efc - natural talents / spiritual gifts

1 1 E ntrepreneuring F or C hrist Class Presents: Understanding Natural Talents, Learned Skills And Spiritual Gifts By Skip Elmore

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Entrepreneuring For Christ

Class Presents:

Understanding Natural Talents, Learned Skills


Spiritual Gifts

By Skip Elmore

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UNIQUENESSToday you are you;

that is Truer than Truethat is Truer than True..

There is no one alive who is Youer than You!

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UNIQUENESSMany go to their grave

without ever having graced the world with the genius within them!!!

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If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be “Great” at


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Talents, Skills and Spiritual GiftsNatural Talents Learned Skills Spiritual GiftsGenetic from birth Education / Practice To fulfill God’s PurposesNatural talents are abilities we inherently possess without explanation.LearnedLearned skills may be similar to natural talents in many ways. They may both be self gratifying or for serving the needs of others.Spiritual Gifts are to glorify God and serve His Kingdom purposes.Characteristics:Natural Talents: Provide unique logic, awareness, perception or ability in particular areas.Learned skills: Developed attributes as a result of processing knowledge and perfecting abilities - usually in particular areas.Spiritual Gifts: Awarded as a result of faith – Many times their revelation surprises the one who possesses them when they suddenly discover an ability to demonstrate a manifestation during a time of need. Predisposed motives are not usually involved in the discovery of Spiritual Gifts.

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Talents, Skills and Spiritual Gifts

They are NOTNOT the same.Innate talents are not the same as instinctive behavior either.Talents are the result of genetics and / or experience.Talents and abilities may sometimes enhance Spiritual Gifts.Spiritual Gifts always enhance talents and abilities.Serving promotes the discovery of passions and purposes.Do our Talents and Gifts fit an Entrepreneurial agenda???Talents and Gifts promote focusing on and filling needs. Spiritual Gifts will always promote achieving God’s agenda, taking on a “debt of love, “servanthood.” Romans 13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding except the debt to love one another; whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.

Spiritual Gifts involve God’s Supernatural Provisions; talents do not.

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Natural talents and innate inclinations

They are usually observed at an early age.

They usually focus on and stimulate interest and attraction in particular areas of activity.

They may prevail even without environmental influences to stimulate interest, focus or encouragement.

They frequently thrive and develop without the aid of academic teaching or influence.

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Natural talents and innate inclinations

Too much academic influence may even hinder the development of creative motives and the inclination to think “outside the box”.

Also, too many unrelated distractions or forced acceptance of traditional absolutes may bring frustration and cause dysfunctional behavior and even symptoms of depression to a special purpose driven personality.

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Natural talents and innate inclinations

Intrinsic Motivation:Driven by an interest or enjoyment of activities and projects more than from the stimulation of external pressures or influence.We are more likely to be intrinsically motivated if we:1. Attribute results to factors we can create or control.2. Believe we can be the effective agents in reaching desired goals.3. Find interest in projects and goals more than academic achievements.

Extrinsic Motivation:Stimulated by outside influences. Common extrinsic motivations are rewards like money and grades, or coercion and threat of punishment.Competition is generally extrinsic because it encourages winning to beat others more than enjoying the intrinsic rewards of the activity. A crowd cheering an individual or trophies are also extrinsic incentives.Extrinsic motivation may become internalized if a task happens to fit the values and beliefs within a person’s basic psychological needs.

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Natural talents and innate inclinations

Some talents are innate within us.Some develop in response to environmental influence.Some are a combination of the innate further developing.

Here are a few broad based examples of talent passions:Music / dramaArt / aestheticsScience / physicsTechnical aptitudesSports / athleticsAcademic processing Literature / writing

Many other variationsMotives may be self serving or for the blessings of others.

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Natural talents and innate inclinations

Trying to emulate another person’s talents and inclinations may be a productive learning experience, however doing this may possibly lead to two potential risks.

1 - Choosing a career that is not who you are.

2 - Never developing into the real “You”.

However, short term needs, assignments or circumstances may be temporary exceptions.

