effective architecting: best practices for software architects

Effective Architecting Best Practices & Guidelines for Software Architects

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Page 1: Effective Architecting: Best Practices for Software Architects

Effective ArchitectingBest Practices & Guidelines for Software Architects

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Case Study: Patterns and Styles in Compilers

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Overarching StyleLexical Analyzer

Parser (Syntax & Semantic Analysis)


Code generator

Pipe-and-filter style

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Compiler DriverFacade pattern

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Representing grammarInterpreter


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Generating code

Source: “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides, Addison-Wesley,1994

Visitor pattern

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source: https://github.com/cer/event-sourcing-examples/wiki/i/applicationarchitecture.png

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Apply relevant patterns and styles for effective architecting

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“Cities grow, cities evolve, cities have parts that simply die while other

parts flourish; each city has to be renewed in order to meet the needs of its populace… Software-intensive systems

are like that. They grow, they evolve, sometimes they wither away, and

sometimes they flourish…”

Grady Booch in the foreword for “Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt”, Girish Suryanarayana, Ganesh Samarthyam, Tushar Sharma, Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2014.

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CodeCity tool

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Code Query Language (NDepend, Architect, …)

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Look at the world differently for creative design solutions

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Who coined the term “code


Hint: He also originated the

terms TDD and XP

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Kent Beck

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Who coined the acronym “SOLID”?

(as in SOLID principles)

Hint: He is the author of the book

“Working effectively with legacy code”

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Michael Feathers

S Single Responsibility Principle

Every object should have a single responsibility and that should be encapsulated by the class

O Open Closed Principle Software should be open for extension, but closed for modification

L Liskov’s Substitution Principle

Any subclass should always be usable instead of its parent class

I Interface Segregation Principle

Many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface

D Dependency Inversion Principle

Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions

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Who coined the term “technical


Hint: He is the creator of “wiki”

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Ward Cunningham


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Violates Single Responsibility

Principle (SRP)

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PublishedinJournalofObjectTechnology(Vol.12,No.2,2013)   SGGanesh,TusharSharma,GirishSuryanarayana.TowardsaPrinciple-basedClassifica4onofStructuralDesignSmells.InJournalofObjectTechnology,vol.12,no.2,2013,pages1:1–29.doi:10.5381/jot.2013.12.2.a1  URL:hLp://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2013_06/arPcle1.pdf(openaccess)

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"This is a good book about ‘Design Smells’ – actually a great book – nicely organized - clearly written with

plenty of examples and a fair sprinkling of anecdotes."

- Will Tracz (Principal Research Scientist & Fellow, Lockheed Martin)

(review in ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes)

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Believe in your ideas: how small or “insignificant” it may

appear to be!

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Steve Jobs is viewed as an excellent speaker, business person, and leader. But

not much as an architect. He is an excellent architect.


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Page 32: Effective Architecting: Best Practices for Software Architects

In the movie Steve Jobs, he gives an example of a music composer. The composer directs the

people and focuses on the orchestra.

That is the case with a software architect as well.

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Page 34: Effective Architecting: Best Practices for Software Architects

As an architect, be a problem solver & technology leader

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What is the key to grow big and succeed?

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Other organizations

Your organization

Gradually expand your circle of influence

Your departmentYour team

The world

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Some ways to expand your

circle of influence

Give talks (conference, workshop…)

Write articles, books, white papers, …

Organize meet-ups,

training programs, …

Contribute to process,

quality, and cost-saving


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Meetups• Software Architecture:


• Container Developers: http://www.meetup.com/Container-Developers-Meetup-Bangalore/

• Software Craftsmanship: http://www.meetup.com/Software-Craftsmanship-Bangalore-Meetup/

• Core Java: http://www.meetup.com/Core-Java-Meetup-Bangalore/

• Technical Writers: http://www.meetup.com/Technical-Writers-Meetup-Bangalore/

• JavaScript: http://www.meetup.com/JavaScript-Meetup-Bangalore/

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Influence is leadership - expand your influence!

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Register here: https://www.townscript.com/e/designpattern

SOLID Principles and Design Patterns BootcampLocation: Bangalore

11 JUN 2016: 10:00AM - 6:00 PM