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Active November 3rd, 2008

elemental designsActive November 3rd, 2008

elemental designs

Elemental Designs is initiating changes of a very green nature.

Today is part one of many to come, so what is so important about today?

November 3rd, 2008:We at Elemental Designs, herein noted as eD, are announcing somethingtthat we’re extrememly happy to share. We have taken a look at the worldwe live in and how we can begin to impact it in a positive way; and still createa better product for you, our customers. After weighing the options available we have found a unique opportunity to help take the company in a green direction. In order to do this we at eD have already taken the steps internally to make this transition as smooth as possible.

So what have we done?

WWe are moving from the industry standard of using MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) for our enclosures. Upon having done some intensive research and testing have found a material that is a greener product that is not ononly environmentally friendly but also performs better in our applications. This material is an Environmentally Friendly Substrate, herein known as EFS, that is not only healthier for the environment but also for our employees that wwork with EFS. EFS does not release the added carcinogens commonly found in MDF, which also makes EFS California Compliant far into the future as well.

E nvironmentallyF riendlyS ubstrate

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What makes EFS actually friendly for the environment?

EFS is built using a different process then MDF, and it does not contain urea-formaldehyde which is the bonding agent used as MDF is bais baked into the panels commonly used in construction. Without using urea-formaldehyde EFS is also a safer material for us to work with as well; beacuse it does not emit the fumeswhile we are building enclosures. EFS is also built using whole wood logs ((these are logs not suitable for construction in raw form), wood chips, and sawmill waste. The differences in the process help EFS be a material that has a higher density than MDF as well.

So we mentioned it has a higher density than MDF, what does that mean?

Basically in the audio world we chose the materials to use based on a few factors, one of the important ones isthe density of that material. The denser denser the material the less resonation that material will give to the enclosure.

So what does EFS do for performance?

What we have seen is that in the applications we’ve had the chance to test so far we are seeing average gains over MDF in output. Especially as the wwattage of the application goes up, the density advantage of the EFS really appears to push the average gain even higher across the frequency range we have been able to test so far. More average output that in some cases was definitely smoother has us excited to see all of see all of the applications we can integrate EFS.

And now we head on over to page three for the research side of what we’ve found so far with using EFS in enclosures.

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Let’s take a look at the Comparison Graph showing MDF and EFS enclosures.

Layer 8 at the time of the test was our current MDF, Layer 2 is the exact same enclosure as the MDF enclosure in which both do not have fill inside of the box.

So by taking a look at Layer 2, the green line representing EFS, you can see the gains over the MDF enclosure which is represented by Layer 8, the red line representing MDF. Output in these tests also proves to be smoother in this application as well. Once again both of these enclosures were built to tthe exact same specifications, just using the two different types of material.

One of the remarkable things that we have seen during testing is that as thepower level of the application increases the gain and smoothness of responseusing the EFS continues to grow over MDF. Knowing our customers and ourselves, this is a very good thing that the overall gains become even morepronounced as the volume goes up.

Any Questions or Comments Please Feel Free To Contact Us:

Elemental Designs Phone: 641-792-2501

On The Web: www.edesignaudio.com