ekg class4 question & answer

Contents 1.Question.Sr 4 2009...........................................5 State why compressor suction and delivery valves should seat promptly....................................................... 5 2.Question.Sr 1 2011,..........................................8 Sketch a static oily water separator intended to handle large- quantities of heavily contaminated water. Label the principal components, how the internal arrangement of sub-division, baffles and fittings, indicate the direction of fluid flow in all parts; and -.......................................................... 8 (a) Describe how it operates..................................8 (b) Give two reasons why oil might be carried over the water.. 8 (c) How the level of oil separated is controlled?..............8 3.Question.Sr 12 2010.........................................13 With reference to tubular heat exchangers explain:............13 a. how differential movement between tubes and body is accommodated when the tube plates are rigidly located in the body.........................................................13 b. how and why turbulence is imparted to fluid flow through the tubes....................................................14 c. why it has become possible to discard sacrificial anodes 15 d. what is meant by the term 'guided flow', with particular reference to oil heaters.....................................16 4.Question.................................................... 17

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Page 1: EKG Class4 Question & Answer

Contents1.Question.Sr 4 2009......................................................................................................................5

State why compressor suction and delivery valves should seat promptly.......................................5

2.Question.Sr 1 2011,.....................................................................................................................8

Sketch a static oily water separator intended to handle large-quantities of heavily contaminated water. Label the principal components, how the internal arrangement of sub-division, baffles and fittings, indicate the direction of fluid flow in all parts; and -.........................................................8

(a) Describe how it operates...........................................................................................................8

(b) Give two reasons why oil might be carried over the water.......................................................8

(c) How the level of oil separated is controlled?.............................................................................8

3.Question.Sr 12 2010..................................................................................................................13

With reference to tubular heat exchangers explain:......................................................................13

a. how differential movement between tubes and body is accommodated when the tube plates are rigidly located in the body....................................................................................................13

b. how and why turbulence is imparted to fluid flow through the tubes..................................14

c. why it has become possible to discard sacrificial anodes....................................................15

d. what is meant by the term 'guided flow', with particular reference to oil heaters................16


Sketch and explain the parts of a shell and tube type lubricating oil cooler showing how the oil and water flow path and material for each part.............................................................................17

Explain how expansion and contraction of the tube stack of the cooler is accommodated...........17


Draw line diagram of a feed water system for an auxiliary boiler, labeling all the principal items and showing the direction of flow.................................................................................................20

Explain how water level to the boiler is regulated?.......................................................................20

State how solid impurities are removed from feed water, which is pumped into the boiler.........20

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Indicate how the risk of oil contamination may be reduced..........................................................20


(i) In plate type heat exchanger, fluid press. & temp, do not normally exceed 10 bar and 150°C respectively....................................................................................................................................29

(ii) Titanium & stainless steel finding increasing acceptance,......................................................29

(iii) Carrying bar & clamping bolts are often much larger than pack thickness............................29

(iv) State how it can be ascertained that plate stack is correctly tightened and the likely result of excessive tightness.........................................................................................................................29


Describe the checks you would make while taking over a E\R. watch at sea...............................31

Under what condition would you refuse to....................................................................................31

Take over.......................................................................................................................................31

Hand over.......................................................................................................................................31

8.QuestionSr 8 2006.....................................................................................................................33

With regards to keeping the gas side of a boiler in good condition discuss each of the following.......................................................................................................................................................33

The mechanism of combustion stating the factors which are important for good combustion.....33

Fuel oil treatment...........................................................................................................................33

Soot removal equipment................................................................................................................33


Describe the following conditions are prevented in auxiliary boilers...........................................37

Feed contamination by oil heating coil drains...............................................................................37

Internal corrosion...........................................................................................................................37

Furnace blowback..........................................................................................................................37

Uptake fire.....................................................................................................................................37

10.QuestionSr 3 2006...................................................................................................................43

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With reference to hydraulic deck machinery:................................................................................43

(a)State the sources for contamination of the system;...................................................................43

(b) Describe possible effects due to contamination,......................................................................43

(c) Explain how the oil can be monitored by ships staff...............................................................43


Name method of F.W. generation on board ship...........................................................................45

Sketch and describe any one method what treatment is give to render it fit for drinking.............45


(a) For Freon-22 vapor compression refrigeration machine, state how each of the following faults arc indicated and how they arc remedied;.....................................................................................50

(i) Air in the system.......................................................................................................................50

(ii) Moisture in the system.............................................................................................................50

(iii) Undercharge............................................................................................................................50

(iv) Overcharge..............................................................................................................................50

(b) Describe with a diagram detailing the devices incorporated into the refrigeration system to protect the machinery and equipment against malfunction...........................................................50


Describe the boiler fuel burning system and indicate the effect of the following.........................57

Air supply insufficient...................................................................................................................57

