ego - disease of the mind

EGO: The Disease of the Mind JANUARY 11, 2015 / KRISHNA DEV The needs of a bein a!e "i#i$ed and %an be f&"'""ed easi"( b&$ $he )an$s of a h&#an bein %an ne*e! be f&"'""ed+ The( ee- #&"$i-"(in e*e!(da(, e*e!( #in&$e+ E*e!(da( $hese )an$s ee- %hanin de-endin on $he s$a$e of $he #ind+ No #a$$e! ho) #an( )an$s (o& f&"'"", i$ is ne*e! s&.%ien$ eno&h+ o!e is )ha$ a h&#an )an$s, #o!e of e*e!($hin+ The s$!&"e $o e$ e*e!( )an$ of his f&"'""ed, he sin s $o a "e*e" of an ani#a"+ An ani#a" )hose &$#os$ #os$ -&!-ose is on"( !a$i'%a$ion of his senses, he has no "oi% of -as$ and -!esen$+ He a%$s in $he )o!"d o&$side $o see !a$i'%a$ion fo! his senses, $he!e is no o$he! #eanin $o "ife fo! s&%h a %!ea$&!e+ ie! $he )an$, !ea$e! $he an ie$(+ hen (o& a!e s$a!*in fo! food, $he on"( $hin (o& %an $hin of is 34ood + Yo&! #ind sho)s (o& di6e!en$ -i%$&!es of food+ What is this Ego? The fee"in of 7I8 and 7#ine8+ I8# di6e!en$ f!o# (o&+ I8# i#-o!$an$ $ha$ (o& a!e+ I8# s&-e!io! and (o& a!e infe!io!+ I8*e o$ #o!e $han (o&+ I8# $he doe!+ I8# $he en9o(e!+ This is #ine and $ha$ is a"so #ine+ Those )i"" a"so be #ine+ S&%h fee"ins a!e bo!n o&$ $he eo, a fee"in of se-a!a$eness, a dis$in%$ indi*id&a"i$(+ This eo is $he disease of $he #ind %!ea$ed b( $he #ind i$se"f d&e $o $he ino!an%e+ Ino!an%e of (o&! $!&e se"f+ The!e is no

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EGO: The Disease of theMind

JANUARY 11, 2015/KRISHNA DEVThe needs of a being are limited and can be fulfilled easily but the wants of a human being can never be fulfilled. They keep multiplying everyday, every minute. Everyday these wants keep changing depending on the state of the mind. No matter how many wants you fulfill, it is never sufficient enough. More is what a human wants, more of everything.The struggle to get every want of his fulfilled, he sinks to a level of an animal. An animal whose utmost most purpose is only gratification of his senses, he has no logic of past and present.He acts in the world outside to seek gratification for his senses, there is no other meaning to life for such a creature.Bigger the want, greater the anxiety. When you are starving for food, the only thing you can think of is Food. Your mind shows you different pictures of food.What is this Ego?The feeling of I and mine. Im different from you. Im important that you are. Im superior and you are inferior. Ive got more than you. Im the doer. Im the enjoyer. This is mine and that is also mine. Those will also be mine.Such feelings are born out the ego, a feeling of separateness, a distinct individuality.This ego is the disease of the mind created by the mind itself due to the ignorance. Ignorance of your true self. There is no bliss in ignorance. Some foolish man tossed this term that ignorance is bliss but any rational and stable minded person would straight away throw this statement out of window.A little kid who is ignorant about the fire and puts his hand into the fire due to his ignorance, the fire doesnt spare him because he is a kid who is ignorant of the fire.Ego driven mind does not even know the real meaning of happiness for such a person sense-enjoyment is the only happiness in the world. Such a person cannot have any sort of love within him. Love for the nature, love for others. Feeling of love is alien to him though he may argue that he knows what love is but how can a person understand the feeling of pure love which is selfless. A person who is blinded by the filthy desires of senses and every action of his is motivated by self-interest.How can such a person understand the feeling of love as pure as the mountain water and as warm as the sunshine in a chilly winter noon.A person who has never experienced happiness beyond his senses then how can such a person become the source of somebodys happiness. There is no happiness within him, he void of true happiness. Whose very existence is no different from an animal. Whose mind is always polluted with feelings of anger, greed, hypocrisy, arrogance, jealousy, envy, ignorance, dullness, stupidity, ignorance etc.When such a person even performs a charitable act, he performs it with an intent to show-off to others the extent of his generosity. The feeling of goodness is absent from the mind of an ego driven being.EGO: Cancer of the Mind The more your desire something, greater will be the suffering is the popular saying of the Buddhist.Its like a feeling of revenge, the more you want it, more you burn, from inside. Revenge is a burning desire to cause severe harm to the other person, just to satisfy your ego, isnt it? It is only after when you are finished doing something impulsive, you realize that what you did was actually foolish. An ego driven mind is a pleasure seeking mind and vis-versa.The so-called advanced modern society and the scientists who pat their own backs to claim that the rivalry between people to compete with one another is good for the society and they have termed it as healthy competition.This so-called healthy competition has only driven people away from each other. They are blinded by their fake social-status and a self-created grandeur image of themselves that the very human values have lost their place in the hearts and the very society.Everybody in this age who lives in a city has an expensive smart-phone in pocket but have no true friend to talk to whom one can open his heart. Such is the state of the advanced human society.

