effect of a hip flexor stretching program on gait in the elderly. 2

ARTICLES Effect of a Hip Flexor–Stretching Program on Gait in the Elderly D. Casey Kerrigan, MD, Annette Xenopoulos-Oddsson, MS, Meaghan J. Sullivan, BA, Jennifer J. Lelas, MS, Patrick O. Riley, PhD ABSTRACT. Kerrigan DC, Xenopoulos-Oddsson A, Sullivan MJ, Lelas JJ, Riley PO. Effect of a hip flexor–stretching program on gait in the elderly. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003; 84:1-6. Objectives: To test whether a reduction in peak hip exten- sion during the terminal stance phase of walking in elderly compared with young adult subjects represents a hip flexor contracture impairment rather than some dynamic consequence and to test the hypothesis that stretching the hip flexors im- proves both static and dynamic peak hip extension, as well as other age-related gait changes about the ankle. Design: A double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial. Setting: Stretching exercises were performed in the sub- jects’ homes. Pre- and postassessments were performed in a gait laboratory. Participants: Ninety-six healthy elderly individuals in 2 groups: treatment (n47) and control (n49). Intervention: The treatment group received a 1-time in- struction in hip flexor stretching, whereas the control group received a 1-time instruction in shoulder abductor stretching. Participants in each group were asked to perform stretching exercises on their own twice daily for 10 weeks. Main Outcome Measures: Static and dynamic peak hip extension, peak anterior pelvic tilt, and other peak kinematic and kinetic variables during the gait cycle. Results: There was a modest improvement in static peak hip extension as measured by a goniometer within the treatment group (mean standard deviation, 6.1°2.5° to 7.7°3.6°, P.032) compared with no change in the control group. At comfortable walking speed, dynamic hip extension tended to increase in the treatment group (5.1°9.7° to 7.1°8.0°, P.103) compared with no real change in the control group (5.3°8.9° to 5.4°7.5°, P.928). Similarly, at fast walking speed, dynamic hip extension tended to increase in the treat- ment group (6.4°9.8° to 8.4°8.0°, P.093) compared with no change in the control group. Changes in ankle kinematics and kinetics included a significant improvement in peak ankle plantarflexion and a tendency to improved ankle power gener- ation. Conclusion: The static and dynamic trends to improvement in peak hip extension were of similar magnitude, suggesting that age-related reduction in peak hip extension during gait is the result of a static hip flexion contracture rather than a dynamic consequence. Additionally, age-related changes in ankle kinematics and kinetics may be secondarily related to hip flexion contracture impairment rather than impairment at the ankle per se. This study was limited by the exercises being unsupervised and relying on 1-time instruction. A more rigor- ous and supervised hip flexor–stretching exercise program may yield more substantial improvements in gait parameters. Key Words: Elderly; Exercise; Gait; Rehabilitation. © 2003 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi- cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation I MPROVING OR AT LEAST MAINTAINING gait function in the elderly is appealing, and rehabilitation clinicians are particularly concerned with prescribing exercises that are most effective in improving gait function. In search of specific gait abnormalities in the elderly to which rehabilitative therapy can be directed, our group previously compared the biomechanics of gait in the elderly, at both fast and comfortable speeds, with the gait biomechanics of young adults walking at a comfortable speed. 1 We hypothesized that many of the previously reported age-related differences in gait kinematics and kinetics could be attributed to elderly persons’ slower walking speeds. Indeed, we found only 2 key differences that persisted in the elderly at both comfortable and fast walking speeds: reduced peak hip extension (associated with an increase in peak anterior pelvic tilt) and reduced peak ankle plantarflexion (associated with reduced ankle power generation). These findings suggest that performance in the elderly could be specifically limited by hip flexion contracture, ankle plantarflexor concentric weakness, or both. The latter possibility of ankle plantarflexor concentric weakness as an impairment that limits functional gait has been suggested by others. 2-5 In a subsequent study, 6 we compared the gait of both elderly fallers and nonfallers with that of young adults. In that study, the only kinematic gait difference that was consistently more exaggerated in elderly fallers than young adults was reduced peak hip extension (and increased anterior pelvic tilt). The nonfaller elderly group had an average 5° reduction in peak hip extension compared with young adults, and the elderly faller group had an additional 4° reduction beyond the elderly non- faller group. 6 The isolated and consistent finding of reduced hip extension supports the presence of hip flexion contractures as a key impairment limiting functionality. Still, because of the cross-sectional nature of these previous studies, we cannot rule out that these gait findings are merely dynamic consequences or secondary compensations for another key impairment to functionality, such as weakness or poor balance. Intuitively, even a small reduction in hip extension range necessarily limits peak hip extension during walking. To com- pensate for the reduced peak hip extension, an increase in From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (Kerrigan); Center for Rehabilitation Science, Spauld- ing Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston, MA (Xenopoulos-Oddsson, Sullivan, Lelas, Riley); and the Harvard Medical School, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Boston, MA (Xenopoulos-Oddsson, Riley). Supported by the Retirement Research Foundation (grant no. 2000-172) and by the National Institutes of Health (grant no. K24 HD01351). No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the author(s) or upon any organization with which the author(s) is/are associated. Reprint requests to D. Casey Kerrigan, MD, MS, Dept of PM&R, University of Virginia, 545 Ray C. Hunt Dr, Ste 240, PO Box 801004, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2981, e-mail: [email protected]. 0003-9993/03/8401-7182$35.00/0 doi:10.1053/apmr.2003.50056 1 Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 84, January 2003