Air supply excessive......................................................................................................................57

Presence of water in oil..................................................................................................................57

Excessively high oil temperature...................................................................................................57

14.QuestionSr 3 2009,..................................................................................................................61

Explain the operation of automatic self cleaning centrifuge. Detailed sketches should be used for your explanation. Labeling principle component and indicating directional flow of all fluid......61

Explain how dam ring contribute to efficient centrifuging with reference to oil of different specific gravity...............................................................................................................................61

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15.QuestionSr. No. 4 APRIL 2007...............................................................................................67

(a) Draw a line diagram of the engine room section of a bilge system for a passenger or cargo vessel including the connection of oily-water separator; label the principal items.......................67

(b) State-........................................................................................................................................67

(i) What type of valves are fitted in the bilge system and why? State the material of construction of the valves...................................................................................................................................67

(ii) The means used in passenger vessel-to reduce flooding risk by way of bilge system in the event of collision,...........................................................................................................................67

(iii)The type of pump ideally used to discharge through the oily-water separator........................67


Sketch an automatic sprinkler system for combating fire in passenger spaces on a ship and state –.......................................................................................................................................................71

(a) The safety devices incorporated in the system........................................................................71

(b) How the system is charged?....................................................................................................71

(c) The parameters governing the volume of the pressure tank....................................................71

(d) Means provided to prevent the passage of seawater into the pressure tank.............................71


With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears:.......................................................................75

Explain in terms of control parlance the function of the "Hunting gear"......................................75

Explain the consequences if the standby pumping unit is motored;..............................................75

State TWO methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being motored by the operating unit.................................................................................................................................75

18.QuestionDEC, Emergency set 2006........................................................................................79

Explain why each of the following features is considered desirable for air compressors:............79

(a) A single-throw crank for a multi-stage compressor;................................................................79

(b) Minimum clearance volume;...................................................................................................79

(c) Multi tubular inter-stage cooler,...............................................................................................79

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(d) Generous size of suction filter.................................................................................................79

19.QuestionSr 11 2008,................................................................................................................83

State why each of the following are fitted to ships steering gear system......................................83

Brake or locking devices...............................................................................................................83

Shock buffer relief valve...............................................................................................................83

Steering gear stops or cut-outs.......................................................................................................83

Rudder stop....................................................................................................................................83

Describe the routine testing of steering gear.................................................................................83

20.QuestionEmery 2007-2008......................................................................................................85

What is the purpose of a fusible plug on an air receiver and at what temperature is it designed to melt................................................................................................................................................85

What inter locks are there on the starting air system.....................................................................85

What is the pressure of a starting air receiver?..............................................................................85

Explain how would you start an air compressor and stop it after overhaul...................................85

What safety devices are fitted to a start air line?...........................................................................85

1.Question.Sr 4 2009

State why compressor suction and delivery valves should seat promptly.If a suction valve does not reseat promptly at the end of the suction stroke, due to a weak spring

or due to carbon deposit, part of the air drawn into the cylinder will be returned through the

defective suction valve during the first part of the delivery stroke.

If a delivery valve is slow in reseating, for the same reason, part of the air compressed and

delivered during the delivery stroke will return to the cylinder during the first part of the suction


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Explain the effect on the compressor if the air induced into the cylinder at a temperature higher

than normal.

The higher the temperature of the air drawn into the cylinder, the less will be the weight of air

discharged by the compressor in a given time, since the higher the temperature of the air the

greater will be the volume occupied by a given weight.

What would be the effect of the suction valves having too much lift?

The valves would be late in closing and this would reduce the volumetric efficiency of the


Valves with too much lift reach the end of their travel with greater force and therefore are more

liable to break.

Explain why pressure relief device are fitted to the water side of cooler casing.

Relief v/v to protect against over pressure on air side

If the valve was not fitted and should a tube fail in the intercooler or after cooler, then the cast

iron compressor casing would be subjected to the pressure of the air at that particular stage.

Failure of the casing could occur which, in the past has caused serious injury and death.

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2.Question.Sr 1 2011,

Sketch a static oily water separator intended to handle large-quantities of heavily contaminated water. Label the principal components, how the internal arrangement of sub-division, baffles and fittings, indicate the direction of fluid flow in all parts; and -

(a) Describe how it operates.

(b) Give two reasons why oil might be carried over the water.

(c) How the level of oil separated is controlled?

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Operation of the Simplex Turbulo Separator

The unit is first completely filled with clean water, the oily water mixture is men pumped into

the coarse separating compartment Depending upon the type of oil to be separated, heating coils

are often incorporated to assist me separation process, particularly if the oil is highly viscous and

dense) In the coarse separating compartment some of the oil due to the density differential will

separate and rise into an upper collection space. The oil / water mixture then flows down into the

fine separating compartment moving slowly between the catch plates. The oil separates from the

water onto the underside of the plates and travels outwards until it is free, where it then rises

upwards and into the upper collecting space.

