ediz hook, port angeles esci 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/esci...

1 ESCI 321 announcements Problem set 2 due tonight at midnight Exam 2 in one week We will have a major review session next Thursday. Come with questions. Study guide posted. Bring to class on Thursday Ediz Hook, Port Angeles http://www.nps.gov/olym/naturescience/damremovalblog.htm Coasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand III. Estuaries

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Page 1: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


ESCI 321 announcements

• Problem set 2 due tonight at midnight

• Exam 2 in one week

• We will have a major review session next

Thursday. Come with questions.

• Study guide posted. Bring to class on Thursday

Ediz Hook, Port Angeles


Coasts, beaches and estuaries

I. Coast formation

II. Beaches: Rivers of sand

III. Estuaries

Page 2: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


Processes determining coastal morphology and formation

Plate tectonics

Sea level changes (eustatic and relative sea level change)



Wave action and storms

General scheme of coastline development (primary → secondary)

Maine N.C.

Beach morphology

Seasonal changes in beach morphology

How do waves affect beaches? (Beach movie)

Longshore sediment transport

Page 3: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


Tombolo on the shore of Lake Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania

Formation of rip currents and beach cusps

Swash on beach cusps at Propriano, Corsica.

(Photo: Sogreah, France) Rip currents on a New Zealand beach

Sediment composing barrier Islands along the east coast of the U.S. is

continuously eroding and depositing toward the continent and toward the south.

Page 4: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


Dune Ridge Beach Open Ocean

Lagoon Marsh Flat

Lagoonal Peat

Puget Sound coastlines

Common types of

shorelines in Puget Sound

•Sand and gravel

•Sandy beach/dunes

•Sediment-starved beach



•Beach w/ bulkheads

Natural shoreline with development

Page 5: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


Shoreline with bulkhead

Effects of beach armoring on amphipod habitat, Paihia, New Zealand

Forage fish spawning grounds in

Bellingham Bay

• Surf smelt spawn in

upper intertidal zone

• In Bellingham Bay,

they spawn only in a

few spots

• All other shorelines in

the bay have

bulkheads or seawalls

Surf smelt and sand lance spawning areas in Bellingham Bay

Page 6: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand



Estuary definitions:

(Pritchard 1952) A semi-enclosed coastal body of water that has a

free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is

measurably diluted with fresh water derived from land drainage.

(Fairbridge 1980) an inlet of the sea reaching into a river valley as

far as the upper limit of tidal rise.


Productivity, habitat, nursery grounds, pollutant filters,

great flat spaces for development

Estuarine circulation is determined by the relative importance

of freshwater input (causing stratification) and tidal mixing

Salt-wedge estuary:

High freshwater flow rate

Well-mixed estuary:

High rate of tidal mixing

Partially-mixed estuary:

Intermediate conditions

Fjord with sill:

inhibits inflow

Two types of pressure gradients

• Barotropic (sea surface slope)

• Baroclinic (density variation, sloping isopycnals)

• Components of flow in estuaries

Pressure gradient terms

• Barotropic fieldsIsobars and isopyncnals parallel

• Baroclinic fieldsIsobars and isopyncnals inclined

Sea surface



Level surface

Page 7: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


Estuarine circulation with sills

Thompson 1994




Effect of coriolis (SJF cross section)Northern shore Southern shore

Rossby radius: velocity/Coriolis, or u/2Ωsin(φ) ≈ (0.2 m/s) / ((2*10-5 s-1) ≈ 10 km

Calculating rates of estuarine mixing,

flushing time and residence time














Surface water Bottom water

Circulation in Puget Sound

• Puget Sound divided into basins by sills

• Sills increase mixing and reduce mean

circulation rates & exchange among basins

Page 8: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


Modeled currents in southern PS

DOE SPS model

Links to other model output

• http://faculty.washington.edu/pmacc/MoSS


• http://faculty.washington.edu/pmacc/MoSS


• http://pugetsound.pnnl.gov/

PS basin circulation

Strickland 1983

“Two-layer” system: What are the

layer depths?

Page 9: Ediz Hook, Port Angeles ESCI 321 announcementsmyweb.facstaff.wwu.edu/~shulld/ESCI 321/Lecture12-coasts.pdfCoasts, beaches and estuaries I. Coast formation II. Beaches: Rivers of sand


Depth of no motion

Possession Sound: 25m

Main Basin: 80m

Whidbey Basin

Admiralty inlet

Main Basin

Hood Canal

South Sound

Basins of Puget Sound

Estuarine circulation summary

• Circulation determined by balance of tides and river inflow

• Instantaneous velocities: Due to tides (barotropic P)

• Average (residual) velocities: Due to river flow.

Outflow – Barotropic pressure gradient.

Inflow – Baroclinic pressure gradient.

• Average circulation can be calculated from data on river

flow and salinity.

• Sills separate basins of Puget Sound, increasing residence

time within each basin

Next project

• Nitrogen budget for Bellingham Bay

• Due November 28th

• Assignment posted on canvas site