edtec documentation draft(bse m3 a)


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I am Jazel J. Lacorte, 18 years of age, born on February 9, 1996 in Kawit Cavite. I am the

youngest of Milet D. Lacorte and Julie J. Lacorte. My sibling is Jason J. Lacorte.

I took up my primary in Panamitan Elementary School, PanamitanKawit, Cavite in the

year 2003-2008. I took up my secondary in Emiliano TriaTirona Memorial National High School

during the year of 2008-2012. In tertiary, at present, I am studying in Cavite State University-

Imus Campus, taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in Mathematics.

When I was a child teaching is not my dream, I want to become a Flight attendant but

suddenly we have no enough money to finance my dream so I decided to take Education. In first,

I can’t imagine myself teaching in front of the students because of my short temper, but when the

times goes by I also started to like this course specially the activities that i also encountered.

When I am with God I will promise that I will be a good teacher someday.

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My name is Ma. Luisa M. Malla, born in the province of Oriental Mindoro. I am the second child

of Mr. Cesar M. Malla and Ms. Teresita A. Manggat. I have a six siblings, one boy and five girls.

I took up my primary in Brgy.,Pambisan, BacoOrienatal Mindoro and I graduated as a

Salutatorian. While I took up my secondary in Jose J. Leido Jr. National High School. During my

High School life, I am always belong to the top in our class. But, I did not graduated with an

honor because I’m not belong in star section. After high school I did not went college anymore

because of financial problem. But after how many years God gave me opportunity to study

again. Now I am studying in Cavite State University Imus-Campus, taking up Bachelor of

Secondary Education Major in math.

When I was a child I used to play a role of a teacher, while my younger sisters are my students.

On that moment of my childhood, I want to become a teacher. But when I began my high school

life, my ambition was changed from a teacher to become an accountant.

The reason why I took up the Bachelor of Secondary Education because I want to be practical

since the society has an age limit when it comes to employment. Now, that I am a third year

student, I realized that becoming a teacher was so hard. To become a teacher you have to be

mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepared. But despite of problems and hardships I did not

regret choosing this field. Becoming a good teacher is not only a profession; it is also a gift from

God because the teacher can change the lives of every child. As of now I want to continue my

learning through experiences and I hope someday I will become a good teacher.

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I am Lenilyn Joy B. Sabino, 19 years of age, born on October 19, 1994 in Las Pinas City.

I am rhe eldest offspring of Mercynilo Salgado Sabino and Lenny Barrios. My sibling was

Leonel B. Sabino.

I study preschool in AlimaDayCare Center, Alima, Bacoor, Cavite in the year 1999-2001.

I took my primary in Mabolo Elementary School, Mabolo I, Bacoor, Cavite in the year 2001-

2007. I took up secondary in Binakayan National High School, Pulborista, Kawit, Cavite from

the year 2007-2011. I took tertiary in STI College Bacoor taking up Bachelor of Science in

Business Management major in operations for just one semester of the academic year 2011-2012.

For the reason of financial problem I stop schooling and during that time I realized that I want to

pursue my dream to become a teacher when I have an opportunity to enter college again. Luckily

I enter college in Cavite State University- Imus Campus in the year 2012 to present taking up the

course Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Mathematics.

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Demo teaching is a final requirement for our subject EDTECH 22. This is a second time

were we have to do demo teaching outside the university. Even though it was our second time,

we find it hard because all of us are busy doing other requirements for ASSE 21 and Field Study

3 and 4. September 30 is the date where we had to pass our portfolio for ASSE 21, while October

1 is the date where we had to pass our field study 3 and 4. October 2 is our demo teaching, it

means that we only have one day of preparation for our demo. Before September 30, the school

had one week of no classes because of the University Games, therefore our letter for demo was

pending. On October 1 after we passed our field study, we made our lesson plan in the same

night, because Sir PJ will check it before 8pm. The three of us help each other for the lesson

plan. At 7:30pm we finished it, and then we went to Sir PJ for the checking. He said that our

lesson plan needs a revision. After that, we did not waste time; we revised it until 9pm. We

decided to go home after that because the guard told us that the school will close already, besides

we want to rest because for how many days we don’t had enough sleep. On October 2, 7:30am,

we went to Sir PJ for re-checking of our lesson plan. He told us that he doesn’t have any choice

but to approve the lesson plan because that day is our demo. He also said that next time we have

to prepare at least one week for the lesson plan. After he approved our lesson plan, we prepared

our instructional materials. Next we made our Prezi presentation in the library. It was our first

time to make a presentation through Prezi that’s why we had a hard time to start. It was almost