The oil that gathers in the collecting space is discharged by an automatic dump valve controlled

by a capacitance type level detector, into an oil storage tank.

The water remaining in the separator at this point is has an oil content of approximately 100

ppm, the water now passes through into the second stage coalescer unit

The coalescer unit causes the surface tension of the oil droplets and the water to breakdown

resulting in the small globules of oil to join together forming larger globules. The large globules

of oil rise upwards into the upper oil collection space where it is then manually drained to the oil

storage tank- Due to the smaller volume of oil in this unit the drain off is much less frequent than

in the first stage of the separator.

The remaining effluent will now have an oil content of less than 15 ppm and can therefore be

legally discharged overboard The effectiveness of the operation is continuously monitored for oil

content and should the designed throughput of the system be exceeded the overcarried oil will be

detected and an alarm will activate, shutting down the unit

After the pumping of bilges is complete the unit should be shut down and drained, then flushed

through with fresh water so as to recover all the oil. It also leaves the separator clean for the next

time it is used and so reducing the risk of contamination on start up. Flushing through will also

minimise the risk of corrosion.

Some systems have the overboard valve fitted below the level of the separator unit, in which case

it is possible for the contents of the separator to be siphoned overboard it is therefore usual to

have an anti-vacuum valve fitted to the highest point in the overboard discharge line. This valve

must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure its correct operation

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Oil catch plate of primary column damaged.

Strainer between primary and secondary column clogged or damaged.

First stage filter element in secondary column damaged or heavily clogged.


It is effected by means of a vertical capacitance probe in the top of 1st stage vessel, the probe

being normally salt water finding. When oil completely surrounds the probe, altering its

capacitance, it energises the solenoid of the pilot valve which in turn opens the oil valve. This

causes a partial loss of pressure in the vessel and the water valve will close. On completion of oil

discharge the capacitance of the probe will again alter to de-energise the pilot valve solenoid and

so close the oil valve, when the pressure will build up again and the water valve will open. An

alarm probe is fitted to warn of an oil build up should the control system malfunction.

The water discharge from the 1st stage enters the 2nd stage at the bottom and passes vertically

through a coalescer bed or filter. The coalesced up oil is removed from the top of the vessel and

the water discharge to the 3rd stage.

The 3rd stage is similar to the 2nd stage, where further coalscing takes place, oil goes on top and

removed. The water discharge from this stage can be passed overboard after monitoring.

3.Question.Sr 12 2010

With reference to tubular heat exchangers explain:

a. how differential movement between tubes and body is accommodated when the tube plates are rigidly located in the body.One plate is fixed at one end whereas the tube plate at the other end is free to move with the

expansion of the tubes.

The tube stack is fitted with alternate circular disc and ring baffles made of brass to give radial

flow to the fluid and also supports the tube stack.

The fixed end tube plate is sandwiched between the shell and water box with jointing material.

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Synthetic rubber 'O' rings for the sliding tube plate permit free expansion.

If the joints leak at the face end, special tell - tale hole indicates leakage and the 'tell - tale' ring

will allow the liquids to escape without mixing.

The toroidal expansion joint in the center of the shell accommodates differential thermal

expansion between the tubes and the shell.

Baffles are used in shell and tube heat exchangers to direct fluid across the tube bundle. They run

perpendicularly to the shell and hold the bundle, preventing the tubes from sagging over a long

length. They can also prevent the tubes from vibrating. The most common type of baffle is the

segmental baffle. The semicircular segmental baffles are oriented at 180 degrees to the adjacent

baffles forcing the fluid to flow upward and downwards between the tube bundle. Baffle spacing

is of large thermodynamic concern when designing shell and tube heat exchangers. Baffles must

be spaced with consideration for the conversion of pressure drop and heat transfer. For thermo

economic optimization it is suggested that the baffles be spaced no closer than 20% of the shell’s

inner diameter. Having baffles spaced too closely causes a greater pressure drop because of flow

redirection. Consequently having the baffles spaced too far apart means that there may be cooler

spots in the corners between baffles. It is also important to ensure the baffles are spaced close

enough that the tubes do not sag.

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b. how and why turbulence is imparted to fluid flow through the tubesTurbulence is beneficial in a heat exchanger, because it rotates particles of the liquids so that

they tend to break up the boundary layer and remove heat by direct contact with the heat transfer


A second advantage of turbulent flow, is that the scouring action tends to keep cooler surfaces



The price for the benefit of turbulence along a heat exchange surface is that at tube entrances, or

the entry area between pairs of plates in plate type coolers, the turbulence is more extreme and

damage from corrosion/erosion occurs. This type of attack is termed impingement.

c. why it has become possible to discard sacrificial anodes in sea water coolers

Steel is cheaper, but prone to corrosion. It may be cast or fabricated. The presence of corroding

iron or steel confers benefits in sea-water systems. The metal acts as a sacrificial anode and

additionally delivers iron ions which are carried through and give protection to other parts of

system where they deposit.

