effective team communication · benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2....

How to Successfully Engage Others and Communicate Your Message Effective Team Communications

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Page 1: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

How to Successfully Engage Others and Communicate Your Message


Alysia Cook
Page 2: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 3: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• Whenyoutreatyouremployees likeGOLD,theywilltreatyourmembers likeGOLD

• Whenyoutreatyouremployeeswithdistrust,disdain,apathy,andlackofrespect,theywilltreatyourmemberswithdistrust,disdain,apathy,andlackofrespect

BuildingRapport- Treatment

Page 4: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• Ritz-CarltonGoldStandard• Motto:“WeareLadiesandGentlemenServingLadiesandGentlemen.”

• EmployeePromise:“AtTheRitz-Carlton,ourLadies&Gentlemenarethemostimportantresourceinourservicecommitmenttoourguests.Byapplyingtheprinciplesoftrust,honesty,respect,integrityandcommitment,wenurtureandmaximizetalenttothebenefitofeachindividualandthecompany.”

BuildingRapport– Honor/Respect

Page 5: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• Birthdaycelebrations• Thankyounotes• Suggestionboxawards• Teambuildingactivities• Volunteeroutings• Workplaceperks(coffee,icecream,etc.)

• Vacationdayawards• Unexpectedearlyrelease• Rewardhighperformers• Don’trewardpoorperformers• Fairnessbeatsequality• SlowtoHire&QuicktoFire

BuildingRapport– HowTo

Page 6: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

BuildingRapport– ActionItemIdeas• Congratulatesomeone• Sendarticle/link• Asksomeone’sadviceoropinion

• Touchbasewith2oldcolleagues/customers

• Checkinwithdirectreports/staff

• Shareonsocialmedia3-5x

• Sendabookyouthinkthey’dlike

• Sendleadsforopportunities:jobs,committees,boards,philanthropicevents,communityevents

• Hand-writtenthankyounote• Keepyourcommitments

Weekly As Appropriate

Page 7: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 8: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• Personalproblemsathome• Feellikeanumber• Feelliketheydeservebetter• Medical,emotional,psychological• Apathy

• Badattitude• Boss/Coworker(s)issues• Boredom• Treatedunfairly/mistreated• Overlooked/ignored


Page 9: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• C– Caring:compassion,volunteerism,friendliness,generosity• L– Leadership:integrity,leadthem,honesty,transparency• E– Enthusiasm:energy,encouragement,faithinthefuture,fun• G– Gratitude:saythanks,catchthemdoinggoodstuff,spotawards• S– Strength:financialsecurity,long-termvision,supportfortheir



Page 10: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 11: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• Ritz-CarltonGoldStandard

• Basic#10:“Eachemployeeisempowered.Forexample,whenaguesthasaproblemorneedssomethingspecial,youshouldbreakawayfromyourregularduties,addressandresolvetheissue.”$2K/guest


Page 12: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 13: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

6. Negativity7. WithholdingInformation8. Disparities/Unfairness9. ManagementInvisibility10. WithholdingEmpowerment

1. OrganizationalPolitics2. UnclearExpectations3. UnnecessaryComplexity4. LackofFollow-Through5. Hypocrisy(WalktheTalk)


Source: Bob Nelson, author of 1001 Ways to Reward Employees

Page 14: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

ProductiveEnvironment- Office

• Flowers/plants/fish• Grouplunches• Music• Encouragehumor

• Sharestories• Candy/goodiesdish• Warmlighting• Celebratesuccesses

Page 15: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• KudosKorner• WowWall• PraisePanel• BragBoard

• Peer-submitted• Manager-submitted• Member-submitted• Brightandfunform

ProductiveEnvironment- Kudos

Page 16: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

ProductiveEnvironment- Meetings• Don’tcallmeetingsforitemsthatcanbedoneviaphone,email,text,etc.

• Don’temailthingsbetterexplainedinperson• Trya“standing”meetingforimpromptumeetings• Alwayswrapupwithareviewofdecisionsmade,andactionstobetakenbywhombywhen

• NextMeetingdate/time/place(ifregular)

Page 17: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 18: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• “Peoplewhousetheirstrengthseverydayare6xmorelikelytodotheirbestonthejob.”

• “Peoplewhofocusontheirstrengthsaremorethan3xaslikelytosaytheyhaveanexcellentqualityoflife.”

• “Strengthsarethecombooftalents,knowledge,andskills.”

• “Whenyoufocusonanemployee’sstrengths,73%becomeengaged.Otherwise,only9%do.”

CliftonStrengths- $20/$89www.GallupStrengthCenter.com


Page 19: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 20: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

• Senseofaccomplishment• Inspirationtoothers• FreedomtobeCreative• Funandenjoyment• Self-improvement/development• Financialreward(money)

• Changeandvariety• Identityandpurpose• Stability/Security• Senseofobligation• PublicRecognition• PrivateRecognition

Rewards– MotivatedbyMorethan$$

Page 21: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance

1. Benchmarkingsuccessalongtheway(quarterly,monthly,etc.)2. Youwriteyourreviewoftheirperformance3. Theyalsowriteareviewoftheirperformance4. Youmustlinkengagementtooutcomes/results(GreatPlacestoWork)5. Honorcommitmentsmadeatexpectationsetting(6or12monthsago)6. Celebratesuccesses


Page 22: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 23: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 24: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 25: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


• MBWA• OpenDoor

• Anti-GossipOffice• Rememberpersonalthings

Page 26: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance


Page 27: Effective Team Communication · Benchmarking success along the way (quarterly, monthly, etc.) 2. You write your review of their performance 3. They also write a review of their performance





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