11am when we almost finished our presentation, when we about to save our work, the computer

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suddenly turned off because our time was terminated. We were so disappointed because we did

not save it promptly. We lost our hope, but we need to be strong for our demo to be possible. At

11am we decided to eat lunch first because we all know we don’t have enough time to eat in the

next hours. After eating, I Luisa was the one who will make another presentation, while Leny

and Jazel went to grocery for the foods. We only have two hours left for our demo. I went to

computer shop and I started immediately. It was easy for me to make a Prezi presentation

because it was my second time. At last, I finished it and saved it to my flash drive. To make sure

it is working, I tried to open it then I found out that it requires internet connection before it

works. Even though I know that our cooperating school is a Wi-Fi campus, I did not hesitate to

make another presentation through power point, just to make sure we have another one where we

can integrate technology in instruction. It was 1:15pm when I finished the power point, good

thing the school was near. I arrived in school at 1:30pm, the first thing we did was to see Ms.

Ledesma, the High School Coordinator. Unfortunately, she’s not in her office only her secretary

Ms. De Leon. Ms. De Leon told us to wait for Ms. Ledesma. Because we have to prepare things

that we need, we asked Ms. De Leon if we could wait Ms. Ledesma outside the office. While

preparing outside, we saw Ms. Ledesma waving to us at the third floor of the building. We went

upstairs to see her, she told us that we have to prepare already. Ms. Ledesma, Ms. Sanchez and

Mr. Adriano are the evaluator’s. Ms. Ledesma told us that the evaluator’s are supposed to be four

but then Ms. Junio, the principal didn’t make it.

Before we enter the room, Ms. Ledesma was the first one entered and she made an

introduction for us and for other evaluator’s. The students stand and welcome us. While setting

up the instructional materials, the evaluators immediately seated at the back. When everything

was okay, the demo teacher started. First, she called for a volunteer to lead the prayer. Next, she

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let the students watch a video clip about decimals. It lasted three minutes, after that she gave

group activity which is multiplication of integers. On activity two, the students are given

multiplication of decimal numbers which they will have to discover how to place a decimal point

on the product. It was a good activity because the students participated. After the two activities,

the demo teacher started the discussion. She gave many examples, and she assisted the students

to answer it. The students find the topic easy because they are able to answer the examples given

by the demo teacher. When the discussion was done, the demo teacher asked the students what

are the steps in multiplying decimal numbers. The students find it hard to state the steps, maybe

they are shy to answer individually, but we believe that they know the steps. The abstraction take

too long, because of that we don’t had enough time to evaluate the students. We had to finish the

demo because we consumed our time limit. After that, we gave the food to the students and we

take a picture together with the students and the evaluators.

We are glad because the evaluators had so many positive comments. While, the negative

comments that they gave will help us to be a good future educators. Even though the demo was

not perfect, but overall it was successful. The important is the students learned and we also

learned from this experience. Our efforts was worth it. Thanks to God who helped us to make

this demo teaching possible.

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Name of Evaluators: Average

Ms. Fe Sanchez 2.13

Ms. Alona Ledesma 2.29

Mr. Anthony Adriano 3.63




Summary of Grades

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Lesson Plan

Food for the students

Before Demonstration

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Foods for the evaluators

Visual Aids

Power Point

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During Demonstration

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Picture Taking With the Students

After Demonstration

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Picture Taking With


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Jocelyn P. Azores

Edward B. Diaz

Lailannie P. Ligon

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Demo Teaching Day 1

We went to Victorious Christian Montessori on September 17, 2014 to ask permission if we

could conduct our demo teaching in their campus to the principal Mr. Anecito T. Sabong. He

was very kind and immediately he agreed to our proposal. Our coordinating teacher Sir Bam was

also cooperative in giving us the topic for our demo. Ma’am Noree also assisted us when we are

there. Their cheerful assistant principal Ma’am MalouRuis also cooperates with us. The students

are all nice and well behaved. The faculty staffs also welcomeus; they make us feel at home.

