effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation...

Effect of Enamel Matrix Derivative Liquid on Osteoblast and Periodontal Ligament Cell Proliferation and Differentiation Richard J. Miron, Fatiha Chandad, Daniel Buser, Anton Sculean, David L. Cochran, and Yufeng Zhang 担当:篠田純

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Page 1: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

Effect of Enamel Matrix Derivative Liquid on Osteoblast and Periodontal Ligament Cell

Proliferation and DifferentiationRichard J. Miron, Fatiha Chandad, Daniel Buser,

Anton Sculean, David L. Cochran, and Yufeng Zhang


Page 2: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

INTRODUCTION• 歯周再生外科療法は歯周疾患や外傷により失われた歯周支持組織(セメント質、歯根膜、骨)を、予知性高く修復することを目的としている。

• 歯周組織の創傷治癒と再生を促進することが証明されてきた療法のひとつが、掻爬された根面と歯周骨欠損へのEMDの応用である。

• EMDの役割はin vitroで骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞において十分に示されてきた。

• EMDは細胞の付着、増殖、多くのタイプの細胞への分化において有意に良い効果を示す。

Page 3: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

INTRODUCTION• 歯周再生の証拠を示す多くの組織学的対照臨床研究の存在にも関わらず、大きな歯周組織欠損における歯肉弁のcollapseを防ぐのに十分でないEMD gelの粘性に関する懸念が示されてきた。

• 歯肉弁のcollapseは再生のためのスペースの制限につながり、ひいては臨床結果も制限される。

• この問題を克服しEMDにより得られる臨床結果を改善するため、EMD gelと様々な移植材の併用が行われた。

• いくつかの動物実験と臨床研究はEMD gelと移植材の併用を支持するようだが、他の研究はEMD gelの単独使用または移植材の単独使用に比べて併用の優位性を示すことができなかった。

Page 4: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

INTRODUCTION• 最近、EMDに含まれるタンパク質が様々な骨移植材に吸着する量の測定が行われた。

• 市販のEMD gelと比較してEMDを酢酸溶液に溶解した場合、タンパク質の吸着が優れていることがわかった。

• さらに高解像度透過型電子顕微鏡とタンパク質定量で測定した結果、弱酸性のEMD水溶液との併用は移植材の表面へのアメロジェニンタンパクの吸着が優れていることがわかった。

• このように、骨移植材へのタンパク質の最適化された吸着という特性を持ったEMDのcarrier systemの開発は、臨床結果の改善とさらなる安定をもたらすかもしれない。

Page 5: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

INTRODUCTION• 近年、骨移植材との併用におけるEMDの物理-化学的特性を改善する新しい応用法が研究されてきた。

• この新しい製剤は低濃度酢酸に溶解させた液状の、EMD弱酸性溶液である。

• 骨移植材と併用した場合に有利な点は、骨移植材表面へのアメロジェニンタンパクのより多い吸着と移植材へのより高い浸透性である。

Page 6: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

INTRODUCTION• EMD gel と 新しいEMD liquidを比較したデータがないため、今回の研究の目的はEMDのこれら2つのcarrier systemsのヒトの骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞における振る舞いを調べることである。

• リアルタイムPCRとアリザリンレッド染色により、EMDの両方の調合の骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の増殖と分化を誘導する能力を調査した。

Page 7: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Enamel Matrix Proteins

• すべてのin vitroの実験において、EMDはプロピレングリコールジェルキャリアまたはリキッドキャリアにより用いられた。

• 100 mg/mLの in vitro 作用濃度にするため、両方の薬剤は以前の記述のように10%のウシの胎児の血清を含む α-minimal essential medium (α-MEM) を用いて希釈された。

• すべての in vitro 実験で、細胞は time point 0 から実験の終了までどちらかの薬剤を含む培地に入れられた。

Page 8: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Osteoblast and PDL Cell Isolation and Differentiation

• ヒト歯槽骨骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞は以前記述したように3人のドナーから採取した。

• 要約すると、歯根膜細胞は矯正治療のために抜歯した小臼歯で歯周病の兆候のないものから採取した。

• 骨芽細胞は歯周病その他の合併症の兆候のない智歯の抜歯中に歯槽骨から採取した。

• すべての患者から書面でインフォームドコンセントを得、実験は中国武漢大学倫理委員会のポリシーに適合したものであった。

Page 9: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Osteoblast and PDL Cell Isolation and Differentiation

