''iichi w.ill thenc ibe its sessionc: stnd sttltihe cr'edistrs sef the smed Abnie'r Butstel, acre theteby 'ummnediiesa peersocnally or bey ttorniey, tht'c andst the're, tic sitew. e'ntses.i tiey'. enst.whty ste honteit ofete Act !afoeresnridi. shtotldtit b~sle gi'aitedi to the esaidi A h- ce'r lin--shel. nno hil ecnin t he !e5'iil aist' gn men.'tt requtired by theid' setct. G EO0. POPF, C. C. P. Clerk's Ofie.- 1 .Inly~ 41,-4. % ne 25 New Carn t or' Male. A OT)ITE, tteve'r u sedt w.itht compthte lbar- n e.ss for iiair sot ilsese wilt bie sohli tsowi; appl~,y a the Rasil Rccad Depositary at lamsbusrg. State of South Caiolina. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. IN THE CO1IMO. PLEA S. JA.MES SI'9PSON. who i il the cnsto- dv of' the Sherifr of' Ahheville District, by virtne of' imesne process, at the -ntit of Clark. M1cTier & Co-, haviing filedu his Peti- tion, wnh a Schediil on onth of his; whole P- tate, realnid perivinial, with the putrpose of ob- tainingl the betefit of' the Genceral As-fembily. commontrflttiy cailcd the 1[nolvent Debtor's Act." Pupt.tc NorTIC is hereby giveti. that the pe- tition of' tsai .fames impson will :.e heard 111e considered int the Cot of' Common iPleas ror Ahheville Diktriet, at Abheville C. Ilonse. ott Wedntesday, the fotirteenih day of' October next, ir- stteh other day therenfier ns the Court mav order duritnr the Term. comnencing at tie said place mie the -econd Monttdav inl Octo- her eoxt: and nil the credites of the said Jinme, Simpsnon are lte'reby smtmoned personally. ilr* by at'ortiev, then atnd tiere in the said Court to -thew c ae,-. i' thev call. why the betefit of the act aloreaid shotld l not he granted to tIhr Qtil .1 ames Simpson. iupoi li-, executintg the a.siginenjt required by the Act aforesnid. ~ JNO. -'. LIVINGSTON. c. c r-. Clerk'.s 0.gilre. April '2. M.10. I.1-,50 ne 22 State of, South Carolina. AIBEVILLE DISTi CTI'. I.V TilE COME.10X PLEA S. Wilsonc & Ilodge) vs Case on Atachment. Wiilin M. Pnilv Vhere-,s IthePlain'tin'; have this dav filed theil declaratii int the Clerks Offiie of Abheville Distriet. against the Defetdanrt who is absent f'rom. and withont the limits if thi tatw. ain(d :as teither wife nor attortny, known withinc the samle. uipetn wh11om:1 a copy of the Said detlan. raion with a rtth. to plend until. might hie seorvme: It is therefbre ordered, itiat the said tli ,.t filh upp i-arn'ied ph m: it to -si.! t-o lar .'ti. % iltt :a year .nd day. frmv!bt . -o !. or jd..ement. tiii nd abiuoluete w-ill be awar- ded atgairtv him. JulHN F. LIVINGSTON. c. c. r. C 'rk's ffii'e. ? lay 11.J1s40 R & !P $70 nrlp tutte 14, smilill A'aillat. AlBEViF LLE DISTR ICT. IN TiE COMMON PLEA'S. Nathlanie'l J avis. ) Adinirstrator ofJoseph Auichment, Davis. decensed, Assumpsit. Garnishee, vs Williamn P. Lumpkini. 1 1 i i E Plaiitif' lmvint2 this dar filed lis dec- 1.araution itt my iflice. and -ht iuerled:mt having o wifre or Aiorne known to be witi- inl the itatt fon Iwhmiilt a copyI with a rtle to plend. coid le srrvel. Oil mottion, Order- etd that tite 'eend-itt do lebad to the said do- eInration within a '--ar and a in or fineal mnd absolutte jlttznltmet 'wi:1I hie awarded ntgniist him. JN.*-. F. LIVINGSTON, C. C. P. Cicrk's Offire. July 16, 1k40. B B &T $7.50 aqe 25 "tiate of Sith Carolina. AIllEVILLE DISTRICT. IN TH E COMMON PLIE AS. William Keower vs Ca'sc on Allhelmecnt. John rownee'. Te Plin-il'havin this day fMied his decla- ratio in the Clerks Ollire of' ibevilie District. against the defdewati. who is h-et from and wiithout the tlimits 'ftl ( t t ste. aind has neither wvili.. nor :ttner. kioiwn witinrc the same. iion whmeom a c'py of' said dte!aration i ighlt he se-rved: It is thereifore torde red. Ihnt Ite said Dei-nd:m. dit appear md pead to the said Declarnt!on. within a year anld a day f'rmttt tie linlicg il' this De elaratsiont, or fitlnni ttd ahseieette idirment will ie giVetn .1nd(l awaltrdd againtst him. JOIIN F L[NINGSTIN, c.c. r. Clerk's Oli'ce.: May 11. 14tf. w & i $7 50 nqe "tate of '"outh (arolina. AIBEVILLE DISTRICT. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. A . (1. T1111m!1n I Assu-its-r. Fpihraimn V'sse.. A A-r t r~ent rr. T It*. P|nitil?'ihavint2 file.I his dieclaraetion T t ir.he (ler.'.-- ili. e on thec sixtceethi .day~ of'Iktobter ia't. an.ti it apearimn that the detmlam~tt is treome. andte witihout tihe lietits of' the 8t:te.an hairn'ict mithetr wife ntornttore'ev with-' ine tee .ntid Ii.-tri.-t. itn witari rub i tt ' pitentd en; tt he' s. rred.i It is thIeerc't'-re ord:t (tt: thItut tite de.tntdant dee pieade torthe toit i 'eratiotn withb- int n v'enr :rn.d a daty. Irotte tfii itt the dec- Inratttrt, eor fintaiete n'mlebotte rtdgmceet wvill he e'nteredl n..aintst imi. by'. delimtit C'r 's (?jirrv. ? Jat is 5iu .I ' $lli Cu ittiiai EDEIf IEDi IlSTillf'T. IN TLiliE CONMON PiLAS. .\lert S. D)ozier, ) Fore'ignt - i iE plainetii' hveintg tihis day f'ie'd his' de- - clrta tmnt itn tmy otli'e, and rte tit-'endanet hain'g tno u ih'e or at'tttt ey knotwn t to beo n itii thte stite, npoti' whte-mt a copv couttldi be ser- ved withf a rttile o ph-'nd. It'is ordlered thtat the defi-ttlant do piend~ to the said ude'rin- rationt writheii a yerr ad a day'., f'ron thtis dare. :gaittst imt. ( 1.O. PO PE, C. C. P. EdgefieldI C. II. S 7,50 a. &an. oqie 41 Tran-Yard & Shoe Shop opened. ON thte E'.iretieldi Iondl near Mt Vinringe, ~.pwhere good Cow Hides ill be bottght. or tmeoed ott shares-ote half' f'or te o ter ttnd fitne Shoes, Brts. antd Negro Shoes willhIe ttnde ott as good termts, and of maaterias itf'e- ricr to nroce in rte Statte. Wartigont Hatrness made, atnd Carriage H~ar- ness tepairced. Atny aerticles tmade wvti bte ex- chanutged lor good Cowv HIides. From appulien tiott to buesintess, ande tire best of' Leatiher, rte sbisriber htopes thce publiic in genteraul ill pa' toteizle htis new elfort to acecommiodate tis iDistric~t. aend ilii c'aii arid see htis work anid judge f'or tihemcseIles.- MICiflAEL C GEARTY. Near Mlt. Vitntage, S. C. Manchc 23'. 1P40 d ESTURAY. BUlD ETT COItLiXY,livitngon Ite Iham- bur ftig ieti otte and a htalf' emiles f'rmoe iniuet's ferry ire Edgefield Distriet, tetlls hcelbre tce, nte estracy scorrel stttd c'oit, thi rte'en an tafr thfhande ets highe, wiith ftn scmtll st reak of'Vwhite itt its hirehcead, f'cntr years old, tno oeter mearks j-erceivabfle. -\pprauised rat fifient dccilers. GILE~S 3fAuTIN. A prii Gth, 1840 12 c BOOE & JOB PRINTING OF Eery~ desc'ription exceuted with or te ED.rmn Aunurtt. Mew .Fautniue isid Joia. ers Khowp. 7111Esumbsc;riber takes this method to inform his friend.and tll citizens of this. and the adjoining Districts, that he has per'nanzent- ly loitrd his FUltNITURE AND JOINER'S SHOP oi tie Mirtintown Road. near Gilgal Chuich, abent tiwelve miles above Edaefield C. Ilonse, aid 17 below Cumbridge. B-iang a Mecha. ic himnisell, nid having experiecired, good workmen in iiis emiploy, lie flatters hitnidf that lie will h able' to give .ati-filetion to all those who may fitvor him with their orders. De has onilhand. and expects to keep n good assort- imlent of 'AVYt. Doons, SASH, BIt.tSs, ASO MAT. .PIF.cEs. Also CABINET FURNITURE. Stli as Wiardrobes. Sideboards, Bureaus, Book Cases, Folding Tables. Ae. Sc. Repairing done at Ilie shortest notice. nnd oi rpnsonable terms. If desired, he will go any distance under twenty-five miles, to Glaze. All orders thankfnlly received, aid punctii- nlly attetded to). Aidress the undersigned. Diuntonsville.Edgeficld District. S. C., or Win. F. DIirisoe, Edgetiell Court House. WILLTAM BAYLEY. Near Gilgal. S. C April :30, 1840. -3m 13 Phoenix Stone Ware Factory. TO ME RCJIINTS ANn THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL. ie Subscribers having been engaged in the manilh4etoring omf Stone Vare lit lotuersville. its Ldgelield. S. C. for many years aid from long experience, and former owners of that establi.4ionent, lave loonted theieelvv. at the Iion'ix Factorv. Shaws Creek. twelve miles fromn Edgetfield 'C. Ilense on the main Ioned leading frIn Newberrv, .' iion, and the filper Districts to Aiken, for the uierlpse of miannfhctuirin Stie Wiare in all its varions brauicles. 'h'hiev have terenred the best ofh ha:1 -a ,: ge stwek oi h.,ml. Thee u.-eurtment is the leost compl ever before oliiereo ihr s:e iii this mnrlet. to whic i they woi.!.I call the -s'tionl ot* Vi. . - 1' : :! Planter-. and ill ioise wl w sh-i to w.ircms: aem thm g inl their linue Amig the many :rti.-ls of which the ir stock i., composed, are the foilow. il- viz: Jars o:all sizes frnn 4 gnl!sin oio20 ihallons. .11ogs ol all sizes do. ? do. 20 ido. Chuns of all sizes 2 do. 5 dI. Bowls or pais l ofall sizes, from 4 do. 11o 5 ito. Bouer Pocits of all sives fromiA do. to3 do. with covers. Pitchersofallsizesfrom j do. to3 clo. And leds e-atly maile for jars and elmrus il desired. Siew Potm or vnrioins sizes. &c. &c. All of (ithe above is inferior to none made in the Li.ited States. Orders addressed to its iot Edgrehill Court H ouse.S. C. will be- prompt- !v uitended to, and delivered to the Merchait's diloor, any distaice deir nie hindred and lillty miles. Charlestoi merehants cae ha.ve. thei r n are delivered at the depot, inl Aikenie. at J2. cents per gallon. The Price: at the Factory is 114 cetis per gallon. MATIJIS & RHODES. April 1. 1940 tf 9 'T'he Charlstoon Conr. will pulili!n 3 times. weekly, and forward uccounet to this Office. NOTICE. f 'll E Snliscribers having disposed or their nstock 111 )ia S, .EDICI.