eet422 emc intro- regulations and standards 2010-2011 msw

EMC and COMPLIANCE ENGINEERING 2 REGULATIONS and STANDARDS 2-1 INTRODUCTION 2.1.1 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMITTEE (IEC): HISTORICAL The International Electrical Congress on 15 th September 1904 in St. Louis, USA, adopted a report to consider standardisation of the nomenclature and ratings of electrical apparatus and mac hine ry. This was not the firs t atte mpt at inte rnat iona l level, the first bein g the Meter Convention in Paris on 20 th May 1875.The International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) was officially founded on June 1906 in London, UK. In 1948 the IEC Central Office moved from London to Geneva, Switzerland. The IEC had by 1914 issued a list of  terms and definitions covering electrical machinery and apparatus (inc. transformers) international letter symbols for quantities names and signs of units and formed four technical committees to deal with nomenclature symbols rating of Electrical Machinery and Prime Movers IEC work resumed in 1919 after the First World War and by 1923 the number of technical committees had increased to 10. In 1930 the IEC established the following electrical units: Hertz, for the unit of frequency Oersted for the unit of magnetic field strength Gauss for the unit of magnetic flux density Maxwell of the unit of magnetic flux Gilbert for the unit of magnetomotive force Var for designating the unit of reactive power  Weber for the practical unit of magnetic flux The "Giorgi System" a comprehensive system of physical units, was developed in 1935 and named after the Italian scientist and engineer Giovanni Giorgi (Figure 2.1.1). The system is also referred to as the MKSA system (‘A’ ampere was added in1950 to replace ). FIGURE 2.1.1 The system since 1960 is commonly known as the SI units (Système International). The IEC cha rter emb race s all elec tro-t ech nol ogi es incl udi ng ele ctro nics , mag net ics and electromagnetics, electroacoustics, multimedia, telecommunication, and energy production and dist ribu tio n, as wel l as ass ocia ted ge nera l dis cipl ine s suc h as termino log y and sym bol s, electromagnetic compatibility, mea sur eme nt and perf ormanc e, de pend abil ity, des ign and development, safety and the environment. EET422 EMC & Compliance Eng Prof R T Kennedy EMC REGULATIONS & STANDARDS 2010-2011 INTRODUCTION 1 Giovanni Giorgi (1871-1950)

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