• ヒト骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の1次細胞はトリプシン溶液を用いて培養組織から分離した。

• 細胞播種中、以前記述したように骨芽細胞の分化を促すため α-MEMに 50 mg/mL アスコルビン酸と 2 mM グリセロリン酸塩を足した。

Page 10: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Osteoblast and PDL Cell Isolation and Differentiation

• ヒト骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の1次細胞は細胞増殖実験では96ウェル培養皿あたり5,000細胞の密度で播種され、リアルタイムPCRとアリザンレッド実験では6ウェル培養皿の1ウェルあたり 300,000 細胞が播種された

• 5日以上かかる実験では、1週間に2回培地が取り替えられた。

Page 11: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Osteoblast and PDL Cell Proliferation Assay

• 1次骨芽細胞は100 mg/mL EMD gel または 100 mg/mL EMD liquid に96ウェル培養皿の1ウェルあたり5,000細胞の密度で播種された。

• 望ましい時点で、細胞はリン酸塩で緩衝された生理食塩水で洗浄され蛍光プレートリーダーを用いて定量された。  右写真→

Page 12: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Real-Time PCR for Growth Factors and Differentiation Markers

• どちらかのEMD薬剤に浸漬した後、歯根膜細胞と骨芽細胞において成長因子と分化マーカーをencodeした遺伝子の発現を調査するためにリアルタイム reverse-transcription (RT) - PCRが用いられた。

• 完全なRNAが試薬と器具を用いて8, 24, 72 時間後に成長因子とサイトカインの分析のため、3, 7, 14 日後に骨芽細胞の分化マーカーのために分離された。

• RNAの定量のため、100 ng の完全なRNAが試料皿ごとに用いられた。

• 最終反応量20μLのmaster mixを用いてリアルタイムRT-PCRが行われた。

• すべての試料は3回分析され、3つの独立した実験が行われた。

• GAPDH 値まで標準化された遺伝子発現レベルの計算には ΔΔCt 法が用いられた。

Page 13: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Alizarin Red Staining

• 細胞外基質の石灰化を調べるためアリザンレッド染色が行われた。

• 14日後、細胞は96%エタノールで15分間固定され0.2%アリザンレッド溶液(pH 6.4)で室温で1時間染色された。

• アリザンレッドは20%メタノールと10%酢酸水溶液を用いて15分間溶解された。

• 溶液はcuvet に移され、波長450nmで分光光度計で分析された。 右図→

• バックグラウンドを除去した後、吸収値をDNA含有量に換算した。

• データは一元配置分散分析とテューキーの検定を用いて統計学的有意性を分析した。

Page 14: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL Cells

• ヒト骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の1次細胞は培養皿にどちらかのEMD薬剤を加え、in vitro で5日間以下の期間培養され細胞数で変化が定量された (Fig. 1)。

Total RNA was isolated using reagent*** and a kit†††

at 8, 24, and 72 hours for growth factor and cytokineanalyses and at 3, 7, and 14 days for osteoblast differ-entiation markers. Primer and probe sequences for genesencoding bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)(Hs00154192_m1), transforming growth factor (TGF)-b1(Hs00998131_g1), interleukin (IL)-1b (Hs001714103_m1),alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (Hs01029144_m1), runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) (Hs00231692_m1),collagen1a1 (COL1A1) (Hs01028970_m1), osteocalcin(OC) (Hs01587814_g1),‡‡‡ andGAPDH (Hs03929097_g1)were purchased as predesigned gene expression as-says. For RNAquantification,§§§ 100 ng total RNAwasused per sample well. Real-time RT-PCR was per-formed using 20 mL final reaction volume of mastermix.iii All samples were assayed in triplicate, andthree independent experiments were performed. The∆∆Ct method was used to calculate gene expressionlevels normalized to GAPDH values and calibrated tocontrol samples.

Alizarin Red StainingAlizarin red staining was performed to determinethe presence of extracellular matrix mineralization.After 14 days, cells were fixed in 96% ethanol for15minutes and stainedwith 0.2% alizarin red solution¶¶¶

in water (pH 6.4) at room temperature for 1 hour aspreviously described.17 Alizarin red was dissolvedusing a solution of 20% methanol and 10% aceticacid in water for 15 minutes. Liquid was thentransferred to cuvets and read on a spectrophotometerat a wavelength of 450 nm. After subtraction ofbackground, absorbance values were normalizedto DNA content. Data were analyzed for statistical

significance using one-way analysis of variance withTukey test.


