education and zenger trial new england, middle colonies and the south

Education and Zenger Trial New England, Middle Colonies and the South

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Education and Zenger Trial

New England, Middle Colonies and the South

The Puritans and Education

Greatly valued education believing everyone should be able to read the Bible

Latin Schools prepared boys for college

Harvard College founded 1636 to train clergy (Other colleges)

Dames Schools: taught boys and girls to read and write, often held in the kitchen. Used Hornbook

Dame School


Massachusetts Act of 1642 made education a state responsibility.

In1647 Massachusetts School Law Passes: establishes public schools.

1690 New England Primer published

New England PrimerWhat do you notice about the content?

New England Primer

Strict Discipline

If children did not behave, the schoolmaster might strike a student with a birch branch.

Some who didn't do their lessons were dunce, and  had to wear a dunce cap and sit on a dunce stool. 

If they didn't listen to the school master they might have to wear a card that said "idle boy.“

If you were caught biting your nails, you would have to wear a card that said, " bite finger baby.

Colonial Punishment and Education Respond in your Composition Notebook. 1. Which do you believe would be more

effective in school discipline, what they did in the colonial period or what we do today?

Take a side and support. 2. Some say we need to bring back corporeal

punishment in schools. What do you think and why?

Education in Middle Colonies

Valued education Did not set up Public schools Tutors or church or private schools Apprentice System: learn a craft by

becoming a trainee Very Practical

Education in the Southern Colonies

Education began in the home Boys: Plantation owners hired tutors for the boys

who learned math, classical languages, science, geography, history, etiquette, and plantation management. Finish education in England

Girls: A governess usually taught the girls enough reading, writing, and arithmetic to run a household and the social skills to attract a husband.

Education was primarily for the Upper Classes Why don’t the lower classes need an education?

Question : Composition Notebooks

Why do you think there is such a difference in the emphasis and means of education from colonial region to colonial region?

Zenger Trial in 1735.

Zenger's New-York Weekly JOURNAL published articles critical of the royal governor, William Cosby

Sunday, November 17, 1734 Zenger was arrested and charged with seditious libel.

His defense: That the truth is an absolute defense against libel.

Results of Trial

Established the precedent that a statement, even if defamatory, is not libelous if it can be proved.

Jury found Zenger not guilty Case affirms freedom of the press in


Question: Composition Notebook

1.Why is freedom of the press so critical in a democratic society?

2. Should there be limits on freedom of the press? Why or why not? Examples.