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    Effect of a Hip FlexorStretching Program on Gaitin the ElderlyD. Casey Kerrigan, MD, Annette Xenopoulos-Oddsson, MS, Meaghan J. Sullivan, BA, Jennifer J. Lelas, MS,Patrick O. Riley, PhD

    ABSTRACT. Kerrigan DC, Xenopoulos-Oddsson A, SullivanMJ, Lelas JJ, Riley PO. Effect of a hip flexorstretchingprogram on gait in the elderly. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003;84:1-6.

    Objectives: To test whether a reduction in peak hip exten-sion during the terminal stance phase of walking in elderlycompared with young adult subjects represents a hip flexorcontracture impairment rather than some dynamic consequenceand to test the hypothesis that stretching the hip flexors im-proves both static and dynamic peak hip extension, as well asother age-related gait changes about the ankle.

    Design: A double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial.Setting: Stretching exercises were performed in the sub-

    jects homes. Pre- and postassessments were performed in agait laboratory.

    Participants: Ninety-six healthy elderly individuals in 2groups: treatment (n!47) and control (n!49).

    Intervention: The treatment group received a 1-time in-struction in hip flexor stretching, whereas the control groupreceived a 1-time instruction in shoulder abductor stretching.Participants in each group were asked to perform stretchingexercises on their own twice daily for 10 weeks.

    Main Outcome Measures: Static and dynamic peak hipextension, peak anterior pelvic tilt, and other peak kinematicand kinetic variables during the gait cycle.

    Results: There was a modest improvement in static peak hipextension as measured by a goniometer within the treatmentgroup (mean " standard deviation, 6.1"2.5 to 7.7"3.6,P!.032) compared with no change in the control group. Atcomfortable walking speed, dynamic hip extension tended toincrease in the treatment group (5.1"9.7 to 7.1"8.0,P!.103) compared with no real change in the control group(5.3"8.9 to 5.4"7.5, P!.928). Similarly, at fast walkingspeed, dynamic hip extension tended to increase in the treat-ment group (6.4"9.8 to 8.4"8.0, P!.093) compared withno change in the control group. Changes in ankle kinematicsand kinetics included a significant improvement in peak ankleplantarflexion and a tendency to improved ankle power gener-ation.

    Conclusion: The static and dynamic trends to improvementin peak hip extension were of similar magnitude, suggestingthat age-related reduction in peak hip extension during gait isthe result of a static hip flexion contracture rather than adynamic consequence. Additionally, age-related changes inankle kinematics and kinetics may be secondarily related to hipflexion contracture impairment rather than impairment at theankle per se. This study was limited by the exercises beingunsupervised and relying on 1-time instruction. A more rigor-ous and supervised hip flexorstretching exercise program mayyield more substantial improvements in gait parameters.