The principal also told us that they will provide projector that we exactly need. Before we end

our conversation I told the principal that I will come back to give him the letter for formality

purposes. He scheduled it on October 2, 2014. After a few days, Ms. Azores texted me asking if

we could reschedule it to October 9. I immediately went to the principal and asked for a

reschedule and again he agreed. The principal was supposed to be at their Bacor site but since

there is a change of schedule, he made his morning schedule free to witness our demo. I was

happy that our problem was resolved already. I downloaded our letter and edited it, it took me

thrice to make it right, then Ma’am Alice finally approved it, as I went to the Dean’s office it

took me another day before I finally got our letter. Ma’am Valdez was the one who counter

signed the letter since Ma’am Novicio left early due to her headache. After she signed it I went

to our coordinating school to hand them the letter.

Demo Teaching Day 2

Our schedule came and before we go to our coordinating school me and Ms. Azores dropped

by to the mall to buy food for the students and tokens for our observers. Edward worked on the

editing of the lesson plan and the rubrics while we are at the mall. After we bought the things we

need we fetched Edward at the park in our subdivision. Then we proceeded to our cooperating

school. The moment that we are inside the campus we did a courtesy call to the principal. As he

knew that we are there, he immediately told Ma’am Noree to prepare the room. Ms. Azores was

tensed at that time but Ma’am Noree said to her that she should relax. I was assigned in

documentation, Mr. Diaz was the teacher aid and Ms. Azores was the expert teacher. We started

with a prayer and she called the president of the class, after it she conducted a little activity

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regarding with the topic integral expression. She asked the students to have a piece of paper,

then fold it into 2, afterwards she asked them how many regions the paper has. After it she also

asked the students to fold the paper into 3, 4 and 5 folds she asked how many regions it has. As

the students gets motivated by it the participated willingly with the discussion. After she

presented the lesson she divided them into 2 groups. She asked them to create a song for their

activity and the other group was rap. After it she discussed about integral equation then she told

them to conduct an individual activity. She gave some equations for them to solve and then after

they have solved it they will pass their answers and it will serve as their recitation of the day.

While they are conducting their activity Ms. Azores inspects if they can follow her instruction

about the said activity. After the discussion Sir Chito signaled that the demo was ok and she has

to finish it, she an assignment 5 items only for them to answer. After it we gave them the food. I

approached the observers and gave them our token. They were very much delighted with it. I

took pictures while the demo was on going and also after it was ended. Sir Chito talked to us to

give some feedback about it, we had a very good feedback from them and we have high grades.

We were overwhelmed with what mr.chito has said. He was asking for us to apply as an educator

right away.

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One of the faculties helped demo

teacher Edward set the projector.

The evaluators were ready to

listen and observe keenly to the

demonstration teaching.

The demo teacher was preparing for

herself to conduct demo teaching.

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The students performed the

activity assigned by the demo


The demo teacher

demonstrated the activity to

the students.

The demo teaching was started by

a prayer leaded by the class


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The demo teacher performed the

activity for the student to answer


The demo teacher explained and

instructed well to the student.

The demo teacher discussed the

activity as the start of discussion.

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The students formed two groups

to perform group task.

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Students participated by doing

board work.

The evaluators answered the evaluation

sheet and gave their comments.

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Biographical Data

I’m Lailannie P. Ligon presently living at B6 lot 18, Ilo- Ilo St. TanzangLuma IV, Imus

Cavite. I am second to the eldest child of Mr. VenerandoManaloLigon and Mrs. Priscilla

VerginioParungao. I was born on January 13, 1980. I have 4 siblings namely Marlon

ParungaoLigon, Jayson ParungaoLigon, Shiela Marie ParungaoLigon andCedharParungaoLigon.