Self-realization is a state of awareness where you realize that the nature of the physical reality is ever-changing, it is never the same as it were, birth and decay goes on in every part of space and time.In our mind, we all manifest a picture, which we consider to be perfect according to us (which is based on the knowledge, awareness and experiences we have gained), and due to our inability to control the outcome in external world, a state of anxiety/panic is created in mind. When we are unable to maintain a balance between these two realities (inner reality of thoughts and external reality of matter), we get agitated and frustrated.Fulfilling a desire and that too exactly the way you to want it, is impossible, because there are other variables involved which remain abstract to us in our thoughts but they come into effect when we perform some action.Suppose, a person has to drive 50 kms to attend a very urgent meeting and mid-way he starts feeling feverish and a little dizzy. He stops his car next to the road and decides to abandon the meeting and goes back home, takes some medicine and sleeps.Similarly, all of us in our everyday life witness these kinds of uninvited barriers.Fear, anxiety, depression, distress arise due to our inability to tackle these barriers, lets call these barriers mental blocks. These mental blocks keep on accumulating and clutter our mind (both consciously and subconsciously) with negativity.This negativity creates an uncertainty in our belief system, which gives rise to instability of thoughts, and we lose the strength to focus on our goals. Therefore, procrastination, laziness, fear of failure, loss of enthusiasm, insecurity about future become a part of our thought system and restrict us from achieving our goals.We all aspire to achieve our dreams/goals of life but only few manage to accomplish.What is the reason that most people do not manage to reach their goal? Lack of motivation? Fear? Fear of hard work? Procrastination? Lack of skills? or Temperament?You be the judge of yourself. Nobody else could ever know you better than you do. So, analyze your actions honestly and try to find out what were the internal reasons for your past failures. Also, ask yourself, if you have managed to rectify those mistakes all the while.Controlling the mind requires immense focus and strict discipline in life. Without maintaining a discipline one cannot succeed in controlling the flow of negative thoughts and energy.Due to this residual negative energy a person loses the ability to focus on his goals.Modern education system equips us with knowledge to earn a living, it teaches the importance of laws and society and makes us self-reliant. But, no school or university teaches techniques and methods to control our mind and how can a person become free from stress and other miseries of life.On the contrary we haveIndian school of thoughtsi.e, Indian philosophy which extensively deals with the methods and techniques to manage your thoughts effectively and efficiently. Indian school of thoughts cover every aspect of human life and they also emphasize on the issue of morality and truth, which is calledDharma. One should not make the mistake of translatingDharmaas religion. Dharma is a concept which one learns by studying the Vedic literature. Its difficult to explain Dharma in one sentence but Ill make an effort.As long as ones actions are not motivated by self-interest and those actions are in harmony with morality, truth, justice and well-being of everyone, then your actions automatically satisfyDharma.Youll find on Grab Your Mind Posts about self-discipline, inspiration, relationships, philosophy, psychology, life, universe and self-realization. Methods which will help the seekers in expanding their consciousness in all forms of life. Ways to bring about positive change in life. Methods to conquer your anger, fear, lust, anxiety and sense-organs.Ive neither createdthis knowledge, nor have I manipulated or distortedit for any benefits, which Ill be sharing throughthis blog in future. My sole purpose is to share this knowledge with other seekers who wish to improve their life.Im a mere guide who will point you in the right direction but you will have to walk the path on your own.If you are looking for a quick fix and no-pain, no-hard-work kind of method, or a nugget of wisdom which will transformyour life overnight then this maynot be the right place for you, but if you are not scared of dedication & hard work and you are willing to change your life for good then you can count on me for directions.Change is a slow and gradual process, it will take some time for you to transform yourself into a better individual. Change your habits, change your life.You have all the skills to achieve your dreams but if you are already not there, then dont you think its about time that you adopt a new approach in life.Insanityisdoing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert EinsteinAlways remember that you will have to walk the path, if you want to achieve your dream then you will have to do the hard work as well.Dont wait for the world to change, there is no tomorrow or future. It is only the present that matters. Whatever you have been wanting to do for so long, dont wait anymore, just get started with it,right now.The best time to do your work always is right now.Be the change that you want to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi