eft for animals who are going to be put to sleep when animal is put to... · eft for animals who...


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Page 1: EFT FOR ANIMALS WHO ARE GOING TO BE PUT TO SLEEP when animal is put to... · EFT FOR ANIMALS WHO ARE GOING TO BE PUT ... with your own, the EFT will not be effective. ... lays by

Hoof and Paw 2015







Page 2: EFT FOR ANIMALS WHO ARE GOING TO BE PUT TO SLEEP when animal is put to... · EFT FOR ANIMALS WHO ARE GOING TO BE PUT ... with your own, the EFT will not be effective. ... lays by

Hoof and Paw 2015


EFT is a meridian therapy and is very new. However meridian energy

therapies actually go back to 5000 BC. A preserved body was found in a Glacier with relevant acupuncture points marked on their body. This

indicated that even 500BC ago humans had an understanding of meridians and how it could benefit them. In 300BC a text was published by the Yellow

Emperor which states specific treatments using the meridians.

Now in modern society in 1964 a clever Chiropractor called Dr George

Goodheart linked many therapies together and developed Applied Kinesiology and ten years later John, a colleague of George of his published a

book called ‘Touch for Health’ which brought meridian techniques into the mainstream for the public.

As we move even further into the modern world, in the mid 1970’s a Psychiatrist used muscle testing in his psychotherapy work. Here the

beginning of EFT begins; Roger Callahan who was a psychotherapist learned of meridian therapies being used in psychotherapy. He was very interested

in treating phobias, as he had been working with a client called Mary; she suffered from a severe fear of water, to a point that even bathing became a

problem. During a 1980’s consultation with her he asked her to tap under her

eye, which is the stomach meridian point. Instantly the fear disappeared. Dr Callahan was amazed and called the therapy TFT ‘Thought Field Therapy’.

TFT needed a psychotherapist to work out which meridian need tapping on.

Yet one of Dr Callahan’s students called Gary Craig was inspired with the idea that if you tap on all of the meridian points; you would eventually be tapping on the correct meridian as all points were covered. This made it

very simple for clients and students to follow as no understanding of the meridian system in principal is needed. Gary Craig called this EFT

‘Emotional Freedom Techniques’ through word of mouth and the rapid spread of the internet. EFT became a phenomenon and is practised all over

the world.

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Hoof and Paw 2015


If you look at the above diagram you will be able to see dotted lines that have a starting point and a finishing

point. They are like ‘Energy Rivers’ taking energy from one part of the body and delivering it to other parts. They

are invisible yet they exist. If you follow the lines of the meridians you will see that they connect the major


If any of the meridians are blocked, like boulders blocking a river, the flow of energy becomes stagnant. In time this

will affect your animal’s health and wellbeing. The meridians can be blocked by emotional setbacks, grief,

fear and phobias. By unblocking the meridian and allowing the energy to flow again, you will be able to

treat your animal’s negative behaviours

Each meridian will manifest a different symptom when blocked and can be easily unblocked by performing an EFT tapping sequence. The beauty of EFT is that you

don’t need to know what the function of each meridian is, as you just know that by tapping on each meridian you

will eventually get to the right one. You will not be tapping on your animal’s meridians but on your own meridians. This is called using a surrogate, which is

yourself as you can connect to your animals own energy field.

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Hoof and Paw 2015


The EFT medication is written to support your animal by working on ‘you’ first. First of all you need

to come to terms with how you feel. If you start tapping on your animal’s issues before you have dealt

with your own, the EFT will not be effective.

For each tapping point tap lightly for around 6 or 7 taps.

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Hoof and Paw 2015


Play EFT Recording

Find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted.

Get a note pad and pen

Play the EFT recording and repeat the statements whilst tapping on the specified area

Once a round of tapping has been completed, hold your hand on your heart and write down

anything that comes to mind.

Repeat the EFT recording adding your own words should you feel

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Hoof and Paw 2015


Magical Moments

You will need a pen and note pad

Find a quiet space with your animal and share all of the magical moments you have had together.

Speak from the heart and not with suddenness but with love

Take a deep breath and write down these moments. They are not to make you feel sad but to help you to understand that death comes to all of us. The biggest gift you can give to your animal is to fill

their last days with happy energy. However difficult this may be for you, your animal will be

very sensitive to how you are feeling right now and the last thing you want to do is for them to feel sad

for you.

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Hoof and Paw 2015


Lighter Moments

You will need a candle

You will need a photograph of your animal

Find a quiet space where you can compose your thoughts

Light the Candle and place the photograph of your animal nearby. Ask Archangel Ariel to sit with your animal throughout the coming days. Ask that she guides and protects your

animal as they pass over to the rainbow bridge

Thank Archangel Ariel

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Hoof and Paw 2015


Crystal Magic

You will need a quartz Crystal

Wash the Crystal and leave outside for 24 hours

Program the crystal with the following words

‘I programme this crystal with love and light with the intention to offer healing and

balance so ‘……………..’ can pass lovingly and not in pain over to the rainbow bridge.

Place the crystal in a suitable place near your animal

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Hoof and Paw 2015


Flower Power

As soon as you make the very sad decision to have your animal put to sleep both you and your animal will need flower support, so you can be emotionally

strong for your animal and your animal is emotionally ready.

Star of Bethlehem Honeysuckle Mimulus Walnut

Cherry Plum

Add 2 drops from the stock bottle, mix with spring

water and give 4 drops 4

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Hoof and Paw 2015


Gratitude Meditation

Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, imagine you are with your animal in a

beautiful green meadow. The sun is warm as you find a place to sit. Your animal comes and lays by your feet. You look into their eyes and

they look into your eyes too. The deep feeling of love that you feel between each other is so powerful and consuming. Spend the next 5

minutes feeling gratitude for all of the amazing things that your animal has given to

you unconditionally and with much love in their heart.

Thank your animal and then open your eyes.

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Hoof and Paw 2015


Our Special Place

By creating a special imaginary place for your animal, it will allow you and your animal to connect on a deeper spiritual level. The place could be a meadow, a beach, a forest or any

special place you can think of.

Sit, feel your feet comfortably on the floor and close your eyes. Remember a place in your life where you and your animal had been able to share some wonderful memories. Imagine, see,

feel, this place in your mind and allow it to become a welcoming beautiful place for you to

share with your animal. Make the ‘Special Place’ as comfortable as possible; you could add

cushions, or throws. Invite your animal into this ‘special place. Do they run in? Walk in? Are they

timid or excited? Allow them to have a look around and invite them to come and sit next to

you. Spend 10 – 15 minutes in this space. Have no expectations just offer love.

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Hoof and Paw 2015

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