efilife(( · gert lucas (germany), urd kornoe rasmussen (denmark), andré galvão (portugal), lili...

EFILife Newsle-er Edi0on 85, November 2010

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EFILife    Newsle-er  Edi0on  85,  November  2010  






EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929



Governance -­‐ AFS World Congress focuses on “GROWTH NOW” -­‐ EFIL HOO meeting in Buenos Aires

EFIL trainings and projects -­‐ Final countdown for 2nd ECTP Brussels Camp has

started! -­‐ Intercultural Dialogue Day expanding in Russia! -­‐ Portugal welcomes you al l for EFIL’s Volunteer

Summer Summit 2011 -­‐ EFIL Travell ing Trainer – a review -­‐ Upcoming training events and meetings – save the


Partner news -­‐ Partner news -­‐ AFS Bosnia and Herzegovina signs MoU with

Directorate for European Integration -­‐ AFS Belgium united in Brussels f lash mob -­‐ Vote for your favourite picture in AFS France photo


Europe -­‐ AFS and the Europe-US exhibit ion in Brussels -­‐ Learning about Europe -­‐ Policy developments in Europe

EFIL calendar

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Editor:  Paul  Claes  Layout:  Thomas  Jürgenschellert  Contributions:  Paul  Claes,  Ilyana  Panteleeva,  Thomas  Jürgenschellert,  Charlotte  Klinting,  Inga  Menke,  AFS  partners  Pictures:  EFIL,  AFS  Russia,  AFS  Switzerland,  SRNA,  AFS  France,  Hanneke  Boode,  Anna-­‐Maria  Hass    

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


AFS  WORLD  CONGRESS  FOCUSES  ON  “GROWTH  NOW”   The Southern Cone Region in South America – AFS Argent ina/Uruguay , AFS Paraguay , AFS Chi le , AFS Braz i l , AFS Bol iv ia – warmly welcomed delegates from a l l over the world at the 2010 AFS World Congress , which took p lace in Buenos Aires , Argent ina , between 19 and 24 October . A sk i l led group of vo lunteers , drawn from around

the Region, made up the Congress Fac i l i tat ion Team, to support th is important event . At the Congress , the ent ire AFS leadersh ip from around the world met and ref lected on severa l strateg ic issues , the current state of the Network and the future . During the Congress , de legates took t ime to focus on opportunit ies for programme innovat ion in our quest for “Growth Now”, the theme of the

2010 AFS World Congress . Having agreed on Vis ion 2020 and hav ing begun to map our path at both the nat iona l and g loba l leve ls , i t i s now t ime to seek opportunit ies for creat iv i ty and innovat ion as we a im to return to a growth path in the AFS Network, and as we seek to ach ieve our in i t ia l strateg ic goa ls l inked to the Vis ion , many of which are to be completed by 2013.

Our strateg ic pr ior it ies inv ite us not only to ensure Partner hea lth , but to invest in h igh growth potent ia l organisat ions , to f ind new ways to grow 18+ and other non-trad it iona l programmes, and to expand AFS in to new terr i tor ies , with a focus on growth in Afr ica . EFIL was represented at the World Congress by i ts Board Chair Roberto Ruf f ino, Board Member Michael Rosak and Secretary Genera l Pau l Claes .


EFIL  HOO  MEETING  IN  BUENOS  AIRES    On Saturday 23 October , the last day of the AFS World Congress in Buenos Aires , Argent ina , the Nat ional Directors of the EFIL Member Organisat ions met for the ir b i-annual Heads of Off ice meet ing (HOO). Compared to the usua l HOO meet ings , the t ime set as ide for the meet ing in Buenos Aires was fa ir ly l imited, as a resu lt o f which the meet ing focused on spec i f ic comments and requests for addit iona l in format ion, fo l lowing the d istr ibut ion and reading of an extens ive background document cover ing a genera l overv iew of the federat ion, inc lud ing the sta f f s i tuat ion, an update

P a u l   C l a e s   ( s e c r e t a r y -­‐ g e n e r a l   E F I L ) ,   R o b e r t o  R u f f i n o   ( C h a i r   o f   t h e   E F I L   B o a r d ) ,   M i c h a e l   R o s a k  ( E F I L   B o a r d  m emb e r )   ( p h o t o :   E F I L )  


EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


on funding successes , the EFIL act iv i ty ca lendar 2010-2012, an overv iew of se lected act iv i t ies (Volunteer Summer Summit – August 2010, European Cit izenship Tr imester Brusse ls Camp – November 2010, Intercultura l Dia logue Day – September 2010, EurAfr ican Partnersh ip for Change project 2010, and other tra in ings and meet ings) .

