effects of exercise on the body sysytems

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  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    During strenuous exercise there is a threefoldincrease in oxygen diffusion from the alveoli tothe blood.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    During strenuous exercise there is a threefoldincrease in oxygen diffusion from the alveoli tothe blood.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Training will make the heart more efficient.This is because the heart is a muscle and as wetrain the muscle it becomes stronger.

    Because the heart muscle is stronger the heartdoes not have to work hard and therefore theresting heart rate lowers.

    Top endurance athletes have a resting heartrate of 35 bpm

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Through training the heart increases in size.

    The left ventricle develops a thick muscularwall.

    Because of this the heart contractions are morepowerful and pump more blood per beat.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Through training the heart recovers back to itsresting heart rate quickly.

    During exercise the heart rate can go up to 150

    beats during sub maximal work. After 5 minutes rest after the cool down a fit

    persons heart will be at or around pre exerciserates.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    A strong heart will .enable the body to rid itselfof C02 and lactic acid.

    Oxygen is required to enable this process

    This process helps the recovery process

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Some idea of fitness can be gained from the resting pulse rate ( RPR ) because withtraining, our heart gets bigger and stronger, and it can supply the same amount of bloodwith fewer beats.

    However, the RPR does not tell the whole story because it is just as important to knowhow long the pulse rate takes to get back to normal

    This is known as our RECOVERY RATE and the quicker this happens the fitter we are.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems



    1. It reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

    2. You can work harder for longer

    Exercise improves the Cardiovascular system and helps to reduce blood pressure.

    As we saw earlier, it helps to reduce stress and burns off excess calories.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    If we are keen to get fit, this will probably motivate us not to smoke. Smoking is thebiggest cause of CHD. So this is a longer-term effect of exercise.

    Over a period of time we can see that the heart of a fit person will beat far fewer times.

    This makes it much more efficient and causes less stress to be put on the heart. This isalso a long-term effect of exercise.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    With training the heart muscle increases in size, thickness and strength, the chambersincrease in volume and so the whole heart gets bigger.

    Therefore we can work harder for longer. This is yet another long-term effect of exercise.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Regular exercise causes the following changes to the heart.

    1. The heart gets larger

    2. The muscular wall become thicker andstronger

    3. Stroke volume at rest increases, leading to alower resting heart rate.

    4. Increased VO2 max

    5. Recover form exercise quicker

    Long term effects of training on the circulatory system

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Stronger heart muscle

    Increased stroke volume

    Increased cardiacoutput

    Lower resting heart rate

    Increased capilliarisation

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    More efficient gaseous exchange Increased vital capacity

    Increased tidal volume Better oxygen debt tolerance

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    The heart rate slowsdown to its normalresting rate.

    The fitter you are thefaster this happens.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Lactic acid will havebeen produced in themuscles and you willneed to get rid of it.

    Oxygen removes lacticacid from the body.

    This is called repayingthe oxygen debt.

    The body normallybreathes deeper andfaster to do this.

    The process is faster ifyou do a cool down

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    This depends on : How strenuous the exercise

    was Your fitness. The fitter you

    are the faster you recover.

    Allow 24-48 hours betweentraining sessions for recoveryin the early stages oftraining.

    If you train every day, followa heavy session one day witha light session the next.

    Even during heavy training,take one rest day a week.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Regular effects bone width/density increasesas stress on bone produces more osteoblasts.

    Strengthens muscles, tendons and ligaments

    surrounding joints. Increased flexibility (ROM)

    Muscles strengthen and hypertrophy.

    Fast/slow twitch muscle fibres increasedepending on type of training.

    Muscle endurance increases.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Regular training effects increased amount of blood pumpedaround body.

    Better CV endurance. Body able to carry and use more oxygen perminute (greater VO2 max).

    Quicker recovery after exercise.

    Long term benefits Healthier heart/ blood vessels Reduced risk of heart disease Increased CV endurance Reduced blood pressure Lower RHR and quicker recovery after exercise. Hypertrophy of heart muscle Increased number of capillaries Volume of blood increases

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Regular training effects increased strength of intercostalmuscles and diaphragm allows deeper and fasterbreaths.

    greater number of alveoli equals increased amount of

    oxygen delivered and carbon dioxide removed fromthe body.

