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  • 7/27/2019 EDTC526 GrowthAssessement WithDesign LCooper



    Constructing Knowledge

    Loretta Cooper

    Azusa Pacific University

  • 7/27/2019 EDTC526 GrowthAssessement WithDesign LCooper



  • 7/27/2019 EDTC526 GrowthAssessement WithDesign LCooper



    Constructing Knowledge

    My Personal Growth

    Looking back I was convinced an online program would never fit my learning style. I am

    a person who needs face to face contact; I need feedback and the opportunity to give feedback. I

    thrive on group projects and want to hear and take in everyones perspective. So how can a

    person who thrives on social interaction survive a method of instruction of being physically

    separated but connected through an internet link? Affectively I found a cadre who respected my

    opinions, gave me prayers, and encouragement. A sense of community helped me grow

    cognitively as a writer, researcher, and communicator. Spiritually I was given the opportunity

    to reflect on my own personal faith journey and find balance.

    I put off getting a Master of Arts degree because I lacked the confidence. I decided it

    was time to check this off my list of things to accomplish. I needed this degree to advance in my

    professional life. My confidence grew in this program because of the support of my cadre mates

    and the grace extended by my professors.

    I feel I have grown as a writer, researcher, and communicator. The assigned forums

    pushed me to elaborate my responses in writing. The forums also pushed me to become an

    active learner. The online platform gives you very little room to be passive. Research, write, and

    communicate, the weekly ritual. With this ritual I acquired discipline. A discipline I am certain

    will spill over to my next endeavor.

    Being spiritually fed each week helped me dig deeper into my own faith journey. It

    allowed me to express in writing my opinions and feelings, helping me grow in life as a

    Christian. I considered our faith forums a time of fellowship where I found encouragement from

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    my cadre mates and professors. A place that I believe we grew together. With the help of my

    cadre mates I was able to find balance. Faith forums gave me the perspective of what was most

    important and with that perspective I can continue to balance school, home, and work in a

    healthy way.

    So does this online program fit my learning style? Yes. I have found a place where I

    have exceeded my own expectations and this has given me the confidence to pursue my next big


    My Technical Growth

    I can confidently say that I have grown technically. According to Richardson (2010),

    Before you attempt to bring these technologies to your students, first be selfish about their use

    in your own learning practice (p. 199). This sage piece of advice has been my personal mantra.

    I have learned to use technology tools that have the capability to bridge the gap of experience for

    myself and my students. I have learned how to use technology skills to address the changing role

    of the teacher. I have also learned how to use technology tools to inspire empathy, collaborate,

    and share information.

    Once I made my first Skype call and participated in my first Google hangout I was

    hooked. The learning curves on both were relatively easy. Learning to capture audio content was

    a bit challenging but luckily I learned along with a few of my cadre mates. I was able to explore

    hands on with my cadre mates about the many features of Skype and Google Hangouts. We

    created two videocasts to archive our learning experience. I was also able to utilize my new

    found social bookmarking skills, pinning a list of useful Skype websites on my Pinterest site.

    Both gave me my first eye opening experience of how a tool could help bridge together a gap of

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    experience. The potential for both in the classroom is big; I can now introduce students to

    cultures and experts worldwide in real time or record an interview to be used as a podcast.

    When I ponder the changing role of the teacher, the flipped classroom model comes to

    mind. But this model needs careful preparation. In preparation Ive had the opportunity to

    create both videocasts and podcasts. I have learned to use a RSS feed to keep up with what

    bloggers are saying about the flipped classroom experience. And I am gaining experience in the

    world of twitter, using twitter as a resource to keep informed, #flippedclassroom and

    #flippedclass. I used Jing and Camtasia to create a tutorial video introducing learners to one of

    my favorite apps called Stich. The learning curve was steep but once all the pieces came together

    it gave me a great sense of accomplishment. Sticking with my mantra the first key to success is

    becoming personally familiar with a tool and their potential.

    So how do you inspire gratitude, collaborate, and share information? I learned how to

    build websites and personal blogs. Website building has been one of my favorite applications to

    learn. I created a website for my Global Learning Project. I enjoyed the creative aspect and

    digging deep to create a space that represents what I hope students will take away, collaboration

    and reflecting on the meaning of gratitude. There is so much to learn about website building and

    I feel I have been given a good start. I also learned the ins and outs of blogs by creating my own

    personal learning space, in my blog I was given the opportunity to reflect on my own learning

    and connect to an authentic audience. Embedding podcasts, avatars, documents, and videos was

    challenging and fun. My next step with my new found technical expertise is utilizing websites

    and blogs as a powerful connection to help students understand they are part of a bigger picture.

