educaciÓn bÁsica secundaria · now classify the verbs in the previous text into regular and...


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Page 1: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Now classify the verbs in the previous text into regular and irregular verbs. Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs III. Choose the correct form to complete








Resignificación: Verónica Ortiz Alvaran

Page 2: EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA · Now classify the verbs in the previous text into regular and irregular verbs. Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs III. Choose the correct form to complete


Institución Educativa Ciudadela Del Sur EDUCACIÓN BÁSICA SECUNDARIA


Primer periodo



Identificar estructuras relacionadas con eventos pasados, comprendiendo y produciendo narraciones en

dicho tiempo aplicándolas así a su entorno social.


Identifico mi origen cultural, reconociendo y respetando las semejanzas con otras personas.


Sustenta de manera crítica lo que sucede en la comunidad.


Reconozco las posibles formas de enfrentar una situación.






Past tense

Past progressive

Physical Descriptions

“Wh” Questions


Momento A: Apropiación de conceptos.

Momento B: Análisis y propuesta de solución de problemas

Momento C: Práctica en el contexto

Momento D: Capacidad de hacer nuevas propuestas e inventiva.

Cumplimiento y responsabilidad



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GUÍA No. 01

Read the text

The world famous Olympic swimmer, Michael Fred Phelps, was born in Baltimore, Maryland in the U.S.A., on

June 30, 1985. His father, Fred, worked for the Maryland State Police and Phelps, who is called „MP‟ by his

friends, started swimming when he was 7 years old. When he was 10 he was the fastest US swimmer of his

age group. He graduated from Towson High School in 2003. In this year he first won the World Swimmer of

the Year Award. Between 2004 and 2008 he studied sports management at the University of Michigan.

The rest of the world first noticed Phelps in 2000 when, at the age of only 15, he competed in the Olympic

Games in Sydney, Australia, and finished fifth in the finals. Phelps continued to develop as a swimmer. He

won six gold medals at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004, and eight in Beijing in 2008. This is the record

number of gold medals in any single Olympic Games.

He is now a rich man. He earned about $5 million from advertising in 2008 and used some of the money to

start the Michael Phelps Foundation, an organization that encourages children to swim.

Phelps‟ physical shape almost certainly helps him to swim so fast. When he holds his arms out, the distance

from fingertip to fingertip is 201 cm. This is more than his height – he is 193 cm tall – and his feet are 49

mm long!

1.1 Contesta en tu cuaderno las siguientes preguntas de comprensión

1. What was his father’s job?

2. Why do his friends call him MP?

3. Where did he go to university?

4. Did he win an Olympic medal in Sydney?

5. How many gold medals did he win in Athens and Beijing?

6. When did he start the Michael Phelps Foundation?

Maneja estructuras gramaticales en tiempo pasado reconociendo

y escribiendo correctamente los verbos irregulares.

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Simple Past Tense

El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han sucedido en un tiempo

anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo:

Oración Afirmativa:

She cleaned her house. Ella limpió su casa.

I broke the window. Yo rompí la ventana.

Tanto en la forma interrogativa como en negativa se utiliza como auxiliar DID que es la forma pasada del

verbo "TO DO" y acompaña al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En las negaciones puede utilizarse la

forma contraída de DID NOT o sea DIDN'T.

Oración negativa Oración Interrogativa

She did not clean the house Did she clean the house?

Nótese que al utilizar el auxiliar DID tanto en las oraciones negativas como en las interrogativas el verbo

queda en tiempo presente.

Ahora bien, para poder formar una oración en tiempo pasado debemos distinguir dos tipos: VERBOS


En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple añadiendo la terminación ED al infinitivo, sin embargo

debes tener en cuenta las siguientes reglas

Verbos terminados en E solo se agrega la D por ejemplo Like - Liked

Verbos terminados en “Y” precedida de consonante se cambia la “Y” por la “I” latina y se agrega

ED, por ejemplo Study – Studied.

Verbos terminado en “Y” precedida de vocal solo se agrega ED, por ejemplo Play – Played

Por otro lado, los verbos irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un patrón determinado y en este

caso deben estudiarse individualmente y memorizarse.

