edition 26

•Bath House: over 25 bathing experiences •Spa Dreaming Centre •Café Open 7:30am – 10pm, 7 days Phone 5950 8777 Springs Lane, Fingal (Rye) Melway 169 A11 www.peninsulahotsprings.com FREE COPY AN ALTERNATIVE VOICE DISTRIBUTED VICTORIA WIDE 26TH EDITION ~ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 www.alternativevoice.com.au Pictured: Lucy Cavendish

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•Bath House: over 25 bathing experiences•Spa Dreaming Centre •CaféOpen 7:30am – 10pm, 7 days

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26TH EDITION ~ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013www.alternativevoice.com.auPictured: Lucy Cavendish

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AN ALTERNATIVE VOICEAn Alternative Voice is your free, independent, community newspaper.

EDITORLesley WilliamsPhone: (03) 9500 [email protected]

ADVERTISINGAdvertising Sales Maureen BarrassPhone: (03) 9500 [email protected]

DESIGN & LAYOUTRed Studio Graphic Design Phone: (03) 5465 3363

PHOTOGRAPHYStock Photography. Photos as supplied. All copyright.

PRINTINGLatrobe Valley Express

PUBLISHERSacred Mist67 Glenferrie RoadMalvern 3144Phone: (03) 9500 8220

DISCLAIMERThe individual views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of An Alternative Voice and its employees. This paper is intended to be a reference and is not a medical manual. Readers are advised to get professional advice prior to any changes to their medication or lifestyle choices. An Alternative Voice and its employees believe all information to be correct at time of printing. However An Alternative Voice does not guarantee this at the time of publishing. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure their information is up to date and correct.

An Alternative Voice and its employees take no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Submitted articles may be subject to editorial change.

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WELCOME...to the November/December 2013 issue of An Alternative Voice

How important is inspiration in our lives?

This question came to me after I attended a weekend conference with a number of speakers. All expressing their wide range of knowledge and expertise. The conference ended with a wonderful young man who spoke of his journey to find purpose in his life. He had compiled a list of every experience he wants to achieve. Somewhat like a ‘bucket list’!

This young man is well on the way to achieving what he has set out to do … and more. Along his life journey he is now helping others to achieve their dreams and generously raising money to help charities. His humour and honesty and the stories he told had the crowd entertained, laughing and crying, and at the end of his talk we were all inspired.

How many times in our own lives have we heard others’ stories which have uplifted our spirit and helped us to motivate ourselves? Inspiration is the feeling of possibility. The feeling that we too can achieve the same success and experiences or utilize the same values in our own lives.

For me, being inspired is a state of being, one which can give us the confidence to try something new. It can give us hope that we too can inspire others … and what a wonderful feeling that is! Having people we aspire to emulate keeps our own hope and dreams alive.

Some of those who have inspired me personally include Mahatma Ghandi, the Dalia Lama, Muhammad Ali, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. They are people who have inspired others by their achievements and values and still continue to be quoted in inspirational or motivational speeches.

We have all experienced inspiration from hearing someone else’s story. Often those who have overcome extreme adversity in their lives will open the hearts of others. People think that if someone can go through such an event and still remain positive then we can still hope. Their values and their attitudes to life can inspire us.

Children especially need to be inspired and encouraged to keep focusing on their dreams. Following a conversation we had on the importance of being inspired, and what was it about the people who inspired us personally, my daughter asked me, “What sort of person do you choose”?

My answer to her was, “Someone who speaks to my heart, who resonates with what I believe in”. I then asked her what kind of person inspired her and she replied that it what she found inspiring was someone’s persona, how relaxed in their life they were, how calm they appeared, and how confident they were. What type of person would inspire you?

Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them”. Every day I read inspirational quotes like this. They are like little reminders for me, each one containing powerful words of wisdom that give me the inspiration to move into action. And, like everyone, I find that I resonate to certain ones at different points in time.

Sometimes we grow up and forget about our dreams and aspirations. So, as this year draws to an end, think about the people, the places, the books you have read and what you see in nature which inspire you. Let yourself be open to be inspired and think about what you may like to achieve in 2014. Start making your own bucket list and, in the words of one inspirational speaker, just do it!

This being the last issue for 2013, together with all the Alternative Voice team, I wish everyone a very peaceful and happy festive season and look forward to the New Year!

Lesley WilliamsEDITOR

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The idea to host this family focused festival was born out of an idea Scott Alexander King and I had when we visited the grounds of the beautiful Deloraine Homestead tucked away in the hills of Victoria’s Yarra Valley. While enjoying the delights of afternoon tea in the stunning gardens we looked around us and decided that this would be an ideal place to have a family festival. Deloraine Homestead is set on 42 glorious acres in what can arguably be called the best part of the Yarra Valley with its commanding position ensuring magnificent views.

Scott and I had a vision for a festival which would bring together a host of different exhibitors and practitioners over two weekend days. And so the idea was born! Further planning and discussion resulted in the idea of a weekend with a theme dedicated to fun, freedom and nurturing the soul.

Scott will be travelling down from his home in New South Wales to attend and will be one of the special guest speakers.

There will be live performances, demonstrations and talks all weekend featuring dancing, drumming, meditation, mediumship and music. Healing will be available in specialised forms such as kinesiology, life alignment, energy healing, cranio sacral, hypnotherapy, reiki, bowen for horse and rider and holistic counselling. Many different styles of readings will be available including psychometry, tarot, oracle, dream interpretation, astrology and palm reading.

After a healing, a reading or enjoying a demonstration you can take the time to relax on the veranda, have a coffee, and take in the wonderful views. The experience of Delaraine Homestead and the festival starts when you arrive at the front gates and you may even be privileged to see the resident eagles and kangaroos.