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL CellsPrimary human osteoblasts and PDL cells were cul-tured in vitro for £5 days and quantified for changes incell number after addition of either EMD formulationinto cell culture media (Fig. 1). It was observed that 1day after seeding, no difference in cell number wasobserved among the two treatment groups andcontrol samples (Figs. 1A and 1B). At 3 and 5 daysafter seeding, a significant increase in cell numberwas observed for both osteoblasts and PDL cellstreated with either formulation compared to controlsamples (Fig. 1). No significant difference in cellnumber was observed between samples treated withEMD in the gel formulation versus EMD in the liquidformulation.

Cytokine and Growth Factor ExpressionPrimary human osteoblast and PDL cells were in-vestigated for release of growth factors and cytokineexpression after culture with either EMD formulation(Fig. 2). Cells treated with either formulation hada slight non-significant increase in TGF-b1 mRNAexpression in primary osteoblasts (Fig. 2A). On theother hand, TGF-b1 expression was significantly

Figure 1.Primary human osteoblast and PDL cell proliferation cultured on control tissue culture plastic, with EMD in gel and liquid formulations. Both formulationssignificantly increased cell proliferation of both A) osteoblasts and B) PDL cells compared to control surfaces at 3 and 5 days after seeding. Data aremeans – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

*** Trizol, Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.††† RNAeasy Mini kit, Qiagen, Basel, Switzerland.‡‡‡ BMP2, TGF-b1, IL-1b, ALP, Runx2, COL1A1, and OC, Applied

Biosystems, Rotkreuz, Switzerland.§§§ Nanodrop 2000c, Thermo Fisher Scientific.iii Applied Biosystems, Thermo Fisher Scientific.¶¶¶ Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.

J Periodontol • January 2016 Miron, Chandad, Buser, Sculean, Cochran, Zhang


Page 15: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL Cells

• 播種から1日後、2つのテストグループとコントロールグループの細胞数に違いがないことが観察された (Figs. 1A and 1B)。

Total RNA was isolated using reagent*** and a kit†††

at 8, 24, and 72 hours for growth factor and cytokineanalyses and at 3, 7, and 14 days for osteoblast differ-entiation markers. Primer and probe sequences for genesencoding bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)(Hs00154192_m1), transforming growth factor (TGF)-b1(Hs00998131_g1), interleukin (IL)-1b (Hs001714103_m1),alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (Hs01029144_m1), runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) (Hs00231692_m1),collagen1a1 (COL1A1) (Hs01028970_m1), osteocalcin(OC) (Hs01587814_g1),‡‡‡ andGAPDH (Hs03929097_g1)were purchased as predesigned gene expression as-says. For RNAquantification,§§§ 100 ng total RNAwasused per sample well. Real-time RT-PCR was per-formed using 20 mL final reaction volume of mastermix.iii All samples were assayed in triplicate, andthree independent experiments were performed. The∆∆Ct method was used to calculate gene expressionlevels normalized to GAPDH values and calibrated tocontrol samples.

Alizarin Red StainingAlizarin red staining was performed to determinethe presence of extracellular matrix mineralization.After 14 days, cells were fixed in 96% ethanol for15minutes and stainedwith 0.2% alizarin red solution¶¶¶

in water (pH 6.4) at room temperature for 1 hour aspreviously described.17 Alizarin red was dissolvedusing a solution of 20% methanol and 10% aceticacid in water for 15 minutes. Liquid was thentransferred to cuvets and read on a spectrophotometerat a wavelength of 450 nm. After subtraction ofbackground, absorbance values were normalizedto DNA content. Data were analyzed for statistical

significance using one-way analysis of variance withTukey test.


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL CellsPrimary human osteoblasts and PDL cells were cul-tured in vitro for £5 days and quantified for changes incell number after addition of either EMD formulationinto cell culture media (Fig. 1). It was observed that 1day after seeding, no difference in cell number wasobserved among the two treatment groups andcontrol samples (Figs. 1A and 1B). At 3 and 5 daysafter seeding, a significant increase in cell numberwas observed for both osteoblasts and PDL cellstreated with either formulation compared to controlsamples (Fig. 1). No significant difference in cellnumber was observed between samples treated withEMD in the gel formulation versus EMD in the liquidformulation.