[MGPS system is used onboard ship. Description and working of MGPS is as follows.

Basic principle on which MGPS runs is electrolysis. The process involves usage of copper,

aluminum and ferrous anodes. The anodes are normally fixed in pairs in the main sea chest or in

such place where they are in the direction of the flow of water.

The system consists of a control unit which supplies impressed current to anodes and monitors

the same. While in operation, the copper anode produces ions, which are carried away by water

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into the piping and machinery system. Concentration of copper in the solution is less then 2 parts

per billion but enough to prevent marine life from settling.

Due to the impressed current, the aluminum/ferrous anode produces ions, which spread over the

system and produce a anti corrosive film over the pipes, heat exchanger, valves, refrigeration and

ac unit etc, internally.

MGPS anodes are fitted with specially designed safety cap which helps in removing the anode

for replacement on board ship. Normally MGPS have a design life which coincides with the dry

dock of the vessel.]

d. what is meant by the term 'guided flow', with particular reference to oil heatersIn more recent designs of tube type heaters and coolers, the guided flow concept has been

introduced, i.e. a secondary heating, or cooling, surface in the form of radial fins integral with

the tubes between which flow is guided radially, alternately out and in from section to section.

This gives (1) greater heat transfer surface (2) better heat transfer (3) lower metal surface

temperature (4) in the case of oil heaters less risk of oil cracking and hence fouling.


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Sketch and explain the parts of a shell and tube type lubricating oil cooler showing how the oil and water flow path and material for each part

Explain how expansion and contraction of the tube stack of the cooler is accommodated

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SHELL: The shell or cylinder is usually made of close grained alloy cast iron, with surfaces

machined as required. Gun metal or fabricated steel may be used as alternatives depending upon

requirements. Shell is normally is in contact with the liquid being cooled, which may be either

oil or fresh water, as such there is no corrosion problem with the shell.

END COVERS AND WATER BOXES: The covers and water boxes are commonly of cast iron

or fabricated from mild steel. Sacrificial anodes in the rod or plug form and an electrical contact

strip are fitted to minimise corrosion due to galvanic action.

Where the end covers are coated with rubber or a bitumastic type coating or made of gunmetal,

then it can provide protection for itself but makes the tubes and tube plates vulnerable for


Easily removable covers on water boxes permit repairs and cleaning easier.

TUBE PLATES AND TUBE STACK : The tube stack is made up of stress relieved aluminium

brass tubes (76% copper, 22% zinc, and 2% aluminium) expanded into Naval Brass tube plates,

(62% Cu, 37% Zn, 1% Sn, Tin reduces corrosion)

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All material used in H\E have different rates of thermal expansion when subjected to heat

In shell and tube type H\E this expansion must be taken care of hence

The tube stacks are made up to have a fixed tube plate at one end and a tube plate at the other

end which is free to move when the tubes expand or contract.

The tube stack is constructed with baffles of the disc and ring, single or double segmental types.

The fixed end tube plate is sandwiched between the shell and water box, with jointing material.

The expansion end is fitted with Synthetic rubber 'O' rings with telltale hole which will allow for

free expansion

At the same time if any seal leaks the tell tale hole will indicate leakage

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Draw line diagram of a feed water system for an auxiliary boiler, labeling all the principal items and showing the direction of flow.

Explain how water level to the boiler is regulated?

State how solid impurities are removed from feed water, which is pumped into the boiler.

Indicate how the risk of oil contamination may be reduced.


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The water level in a boiler is critical. If it is too low damage may result from overheating; if too high priming can occur. It is therefore desirable to maintain the level in the boiler within the limits of the water level indicator.

In the case of water tube boilers with their high evaporation rates and small water reserves, the classification societies demand that some form of automatic feed water control be fitted, to maintain the water level in the boiler drum within the desired limits. These control systems may be grouped into the following types.

Single Element Feed water Control

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A single element feed water control system (below) will respond to a change in the level of water in the boiler drum as mentioned above and the suitability is therefore limited to boilers where the steam release water storage ratio is low, i.e. where the amount of water contained in the boiler relative to the steam output is reasonably high and also where load variations are of limited magnitude.

The level of water in the boiler drum is referred to a constant head with the resulting differential being applied to a differential transmitter, which converts the measurement to a proportional pneumatic signal. This signal is passed to a controller as the measured variable signal where it is compared with a desired value and any deviation between the two causes the controller output to change and pass the changed signal, via an auto/manual station, to the feed water control valve.