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Natural Talents, Innate Inclinations & Learned Skills

The Four Domains of Leadership StrengthFrom “Strength Based Leadership” – By Tom Rath & Barry Conchie

Executer Influencer Relationship Builder StrategicThinkerAchiever Activator Adaptable/Flexible AnalyticalArranger Commanding Developer Context orientedBelief agent Communicator Connector FuturistConsistent Competitor Empathy IdeationDeliberator Maximizer Harmony InputDisciplined Self-assured Includer IntellectionFocused Significance Individualizer LearnerResponsible Woo Positively StrategizerRestorer Relater

“Woo Strength” leaders enjoy difficult people challenges:Winning trust; Showing compassion; Providing stability; Creating hope and leading others into the “Woo” type leadership strength.

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Spiritual GiftsThere are 3 categories of spiritual gifts:

1- Motivational 2 - Ministry 3 - Manifestation

1 Corinthians 12:4 – 7

There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

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Spiritual GiftsThere are 7 Motivational Gifts

1. Prophecy 2. Service 3. Teaching 4. Exhortation 5. Giving 6. Leadership 7. MercySpiritual Authority is introduced through motivational gifts. The Greek word from which “operations” is derived is “energema” - in English - energy.Motivational gifting (The Entrepreneurial Spirit) is revealed by observing the needs of others. Ephesians 4:11–13 So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

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Spiritual GiftsOf the 7 Motivational Gifts, we all excel in one.They are the work of “grace” distributed to provide the tools to help us encourage and motivate each other.

They are not to make us more self-sufficient. Romans 12:6-8 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

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Spiritual GiftsMinistry

1 Peter 4:10-11

There are 8 and we may have several.Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

“Christ” – The Title assigned to God’s “Creative SpiritSpirit”.

“Jesus” – The Name to the “PersonificationPersonification” of that Spirit.

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Spiritual Gifts Ministry continued

1 Corinthians 12:27-31

All gifting will work together in harmony. You are the body of Christ, each a part of it. God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? Go eagerly and desire the gift that works for you.

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Spiritual GiftsManifestation1 Corinthians 12:7-11

We may have several Manifestation gifts.Wisdom, Knowledge and Faith plus many others:

Each manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge. To another faith, to another gifts of healing. To another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different tongues, and to still another the interpretation ofof tongues. All these are the work of one Holy Spirit who distributes to each as He determines.

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Spiritual Gifts Manifestation continued

As God gives authority to release Spiritual power to implement our “motivational” gifts, the effects energize manifestations of the Spirit.“PEACE” is not the absence of conflict; we will always have that. Real peace is experiencing the application of our spiritual gifts as we engage in life’s purpose. Then, even in the midst of threatening conflicts, we will maintain an inner peace!

Servanthood will help us discover grace. Grace will motivate us toward servanthood.

Obedience and discipline will take us much further than our talents and abilities ever could!!!

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1 Corinthians 12:12Just as our body has many parts, so it is with our unity in Christ. We were all baptized by one Spirit to be given Spiritual unity. Though we are many, each with a specific purpose, we function as a unit within Christ’s purpose.

Unity of Spirit with Purpose Driven Diversity

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1 Corinthians 14:1Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.

Frequently the application of one Spiritual Gift will initiate the employment of others.

“Motivational” gifts are sometimes applied during the delivery of “Ministerial” or “Manifestation” gifts.

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SPIRITUAL GIFT BREAKDOWNMotivation - (GRACE) Ministry Manifestation1. Prophecy 1. Apostle 1. Words of Wisdom2. Serving 2. Prophecy 2. Words of Knowledge 3. Teaching 3. Teacher 3. Words of Faith4. Exhorting 4. Miracles/Anointed 4. Healing5. Giving 5. Healing 5. Miracles6. Organizing/Leadership 6. Helping/Assisting 6. Prophecy7. Mercy 7. Governing/Leading 7. Discerning SpiritsWe will have at least one 8. Tongues 8. Various TonguesRomans 12:3-9 May possess several 9. Interpretation

1 Cor. 12:27-31 May possess several 1 Peter 4:10 &11 1 Cor. 12:7-11

An application example with #4 Motivational Exhorting gift:An “Exhorter,” exercising a “Teaching” gift, may “Discern” a need to purge guilt within a group. The “Motivation – Exhorting” gift will move to clear one or more troubled consciences within the group before the exhorter regains comfort in continuing to teach and develop.