I spent my elementary days in Salacot Elementary School. I graduated in San Miguel National

High School (formerly San Miguel High School) I love listening to music especially love songs,

my favorite color is pink. I also love watching cartoons when I was a child. I love sinigang,

adobo, fried chicken and spaghetti. When I was a kid I am sickly that’s why my mother decided I

should stop for a year enable for me to be healthy. After I graduated high school I worked at a

very young age. My mother asked our relative if I can work for her, even though I don’t want to

leave them and I want to go on and study college I can’t because my parents can’t afford it. I

became a helper at a meat stall in a wet market after it I became a housemaid, every time I can

see a girl of my age wearing school uniform I feel insecure. I told myself I will also study in

college, I waited for 9 years and I heard that our Brgy.captain was looking for out of school

youths who are willing to study to receive a scholarship. I convinced my father to talk with our

Brgy.captain for me to have it. He agreed and I grabbed the chance, I studied at Bulacan

Polytechnic College. I took up hotel and restaurant services during my college days I won first

prize in essay writing contest. I also became the president of our class and our organization. I am

also an officer of central student government twice. I graduated with service award. I worked in

aapartelle at Cabanatuan City as a receptionist. I realized when I was working that there is

discrimination in tourism industry I decided to study again in college and now I am taking up

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English at Cavite State University. I decided to take

up this course because I was inspired by my English teacher. She was very good in teaching and

I wanted to be like her. I also want to use my future profession by helping others. I want

education to be accessed easily by the poor. This is the short story of my life.

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Biographical Data

I am Jocelyn P. Azores, born on February 21, 1983 in Alangalang, Leyte. I am the second

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Inego Azores. My three siblings are Josephine P. Azores, Jeffrey P.

Azores and Jefferson P. Azores.

My first school was Cassidy elementary school in Carigara, Leyte year 1991-1997 and

graduated as the first honorable mention. I took up my secondary education in Carigara National

High School in Carigara, Leyte and transferred to Alangalang National High School Alangalang,

Leyte where I received my diploma year 2001.

I was not able to pursue my tertiary education right after I graduated in high school due to

financial problem. My parents cannot afford to send me in college. I have decided to look for a

job so that I could earn money for my expenses in tertiary. All I wanted was to finish my studies.

So I looked for the best solution to solve my problem that was bothering me. I worked hard as a

massage therapist. I started saving my salary and have my account in a bank. After almost ten

years I enrolled in Cavite State University taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in

Mathematics. For now I am a working student.

During my college life particularly when I was still in first year, I was about to stop my

studies in the since that it was hard for me coping with the topics especially in mathematics. But

despite of this, I never lose hope because of my family that served as my inspiration and with the

guidance of Almighty God. I can face trials and frustrations that I am encountering as of now

because I know God is in me. And I believe that there are no obstacles in life, only challenges.

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Biographical Data

Im Edward. The end

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Biographical Data

I am Ma. Patricia G. Boñe, 18 years of age, born on May 19, 1996 in

Bacoor Cavite. I am the a daughter of Rodolfo Boñe and Teresita Boñe.

I took up my primary Real Elementary School in the year 2002-2008. I

took up my secondary in General Emilio Aguinaldo National High School

in the year 2008-2012. In tertiary, at the present I am studying at Cavite

State University taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in


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Biographical Data

I am Lester Ebdani, 18 years of age, born on January 31, 1996 in MAnila.

I am a son of Edgar Ebdani and Mary Ann Ebdani. My friends and

family call me Lester.

I took up my primary Calsadang Bago Elementary School in the year

2002-2008. I took up my secondary in Imus National High School in the

year 2008-2012. In tertiary, at the present I am studying at Cavite State

University taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in


I am pursuing my study because I want to have a good job someday and I

want to help my family in our needs.

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Biographical Data

I am Emilyn D. Cañoneo, 18 years of age, born on February 6, 1996 in

Dasmariñas Cavite. I am the youngest among the three daughter of

Avelino Cañoneo and Anita Diche-Cañoneo.

I took up my primary at Dasmariñas II Central School in the year 2002-

2008. I took up my secondary in Dasmariñas National High School Main

Campus in the year 2008-2012. In tertiary, at the present I am studying at

Cavite State University taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education

major in Mathematics.