We will also be showcasing old crafts, felting, spinning, weaving, needle felting, silk painting, shamanic tools and dream catcher making. Goods for sale include beautiful yarns and fibres, dream catcher’s, incense, mandala’s, Wise Old Seeds, Spirited Indulgence products, essences, Young Living Oils, aromatherapy candles, crystal jewellery, hand crafted fairies and goblins, crystals, fresh flowers, books and music and many forms of art and photography.

By Roz Tilley.

Roz is a self trained tarot reader and channel medium. She currently specializes in geomancy, multi dimensional healing, her Tree of Life readings and art therapy.

For further details & enquiries: Roz Tilley: 03 59 66 9102Or email: [email protected]

Address: Deloraine Homestead 355 Tarrango Road, Gladysdale, Yarra Valley

Dates & Times: Saturday 11th January, 2014 10am-7pm. Sunday 12th January, 2014 10am-6pm

Cost: $5.00 entry Free entry for children under 14

Scott Alexander King

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I’ve previously spoken about being a hero in our lives? But now let’s discuss just what is it that we are all seeking? What is it really? Is it happiness, fulfilment, love, passion or enlightenment? Well it can actually be whatever you want it to be. And these are just different labels for similar things or feelings.

Maybe it’s finding our place in life and feeling that when we leave this world we have left a legacy behind us. Or maybe it’s having a strong, loving family and great friends. The real key is, what are the choices you intend to make in your life to achieve the goal of happiness.

People often search for things outside themselves to make them happy. Perhaps they think if they buy a certain car or I date a certain person? Or maybe it is thinking that they will achieve spiritual enlightenment if they go to certain spiritual places? This is something that I find quite intriguing.

Do you know that you can achieve the same spiritual enlightenment and happiness in your own backyard as you can in the Sedona desert. While it’s great to visit spiritual sites, in reality you don’t actually need to go anywhere. These places can only enhance what is already within you and we can be just as happy at home. Happiness comes from within you, not from the outside.

The human race is a funny species. We say we want to be happy but then explain that we can’t at the moment because this person did this, or my job is like that etc, etc! But what is really going on? These are just situations which are happening and we actually have a choice as to how we will react to them. And it is this choice which results in us being happy or not being happy. This is really what is meant by spirituality.

Of course it is usually a little more complicated than this because, as human beings, we must learn to deal with our emotions, but the choice is ours. How do we want to react to this situation? Do we let it control us or do we make the choice to react a certain way about it? This is what it means to be your own hero.

What are you doing each day to achieve your own happiness? What do you think it is? How can you achieve this? There is a place within each one of us that holds the answers to our own happiness. And we actually don’t need to go anywhere to find it. Happiness is within reach of all of us if we just stop looking outside ourselves to find it.



Greg can be contacted through his website www.gregriley.com.au


For further information or bookings please go to



Display AdvertisingBooking Deadline January/February 2014 issueFriday, December 6th, 2013

Special OfferDon’t miss out on securing your six issue display advertising package. For further details call: Maureen on (03) 9500 8220


Page 5: Edition 26



Colour is such a subtle gentle force. A single hue is able to speak to us on many levels, evoking deep emotions and changing the way we think, act and feel. Colour has been used as the basis of holistic healing for thousands of years, to treat physical and emotional imbalances, enhance wellbeing and create real personal change. So why is it that the majority of homes are still bathed in the cool neutral tones of brown and white on white?

Your home is sacred spaces – a place to relax, wind down and rejuvenate. Discover how you can change your life with colour. Once you have tapped into its power you will find yourself feeling healthier, stronger, more balanced and empowered.

Purple/violet stimulates intuition and imagination. It is a dignified colour, divine and decadent. Purple heightens our spiritual awareness and sense of purpose. Use shades of purple and violet in areas where you want your creative and artistic qualities to flourish.

Blue/indigo increases feelings of calmness and peace. It encourages love, honesty, kindness and truth. Blue eases tension and encourages communication. Use shades of blue in areas where you want to be expressive.

Green is a healing colour and represents life and prosperity. It supports balance, harmony and love and aids personal growth. Surround yourself with green to cultivate energy in any area of your life.

Yellow is the colour of intellect and happiness. It increases fun, humour, lightness and a feeling of personal power.

It is believed that the person who chooses this colour is granted the ability to comprehend better. This is a great colour for use in an office or study.

Orange is associated with creativity. It is a warm, stimulating, fun, and sociable colour which can be employed to help with depression. It is believed to ward off negative influences and attract positive energy. Use small doses of orange in any room to bring joy, lightness and relief.

Red is an energizing colour and represents self-confidence and stamina. Red keeps us awake, stirs our passions, and stimulates us to feel bold, spontaneous and energised.

Brown is a grounding colour. It is the colour of soil and it’s no coincidence that it is a representation of fertility. Brown is stabilizing and thus enhances foundation. To inspire a resourceful and dependable nature, brown is the colour of choice.

Black is the colour of power and authority. It provides protection by inducing a neutral, yet, determined feeling.

White is representative of harmony and idealism. It portrays innocence and positivity. To recover a fresh, clear, mind and balance, surround yourself with white.

To find out more about colour therapy and its use within your home contact me on 0408 113 986 or visit www.atharmony.com.au


Narelle is a Building Biologist, Feng Shui practitioner and interior stylist

Page 6: Edition 26


Dreams are a gateway to understanding yourself at a deeper, more personal level. Socrates famously said, “A life unexamined is a life not worth living”. Dreams give us the opportunity to do just this, thus gaining insights which cannot be accessed in our conscious lives.

Once we gain an understanding of what is happening in our subconscious mind we can then see what issues need to be dealt with in our life. That’s the whole purpose of dreaming – to be able to link our conscious and unconscious mind and freeing ourselves of our preconceived ideas about whom we are. And isn’t that what we all want?