Presente Pasado

Break Broke

Know Knew

Past Time Expressions

Last week, Last month, Yesterday, Last


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Vocabulary Irregular verbs

Let´s practice

Infinitive Simple Past Spanish

Infinitive Simple

Past Spanish


Simple Past


arise arose surgir go went Ir shoot shot disparar

be was / were ser grind ground Moler show showed mostrar

beat beat golpear

grow grew Crecer

shrink shrank/shr

unk encoger

become became convertirse hang hung Colgar shut shut cerrar

begin began comenzar have had Tener sing sang cantar

bet/betted bet/betted apostar hear heard Oír sink sank hundir

bite bit morder hide hid Esconderse sit sat sentarse

bleed bled sangrar hit hit Golpear sleep slept dormir

blow blew soplar

hold held tener,


slide slid deslizar

break broke romper hurt hurt herir, doler sow sowed sembrar

bring brought traer keep kept Guardar speak spoke hablar

build built construir

kneel knelt Arrodillarse

spell spelt/spelle

d deletrear

buy bought comprar know knew Saber spend spent gastar

catch caught atrapar lead led Encabezar spill spilt/spilled derramar

choose chose elegir

learn learnt/lear

ned Aprender

split split partir

come came venir

leave left Dejar

spoil spoilt/spoil

ed estropear

cost cost costar lend lent Prestar spread spread extenderse

creep crept arrastrarse let let Dejar stand stood estar de pie

cut cut cortar lie lay Yacer steal stole robar

deal dealt dar, repartir lose lost Perder sting stung picar

do did hacer

make made Hacer

stink stank/stun

k apestar

draw drew dibujar mean meant Significar strike struck golpear

dream dreamt/dre

amed soñar

meet met

conocer, encontrar

swear swore jurar

drink drank beber pay paid Pagar sweep swept barrer

drive drove conducir put put Poner swim swam nadar

eat ate comer

quit quit/quitte

d Abandonar

take took tomar

fall fell caer read read Leer teach taught enseñar

feed fed alimentar ride rode montar, ir tear tore romper

feel felt sentir

ring rang llamar por teléfono

tell told decir

fight fought pelear rise rose Elevar think thought pensar

find found encontrar run ran Correr throw threw lanzar

flee fled huir say said Decir tread trode pisar

fly flew volar see saw Ver understand understood entender

forget forgot olvidar sell sold Vender wake woke despertarse

forgive forgave perdonar send sent Enviar wear wore llevar puesto

forsake forsook abandonar set set Fijar weave wove tejer

freeze froze congelar sew sewed Coser weep wept llorar

get got tener, obtener shake shook Sacudir win won ganar

give gave dar shine shone Brillar wring wrung retorcer

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Matht the colum A with the colum B 1. Eat ______ the dishes

2. Take ______ the radio

3. Drink ______ a letter

4. Clean ___1__ hamburger

5. Do ______ the car

6. Wash ______ a book

7. Watch ______ the house

8. Listen ______ a soda

9. Write ______ Television

10. Read ______ a bath

Now make setentes in simple past tense in affirmative, negative and interrogative form. (use diffentent suject pronouns)

# Affirmative Negative Interrpgative

1 you ate a hamburger you did not eat hamburger did you eat hamburger?











Exercise 1

I. Look at these infinitive forms. Write the past simple form in the correct column, depending on

whether it is regular or irregular.

Regular Irregular loved_________ ________________ __gave_________ ______________

_______________ ________________ ________________ ______________

_______________ ________________ ________________ ______________

_______________ ________________ ________________ ______________

_______________ ________________ ________________ ______________

love give take work graduate feel have make act get leave establish read grow fly say be win spend do want buy begin like live meet become

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II. Write the text in your notebook and underline all the verbs you find in simple past tense.

I met my best friend two years ago when I was on holiday. It was a sunny day and I went to the beach. He

arrived with a group of other friends and started playing beach volleyball near where I was. One of his friends

kicked sand over me. He thought it was a joke. Ashwin ran over and apologized. I was quite angry but I soon

calmed down. He seemed so nice. We agreed to meet later that day. Ashwin and I have been friend ever


Now classify the verbs in the previous text into regular and irregular verbs.

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

III. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences below using the verbs in parentheses.

1. He____________clean) the windows and____________ (tidy) the living room and he only____________ (stop) working when the house was spotless.

2. They____________ (arrive) home early and____________ (plan) to watch the football match on TV, but the lights went out.

3. He____________ (dance) all night at the party, so he was exhausted on Sunday and____________ (prefer) to stay home than go to another party.

4. She____________ (watch) a very sad movie and she____________ (cry) all the time.

5. Paul and Jeannie (stay) ______________ at home last night.

6. Samantha (drive) ___________________ for an hour.

7. She (take) _________________________ three books from the library last week.

8. Lucy (buy) _________________________ a new dress yesterday.

9. They (watch) ______________________ a movie last night.

10. Ann (go) __________________________ to the supermarket last month.

11. You (read) ________________________ the book in an hour.

12. The tree (grow) ____________________ very fast last month.

13. He (study) _________________________ all night but he didn't pass the exam.

14. Sheila (write) ______________________ a letter to her mother yesterday.

Exercise 2:

I. Reading comprehension

Linda: Julia, what did you do on Saturday night? Julia: I went out with James Linda: What´s he like? Julia: He is boring. He talked all the time, He never stopped Linda: What did he talk about?

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Julia: His new car Linda: Did you go to a nice restaurant? Julia: Yes, we went to Gourmet´s Linda: What was the food like? Julia: The food was great, but the company was terrible About the conversation 1. Who did Julia go out with?