My dream is to become a effective and efficient teacher in the world

because I want to be part of student’s development and I also want to

share my knowledge with them. I want them to be educated so that they

will be awaken to have a freedom in their lives.

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Narrative Report

This teaching demonstration is our final requirement in the subject

Edtech 22 in which we have to apply the use of technology in education. When

this task was given to us, we already have a bunch of paper works be done so

it’s quite difficult for us to handle everything at the same time. We have faced

a lot of obstacles. First is the infinite revision of the letter that is needed in

order to be allowed to have a teaching demonstration in other school. I don’t

know why we are facing this problem over and over again, but we managed to

finally have a perfect letter. After that, we faced another problem which is to

find the respective persons whose signatures are needed in the said letter.

Everyone was so busy so our schedules only meet seldom. But again, we

managed to go through it.

Everything is settled, and what we just need to do is to pass the letter in

the cooperating school which is Mizpah Academy. We are very grateful that

the officials of this school are very cooperative and very willing to allow us to

have a teaching demonstration. They gave us a morning schedule because they

said that their Mathematics subject is the first subject. They assigned us to the

Grade 8 students.

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Before the day of teaching demonstration, our group bought some food for the

panel of judges and also the students to serve as a little token for their

cooperation. On the teaching demonstration day, we arrived early on the said

school because it is quite embarrassing if we arrive late and we also need to set

up our teaching aids. We are very grateful that the school already provided a

projector for us to use. The staff helped us set up everything we need for the

teaching demonstration. When everything is settled, Lester Ebdani started the

teaching demonstration. Everything went smoothly; the grade 8 students are

participating well in the class. They did a great job in working with the activities.

Well, I guess it is because Lester Ebdani motivated them well. At the end of the

teaching demonstration, not only the Grade 8 students of Mizpah Academy have

learned something from the demo-teacher, but we also learned a lot from the

constructive criticism of the judges.

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This is our preparation for our Demo Teaching. This is Ma.

Patricia Bone, is preparing our lesson plan.

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This is Lester Ebdani, our Demo teacher. He is studying the

Lesson plan so that he can memorize the routine.

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This is Emilyn Canoneo, she was assigned to operate the power

point presentation and the photo shows that she is preparing the

electronic devices because the demo teaching is about to start.

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The demo teaching started in a prayer. Students are standing for

a short prayer.

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Mr. Lester Ebdani gave his students

the activities which are related to

their lesson. It was a group activity

and individual activity.

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Students are now doing

their group activity while

Mr. Ebdani is observing

them and waiting them to

finish their activity.

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After they had their activity, there is a discussion where in

Mr. Ebdani is asking questions to his students regarding to

their activities. Then he presented the lesson.

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When they finish the discussion, Mr. Lester gave his students a

quiz to evaluate whether the students learned and understand the

lesson. After that they check it and finally students got passing

scores and it served as a proof that they understand the lesson

which discussed by Mr. Lester Ebdani.

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We had a picture taking with our evaluators and students.

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Cunanan, Mark Bryan


Siago, Ivy Jean

Tuazon, Jenny

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Demonstration is a teaching method used by both large and small groups. It involves

showing of clear examples by the use of experiments. Teaching is what the teacher does, or

something that’s learned. In overall, Teaching Demonstration occurs when the students have a

hard time connecting the theories to actual practice when the students are unable to understand

the application of theories. The teacher’s role in this practice is to act as a facilitator and formal

and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education. During teaching

demonstration it is also important to use visualization and verbalization for more effective


Before creating our letters to be signed by our Department Chairperson Ms. Alfe M.

Solina and our Dean Ms. Lilibeth P. Novicio, we went to the school that we like to have our

macro demonstration, named, Queen of Angels Learning Center, to the complete information

needed in our letter. On the same day, we got our proposed letter and the school that we choose

gives us a schedule for our demonstration on October 9,2014, Thursday afternoon.