    Key Words: Elderly; Exercise; Gait; Rehabilitation. 2003 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi-

    cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine andRehabilitation

    IMPROVING OR AT LEAST MAINTAINING gait functionin the elderly is appealing, and rehabilitation clinicians areparticularly concerned with prescribing exercises that are mosteffective in improving gait function. In search of specific gaitabnormalities in the elderly to which rehabilitative therapy canbe directed, our group previously compared the biomechanicsof gait in the elderly, at both fast and comfortable speeds, withthe gait biomechanics of young adults walking at a comfortablespeed.1 We hypothesized that many of the previously reportedage-related differences in gait kinematics and kinetics could beattributed to elderly persons slower walking speeds. Indeed,we found only 2 key differences that persisted in the elderly atboth comfortable and fast walking speeds: reduced peak hipextension (associated with an increase in peak anterior pelvictilt) and reduced peak ankle plantarflexion (associated withreduced ankle power generation). These findings suggest thatperformance in the elderly could be specifically limited by hipflexion contracture, ankle plantarflexor concentric weakness, orboth. The latter possibility of ankle plantarflexor concentricweakness as an impairment that limits functional gait has beensuggested by others.2-5

    In a subsequent study,6 we compared the gait of both elderlyfallers and nonfallers with that of young adults. In that study,the only kinematic gait difference that was consistently moreexaggerated in elderly fallers than young adults was reducedpeak hip extension (and increased anterior pelvic tilt). Thenonfaller elderly group had an average 5 reduction in peak hipextension compared with young adults, and the elderly fallergroup had an additional 4 reduction beyond the elderly non-faller group.6 The isolated and consistent finding of reduced hipextension supports the presence of hip flexion contractures as akey impairment limiting functionality. Still, because of thecross-sectional nature of these previous studies, we cannot ruleout that these gait findings are merely dynamic consequencesor secondary compensations for another key impairment tofunctionality, such as weakness or poor balance.

    Intuitively, even a small reduction in hip extension rangenecessarily limits peak hip extension during walking. To com-pensate for the reduced peak hip extension, an increase in

    From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University ofVirginia, Charlottesville, VA (Kerrigan); Center for Rehabilitation Science, Spauld-ing Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston, MA (Xenopoulos-Oddsson, Sullivan, Lelas,Riley); and the Harvard Medical School, Department of Physical Medicine andRehabilitation, Boston, MA (Xenopoulos-Oddsson, Riley).

    Supported by the Retirement Research Foundation (grant no. 2000-172) and by theNational Institutes of Health (grant no. K24 HD01351).

    No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the researchsupporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the author(s) or upon anyorganization with which the author(s) is/are associated.

    Reprint requests to D. Casey Kerrigan, MD, MS, Dept of PM&R, University ofVirginia, 545 Ray C. Hunt Dr, Ste 240, PO Box 801004, Charlottesville, VA22903-2981, e-mail: [email protected].



    Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 84, January 2003

  • anterior pelvic tilt, a shortened step length, or both may oc-cur.1,6 In a population of patients with various impairments anddisabilities, including hip flexion contractures evidenced byThomas testing, our group reported a strong inverse relation-ship between (1) peak hip extension and anterior pelvic tiltduring gait and (2) peak hip extension and contralateral steplength.7 We believe that the reduction in peak hip extensionoccurring during walking is the result of a static hip flexioncontracture rather than a dynamic consequence of or compen-sation for another impairment. Moreover, we hypothesize thatan isolated exercise program of hip flexor stretching will re-verse this hip flexion contracture, tending to improve peak hipextension and peak anterior pelvic tilt during gait. Additionally,we believe that a greater hip extension range in the trailing limbshould allow the ankle to plantarflex more fully. Thus, wehypothesize that reversing the hip flexion contracture will alsoimprove previously reported age-related gait differences ofreduced peak ankle plantarflexion (and ankle power genera-tion).1,4,5

    Although stretching the hip flexors is often a component offitness and rehabilitation programs, there are limited studies onthe effectiveness of stretching the hip flexors on hip extensionrange of motion (ROM). Godges et al8 reported, in a group of9 healthy young adults, that 6 sessions of stretching the hipflexors increased static hip extension. We9 also reported, on 2elderly patients with lumbosacral spinal stenosis, that an iso-lated hip flexorstretching program increased hip extension andreduced anterior pelvic tilt during gait. These reports, com-bined with our clinical experience, suggest that healthy elderlypersons who stretch their hip flexors will improve their statichip extension ROM.