2. What was he like?

3. What did he talk about?

4. Where did he go for dinner?

5. Did Julia have a good time?

Math the words with their meanings a. Restaurant _______to say things; to speak in order to give information or to

express feelings, ideas, etc

b. Boring _______ to leave your house to go to a social event

c. New _______ things that people or animals eat

d. Food _______ pleasant, enjoyable or attractive

e. Nice _______ not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced, etc

f. Car _______ a place where you can buy and eat a meal.

g. Go out _______ not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient

h. Talk _______ a road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a

small number of passengers

II. Classify the sentence in the corresponding box.

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III. Write the following sentences in negative and interrogative form.

1. Sheila is at work.______________________________________________________________________

2. The sun is shining today._____________________________________________________________

3. They work for an insurance company._______________________________________________

4. I'm having dinner.____________________________________________________________________

5. Tom hopes to get a job._____________________________________________________________

6. I want to stay home tonight._________________________________________________________

7. I know what to do.___________________________________________________________________

8. Do you stay home today?___________________________________________________________

9. You have to go.______________________________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Speaking Activity

Make a conversation with your partners about your last vacations.






Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus familiares o


Ask your relatives and neighbors about their activities last weekend.

Questions Relatives´asnwers Neighbors’ answers

Did you get up late last


Did you visit your


Did you go to a mall?

Did you write an e-mail?

Did you clean the house?

Teacher, check my progress, please.

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GUÍA No. 02

MOTIVACIÓN: Read the text

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was born (1910) in Skopje, capital of the Republic of Macedonia. Little is known about her early

life, but at a young age she felt a calling to serve through helping the poor. At the age of 18 she was given

permission to join a group of nuns in Ireland. After a few months of training Mother Teresa travelled to

Calcutta, India where she formally accepted the vows of a nun.

In her early years she worked as a teacher in the slums of Calcutta, the widespread poverty made a deep

impression on her and this led to her starting a new order called “The Missionaries of Charity”. The primary

objective of this mission was to look after people, who nobody else was prepared to. Mother Teresa felt that

serving others was a key principle of the teachings of Jesus Christ. She often mentioned the saying of Jesus,

"Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me."

"Love cannot remain by itself -- it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.”

- Mother Teresa

The Missionaries of Charity now has branches throughout the world including branches in the developed

world where they work with the homeless and people affected with AIDS. In 1965, the Society became an

International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI

In the 1960s, the life of Mother Teresa was first brought to a wider public attention by Malcolm Muggeridge

who wrote a book and produced a documentary called “Something Beautiful for God”.

1.1 Contesta en tu cuaderno las siguientes preguntas de comprensión

1. Was she born?

2. When did she work as a teacher?

3. Where did go after a few months of training?

4. What was the primary objective of this mission?

5. What did Mother Teresa feel?

6. What happened in 1965?

7. What did happen In the 1960s?

Comprende la información implícita en textos relacionados

con temas de mi interés

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Pasado Continuo - (Past Continuous) El Pasado Continuo, es un tiempo verbal que describe acciones que estaban siendo realizadas en un momento del pasado al que se hace referencia y que luego continuaron, por ejemplo: Yesterday he was studying English. Ayer él estaba estudiando inglés. (Comenzó a estudiar antes de ese momento y continuó estudiando posteriormente) John was playing tennis at 10 a.m. John estuvo jugando tenis a las 10 a.m. (Comenzó a jugar tenis antes de las 10 a.m. y continuó haciendolo después) El Pasado Continuo se construye con el verbo auxiliar "to be" en su forma pasada y el verbo principal en infinitivo con la terminación ING:

Observa que la forma negativa se construye colocando la partícula NOTdespués del verbo TO BE. Puede usarse también la forma contraída WASN'T o WEREN'T. También se puede utilizar este tiempo verbal para relatar dos accionesque sucedieron en el pasado y que una de ellas ya se ha completado. Para ello utilizamos el Pasado Simple para mencionar lo que ya finalizó y el Pasado Continuo para relatar lo que sigue ejecutándose.

When I left, he was studying the lesson. Cuando yo partí, el estaba estudiando la lección.

They were singing when I broke the window. Ellos estaban cantando cuando yo rompí la ventana.

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Let´s practice Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook.

Look at the pictures and make sentences according to the signs. Use the following verbs:

play,fish,sit, drink, eat, watch, work, teach, write, dance, water





He______ tennis She__________ He______ in the

garden. He______ medicine

He______________ She______ a

cocktail They_________


She______ the birds

Are you_____ letter

to Santa? We__________ She______ the


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Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook I. Read the text and answer the questions.

The inspector asked Mr. White some questions: The Inspector: What were you doing when the thief broke into the house? Mr. White: I was watching a movie with my wife. Then I went to the kitchen to prepare the tea… The Inspector: How many minutes did you spend in the kitchen? Mr. White: I think 10 or 15 minutes… I’m not sure… The Inspector: Did you only prepare the tea? Mr. White: Yes. The Inspector: OK. Thanks.

The inspector also asked Mrs. White some questions: The Inspector: what were you doing when your husband was in the kitchen? Mrs. White: While I was watching the movie I was drinking my coffee. The Inspector: Coffee? But your husband was preparing tea. Mrs. White: Tea? No… We didn’t drink tea last night. The Inspector: OK. What was he doing in the kitchen? Mrs. White: He was thirsty. He wanted to drink water. The Inspector: Hmm. What happened then? Mrs. White: A friend of him called him and he went out to help him. The Inspector: So you were alone at home, weren’t you? Mrs. White: Yes, I was. I called him immediately but he didn’t answer.

The inspector was suspicious about Mr. White and he asked for him to come to his office. The Inspector started questioning: The Inspector: You weren’t at home when the thief broke into your house. Where were you? Mr. White: I went out to help a friend of mine. The Inspector: Who was he? Mr. White: A friend… The Inspector: Hmmm… Who Mr. White: I said that he was a friend of mine.

Yesterday night somebody

broke into our neighbor’s

house. He stole everything

he found. They saw him while

he was running away but they

couldn’t catch him. This

morning an inspector came

and asked some questions:

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The Inspector: If you cannot prove that you were with your friend, we will arrest you!

Answer the questions according to the story? 1) Did Mrs. White see the thief? 2) What was Mrs. White doing when the thief broke into the house? 3) Was Mr. White with his wife when the thief broke into the house? 4) What was Mr. White doing in the kitchen? 5) Did Mr. White really prepare the tea? 6) Why did Mr. White go out? 7) Did the Inspector believe Mr. White? 8) Did Mr. White say who his friend was?

Decide True or False?

1) ( ) Mr. White was at home when the event occurred. 2) ( ) Mr. White caught the thief but he didn’t tell anyone. 3) ( ) Mrs. White was watching the movie while her husband was drinking water. 4) ( ) The thief broke into the house while they were sleeping. 5) ( ) Mr. White went out while his wife was sleeping. 6) ( ) Mr. White went out to help his friend. 7) ( ) Mrs. White screamed when she saw the thief.

II. Answer the following questions:

a) Where did you go last weekend?

b) What were you doing yesterday at 9.00 am?

c) Where were you living three years ago?

d) Who did you see yesterday morning?

e) Were you watching TV last Friday at 11am?

III. Look the picture and write what they were doing yesterday morning:

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1. Augusto and Fiona_________________________________________

2. Lucas____________________________________________________

3. Joaquin__________________________________________________

4. Edelmira__________________________________________________

5. Mr Paco __________________________________________________

6. Rosita and Doris__________________________________________

7. Mrs Toledo________________________________________________

IV Complete the chart

We were playing football

Were they eating in a restaurant yesterday at 9 pm?

She was not listening to music one hour ago

Was he talking with his friend?

We were having breakfast at 5:30 this morning.

I was looking the star last night at 10pm

V. Change the verb into the correct form.

1. Yesterday at 5 o'clock I ________________eat). 2. Last night, at 10 o'clock she________________ (dance). 3. Tim________________ (cook) while Susan________________ (watch) TV. 4. Barbara________________ (paint), and Joe________________ (sleep). 5. While you________________ (rest), I________________ (clean) the house. 6. While we________________ (swim), the other team________________ (run). 7. Jim________________ (always come) late to work. 8. Dorothy________________ (always smoke) in the room. 9. Jack and Bob________________ (always fight) about something. 10. These two________________ (constantly chat). 11. James________________ (read) and Emily________________ (listen) to music. 12. While the singer________________ (sing), the crowd________________ (jump). 13. The teacher________________ (sleep), and the students________________ (laugh). 14. An hour ago I________________ (jog). 15. They________________ (always drink) too much at parties. VI. Write sentences using these words. Use past continuous tense.

1.-The boy/jog/ in the park. 2.- Two friends/fight/ at school. 3.- Tom /surf/in the sea. 4.-Martin/dig/ a hole. 5.- Peter/take photographs. 6.-Lucy/play/ the harp. 7.-The fat woman/smoke. 8.-The operator/talk/on the phone. 9.-Emily/carry/some bottles. 10.-The nurse/give/him a medicine. 11.-The blond girl/ride/ a bike. 12.-Sarah/comb/her sister’s hair.

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Exercise 2:

I. Look at the picture and write sentences:

There are some verbs in the box bellow that will help you. Example: A boy was running in the street when Spiderman arrived.

