effective doctrine2: performance tips for symfony2 developers

Effective Doctrine2 Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers Wrocław Symfony Group #2 April 24th, 2014

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Effective Doctrine2Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers

Wrocław Symfony Group #2 April 24th, 2014

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

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Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

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Marcin Chwedziak github.com/tiraeth


Software Engineer at Spork Labs LLP (Salt Lake City, UT)

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

What is this talk about?

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

plus things that can go wrong while working with Symfony2

107 queries executed in 17.25 seconds

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

While working with databases, the most important strategy is to avoid querying a database.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Rule #1: Caching

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

If you must query a database, be wise and do it smarter.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Rule #2: Code Optimization

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Smart behaviour also means to be explicit in actions.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Rule #3: Transaction Demarcation

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Caching w/ Doctrine2

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak


What can be effectively cached?

Query Result

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Parsing model metadata from different sources with each request can have a serious impact on your application’s performance. It is a good practice to cache it.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Each time you write a DQL query or use the QueryBuilder to create one, Doctrine has to transform that query to SQL. This is an unnecessary waste of available resources.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Usually, there is no special reason to hit a database for rarely modified data. Configure Result Cache strategy to make sure that your database is not swamped with such queries.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Be aware!

Make sure you properly create your queries.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

# Fetch expired subscriptions (non-cachable) SELECT s FROM ASBillingBundle:Subscription s WHERE s.validTo < ? [1397855248] !# Fetch expired subscriptions (cachable) SELECT s FROM ASBillingBundle:Subscription s WHERE s.validTo < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()

You can cache both DQL and Native SQL queries.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

How to cache metadata in Symfony2?

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

app/config/config_prod.yml doctrine: orm: # ... metadata_cache_driver: apc # ...

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Can I implement custom caching service?

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

app/config/config_prod.yml doctrine: orm: # ... metadata_cache_driver: type: service id: as.doctrine.cache.couchbase # ...

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

src/AS/CoreBundle/Doctrine/Cache/CouchbaseCache.php <?php !namespace AS/CoreBundle/Doctrine/Cache; !use Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider; !class CouchbaseCache extends CacheProvider{ // doFetch($id) // doContains($id) // doSave($id, $data, $liteTime = 0) // doDelete($id) // doFlush() // doGetStats() }

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

How to cache queries in Symfony2?

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

app/config/config_prod.yml doctrine: orm: # ... query_cache_driver: apc # ...

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

How to cache query results in Symfony2?

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

app/config/config_prod.yml doctrine: orm: # ... result_cache_driver: apc # ...

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Setting caching driver for Query Result Cache is not sufficient for enabling the strategy. You need to explicitly enable it for each and every query you’re interested in.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !// ... !$query = $em->createQuery($dql); $query->useResultCache(true); !// …

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

With great power comes great responsibility.

Voltaire (1694-1778)

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Be aware that high traffic websites can generate races while accessing cached data. This situation is called cache slam. When implementing own cache driver, please refer to your backend’s documentation regarding races avoidance.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

If anything goes wrong, you can manually clear the cache without restarting/flushing the storage.

php app/console doctrine:cache:clear-metadata php app/console doctrine:cache:clear-query php app/console doctrine:cache:clear-result

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Optimization Guidelines

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

You can begin your journey with code optimization while using Doctrine2 with properly set up domain models.

Please be aware that the following guidelines are for use with Doctrine2, not necessarily with database design in general.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Step 1: Avoid bidirectional associations

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

If you really need bidirectional associations, try to use lazy fetching strategy, but in most cases bidirectional relations are not necessary and should be avoided.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Be aware that lazy fetching strategy creates dynamic proxy objects (class is generated on the fly).

Fortunately, Symfony2 handles proxy generation with cache warmup task.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

For aggregations (with Collections) you can use EXTRA LAZY strategy which will not load the whole collection on first access, as it is done in LAZY strategy.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Dropping such relations does not mean that you can’t use JOIN with your DQL / Native SQL queries.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !namespace AS\BillingBundle\Entity; !class Subscription { /** * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User") * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id") */ protected $user; } !!!class User { // ... }

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

SELECT u FROM ASBillingBundle:User u JOIN ASBillingBundle:Subscription s WITH s.user = u WHERE s.validTo <= CURRENT_DATE()

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Step 2: Avoid unnecessary cascades

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

1. Do not configure cascade operations on every association you have in your domain.

2. Unless required (e.g. additional file removal), use DBMS cascades instead of ORM ones.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Remember that you do not setup ORM cascades on target entites but on the triggering ones. Opposite to DBMS configuration.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !namespace AS\BillingBundle\Entity; !class Subscription { /** * @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity="User", cascade={"remove"}) * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id") */ protected $user; }

This is wrong:

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !namespace AS\BillingBundle\Entity; !class Subscription { /** * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User") * @ORM\JoinColumn( * name="user_id", * referencedColumnName="id", * onDelete="CASCADE" * ) */ protected $user; }

This is correct:

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Step 3: Avoid lifecycle events abuse

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Be smart about listening to lifecycle events like persist, update, or remove. Know the difference between Listener and Subscriber.