    In this study, we hypothesized that the degree to which staticpeak hip extension improves will correspond to the degree towhich dynamic peak hip extension during gait is improved.Finding a similar improvement in static and dynamic peak hipextension would support our hypothesis that the reduction inpeak hip extension during walking is the result of a static hipflexion contracture rather than some dynamic consequence.Furthermore, we hypothesized an associated improvement inankle plantarflexion and ankle power generation. This findingwould support the belief that age-related differences in anklekinematics and kinetics are not due to impairment about theankle but rather are secondary to more proximal impairment,that is, contractures about the hip.


    ParticipantsOne hundred participants were recruited from the Boston,

    MA, area through the Harvard Cooperative Program on Agingsubject registry, posted flyers, advertisements in senior housingareas and community centers throughout Boston, and word ofmouth. The study was approved by the Spaulding Rehabilita-tion Hospital institutional review board. After potential partic-ipants were screened by a health questionnaire and fit theinclusion criteria, we obtained written, informed consent fromeach subject. Persons recruited were !65 years old and wereclassified as healthy, as determined by the health question-naire distributed by the Harvard Cooperative Program on Ag-ing and by their medical history. Specific exclusion criteriawere (1) acute medical illness; (2) diagnosis or symptoms ofunstable angina or congestive heart failure; (3) pulmonarydiagnosis or symptoms of emphysema, chronic obstructivepulmonary disease, or asthma; (4) neurologic diagnosis, includ-ing Parkinsons disease, stroke, brain injury, cerebellar disease,myelopathy, myopathy, peripheral neuropathy, or active radic-

    ulopathy; (5) major orthopedic diagnosis in the lower back,pelvis, or lower extremities, including hip or other fracturesince the age of 50, fused joint, joint replacement, or amputa-tion; (6) active joint or musculoskeletal pain; (7) gait or balancedisorder; (8) history of falls; and (9) regular use of an assistivedevice for walking.

    Treatment and Control InterventionsImmediately after collection of the baseline gait data de-

    scribed below, participants were randomized, on the basis of acomputer-generated block randomization, into 1 of 2 groups:treatment or control. After this, during the same initial visit,each subject received approximately 20 minutes of instructionon how to perform a 5-minute stretching session. One re-searcher trained all the participants in the program. The treat-ment group was instructed to perform a hip-stretching exercise(fig 1), whereas the control group received a shoulder deltoidstretching exercise (fig 2). We believed that this particularhip-stretching exercise was feasible for elderly adults and couldbe performed safely and independently by using the subjectsown body weight rather than the force of an external weight oran assisting person. Subjects were instructed to perform 4 setsof stretches, holding each stretch for 30 seconds and alternatingthe right and left limb (8 stretches in total). The stretchingexercises were preceded and followed with a warm-up andcool-down period as recommended by the American College ofSports Medicine.10,11 The warm-up period consisted of (1) sidestepping to the right and then to the left 4 times in eachdirection, (2) 3 sets of walking forward 3 steps, clapping, andwalking backward 3 steps and clapping, and (3) holding on toa chair for balance, 4 sets of lifting the right knee up and thenthe left knee. The cool-down period consisted of (1) taking adeep breath in while bringing both arms over the head andletting the breath out while bringing the arms back down, (2)shaking out the arms and legs, and (3) using a chair if neededfor balance, rotating the wrists and ankles alternatively clock-wise and then counterclockwise. The warm-up and cool-downperiods were identical between the treatment and controlgroups.

    Participants in each group were asked to perform the5-minute session twice daily for 10 weeks in their own homes.They each received a copy of their respective exercise pro-gram. Participants were also asked to keep a logbook, to check

    Fig 1. Hip flexorstretching exercise performed by subjects in thetreatment group (n!47).


    Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 84, January 2003

  • off each day whether they performed the exercise, and tosubmit a weekly logsheet at the end of each week of the10-week program. Participants received remuneration at theend of the 10 weeks when they returned for their final postint-ervention evaluation.