A spec ia l request was made to the Members to appoint an EFIL l ia ison person for advocacy matters in each nat iona l organisat ion. As a member of severa l p lat forms and working groups (P lat form for Intercu ltura l Europe, Civ i l Soc iety P lat form for Mult i l ingua l ism, European Youth Forum working groups , Al l iance P lat form, etc . ) , EF IL needs the input and expert ise from the nat ional leve l i .e . running Youth in Act ion, L i fe long Learn ing Programme projects , v isa issues , vo lunteer recognit ion , qua l i ty assurance mechanisms in non- formal educat ion, good pract ices and structured d ia logue with loca l agencies , government departments and inst i tut ions . The appointment of a contact person in each European AFS organisat ion wi l l fac i l i tate the communicat ion f low with regards to EFIL ’s representat ion act iv i t ies


FINAL  COUNTDOWN  FOR  2ND  ECTP  BRUSSELS  CAMP  HAS  STARTED!    In the last days before the b ig event , more than 30 volunteers are working rest less ly on the preparat ions . The agenda for the Camp is f ina l ized and a lot of interest ing act iv i t ies wi l l g ive part ic ipants a un ique opportunity to learn , share and have fun in a mult icu ltura l env ironment! We are expect ing the arr iva l in Brusse ls o f 152

AFS  Wor ld  Congress  p l enary   (pho to :  EF IL )    

Congress  de l ega tes   v i s i t ing   the  Casa  Rosada  in  Buenos  A i res   (pho to :  EF IL )    

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


part ic ipants from 14 countr ies , or 50 more than last year . Al l o f them current ly are in the ir last week of a tr imester exchange in Europe and wi l l meet in Europe’s cap ita l c i ty Brusse ls , for 4 days of learn ing and shar ing , before they return home. Such a jo int end-of-stay camp is un ique in i ts k ind with in the AFS network, and i t provides a great env ironment for students to ref lect on the ir exper ience and further d iscover the r ichness of seeming ly European cu ltures . A lthough we often th ink that rea l cu ltura l d i f ferences emerge and intercultura l learn ing is ach ieved through interact ions

between Europe and Asia or South America or Afr ica , workshops and d iscuss ions at the ECTP Camp prove that Europe i tse l f i s the scene of a huge cu ltura l d ivers i ty , and intercultura l learn ing on our very own cont inent can be a deep and intense exper ience. Among our Camp part ic ipants , there wi l l be youngsters who went on an exchange in a ne ighbouring reg ion to the ir home country , probably just an hour away from home! We are very much looking forward to hear the ir stor ies and to conf irm that intercultura l learn ing doesn’t re late to the d istance from home, but i t i s a l l around! One of the h igh l ights of the Camp – the v is i t o f the EU inst i tut ions in Brusse ls – is wel l set and a lot of interest ing facts wi l l be presented to the young part ic ipants . An exc it ing c i ty ra l ly through the heart of Europe is promis ing a great t ime for a l l involved! The weather gods have been contacted a lready , so we hope for adventure- fr iendly weather! A b ig thank you goes out to a l l AFS partners for the good cooperat ion in the preparat ion phase . We are convinced that the ECTP Camp wi l l be a tru ly memorable European exper ience for the part ic ipants . Stay tuned for the news a fter the event , in our next edit ion of EFIL i fe !    

INTERCULTURAL  DIALOGUE  DAY  EXPANDING  IN  RUSSIA!    In th is ed it ion of EFIL i fe , we take another look back at our 2010 Intercu ltura l Dia logue Day with a spec ia l focus on our partner organisat ion in Russ ia .

AFS Russ ia has shown great and cont inuous engagement regarding Intercu ltura l Dia logue Day over the past three years , involv ing more reg ions each year . The map g ives an overv iew of the reg ions and chapters in Russ ia where

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


in i t iat ives took p lace in the framework of Intercu ltura l

Dia logue Day 2008, 2009 and 2010.

In IDD2010 events have taken p lace in an addit iona l 8 reg ions . In Gorodische (Volgograd Region) the day was ce lebrated under the motto “AFS aga inst stereotypes” . Students created a v ideo demonstrat ing the terminology “stereotype” and d iscussed s i tuat ions in which they have been a f fected by stereotypica l th ink ing themselves . In conclus ion the part ic ipants rea l ized that open-mindedness towards other cu ltures he lps to

overcome and abandon stereotypes and pre judices . In Novocheboksarsk hosted exchange students from the USA, Germany, Venezuela and Switzer land shared exper iences they have ga ined on the ir t ime spent abroad with loca l students . Russ ian students learned about d i f ferent cu ltures , trad it ions and languages .    


 While last August ’s Volunteer Summer Summit 2010 in Zanka,

Hungary , i s st i l l fresh on our minds , p lanning for the next VSS is

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


a lready in fu l l swing . As announced in Zanka and through severa l EFIL

channels , the VSS 2011 wi l l be in Odemira , Portuga l , at the venue of Zmar Eco Camp Resort . The not-to-be-missed event wi l l take p lace from the 20th to the 25th of Ju ly 2011, so save the dates a lready now! Communicat ion from the preparatory team wi l l soon start . You wi l l hear from us through the trad it iona l “VSS Hera ld” and the upcoming webpage. However , as we are too excited to wait to have the webpage up and running , EFIL is proud to announce the recent ly

chosen members of the preparatory team: F i l ipa Santos (Portuga l – as the overa l l coordinator) ,

Gert Lucas (Germany) , Urd Kornoe Rasmussen (Denmark) , André Galvão (Portuga l) , L i l i Popper (Hungary) , Nastya Arsentyeva (Russ ia) , Pedro Carmona (AFS Portuga l l ia ison person) , and Inga Menke and Char lotte Kl int ing from the EFIL secretar iat . We wish the best of luck to the team. And to a l l o f you: keep an eye on EFIL i fe and the VSS Hera ld to fo l low the progress!