In preparation to our Macro Demonstration, we used discussion strategy to promote

discovery learning. The learning plan that we did use was in 4A’s and those are Activity,

Application, Abstraction and Analysis that falls under the learner centered approach. The

approach that we used focuses on the students wherein they are the ones to answer the questions

given by the teacher and there are times that it is hard for them to analyze whatever the question

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is, it is the part where the teacher will be the facilitator of the classroom instead. It is more on

activities and paper works during class hours for the students to become active the teacher

prepares some motivational activity which is somehow related to the topic. The draft of our

lesson plan is checked by Sir. Paul Jorel Santos, he gives his comment and suggestions on it that

we followed to make it effective. He suggests that we need to do some changes in our objectives

that will belong to the HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) and suggested some activity that

the students will enjoy. And we revised our learning plan, and then the final draft is approved.

On October 09, 2014, Thursday, we are about to conduct our teaching demonstration at

Queen of Angels Learning Center at exactly 1 o’clock in the afternoon, we need to be early in

the school even the demonstration will start at 2 o’clock in the afternoon for us to prepare the

materials we will use in teaching demonstration like the Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Projector, visual aids and as well as the foods for the students and evaluators. For the foods, we

prefer juices and cupcakes for the students and we bought brownies for the evaluators as a sign

of appreciation in accommodating our group to conduct teaching demonstration in their school.

At the moment we arrived in the school, we all rest first for a couple of minutes before

preparing for the materials to be use, our demo teacher review his lesson plan before proceeding

to the classroom. It is quiet important to review the lesson plan before proceeding to the actual

teaching-learning process because it guides the teacher in the whole flow of the lesson and in

making lesson plan you are also making an overview about the learning outcomes which the

students must possess at the end of the discussion. When it is exactly 2 o’clock, we proceeded to

the classroom where we about to conduct the teaching demonstration. In the classroom, there

were exactly 10 students in the classroom; the number of the students in a classroom is one of the

factors affecting the students’ ability to learn and the capability to absorb each lesson, if the class

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is composed of more than 80 students, there is a possibility that teacher will be in trouble in

terms of delivering the lesson and making sure that each student will acquire knowledge at the

end of the session. At first, the demo teacher is quiet nervous but along the teaching-learning

process he worked well. Since the demo teacher is in the field of Mathematics and the topic

assigned to him is about Distance Formula in specific, he did not experience much hardship

about explaining each strand of the topic.

Along the teaching–learning process, we notice that the students do not participating, it is

maybe because of the process of adapting new teacher but later on they participated well. Active

participation allows the students to talk, listen and reflect as well to their learning’s through

problem-solving exercises, simulations and other activities that will be useful in boosting the

confidence of the students to discover their abilities. When it comes to the activities that the

demo teacher has provided, the students were actively participated. Activities are made to test the

prior and newly acquired knowledge of the students. During also the activities, the demo teacher

guides his students in doing the activities.

At the end of the teaching-learning, we distributed the foods to the students as a sign of

appreciation in their active participation in the said teaching demonstration.

In general, we had learned that when it comes to macro teaching demonstration,

cooperation of each group members is quite important to make the teaching demonstration

successful. The willingness to teach your students makes you feel like it is easy. This kind of

requirement allows an education student to be aware of the real situation, on how to handle such

kind of problems in teaching-learning process which later on will experience after learning all

the theories and philosophies underlying.

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I am Jenny Tuazon,19 years of age, born on August 16, 1995 in Sampaloc, Manila. I am

the first daughter of Ms. Analiza Baylon. My little brother’s name was Elton Baylon.

I graduated my secondary at Saint Francis Institute Learning Business High School and I

am taking Bachelor of Secondary in Education Major in Mathematics at Cavite State University

Imus Campus. At first,I don’t like teaching profession but on the later part I realized that it is

what I really want. The time that I graduated from secondary I took up Bachelor of Science in

Accountancy but I transferred to my current school because of financial problem.

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My name is Marvin Escalante, I am 19 years old. The child of Evelyn Escalante and

Ricarte Bonita. I was born on July 17, 1995 at Indang, Cavite. I studied at Indang Central

Elementary School and took my secondary education at Imus National High School. And now

I’m studying at Cavite State University Imus Campus taking up Bachelor of Science in

Secondary Education Major in Mathematics.