    Pre- and Postintervention AssessmentsAll pre- and postintervention assessments were performed in

    the Center for Rehabilitation Science at Spaulding Rehabilita-tion Hospital. The preintervention assessment was performedon the first visit, preceding randomization, and the postinter-vention assessment was performed within 1 week of complet-ing the 10-week program. The evaluators performing the as-sessments were masked with respect to the subjects treatmentor control assignment. Subjects wore elastic-waist, spandexshorts while being evaluated. The static hip extension rangewas measured in the standing position (see fig 1), with 1 legextended and the contralateral leg flexed. We opted to measurehip extension with the subject in this position because webelieved that the measurement would rely more consistently onthe stretch of the subjects own body weight rather than anevaluators applied force. With the subject in this position, anexaminer used a double-arm (30.5-cm) clear plastic goniometer

    to measure the degree of hip extension. The evaluator mea-sured the degree of hip extension by using the anatomic land-marks described by Kottke and associates12-15: the degree of theangle between a line dropped perpendicular from a line inter-secting the anterior superior and posterior superior iliac spinesto the greater trochanter and a line from the greater trochanterto the lateral femoral condyle. The goniometric measurementswere rounded off to the nearest degree.

    Pelvic and bilateral lower-extremity joint motion and jointkinetics during walking were collected. Subjects were asked tofirst stand and then walk along a 10-m walkway. During thewalk, kinematic and kinetic data from 3 complete gait strideswere recorded. The procedures to collect pelvic and lower-extremity joint motion and kinetics were based on standardtechniques reported elsewhere.16-22 Briefly, a 6-camera video-based motion analysis system (VICON 512 system)a was usedto measure the 3-dimensional position of reflective markers, at120 frames per second, attached to the following bony land-marks on the pelvis and lower extremities during walking:bilateral anterior superior iliac spines, lateral femoral condyles,lateral malleoli, forefeet, and heels. Additional markers wereplaced over the sacrum and rigidly attached to wands over themidfemur and midshank. Pelvic and joint angular position andmotion were determined by anatomic definitions from theVICON Clinical Manager.a Ground reaction forces were mea-sured synchronously with the motion analysis data by using 2staggered force platformsb imbedded in the walkway. Thelocations of the force platforms in the global reference planewere predetermined by acquiring coordinates of markersplaced on their corners. Joint torques in each plane werecalculated by means of a commercialized full-inverse dynamicmodel from the VICON Clinical Manager. Accordingly, jointtorque and power calculations were based on the mass andinertial characteristics of each lower-extremity segment, thederived linear and angular velocities and accelerations of eachlower-extremity segment, and the ground reaction force andjoint center position estimates. Joint torques and powers werenormalized for body weight and height and were reported asexternal in newton meters per kilogram meters (N!m/kg!m) andwatts per kilogram meters (W/kg!m), respectively. Temporalparameters (velocity, stride length, cadence, step width) wereroutinely obtained by using the force platform and kinematicinformation to define initial foot contact times and distanceparameters. Average kinematic and kinetic values for eachsubjects pelvic and lower-extremity joints for the pre- andposttreatment conditions were obtained from 3 trials (averageof both right and left lower extremities, providing an average of6 values for each condition).Data Analysis

    All major kinematic and kinetic peaks were compared sta-tistically between pre- and postexercises, taking the average of6 trials for each subject for each lower-extremity variable (3 oneach side) and 3 trials for each subject for the pelvis. Between-group demographic and baseline characteristics, such as age,gender, and peak hip extension during comfortable and fastwalking speeds, were compared by unpaired t test. For eachtreatment and control group, data were compared between pre-and poststretching exercises by paired t test. Primary outcomemeasures of static and dynamic peak hip extension and anteriorpelvic tilt during both comfortable and fast walking wereanalyzed with paired Student t tests. Secondary outcome mea-sures of all other kinematic and kinetic variables (total, 42parameters) during comfortable walking speed were also ana-lyzed with paired t tests. Statistical significance was defined atP less than .05 for primary outcome measures. A Bonferroni

    Fig 2. Shoulder abductorstretching exercise performed by sub-jects in the control group (n!49).


    Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 84, January 2003

  • adjustment was made for the other 42 peak kinematic andkinetic parameters, and statistical significance was defined at Pless than .0012 (.05/42). Values presented in Results aremean " standard deviation (SD).

    RESULTSOf 100 subjects, 96 completed the study. Four subjects

    dropped out during the 10-week period because of familytragedy (1 control, 1 treatment subject), unexpected surgerywith lengthy recovery time (1 treatment subject), and persistentback pain (1 treatment subject). Forty-seven participants in thetreatment group (32 women, 15 men) and 49 subjects in thecontrol group (34 women, 15 men) completed the study. Nosignificant differences between these groups were observedwith respect to demographics, gait speed, or primary or sec-ondary outcome gait kinematic or kinetic preintervention mea-sures at either comfortable or fast walking speeds. Adherenceto the exercise program, as calculated by numbers of checks foreach exercise session on the subjects weekly log books, aver-aged 94% for the treatment group and 93% for the controlgroup.

    There was a modest improvement in static peak hip exten-sion as measured by the goniometer within the treatment group(6.1"2.5 to 7.7"3.6, P!.032), compared with no majorchange in the control group (7.0"3.6 to 7.4"4.4, P!.601).Tables 1 and 2 list dynamic (kinematic, kinetic) parametervalues at the comfortable and fast walking speeds, respectively.A similar modest but not quite statistically significant improve-ment in dynamic peak hip extension during both comfortableand fast walking speeds was also observed in the treatmentcompared with the control group. At comfortable walkingspeed, dynamic hip extension increased in the treatment group(5.1"9.7 to 7.1"8.0, P!.103) compared with no majorchange in the control group (5.3"8.9 to 5.4"7.5, P!.928).At fast walking speed, dynamic hip extension similarly tendedto increase in the treatment group (6.4"9.8 to 8.4"8.0,P!.093) compared with no change (actually, a trend to areduction) in the control group (7.5"8.7 to 6.7"7.6,P!.485).

    Anterior pelvic tilt improved (reduced) nonsignificantly inthe treatment group at both comfortable and fast walkingspeeds (13.1"7.3 to 12.3"5.6, P!.374; 14.8"7.2 to13.7"5.6, P!.262, respectively). Conversely, in the controlgroup, anterior pelvic tilt increased nonsignificantly at bothcomfortable and fast walking speeds (13.8"6.8 to14.3"5.6, P!.589; 14.2"6.5 to 15.3"5.7, P!.252, re-spectively).

    Of the secondary kinematic and kinetic parameters evalu-ated, only 2 parameters significantly changed with treatment:peak ankle plantarflexion and peak ankle dorsiflexion duringswing. At comfortable walking speed, peak ankle plantarflex-ion increased in the treatment group from 11.6"5.4 to13.4"5.0 (P!.001), compared with no major change in thecontrol group (13.1"6.6 to 13.7"6.2, P!.389). Similarly,at fast walking speed, peak ankle plantarflexion significantlyincreased in the treatment group from 12.5"5.5 to14.3"5.2 (P!.001), compared with a trend to an increase inthe control group (13.5"5.5 to 14.6"6.0, P!.066). Peakankle dorsiflexion decreased at both comfortable and fast walk-ing speeds for the treatment group (5.2"3.1 to 3.7"3.2,P#.001; 6.4"3.1 to 4.7"3.3, P#.001, respectively), com-pared with slight decreases in the control group at comfortableand fast walking speeds (5.8"5.7 to 4.9"3.5, P!.210;7.0"3.6 to 5.5"3.2, P!.002; not significant with the Bon-ferroni adjustment).

    Hip external extension torque increased with treatment(.47".12N!m/kg!m to .52".12N!m/kg!m, P!.003; not signifi-cant with the Bonferroni adjustment) at comfortable walkingspeed, compared with no change in the control group(.48".12N!m/kg!m to .48".11N!m/kg!m, P!.884). At fastwalking speed, although the treatment group showed no in-crease at the fast walking speed (.66".18N!m/kg!m to.66".14N!m/kg!m, P!.951), the control group actuallyshowed a decrease (.64".17N!m/kg!m to .60".12N!m/kg!m,P!.027).