1. ___________________________

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

6. ___________________________

7. ___________________________

8. ___________________________

9. ___________________________

10. ___________________________

11. ___________________________

12. ___________________________

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Walk drive ride talk run

carry lie Play look faint


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II. Complete with Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1. _____________ (you / play) football now? 2. What ____________ (you / do)? – I’m a teacher. 3. What ______________ (you / do)? – I’m watching TV. 4. hey _______________ (go) to the cinema every Sunday. 5. Ann ______________ (not eat) meat. _ She’s a vegetarian. 6. How often ___________________ (you/ drink) coffee? 7. It ___________ (not/ rain) now. 8. Carl ________________ (speak) English very well. 9. I usually _________________ (read) books but now I ___________ (watch TV).

Exercise 3: Speaking Activity

Partner Activity – What were you doing ...?

Ask three people what they were doing at the different times given in the chart. Write down the

answers they give. Use past continuous.

What were you

doing….. Partner 1: Partner 2: Partner 3:

one hour ago? at three o’clock

yesterday afternoon?

last night at midnight? Fifteen minutes ago? last year in September? at six o’clock

yesterday evening?

at 10 am on Saturday?

Desarrolla la siguiente actividad con ayuda de tus

familiares o vecinos

Imagine that you are a police and one of your neighbor „house was stole. Write the questions you will do

to interview the main suspect.

Ex: what were you doing yesterday at 9 pm?

Teacher, check my progress, please.

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GUÍA No. 03


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow it. Emily Grover is seven years old and she attends the 2

nd grade. She lives with her parents and her two older

brothers in Plockton village on the shores of Lochcarron; Scotland. She has got long brown hair and green eyes. She is tall (for her age) and thin. She loves to walk through Plockton Bay and see the beautiful rocky hills in the distance. She also likes to read adventure stories and to play tricks on people. She doesn’t like going shopping, she prefers a good adventure. Her favourite animals are the butterflies, but she doesn’t like flies at all. She is honest and friendly, but sometimes she is a bit naughty to her friends, because she is always playing tricks on them. When she grows older, she wants to be a veterinary, just like her grandfather, or perhaps a lawyer.

Complete the following information

Name: __________________

Surname: ________________

Age: ___________________

School year: ______________

Hair: ___________________

Eyes: ___________________

Height: _________________

Things she likes to do _______


Things she doesn’t like to do:__


Best qualities: ____________


Now answer the following questions.

1. What is Emily’s surname? ___________________________________

2. How old is she? ___________________________________

3. How many brothers has she got? ___________________________________

4. Where is she from? ___________________________________

5. What’s her nationality? ___________________________________

6. Does Emily live in a village or in a town? ___________________________________

7. What colour is her hair? ___________________________________

8. What colour are her eyes? _________________________________

Construir composiciones cortas describiendo personas y cosas

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Polite Shy Talkative

9. Is Emily fat or thin? _________________________________

10. Does she like adventure stories? _________________________________

11. What are her favourite animals? _________________________________

12. What animals doesn’t she like? _________________________________

13. Why is she a naughty girl? _________________________________

14. What jobs does she want to have when she grows older?_________________________________


Describing people

What does she/he look like? Para describir la apariencia física de personas en ingles utilizamos el verbo to-be mas el adjetivo.


What is she like? Para describir personalidad se utiliza el verbo to-be mas el adjetivo


They are talkative She is shy He is polite

He is fat She has black hair She is short

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blonde/fair hair brown hair red hair black hair grey hair

blonde brunette redhead - -


grey eyes green eyes blue eyes brown eyes dark eyes

Type of hair

She has

long hair. She has short


He has no hair. = He is


She has

medium length hair.

She has medium length hair.

She has short hair.

+ She has

long, black hair.

She has short, black

hair. -

She has medium length ,

blonde hair.

She has medium length, red hair.

She has short, blonde hair.


She has long,

straight, black hair.

She has short,

straight, black hair.


She has medium length,

straight, blonde hair.

She has medium length, wavy, red


She has short, curly, blonde hair.


Her hair is long,

straight and black.

Her hair is short,

straight and black.


Her hair is medium length,

straight and blonde.

Her hair is medium length, wavy and red.

Her hair is short, curly and blonde.

+ She wears glasses.

Type of complexión

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He is asian. He has light-brown skin.

She is black. She has dark skin.

He is white. He has fair skin.

She is white. She has lightly tanned


She is white. She has very pale skin.

Other features Point your cursor over the named feature, if you're correct the word will appear.

moustache beard chin forehead nostrils

eyebrows cheeks fringe lips teeth

Let´s practice Write a short paragraph describing the physical appearance of your best friend _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________

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ACTIVIDAD EN CLASE : Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook.