EFIL  TRAVELLING  TRAINER  –  A  REVIEW    The trave l l ing tra iner concept is a serv ice that EFIL of fers to i ts members . In 2010 a tota l o f 1500 Euros for th is purpose was set as ide in the EFIL budget . Each member organisat ion is e l ig ib le to request a trave l l ing tra iner . Reasons to ask for a tra iner could be a nat iona l tra in ing event or a spec ia l tra in ing for key volunteers or sta f f . The request ing organisat ion can ask for spec i f ic sk i l l s or even for a spec i f ic person. The tra iners are recru ited from the EPOT (EFIL ’s European Pool of Tra iners) . EFIL issues a ca l l to the EPOT members to recru it a tra iner that f i ts the prof i le . Trave l costs are covered by EFIL , accommodat ion and food needs to be provided by the host ing organisat ion. For a smooth running of the trave l l ing tra iners programme, there are some ru les . Requests by host ing organisat ions have to be made three month in advance. Each organisat ion may ask for only one trave l l ing tra iner per ca lendar year . Once the budget is f in ished EFIL cannot attend any further

Vo lun tee rs o f AFS POR a t VSS2010 (pho to : Hanneke Boode)  

Tra iners a t the VSS2010 (photo : Anna-Mar ia Hass )  

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


requests for trave l l ing tra iners for that part icu lar year . This past year has shown that the serv ice becomes increas ing ly popular , and the ava i lab le budget was a lready used up ha l fway through 2010. Moral o f the story : don’t wait too long with your appl icat ions , even i f the event you request a tra iner for takes p lace towards the end of the year . Due to the increas ing demand and the pos it ive feedback we are

gett ing from our Member Organisat ions (and from the tra iners themselves) , a s l ight increase in the budget for 2011 has been p lanned, to a l low more countr ies to benef i t from a trave l l ing tra iner . In 2010 s ix partner organisat ions benef i ted from the serv ice . Just recent ly , a trave l l ing tra iner was involved in a nat iona l event in Denmark.  



Event   Target  group  /  Participants  

Location  /  Fees  

15-­‐19  December  2010  

EFIL/EEE-­‐YFU  seminar  on  advocacy  and  external  representation  skil ls  A   jo int   in i t iat ive  between  EFIL  and  EEE-­‐YFU,   th is  seminar   focuses  on  external  lobbying  and  representat ion  matters ,  with  a   focus  on  working  with  Nat ional  Agencies ,  bui ld ing  re lat ionships  with  government   inst i tut ions  and  understanding   the  European   inst i tut ional  environment .    

Volunteers  and  sta f f   involved  or  interested   in  advocacy  at  nat ional  or  European   level  (EFIL  only)  

Brussels ,  Belg ium    Sponsored  by   the  European  Commission    Cost :  80€  (70%  travel  re imbursement)  

31   January  2010  –  5  February  2011  

EFIL  Organisational  Development  Coordinators  training/meeting  (ODC)  This   is  a  recurr ing  meet ing  of  ODC’s   from  EFIL  Member  Organisat ions  ( taking  p lace  once  every   two  years) ,  with  sess ions  a imed  at  both  new  and  establ ished  sta f f  working  with  organisat ional  and  volunteer  development .    Non-­‐EFIL  Partners  welcome.    

ODC  (Organisat ional  Development  Coordinators)  and  other  volunteer  development  s ta f f  

Hamburg ,  Germany    Sponsored  by   the  European  Commission    Cost :   to  be  determined  

13-­‐20  February  2011  

Study  session  on  Intergenerational  Issues   in  Hosting  Support   to  Families  The  overal l  a im   is   to  enable  part ic ipants  to  understand  complex   interact ions  between   intergenerat ional  and  intercultura l   learning  and  their  appl icat ions   in  support ing   in  a  support  s i tuat ion  of  a  host   family  ( inc luding  s ib l ings ,  parents ,  grandparents  –  and  

Volunteers  act ive  at  nat ional  and  local   levels ,  pr imari ly  under  30  years  o f  age    (EFIL  only)  

European  Youth  Centre ,  S trasbourg    Sponsored  by   the  Counci l  o f  Europe    Cost :  50€  (100%  

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


their  re lat ionship   to   the  student  and  the  volunteers)  

travel  re imbursement)  

18-­‐20  February  2011  

EFIL  Board  of  Directors  meeting  Three   t imes  a  year   the  EFIL  Board  of  Directors  meets   to  d iscuss   issues  of  s trategic   importance .  The  February  meet ing  wi l l   focus  on   the  EFIL  General  Assembly  2011,  EFIL  branding  and  market ing ,  new  member  development ,  e tc .    