Cytokine and Growth Factor ExpressionPrimary human osteoblast and PDL cells were in-vestigated for release of growth factors and cytokineexpression after culture with either EMD formulation(Fig. 2). Cells treated with either formulation hada slight non-significant increase in TGF-b1 mRNAexpression in primary osteoblasts (Fig. 2A). On theother hand, TGF-b1 expression was significantly

Figure 1.Primary human osteoblast and PDL cell proliferation cultured on control tissue culture plastic, with EMD in gel and liquid formulations. Both formulationssignificantly increased cell proliferation of both A) osteoblasts and B) PDL cells compared to control surfaces at 3 and 5 days after seeding. Data aremeans – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

*** Trizol, Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.††† RNAeasy Mini kit, Qiagen, Basel, Switzerland.‡‡‡ BMP2, TGF-b1, IL-1b, ALP, Runx2, COL1A1, and OC, Applied

Biosystems, Rotkreuz, Switzerland.§§§ Nanodrop 2000c, Thermo Fisher Scientific.iii Applied Biosystems, Thermo Fisher Scientific.¶¶¶ Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.

J Periodontol • January 2016 Miron, Chandad, Buser, Sculean, Cochran, Zhang


Page 16: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL Cells

• 播種から3日後と5日後、コントロールグループに比べてどちらのEMD薬剤グループも骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の両方で細胞数の有意な増加が観察された (Fig. 1)。

Total RNA was isolated using reagent*** and a kit†††

at 8, 24, and 72 hours for growth factor and cytokineanalyses and at 3, 7, and 14 days for osteoblast differ-entiation markers. Primer and probe sequences for genesencoding bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)(Hs00154192_m1), transforming growth factor (TGF)-b1(Hs00998131_g1), interleukin (IL)-1b (Hs001714103_m1),alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (Hs01029144_m1), runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) (Hs00231692_m1),collagen1a1 (COL1A1) (Hs01028970_m1), osteocalcin(OC) (Hs01587814_g1),‡‡‡ andGAPDH (Hs03929097_g1)were purchased as predesigned gene expression as-says. For RNAquantification,§§§ 100 ng total RNAwasused per sample well. Real-time RT-PCR was per-formed using 20 mL final reaction volume of mastermix.iii All samples were assayed in triplicate, andthree independent experiments were performed. The∆∆Ct method was used to calculate gene expressionlevels normalized to GAPDH values and calibrated tocontrol samples.

Alizarin Red StainingAlizarin red staining was performed to determinethe presence of extracellular matrix mineralization.After 14 days, cells were fixed in 96% ethanol for15minutes and stainedwith 0.2% alizarin red solution¶¶¶

in water (pH 6.4) at room temperature for 1 hour aspreviously described.17 Alizarin red was dissolvedusing a solution of 20% methanol and 10% aceticacid in water for 15 minutes. Liquid was thentransferred to cuvets and read on a spectrophotometerat a wavelength of 450 nm. After subtraction ofbackground, absorbance values were normalizedto DNA content. Data were analyzed for statistical

significance using one-way analysis of variance withTukey test.


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL CellsPrimary human osteoblasts and PDL cells were cul-tured in vitro for £5 days and quantified for changes incell number after addition of either EMD formulationinto cell culture media (Fig. 1). It was observed that 1day after seeding, no difference in cell number wasobserved among the two treatment groups andcontrol samples (Figs. 1A and 1B). At 3 and 5 daysafter seeding, a significant increase in cell numberwas observed for both osteoblasts and PDL cellstreated with either formulation compared to controlsamples (Fig. 1). No significant difference in cellnumber was observed between samples treated withEMD in the gel formulation versus EMD in the liquidformulation.

Cytokine and Growth Factor ExpressionPrimary human osteoblast and PDL cells were in-vestigated for release of growth factors and cytokineexpression after culture with either EMD formulation(Fig. 2). Cells treated with either formulation hada slight non-significant increase in TGF-b1 mRNAexpression in primary osteoblasts (Fig. 2A). On theother hand, TGF-b1 expression was significantly

Figure 1.Primary human osteoblast and PDL cell proliferation cultured on control tissue culture plastic, with EMD in gel and liquid formulations. Both formulationssignificantly increased cell proliferation of both A) osteoblasts and B) PDL cells compared to control surfaces at 3 and 5 days after seeding. Data aremeans – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

*** Trizol, Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.††† RNAeasy Mini kit, Qiagen, Basel, Switzerland.‡‡‡ BMP2, TGF-b1, IL-1b, ALP, Runx2, COL1A1, and OC, Applied

Biosystems, Rotkreuz, Switzerland.§§§ Nanodrop 2000c, Thermo Fisher Scientific.iii Applied Biosystems, Thermo Fisher Scientific.¶¶¶ Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.