15. My skin is a) light. b) dark.

14. I have got a) a fringe. b) a ponytail.

13. My hair is a) spiky. b) wavy.

9. I have got… face. a) a round b) an oval

8. She has got … hair. a) dark b) fair

7. My doctor has got a grey … a) moustache. b) beard.

1. I have got… hair. a) curly b) straight

2. My teeth are a) small. b) big.

3. His hair is too a) long. b) short.

4. Mr. Jones is a) thin. b) fat.

5. Our maid is a sweet... lady. a) young b) old

6. My eyes are a) blue. b) black.

10. You are too… to play basketball. a) tall b) short

11. I’ve got a) braces. b) freckles.

12. He’s got a) glasses. b) a wig.

I. Look at the pictures and choose the correct option.

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II. Match the pictures with the descriptions

B-Nice to meet

you! We are Pam

and Paul. We are

short and pale . We

barely have hair,

and our eyes are

black. We are nice

and spoiled. We

enjoy toys and


A-What’s up people?

We are Susan and

Sue. We are tall and

thin, our hair is

brown and straight.

We are friendly and

nice. We love the

identical clothes.

C-Hi friends! We

are Kate and

Kathleen. We are

tall and skinny. Our

hair is straight and

medium, but

different in color.

We love make up

and accessories..

E-Hi pals! We are

Lana and Laura. We

are chubby and

strong. Our hair is

brown and medium

curly.We are clever

and easy going. Our

favorite food is the


D-Hey Guys! We

are Carl and

Caroline. We have

blonde hair and

brown eyes. We

like sport clothes,

colorful sneakers

and listen all types

of music.

F-Hello! We are

Nick and Nicky. .

We are thin and tall.

We have brown hair

and oriental eyes.

We like to wear

similar clothes. We

love to study.

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Exercise 2: I. Read carefully


This is my friend Richard. He is eleven years old. He’s got blond hair and brown eyes. His favourite colour is green and his favourite animal is a horse. He can swim but he can’t play the flute. Now complete the text with the Cindy´sinformation

This is my friend __________. She is __________ years old. She has got blond ________ and _______ eyes. Her favourite colour is _________ and her favourite animal is _________. Cindy can _______ but she can’t __________ .

Now write a similar description about a person and then draw their picture in the box:

This is my brother / sister/ cousin / friend _____________ She/he is

___________ years old and she/he has got ___________ hair and

____________ eyes. His / her favourite colour is _____________ and

his/her favourite animal is ____________. He /she can _____________

but she/he can’t _______________.

II. Paola is talking to a police officer because her friends got lost in the park. Read the dialogue

and then underline the sentences describing James.

Police officer: Can I help you?

Paola: Yes, please! My friends got lost in the park!

Police officer: Who got lost?

Paola: Two of my friends… James Layzell and Louise Boivim.

Police officer: can you describe them? What's James like?

Paola: He's handsome. He's twelve years old. He's tall and thin.

Police officer: Has he got dark or fair hair?

Cindy 10 years old

blond hair, blue eyes

Favorite colour – pink

Favorite animal –


Likes to sing but can’t


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Paola: He's got short curly red hair.

Police officer: What colour are his eyes?

Paola: Blue! He's got blue eyes.

Can you help Paola? Draw a picture of James. Use his physical description

III. This is Shakira. What does she look like? Describe her.







Describing Personality


Attentive Calm Cheeky Intelligent Faithful Pessimistic

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Friendly Happy Hardworking Honest Nervous Humble

Lively Obedient Optimistic Outgoing Easygoing Impatient

Patient Polite Popular Reserved Tidy Rude

Distracted Shy Silly Unfriendly Selfish Naughty

Unhappy Lazy Dishonest Talkative Unpleasant Untidy

IV. Vocabulary building

Find as many personality adjectives as you can!

adventurous – competitive - self-confident – cooperative – emotional – generous –

independent – lazy - materialistic - optimistic – possessive – self-centered – sensitive – sincere – sociable – stubborn.

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V. Match these words with their OPPOSITES.

5. Clever ____ a) Cold 6. Nice ____ b) Absent-minded 7. Relaxed ____ c) Hard-working 8. Generous ____ d) Cheerful 9. Lazy ____ e) Dynamic

1. Unhappy ____ f) Horrible 2. Passive ____ g) Stupid 3. Strong ____ h) Mean 4. Warm ____ i) Weak

10. Attentive ____ j) Nervous

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VI. How would you describe a person who…

1. … never gets angry, even when it is necessary to explain things again and again? __________ 2. …always thinks positively and believes that the future will be good? ________ 3. … enjoys to give presents or pay for a coffee? __________ 4. …would like to become a very important person? __________ 5. …always arrives on time? __________ 6. … does not think about other people’s feelings? __________ 7. …never does any work? __________ 8. …is very smart and gets excellent grades at school? __________ 9. …always tells the truth? __________ 10. …likes to meet new people and make friends? __________

VI. Choose ( ) the 10 adjectives which refer to PERSONALITY.

VII. Write a brief description of yourself, including both physical appearance and character.




________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 3: Speaking Activity Who’s your favorite movie star or singer? Can you describe him/her in more details now? Bring to the class a picture of your favorite movie star or singer and prepare a description of his/her physical appearance. Then look for his/her zodiac sign and describe his/her personality.

