efc - the importance of aggressive perceptions to success in life and business

1 1 E ntrepreneuring F or C hrist Class Presents: How “PerceptionsCan Cultivate Success Habits for Aggressive Perceptions By Skip Elmore

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Entrepreneuring For Christ

Class Presents:

How “Perceptions” Can Cultivate Success

Habits for Aggressive


By Skip Elmore

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“Perception”A particular way of visualizing,

understanding or thinking about something.

Common sense is genius dressed in work clothes!!!

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

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<PERCEPTIONPERCEPTION>How was Donald Trump able to consistently get his New York City property appraisals and sales to exceed those typical in the area?

Answer: Perception; he always purchased extra tax stamps and paid taxes beyond the actual value of each property after building or acquiring it.

Recognition and symbolism attracts and motivates people more than monetary rewards. WHY???

Many of us are motivated more by emotional perceptions then by practical realities.


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Death and Life are in the power of the tongue; those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:21

What message do you get from this Proverb?

Numbers 12:6 NIV

“Listen to my words: When there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams.”

There are two kinds of people, “Expanders” who are perceptive and see visions and dreams and “Maintainers” who will not!!!

Some maintainers become Expanders, When?

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High predictability = Low impactLow predictability = High impact

This is true in speeches and lectures.

This is true in business ventures.

This is true in “perceiving” your future.

Moving from maintainer to expander; exciting.

Moving from expander to maintainer; typical.

Don’t let that happen!!!

Résumés are misleading:

If you are a maintainer, you hardly need one.

If you are an expander, it won’t say it well.

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<>< DREAMS ><>They are the seeds of Perception. They can inspire and initiate great achievements.Needs may inspire Perception when asking “What can be done about it?”Meditating on Perceptions can become the matrix that leads to taking manifestations of our visions into life building passions and purposes all initiated by our dreams. This is our Lord’s providence at work.Now, let’s look at the list; how should we begin perceiving our personal character?

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Perceive Absolute Core Values A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

These are values never to be compromised.

Know them so well that you would never need a list to describe them.

Own them so well that challenges regarding them are always met with pre-established positions that eliminate further debate.

These are the values that will guide your Perceptions, Visions, Motives and Choices.

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Perceive A Positive Attitude A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

It’s an essential Perception habit to choose.

Positive attitude people do not necessarily begin with better circumstances than negative attitude people. Their perception habits initiate more productive choices.

Positive perception folks become popular in families, teams and organizations because they carry the winning banner attitude.

Those who do not are usually carrying emotional fear habits from early experiences

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Perceive A Willingness to Learn A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Jobs, assignments, opportunities and challenges are constantly evolving.

We must demonstrate that we can also; it’s usually attitude that makes the difference.

EQ will usually take us further than IQ!!!

We won’t learn what we don’t want to know.

If we don’t want to change – We won’t; it’s usually attitude more than ability.

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PerceivePerceive Absolute Loyalty Absolute Loyalty A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Real loyalty is never hidden for long. It becomes obvious if you have it and it will soon become obvious if you do not.

When you can’t perceive loyalty there is a reason; do something about it.

Disloyalty breeds contempt & disharmony.

Be sure disloyalty isn’t your shortcoming.

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Perceive Absolute Integrity A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about


As corporate scandals rock news headlines, it is not surprising that integrity tops the list of personal values employers are seeking.

Proverbs 11:5 The righteousness of the blameless makes their paths straight, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.

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Perceive Professionalism A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

This is not only a code of conduct, it is an indication of maturity.

Professionalism covers a host of behaviors, from being totally fair and responsible to avoiding the opposite extreme of being petty with a lack of discernment by demonstrating characteristics that usually indicate self-serving attitudes initiated by fear with a desperate need to promote and exaggerate personal value to others.

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Perceive Listening Skills A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Listening is a sign of respect and patience to others, a way of giving a compliment by saying you are worth my time.

We will learn more by listening then by talking.

Buy a smart person’s lunch – then listen.

You may become a therapist just by listening.

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Perceive A Reliability Attitude A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Prove it over and over again: You can be counted on, so you won’t be counted out when the chips are down.

Make sure that what you are doing is always worth more than what you are receiving for doing it.

Show up a little early, contribute a little extra and stay a little later. You will receive your just reward eventually.

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Perceive A Sensitive Attitude A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

As the work environment grows more diverse, make sure you keep the fact in mind that everyone does not need to be like you or see everything your way to be on your team.The reason others are not like you is because they are not you!!! They did not come from where you have been. It might, sometimes, be a good thing to pick-up attributes of others and become more like them – could that be; who knows???If you want them to become more like you, perceive a sensitive attitude toward them and enjoy the new relationship.

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Perceive an Adaptive Attitude A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

The good old days may have been the good old days but they are not here anymore.We have gone from slide-rules to wireless pixels within my career season and I’m still young.The world is changing on a daily basis; 80% of new career opportunities did not exist 15 years ago.What we will be involved in is changing and the way we process what we will be doing has changed.New technology of 10 years ago is now trash.Questioning whether it Is good or bad is not an option – it’s here so be ready to be the first to adapt and take advantage of tomorrow’s advances.

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Perceive Willingness to be Flexible A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Nothing is permanent!!! Everything has a season.Always know you may need to give up what you have to be where you need to be.Sometimes we do it willingly by choosing to plan, and sometimes circumstances provoke change. Be the star player by perceiving a willing attitude so that when you need to leave your comfort zone you are prepared by knowing change always happens.Winners usually see ahead and make their changes before the need becomes critical. Plan your senior years while you are still young, if you are.Always guard against emotional decisions!!! Facts and wise counsel are the winners, not emotions.It’s never too late to be who you should have been.

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Perceive Practicing Patience A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

When we are consumed by the desperation of immediate needs, it becomes easy to discount the importance of reflecting on the needs of others. Perceive yourself being a more patient person. Time soothes.

Always remember, it is usually through the needs of others we discover real purpose.

There is an ancient saying: Treat everyone as though they are hurting and you will be right 90% of the time.

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Perceive Dedication To Purpose A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about


Who are you??? What is your life about???

How would you spend your time Monday morning if you didn’t need income?

Be sure you identify, review and continually maintain a vivid consciousness of your passions, your purposes, your visions and the goals you are pursuing.

Are you an example to others who need motivation and a reason to get out of bed?

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Perceive A Self Starting Attitude A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about


Are you motivated when no one is monitoring your activities?

We will know ourselves and others better by analyzing motives then by observing activities.

Are we looking busy to please or are we completing a task or accomplishing a goal?

To what passion/purpose are you dedicated?

What do you want to be doing in 5 years?

Are you making plans for then?

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Perceive Interpersonal Sensitivity A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

If you are not a hermit or a total recluse, there will be times when you must work with and have dealings with other people.

If you are an “alpha” type personality you may need to tone down mannerisms and make serious efforts to understand and accept personalities different from yours.

Make building relationships with people different then you a serious goal. You may be the very one they need at that moment.

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Perceive Self Confidence

If you can't discover reasons to believe in yourself you’ll need to make changes before you will be able to get others to believe in you?

Start by perceiving; Remember “Perception”:

A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Self appraisal is the most important beginning.

How do we see ourselves?

Attitude; Resources; Talents/skills; Spiritual Gifts.

It all begins with the ownership of “GRACE”

Obedience and discipline go further than ability.

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Perceive an Attitude of Respect A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Have a high regard for every person with whom you interact, CEO, receptionist, custodian, stranger, street person.

If we think we’re someone special it is, to a degree, because choices made by those in our past helped us be who we think we are.

Be thankful first; then be a servant!!! Everyone inherited choices and many could use your help as they process recovery.

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Perceive Communications Skills A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

You will never possess a talent, skill or ability to which you have not first conquered fear and Perceived ownership!!!We get what we perceive and dream about.If you perceive you can’t, you won’t.If you perceive you can, you probably will.Failure results from fear which results in not practicing which results in more fear.Purging fear begins with a choice.Most skills begin with a choice also.

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Perceive Analytical Skills A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

This begins with the ability to look beyond details, perceive the big picture, assess overall situations and consider possibilities of unintended consequences.Then gather and list information and perceive results of multiple perspectives.Then seek perceptive counsel and apply good judgment.It’s amazing how smart you can become if achieving results is more important than making sure you get all the credit.

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Perceive A Research Attitude A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Thinking you know about a subject may be detrimental to learning what you need to know. (Henry Ford’s first metallurgist)

Go the extra mile to learn; then question what you learn.

Just because something comes up on Google does not necessarily make it true, accurate or right.

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Perceive Technical Skills A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Be totally open and willing to develop and possess solid computer skills unless you assume you will never need them.

Then, with that thought in mind, have someone who can be your right hand assistant teach you these skills after you discover you were wrong with your original assumption!!!

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Perceive Leadership Skills A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Whether you have already progressed to a Leadership or a management position or you are still perceiving one, leadership skills are important because they demonstrate initiative.Shelly Field, author of “The unofficial Guide to Hot Careers” advises: “Do not wait to be told to do a job or take on a responsibility.”A willingness to take the lead or solve a problem will get you noticed sooner or later.

Expect to experience what you perceive!!!

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Perceive Organizational Skills A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Demonstrate this!!! Like so many skills, it starts with a “can do attitude,” taking a task from beginning to completion on time.

Don’t forget; a major portion of having organizational skills is finding the right people to do that which you do not do well.

Defeat usually begins before a project gets started. Visualize a mental picture and describe the final results to the team before you begin.

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Perceive Problem Solving Skills

A particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Developing ability to be a creative problem-solver is important at all levels, in our personal lives or in an organizational environment.

It too starts with a “CanCan do” attitude. If you think you can’t, you won’t. If you think you can, try it. Be motivated!!! Many times it is that simple.

A problem solving attitude is more EQ then IQ!!!

Don’t forget, absolute integrity is essential.

Document examples when serious problems have either found a solution or disappeared.

Worry and fear never solved anything, Faith will!

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Perceive Time Management SkillsA particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something.

Managing time well helps achieve visions, goals and efficiency.

Experiencing efficiency promotes a healthier self-worth.

Cultivating “habits” that encourage a positive attitude and promotes efficiency and accomplishments should be everyone's top priority.

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Action Steps:Select 3 essential desired Perceptions:Focus on these for the next 3 weeks.Write ways you perceive for implementing each

one.Example: Organizing/Planning skills

1. Write a “to do” list and prioritize each item.2. Remove clutter from your desk or work place.3. Create a log to organize all voicemail messages.

You will begin to see your effectiveness increase.Then, select 3 more and perceive ways to improve.Some will not seem natural, but many will.Now, continue to perceiving improvement.