Two Element Feed Control System

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The primary control element in this system is initiated from the steam flow and from this measurement a control signal can be generated to position the feed water regulating valve so that the inflow of feed water will equal the outflow of steam. This system in itself will be insufficient to satisfactorily maintain the level in the boiler drum at a desired value since during the period of time that elapses between the change in the steam flow and the repositioning of the feed water valve to bring the inflow of feed water into alignment with the outflow steam, the level in the boiler drum could change to any position. It is therefore necessary to introduce another element, i.e. water level control, so that the level in the boiler drum can be maintained at its proper value.

The steam flow is measured by an orifice plate in the main steam line, between the drum and the primary superheater, using a differential pressure transmitter to convert the steam flow into a proportional pneumatic signal. This signal is introduced to the control system via the averaging relay which also accepts the signal from the water level controller. Therefore, with a change in steam flow there is an immediate corrective action on the feed regulating valve via the averaging relay, with the level controller being used as a trimming device to ensure the boiler water level returns to the correct position during stable conditions.

Three Element Feed Water Control

In the three element system, the basic control is carried out by a comparison of steam flow and water flow (below). In a closed feed system the water flow will equal the steam flow when the system is in equilibrium and any change in this condition will result in a control signal being applied to the feed water control valve. The signal from the water level will also effect the re-adjustment of the feed water valve to trim the level back to the desired value when the stability is achieved.

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In addition to moving the feed water valve in the correct direction on a change in steam demand, the water flow signal adjusts the control system to ensure that the position of the valve is such that the water input equals the steam output from the boiler. Therefore, any variations in feed water pressure ahead of the feed water valve causing a change in water flow will immediately be detected by the flow meter and the valve will be repositioned to maintain the correct water flow before this effects the level in the boiler drum.

Three Element Feed water Control:

For automatic control of the feed water flow to the boiler, following three (elements) primary inputs are normally being considered.

Drum level.

Main Steam flow.

Feed water flow.

In addition, measurements of Drum Pressure, Main Steam Pressure and Main Steam temperature are also taken for correction/compensation purpose as detailed below.

Following paragraphs briefly explains how the feed water flow is regulated to match the steam demand from the boiler

Drum level measurement:

Two numbers of level transmitters (dP transmitters) one on left hand side and the right hand side of the Boiler Steam Drum are provided to measure drum level.

The two level signals from these transmitters are averaged and connected to a manual three-way selector switch. The other two inputs for the three-way selector switch are directly from the two transmitters. Normally the average signal is selected for the control. In case any problem with

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any one of the transmitters; the healthy transmitter is selected in the three-way selector switch for the control.

The functioning of two level transmitters is continuously monitored through a deviation monitor. In case of difference between the two level transmitters is higher than the preset value, and then the control is automatically transferred to Manual with an annunciation.

The selected drum level signal is compensated for density variation in the drum water due to pressure changes (actually due to temperature changes) in the drum, through a function generating with drum pressure signal.

Drum Level Control:

The compensated drum level signal fed to a reverse acting P I controller as process variable. This measured drum level is compared with set point and a correcting signal (with proportional plus integral action) is generated in the controller according the deviation between the measured process variable (drum level) and the set point.

Main steam flow measurement:

The dP Transmitter measures the dP across the ventury nozzle, provided in the main steam line (The dP measured is proportional to the square of the flow through the ventury nozzle and hence the square root of the dP taken as proportional to flow.) The measured dP is square rooted and compensated density variations due to change of Pressure and Temperature.

Feed water flow measurement:

The dP Transmitter measures the dP across the orifice fitting is provided in the Feed water line. The measured dP is square rooted to arrive at the feed water flow.

Feed water flow control:

The compensated steam flow is added with the corrected signal generated in the drum level controller. This sum is taken as the demand of feed water flow (cascade set point) for the boiler and compared with the actual feed water flow to the boiler. The deviation between the demand and the actual feed water flow, fed to the P & I controller. The processed out put from the controller is given to the final control element through a 'Hand selector switch' and an 'Auto – Manual station' – the Feed water control valve as positioning signal.

Single Element Control:

During low load operation, three-element control is not required. Drum level measurement with it's set point is adequate. Hence the output of the Drum Level Controller is directly given to the Feed water Control Valve through the selector switch provided after Cascade P & I Controller.

[Auto Manual Operation:

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An Auto Manual Control Station is provided as the last element of control system. Auto or Manual operation can be selected from the Auto Manual Selector Switch in this Control Station. If auto selected, the positioning signal from the selected controller (through Hand selector switch) will go to the Final control Element – Feed water Control Valve. If manual is selected, the controller's outputs are isolated and the Feed water Control valve can be positioned from this control station.

Raise/Lower push buttons are provided in this control station through which Feed water Control valve can be opened or closed as desired by the operator. Bump less transfer facility shall be built in as part of the Control Station to avoid sudden jump of control valve position during change over from auto to manual or vice versa.