\ ES. &C. in llambeleurg, (S. C.) to .1iessie's GAnvis & i vs. thev woild solicit for them a conitin ance or the patronagee lte'retoefore extetled to tltemiselves. H1. It COUK & CO. June 17, 1810. d 22 IIE Subiscribers havinu purchased the stock ofr)UGS, Ml:DIGINES.&c of II. it. Cix & Co. . will crry en the Dtie aid Apothecary business in ainmburg, at the sane stand They iiiteid keepits n fell n- sortuient of rreli tud geuiine articles in thseir line -The busiiess will be condteed by De. JAn.s 11. iseunnAY. to wlinmn all orders for goods may be addressed. A share of the pith- fic patronage is respect1inly soitei'ed. GA'tVfN & IIAlNES. Aungusta. June 27. 1-140. d 22 EDGEFl LD D.ISTRICT. IN TiiE COMMON F LEAS. ili', Rlipley stnd Co.. Declairatioti out At- Williami arberottgh tachtn, nt in Debit. T||E Plntits. in this case. htaving, this day Tfile'd t heir Declaerationi in mce ollice,. si the eetendansit haivitng ntee-her WVitfe or Atto:ey withint this Staite. iuoi whout a copy iif saidi iDcarationt enin be serve'd; erdeede that the Defendan it piesnd theretoe w i tin ae year aind a day fromt thtis pubtlliea'ieen. or the steid action will be tasken proconitesso neintst lhim. G EO. POPE, C. C. P Clrk's Office, 2.th Oct.. 1ico. 5T.ni.tr. 39 aqe EDG EFIELD DISTrRICT. IN TIIE CO.UON P.EAS. J. & L. Jotnes, vs Attacone'n H1. I I Jose. . T U E P'sinintiff ini this case. htavinig filed his declsiration ini mii ice. antd the D efen-. idanst hiavin2 ito wvil' cmr'Attorni'y ki.owni to be withiin th~e Mtte upon whiomt a copy conl be sered with a rn'e tio pleade. It is or.red that the Defenidan t do p lesnd to the said~diclairantont within a yeasr aind ae day.~ from this date. or linal ad abisoltete jnedgmenut will lhe atwmudee -t'niist himu. G EU. P'OPE. C-. C. -P. Clerk's Oftie, Edge-~ ield, On jst "39 (7 50 n aqne 4 IN TUiE CL)MON PI.EAS. Csleb .iitehtell. nilm'r. vs ) Johna Johnsoni; the samie, Attachmetnt. vs the same. U. L,. P'enni £ Co. vs John Johnsoin; G. L. & E.Penni &Co. Attachiment. vs the ssne. inetwoothierceses S1Hi F. Plaitith1 htavinig tiled their declarations Pini my oflice. andi the defendlant htavinig no wile oer Attornuey ki~owte to lie withinc the State, uplont whome at cop~y can lie served. It is uorder- edl that the Defenedant. plead thereto withein a year anid au day from this pueblienstionm, or the sail actioni will be takeni pro confuiwso ngsniest himci. GE')hG(E POPE, C. C. P. Clerk's Ofiree. Edevr.{ field. O.ct 2ithi, 1539. a n w $10, esnq 46 Carriage Making. f jill E Subscriber will U maeskennitd repaiir Car -' rineges & Wstggons ofl eve es;..-''rv desciptiomn ini the' best possble muaieer and sit thie shourte'st nottice. All orelrs thanuekfielly re'eiv'edl ndc piromptltly at ~teded toe. E*DWvARD BAILKEl. llamurg Dec 1.18:t1 if 44 Multi Bole Cottons Seed. T H E aboeeve Sceed cenn lie lead sit the Store oh G. L. & E. PiENN & Co. onm good terms. W~arrsanted gentuie. .'u...i, 15m1r0 Citizens of Charleston, A ND THE NEIGHBORING ST.1TES. OU are respectfully informed that 70 Y likETING STREET 70-is my Office jiir the exclusive sale of BIRANDRLTH'S VEGE- TA BU. UNIVERSAIL PILLS. Price twen. tY five cents per box. with directionsin English, French. Spanish Portuguese and German. The high and universal reputation of the Blatdeli Pills, renders it uninecessary tocom- ient l.rgely on their lartictlaurvirties. As an anti-bilious and purgative medicine, they are uneiualled by any. Their purifying effect on the blood is universally allowed-all that have ever used have approved and recomiended then. In many cases where the dreadul ravages of ulceratini had laid bare ligament amd bone, and where to all appearance, an human means could save life, have patients by the use oftlhese Pills, been restored to good health; the devour ing disease having beencompletely eradicated. In conStieuice of the pleasantness of their operation, they are nniversally used in every section of'this wide extended country where they are made known. nnd are fnst surperseding every other Preparationi of professed similar import. Upwards ofFourteenThousand cases have been certified as cured, solely from their use since the introduction of that into the U. Stics, thus establishing the fact beyond all doubt. that the Brandreth Pills cure the (appa rently) most opposite diseases, by the one simple act of continually evacuating the bow ets with them, uttil the disease gives wayt thterelibre. whatever may he said of tie rHnoRY, the UTILITY of the PRACTICE is now BEYOND all DoUtT. As Brandret's Pills cure Scurvy, Costive- ness, and its consegneinces, seasfaring men, and all travellers to foreign regions, should not be without. in order to resoit to them on every occacsion of illness. No medicine chest is re- qiireil where they are. N. B.-Time or clinate affects them not, provided they mre kept dry. Soathern gemte- iw:1I ,-; fi t this :omdiciie one that willinsure ;1C to pe. ple on the(ir estes. Le cnreini ali never putchase Pills of a Driiyist. PnorEssi.%o to be Brandreth's Pills. U- ) C) tUMST.ucES is any one of this eins.. It. .:1 :m Ajent. My own establklhcd Agents ha% e INvAnIAB.Y ini~ENGRAVED Certifi. cte signed B. lBranidreth. M1. D, in my own haid writing. This is renewed yearly-and whien over twelve months old, it no longer guarantees the genineness of the medicine, it would lie well. therefore, for purchasers to ear, illy examine the Certificate. The saal is no1t wax. ti embissed on the paperrwitha steel senl. it'ilhe !eiiiiie imedicitie is obtiiiied.there is no doiht of its giving perfect satisfaction, and it'ali who wantit arc t areful to go by the ab eidirections. there is little doubt but they wi iobtain it. Remember 70 Meeting street, is the only place in Charleston where the £'eniine medi- cie Cn he obtuitied. nid at W. W. Sales,Hat-.. burr and C. A. Down. Edgefield G.H. the only anitthorised Agents for Edgefield AGFNTS FOR SOU'H CAROLINA. Stephen Owen, Aiken; David Turner, Beaitlort; John McLaren.Abbeville; William Ctinninghan, Colitnbia; Elijah Alexander, Pickens; John ilastie. Pendleton; Samuel Vilnot Georgetown. McLure. Bravley & Co, CNester; Charles Wilcox. Coosawhatchie: Ma- ker & 11yan, Barnvell K. I.: D. & 11. B. Rice. Grihin's P. 0., Barnwell District.; Guines & Bolliia, Greenville District; Reuben Gross, Lexington.: ilastie & Nichol, Greenville C. II.: John G. Tonine, Youngnesville, Fair. lield lIist.; Sylvecter Hench, Orangeburg; tiiV& Johnso&, Newherry; Rice & Cater, Anderson : Jinmes F. Gee, Leesville. Lexiug- ton Disn icit; nrksdale & Saxon. Gaurenqvillc, Vcrtoti &. Mitchell Spartaniburg, P. J. Foster, Foster's, Union District; John McLure,Union- ville. George Sicel, Yoikville; A. H. Cham- bers, Winsboro';C harles Miller, Edisto Bland, John liosser, Camden; Samuel A ilmot, Georgetown; Maker & Ryan, Barnwell; E. Garligie. Liackvile, Barnwell; E D Felder, 31idway, Barnwell; Gangley & Drunmond, Lower Three lins, Barnwell: Philip Char. trand. Branchville. Orangehiurg; A. Steveison, Pickmien ville, Union, and B. Jaudon, Robert- ville, uairfort. Feb 13, 1840 tf 2 tate of soutit arolina. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN TilE COMIMON PLEAS. James liarrisoni Attachment. vs llenry I'vans Debt ont Judgment. 1fl Il E llmntilf in this case, having this day f iled his declaration, and the Defenidant ha~viing no wvife or Attorney kno~wn itn this Staite, upoii whioni a copy of the saime can be served; ont miotioni of Plimtifi's Attorney, Or dlered. Thtat the said D~elendant do~ appiearatnd plead to thei said dlecl:aration within a year aiid a daiy from the pubilicationt of this order, or juidgement:will be rendere against hintpro con- .fessa. GEO.. POPE, c. C. P. Nov. 5,1839 w.aw $750 age 40 Staite of 'EonthI Carolina. AlIBIEVILLE DISTRICT. 13 TI HE CoUIMON PLEAS. Leroy T ny lor, vs. Attachmient Ivy TIaylor Assumpns it. F I' H E. Plaintiff ini this case, havinig this day Pfiled his declaration, and the Djetendant hiavinig no wife or Attorney, known in this state, uppon whom a coipy of the same can be served. On mnotiotn. ordered that the said Defenidant do aptpenii and~pleadl to the said declaration, wvithini a year and a day from the pubhlication hieieof. or final and absointe judgment will be awarded nynitnst him. JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, c. c. P. Clerk's Otlice', Ulnv 9. 1040. na -~r $7 50 age 15 late ol *otittl Carolina. ABIIEVILLEC DISTRICT. IN THlE COMMON PLEAS. Joel J. Li pford' Att-chmtent W illiatt M.Bailey Asmst F fluE Plainititi'having this day filed his dec- N lnration iln miy oflice, and the Dlefenudant having no wile or 'Attorney known to be within the State, upon wvhom a copy could be served, with a rule to plead. On motion, ordered that the D)efe~ndant do plead toi the said declaration wtitin a yet atnd a dayi froml this date, or final and absohute juidgmnent will be awarded against himt. JNO. F. LIVINGSTON. c. c. P. Clerk's (Oflice. Mayv9, 194. 5 B&T $7650 aqe 15 State of South (arolinla. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN TIlE COMIMON PLEAS. Williami Dantiel, vs Alttachment Williatm Salter. Assumnpsit. IuIE Platintitf havinig this day filed his de- ..elaration in the abiove stated case, and lavlig tno wile or attorney known to be with- iti this state, up~oni whiomi a copy of the said dleclnrntioni with a rtule tou plead can be served. It is ordered that the said lDefendlant do appear and plead to the said deelaration,. within a year andt a day. from the publieation htereof, or finial andi a1bsOhite judgmen~t will be awanrded against him. OGEO. POPE, c. c. P. CIerk's Opffre, { Marrs uti. 1$lf. 5 a & a .97 50 aqe i9