J Periodontol • January 2016 Miron, Chandad, Buser, Sculean, Cochran, Zhang


Page 17: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL Cells

• EMD gel と EMD liquid の間で細胞数の有意な差は見られなかった。

Total RNA was isolated using reagent*** and a kit†††

at 8, 24, and 72 hours for growth factor and cytokineanalyses and at 3, 7, and 14 days for osteoblast differ-entiation markers. Primer and probe sequences for genesencoding bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)(Hs00154192_m1), transforming growth factor (TGF)-b1(Hs00998131_g1), interleukin (IL)-1b (Hs001714103_m1),alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (Hs01029144_m1), runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) (Hs00231692_m1),collagen1a1 (COL1A1) (Hs01028970_m1), osteocalcin(OC) (Hs01587814_g1),‡‡‡ andGAPDH (Hs03929097_g1)were purchased as predesigned gene expression as-says. For RNAquantification,§§§ 100 ng total RNAwasused per sample well. Real-time RT-PCR was per-formed using 20 mL final reaction volume of mastermix.iii All samples were assayed in triplicate, andthree independent experiments were performed. The∆∆Ct method was used to calculate gene expressionlevels normalized to GAPDH values and calibrated tocontrol samples.

Alizarin Red StainingAlizarin red staining was performed to determinethe presence of extracellular matrix mineralization.After 14 days, cells were fixed in 96% ethanol for15minutes and stainedwith 0.2% alizarin red solution¶¶¶

in water (pH 6.4) at room temperature for 1 hour aspreviously described.17 Alizarin red was dissolvedusing a solution of 20% methanol and 10% aceticacid in water for 15 minutes. Liquid was thentransferred to cuvets and read on a spectrophotometerat a wavelength of 450 nm. After subtraction ofbackground, absorbance values were normalizedto DNA content. Data were analyzed for statistical

significance using one-way analysis of variance withTukey test.


Proliferation of Osteoblasts and PDL CellsPrimary human osteoblasts and PDL cells were cul-tured in vitro for £5 days and quantified for changes incell number after addition of either EMD formulationinto cell culture media (Fig. 1). It was observed that 1day after seeding, no difference in cell number wasobserved among the two treatment groups andcontrol samples (Figs. 1A and 1B). At 3 and 5 daysafter seeding, a significant increase in cell numberwas observed for both osteoblasts and PDL cellstreated with either formulation compared to controlsamples (Fig. 1). No significant difference in cellnumber was observed between samples treated withEMD in the gel formulation versus EMD in the liquidformulation.

Cytokine and Growth Factor ExpressionPrimary human osteoblast and PDL cells were in-vestigated for release of growth factors and cytokineexpression after culture with either EMD formulation(Fig. 2). Cells treated with either formulation hada slight non-significant increase in TGF-b1 mRNAexpression in primary osteoblasts (Fig. 2A). On theother hand, TGF-b1 expression was significantly

Figure 1.Primary human osteoblast and PDL cell proliferation cultured on control tissue culture plastic, with EMD in gel and liquid formulations. Both formulationssignificantly increased cell proliferation of both A) osteoblasts and B) PDL cells compared to control surfaces at 3 and 5 days after seeding. Data aremeans – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

*** Trizol, Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.††† RNAeasy Mini kit, Qiagen, Basel, Switzerland.‡‡‡ BMP2, TGF-b1, IL-1b, ALP, Runx2, COL1A1, and OC, Applied

Biosystems, Rotkreuz, Switzerland.§§§ Nanodrop 2000c, Thermo Fisher Scientific.iii Applied Biosystems, Thermo Fisher Scientific.¶¶¶ Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific.