Normally Set point value indication, Deviation indication, Final Control element (Feed water Control valve) position indication and Process value indication are provided either part of the Auto Manual Control Station or separately.

Alarm and Trip signals: Low and high level alarm signals are generated from one for the transmitters output through software switches. However very Low and very high level trip signals (software switches) from both the transmitters output and also from the averaged/compensated signals are considered through an 'OR' gate. Signals from transmitters are also checked for the healthiness of the respective transmitters before connecting to the 'OR' gate.

Following are the Trip/Alarm Signals generated.

Transmitter deviation Alarm.

Drum level – Low Level Alarm

Drum level – High Level Alarm

Drum level – Very Low Level Trip

Drum level – Very High Level Trip]

Removing impurities from boiler feedwaterFeedwater is filtered to remove suspended matter and if the suspended solids are very fine, a flocculation step may be needed to enable effective filtration. The water is then subjected to other treatments to make it suitable for the boiler. Depending on the quality of water, it may be subjected to one or more treatments like chemical precipitation, lime-soda softening, ion exchange, deaeration, and reverse osmosis.

Preventive action

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The feed water/hot well/cascade tanks have to have filters installed, filled with lofa sponges, coconut fibres or similar, which effectively take up small amounts of oil. The filter inserts have to be exchanged regularly according to demand. The cascade tank can easily be equipped with a continually measuring oil detecting device which monitors if oil is present in the condensate. By locating the sensor in the cascade tank, it can be assured that oil is detected before it enters the feed water section, which means that no part of the feed water is being contaminated.

A more comprehensive system for preventing oil from entering the boiler would be to transmit a signal to an air- or electrically operated three-way valve switching over the condensate flow to the bilge until the oil source is pinpointed and eliminated. An investment in such equipment pays off quickly because it prevents the boiler from serious damage by burnt down tubes and furnace room plates.

Hot well is provided with filter observation tank.

Fill hot well and scum the oil from funnel and put in drain tank

Towel filter will get coated with oil which escaped scumming

Pump takes suction from bottom oil remains on top of hot well

Every drain line has steam trap with drain, check drain of coil to detect leaking return line

Scum blow down if oil enters boiler

Maintain high alkalinity [pH = 11 to 12] 14 is maximum add coagulant with pH high hydroxyl of oil are formed coagulant will make ball of that

Some ships are provided with oil sensing alarm and oil in feed water alarm

Find out leak and rectify leak

Heating coil drain does not go to hot well goes through observation tank.

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Glass has light behind it oil can be seen here then drain or skim oil from observation tank

Toweling filter are provided in hot well

Hotwell has overflow connection with oil it can be overflowed

Skim oil from hotwell by means of newspaper absorption mat

Hotwell suction to pump is from lower part therefore oil is not sucked

In feed water line oil in water alarm is provided

If oil goes in boiler then scum blowdown

Chemical treatment in extreme condition


(i) In plate type heat exchanger, fluid press. & temp, do not normally exceed 10 bar and 150°C respectively.

(ii) Titanium & stainless steel finding increasing acceptance,

(iii) Carrying bar & clamping bolts are often much larger than pack thickness.

(iv) State how it can be ascertained that plate stack is correctly tightened and the likely result of excessive tightness.Answer.

Plate type heat exchangers are made up of thin identical metal pressing plates with corrugation of

dashboard type, chevron pattern or herring-bone pattern, each with nitrile rubber gasket.

The plates are supported beneath and located at the top by parallel metal bars and held together

against an end plate by clamping bolts.

The arrangement facilitates addition of plates in pairs to increase capacity as well as damaged

plates can easily be removed and cleaning can be done without removing the plates from

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position. For this reasons, carrying bars and clamping bolts are made larger than plate pack


Nitrile rubber seals around the inlet and outlet passages and between plates are so arranged that

one fluid flows in alternate passages between plates and the second fluid in the intervening

passages usually in opposite counter flow directions. Since nitrile rubber is fitted inside a groove

between the plates with an adhesive (plibond) and forms the seal, pressure of fluids generally

restricted to 10 bar to avoid possibility of leakage. At high temperature, the rubber hardens and:

loses its elasticity, so the fluid temperature is also restricted within 110°C .

The plate corrugations promote turbulence in the flow of both fluids to encourage efficient heat

transfer. Turbulence as opposed to smooth laminar flow causes more of the liquid passing

between the plates to come into contact with them. It also breaks up the static boundary layer

which tends to adhere to the metal and act as heat barrier when flow is laminar. The corrugations

make the plates stronger and stiff, so permitting the use of thin material. The increase in plate

area also contribute to heat exchange efficiency. However, turbulence causes impingement

erosion and so titanium or stainless steel plates are used which are extremely hard and strong and

corrosion and_ erosion resistant.

