effect of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen on the fixation and assimilation of nitrogen by wild...

Download Effect of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen on the fixation and assimilation of nitrogen by wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) in the sand dunes of Lake Michigan

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Effect of atmospheric deposition of nitrogen on the fixation and assimilation of nitrogen by wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) in the sand dunes of Lake Michigan Lauren Avans Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN Faculty Advisor: Young D. Choi Slide 2 Introduction Located at the Lake Michigan Dunes Karner Blue Butterfly is an endangered species Sole food source of Karner Blue Butterfly Increase in Nitrogen Deposition recently I hypothesize that the addition of nitrogen in the soil will increase the biomass production of wild lupine. Slide 3 Methods Germinated in dishes and transplanted Randomly assigned NH 4 NO 3 Treatment groups: Water, 7.5g m -2, 15g m -2 Harvested 5 months later Total dry weight biomass and biomass allocation analysis through: Kruskal-Wallis test Linear regression analysis Slide 4 Median total biomass of wild lupine seedlings. Results were significant at p