J Periodontol • January 2016 Miron, Chandad, Buser, Sculean, Cochran, Zhang


Page 18: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

RESULTSCytokine and Growth Factor Expression

• ヒト骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の1次細胞はEMD薬剤を加えた培養後、成長因子とサイトカインの放出について分析された (Fig. 2)。

• 1次骨芽細胞では、どちらのEMD薬剤を加えた細胞も有意でないわずかな TGF-β1 mRNA の発現の増加が見られた (Fig. 2A)。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

Enamel Matrix Derivative Liquid Enhances Osteoblast Activity Volume 87 • Number 1


Page 19: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

RESULTSCytokine and Growth Factor Expression

• その一方歯根膜細胞では、 8, 24, 72時間後のすべての時点で TGF-β1 の発現は有意に増加していた (Fig. 2B)。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

Enamel Matrix Derivative Liquid Enhances Osteoblast Activity Volume 87 • Number 1


Page 20: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

RESULTSCytokine and Growth Factor Expression

• BMP7 の遺伝子発現は骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞のどちらでも、どちらのEMD薬剤を加えてもすべての時点でおよそ2倍増加した (Figs. 2C and 2D)。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

Enamel Matrix Derivative Liquid Enhances Osteoblast Activity Volume 87 • Number 1


Page 21: Effect of enamel matrix derivative liquid on osteoblast and periodontal ligament cell proliferation and differentiation

RESULTSCytokine and Growth Factor Expression

• さらに骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞のどちらでもすべての時点でコントロールと比べて、どちらのEMD薬剤も有意に IL-1βの発現を減少させた (Figs. 2E and 2F)。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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RESULTSCytokine and Growth Factor Expression

• すべての時点で2つのEMD薬剤の間に有意差はなかった、これは骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の両方でサイトカインと成長因子の遺伝子の発現に同等の影響を与えていることを示唆している (Fig. 2)。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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Figure 3.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on osteoblast and PDL cell differentiation as assessed by real-time PCR for genes encoding COL1, ALP, andOC. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly upregulate gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, E, G) and PDL cell (B, D, F,H) mRNA levelsof osteoblast differentiation markers 3, 7, and 14 days after seeding compared to cells seeded on control tissue culture plastic. Neither EMD gel nor EMDliquid had any significant influence on Runx2 gene expression in osteoblasts, but a significant increase was observed for PDL cells. Data are means – SE ofn = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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RESULTSCell Differentiation

• さらに細胞の分化における両方のEMD薬剤の影響を調べるため、骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞は Runx2, COL1, ALP, OC をencodeする遺伝子の発現についてリアルタイムPCRで分析された (Fig. 3)。

• どちらのEMD薬剤も Runx2 の骨芽細胞の遺伝子の発現に影響がないことがわかった(Fig. 3A); しかしながら、7日と14日の時点でどちらのEMD薬剤で培養された歯根膜細胞においてもコントロールと比べて有意な増加が観察された (Fig. 3B)。

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Figure 3.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on osteoblast and PDL cell differentiation as assessed by real-time PCR for genes encoding COL1, ALP, andOC. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly upregulate gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, E, G) and PDL cell (B, D, F,H) mRNA levelsof osteoblast differentiation markers 3, 7, and 14 days after seeding compared to cells seeded on control tissue culture plastic. Neither EMD gel nor EMDliquid had any significant influence on Runx2 gene expression in osteoblasts, but a significant increase was observed for PDL cells. Data are means – SE ofn = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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RESULTSCell Differentiation

• 骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞は COL1 mRNA の発現について比較された (Figs. 3C and 3D)。

• 両方のEMD薬剤は骨芽細胞の7日と14日において (Fig. 3C) と歯根膜細胞の3,7,14日において (Fig. 3D) 、COL1 遺伝子の発現を有意に増加させることができた。

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Figure 3.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on osteoblast and PDL cell differentiation as assessed by real-time PCR for genes encoding COL1, ALP, andOC. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly upregulate gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, E, G) and PDL cell (B, D, F,H) mRNA levelsof osteoblast differentiation markers 3, 7, and 14 days after seeding compared to cells seeded on control tissue culture plastic. Neither EMD gel nor EMDliquid had any significant influence on Runx2 gene expression in osteoblasts, but a significant increase was observed for PDL cells. Data are means – SE ofn = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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RESULTSCell Differentiation

• 同様に、ALP 遺伝子の発現は骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の両方でどちらのEMD薬剤で培養されてもすべての時点で4倍まで、有意に増加した (Figs. 3E and 3F)。