The plate stack is tightened by clamping bolts to compress the rubber joints to prevent leakage.

However, overtightness is avoided by checking through the tell-tale hole arrangement at the side

of gaskets which indicate leakage through rubber seals. Correct tightness of bolts will just stop

any leakage from tell-tale holes.

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Describe the checks you would make while taking over a E\R. watch at sea

Under what condition would you refuse to

Take over

Hand overAnswer

Report to duty 20min earlier

Start with the funnel

Check smoke condition in the day, at night check for sparks

Check expansion tank water level

Blow through gauge glass of auxiliary boiler

Check oil level, suction pr, discharge pr, vibration, amperes, feel motor of A\C, Fridge


Check air comp, drain air bottle

Cylinder head platform

Exhaust temp

f.O. Leakages [fire hazard]

turbocharger oil level J.C.W. temp

startingair line check for temp rise

check air cooler pressure drop

fuel pump leak

rack position

lubricators are injecting uniformly

scavenge drain to be kept open

purifier room

check ampere, temp oil level vibration

F.W.G. vacuum temp salinity

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Bottom platform

Feel all running pumps, check pr temp noise

Check S.W. pump for leakage

Lighting of bilges, bilge should be dry

Check sump sounding

Stern tube fwd seal

Take rounds of steering gear room and check all parameters no leaks oil level grease

Take round of generators

Check all parameters

When completely satisfied come to the engine room

Check alarm panel when alarm had come what action was taken by previous watch keeper

Check if the condition has improved or detoriated

Check all remote temp and pressure

Check any standing instruction from C\E.

Check for any instruction from bridge

If all is satisfied then take over watch

Refusal to take over watch

Severe abnormality in engine room machinery

Bilges are full and its not possible to find out the ingress of water or oil

Alarms are present on the panel and there is no improvement

Irrespective of the action taken by previous watch keeper

Inform 2nd eng and C\E.

Maneuvering about to start do not leave the previous engineer

If you your self are not confident of keeping watch independently

if sufficient rest period is not completed then do not take over watch

if person is incompetent then do not hand over watch

person who is going to take over is sick intoxicated with drugs alcohol

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8.QuestionSr 8 2006

With regards to keeping the gas side of a boiler in good condition discuss each of the following

The mechanism of combustion stating the factors which are important for good combustion

Fuel oil treatment

Soot removal equipmentAnswer

To a degree necessary for good combustion. Time is required for combustion air and fuel to mix

and to burn completely within the confines of the combustion chamber. Modern marine boiler

plant provides for this with larger furnaces than were previously found.

High temperature is needed to vaporise the fuel and to ensure rapid ignition.

Turbulence is necessary to aid mixing of fuel and air so that complete combustion can be

achieved without the need for more air than that required to consume the combustibles carbon,

hydrogen and sulphur. The arrangement of the air admission apparatus is important.

Of further importance for efficient, complete combustion of heavy fuel oil is the design and

performance of the fuel atomiser.

[Combustion of Fuel in Boilers.The combustion of a residual fuel oil in a boiler furnace takes in a number of stages, which are described as follows.The oil is first heated in steam or electric fuel oil heaters. This reduces its viscosity and makes it easier to pump, filter, and finally to atomize. However it must not be overheated at this stage, otherwise a process known as cracking' occurs,-leading to carbon deposits, and the formation of gas in the fuel oil lines, etc. The gas, due to its large volume, reduces the mass of oil passing through the burners, which in turn leads to a possible reduction in the steaming rate of the boiler owing to the reduced amount of fuel actually burnt. This gasification can also cause instability in the combustion process itself, resulting in a fluctuating flame formation.The heated oil is now passed through the burners where it is atomized; this process breaks it up into a fine spray of droplets, so presenting a very large surface area of oil to the combustion processes. The droplets formed are .of two main types, i.e. very fine particles consisting of the lighter fractions of the fuel, which form a fine mist, and slightly larger droplets formed by the heavier fractions of the residual fuel.

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Heated combustion

Another important factor for the formation of the primary flame is that it must be supplied with primary air in the correct proportion and at the right velocity. In the case of air registers using high velocity air streams this is done by fitting a tip plate which spills the primary air over into a series of vorticesras indicated . This ensures good mixing of the air and fuel and, by reducing the forward speeds involved, helps to maintain the primary flame within the refractory q'uarl.SECONDARY FLAMEThe larger oil droplets, heated in then passage through the primary flame zone, then vaporize and begin to burn. This, although a rapid process, is not instantaneous, and so it is essential that oxygen is supplied steadily and arranged to mix thoroughly with the burning particles of oil. An essential feature for the stability of this suspended secondary flame is that the forward velocity of the air and oil particles must not exceed the speed of flame propagation. If it does the flame front moves further out into the furnace and the primary flame will now bum outside the quad with resulting instability due to overcooling.As indicated careful design of the swirl vanes in the air register can be used to create the required flow patterns in the secondary air stream. The secondary flame gives heat to the surrounding furnace for the generation of steam.]