EFIL  Board  of  Directors  only  

Mi lan ,   I ta ly  

March  2011  

EFIL  Programme  Directors  meeting  This   is  an  annual  meet ing  of  European  Programme  Directors  covering  both  operat ional  and  management   issues .    Tradit ional ly  a  s igni f icant  number  of  non-­‐European  Programme  Directors  part ic ipate .    Open  to  non-­‐EFIL  Partners .    

Programme  Directors  and  other  programme  staf f  

France    Cost :   to  be  determined  

20-­‐26  March  2011  

EFIL/AFS  INT  Fundraising  seminar  Fol lowing   the  successfu l   jo int   in i t iat ive  in  November  2007,  another  seminar  on  fundrais ing   for  AFS  Partners  wi l l  be  of fered .    Contents  wi l l   inc lude  both  corporate  and  publ ic   fundrais ing  resources .  

S ta f f  and  Board  Members  deal ing  with   fundrais ing  

Brussels ,  Belg ium    Sponsored  by   the  European  Commission    Cost :   to  be  determined  

Apri l  2011   EFIL  seminar  on  Supporting  ICL  Processes   in  Volunteer  Work  This  seminar  wi l l   focus  on  analys ing  and  improving   intercultura l   learning  processes   in   the  dai ly  work  of  AFS  volunteers .  Recognit ion  of  volunteers  as  a  group  of   learning  benef ic iar ies   in  AFS ,  as  wel l  as  quest ions  on   the  need  of  intercultura l  competences  of  volunteers ,  wi l l  be  d iscussed .    

Key  volunteers  from  EFIL  Member  Organisat ions  and  other  AFS  Partners  

Venue  and  cost :  to  be  determined    Sponsorship  appl ied   for  –  result  pending  

1-­‐6   June  2011  

EFIL  Heads  of  Off ice  meeting    EFIL  General  Assembly  EFIL  Board  of  Directors  meeting  Vienna  wi l l  be   the  scene  of  several  EFIL  meet ings   in   June ,  s tart ing  with   the   f irst  o f   two  annual  meet ings  of   the  Partner  Directors  o f   the  EFIL  Member  Organisat ions ,   fo l lowed  by  EFIL ’s  b iennia l  General  Assembly   th is  year  focused  on   the   theme  “Forty  Years  o f  EFIL” .  Board  e lect ions  wi l l   take  p lace  during   the  General  Assembly ,  and  the  new  Board  of  Directors  wi l l  meet  immediate ly  a f ter   the  end  of   the  GA.      

HOO  meet ing:  Nat ional  Directors  o f   the  EFIL  Member  Organisat ions    General  Assembly:  de legates   from  EFIL  Members  +  guests    Board  meet ing:  EFIL  Board  of  Directors  

Vienna ,  Austr ia  

15-­‐22   Ju ly  2011  

EPOT  Advanced  Training  Course   for  Trainers  –  “volunTEAMing”  The  event   fo l lows  the   idea  of  o f fer ing  every  second  year  and  advanced  tra in ing  

Most ly  EPOT  members  (experienced  nat ional  

Odemira ,  Portugal    Sponsorship  

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


at  European   level ,   in  pr incip le   for  members  of   the  European  Pool  o f  Trainers  (EPOT) .  Note   that   th is  event  only   takes  p lace   i f  external   funding   is  obta ined .    

t ra iners)   appl ied   for  –  result  pending    Cost :   to  be  determined  

20-­‐25   Ju ly  2011  

EFIL  Volunteer  Summer  Summit  –  Multiculturalism  in  Volunteering  This  annual   large-­‐sca le  summer  event  br ings   together  more   than  200  volunteers  of  a l l  ages ,  coming   from  over  30  di f ferent  countr ies ,   to   learn  and  share  in   four  days  of  workshops  and  act iv i t ies .  One  of  EFIL ’s   f lagship  projects .    Fourth  year  running .  Not   to  be  missed .    

Local  and  nat ional  volunteers ,   f rom  EFIL  Member  Organisat ions  and  other  AFS  Partners  

Odemira ,  Portugal    Sponsorship  appl ied   for  –  result  pending    Cost :   to  be  determined  



 Fabr ice Gonet has now of f ic ia l ly taken over the pos it ion of AFS Partner Director of AFS Belgium French (BFR) . To support the new Director and to ensure a smooth and ef f ic ient

trans it ion per iod, outgoing Director Anne Sokal wi l l be around unt i l the end of December, part icu lar ly to he lp take care of the end of year f inances and 2011 budget ing , as wel l as the 2011 recru itment campaign . As of 1 October , Rune F imreite has taken over the pos it ion as Nat iona l Director of AFS Norway . Both Fabr ice Gonet and Rune F imreite were warmly welcomed by the ir col leagues at the AFS World Congress and the EFIL Heads of Off ice meet ing at the end of October in Buenos Aires , Argent ina .

AFS Turkey once aga in organised i ts b iggest and longest host ing event of the year , which took p lace in

Gumuldur , Izmir , and attracted 38 students and 13 volunteers at the wonderfu l Denizat i Hote l (16-22 October) . Part ic ipants studied Turkish Grammar and were involved in intercultura l learn ing act iv i t ies . Before return ing to home c it ies and host fami l ies the group made a tr ip to The House of the Virg in Mary and the Ant ique City of Ephesus .

