eft and rheumatoid arthritis

EFT and Rheumatoid Arthritis by Lorna Firth http://theamt.com/eft_and_rheumatoid_arthritis.htm AMT Trainer Lorna Firth writes: "There have been many successes with EFT within my Hypnotherapy practice. Clients who have released past traumas and gone on to weight loss, smoking cessation and more. I use EFT in every situation. I know that the number of successful healings which have occurred are definitely down to EFT. However the most amazing success has been with myself which I would love to share..." Posted Aug 10, 2010 by Lorna Firth In 2005, a year after moving to Cyprus, I had the first flare up of R.A. It was painful and went from one joint to the other. I would have respite from the crippling disease now and again. It came back, affecting my life to a degree that I had to cancel social events. I knew about EFT after reading on the internet and downloading the free manual from emofree.com. So I tapped on the pain and swelling which did help a bit but not entirely. I was very fortunate to have Irene Lambert come to Cyprus to put me through my practitioner trainer followed by advanced the year after. In 2009 Sandra Hillawi came to Cyprus to present an EmoTrance event, during which time she taught me AMT trainers training.

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EFT and Rheumatoid Arthritis

by Lorna Firth


AMT Trainer Lorna Firth writes: "There have been many successes with EFT within my Hypnotherapy practice. Clients who have released past traumas and gone on to weight loss, smoking cessation and more. I use EFT in every situation. I know that the number of successful healings which have occurred are definitely down to EFT.

However the most amazing success has been with myself which I would love to share..."

Posted Aug 10, 2010 by Lorna Firth

In 2005, a year after moving to Cyprus, I had the first flare up of R.A. It was painful and went from one joint to the other. I would have respite from the crippling disease now and again. It came back, affecting my life to a degree that I had to cancel social events.

I knew about EFT after reading on the internet and downloading the free manual from emofree.com. So I tapped on the pain and swelling which did help a bit but not entirely. I was very fortunate to have Irene Lambert come to Cyprus to put me through my practitioner trainer followed by advanced the year after. In 2009 Sandra Hillawi came to Cyprus to present an EmoTrance event, during which time she taught me AMT trainers training.

What has all this got to do with Rheumatoid Arthritis? I believe that by training all the levels of EFT has led me to understand the full significance of this amazing technique. From my learnings, I quickly realized that I was tapping on the wrong words. So I thought and meditated to help me get the right words. What is the cause of R.A.? BINGO!!!!! An autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the joints and surrounding tissues. The Metaphysical reason is, according to Louise Hay  “ Deep criticism of authority. Feeling very put upon”, which, when I thought about it was very

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true. Even as a child, I was always the rebel, always critisising authority. As an adult feeling put upon by others. The new thoughtform for R.A. is “ I am my own authority. I love and approve of myself. Life is good”.

Next step was to create a statement which was : “ Even though I have a wonky (my word) immune system and R.A. I love and approve of myself. I am my own authority and life is good” I tapped the full protocol  including the Gamut, on “ I have a wonky immune system and R.A. “The second time, I tapped on “ Even though I still have a wonky immune system and R.A. I now choose to release the pain and stiffness from my body and that my immune system works perfectly and I love and approve of myself. I am my authority and life is good” After that set up, I continued tapping alternately on “wonky immune system,R.A” and “I now choose to release the pain and stiffness from my body and that my immune system works perfectly”

The outcome is truly miraculous!!!! I have been virtually pain free for 3 months now. The other great thing is that there are other positive affects. Because I feel healthy and fit and can exercise more, I am losing a bit of weight. My business is busier. I guess the Universe knows I am well enough to accept more clients. Life just gets better and better!!! I continue to tap on those words. It doesn’t take long and the benefits are abundant.

Written for the AMT by Lorna Firth, Cyprus.  www.hypno-krhem.co.uk

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Quantum-Touch, Inc.     quantumtouch.groupee.net     Forums



QT for Post Surgical Intervention ScoliosisYou can offer energy to anyone and anything. In this case, I would work on her thinking of the outcome I'd like to see, your sister's posture in perfect alignment, comfortable, smiling, and doing the things she loves to do. Quantum Touch can do no harm, even when there are man-made things involved. Who knows what can happen?

I was at a Core class and another student told us a story of her friend who had a metal pin in her arm. The student worked on her friend and when the friend went back to the doctor for exrays, the pin was gone. The friends pain was gone too.

Who knows what can happen?

Peace on Earth & in your Heart

Hmm the metal pin gone? Ain't that awesome? I believe that if we are open to all possibilities anything can happen... So, from my experience the best way to do healing work is to offer energy without demanding results, but rather offering as a free gift and with an intention of infinite possibilities.

Work on a person that had major surgery and has metal bar placed in his/her spine, just as if you would work on anyone. Just offer your love, compassion and energy as if it is a gift that this person waited their whole life to receive... 