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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ... · And the gorod seed wem sow to thre ynoung mind], will as a.,suredhl grow, and give its increase. ats that wicd wedleposite


A correspondent in the Mississippi Farmner. says..-One oft he chiapest articles which can

be raised. as fond for hogs, a little experience has proved to me to be the Commoii

ground artichoke. This swce and nut rioue root is so thrifty in our climate taitit may be produ-ed abun'rtly with no

othertrouble than that of pintiiig it. In-deed so thrifty and hardy is it known to be,that I have heard several farmers insistthat it yielded better without, than withcultivation. It may he prtpagatod eitherby the seed or the root, thotrgh by rhe root

the most speedily and safely. On the exa-

inination of one of the roots, it will befound covered with germs, or 'eves,' anidfrom each, ifplanted separately. there willspring a stalk. Hence one of the roots

may be cut into a great ttimber of smallpieces for planting; and from the rind pai-red offhy the cook when the vegetable is

used for the table, (where it is very fine)the plant will spring as well as from thewhole root. The matnner of producingthe artichoke which I wold recommend-although a very slovenly one-is thatthe farmer . ould in the spring. plunt thecorners of his fences and the waste spotstrhough his field< with it. By this means,with no f'tther paits whatever, except(of coturse) to keep hiis fields closed therewill be produced by the fall, when heopens hi! farm to his stock, enough of theseroots to keep his lo!s it) food dttring i iewinter. Nor would there be a necessityfor replanting in the succeedingsprittg;for though hogs are remarkahly f'und o'tcartichoke,and will root to a considerabledepth for them, yet they seldom extermi-nate them frotm a spot on which they haveonce taken hold ; and the yotug plantsoften spring after all their depredations.thicker than ever. The artichoke is sn

productive that nearly haif a bushel ofroots mny sometimes be gathered from a

single stalk.Another excellent plant for hogs, and

one easily cultivated, is the pindar or 'gou-ber pea.' The yield of this pea is most

astonishing, being at the rate orf frmn sixtweight hundred bushels to the acre, ifproperly cultivated. A veuerable andexperienced planter of Nadison cottorrv,Maj. Vick, as I have undersinod, hasbeen for a number of years practising whatcannot but be an excellent system inthe cultivation of this plant. lie plantt'.it with hiscorn between the hills, and afterthe same cultivation, leaves it untroubledto turn his hogs upon in the fall.