Desarrolla esta actividad con ayuda de tus familiares

Make a frieze and stick pictures of your family and describe their physical appearance and their character.

pleasant fat friendly ugly

pretty shy short young

long dark tall light

kind strict funny thin



reliable straight sensitive

discreet blond curly

Teacher, check my progress, please.

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GUÍA No. 04

MOTIVACIÓN: READ THE TEXT Read the passage. Then answer the questions below. Passage There are many kinds of boats. One kind of boat is called a sailboat. A sailboat uses the wind to move. Wind makes a sailboat move in the water. The wind pushes the sailboat. Wind fills the sails. The sailboat moves when the wind blows. One kind of boat is called a motorboat. A motorboat uses a motor to move. The motor gives power to the boat. The motorboat moves when the motor is running. The motorboat makes a loud noise. One kind of boat is called a rowboat. A rowboat needs people to move it. People make a rowboat move in the water. People use oars to move a rowboat. Oars are long and flat. Oars go into the water. A rowboat moves when people use the oars. As you can see, there are many kinds of boats. Questions 1) Which boat uses the wind to move? A. a sailboat

B. a rowboat

C. a motorboat 2) Which boat makes a loud noise?

A. a sailboat

B. a motorboat

C. a rowboat 3) What is used to move a rowboat? A. wind

B. a motor

C. oars 4) According to the passage, oars are

A. short and fat

B. long and flat

C. big and heavy

5) This passage is mainly about

A. different kinds of boats

B. where to use a rowboat

C. how to make a boat

6) Which boat(s) can still move if there is no wind?

I. a motorboat

II. a rowboat

III. a sailboat A. I only

B. I and II only

C. I, II, and III 7) Tom doesn't like loud noises. Which boat(s)

does he probably like to ride in? I. a sailboat

II. a rowboat

III. a motorboat A. I only

B. I and II only

C. I, II, and III 8) What would be the best title for this passage? A. Boats that Make Noise

B. The Sailboat and the Motorboat

C. Three Kinds of Boats

Comprende la información implícita en textos relacionados

con temas de mi interés

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Preguntas ´´WH´´ información

Las preguntas realizadas con Wh como What, Where, When, Which, How entre otras, se hacen con la

finalidad de recibir información ya sea personal o de otras personas. Además al igual que en Español, se

escribe al principio de la pregunta. Ej:

How are you today?

When is your birthday?

What do you do?

Where are you from?

Who is your best friend?

En el siguiente esquema se presenta una tabla con el significado de cada una de las palabras

interrogativas y unos ejemplos

What ¿Que?

Where ¿Dónde?

Who ¿Quien?

When ¿Cuando?

How ¿Como?

How much ¿Cuánto?

How long ¿Cuánto tiempo?

Whose ¿De quien?

Let´s Practice

Answer the following questions

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When

4. How do you go to school?

5. Where do you live?

6. Who is your best friend?

7. Whose is that purse?

8. What’s your favorite subject in school

9. What do you do in your free time?

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ACTIVIDAD DE CLASE: You can work with your partners

Please write and develop the following exercises in your notebook Exercise 1: I. Write the correct alternative. What - When - Where - Why - Who - How

1) ................ are my keys? 2) ................ is the problem? 3) ................ is your favourite singer? 4) ................ is your birthday? 5) ................ old are you? I'm ten years old. 6) ................ is your telephone number? 7) ................ are you from? 8) ................ is your best friend? 9) ................ is your e-mail? 10) ................ are you? I'm fine, thanks. 11) ................ is your graduation? Next week. 12) ................ is she crying? Because she is sad. 13) ................ is your last name? Gonzalez. 14) ................ is your favorite actor? Anthony Hopkins. 15) ................ old is your cat? Two years old. II. Choose the right option.

1) ................. is the concert?

What Who Why When 2) ................. is Cristiano Ronaldo from?

How When Where Why 3) ................. are you so happy? I'm getting married!

When How What Why 4) ................. is your brother? He is still sick.

Why How Where What 5) ................. are you late? Because of the traffic.

Where When Why How

III. Complete the questions with “what” or “who”:

1. __________ is that woman over there? – She’s my sister.

2. __________ is that on the table? – It’s my coat.

3. ___________ is going to the party with you? – My sister is.

4. ___________ are you doing now? – I’m resting.

5. ___________ is your favorite color? – It’s blue.

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6. ___________ do you take to school? – I take Ann.

Complete with “where” or “why”:

1. ____________ is your mother from? – She’s from Mexico.

2. ____________ are you here? – Because I have an English class now.

3. ____________ is your mother now? – She’s at her office. She works from 9 to 6.

4. __________ do you take Ann to school? – Because she had an accident and her car is at the garage.