People say to me, “But I don’t dream”. This is not true. We all dream. Even animals experience dreams in the sleep cycle called REM (Rapid Eye Movement). This is the ‘dreaming sleep’. It is when you are in your deepest sleep and it’s almost impossible to wake up from this state. The body is paralysed even though you are mentally active. REM sleep occurs in stages, lasting from ten minutes to one hour, so there may be five cycles of this type of sleep during one night. This is when you dream. The longest uninterrupted REM sleep occurs early in the morning. And dreams during this time are the ones you are most likely to remember.

What do dreams mean? There is no definitive answer. Each person’s dream has a personal meaning to them. However there are common dream symbols, and sequences of dreaming events, which we all share. In my Dream Reading Cards, I’ve outlined 22 universal dreams with a list of questions for the reader to answer or ponder.

Many of these common dreams occur during changes in your life. Transitional, or even traumatic events, can bring up volatile emotions which have long lain dormant within you. Stress can release all types of weird, vivid dreams, as can some medications.

The most common dream of all is water. Water represents your emotional, creative and spiritual life. If you are swimming, is it in a peaceful sea or a lake? Are you trapped in rapids or in ocean waves? How you cope in these situations will reflect your emotional dramas in real life. But is it any wonder that we dream of water when our emotions are usually held in check in our waking lives.

My aim in creating the Dream Reading Cards was that they be both intuitive and insightful. I came up with the design of having a deck split into 22 theme cards and 30 oracle (reading) cards as I wanted to give people the tools which would help them make changes in their lives.

Understanding dreams is empowering. Once you learn to interpret the secret messages from your subconscious mind, you will gain valuable insight into your personal life and make the changes you need for the best life you can have.



Rose (pictured) is the author of ‘Dream Reading Cards’, published by

Rockpool Publishing.

She is currently writing her new book, ‘The Magic of Dreams’


Page 7: Edition 26


The art and craft of spellcasting is an ancient one, with

roots which go back for millennia. There are records of

spells recorded in the “Egyptian Book of the Dead”, and

in today’s modern world, spellcasting is experiencing a


I believe the art of spellcasting is manifesting taken to

a very high, yet very real and grounded place, where

the likelihood of success is greatly amplified because

of its holistic approach. A good spell will engage you

on every level – physically, emotionally, spiritually and

intellectually, and demands your commitment and


When we truly commit to spellcasting, we are already

setting into motion the kind of belief that ensures

results. When we work with wisely crafted spells the

results are not only swift, tangible and lasting. Some

folks feel mistrustful of spells and the craft generally.

Understandable, given the propensity of Hollywood to

portray spellcasters as reactive, selfish and often filled

with malintent.

True spellcasters are careful, and very conscious of the

work they do. The fear around spellcasting and crafting

is extremely limiting. When we work with natural forces

in order to change our lives for the better, which is

what I know a spell to be, the danger of anything going

“wrong” is very small.


This is your chance to

spend 12 days in one of the

most powerful places on earth

learning, laughing and healing

with experiences Healers &

Teachers of the Khemit School

of Ancient Mysticsm

on a Journey throughout

Egypt that will feature

powerful experiences at

the Sites, Lectures about

Khemitology & Spirituality as

well as Workshops on healing

Body, Mind & Spirit

We can make mistakes but, if our intent is good, we are protected.

The worst that will happen is that it will not work.

Spells cast with malintent and coming from an emotionally

negative place may have unpleasant results. This is because they

are breaking some of the laws of spellcasting. These include the

law of the threefold return which reminds us to consider that the

energy we send out will be returned to us threefold.

Another unbreakable law is that of consent. True spellcasters never

cast against the wishes of another person. Love spells, therefore,

while popular, are very carefully constructed so as not to harm or

influence the free will of another person.

True spellcraft and casting is about working deeply with

natural forces and laws. Spells are like prayers in action. When

spellcasting, we work with the elements – air, fire, water, earth

and of course the binding element – spirit. These make our spells

powerful, and able to manifest completely into the “real” world.

Each element has these multiple aspects, and we work with each

of them, according to needs, and according to what we most wish

to create. It is this healthy and holistic approach which endows

spells with the power to break through the world of the imagined

and thought to the world of action, touch, feeling and reality.

So the art of casting will, in many ways, be an education in Magick

which is grounded in the earth, the Universe, the natural cycles,

and this amazing blue and green planet. Our home, which I love!


Australia’s most loved and respected white witch, Lucy

(pictured), works magic every single day of her life.

Her latest book ‘Spellbound’ is available at selected

bookstores and online at www.rockpoolpublishing.com.au


Win your own copy of ‘Spellbound’ courtesy of An Alternative voice and Rockpool Publishing and be taken on a mystical journey into the secret world of spellcasting. We have six copies to give away!

It’s easy to enter:

1. Go to www.alternativevoice.com.au

2. Click on the WIN button

3. Follow all the instructions and click on Submit

Page 8: Edition 26



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An Alternative Voice ~ July/August 20128

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0422 366 907

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Page 9: Edition 26



To book your entry in An Alternative Voice Business Card Directory call Maureen on (03) 9500 8220 or email [email protected] Only $99 for two months or ask about our special six issue package

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& other complementary therapies

Bacchus Marsh(03) 5367 1991





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Soul Sisters


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Special six issue packages available

Call us now on (03) 9500 8220


Page 10: Edition 26


The Camino de Santiago, known more simply as, The Way, is one of the world’s greatest walking and cycling routes. The 800km journey follows the Camino path of millions of pilgrims. There is a palpable sense of history on the journey and some of Europe’s most magnificent and ornate cathedrals such as the Santiago de Compostela were built along the Camino.

There are no shortage of ways to enjoy the Camino. Choosing a mixed walking and cycling trip is to experience the full French Way in a shorter time frame and provides variety to your experience. The walking trails of The Way are also open to cyclists and it is quite an accepted way to experience the pilgrimage.