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The Exhortation GiftAs an “Exhorter” exercises a Motivational gift through accompanying Ministry and Teaching gifts, any or all “Manifestation” gifts may be initiated in the listener’s subconscious intellect. The wisdom and counsel of God’s Holy Spirit may typically be released as the teacher exercises this special exhorting gift. Note: This may all seem supernatural to our finite minds, but very natural to the person experienced in applying this Exhortation gift.

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Discernment of WisdomForgiveness from God’s point of view might be seen for the first time.

Discernment of KnowledgeHow grace can clear our conscience may be understood for the first time.

Discernment of FaithA new vision might be released as a clear conscience allows it to occur.

HealingPhysical health might be regained as guilt or anger is removed.

Discerning SpiritsA root of bitterness might be recognized for the first time.

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MiraclesExperiencing supernatural events may be realized by a clear conscience.

ProphecyA deeply convicted person might come to repentance as they see their destructive condition being exposed for the first time.

Discerning SpiritsA root of bitterness might be recognized for the first time.

Various TonguesSome might begin understanding the prerequisites of glorifying God through language, talent or an unfolding vision, perhaps seeing possibilities and potential for the first time.

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OBSERVING SPIRITUAL GIFTSPlease note: All Spiritual Gifting is observed in the personification of the Christ Spirit, God’s Creative Agent, when that Spirit became the Manifestation in Human form and given the Name “Jesus” (Christ = title; Jesus = Name). We, of course, do not possess all of them, however, we may have more then we realize. We will discover them developing as we mature in our spiritual walk.

Also note: A study should be observed to understand the negative side of Spiritual gifts. They can provoke destructive behavior or even be influenced by demonic input.How may we be sure we won’t inadvertently employ a negative spin on our gifts rather then authentically demonstrating them in a constructive way?

Just HOW can we be sure???

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God did not make the question difficult to answer!!!

Matthew 22:37-40Jesus replied, "`you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and your entire mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: `Love your neighbor as yourself. 'All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.“

Always remember this: Real “love” is a VERB, not an emotional feeling!!!So, how do we know God’s will is in all that we do?Follow Matthew 22:37-40, then go do as you please – that will always be God’s will!!!

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The Positive & Negative potential of MOTIVATIONAL SPIRITUAL GIFTS:

PROPHECY Best Biblical example: PeterA prophet must have a clear conscience to exercise this gift.Romans 12:9 Love without hypocrisy, abhor evil; cling to what is good.

Characteristics: Misuses:A need to reveal discernment Exposing without restoringQuickly discerning impressions Jumping to conclusionsAlertness to dishonesty Reacting harshly to sinnersDesire for justice An unforgiving attitudeOpen about revealing faults Condemning and judgingWholehearted involvement Being impetuousLoyalty to truth vs. pleasing people Cutting off those who fall shortWillingness to suffer for right Lacking tactfulnessPersuasive in defining truth Dwelling on the negative too muchArticulates truth well Repeats situations too often

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The Positive and Negative side of SPIRITUAL GIFTS

SERVING Best Bible example: Timothy Recognizing authority is essential to exercising this gift Romans 12:10 Kind affection, brotherly love, honor toward others

Characteristics: Misuses:Seeing / meeting practical needs Giving too much – enabling othersFrees others to achieve Overlooking unintended resultsDisregarding weariness Working beyond physical limitsFinds it difficult to say “No” Thinking everyone needs themDiscerns likes and dislikes Reacting to others too muchLikes seeing projects completed Medaling in the schedules of othersPutting extra touches to jobs Being frustrated with time limitsJumps to meet needs quickly Interfering with God’s timing

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The Positive and Negative side of SPIRITUAL GIFTS