    Ankle plantarflexor power tended to increase in the treat-ment group at comfortable speed (1.78".47W/kg!m to1.86".47W/kg!m, P!.059), compared with no major change

    Table 1: Peak Kinematic and Kinetic Parameters at Comfortable Walking Speed


    Treatment (n!47) Control (n!49)

    Pre-exercise Postexercise Pre-exercise Postexercise

    Hip extension (deg) 5.1"9.7 7.1"8.0 5.3"8.9 5.4"7.5Hip extension torque (N!m/kg!m) .47".12 .52".12 .48".12 .48".11Anterior pelvic tilt (deg) 13.1"7.3 12.3"5.6 13.8"6.8 14.3"5.6Ankle plantarflexion (deg) 11.6"5.4 13.4"5.0 13.1"6.6 13.7"6.2Ankle plantarflexion power (W/kg!m) 1.78".47 1.86".47 1.83".45 1.86".42

    NOTE. Values are mean " SD.

    Table 2: Peak Kinematic and Kinetic Parameters at Fast Walking Speed


    Treatment (n!47) Control (n!49)

    Pre-exercise Postexercise Pre-exercise Postexercise

    Hip extension (deg) 6.4"9.8 8.4"8.0 7.5"8.7 6.7"7.6Hip extension torque (N!m/kg!m) .66".18 .66".14 .64".17 .60".12Anterior pelvic tilt (deg) 14.8"7.2 13.7"5.6 14.2"6.5 15.3"5.7Ankle plantarflexion (deg) 12.5"5.5 14.3"5.2 13.5"5.5 14.6"6.0Ankle plantarflexion power (W/kg!m) 2.31".47 2.28".48 2.35".61 2.23".49

    NOTE. Values are mean " SD.


    Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 84, January 2003

  • in the control group (1.83".45W/kg!m to 1.86".42W/kg!m, P!.265). No significant changes in ankle plantarflexorpower were noted for either the treatment or control group atfast walking speeds.

    A slight but similar increase in comfortable walking speedwas observed in both the treatment and control groups beforeand after the intervention (treatment group: 1.19"0.18m/s to1.23".18m/s, P!.006; control group: 1.19".17m/s to1.23".18m/s, P!.003; not significant with the Bonferroni ad-justment).

    DISCUSSIONAs hypothesized, the degree to which static hip extension

    improved was of similar magnitude to the improvement indynamic hip extension during gait. Specifically, a modest 1.6increase in static hip extension was achieved with the hipflexorstretching exercises; this was associated with a similartrend to a 2.0 magnitude of increase in dynamic hip extensionduring walking at both comfortable and fast walking speeds.The similar magnitudes of improvement in static and dynamichip extension support our hypothesis that reduced hip extensionduring walking indeed represents a static impairment (hiptightness) rather than some dynamic consequence. We alsoobserved a trend to improvement (reduction) in anterior pelvictilt. The tendency toward a reduction in anterior pelvic tiltimplies that the modest improvement in hip extension rangeallowed for a slight decrease (although it was not statisticallysignificant) in anterior pelvic tilt. These findings support thehypothesis that the previously reported increase in anteriorpelvic tilt in the elderly1,6 is a compensation for hip flexioncontracture rather than a compensation or direct result of an-other impairment. Reducing the need for anterior pelvic tiltcould potentially improve the biomechanics of the spine andperhaps of the lower extremities by altering the center of massposition.

    Also as hypothesized, we found an improvement in peakankle plantarflexion with hip stretching. In addition, we ob-served a trend toward improved ankle plantarflexor power atcomfortable walking speed. These findings support the hypoth-esis that the previously reported reductions in ankle plantar-flexion and ankle plantarflexor power in the elderly may besecondary to proximal impairment rather than to impairment atthe ankle (or ankle musculature) per se.