AFS Switzerland i s very p leased to present a new website for the ir volunteer community . Based on GoogleS ites AFS SUI is now able

to provide a he lp fu l , modern and f lex ib le onl ine so lut ion for a c lose col laborat ion and interact ion with the ir volunteer network! Have fun with explor ing the s i te on http : / /www.afsvolunteers .ch .

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929



 In Sara jevo, on 28 October 2010, our AFS Partner in Bosnia and Herzegovina , UG Interkulturn i susret i u Bosni i Hercegovin i , has s igned the Memorandum of Understanding with the Directorate for European Integrat ion of the Counci l o f Min isters of Bosnia and Herzegovina (DEI) , as a member of an in i t iat ive of n ine youth organisat ions from Bosnia and Herzegovina which are members of re levant European and internat iona l networks in the f ie ld of work with youth .

The Memorandum has formal ized the cooperat ion between the youth NGO sector and the Directorate in f ie lds of common interest . The main goa l is to improve the qua l i tat ive communicat ion, as wel l as the exchange and shar ing of re levant in format ion about the process of European integrat ion. Fol lowing the Memorandum, events wi l l be organised on d i f ferent topics which are of interest for youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina .

The ceremonia l s ign ing of the Memorandum was covered by most of the important media in Bosnia and Herzegovina , inc lud ing the nat iona l TV and Radio channel (BHT), SRNA – Republ ic of Srpska News Agency , FENA – Federa l News Agency B iH, as wel l as other pr inted and onl ine

media .  


AFS  BELGIUM  UNITED  IN  BRUSSELS  FLASH  MOB      No less than 130 exchange students and volunteers were scattered in groups around the c i ty center of Brusse ls on 24 October 2010. As the c lock struck 16:00 hours , Les Gal ler ies St . Hubert was f i l led with youngsters wear ing AFS T-sh irts , and when the music started, hundreds of

 • ht tp ://www.mo jev i j e s t i . ba/novos t/60081/po tp i san -­‐memorandum-­‐ i zmed ju -­‐de i -­‐ a -­‐

i -­‐deve t -­‐nvo -­‐a -­‐ za -­‐m lade  • ht tp ://www. fena .ba/pub l i c2/Ca tegory . a spx?news_ id=FSA889699  • ht tp ://www.bhr t . ba/ l a t/de fau l t .wbsp?p=37&n=58646    

Photo:  SRNA    On  the   le f t  Mire la  Hrnj ić ,  Pres ident  o f  UG  ISU  BIH    

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


acc identa l by-standers witnessed a wonderfu l common AFS Belg ium F landers (BFL) & AFS Belg ium French (BFR) volunteer project : a f lash mob made up of four d i f ferent (and catchy) songs , accompanied by a wel l worked out choreography. For the next four minutes , there was just one united AFS Belg ium, and AFS showed Belg ium and i ts pol i t ic ians that th ings can indeed be done. . . ☺ The event was profess iona l ly f i lmed and the v ideo was posted on YouTube under the name “F lashmob Brusse ls AFS - 24/10/2010”. A F lashmob is des igned to come across as a spontaneous act ion, with a group of people come out of nowhere to perform some sort of act ion, and quick ly d isperse a fter the stunt . The idea of the f lash mob came from BFR volunteers , who sensed the need to do something proact ive with the F lemish speaking part of Be lg ium, as the two Belg ian AFS s ister organisat ions don’t know each other wel l enough and hard ly ever take common in i t iat ives . At the EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit 2010 in Hungary , the idea of a dance F lash mob in Brusse ls came up and the p lanning began soon a fter . The group met severa l t imes to pract ice the choreography, which was put together by the volunteers , as were the log ist ics and gather ing of mater ia l . “A lot of volunteers from both part of Belg ium were there to be part of th is event . Natura l ly there was some stress dur ing the day , but the resu lt was wel l worth the e f fort : 4 minutes of pure happiness . At 4 o 'c lock , on " Ja i ho" , our f irst song, 10 boys began to dance and 10 seconds later , 40 others jo int in . Surpr ised people a l l around stopped to enjoy the moment . Some were recording , others tak ing p ictures .” (Mar ie Céci le Lantsoght) A b ig round of applause goes out from EFIL to the part ic ipants and in i t iators of th is project . Let th is be the start of many more combined in i t iat ives from the volunteers of BFL and BFR!    