TEACHING Best Bible example: Luke

Meditation is essential to quality teachingRomans 12:11 Diligent research, fervent in Spirit, serving God

Characteristics: Misuses:Needs to validate information Becoming proud of knowledgeChecks qualifications of teachers Despising the lack of credentialsRelies on established resources Depending on human reasoningPresents truth systematically Criticizing practical applicationsGathers many facts Shows off research skillsRequires thoroughness Rejecting Scripture presuppositionsUneasy with subjective truth Putting mind above the Holy SpiritPerseveres with accepted teachers Taking teachings to extremesClarifies misunderstandings Arguing over minor pointsMeditates on scriptural truth Spiritualizes too much

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The Positive and Negative side of SPIRITUAL GIFTS

EXHORTING: Best Bible example: PaulUnderstanding that God’s sovereignty is essential.Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, constant readiness

for prayer.

Characteristics: Misuses:Committed to Spiritual growth Presents facts before healing hurtsSees root problems quickly Looking to self for solutionsSees steps of action Taking pride in visible resultsRaises hope for solutions Starting projects prematurelyTurns problems into benefits Treating people as projectsDesires to be transparent Sharing private illustrationsGains insight through experience Presenting insight out of balanceUrgency to act on clear direction Setting unrealistic goalsDesires to share face to face Gives up on uncooperative people

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The Positive and Negative side of SPIRITUAL GIFTS

GIVING: Best Bible example: Matthew

Understanding the principle of ownership allows freedom to hear direction.Romans 12:13 Giving to the needs of Christians. Practice hospitality.

Characteristics: Misuses:Able to see and create resources Hording resources without plansInvest self first, then the gifting Using giving to control othersWants to give the best possible Forcing higher living standardsHopes gifts are answer to prayer Feels guilty about personal assetsDesires to give anonymously Gives only for self observed needsConcerned - wrong giving corrupts Ignores family needs for othersExercises personal thriftiness Giving only to projects vs. peopleUses gifts to multiply giving Causes people to see them as God

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The Positive and Negative side of SPIRITUAL GIFTS

ORGANIZING / LEADERSHIP Bible example: Nehemiah The experience of struggling enhances this giftRomans 12:14 Bless persecutors and do not wish curses on others

Characteristics: Misuses:Able to visualize final results Viewing people as mere resourcesDevelops loyalty in associates Manipulates loyalty / favoritismAble to delegate Delegation to avoid responsibilityWithstands push-backs well Unresponsive to appeals of othersMakes assignments easy and clear Places projects ahead of peopleVery alert to details Overlooks people’s serious faultsCompletes tasks efficiently Fails to explain or praiseHas ability to be decisive Pushes blame on to othersInvolves others in cleanup Loses interest in finished jobsGodly motives Becomes self righteous

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The Positive and Negative side of SPIRITUAL GIFTS

MERCY Best Bible example: John

Moral freedom will protect this gifting from improper relationshipsRomans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weeping with those who


Characteristics: Misuses:Deeply loyal to friends Take offences, shows favoritismNeeds deep friendships Becomes possessive, controllingEmpathizes with hurting people Tolerates wrong to keep peaceMakes decisions based on needs Fails to be firm and protect truthSensitive to loved ones Depends on emotions vs. reasonAttracts people in distress May become a destructive enablerDesires to remove others hurts Reacts wrongly to cause & effectDesires authentic relationships Doesn't see relationship differencesAttracted to prophets Not tolerant of undiscerning people

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The purpose of Spiritual Gifts

Glorify God in His Church – 1 Peter 4:10-11Build up the body of Christ – Ephesians 4:12Promote unity of the body – Ephesians 4:13Develop maturity of the body – Ephesians 14:14Promote growth of the body – Ephesians 14:16Promote the common good for all – 1 Corinthians 12:7We are created for the specific PURPOSE and JOY of sharing relationships with our Creator and with each other!1. Relationships include love (a verb) – dedication to service.2. Relationships include mutual needs, each for the other.3. Relationships include “JOY” derived from the experience.

(Read “Joy – Our Foundational Purpose”)