TUH BtBLE.-We do not know wherethere is so good a description of the Bihle.in sosmall a compass, as to be fotnd inthe article below from the Illariford Courier:A nation must ie truly blessed, if it were

governed bty no other liws than tihose ofthis blesse'I book; it is so eonplete a sys-tem that nothing cart lie added to or takentfrom it ; it contains every thing needfni tobe known or (lone; it alords a copy for a

intg and a rile for a subject; it gives it-struction and council to a senate, athoritvand direction to a tnagistrate : it ctttttannsa witness, requires an iptrtial verdict ofajury, aud futrnisies a jutdge witi his sen

tence; it sets the busband as lort of th.-household. and the wif'e as mitress of thetable , tells him how to rule. and her ihow to

manage. It entails hotor to pnt'ents andenjoins obedienee upon children; it pre-scribes and lintits the sway of soverei-nts,the rule of the ruler and authority of themaster; commands the subjects to honorand the servant to obey; anl promises theprotection of its author to all who walk byits rules. It gives directions for weddinesand for burials; it protmises foodl and ri-ment, and limits the utse of both it pointsotit a faithful anid etertnal gutardaain to thedeparting husbanda antd fathter; tells imrwith whom to leave his fatherless child renand in whom his widow is to truttt, andprotnises a father to aite foirmter nad a htts-band to the latter. It teaches a mant howlhe ought to set his house itn order, and ho~wto take his will; it appoints a (lowry fiarthe wife, attd entails a rightt of the first-bornitand shows how the youncer. bratt-ches shall be left. It defendhs the riight ofall and reveals vengeance to the chfrauderoverreacher and oppressor. It is the firstbook and the oldest hook in the wvorld. Inconttaius the chaicest matter, gives the be'stinstructiotn, and affords the greatest pleats-ture andl satisfaction thtat ever were re-v'eale'd. It containis the best h~aws and prto-foundlest mysteries thatt ever were pettned.It brintgs the best tidlittg', and aff'ords thebest ofeottforts to thte itnqutit'ing antd dis-consolaite. It exhibits life andl immoralityand shows the way ton everbitsting gltrry.-It is a brief recital of all thatt is tao 'omel(.It settles all mtorters itt ud,-hate, resolvesall dloubts, and eases the tntndc atnd con-science of all their scruples. It revealsthe only living and true God, atnd shrowsthe wray to himn, antd sets aside all othenr godasantI describes the vanity of them, atnd ofall that put their trust art thnemt.

The Mind and the Soil.-Tin cultivatitngthe soil, we have our seed-time and orharvest time ; arid we all very wvell know,that if thte good seed is not deposited inigood time, the htarvest will be scanty orf'all. WVe catn reap~only what we sow,uttless it he the wseeds antd inoxious plarctswhtich spring rup spontatneously fronm ouirneglect. Sea it is withlthe tmintd. It hasits seed time attd its hrarvesttime-its ver-nal season ofyouth. arid its stuamer sea-son of mianihoodl. And the gorod seed wemsow to thre ynoung mind], will as a.,suredhlgrow, and give its increase. ats that wicdwe dleposite in tire soil. Orar crops temrato increase our wealth, antidad to, our aini-mal enrjoymenlts. The imrprovemrenr (athe mind, not only tends to thtese dlesirabkIends, by aiding tire labror of the bhads, huiit tends to knowledge, to virtue, to happi.ness.Do we estimate these thrings righttly,

and give to each its relative valute? Viwe not tratduate rthe waes (if rte labrorerwho cultivates our soil, lby tire mieasure o

good btecanr rendier uts? Andl d 'ye nograduate the watges of the teaceber, wh<cultivates the omnds of our childrent byvery didl'erent principle--by the smnalamount wvhiech his captacity compels hinto taket At'e we tnot apt to make meri

of the soil, and the want or it the critertorofour choice in the cultivation ofthe mind!And yet, all must acknowledge, that qualification and excellence are as mucb morr

iwlispensable in the liter. than it is in tlefnrmer, is mind is superior to malner-a!a uoodn man is superior to a aotod crop.-Who would not feel a higher pride in rear-

in a family of intelligent. vir tuouts 1aduseliul children. than in rearine a fine hea-t.or inl raising a great erop of corn ? Leius try to mend this mtteltr-to ge goodlaborersin the menil and moral, n4 wellag in the vegetable field of culture. Thensitall our children "rise up and bless us."-Cultivator.

Efects ofsleip upon the Eyes.-A dateportion ofsleep is as essential to enable theeyes to perform their olire comfortablyand efiectively, as a due portion of rest Is

to enable the limbs wearied with toil, or-

or the mind with reasoning. er other kind(if exeriion, to resnme nith alaerity theirwonted office. But sleeping. too pro-iracted. on the other hand, is hardly lesadestructive of accurate, henhbliy vision.than when taken too p:iringly ; flr itn theanete ca tI ire n is enifeeiled by nire-

itilg activity wiahouit a proper dereeofrepo-e. so intheothercase, ahieeye frontIfatrequeit or insulficient exerei4e. heeroties

torpid ;anad dtill, and i iinaetion he persis-redl inl, if is at len111h un11fitted fOr its fune-tiuns.-Curtis on the E'j.

Preservation ofPumnpkins.-We under-stand that M1r. C' S. W. Dorqey is at thistime feedhing his milch cows freely on

pumpkis ollast vear's growth, whiih ;arein a state of perfect preservation. Thehunter is of ahe linteqt quality. and of therichest coloar, ts ni-thi hie experictl rrom

such food. -is mo:1" of pmreervintg so

perfectly a ve21etabale which while it eanhe kept soiud, all consider so valaler,but which has generally been found to bedelicate and perishabh-, is woritv of bein:;noted. We understaud his ,ystein t beto cover the space itn his harn intendedfor their preservation with dry straw, saya foot or IS inches thick. Oat this is pl;a-ved a laer of putmplakins, anld oan thatanother thick layerof israw, and so ottand the result is that hi<4 cows have been

supplied to ile present tite with Iian abun-dance ol' this superior lood, in a perfectilysoaund and pure cndition.One irord inore.-When zentletmen site-

ceed inl experintcns so usefual as this,ahey ought to communicato ilie resalt Itlie A nerican Foarer. and tot hide aheirlights under a bushel air leave them tn bealiscovercl bay accident-rerb. sup sat.-American Fumier, of April S

Dress the Vind.-On natly morninugbefore going to church what i dressinthere is among all elnsses. ntd what i stirto appear gay and pleasing. It is a1ajitesuillceient for the rrat purposes of our ex-

iqtctei i wash tile oanside ilthe ph titerCtirles ima le atranged, line torioisehlicoibs fixed. sparkling ear rinta;s hall!.!plendid garmenta- displavied, and yet.perhap, the gay fair noe's; Mind tnay bepoisoned with concit, troubled with rivalry, and kept an ti torture by ignoranceand vault y. Windtpr soap dIes not w awhout the stains of tle heart-olo nle Wn

ler can not throw a fingranae over :ai impi1P minid ; nor will all the rubiis of Golroida <azzle I lie recording iael into a l1r-getifulness of illinie.z up the leaves of thebook of retribution.

Tit.:- Pavrss I-is ihxico.-A letter fromtMexico srayn:---Newipapers are not so

cheap in this countt rV as %% ith yoti. Artylittle trifling paper Iblisied in Mexicaocosts 825 to 830 a year, published once-or twice a week, and then n certninty thatoitn-half ie iiuers are lost (in the road.anal. afier all, the matter eont;ainead wouinot fill this shieei aof papaer. Therae mten-aaboave fifteen pap1ers pulished in the wvhaoleRepublic.M~nonteryjand lrest P'oinat Rail Road.