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    Have I grown in my technical expertise? The expertise I have gained has been huge.

    There is so much to take in and I have often felt overwhelmed with information. My momentum

    can be compared to driving full speed with a tennis ball under the brake.

    My Professional Growth

    According to Mizeel (2010), Teaching quality and school leadership are the most

    important factors in raising student achievement. For teachers and school leaders to be as

    effective as possible, they continually expand their knowledge and skills to implement the best

    educational practices (p.3). I have developed a new perspective of lesson planning. I have a

    clearer understanding of technology as a tool for student collaboration and reflection. I have

    investigated and utilized the latest web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning.

    I have a new perspective of lesson planning. The strategy of backward design has

    challenged my own traditional methods. Understanding backward design I am now able to look

    at the big picture; start with the end goals, decide on assessments, and plan activities. According

    to Wiggins and McTighe (2005), backward design forces you to have specific and concrete goals

    and work toward an enduring value. Backward design is a process that focuses on assessment

    first and instructional activities last. I am excited to take my new found perspective back into a


    Studying different educational theorists has given me a better understanding of

    instructional strategies that can increase student motivation and learning. I connect most with

    constructivism. It is my goal to continue moving in the direction of a student- centered

    classroom; shifting from what is taught to how and why it is taught. Constructivism has taught

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    me that meaningful dialogue, accepting all ideas through collaboration and reflection can change

    a mere experience into a learning experience (SEDL, 1995).

    I have been given the opportunity to stay current with web 2.0 tools. I am anxious to

    bring these tools into my own classroom for creating, collaborating, and communicating. I cant

    imagine a better way to meet the needs of diverse learners in the classroom. I have built my

    Personal Learning Network around web 2.0 tools. I have been following and subscribing to

    blogs. I have set up a RSS feed and have a new found love for twitter.

    I have growth significantly as an educator. This program has given me a new appetite for

    learning. I am eager to find a position that can utilize my passion for education and my new

    found technology skills.

    My Lifelong Learning Plan

    I have made a commitment to lifelong learning. According to Sarder (2011), Unlike the

    value of a car or house, the value of lifelong learning is intrinsic. It is important in and of itself.

    You cant place a price tag on it. But that doesnt mean it wont vastly enrich your life (p. 11).

    I plan to keep learning by reading one hour a day. I also plan to stay current in the field of

    educational technology. I want to explore career opportunities at the university level.

    This program gave me back my love of reading. Reading is something that is now part of

    my everyday life. I read for personal and professional growth. I have quite a collection of

    books, tech magazines, and educational journals on my e-reader. I have committed to an hour a

    day just for reading. It is equally important that I be I a reading role model for my son.

    Staying current in the field of educational technology is also on the top of my list. I plan

    to stay current with online educational journals, blogs, and reading my RSS feeds. Web-based

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    magazines will also help me keep up with current trends, innovators, and model schools. One of

    my goals is to attend the ISTE conference in Atlanta. The conference sounds incredible. What a

    great way to connect with educators around the globe.

    I would like to explore all the career opportunities available at a university level. I

    believe my postgraduate degree and my teaching and administrative service credential can be

    applied to any number of jobs within the university level. My goal is to keep an open mind and

    explore opportunities within a university that match my specific education and credentials.

    I am committed to being a lifelong learner for both personal and professional reasons; its

    part of my lifes journey. I want to grow and learn every day and put the knowledge I learn to



    I can look at this degree as a long term investment with both tangible and intangible

    outcomes. I worked hard and I am very proud of my accomplishment. I have stretched my

    knowledge and imagination while gaining specialized expertise in the field of educational

    technology. I have been given a new paradigm of what educational technology is and how it

    pertains to student achievement. This program has given me the discipline to be self-directed

    and self-monitored. I have been given 15 months to think deeply about a subject that I am

    passionate about. My new skills, knowledge, and increased confidence will translate into new

    career opportunities.

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    Constructing knowledge in the classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved from


    Mizell, H. (2010). Why professional development matters. Retrieved from


    Richardson, W. (2010).Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms (p.

    199). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

    Sarder, R. (2011).Learning: Steps to becoming a passionate lifelong learner(p. 11). [New York,

    N.Y.]: Sarder Press.

    Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: Association

    for Supervision and Curriculum Development.