Do not identify Doctrine2 event subscribers with Symfony2 subscribers, which are more dynamic!

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Avoid requiring EntityManager in your event listeners (it will just not work).

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !namespace AS\BillingBundle\Listener; !use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\RegistryInterface; !abstract class LifecycleListener { protected $doctrine; protected $manager; ! public function __construct( RegistryInterface $doctrine, $manager = 'default' ) { $this->doctrine = $doctrine; $this->manager = $manager; } ! protected function getEntityManager() { return $this->doctrine->getEntityManager($this->manager); } }

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Step 4: Load from database what you need

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Fetch Modes

Return only data you are in need of.

Hydration Modes

Partial Objects

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

When dealing with one-to-one and many-to-one relations, you can switch between EAGER and LAZY fetching modes right in your Query object.

<?php !$query = $em->createQuery( "SELECT s FROM ASBillingBundle:Subscription s" ) ->setFetchMode( "ASBillingBundle:Subscription", "user", \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata::FETCH_EAGER );

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

If not necessary, do not fetch a whole object (with relations) to just get its „validTo” field value.

<?php !$expirationDate = $em->createQuery( "SELECT s.validTo " . "FROM ASBillingBundle:Subscription s " . "WHERE s.user = ?1" ) ->setParameter(1, $user) ->getSingleScalarResult();

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Unless you can deal with scalar values or arrays, you may need to wrap data in your model’s class. Use Partial Objects for this purpose.

<?php !$reference = $em->createQuery( "SELECT PARTIAL s.{plan,validTo} " . "FROM ASBillingBundle:Subscription s " . "WHERE s.id = ?1" )->setParameter(1, $id)->getResult(); !$reference->getPartialReference("ASBillingBundle:Subscription", $id);

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Step 4: Load from database when you need

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

If you have to process data for large result sets, think about using DQL UPDATE/DELETE queries or Iterable Result.

When using Iterable Result always remember to detach all existing and not required anymore objects from Doctrine!

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !$batch = 50; $i = 0; !$iterableResult = $em->createQuery( "SELECT s FROM ASBillingBundle:Subscription s" )->iterate(); !foreach ($iterableResult as $row) { $subscription = $row[0]; $subscription->renew(); if (($i % $batch) === 0) { $em->flush(); // Execute queued updates $em->clear(); // Detach objects and GC them } ++$i; } !$em->flush(); // Execute remainig updates $em->clear(); // Detach remaining objects and GC them

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !$iterableResult = $em->createQuery( "SELECT s FROM ASBillingBundle:Subscription s " . "WHERE s.validTo = CURRENT_DATE() AND s.trialing = TRUE" )->iterate(); !foreach ($iterableResult as $row) { $mailer->notifyTrialExpiration($row[0]); $em->detach($row[0]); // Detach and GC immediately }

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Transaction Demarcation

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

Proper transaction boundary definition can have positive impact on your application’s performance.

Doctrine2 takes care of proper implicit demarcation for UnitOfWork–handled objects and queue all operations until EntityManager#flush() is invoked.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

However, Doctrine2 encourages developers to take over and control transaction demarcation tasks themselves.

Please remember to flush the EntityManager prior to transaction commit. In case of any exceptions, always close the EntityManager.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !$em->getConnection()->beginTransaction(); !try { $user = new User; $subscription = new Subscription; $subscription->setUser($user); ! // ... do some work ! $em->persist($user); $em->persist($subscription); $em->flush(); $em->getConnection()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $em->getConnection()->rollback(); $em->close(); ! // ... do something about the exception }

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !$em->transactional(function($em) { $user = new User; $subscription = new Subscription; $subscription->setUser($user); ! // ... do some work ! $em->persist($user); $em->persist($subscription); });

Using EntityManager#transactional() will automatically flush the manager prior to commit.

Effective Doctrine2: Performance Tips for Symfony2 Developers marcin.chwedziak

<?php !$em->getConnection()->transactional(function($em) { $user = new User; $subscription = new Subscription; $subscription->setUser($user); ! // ... do some work ! $em->persist($user); $em->persist($subscription); $em->flush(); });

Warning! This will not close EntityManager on exception.

Thank you!

Wrocław Symfony Group #2 April 24th, 2014