-Thela Geoa rgia .le-'ii-r-roniian, oaf:22 ineataat,says. tha t"his pulici t' erpirizea 4 r-

gressmat with great slpirit. A few dayvsncia we anr~ltced that the ears were rut-ning twa-ve miles out from Montigomtery,Otar last accounts saate thait they ntow a-ntwenay-five miles. nnd the enmtpletiona ofthe rad is still raptidly progressinig."

heat Crop.-The Whleeling Times of

The craip for nmany miles rountd thisplace, we are assuaredl, is niearly or iquhie as

goodl as it was last y'ear. TPhere never watsbefaore as muich wheat in thae counary as

now.Valley Wheai Crop.-T he St aiutont

pec-a ir aof the* 23d1 sayV: It appihearsthat ahe wheat cropi genernally' in thi< Volleyhaas baeena seriouasly inaj uried by thae trs.-There isnta large qinamity of oldl wherat oatlandaa. howtever, wihichi, wvitha thlnraew cr0op,will eaquial altr full auveriage sulipply.-Balli-more Amnerieun.

CAst.: OF A WoMi~AN wiTti Two IIUs-BAsos-JuIstice in aL ij/naidary.-ChaielJustirae Shaiw, ini dectidlinig a crase recenatlyaa t hi Naorih, rearnked thla ''iiri n marriedlwomnt hias goaad prootf thlat her huasbandais deaad, sihe imary malrry again, atal if herbuhantd nrnsi t to lie alive andia retturnis.she uindauteadly wouldl not lie gihly ii

afhigamy, hecrause the guilty iten'lt wastwvratig; butt whieba husbanad wuh-ttl beent iiled amo her, wulu d lie mnitter alorihb.'in suich a case we thinak it wulid he anemore than fiair for the two huasbandtas to hal-loti fair choice, and in case of a tie allowsthe wvomaan to thraowv the eastinig vote.

ISoda-A few (launces of sodna will softetn hog,,headh of the hta-rdest water. ha isgreatly superior toi pot oar pearl ash. giving~a dlieni'te ni biteniess to the linen. wihimathec slighatesmt intjutry, andtil naeve'r, ainless exeis is uised, in thea least effeets the hands

The receipts of i lour, a Newu Yor'k hathe Ctanamls. fi-nim the iipenaing af na-vigatiaan on the 2Oalb Alaril toa ahe GaIt of ,tilywere about :J-1:3.000 barrels,

aIt is Haid that Amterican bank sinck nacanal andi rail-way shaires are blat iiGireat liritaiaa ao te extenit of necarly 200-000,000 idollars.1The Thames Taunnel hnts now reachic

the low water mark. It will lie complc


Exceulive Department,Co)l.ma't. .Intv 1ith, i40.

Y hli-. Excellency. B. K. liensegan, Esq.B Governor and -Conmnander inl Chtief inl

amt over theS taie of Smith Carolina.Whereas, informiatio, has been received at

this Department. that n msest awrocios murderwast connitted in Inion District, on tie I H

f Jnne last. Iv a eermin nerro man f DI. theproperty of Elisha Porter. Esq.. upon the bodyeef Eli'ha Bied-ne', a citizen os;sid District. andthal the said Jill has fed tfrom.stice. Nowto tile endlS that juistice mayv he lone, and tiatthe ,:tid fJ1a maY het broiensvt to ed il trialtllhi< ot'eiice, a f alorsesid. I do her'e offeraRew trd of' ne humhiied and litiv dolilars ir his 4

apprehcension and delivery into*any jail of fitState.The saidl Jim is descrihed as a black ellow,

with heavy eve brows. 1hih1 cheek hones. sul-ky ctut-nees tre. d nhosu !2 yrars of nge.Given ilyder mv ,11 t and tle seul ofthe

4sinte. lit 5'oi'shin. tle 1tith of Jnly, otne

thonssmd ei*rht tshsundred and forv. and in:the sistv-lisih venr oftils Indepesdence ofthle United Statuesof Amerien.

B. K. IIENAGAN.By the Governsor.

11. LanssD. Secretary of Siatc.July 17. 1:440 r 2;

Nil(1 eo f So011 a 1'ill' li1.EDGEFIE LD DISTRICr.

IN Tlli ('03IO10N PLEAS.71L.1,. 11. AD.A.\S. who ik itn tileen.ieotv o" (Ite Sherifirofthles idlstrict.

by virtue ofea 'vril. of rupias td iat.s;eciae-it thet suit of Wilhamln Cook, having filedIt-s ptition.ned a schedie onl onth. of his ih.'oeae-i:ie. real amt persoial. with the puirpooe of'o!bta'i Stain tie efit o the Art ofl* the Genirl

A;tmbly of is SIte, commiionily called theInsolvent Dtor's Art."PUr..sc NOiTtCt iS here'tby'give. that the pe-

itio of' the saidt Wme. it Adoms will le heardandi iloni:ed in he Court 4f Commol le,.5ihr LE.ge!'til. Di-trict, sit Etdaciel,. C. Hoisse.

ell Wednet-edu.v. the '21st ti. of' Octiber next. isrst some sitsieinent day ' thle Term of snidCourt. vthieb will be then selti: atn all thecteditor ef' the sanid Wm. ii. Ad.:'ims. are here-h.v sm11811n e-011 nerzoniy sir hov attorne'. thenand there, in tit said Crs, So show c:'si.e, it

they ean. why the beict oithe Act noressid.sthinkti ot teit gransted tSi the said William 11.

Adamts. ipon his e xectting the assigent re-

eptired by the Act afotresnid.GEO. POPE, C. C. P.

ler!:'s Ofr.Jul/y t!I1.1M40.ne5

State of3011th ( 'arolina.ID EFil1D DISTR ICT.

IN Til COMMON PLEA:4.Er EN t 11 UFFi'A-t , Senl.. who is it te

E. e'etov of tie Sh-eri1'eff the sniel )strict.ev vire oftwrits ot' rapins ad satisfaciendumti.t; lie sit oft Lewis Coi;ies nd Lerratin (Gd-1ings.having filed his petitit. with a schedul e

tit nth. ef hsis whole estate bolti real and per-sOtali. with te purpose o obtisieg the ieie-

it ef ite Acst of the Getnera Assem ly of this"lttne. cotn eniivtalled ie 'iInsolvet'iJtebo's

'sst.tc No rsc. is herby ziven. that the pe-iine of th -sti d ilery filTetnte, n . wi lte

e'tret and conesitersled. it the Court ofe'tsmmiI'lens ftller tdgeield Distrtict. con Weinesdiny

:Ief 21:it day of Octobrr next. or tss some stit-see'atcnt d:ey durimtn tlih Term of said Cmirt,which will thei tbee itt sessio: and all tle cresdiiters of the seid Ileary litli'inn. se..are here-hey stmmoned personally or by nte'y. then;Iani there, ine the said orll to shw entie. it

tirv enn. whtv tilt- he'nefit elo tie Act attb'resnid.<!b41.dint oIe granted to e sisaid lienry iltiT-Iran, sn. pit o nt11tt tti. exceiting the assinpment

required iy hliesnid Art.G EOU. PO PE, C. C. I'.

IR iG i.hF I) DTSTh[ RiCTi

d" -'.I iiG E W. T'tit )'atASwh '..i-e ine theeni-tod ofi.'el the She'risl' sif the 9-tiI- )i-trr'-t.

hev verlte tef cert.tini writs eotruaiasud satis~uri-emrium. at Sthe tstiSt faw reses'e &~ tBeasrtl

s' (. & S Lvs''. Watrrent Kimtbrell foer t-e use

halintgiis f'i'le' icetitions wvilth sc'tedutl' ectn ontth.of' ttts whtie. estate, t'ealt attd psera. w'irththe~purpse~ of' obetainin't thSte hcesifit eet tse Act oftte G etwrail 5 Asely. sef this State, 'istcmonlyP'ut.sc Nocr ;c is hterehr giv.ens tht the pe"

titiontt ot ther.I :-i Georg~e~ W. '1Thomt:se, w.ill teihea:rdt ndsidss cs'ered ine tite Court ofe' Como tttiPlea-.. t'er Edge'ttiuhl Dist risct.at Edsgerlie'td acut .