VOTE  FOR  YOUR  FAVOURITE  PICTURE  IN  AFS  FRANCE  PHOTO  CONTEST!    A photo contest was launched by AFS Vivre Sans Front ière and a l l EF IL member organisat ions were inv ited to take act ive ly part in the compet it ion . You and a l l o f your fr iends from across Europe, who are between the ages of 12 and 30, were most welcome to part ic ipate unt i l 14 November! Between 22 November and 5 December the vot ing wi l l take p lace . On the internet you can vote on your favour ite p ictures . The pr ice for the winner of the contest wi l l be a weekend for two people in one of the countr ies covered by EFIL! Go and have a look at : http : / /a fsphotocontest . i sgreat .org/

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


AFS  AND  THE  EUROPE-­‐USA  EXHIBITION  IN  BRUSSELS   On 14 October 2010, the opening recept ion took p lace of the exhib it ion in Brusse ls , Be lg ium, ca l led “Amer ica – i t ’ s a l so our h is tory” . EFIL was present at the event . Organiser of the event is the Brusse ls-based organisat ion “Museums of Europe”. The

exhib it ion dea ls with the transat lant ic re lat ionships ever s ince the founding of the United States of America . The exhib it ion shows how Europeans and Americans in f luenced each other in a l l poss ib le ways and shaped

each other into what they are today . The project is supported by the Belg ian government , the American embassy and a h igh leve l steer ing group under the auspices of the Belg ian Pres idency of the European Union. There is a spec ia l focus on the exchange structures between Europe and USA, which organisat ions such as AFS he lped create . I t should come as no surpr ise that EFIL was approached by the organisers to he lp make AFS be a part of th is large-sca le event , and with the support from AFS Internat iona l , we have been ab le to provide footage to i l lustrate the h istory of the beg inn ing of American F ie ld Serv ice – the exhib it ion even managed to acquire an ambulance for the AFS d isp lay! To f ind out more about the exhib it ion and see the prologue v ideo, go to www.expo-europe-usa .be .

Char lo t te K l i n t i ng , EF IL in te rn , a t t he exh ib i t i on (pho to : EF IL )  

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929





 Europe is l iv ing through a per iod of change – cha l leng ing and at the same t ime exc it ing . The sh i f t towards a compet it ive Europe of susta inab le growth and employment has g iven new momentum with the Europe 2020 strategy . This moves the EU towards a h igh-tech economy that pr ior it ises innovat ion, creat iv i ty and mobi l i ty . The focus has sharpened on educat ion and tra in ing , on research and on the resource

that young people represent for the EU. The EU is keen on opening up the chances for i ts c i t izens , by provid ing new learn ing opportunit ies . The programmes in educat ion, tra in ing , cu lture , research and youth are an important component of that strategy . The L i fe long Learn ing Programme The European Commiss ion has in tegrated i t s educat iona l and tra in ing in i t i a t ives under a s ing le umbre l la , the L i fe long Learn ing Programme (www.ec .europa .eu/ l lp ) . Th is programme enab les ind iv idua ls a t a l l s tages o f the ir l i ves to pursue s t imulat ing learn ing opportun i t ies across Europe . I t cons is ts o f four sub-programmes : Comenius ( for schools ) , Erasmus ( for h igher educat ion) , Leonardo da V inc i ( for vocat iona l educat ion and tra in ing) and Grundtv ig ( for adu l t educat ion) . A transversa l programme complements these four sub-programmes , to ensure that they ach ieve the best resu l ts ; i t supports po l icy cooperat ion , l anguages , in format ion and communicat ion techno log ies , and e f fect ive d isseminat ion and exp lo i ta t ion o f pro ject resu l ts . The Jean Monnet programme st imulates teach ing , re f lect ion and debate on European in tegrat ion process a t h igher educat ion inst i tut ions wor ldwide . Each year a genera l ca l l for proposa ls i s i s sued for the l i fe long learn ing programme. A l l act iv i t ies are covered in the L i fe long Learn ing Programme gu ide at ht tp : / /ec .europa .eu/educat ion/ l lp /doc848_en .htm. Youth in Act ion Programme The Youth in Act ion Programme a ims to insp ire a sense o f act ive European c i t i zensh ip , so l idar i ty and to lerance among Europeans f rom ado lescence to

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


adu l thood. The programme promotes mobi l i ty w ith in and beyond the EU’s borders , and encourages the inc lus ion o f a l l young peop le , regard less o f the ir educat iona l , soc ia l and cu l tura l background . I t he lps young peop le acqu ire new competences , and prov ides them with opportun i t ies for non- formal and in formal learn ing w ith a European d imens ion . The programme gu ide o f the Youth in Act ion programme can be consu l ted at : h t tp : / /ec .europa .eu/youth/youth- in -act ion-programme/doc443_en .htm.

The booklet “What’s in it for me? – EU opportunities in education, culture and youth” provides br ie f in format ion on some of the programmes that the Directorate-Genera l for Educat ion and Culture runs . To make i t easy to consult , the booklet does not a lways use the formal EU terminology , and does not inc lude a l l EU programmes, instruments and act ions . But in each sect ion i t does say where to go for more in format ion. And i t l i s ts the nat iona l agenc ies and other important organisat ions that are the gateways to tak ing part in the act iv i t ies . Have a look. There may be something in i t for you…!