5. ____________ are the Millers taking the subway? – Because the streets are all jammed.

6. ____________ do you go on weekends? – I go to Dino’s to hang out with my friends.

Choose between “whose” and “who”:

1. ___________ backpack is this? – It’s Dona’s.

2. ___________ gave you this wonderful blouse? – My mom did.

3. ___________ house are we going to visit first? – We’re going to Mario’s.

4. ___________ name was mentioned in the document? – Yours and mine.

5. ___________ will pick Carol after school? – Dad will.

6. ___________ T-shirt is that on the floor? – It’s Rick’s, Mom. You know he isn’t neat.

Make a suitable answer for the following answers:

1. __________________________________? I have two sisters.

2. ___________________________________? I live downtown.

3. ___________________________________? She’s my friend Barbara.

Exercise 2:

I. Choose the correct interrogative pronoun:

1. _____________ blouse do you want: the blue one or the pink one?

a) whose b) what c) which

2. _____________ does that CD player cost?

a) how many b) how c) how much

3. _____________ is your mother? – She’s fine.

a) how b) where c) how much

4. _____________ is my pair of sunglasses?

a) who b) where c) when

5. _____________ are you going to leave? – At 5.

a) where b) when c) where

6. _____________ is your new teacher’s name?

a) what b) who c) why

II. Change the statements to questions using the question word in parenthesis. Check verb tense.

Example: The train arrived at ten o’clock. (what time) What time did the train arrive?

1. They do their homework at night. (when) ________________________________________ 2. Mr. Robertson came to the party alone. (who) ________________________________________ 3. The car is across the street from the house. (where) ____________________________________ 4. I like the red blouse, not the blue one. (which) ________________________________________ 5. She felt better after she took a nap. (how) ________________________________________ 6. That is an English book. (what) ________________________________________ 7. My sister called her boyfriend yesterday (when) ________________________________________ 8. She talked to him for an hour. (how long) ________________________________________ 9. He studies piano at the university. (what) ________________________________________ 10. The party lasted all night. (how long) ________________________________________

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11. The check was for $5.50. (how much) ________________________________________ 12. She was eating a sandwich. (what) ________________________________________ 13. She is working hard. (what) ________________________________________ 14. My parents have two cars. (how many) ________________________________________ 15. They are coming to visit tomorrow. (when) ________________________________________ 16. He is going to work right now. (where) ________________________________________ 17. The man with the white hat is my brother. (who) ________________________________________ 18. I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late. (why) ____________________________________ 19. We have an English class every day. (how often) ________________________________________ 20. They like to dance on weekends. (what) ________________________________________

III. Math the column A with the column B


1. What because I lwant

2. Who Colombia

3. Where Tony

4. Which mine

5. Why a sandwinch

6. When by bus

7. Whose the black one

8. How every weekend

Now make questions and answer with the previous information

1. What do you eat? I eat a sandwich

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

6. __________________________________

7. __________________________________

8. __________________________________

Exercise 3: Speaking Activity

Conversation cards

What’s you name?

What’s your surname?

What’s your nickname?

Where do you live?

How did you get here?

What’s your favourite


What do you do? What’s your favourite food? Which bands do you like?

What’s your favourite kind

of music?

When is your birthday?

What do you usually do on

your birthday?

What’s your phone number?

What’s your email address?

What’s your favourite day

of the week? Why?

What’s your favourite


What’s your favourite

month of the year? Why?

What do you do in your free


What time do you usually go

to bed?

What do you usually do on


What’s your favourite


What do you do in the


What’s your favourite kind

of movie?

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Individual task

Interview another student (choose 8 – 10 questions).

Write down the answers in your notebook.

Now tell the whole class about the person you interviewed.

Exercise 4: Listening Activity You will hear a man who is making a dinner reservation. Choose the correct answer from the multiple choice questions and write it down. You will hear the listening twice. After you have finished, click on the answer to see if you have answered the questions correctly. 1. What is the name of the restaurant?

A) Apple Tree Restaurant B) Apple Inn Restaurant C) Appeal Restaurant

2. What day would he like to make a reservation for? A) Saturday B) Friday C) Thursday

3. What is the date?

A) 12th B) 2nd C) 22nd

4. What time would he like to make the reservation for? A) 18 o'clock B) Eight o'clock C) Nine o'clock

5. How many people does he make a reservation for? A) 5 B) 4 C) 3

6. What is his surname?

A) Leavens B) Liavens C) Leavins

Desarrolla los siguientes cuestionamientos con ayuda de tus familiares o vecinos de tu comunidad

Complete the chart: Interview two of your relatives using Wh questions

Questions Relative 1 Relative 2

Ex: What is your favorite TV show?

My favorite TV show is CSI Miami

My favorite TV show is Smallville

Teacher, as you can see I have done a good job, please verify

my progress and authorize me to continue with the next unit.