Hi otnse, sin Wisidnesday te 2 1st da~y oet' Or'tei-ertiex t, or tes sasse' sicbIsrtenen tday eef thie Ti'emtctsnid C'ourt. wh''licht will b tie eti snting:e antdalii thte cedior's sof tthe siad Geir':e W. 'Theeonmtnre lier'hv tss etnoed pe'.rstitally set by~ rar-tne'y, the'and thiere. its lice saoid (e irt. Seo shew''

ens'aie, it ihesy e'nnt. why use benteftit e'the' Actn-l'ere'si.tuu1 hon i no he grt a'ed to ste sidG.

WV. 'Thmates. cntean hsis Aee'ntinc ste nssign-ment requjtired iby thce Act ifore'-nidl.

G EO. PO PtE, C. C. P.

S'tate of Soistlh ( arliina.ED~iW iELD DISTRICT.

IN TIiE COMMON PLEAS.A BNER BUSIINELLwhto cw inthte enssto-.dey of' te therifA' of'5tesaidl District, Iby

v.irtone ot'a ntit' capia~s rad sat isfaciendum, netthse r'iit at' nker, Josonses & Ca harvinig filedi petitan, w."ithi5 ta'sedie scn oalth. tet'hi"whaleestte real antd persmd, wvi. h the puerposse ot'eb.etinitng the beiltsit' tihe Act at' thte Gentesrai

Asrsembisy at'-tis State. ctiionnony calted the"Isoslve't lDebitsr's' Act."

Puni.sc No-rIcE iiere'by givesn, thatl the Pe-titiaon eefthe sidi Athner tBtshnellec wiitt ibe hiecrtdanid conisidtereds. in the CoenrI set Co.. mions Plentsfor Eeigteseld Dirstrict, out Wednr'etday sthe 21stdiay'rt Sf Octsober inext. sir ris 'somee subtsegntettdta'y duerincg the T1ermt eef sid ('eiurt, wh''iichi w.illthenc ibe its sessionc: stnd sttltihe cr'edistrs sef thesmed Abnie'r Butstel, acre theteby 'ummnediiesapeersocnally or bey ttorniey, tht'c andst the're, ticsitew. e'ntses.i tiey'. enst.whty ste honteit ofete Act!afoeresnridi. shtotldtit b~sle gi'aitedi to the esaidi A h-ce'r lin--shel. nno hil ecnin t he !e5'iil aist' gnmen.'tt requtired by theid' setct.

G EO0. POPF, C. C. P.Clerk's Ofie.- 1.Inly~ 41,-4. % ne 25

New Carn t or'Male.A OT)ITE, tteve'r u sedt w.itht compthte lbar-

n e.ss for iiair sot ilsese wilt bie sohli tsowi; appl~,ya the Rasil Rccad Depositary at lamsbusrg.

State of South Caiolina.ABBEVILLE DISTRICT.

IN THE CO1IMO. PLEA S.JA.MES SI'9PSON. who i il the cnsto-dv of' the Sherifr of' Ahheville District,

by virtne of' imesne process, at the -ntit ofClark. M1cTier & Co-, haviing filedu his Peti-tion, wnh a Schediil on onth of his; whole P-tate, realnid perivinial, with the putrpose of ob-tainingl the betefit of' the Genceral As-fembily.commontrflttiy cailcd the 1[nolvent Debtor's Act."

Pupt.tc NorTIC is hereby giveti. that the pe-tition of' tsai .fames impson will :.e heard111e considered int the Cot of' Common iPleasror Ahheville Diktriet, at Abheville C. Ilonse.ott Wedntesday, the fotirteenih day of'Octobernext, ir- stteh other day therenfier ns the Courtmav order duritnr the Term. comnencing attie said place mie the -econd Monttdav inl Octo-her eoxt: and nil the credites of the said Jinme,Simpsnon are lte'reby smtmoned personally.

ilr* by at'ortiev, then atnd tiere in the said Courtto -thew c ae,-. i' thev call. why the betefit ofthe act aloreaid shotld l not he granted to tIhrQtil .1 ames Simpson. iupoi li-, executintg thea.siginenjt required by the Act aforesnid.

~ JNO. -'. LIVINGSTON. c. c r-.Clerk'.s 0.gilre.April '2. M.10. I.1-,50 ne 22

State of, South Carolina.AIBEVILLE DISTi CTI'.I.V TilE COME.10X PLEA S.

Wilsonc & Ilodge)vs Case on Atachment.

Wiilin M. PnilvVhere-,s IthePlain'tin'; have this dav filed theil

declaratii int the Clerks Offiie of AbhevilleDistriet. against the Defetdanrt who is absentf'rom. and withont the limits if thi tatw. ain(d:as teither wife nor attortny, known withincthe samle. uipetn wh11om:1 a copy of the Said detlan.raion with a rtth. to plend until. might hieseorvme: It is therefbre ordered, itiat the said

tli ,.t filh upp i-arn'ied ph m: it to -si.! t-o

lar .'ti. % iltt :a year .nd day. frmv!bt . -o!.or jd..ement. tiii nd abiuoluete w-ill be awar-

ded atgairtv him.JulHN F. LIVINGSTON. c. c. r.

C 'rk's ffii'e. ?

lay 11.J1s40 R & !P $70 nrlp

tutte 14, smilill A'aillat.AlBEViF LLE DISTR ICT.IN TiE COMMON PLEA'S.Nathlanie'l J avis. )

Adinirstrator ofJoseph Auichment,Davis. decensed, Assumpsit.Garnishee, vs

Williamn P. Lumpkini.1 1 i i E Plaiitif' lmvint2 this dar filed lis dec-

1.araution itt my iflice. and -ht iuerled:mthaving o wifre or Aiorne known to be witi-inl the itatt fon Iwhmiilt a copyI with a rtleto plend. coid le srrvel. Oil mottion, Order-

etd that tite 'eend-itt do lebad to the said do-eInration within a '--ar and a in or fineal mnd

absolutte jlttznltmet 'wi:1I hie awarded ntgniisthim.JN.*-. F. LIVINGSTON, C. C. P.

Cicrk's Offire.July 16, 1k40. B B &T $7.50 aqe 25


William Keowervs Ca'sc on Allhelmecnt.

John rownee'.Te Plin-il'havin this day fMied his decla-

ratio in the Clerks Ollire of' ibevilie District.against the defdewati. who is h-et from and

wiithout the tlimits 'ftl ( t t ste. aind has neitherwvili.. nor :ttner. kioiwn witinrc the same.iion whmeom a c'py of' said dte!aration i ighlt

he se-rved: It is thereifore torde red. Ihnt Ite saidDei-nd:m. dit appear md pead to the saidDeclarnt!on. within a year anld a day f'rmttt tielinlicg il' this De elaratsiont, or fitlnni ttd ahseieetteidirment will ie giVetn .1nd(l awaltrdd againtst

him. JOIIN F L[NINGSTIN, c.c. r.Clerk's Oli'ce.:May 11. 14tf. w & i $7 50 nqe

"tate of '"outh (arolina.AIBEVILLE DISTRICT.

IN THE COMMON PLEAS.A . (1. T1111m!1n I Assu-its-r.

Fpihraimn V'sse.. A A-r t r~ent rr.T It*. P|nitil?'ihavint2 file.I his dieclaraetion

T t ir.he (ler.'.-- ili. e on thec sixtceethi.day~ of'Iktobter ia't. an.ti it apearimn thatthe

detmlam~tt is treome. andte witihout tihe lietits of' the8t:te.an hairn'ict mithetr wife ntornttore'ev with-'ine tee .ntid Ii.-tri.-t. itn witari rub i tt ' pitentden; tt he' s. rred.i It is thIeerc't'-re ord:t (tt: thItut titede.tntdant dee pieade torthe toit i 'eratiotnwithb-int n v'enr :rn.d a daty. Irotte tfii itt the dec-Inratttrt, eor fintaiete n'mlebotte rtdgmceet wvillhee'nteredl n..aintst imi. by'. delimtitC'r 's (?jirrv. ?

Jat is 5iu .I ' $lli Cuittiiai


.\lert S. D)ozier, ) Fore'ignt

- i iE plainetii' hveintg tihis day f'ie'd his' de-- clrta tmnt itn tmy otli'e, and rte tit-'endanet

hain'g tno u ih'e or at'tttt ey knotwn t to beo n itiithte stite, npoti' whte-mt a copv couttldi be ser-ved withf a rttile o ph-'nd. It'is ordlered thtatthe defi-ttlant do piend~ to the said ude'rin-rationt writheii a yerr ad a day'., f'ron thtisdare.