Force and demand results and you will get resistance (poor or small change) ... Use no force and be open for infinite possibilities, be open for a miracle, and that's exactly what you can experience...


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Less and less do you need to force things,until finally you arrive at non-action.When nothing is done,nothing is left undone...

Thanks Zoran! I fully concur. Just this morning I was with a client that has a lump in her breast and I was telling her just that...relax what will be will be, but that all the powers to cure are ready and waiting inside of her!

 Calling in colors and seeing auras


What is your goal in calling in colors? Are you doing the 12-color meditation? When you say you don't see any difference, difference from what? Are you working on seeing & perceiving energy? Tell the Universe what you want, exactly....what difference are you seeking?

Here's something to try. Know that the Universe hears positive statements. When you are calling, grasping or beseeching (begging) for something to come to you, what you are really telling the Universe is the negative statement that "I don't have that." (whatever you are calling to you) The positive statement is that you do not have the colors or energy you seek...and according to the law of attraction, the more you say it, the more true it becomes.

So try changing your thought to this: "I know that all the energies I seek are present all around me and in me, everywhere. We cannot be separated from them, it is impossible. Knowing that these energies are everywhere, I simply clear my mind and allow them to come to me in accordance with my highest benefit at any given time." 

The colors or frequencies or energy is already there, you cannot escape it, you cannot be separate from it, you ARE it. You are breathing it, eating it, seeing it, feeling it, there is no separation possible. You need to allow these energy frequencies (that is all they are) to come into your awareness, by clearing the thoughts (do not grasp) grounding yourself, and allowing them to come into your perception.

Then watch carefully, take notice, pay attention, & watch to see what happens.

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Visualize a white wall & see what changes occur...do the colors drip, or run, or splash, or shine as a ray of light, do they move, are they polka dots, are they splashes or streaks, do they make pictures? Do they mix & blend like wet paint, or watercolors, or do they stay separate? Do the colors make sounds? Do they have a temperature, warm or cold? Are they thin or thick or lumpy? Are they hard or soft, do they have a fragrance or odor? Are they transparant or opaque, or some of each?

It's like watching a movie...you sit back & watch the movie, as it comes on the screen. Just observe.

DO NOT IMAGINE WHAT YOU WILL SEE ON THE WALL!!! Do not plan what you will see on that wall. OBSERVE what happens on that wall, wait for the surprise! You cannot make it up, you observe it.

You see all the possibilities? 

The more we grasp for it, the faster it will skitter away & evade our perception. Insistent calling will not work because you already have it. Open your perception, let it drift into awareness...an entirely different concept, rather than calling & "trying." Trying is a statement that you don't have it, & what happens is that "trying" just gets you more trying.

Try the thought that "I know I am surrounded with these beneficial energies, and I am gratefor for them, for their healing properties. I allow them to come gently into my awareness with an open mind and heart." 

Can you see the difference? The secret is to ALLOW. Allow, allow, allow. I hope that it will make the difference for you...Good Luck.

Love to all.

Yes, if you can. If you can't, just ask for the vibration of white to come to you. It will. Then the other colors. Look at the color chart that shows the colors, the layers, six inside the body & six outside. There is a color chart that goes with the instructions of how to do the meditation. 

People make it harder than it is. Relax! Let it come, & if you don't see the colors with your eyes closed, IMAGINE them. In time, you will get them "visually," which for this meditation, for me, is mostly in "the mind's eye" anyway. 

Allow. Observe. Relax!

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Love to all.

Alice H.

Practitioner and Instructor

Turn your face to the sun -- The shadows fall behind.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."Thomas Edison.

all this should be fun and thus effortless. If you trying just to reach a goal - then you are too concerned with results, that is not playful but stressful.Don't persist in doing it "straight", but in a way that enhance your relaxation, feeling of your body, that gives you more joy and pleasure. That way each experience will be satisfying and you wont be disappointed.Pay attention your breathing - it will show you are you tense or relaxed.

Optic Nervehttp://quantumtouch.groupee.net/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/3901071811/m/2561042811

Core Transformation

ust so you know, we are not a medical forum and we do not treat anything.What happenens with QT, is that the practitoner raises their own level of vibration and thru the laws of resonance and entrainment the person needing healing (we call them the healer) "uses" the energy to accelerate their own healing.The results can be anywhere from apparently nothing to life saving.I say "apparently" because I personally believe that even if we don't always get the desired results, healing is taking place on some level we don't see. Maybe the eyesight wasn't improved but that unknown tumor shrank a bit or the immune system was boostered enough to fight off that bug.

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We will never know if a person did NOT get the flu because they received QT but the point is that the outcome is not really our business.

Healing is up to the healer. The body know how to heal itself. We simply offer a loving energy for them to do that faster.

If you would like, you can check with your sister and see if she's willing to allow us to help.If so, you could put a request in for her in the "Healing Request" forum.

Wishing you Blessings of Pure Love, Light, Laughter, and Big Warm Hugs,Chrissie



Helo --If the intention you are saying or thinking is to make the neuropathy go away, changing that thought will help. We attract whatever we give our thought & energy to, so if the main thought is about neuropathy....we give energy to it & therefore attract more of it.

Change the thought to what you want instead of what you have. What do you want? My universal intention for myself is always this group: wellness comfort and joy.

If well not ill. If comfortable, no pain. If joyful, no fear. If you are diabetic, tight control of your blood glucose is appropriate, of course. I would also look into vitamin therapy, which you can ask your doctor about, or Google to see what's out there. I would check Dr. Mercola's website to see if anything is there about neuropathy...his advice is highly regarded.

If you would like distant sessions from people here, let us know on the Healing Requests Forum.

Love to all.

Alice H.

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Practitioner and Instructor

Turn your face to the sun -- The shadows fall behind.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."Thomas Edison.

 What is "wellness?"


For years, I have been encouraging readers of this forum to have as their healing intentions three things: Wellness, comfort and joy.

Tell the Universe or your Higher Power what you want, and do not name the illness or disease that concerns you or your client. If you say "Make the cancer go away," you give energy & thought to cancer, thereby strengthening it & attracting it TO you.....that is what you don't want!

So you want to be well, same as your clients. But what is that? How do you visualize wellness? Here are a few ideas, & you can add your own as you think of them, as there is no limit.

Physical wellness: My heart is strong, pumping well, with a strong normal electrical rhythm. It pumps healthy blood which is being perfectly oxygenated by my beautiful pink lungs. It is being perfectly cleaned & detoxified by my wonderful healthy liver. My food is efficiently digested and the nutrients are distributed easily to every tissue & cell & system that requires it. My bones & muscles & connective tissues are working like a finely-tuned machine, & my immune system is acting as my guardian, keeping anything that is not beneficial at bay. Toxins & by-products of digestion & metabolism are eliminated easily.

If someone has a health problem related to a specific organ or system, see that organ or system infused with bright white light, & any other color of light that comes to mind. Light is a vibration, after all, & I always have believed that if you think of a color during a session, that's not a coincidence....something, someone, is asking for that vibration. It is so easy to visualize, just do it, send it, without picking it apart. Just DO.

Then there is Spiritual or mental wellness....if you don't feel well in those areas, imagine it...What would complete Spiritual/mental wellness feel like? Peaceful, a feeling of deep satisfaction, a sense of safety.....doesn't that feel good?

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And what is comfort? Well, the absence of pain, of course, but you don't want to be saying "Make the pain go away, " because you will be giving energy to pain, & attracting it. Comfort is feeling warm, feeling safe, with easy breathing, easy movement, feeling good in your skin. You can feel the sun's warmth, feel the snugness of your favorite blanket, the softness of your favorite old slippers, the perfect support of your pillow, the touch of your loved one, a pleasantly full belly, a clean body.....comfort. Your beloved cat purring in your ear. 

And what can we say about joy? Joy is the absence of fear, but we don't say "I am afraid...take this fear away," because we give our attention to the fearful feelings, thereby reinforcing the fear. I think that the fear is the hardest of the three concepts to get your mind around. Fear is everywhere, in the media, in ads, signs & billboards: "Buy this! (or suffer whatever...headache, bankruptcy, illness.....or XYZ." The message is everywhere, "Be afraid!" 

My best advice about finding joy in a fearful time is to find something that gives you pure, instant joy. The beauty of nature? Beautiful soaring music? The love of family & friends? Seeing all the green pigs explode? A Royal Flush? The smell of freshly cut grass? Lobster dunked in butter? What? Publisher's Clearing House ringing your doorbell? What brings a happy tear to the eye or causes you to yell "Huzzah?" Now hold that feeling, experience it, & bring that feeling into your healing sessions, feeling the joy that wellness & comfort are already present. Holding the vibration of joy will help it to manifest. The more you can do that, the Law of Attraction comes in, & it will grow. There is so much joy all around us, but the voices of our culture say "Be afraid." Joy is much more powerful than fear!

Everything mentioned above, every idea or concept, is positive. The second your thoughts drift over from wellness to illness, from comfort to pain, or from joy to fear, you have entered negative, destructive territory, & you need to start over, re-think, & re-build back up into positive territory. NOTHING WILL BE ACHIEVED IN NEGATIVITY. 

The most important part of doing this is to RECOGNIZE that you have uttered a negative intention, named the illness or pain, or drifted into fear. If you recognize it, you can change it, it is that simple.

So for today, my wish/intention for you all is that you will feel the joy of recognition, when you need to make a course correction, change the compass bearing, & take a different path. Without recognition, there cannot be any change.

Love to all.

Alice H.

Practitioner and Instructor

Turn your face to the sun -- The shadows fall behind.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."Thomas Edison.

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Hi Alice - Since I am new to this I have some questions about your post.When working with a client how important is it for them to tell their story. Don't I need to know, for example, that my friend has celiac disease so I know where to begin my work? Then when talking with her before beginning I can suggest she see her digestive tract as working well and absorbing and supplying her body the nutrients it needs.I'm sure I'll think of some more questions after rereading the post and reflecting some more.Thanks for offering your love and support.Lynn

Hi Lynn -- Yes, of course you will need to know why the person seeks healing, & any positive visualizations you can suggest to them are wonderful. But when doing the healing session for them, you should know what your intention will be, and you need to state it to the Universe/Higher Power/Highest Self. And the words are important.

Neall Donald Walsch in "Conversations With God" says that the Universe only hears & responds to positive statements. That's difficult to prove one way or the other, but my intuition & observations from experience lead me to believe that it is correct. So, a positive statement of intention has a much better chance of manifesting than a negative one such as "Take the cancer away." 

Taking away is subtraction, a negative, going backward, retreating, diminishing. The outcome you want is a person who is well in body & mind, who is comfortable, and who experiences some joy in their life.

The whole idea of "where to start your work" is an open book. For the client's comfort, yes, they will want you to begin at the point of their illness or discomfort, the cause of their illness, the reason for the session. Before I begin with a new client, we have a friendly interview about why they came, whatever medical or social history they want to share, etc. I make a contact card & have them read & sign the Informed Consent for the session, in accordance with MN law & regulations. Most states have similar laws, & it is the Practitioner's duty to be informed about it. Ignorance of the laws is no excuse...you must be informed. I check hips, occiput, balance them, & as they position for the session on table or in a chair, I always say the following words aloud: "And may this

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session be for the greatest, highest good." (MY intention.) The client hears it, a reminder that you are working for them in the best possible way. I then ask them "Where would you like me to begin?" If they don't give you a location, I will use my intuition, but the truth be told, most times I will start at solar plexus. It's where we "stuff our stuff," a place of high muscle tone & tension.

The pre-session visit sets the tone. The session actually begins as they come through the door! Resonance & entrainment do not wait for you to start a "session." It happens automatically, everywhere, all the time. The client will think the session starts when hands-on begins, but you know differently, that it started when they came in the door, or even when you spoke on the phone to make the appointment.

Maintaining a professional demeanor is important, and showing yourself to be a warm, concerned person whose intention it is to help, is important. And yet you do not want to be intrusive...you need to hone your conversation skills!

This post is about keeping the intentions positive. Wellness, comfort and joy is one suggestion...there will be others, as people work & gain experience. But these three are a starting point. We want those things for ourselves, for our loved ones, & certainly for our clients. 

Since I have a medical background, when people tell me their stories, I often have questions to ask for clarification, but always give people the option of how much to tell....and I do not pry into personal matters. One thing I do ask them is an allergy history, simply because they are in my home. BTW, I do not use fragranced products or incense, candles, etc. in my home. My home is light & airy, & I make it a point to get fresh air indoors even in winter, before a session. I don't want last night's onions to be lingering. (Ha ha, I love onions.)

After each hands-on session, I make brief notes about it on their contact card. I AM a medical person, & I do keep notes. I do so many distant sessions, I don't keep notes on those....People come on my list & go off after a session or a group of sessions. But for clients who come in person & pay, it is my obligation to keep a running record & get written consent...it is the law, & it's just the right thing to do. And if they come back six weeks later, how are you going to remember the details of the previous session? One glance at their card, & you have it.

One thing I do during sessions is to play some low-volume music on the stereo. I play Native American flutes myself, & most people find that kind of recording pleasant. The truth be told, I do not play music for the clients, although they usually remark that they enjoyed it. Key word is "LOW volume." I play that music primarily for myself. I love the instrument, display them in my home, am inspired by the sound, so the reason I play it during sessions is because it helps me to raise MY vibration. And isn't that what we do? Raise our own vibration, & allow the forces of resonance & entrainment to come into play? Carlos Nakai, Coyote Oldman, & Mary Youngblood are favorites, all solo flutes, minor key, lovely.

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I tell clients that we can talk some during sessions, but please, keep the talk on the session, & don't discuss the Vikings game or the election. I try to limit conversation, but direct questions are ok and of course, you need feedback from clients as you work...absolutely essential. (Follow the pain, report sensations, etc.) 

I hope this helps. Love to all.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Alice H., 30 December 2012 04:40 PM

Alice H.

Practitioner and Instructor

Turn your face to the sun -- The shadows fall behind.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."Thomas Edison.