At least 12% of people who complete the Camino de Santiago do so by bike and as the numbers of people increase so do the percentage of cyclists. We believe this is because the Camino de Santiago is one of the world’s most magical rides for its history, variety and spiritual elements. In fact some consider it one of the best long bike routes in the world.

Cycling the Camino is not only appealing to people who already enjoy getting out on two wheels - but for those who want to try something new. While a cycling trip can be organised independently, because there are bikes involved, this is not as straight forward as organizing your own walk.

There are advantages to cycling rather than walking the Camino and if time is a factor for you then cycling is a great way to reduce the time and cost that walking the Camino requires. Not to mention

the freedom to deviate from the path and take to the less trodden paths.

Even more so than walkers, cyclists should consider planning their trips around the weather and the crowds to avoid Camino chaos. Anytime around a festivity such as Easter and the summer months, the busiest sections on the Camino are Sarria to Santiago. For this reason it makes a lot more sense to plan a cycling trip in May and September to October when there is milder weather and reduced numbers.

If you are prepared to cycle around 40-60km per day, you could cover the route from Pamplona to Santiago comfortably in 20 days. And if you are an experienced cyclist looking for a challenge you could happily cycle the full 800km length of the Camino from St Jean over the Pyrenees to Ronvevalle and all the way to Santiago.

Local Australian tour operator, Raw Travel in Mornington, provide friendly, personal and expert advice on walking or cycling the Camino. To meet their Camino experts join Raw Travel at their information night on November 12th. You will hear the most up to date information and accurate advice on all aspects of travelling the Camino including the best trails to suit all fitness levels. But bookings are essential so contact them on: 1300 208 245.

For more information visit: www.rawtravel.com or their dedicated Camino website www.caminodesantiago.com.au

An Alternative Voice


STOP PRESS________________________________________________________________________


An Alternative Voice has a number of free tickets to Melbourne’s Mind Body Spirit Festival to give away.

The Festival will be held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, 2 Clarendon Street, Southbank from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th November from 10am - 7pm.

To get your free ticket phone us on 9500 8220 then call in to Sacred Mist at 67 Glenferrie Road, Malvern to pick up your ticket.

Please Note: We only have a limited number of tickets available – so get in early!


Page 11: Edition 26


When I focus my attention on life in general, my life in particular and what I want to be doing with this current life right now I know exactly why I am here. It feels truly amazing. Do you know where you are going and why? Knowing the purpose that resonates within your heart and soul is critical to being happy and fulfilled.

There is a wonderful quote which refers to “sliding sideways into home base”. When I am aligned with my passion and purpose, life is joyful and feels just like the thrill of “sliding sideways into home base”. Whilst I am here in this lifetime I intend to be the best that I can. And to help others reach their full potential and take responsibility for their lives. There is an inner satisfaction and contentment in knowing your purpose and taking action towards your goals. This is available to anyone willing to explore and commit to doing what it takes to achieve it.

My journey through life and the lessons presented have created a rich tapestry. My choices, both the wise and the disastrous, have brought challenging, rewarding and adventurous times. I searched for years to make sense of it all before realising that the buck stopped right here with me. I had looked for the answers outside of myself. The notion that someone else was at least partially responsible was strongly held.

This belief created much suffering, grief and heartache. Slipping into it was like stepping into quick sand of blame and angst that morphed into rapid set cement. I thought I was right and not responsible for my feelings.

As a teenager, despite the hardship stories I told myself, I decided and was determined to create a successful life for myself. I continue to count my blessings for the years spent in a rewarding career where I know I made a difference in the lives of many. Stretching and meeting challenging times has all been a part of this life. And there are more to come. I welcome them and know that without change there is no growth.

“Hope is an attitude that things will get better. It is an expectation of success. It is a motivation to keep going. It is an opportunity. It is a candle that will burn long enough for you to make it to the next candle, but if you don’t move, it will burn out and leave you in darkness. The best way for you to renew your hope of things getting better is to make a little progress in that direction. Hope has a short life span if you only hope. What do you dare hope for?” From: The Avatar Path 2: Private Lessons by Harry Palmer.

I invite you to take the next step in your life. Call me for a free information hour.



Lin is a licensed Avatar® master. For more information call: 0407 495 392

or email: [email protected]

Avatar® is a registered trademark of Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.


Page 12: Edition 26


Hypnosis is an effective way to relax the conscious mind and retrain the subconscious.


ARIES 20 March – 19 April

The pressure to react to authority figures and maybe to make some changes in your working life is heightened. It will work out in your favor but take care not to overreact and spoil it. You will be increasingly ‘on the move’ and need all your physical or emotional energy.

TAURUS20 April – 20 May

Your loved ones are either being kept in the dark, changing their mind, or keeping news to themselves. Sometimes delays are for the better - for them as well as you. Then in December it is a perfect time to let go and release what you don’t need. Holding on achieves nothing.

GEMINI 21 May – 20 June

Tried to do something and it didn’t work out? Now it will.

When you apply yourself to dedicated work you will gain success. Get a system in place. In December there is a renewed energy in connecting to others and taking responsibility for your health.

CANCER 21 June – 22 July

Your loved ones are under tension and not being recognized for what they do. They will soon receive the help they need. There are plans you will eventually change, but not just at the moment, so stay flexible. Open yourself to different information about any health issues or healthy lifestyle choices.

LEO23 July – 22 August

You may be still reeling from money issues or an unexpected, or rash, expense. But there will be time to set it right. People in the workplace will make different assumptions than you. In December be prepared to make snap decisions - and be creative and daring!

VIRGO23 August – 22 September

If you are still smarting from a misunderstanding I suggest a

tonic called, ‘get over it’! Communication will soon improve. Have the last word and say sorry. Let a pleasant event clear the air. Delay making decisions. And later in the season allow yourself to have some rest time!

LIBRA 23 September – 22 October

Your loved ones will be restless and need some freedom from home and family concerns. Help them to make changes. You, on the other hand, will find solace and peace at home. Money issues will bite. In December Mars will enter Libra and push you into action. So have a plan.