:gaittst imt. ( 1.O. PO PE, C. C. P.

EdgefieldI C. II. S 7,50 a. &an. oqie 41

Tran-Yard & Shoe Shop opened.ON thte E'.iretieldiIondl near Mt Vinringe,~.pwhere good Cow Hides ill be bottght.

or tmeoed ott shares-ote half' f'or te o terttnd fitne Shoes, Brts. antd Negro Shoes willhIettnde ott as good termts, and of maaterias itf'e-ricr to nroce in rte Statte.

Wartigont Hatrness made, atnd Carriage H~ar-ness tepairced. Atny aerticles tmade wvti bte ex-chanutged lor good Cowv HIides. From appulientiott to buesintess, ande tire best of' Leatiher, rtesbisriber htopes thce publiic in genteraul ill pa'toteizle htis new elfort to acecommiodate tisiDistric~t. aend ilii c'aii arid see htis work anidjudge f'or tihemcseIles.-

MICiflAEL C GEARTY.Near Mlt. Vitntage, S. C.

Manchc 23'. 1P40 d

ESTURAY.BUlD ETT COItLiXY,livitngon Ite Iham-

bur ftig ieti otte and a htalf' emilesf'rmoeiniuet's ferry ire Edgefield Distriet, tetlls hcelbretce, nte estracy scorrel stttd c'oit, thi rte'en an tafrthfhande ets highe, wiith ftn scmtll st reak of'Vwhiteitt its hirehcead, f'cntryears old, tno oeter mearksj-erceivabfle. -\pprauised rat fifient dccilers.

GILE~S 3fAuTIN.A prii Gth, 1840 12 c

BOOE & JOB PRINTINGOF Eery~ desc'ription exceuted with

or te ED.rmn Aunurtt.

Mew .Fautniue isid Joia.ers Khowp.

7111Esumbsc;riber takes this method to informhis friend.and tll citizens of this. and

the adjoining Districts, that he has per'nanzent-ly loitrd hisFUltNITURE AND JOINER'S SHOP

oi tie Mirtintown Road. near Gilgal Chuich,abent tiwelve miles above Edaefield C. Ilonse,aid 17 below Cumbridge. B-iang a Mecha.ic himnisell, nid having experiecired, goodworkmen in iiis emiploy, lie flatters hitnidf thatlie will h able' to give .ati-filetion to all thosewho may fitvor him with their orders. De hasonilhand. and expects to keep n good assort-imlent of 'AVYt. Doons, SASH, BIt.tSs, ASO


Stli as Wiardrobes. Sideboards, Bureaus,Book Cases, Folding Tables. Ae. Sc.Repairing done at Ilie shortest notice. nnd oi

rpnsonable terms. If desired, he will go anydistance under twenty-five miles, to Glaze.

All orders thankfnlly received, aid punctii-nlly attetded to). Aidress the undersigned.Diuntonsville.Edgeficld District. S. C., or Win.F. DIirisoe, Edgetiell Court House.

WILLTAM BAYLEY.Near Gilgal. S. C April :30, 1840. -3m 13

Phoenix Stone Ware Factory.TO MERCJIINTS ANn THE PUBLIC

IN GENERAL.ie Subscribers having been engaged inthe manilh4etoring omf Stone Vare lit

lotuersville. its Ldgelield. S. C. for many yearsaid from long experience, and former ownersof that establi.4ionent, lave loonted theieelvv.at the Iion'ix Factorv. Shaws Creek. twelvemiles fromn Edgetfield 'C. Ilense on the mainIoned leading frIn Newberrv, .' iion, and thefilper Districts to Aiken, for the uierlpse of

miannfhctuirin Stie Wiare in all its varionsbrauicles. 'h'hiev have terenred the best ofh

ha:1 -a ,: ge stwek oi h.,ml. Thee u.-eurtmentis the leost compl ever before oliiereo ihr s:eiii this mnrlet. to whic i they woi.!.I call the-s'tionl ot* Vi. . - 1' : :! Planter-.and ill ioise wl w sh-i to w.ircms: aem thm ginl their linue Amig the many:rti.-ls ofwhich the ir stock i., composed, are the foilow.il- viz:Jars o:all sizes frnn 4 gnl!sin oio20 ihallons..11ogs ol all sizes do. ? do. 20 ido.Chuns of all sizes 2 do. 5 dI.Bowls or pais lofall sizes, from 4 do. 11o 5 ito.Bouer Pocits of all sives fromiA do. to3 do. with

covers.Pitchersofallsizesfrom j do. to3 clo.And leds e-atly maile for jars and elmrus il

desired.Siew Potm or vnrioins sizes. &c. &c.

All of (ithe above is inferior to none madein the Li.ited States. Orders addressed to itsiot Edgrehill Court House.S. C. will be- prompt-!v uitended to, and delivered to the Merchait'sdiloor, any distaice deir nie hindred and lilltymiles. Charlestoi merehants cae ha.ve. thei rn are delivered at the depot, inl Aikenie. at J2.cents per gallon. The Price: at the Factory is114 cetis per gallon.

MATIJIS & RHODES.April 1. 1940 tf 9'T'he Charlstoon Conr. will pulili!n 3 times.

weekly, and forward uccounet to this Office.

NOTICE.f 'll E Snliscribers having disposed or their

nstock 111 )ia S,.EDICI.\ ES. &C. inllambeleurg, (S. C.) to .1iessie's GAnvis &

i vs. thev woild solicit for them a conitinance or the patronagee lte'retoefore extetled totltemiselves. H1. It COUK & CO.June 17, 1810. d 22

IIE Subiscribers havinu purchased thestock ofr)UGS, Ml:DIGINES.&c of

II. it. Cix & Co. . will crry en the Dtieaid Apothecary business in ainmburg, at thesane stand They iiiteid keepits n fell n-sortuient of rreli tud geuiine articles in thseirline -The busiiess will be condteed by De.JAn.s 11. iseunnAY. to wlinmn all orders forgoods may be addressed. A share of the pith-fic patronage is respect1inly soitei'ed.

GA'tVfN & IIAlNES.Aungusta. June 27. 1-140. d 22

EDGEFl LD D.ISTRICT.IN TiiE COMMON FLEAS.ili', Rlipley stnd Co.. Declairatioti out At-

Williami arberottgh tachtn, nt in Debit.

T||E Plntits. in this case. htaving, this dayTfile'd t heir Declaerationi in mce ollice,. si the

eetendansit haivitng ntee-her WVitfe or Atto:eywithint this Staite. iuoi whout a copy iif saidiiDcarationt enin be serve'd; erdeede that theDefendanit piesnd theretoe w i tin ae year aind aday fromt thtis pubtlliea'ieen. or the steid actionwill be tasken proconitesso neintst lhim.

G EO. POPE, C. C. PClrk's Office,2.th Oct.. 1ico. 5T.ni.tr. 39 aqe


J. & L. Jotnes, vs Attacone'nH1. I I Jose. .

T U E P'sinintiff ini this case. htavinig filed hisdeclsiration ini mii ice. antd the D efen-.

idanst hiavin2 ito wvil' cmr'Attorni'y ki.owni to bewithiin th~e Mtte upon whiomt a copy conl besered with a rn'e tio pleade. It is or.red thatthe Defenidan t do p lesnd to the said~diclairantontwithin a yeasr aind ae day.~from this date. or linalad abisoltete jnedgmenut will lhe atwmudee -t'niisthimu. G EU. P'OPE. C-. C.-P.Clerk's Oftie, Edge-~ield, On jst "39 (750 n aqne 4

IN TUiE CL)MON PI.EAS.Csleb .iitehtell. nilm'r. vs )Johna Johnsoni; the samie, Attachmetnt.vs the same.U. L,. P'enni £ Co. vs John

Johnsoin; G. L. & E.Penni &Co. Attachiment.vs the ssne. inetwoothiercesesS1Hi F. Plaitith1 htavinig tiled their declarations

Pini my oflice. andi the defendlant htavinig no

wile oer Attornuey ki~owte to lie withinc the State,uplont whome at cop~y can lie served. It is uorder-edl that the Defenedant. plead thereto withein ayear anid au day from this pueblienstionm, or the sailactioni will be takeni pro confuiwso ngsniest himci.

GE')hG(E POPE, C. C. P.Clerk's Ofiree. Edevr.{field. O.ct 2ithi, 1539. an w $10, esnq 46

Carriage Making.f jill E Subscriber willU maeskennitd repaiir Car

-' rineges & Wstggons ofl eve

es;..-''rv desciptiomn ini the' bestpossble muaieer and sit thie shourte'st nottice. Allorelrs thanuekfielly re'eiv'edl ndc piromptltly at~teded toe. E*DWvARD BAILKEl.llamurg Dec 1.18:t1 if 44

Multi Bole Cottons Seed.

T H E aboeeve Sceed cenn lie lead sit the Storeoh G. L. & E. PiENN & Co. onm good

terms. W~arrsanted gentuie..'u...i, 15m1r0

Citizens of Charleston,AND THE NEIGHBORING ST.1TES.OU are respectfully informed that 70Y likETING STREET 70-is my Office jiir

the exclusive sale of BIRANDRLTH'S VEGE-TA BU. UNIVERSAIL PILLS. Price twen.tY five cents per box. with directionsin English,French. Spanish Portuguese and German.The high and universal reputation of theBlatdeli Pills, renders it uninecessary tocom-

ient l.rgely on their lartictlaurvirties. As ananti-bilious and purgative medicine, they areuneiualled by any. Their purifying effect onthe blood is universally allowed-all that haveever used have approved and recomiendedthen.

In many cases where the dreadul ravages ofulceratini had laid bare ligament amd bone, andwhere to all appearance, an human meanscould save life, have patients by the use oftlhesePills, been restored to good health; the devouring disease having beencompletely eradicated.In conStieuice of the pleasantness of theiroperation, they are nniversally used in everysection of'this wide extended country wherethey are made known. nnd are fnst surpersedingevery other Preparationi of professed similarimport. Upwards ofFourteenThousand caseshave been certified as cured, solely from theiruse since the introduction of that into the U.Stics, thus establishing the fact beyond alldoubt. that the Brandreth Pills cure the (apparently) most opposite diseases, by the onesimple act of continually evacuating the bowets with them, uttil the disease gives waytthterelibre. whatever may he said of tie rHnoRY,the UTILITY of the PRACTICE is now BEYOND allDoUtT.As Brandret's Pills cure Scurvy, Costive-

ness, and its consegneinces, seasfaring men,and all travellers to foreign regions, should notbe without. in order to resoit to them on everyoccacsion of illness. No medicine chest is re-qiireil where they are.

N. B.-Time or clinate affects them not,provided they mre kept dry. Soathern gemte-iw:1I ,-; fi t this :omdiciie one that willinsure;1C to pe. ple on the(ir estes.Le cnreini ali never putchase Pills of a

Driiyist. PnorEssi.%o to be Brandreth's Pills.U-) C)tUMST.ucES is any one of this

eins.. It. .:1 :m Ajent. My own establklhcdAgents ha% e INvAnIAB.Y ini~ENGRAVED Certifi.cte signed B. lBranidreth. M1. D, in my ownhaid writing. This is renewed yearly-andwhien over twelve months old, it no longerguarantees the genineness of the medicine,it would lie well. therefore, for purchasers toear, illy examine the Certificate. The saal isno1t wax. ti embissed on the paperrwitha steelsenl. it'ilhe !eiiiiie imedicitie is obtiiiied.thereis no doiht of its giving perfect satisfaction,and it'ali who wantit arc t areful to go by theab eidirections. there is little doubt but theywi iobtain it.Remember 70 Meeting street, is the only

place in Charleston where the £'eniine medi-cie Cn he obtuitied. nid at W. W. Sales,Hat-..burr and C. A. Down. Edgefield G.H. the onlyanitthorised Agents for EdgefieldAGFNTS FOR SOU'H CAROLINA.Stephen Owen, Aiken; David Turner,

Beaitlort; John McLaren.Abbeville; WilliamCtinninghan, Colitnbia; Elijah Alexander,Pickens; John ilastie. Pendleton; SamuelVilnot Georgetown. McLure. Bravley & Co,

CNester; Charles Wilcox. Coosawhatchie: Ma-ker & 11yan, Barnvell K. I.: D. & 11. B.Rice. Grihin's P. 0., Barnwell District.;Guines & Bolliia, Greenville District; ReubenGross, Lexington.:ilastie & Nichol, GreenvilleC. II.: John G. Tonine, Youngnesville, Fair.lield lIist.; Sylvecter Hench, Orangeburg;tiiV& Johnso&, Newherry; Rice & Cater,Anderson : Jinmes F. Gee, Leesville. Lexiug-ton Disn icit; nrksdale & Saxon. Gaurenqvillc,Vcrtoti &. Mitchell Spartaniburg, P. J. Foster,Foster's, Union District; John McLure,Union-ville. George Sicel, Yoikville; A. H. Cham-bers, Winsboro';C harles Miller, Edisto Bland,John liosser, Camden; Samuel A ilmot,Georgetown; Maker & Ryan, Barnwell; E.Garligie. Liackvile, Barnwell; E D Felder,31idway, Barnwell; Gangley & Drunmond,Lower Three lins, Barnwell: Philip Char.trand. Branchville. Orangehiurg; A. Steveison,Pickmien ville, Union, and B. Jaudon, Robert-ville, uairfort.Feb 13, 1840 tf 2

tate of soutit arolina.EDGEFIELD DISTRICT.

IN TilE COMIMON PLEAS.James liarrisoni Attachment.vs llenry I'vans Debt ont Judgment.1fl Il E llmntilf in this case, having this day

filed his declaration, and the Defenidantha~viing no wvife or Attorney kno~wn itn thisStaite, upoii whioni a copy of the saime can beserved; ont miotioni of Plimtifi's Attorney, Ordlered. Thtat the said D~elendant do~appiearatndplead to thei said dlecl:aration within a year aiida daiy from the pubilicationt of this order, orjuidgement:will be rendere against hintpro con-.fessa. GEO.. POPE, c. C. P.

Nov. 5,1839 w.aw $750 age 40

Staite of 'EonthI Carolina.AlIBIEVILLE DISTRICT.

13 TI HE CoUIMON PLEAS.Leroy Tny lor, vs. Attachmient

Ivy TIaylor Assumpns it.F I' H E. Plaintiff ini this case, havinig this day

Pfiled his declaration, and the Djetendanthiavinig no wife or Attorney, known in this state,uppon whom a coipy of the same can be served.On mnotiotn. ordered that the said Defenidantdo aptpenii and~pleadl to the said declaration,wvithini a year and a day from the pubhlicationhieieof. or final and absointe judgment will beawarded nynitnst him.

JNO. F. LIVINGSTON, c. c. P.Clerk's Otlice',Ulnv 9. 1040. na -~r $7 50 age 15

late ol *otittl Carolina.ABIIEVILLEC DISTRICT.

IN THlE COMMON PLEAS.Joel J. Lipford' Att-chmtentW illiatt M.Bailey AsmstFfluE Plainititi'having this day filed his dec-N lnration iln miy oflice, and the Dlefenudant

having no wile or 'Attorney known to be withinthe State, upon wvhom a copy could be served,with a rule to plead. On motion, ordered thatthe D)efe~ndant do plead toi the said declarationwtitin a yet atnd a dayi froml this date, or finaland absohute juidgmnent will be awarded againsthimt.

JNO. F. LIVINGSTON. c. c. P.Clerk's (Oflice.Mayv9, 194. 5 B&T $7650 aqe 15


Williami Dantiel, vs AlttachmentWilliatm Salter. Assumnpsit.

IuIE Platintitf havinig this day filed his de-..elaration in the abiove stated case, and

lavlig tno wile or attorney known to be with-iti this state, up~oni whiomi a copy of the saiddleclnrntioni with a rtule tou plead can be served.It is ordered that the said lDefendlant do appearand plead to the said deelaration,. within a yearandt a day. from the publieation htereof, or finialandi a1bsOhite judgmen~t will be awanrded againsthim. OGEO. POPE, c. c. P.CIerk's Opffre, {Marrs uti. 1$lf. 5 a & a .97 50 aqe i9