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Figure 3.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on osteoblast and PDL cell differentiation as assessed by real-time PCR for genes encoding COL1, ALP, andOC. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly upregulate gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, E, G) and PDL cell (B, D, F,H) mRNA levelsof osteoblast differentiation markers 3, 7, and 14 days after seeding compared to cells seeded on control tissue culture plastic. Neither EMD gel nor EMDliquid had any significant influence on Runx2 gene expression in osteoblasts, but a significant increase was observed for PDL cells. Data are means – SE ofn = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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RESULTSCell Differentiation

• 同様な結果は両方のEMD薬剤のすべての時点で OC mRNA の発現についても観察された (Figs. 3G and 3H)。

• Figure 3に示された実験のどの時点でも、2つのEMD薬剤の間に有意差はなかった。

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Cell Differentiation

• 次に骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞はどちらかのEMD薬剤で培養された後の石灰化能について、アリザンレッド染色で分析された (Fig. 4)。

• 培養14日後、骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の両方でどちらのEMD薬剤で培養されてもコントロールと比べアリザンレッド染色は有意に濃度が高かった (Fig. 4)。

EMD liquid had the ability to increase osteoblastdifferentiation markers including COL1, ALP, and OCaswell as inducemineralization as assessed by alizarinred staining (Figs. 3 and 4). No significant differencewas observed between EMD gel or EMD liquid for-mulations. Other studies have also found that EMDwas able to speed osteoblast differentiation on stan-dard tissue culture plastic.8,19,33-36 Thus, the presentstudy provides preliminary evidence that EMD liquidmaintains the activity of EMD on osteoblasts and PDLcells of the periodontium.

In the present study, neither EMD formulation wascombined with bone grafting material. This study wasperformed to specifically evaluate the effects of EMDin liquid formulation and its subsequent influence onosteoblast and PDL cell behavior. It remains to bedetermined what effect the combination of EMD inliquid formulation with a bone grafting material willhave on cell activity because this is the primarypurpose of the development of EMD in liquid formu-lation. In the present study, the authors report thatEMD in liquid formulation maintains an effect on cellbehavior similar to EMD in gel formulation, and futureinvestigations on cell behavior when seeded in thepresence of a bone grafting material are now neces-sary. Furthermore, in vivo study is also necessary tofurther evaluate the regenerative potential of EMD inliquid formulation when combined with a bone graftingmaterial compared to EMD in a gel formulation.


The results from the present study aim to determinethe effects of enamel matrix proteins on cell behavior

when EMD is delivered in either a propylene glycolalginate carrier or a liquid solution for bone graftmixing. It was found that both formulations were ableto increase cell proliferation at 3 and 5 days afterseeding and had significant effects on cytokine andgrowth factor release of TGF-b1, BMP2, and IL-1b.Furthermore, both EMD formulations were shownto increase osteoblast and PDL cell differentiationdown the osteoblast lineage by significantly increasingCOL1, ALP, and OC mRNA levels and in vitro min-eralization as assessed by alizarin red staining. Thus,the results from the present study demonstrate thatEMD in liquid formulation maintains osteopromo-tive properties similar to those of EMD gel. Theneed for future research aimed at determining geneexpression of cells exposed to EMD in the liquidformulation with a bone grafting material is nowemphasized.


This work was partially funded by Institute StraumannAG (Basel, Switzerland), which provided EMD in bothformulations for the current project. Drs. Sculean,Miron, and Cochran received financial support for re-search from Institute Straumann AG, and Dr. Sculeanreceived lecture fees, consulting fees, and is an ad-visor for Institute Straumann AG. Authors Buser,Chandad and Zhang report no conflicts of interestrelated to this paper.

REFERENCES1. Grzesik WJ, Narayanan AS. Cementum and periodon-

tal wound healing and regeneration. Crit Rev Oral BiolMed 2002;13:474-484.

Figure 4.Normalized alizarin red staining absorbance values at 14 days after seeding of both A) osteoblasts and B) PDL cells cultured on control tissue cultureplastic, with EMD in gel or liquid formulation. Both formulations demonstrated a significant increase in mineralization as assessed by alizarin redstaining. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

J Periodontol • January 2016 Miron, Chandad, Buser, Sculean, Cochran, Zhang


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DISCUSSION• 近年骨移植材へのエナメルマトリクスタンパクの吸着を改善する、EMDの新しい応用法が提案されてきた。

• EMD gel は骨移植材表面へのエナメルマトリクスタンパクのコーティングの厚みを有意に増加させるが、それは単純な PBS の洗浄で簡単に洗い流されることが最近わかった。

• EMD liquid は直接骨移植材表面へより緊密なコーティングが可能で、骨移植材表面のアメロジェニンタンパクの濃度も有意に高い。

• さらに、EMD liquid はエナメルマトリクスプロテインの移植材表面への吸着量を増加させ、このコーティングの安定性を増すことができる。

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DISCUSSION• EMD gel、EMD liquidともにヒト骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の両方の増殖を促した。

• これまでに多くの研究で、EMDは骨芽細胞、歯根膜細胞、歯肉線維芽細胞、歯髄細胞を含む様々なタイプの細胞の増殖を促す能力があることが示されてきた。

• 今回の研究でEMD liquidは細胞の増殖に関してEMD gelと同等の効果を有し、新しいキャリアシステムの安定性と能力を示している。

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• どちらかのEMDの調合と共に細胞を培養した際のサイトカインと成長因子の放出は、リアルタイムPCRにより評価した(Fig. 2)。

• TGF-β1とBMP2は共に、EMDの両方の調合に対する反応として有意に増加し、グループ間で差はなかった (Fig. 2)。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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DISCUSSION• 興味深いことに、TGF-β1のmRNAの発現は骨芽細胞に比べて歯根膜細胞でより多かった (Figs. 2A and 2B)。

• 以前の研究で、歯根膜細胞を骨芽細胞と比べた場合にEMDは細胞の分化の過程の初期においてより際立った効果を持っており、これはTGF-β1の発現におけるEMDの影響が要因となっているかもしれないことが示された。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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• さらに、EMDは有意にBMP7 mRNAの発現を増加させ、IL-1βの発現を減少させることができた。

Figure 2.Influence of EMD in gel and liquid formulations on mRNA expression of BMP2, TGF-b1, and IL-1b of primary human osteoblasts and PDL cells 8, 24,and 72 hours after seeding. Both EMD formulations were able to significantly alter gene expression of both osteoblast (A, C, and E) and PDL cell (B,D, and F) mRNA levels as assessed by real-time PCR. Data are means – SE of n = 9 samples from three independent experiments (*P <0.05).

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DISCUSSION• EMDの両方の調合は骨芽細胞の分化への影響力について分析された (Figs. 3 and 4)。

• EMD gelとEMD liquidともにアリザンレッド染色により評価した石灰化能の他に、COL1, ALP, OCを含む骨芽細胞の分化マーカーを増加させる能力があった (Figs. 3 and 4)。

• EMD gelとEMD liquidの間に有意差はなかった。

• 他の研究においてEMDは骨芽細胞の分化を加速することができることもわかった。

• 以上から今回の研究は、歯周組織の骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞においてEMDが持っていた効果をEMD liquidは維持しているという予備的な根拠となった。

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CONCLUSIONS• EMDのどちらの調合も播種後3日と5日で細胞の増殖を促し、TGF-β1, BMP2, IL-1βなどサイトカインや成長因子の放出において有意な効果を示した。

• さらに、COL1, ALP, OC mRNAが有意に増加したことと、アリザンレッド染色により評価されたin vitroの石灰化により、EMDのどちらの調合も骨芽細胞と歯根膜細胞の分化を促進させることが示された。

• このように、今回の研究の結果からEMD liquidはEMD gelと同様に骨誘導能を持つことが示された。

• 骨移植材と併用したEMD liquidを添加した細胞の遺伝子の発現の分析を目的とした将来の研究が必要である。

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• 今回の研究はEMD gel または EMD liquid を骨芽細胞・歯根膜細胞に加えて培養。細胞の増殖・分化についてEMD liquid が従来の EMD gel と同等に良い結果を得たというものだった。

• 「当たり前かな?」とも思える結果で特に疑問はなかった。

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COMMENT• 今研究の著者らの以前の文献(2015)は骨移植材をEMD gel または EMD liquid でコーティングして電子顕微鏡で評価したものだった。

• EMD liquid は EMD gel に比べエナメルマトリクスプロテインの移植材表面への吸着量を増加させ、このコーティングの安定性も増すことができるとのことだった。

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COMMENT• 次は、EMD+骨移植材+細胞培養 の実験をしてほしい

• 単純に考えると、 骨移植材への吸着:   EMD gel < EMD liquid 細胞増殖・分化への影響:EMD gel = EMD liquid ならば、EMD liquidの方が良い結果が出そう。

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