    Although these results support the hypothesis that hip flexioncontractures are largely responsible for the previously reportedage-related gait changes, the improvements with hip flexorstretching are not as great as we would have hoped. Wepreviously reported a 5 reduction in hip extension during gaitin healthy elderly compared with young adults,1,6 which wouldimply that the hip flexion contracture impairment is 5. Theo-retically, hip flexor stretching should reverse most, if not all, ofthis contracture. We suspect that the hip flexorstretching pro-gram we performed was not quite sufficient in stretching thehip flexors to this potential 5 improvement. The unsupervisednature of the study may have been inadequate, and the 1-timeinstruction may not have been sufficient. To perform the stretchproperly, the subject should feel a stretch in the hip flexors. Theevaluators noted on the postintervention analysis that many ofthe subjects were not familiar with the sensation of a stretchwhen measuring static hip extension. This was a difficultperception to quantify, and the evaluators were blinded as towho was in the treatment or control group. Nonetheless, wesuspect that subjects require subsequent instructions to ensurethat they are performing the stretch properly. In addition, otherstretching exercises might potentially be better than the one weused here to improve the hip extension range. Finally, the

    30-second stretch we showed may not be optimal for elderlysubjects. A recent study showed substantially greater improve-ment in ROM with a 60- versus 30-second stretch (of thehamstrings) in subjects older than 65 years.23

    Both the treatment and control group had a slight improve-ment in comfortable walking speed, which might have beenattributable to an improved comfort level with the laboratorysetting on the follow-up assessment. The lack of treatment-specific improvement in gait speed is not surprising, consider-ing the small improvements in hip extension that were achievedwith the hip flexorstretching program. We hope that a super-vised stretching program would increase the hip extensionrange sufficiently to improve stride length, thus improvingwalking velocity. Moreover, a more notable improvement inhip extension might improve balance and reduce the risk offalls in the elderly. The elderly population studied here washealthy, with no clinically apparent balance problems. Perhapsin a more frail elderly population with a history of recurrentfalls and a more pronounced reduction in hip extension (9reduction in elderly fallers vs young adults),6 a hip flexorstretching program would result in greater improvements in hiprange, which would produce more dramatic improvements inoverall gait efficiency and reduction of falls. Future studiesought to include a supervised stretching program in bothhealthy elderly and frail elderly who recurrently fall.

    We observed no adverse effects directly related to thestretching program. Specifically, no subject who completed thestudy reported any adverse effect from performing thestretches. One subject reported persistent back pain but, inretrospect, reported that he had back pain preceding the studyand did not believe that the stretching exercises aggravated hisback pain. The reported compliance for the stretching programswas excellent. Because the hip-stretching exercise is rathernonstrenuous and demands relatively little time compared withother types of exercise programs, compliance with this stretch-ing program may be more feasible than with other types ofexercise. It is possible that if the stretching program can im-prove hip extension during walking, the stretch to the hipflexors during walking itself could further increase or at leastmaintain the hip extension range. Consistent with this notion,we observed a trend in the treatment group (but not in thecontrol group) toward an increase in the extending hip torqueat the end of the stance during both comfortable and fastwalking. An increase in extending hip torque would imply that,during walking, a greater stretching force through the hipflexors was achieved. Thus, a formal hip flexorstretchingprogram might improve static and dynamic hip extension di-rectly, as well as indirectly initiate a type of perpetual stretch-ing during walking.

    CONCLUSIONSAlthough the improvements in hip extension (1.6) were

    modest, the similar magnitudes of the static and dynamic trendsto improvement in peak hip extension (2.0) suggest that theage-related reduction in peak hip extension during gait is theresult of a static hip flexion contracture rather than a dynamicconsequence. The significantly improved peak ankle plantar-flexion and the tendency toward improved ankle power gener-ation that occurred in the treatment but not the control groupsupport the hypothesis that previously reported age-relatedchanges in ankle kinematics and kinetics are secondarily re-lated to hip flexion contracture impairment, rather than toimpairment at the ankle per se. We expect to see more sub-stantial (up to 5) improvement in hip extension, as well asmore substantial improvement in other gait parameters, with amore rigorous, supervised stretching program. Moreover, in


    Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 84, January 2003

  • frail elderly people with even greater limitations in hip exten-sion, we might expect to see even greater improvements. Fu-ture supervised hip flexorstretching exercise trials in bothhealthy and frail elderly are warranted.

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    Suppliersa. Vicon Motion Systems, 14 Minns Business Pk, West Way, Oxford

    OX2 0JB, UK.b. Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc, 176 Waltham St, Water-

    town, MA 02472.


    Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 84, January 2003