    Long term effects

    Healthier lungs, increased tidal volume

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    The circulatory system is the bodys

    How does the Circulatory SystemContribute to Performance in Sport?

    Delivery service for oxygen, glucose & water. Waste disposal unit for carbon dioxide. Temperature control system together with the skin.

    As a result, the circulatory system allows us toeffectively live, move and undertake everyday

    tasks and perform in a wide variety of physicalactivities.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Supply the working muscles, especiallyin the legs and arms, with greatersupplies of both oxygen and glucose sothey can continue to contract and createmovement.

    Athletics The Marathon

    A full marathon run is 26.2 miles. In order to allow the body to completesuch a demanding task the circulatory system must:

    Remove lacticacid and carbondioxidefrom the body so the athlete can

    continue to run well and without pain.

    Reduce bodytemperature while runningvia the blood and sweating, so running

    speed can be maintained.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    The respiratory system is the means by which

    How does the Respiratory Systemcontribute to Performance in Sport?

    Carbondioxide is removed.

    As a result, it is the respiratory systemwhich enables

    Blood to become rich in oxygenand

    The blood to supply the body with oxygen and to remove thecarbondioxide from every cell.

    The Respiratory System is vital toPerformance in Sport.

    Oxygen is brought into the body.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    The aim of volleyball is to make the balltouch inside the court area of the opposing

    team, while keeping it from touching yours.


    Players need to be constantly on the move inorder to achieve this, and so the respiratorysystem needs to

    Increase the removal of carbondioxideand heat from the muscles, again so theycan work harder.

    Increase the supply of oxygen to themuscles which are now working harder, sothey can continue to contract and createmovement.

    To achieve this, respiration rates and diffusion of gases

    in the lungs increases in line with exercising.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    The circulatory system is the bodys

    How does the Circulatory SystemContribute to Performance in Sport?

    Delivery service for oxygen, glucose & water. Waste disposal unit for carbon dioxide. Temperature control system together with the skin.

    As a result, the circulatory system allows us toeffectively live, move and undertake everyday

    tasks and perform in a wide variety of physicalactivities.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Supply the working muscles, especiallyin the legs and arms, with greatersupplies of both oxygen and glucose sothey can continue to contract and createmovement.

    Athletics The Marathon

    A full marathon run is 26.2 miles. In order to allow the body to completesuch a demanding task the circulatory system must:

    Remove lacticacid and carbondioxidefrom the body so the athlete cancontinue to run well and without pain.

    Reduce bodytemperature while runningvia the blood and sweating, so running

    speed can be maintained.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    The respiratory system is the means by which

    How does the Respiratory Systemcontribute to Performance in Sport?

    Carbondioxide is removed.

    As a result, it is the respiratory systemwhich enables

    Blood to become rich in oxygenand

    The blood to supply the body with oxygen and to remove thecarbondioxide from every cell.

    The Respiratory System is vital toPerformance in Sport.

    Oxygen is brought into the body.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    The aim of volleyball is to make the balltouch inside the court area of the opposing

    team, while keeping it from touching yours.


    Players need to be constantly on the move inorder to achieve this, and so the respiratorysystem needs to

    Increase the removal of carbondioxideand heat from the muscles, again so theycan work harder.

    Increase the supply of oxygen to themuscles which are now working harder, sothey can continue to contract and createmovement.

    To achieve this, respiration rates and diffusion of gases

    in the lungs increases in line with exercising.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Effects of Exercise on Blood Pressure. Regularexercise helps keep arteries elastic, even inolder people, which in turn ensures blood flow

    and normal blood pressure.

  • 8/2/2019 Effects of Exercise on the Body Sysytems


    Myoglobin & Mitochondria

    Myoglobin is a protein and has oxygen boundto it, thus providing an extra reserve of oxygen

    so that the muscle can maintain a high level ofactivity for a longer period of time.

    Mitochondria are known as the powerhousesof the cell. They act like a digestive system thattakes in nutrients, breaks them down, andcreates energy for the cell.