How to obtain free EU publications è v ia EU Bookshop (http : / /bookshop.europa.eu) è at the European Commiss ion’s representat ions or de legat ions : contact deta i ls on the internet(http : / /ec .europa.eu) or by sending a fax to +352 2929 42758  




EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929





 Visa Regulations The EU’s dr ive to get all 27 member states inc luded on the US V isa Waiver Programme (VWP) has run up aga inst a wal l . The v iew of mult ip le sources c lose ly monitor ing the doss ier is that the US Congress wi l l have to pass new leg is lat ion before Bulgar ia , Cyprus , Poland and Romania wi l l have any chance of jo in ing the other EU23. The VWP cannot , as the law is current ly written , be extended to countr ies whose v isa re fusa l rate exceeds 3%. The EU’s home af fa irs min isters unanimously endorsed the decis ion to l ibera l ise the v isa reg imes for Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina at the conclus ion of the f irst day of the ir Just ice and Home Affa irs Counci l , on 8 November in Brusse ls . “Today is a h istor ic day for Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovnia ,” sa id Home Affa irs Commiss ioner Ceci l ia Malmström. “The c it izens of these two countr ies wi l l soon be ab le to trave l with a b iometr ic passport without a v isa in the countr ies that be long to the Schengen area .” EU Enlargement In 2009, the countr ies seeking to accede to the European Union made widely d ivergent progress , according to the European Commiss ion’s progress reports . These ident i fy ‘good pupi ls ’ l ike Croat ia and Ice land, as wel l as ‘ laggards ’ , where the reform momentum has s lowed down (Bosnia and Herzegovina , Serb ia , and Macedonia) . Just l ike in prev ious years , the Commiss ion is only part ly sat is f ied with the track record of Ice land, Turkey and the Western Ba lkan countr ies . An overv iew: Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina has aga in received a ye l low card from the EU. The Commiss ion rebuked Sara jevo for i ts lack of progress in both pol i t ica l and economic reforms and on issues re lated to democracy and ru le of law. The country has made “ l imited progress” on improving the funct iona l i ty and ef f ic iency of the state leve l government structures and publ ic admin istrat ion . Tens ions between ent i t ies , inadequate resources and a lack of pol i t ica l d ia logue delayed reform in the f ie ld of governance as wel l as in publ ic admin istrat ion, says the document . Croatia Croat ia - a front runner in the EU access ion process among the Western Ba lkan countr ies - has aga in rece ived a pos it ive assessment , espec ia l ly for i ts e f forts to f ight corrupt ion and organised cr ime. The Commiss ion pra ised Zagreb for i ts overa l l good progress in the access ion ta lks , which are now enter ing the ir f ina l phase . Credit for th is pos it ive change goes to Croat ia ’s ‘ Iron Lady’ Jadranka Kosor, who became the country ’s pr ime min ister

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


fo l lowing the res ignat ion of Ivo Sanader in Ju ly 2009. However , in other areas of the jud ic iary s ign i f icant cha l lenges remain , says the report . Iceland This is the f irst progress report on Ice land a fter the country submitted i ts appl icat ion for membersh ip in Ju ly 2009. I t states that Ice land meets the pol i t ica l cr i ter ia and has a funct ioning market economy. The report re iterates that through membership of the European Economic Area (EEA), the country has a lready taken on a cons iderable part of the EU acqu is . I t spec i f ies that the Ice landic authorit ies need to make ser ious e f forts to ach ieve fu l l a l ignment with EU law in the fo l lowing areas : f i sher ies , agr icu lture and rura l development , env ironment , free movement of cap ita l and f inanc ia l serv ices . On the p lus s ide , the Commiss ion pra ises Ice land for good progress in strengthening the independence of the jud ic iary . Kosovo Although th is country has made steady progress in improving i ts state inst i tut ions and economy after ach iev ing independence in February 2008, Kosovo has been lagg ing behind a l l the Western Ba lkan countr ies in i ts quest for EU membership . Unl ike a l l other countr ies in the reg ion, Pr ist ina has not yet s igned a stab i l izat ion and associat ion agreement , which is the gateway to EU access ion. Neither has i t been granted, as other Western Ba lkan countr ies a v isa free reg ime with the EU. The Commiss ion pra ises Kosovo for i ts progress in strengthening i ts state inst i tut ions . However , i t b lows a whist le on Pr ist ina for i ts insuf f ic ient progress in the re form of the just ice system as wel l as the f ight aga inst corrupt ion and organised cr ime. FYROM The FYROM, which for a lmost f ive years has been wait ing to open access ion ta lks , i s pra ised for i ts steady progress in democrat ic and economic re forms. After ach iev ing s ign i f icant progress , espec ia l ly in the area of ru le of law, Macedonia won the Commiss ion’s pos it ive opin ion on i ts appl icat ion for membersh ip in 2009. Although the Commiss ion’s current report on the FYROM is more cr it ica l than the prev ious ones , i t st i l l says that the country remains ready to open access ion ta lks . The report pra ises Skopje for i ts progress in the f ie lds of par l iamentary and publ ic admin istrat ion reform and recognises the country ’s stab le coal i t ion government , which was ab le to “take forward the EU reform process” . The document is less pos it ive on the reform of the jud ic iary and on the country ’s ant i-corrupt ion pol icy . Serbia The report revea ls that Serb ia has not l ived up to the Commiss ion’s expectat ions . I t rebukes the government in Belgrade for i ts s low preparat ion and implementat ion of new leg is lat ion as wel l i ts “ l i t t le progress” in br ing ing i ts jud ic ia l system into l ine with EU standards . Neither is the Commiss ion sat is f ied with Serb ia ’s progress in i ts f ight aga inst corrupt ion and organised cr ime. The report pra ises Belgrade’s steps towards reconci l ia t ion with the ne ighbouring countr ies , part icu lar ly Croat ia and Bosnia and Herzegovina . However , i t a lso rebukes the country for i ts pol icy toward Kosovo and a lso for the lack of fu l l cooperat ion with the Internat iona l Crimina l Tr ibunal for the former Yugoslav ia ( ICTY). The Commiss ion is a lso quite cr i t ica l o f the economic deve lopments in the country . I t s lams Belgrade for a h igh budget def ic i t , a de lay in f ina l is ing the pr ivat isat ion process and the excess ive red tape and complex leg is lat ion .

EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


Turkey Unl ike Croat ia , which has a fter over f ive years entered the f ina l stage in i ts access ion ta lks , Turkey has been lagg ing behind (the two countr ies started ta lks on exact ly the same day) . Ankara managed to open only two chapters for ta lks over the last year . The negot iat ion process has a lmost ent ire ly been b locked over the Cyprus issue . E ighteen out of the twenty chapters le ft for opening remain b locked by France and Cyprus over certa in pol i t ica l i ssues . The report remains mum on the s low pace of ta lks , say ing laconica l ly that they “cont inued” in 2009. On democrat ic re forms, the Commiss ion pra ises Ankara for amending the country ’s const i tut ion, under l in ing that i t was a step in the r ight d irect ion. At the same t ime, the EU execut ive cr i t ic izes the country for a confrontat iona l pol i t ica l c l imate between the main pol i t ica l part ies , which cont inued to s low down work on pol i t ica l re forms.


Through a range of act iv i t ies in Budapest on 9th and 10th October 2010, the European Commiss ion brought an in format ive show on i ts f lagsh ip in i t iat ive to over 3 ,000 young people in the Hungar ian cap ita l .

The event cons isted of a mult i tude of s imultaneous debates in var ious spaces , as wel l as l ive musica l and cu ltura l performances from loca l youth groups . The event , which is the f irst in a ser ies of gather ings of i ts k ind across Europe, a imed to launch the in i t iat ive to young people who would be l ike ly to part ic ipate in some of i ts conta in ing programmes in the future .

Last week, the c i ty of Leuven (Belg ium) welcomed over 300 youth de legates , representat ives of governments , European Inst i tut ions and Nat iona l Agencies for the Belg ian Pres idency Youth Conference. The event which fe l l with in the Structured Dia logue framework, once aga in enabled young people to d irect ly meet with dec is ion makers . With employment be ing the theme of the current Tr io Pres idency 's Youth events , de legates gathered in 8 workshops to d iscuss the role of youth pol icy in developing better measures to promote youth employment in Europe. During the conference, de legates had the opportunity to f ine tune the recommendat ions from nat iona l consultat ions in order to address them to an appropr iate leve l or inst i tut ion . The jo int conclus ions from the conference workshops were presented to European Commiss ioners for Youth and Employment , Androul la Vass i l iou and Lasz lo Andor on the f ina l day .


EFILife  Newsletter,  Edition  85  

EF IL i s the Federa t ion o f AFS Organ i sa t ions in Europe Avenue Emi le Max 150 , 1030 Brusse l s , Be l g ium te l +32 2 5145250 f ax +32 2 5142929


We  welcome  your  contributions!  If  you  would  like  to  subscribe  to  (or  unsubscribe  from)  this  Newsletter,  please  contact  the  EFIL  Secretariat  at:  [email protected].  Reproduction  of  texts  and  pictures  is  authorised  provided,  the  sources  are  quoted.  To  receive  further  information  about  EFIL,  please  check  our  website  http://efil.afs.org  or  contact  [email protected].    

EFIL  is  sponsored  by:                                                    

EFIL  CALENDAR    28 Nov – 2 Dec European Cit izenship Tr imester Programme

Brusse ls Camp, Belg ium 15-19 Dec EFIL/EEE-YFU Seminar on advocacy , Brusse ls ,

Be lg ium 31 Jan .-5 Feb. 2011 Volunteer Coordinators (ODC) meet ing ,

Hamburg , Germany 6-7 February 2011 Tra in ing Advisory Body (TAB), Hamburg ,

Germany 13-20 February 2011 Study Sess ion on fami ly support , Strasbourg ,

France 18-20 February 2011 EFIL Board meet ing , Mi lan , I ta ly March 2011 Programme Directors meet ing , France 20-26 March 2011 Fundra is ing Seminar , Brusse ls , Be lg ium 1-2 June 2011 EFIL Heads of Off ice (HOO) meet ing , V ienna,

Austr ia 2-5 June 2011 EFIL Genera l Assembly , V ienna, Austr ia 5-6 June 2011 EFIL Board meet ing , V ienna, Austr ia 15-21 Ju ly 2011 Tra in ing for Tra iners , Odemira , Portuga l 20-25 Ju ly 2011 Volunteer Summer Summit , Odemira , Portuga l 29 September 2011 Intercu ltura l Dia logue Day 2011  27 Nov – 1 Dec European Cit izenship Tr imester Programme

Brusse ls Camp, Belg ium