SCORPIO23 October – 21 November

A significant shift happens as Mercury, the planet of

communication, turns and goes forward in your sign. Any decisions made while it was backwards will need to be revised. People will look to you for guidance. In December adjust your long term plans to be in line with your new goals.

SAGITTARIUS 22 November – 21 December

Will the money spread wide enough? You want the good

things of life. But while ‘lady luck’ may smile I would not rely on her. But perhaps you deserve a little indulgence. In December allow the grey matter in your head to work hard! And remember the old saying - ‘knowledge is power’.

CAPRICORN22 December – 19 January

There is likely to be tensions with extended various family members. And group events may prove demanding. But Venus, the harmonious lady of love, is in your sign. She will help you to pass easily through any hassles. In December you may want to challenge authority figures. But

they will push back!

AQUARIUS20 January – 18 February

You will soon know what is going on. Speak slowly or

write things down, as you will be easily misunderstood. You may be called to defend your position so have your point of view carefully prepared. In December you will have a spirit of adventure and a desire for something new.

PISCES19 February – 20 March

An escape is needed. Where can you go? Take some time off or

at least have a weekend doing something different to what you have always done. There is a new development at work, so ask questions. Later in the season impulse buying can be bigger than you expect.

For your personal Astrology and Palmistry forecast, or for the Ancient Moon Gardening Almanac:Contact Kerry Galea: 0419 382 131 or email [email protected] www.kerrygalea.com.au www.ancientmoongardening.com.au

Any mother of a new baby knows the symptoms

of being sleep deprived, including fuzzy thinking,

an assortment of bruises from walking into door

handles and daydreaming about strong coffee. Other

life events can also interrupt positive sleep patterns.

An extended period of stress at work, ongoing

financial issues or a deep loss can also leave a person

unable to switch off after a busy day. Soon the new

sleep patterns can include waking every two hours,

taking up to an hour to fall asleep or feeling hyper

vigilant and easily disturbed when sleeping.

If you’ve improved your bed, replaced the pillows

and linens, had a test for sleep apnoea and still sleep

poorly, it may be time to consciously set up more

positive sleeping patterns. Establishing new sleep

patterns takes time, but the rewards include clearer

thinking, better decision making and a more positive

attitude to the challenges of the day ahead.

Deep, restful sleep does more than give the physical

body a chance to heal after a stressful day. It offers

the spirit an opportunity to be free of the constraints

of the physical world. When the physical body is

sleeping, the spirit body can travel off in search

of friends, knowledge or spiritual nourishment.

Each time the physical body awakens it summons

the spirit body back, sometimes interrupting

opportunities for spiritual growth or exploration.

Hypnosis is an effective way to relax the conscious

mind and retrain the subconscious towards more

peaceful, restful sleep. Gradually, as new sleep

patterns become positive habits, you can reap the

physical and spiritual benefits.

When Erica’s cold turned into something more

serious, she was hospitalised. Caring for her ageing

mother at home for nearly three years had weakened

her. The ongoing stress of being half-awake each

night to respond immediately to her mother meant

Erica had barely slept for years. These poor sleeping

patterns had become entrenched so when Erica was

finally free to sleep at will, she still woke every hour.

After several hypnosis sessions, Erica proudly

declared that she had slept through the night every

night for almost a week, something she couldn’t

remember last doing. Gradually the colour returned

to her face, and she no longer worried whether she’d

sleep through the night.

I began to notice that many of my clients over 50

didn’t expect to sleep through the night. Eventually

this became the case for many clients over 40, as

the stress of raising a family, managing a career

and juggling finances took their toll. It was only

as I approached 50 that I knew what they were

experiencing. I reset my sleeping patterns and the

result was deep, relaxing sleep each night.


© 2013 Paul Fenton-Smith. Paul has a diploma in clinical hypnotherapy and runs a private practice in Sydney.

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I am a blessed individual who is grateful to be living

my career dream of being a motivational speaker,

an actress and a creative business woman. My

lifestyle can get very busy and at times I do feel

under pressure. The demand of being in the public

eye, performing at my best, running my company

properly and having a balanced life in general is

sometimes difficult.

I want to share with you how I stay centred and full

of positive energy in the hopes that one or all of

these exercises will assist you in your day to day


I look in the mirror every morning and I say

out loud, “I embrace, approve and love myself


Alivia is a professional actress, motivational speaker and creative entrepreneur.

Visit: www.aleadingproduction.com

completely”. This helps me feel happy, confident

and ready to take on the day ahead.

I spend half an hour every day doing an activity I

enjoy and that is positive for my mind and body.

Some of these are dancing, being creative, treating

myself to an organic face mask, reading positive

affirmations/quotes and doing pilates.

If an event or situation is bringing stress into my life

I will usually step away for a few moments and take

four long deep breaths. In this time I encourage

myself to feel grateful for what I have in my life and

it brings a big smile to my face.

I am a great believer in staying organized. I feel

creating “to do” lists, updating my schedule often

and keeping my home and office tidy helps me to

stay prepared, keep focused and feel secure.

As a young woman I understand that every person

who is striving to achieve their very best will

discover learning experiences which will take time

to process. Please stay optimistic through these

lessons. Love and believe in yourself and trust in

your talents, your kindness and your strength to

keep you positive and active in life.

I spend half an hour every day doing an activity I enjoy and that is positive for my mind and body.

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ALTERNATIVE DIRECTORYARCHITECTURE & BUILDINGDetox Your HomeNarelle Haw. Building Biologist & Healthy Home Advocate. For further information visit: www.atharmony.com.au

Orgone Effects AustraliaFor the detection & neutralization of geopathic stress & electromagnetic radiation fields in your home & business. Call Gerard: 0422 533 966.

ASTROLOGYAstrology Consultations Sara Gilbert, FAA Diploma. Call: 0412 235 935 or visit www.lifespiritconnections.com.au

BABIES & CHILDRENBirthEasyYou too can have a calm & gentle birth - just the way nature intended. Call Sandy Riley: 0424 237 828 or visit www.birtheasymelbourne.com

Steiner Playgroup & Kinder Program - Red HillCall Tania Heber: 0439 646 655.

Steiner School – MorningtonNurturing confidence, creativity & a sense of purpose. Now in our 11th year. Come along to our monthly tours. Robertson Drive, For bookings or further information call: 5975 4011.

CLASSES & COACHINGExceptional Living Workshops Claim your right to a better way of living. For more information call Narelle Haw: 0408 113 986 or visit www.atharmony.com.au

Weekly Metaphysic ClassesLearn how to make positive life changes. Wednesday evenings: Mount Martha, call Beth: 0419 537 106. Thursday evenings: Mornington, call Jo: 0408 504 003.

Life CoachingImprove your life balance & well-being through tarot & numerology self-knowledge. Call Sara: 0412 235 935 or visit www.lifespiritconnections.com.au

Mandala WorkshopsWith Lesley Williams. Begin February, 2014. Create your own Mandala or Wheel of Life. For further information & bookings call: 9500 8220.

Spiritual Art ClassesWith Maureen Barrass. Learn to draw your own angel & spirit guides. Begin February, 2014. For bookings call: 9500 8220.

The Avatar® CourseAn individual integration process. For further information call Lin: 0407 495 392.

Healing Power of Sound WorkshopWith Denise Davis, Saturday, 23rd November, 12.30pm - 4.30pm at Sacred Mist in Malvern. Learn how to uncover your natural voice, dissolve energy blocks, calm the mind and more. Toning is also beneficial for stress relief and relaxation. No musical experience required. Cost: $50. For bookings please call: 0407 048 212.

Understanding Your Dreams Have ever wanted to know what your dreams mean? Come along to this free introductory talk on the hidden language of dreams by author Rose Inserra. Friday, 8th November, 7pm - 8.30pm. Bookings essential. Call: 9500 8220.

Dream Reading Cards WorkshopWhat do dreams mean? Using her Dream Reading Cards author Rose Inserra will help you learn the common dream symbols and sequence of dreaming events. Gain valuable insight into your personal life. Saturday, 30th November, 12.30pm – 4.30pm. Cost $65. Bookings call: 9500 8220.

COUNSELLINGBach Flower Remedy Consultations Select the best Bach remedies to support you in your life now. I am UK trained with 30 years experience. Call Jeane Freer: 0466 260 745 or visit: www.freer.org

Soul Centred PsychotherapyWith Irene Speiser. Deal with relationship issues. Develop self awareness. Find meaning. Manage life tasks. For further information or to make an appointment please call: 5987 2333.

Holistic Counseling & HypnotherapyWith Maureen Barrass. Transform your relationships, learn to deal with fears, phobias, self esteem & self worth issues. Gain confidence & lose weight. For further information or to make an appointment please call: 0411 260 339.

EVENTS Mind Body Soul Expo – Wantirna Sunday, 24th November, 10am – 5pm. 50 exhibitors. Mediums on stage & 20 free workshops. The Hungarian Community Centre, 760 Boronia Road, Wantirna. One hour early bird half price entry between 10am & 11am. For further information call: 9500 8220 or 0411 260 339. Exhibitor enquiries welcomed.

Mind Body Soul Expo – Sunbury Sunday, 1st December, 10am – 5pm. 55 exhibitors. Mediums on stage & 20 free workshops. Sunbury Neighbourhood Centre, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury. One hour early bird half price entry between 10am & 11am. For further information call: 9500 8220 or 0411 260 339. Exhibitor enquiries welcomed.

Psychic Festival - Mt Eliza Saturday, 7th December. 10am – 4.30pm. Mt Eliza Community Hall, 90 -100 Canadian Bay Rd. Melway Ref:105 F 1. Entry: $10. Healers/readers & a variety of stalls. Free refreshments/ demonstrations/ info. booklet. Call: 9786 9185 or 5975 6413 or visit www.lightworkersway.com

Sacred Mystery Events Let us bring some fun & mystery into your next event or function. Psychic dinners, hens nights, corporate functions, theme parties. Our gifted psychic mediums are waiting to entertain you & your friends. Your place or ours! For more information call Lesley: 0411 260 358.

Psychic Dinner Spend an evening with Kerry Sees. Kryal Castle, Ballarat, Friday 29th November. Cost: $130 pp includes 3 course meal, Psychic Show & two10mins readings from our in house psychics. Must book & pay by 15/11/13. For bookings & further information call Kerry: 0434 238 336 or email: service@kerry sees.com

Table Tipping – Connecting with SpiritWith Maureen Barrass & Lesley Williams. Connecting with spirit through the movement of the table. Third Thursday of each month. For further information & bookings call: 9500 8220 or visit: www.sacredmist.com.au Limited Spaces - bookings essential.

HEALING CENTRESFrankston SouthFor an appointment with Tibetan Monk Ven. Lobsang Tendar, Frankston South Centre, call: (03) 8774 1628. Or for Lama Tendar call: 0402 658 336. Visit: www.tendar.net

Peninsula Holistic General PracticeOffering you time, compassion & insight into all of your health care needs. Open 5 days a week. 37 Boneo Road, Rosebud. For further information or an appointment call: 5986 4229.

The White Eagle LodgeFor peace, for healing for everyone. Regular meditation groups & monthly Sunday services. Call: Susan 5975 4023 or Rosemary: 5975 1916.

Rye Reconnect Healing Holistic healing with a wide range of therapists. Chinese medicine practitioner. Acupuncture for pain relief. Holistic Nutrition. Herbal Medicine. Raw on Rye, 2347 Pt Nepean Rd. Call: 0418 940 653.

HEALTH FOOD SHOPSNew Harvest Produce - Seaford Organic greengrocer. For produce list & opening hours visit: www.newharvestproduce.com.au or call: 9785 2114.

Rye Health Store - Your Health Nutrition CentreGluten, dairy & wheat free foods. Safeway Complex, Point Nepean Road, Rye. Call: 5985 4887.

HEALTH & WELLBEINGBreakthrough Natural TherapyAchieve optimal mind & body health naturally: Kinesiology, Wellness Coaching, Reiki and Sound Therapy – Wantirna. Call: 0417 319 974 or visit www.breakthroughnt.com.au

Detox Your HomeNarelle Haw. Building Biologist & Healthy Home Advocate. For further information visit: www.atharmony.com.au

Metamorphic TechniqueCatalyse your innate intelligence to maximise your potential with a light touch to your feet, hands & head. Very relaxing. Call Jeane Freer: 0466 260 745 or visit: www.freer.org

New Harvest Produce - Seaford Organic Greengrocer. For produce list & opening hours visit: www.newharvestproduce.com.au or call: 9785 2114.

Orgone Effects AustraliaFor the detection & neutralization of geopathic stress & electromagnetic radiation fields in your home & business. Call Gerard: 0422 533 966.

Peninsula Holistic General Practice - Rosebud Offering you time, compassion & insight into all of your health care needs. Open 5 days a week. 37 Boneo Road. For further information or an appointment call: 5986 4229.

Sacred Mist – Wellbeing Centre Offering a range of holistic healing services. Tarot readings daily, crystal ball readings, phone & Skype readings, classes & workshops. Visit us at 67 Glenferrie Road in Malvern, call: 9500 8220 or visit: www.sacredmist.com.au

Want to Lose Weight?The Virtual Gastric Band Program through Hypnotherapy is conducted over a 4 week period. To be presented in group sessions at half the regular price to those who are serious about losing weight. Free CD included. For all enquiries contact Maureen: 0411 260 339.

HOME MADE/ORGANIC/GLUTEN FREE FOODAum Shanti – FrankstonGourmet gluten free/organic/vegetarian/vegan café with the best coffee in Frankston. 439 Nepean Hwy. Call: 9783 2899 or see us on Facebook.

New Harvest Produce - Seaford Organic Greengrocer. For produce list & opening hours visit: www.newharvestproduce.com.au or call: 9785 2114.

Red Hill Organics Fresh fruit & vegetables, raw milk & cream, dairy, groceries & bread delivered to your door. Order on-line at: www.redhillorganics.com

Rye Health Store - Your Health Nutrition CentreGluten, dairy & wheat free foods. Safeway Complex, Point Nepean Road, Rye. Call: 5985 4887.

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ALTERNATIVE DIRECTORYMEDITATIONBali Ubud Yoga Retreat 2014Learn ancient meditation breath postures. Babajis Kriya Yoga Initiation1. Awaken Kundalini with Rohini. September 13 -18, 2014. Tropical Retreat package $950pp. Early bird $800pp by June 10, 2014.

Daylesford Initiation Weekends December 14 -15, 2013. February 22 - 23, 2014. $250 per person. For further information or to register call: 0401369743 or visit www.babajiskriyayoga.net

Medicine Buddha Meditation Healing CentreBeaumaris: 49 Cloris Ave. Mondays, 7.30pm. Frankston: 132 Kars St. Wednesdays & Fridays, 7.30pm.

Meditation & Mindfulness Courses, groups, retreats. Buddhist methods for good health, happiness & wisdom. Call Annie: 0437 936 665.

The White Eagle LodgeFor peace, for healing for everyone. Regular meditation groups & monthly Sunday services. Call: Susan: 5975 4023 or Rosemary: 5975 1916.

World Service Meditation Group – DandenongJoin with us at this free, non-denominational Meditation group. Call Louise: 0411 481 516.

Meditation Classes - MalvernTwo classes conducted every Wednesday evening, from 5.30 till 6.30 and 6.30 till 7.30. Cost $15. Bookings essential. Call: 9500 8220.

MEDIUMSHIP & PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENTGreg Riley – Psychic MediumPsychic/Mediumship, readings & workshops. Readings cover spirit communication & life direction. For further information visit: www.gregriley.com.au

Weekly Metaphysic classesLearn how to make positive life changes. Wednesday evenings Mt. Martha call Beth: 0419 537 106. Thursday evenings Mornington call Jo: 0408 504 003.

Psychic Dinners Spend an evening with Kerry Sees at Kryal Castle, Ballarat. Friday, 29th November. Cost: $130 pp includes 3 course meal, Psychic Show & two 10mins readings from our in house psychics. Must book & pay by 15/11/13. For bookings & further information call Kerry: 0434 238 336 or email: service@kerry sees.com

Seekingmagic – MorningtonRomayne is available for readings & development lessons. More than 50 yrs experience. Call: 5902 2969.

Spiritual Art ClassesLearn to draw your own angel & spirit guides with Maureen. Begin February 2014. For further information & bookings call: 9500 8220.

Shirley - Frankston Psychic-Medium. Call for a reading on mobile: 0421 077 451 or visit: www.psychicontheweb.com

Table TippingWith Maureen Barrass & Lesley Williams. Connecting with Spirit, third Thursday of each month. For further information call: 9500 8220. Limited spaces – bookings essential.

Maureen – Malvern Psychic Medium. Call for a reading: 0411 260 339 or visit www.sacredmist.com.au

Psychic Protection Booklet available. Visit: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~johnf/indexpro.htm

Psychic Development Classes - Malvern Area Learn the symbolic language of the universe and open up to the higher vibration energy of the 12 chakras. This is a closed class – by application only. Small group. Wednesday evenings, 7pm – 9pm. Enquiries call: 0411 260 339.

PRODUCTS & SERVICESA Healthy Home - BeechworthCome & visit ‘IKOLEJI – The Healthy Home’ in Ford St, Beechworth or visit: www.facebook.com/ikoleji

Complete Holistic Health - Frankston SouthGet results fast that last. Call Fiona: 9781 5171 or 0404 199 056 or visit: http://www.completeholistichealth.com.au/

Detox Your HomeNarelle Haw. Building Biologist & Healthy Home Advocate. For further information visit: www.atharmony.com.au

Dyoligy - Traralgon. New Age shop. A full range of gifts, jewellery & clothing. Shop 2, Post Office Place. Open seven days a week, all year, for your convenience. Call: 5174 7576.

Miessence - OrganiksTurn your passion for certified organics into an income with a home-based eco-business. Contact Nikki Hale at [email protected] or call: 0432 960 870. www.organiks.net.au

New Harvest Produce – SeafordOrganic Greengrocer. For produce list & opening hours visit: www.newharvestproduce.com.au or call: 9785 2114.

Orgone Effects AustraliaFor the detection & neutralization of geopathic stress & electromagnetic radiation fields in your home & business. Call Gerard: 0422 533 966.

Peninsula Holistic General Practice – RosebudOffering you time, compassion & insight into all of your health care needs. Open 5 days a week. 37 Boneo Road. For further information or an appointment please call: 5986 4229.

Sacred Mist – Retail & Wellbeing Centre Spiritual giftware. Specializing in Wicca & Pagan products. Tarot & crystal ball readings daily, phone & Skype readings, classes & workshops. 67 Glenferrie Road, Malvern. Call: 9500 8220 or visit: www.sacredmist.com.au

Want to Lose Weight?The Virtual Gastric Band Program through Hypnotherapy is conducted over a four week period. To be presented in group sessions at half the regular price to those who are serious about losing weight. Free CD included. For all enquiries call Maureen: 0411 260 339.

PROFESSIONAL ROOMS Professional Rooms Available Peninsula Holistic General Practice has rooms available with reception support. Would suit a psychologist or another allied health practitioner. Please call: 5986 4229.

Professional Workshop Venue & Consultation Rooms – MalvernLarge Area seats up to 35 people theatre style. Some weekend bookings still available for 2013. Reasonable rates. Tables, chairs, kitchen facilities & projector included. Two rooms also available to suit smaller groups. Individual consultation rooms available at an hourly rate. For enquiries or bookings call: 9500 8220.

PSYCHOTHERAPY Soul Centred PsychotherapyWith Irene Speiser. Deal with relationship issues. Develop self awareness. Find meaning. Manage life tasks. For further information or to make an appointment please call: 5987 2333.

SPASPeninsula Hot SpringsNatural hot mineral pools. Massage day spa, café & gift shop. Open seven days: from 7.30am to 10pm. Call us now on: 5950 8777.

Red Hill SpaNeed to renew, revitalize & relax? Then come and visit the fabulous team at Red Hill Spa. Call us on: 5931 0088 or visit: www.redhillspa.com.au

TAROTAstrology Tarot & Numerology Readings, courses & charts/ profiles. Professional member of the Tarot Guild of Australia. Call Sara: 0412 235 935 or visit: www.lifespiritconnections.com.au

Tarot Practice Circle Learn & practice Tarot with Maureen – Malvern Area. First Saturday of each month. For further information or bookings call: 9500 8220.

YOGAAnanda Hatha Yoga & Reiki Centre – MorningtonSmall, friendly classes, serene surroundings. Traditional Hatha Yoga practice. For further information call Lesley: 5976 2754.

WORKSHOPSAngel Awareness Workshop With Michelle Kingston. Learn how to do Angel Readings. Become familiar with them. Work with them in blessings & house & land clearing. Call Michelle: 5988 5184 or 0409 406 446.

Crystal Healing Workshop - Malvern With Lesley Williams. Saturday, November 2, 10.30pm till 4.30pm. Learn all about crystals, their properties & how to use them in healing. Each person will receive a healing on the day. All notes included. Call: 9500 8220 or visit: www.sacredmist.com.au

Dream Reading Cards WorkshopWhat do dreams mean? Using her Dream Reading Cards author Rose Inserra will help you learn the common dream symbols and sequence of dreaming events. Gain valuable insight into your personal life. Saturday, 30th November, 12.30pm – 4.30pm. Cost $65. Bookings call: 9500 8220.

Exceptional Living Workshops Claim your right to a better way of living. For more information call Narelle Haw: 0408 113 986 or visit www.atharmony.com.au

Healing Power of Sound WorkshopWith Denise Davis. Saturday, 23rd November, 12.30pm - 4.30pm at Sacred Mist in Malvern. Learn how to uncover your natural voice, dissolve energy blocks, calm the mind and more. Toning is also beneficial for stress relief & relaxation. No musical experience required. Cost: $50. For bookings please call: 0407 048 212.

Mandala Workshops - MalvernWith Lesley Williams. Begin February 2014. Create your own Mandala or Wheel of Life. For further information & bookings call: 9500 8220 or visit: www.sacredmist.com.au

Practice Healing CircleMonthly practice healing class where you will use healing techniques learned in the Crystal healing classes. For more information call Lesley: 0411 260 358.

Tarot Practice Circle Maureen Barrass. Learn & practice Tarot. Malvern area. First Saturday of each month. For further information & bookings call: 0411 260 339.

Understanding Your Dreams - FreeHave ever wanted to know what your dreams mean? Come along to this free introductory talk on the hidden language of dreams by author Rose Inserra. Friday, 8th November, 7pm - 8.30pm. Bookings essential. Call: 9500 8220.

Want to Lose Weight?The Virtual Gastric Band Program through Hypnotherapy is conducted over a four week period. To be presented in group sessions at half the regular price to those who are serious about losing weight. Free CD included. For all enquiries and bookings call Maureen: 0411 260 339.

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Tarot courses