Fuel oil treatment

The fuel which is used in boiler i.e. HFO contains many impurities such as water, asphaltin,

sludge, sodium and vanadium and metal particles such as alumina silica and catalytic fins

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If these impurities are not removed combustion process gets disturbed and efficient combustion

does not take place and soot formation takes place

Presence of water in oil causes fluctuation in flame or flame failure

Asphaltin will cause the deposition of hard carbon in form of honey comb on heating surface as

well as on burner and swirler plate

Sodium and vanadium will cause high temperature corrosion of heat transfer surface of gas side

If it has metal particle leads to damage of burner with damaged burner injection pattern will

change – improper combustion

These metal particle form ash and get deposited over heating surface

Treatment settling and service tank to be drained for efficient removal os sludge

Better to purify oil, removal of water and asphaltin in form of sludge and catalytic fins

Soot removal equipment

Soot blower where steam is blown out by use of steam or air pressure

Soot sticks which are thrown in furnace and burnt in furnace these form chemical gas which

release the soot

Infrafone in which high frequency sound waves are admitted into combustion gases this causes

fine vibration of tube and it releases the soot

Water washing in port

Manual cleaning by brushing

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Describe the following conditions are prevented in auxiliary boilers

Feed contamination by oil heating coil drains

Internal corrosion

Furnace blowback

Uptake fire


Feed contamination by oil from heating coil drain

Heating coil to be checked for leakage regularly

Material \ design.

Material to be suitable for maintaining pressure and temp of the steam

Expansion allowance to be given to coils

Anchor holding brackets coil to be properly secured

Coils to be kept at elevated platform at least 6 inches from bottom or tank bottom to prevent


Should be easily accessible.


At regular intervals coils to be inspected

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Should be pressure tested during inspection

Before admitting the steam coils to be drained properly to prevent water hammer this may crack

the coil

Steam to be admitted slowly

If leakages do take place oil will find its way to observation tank

Oil must be drained out from observation tank or cascade tank by overflowing the tank

Skim the oil from top or use newspaper to skim from top

Rectify leakage first then skim it

Note- if oil reaches inside boiler

Only scum or surface blowdown

Maintain high alkalinity and pH value of feed water

If no scum blowdown add coagulant and high alkalinity this will form oil globules

This will have coalescence effect due to condition of coagulant

Then it will form non adhesive oil sludge at bottom then blow down

Internal corrosion

This is due to corrosion and dissolved oxygen

Use closed boiler feed water system so that air inclusion is minimum

Maintain feed water temperature as high as possible so that dissolved gases will be released

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Use dearators [mechanical]

Add hydrazine as oxygen scavenger or add sodium sulphide

Dissolved Co2

This will form H2Co3 – weak acid

This will cause corrosion

Prevent entry of Co2 by way of dissolving air in system

While cold start makes sure all air is vented

Add alkaline compound to neutralize acid

Corrosion due to dissolved chlorides

This forms HCl which is corrosive

Regular blow down

Addition of alkaline compound

Corrosion – dissolved solid such as sodium and magnesium sulphate and bicarbonates

Use phosphate treatment and maintain it in alkaline condition and regular blow down

At regular interval boiler water should be tested for alkalinity dissolved solids reserved

phosphate so as to make sure that boiler water is maintained in good condition

Do not allow oil to enter the boiler always use water produced by fresh water generator

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Furnace blow-back:

This occurs due to insufficient purging of the Furnace, during burner firing. The blow-backs

occur due to an accumulation of oil and its vapour within the furnace, which is ignited by a re-lit

burner, i.e. sudden application of heat. The effect can also occur when a sudden admission of air

occurs into a fuel-rich flame.

1. Boiler furnace to be sufficiently ventilated before firing the boiler- start the

FD Fan. (Pre purge).

2. In case of failure to fire the boiler cause of failure to be investigated and then

only another attempt to be taken to fire the boiler.

3. While shutting down the boiler furnace to be well ventilated (post purge).]

There should be an adequate period of time (of air purge) with the air registers (flaps) fully open,

and the forced draught fan 'On'.

While lighting up, minimum fuel should be admitted, to maintain a 'minimum flame', to avoid an

excessive build-up of oil, before ignition occurs.

Proper maintenance of burners should be carried out, to prevent oil dribbling, while the burner is


Regular inspection of the colour of the flame - a deep yellow colour indicates a fuel-rich flame.

A correct air/fuel ratio should always be maintained.

1. Regular soot blowing to be carried out to prevent soot accumulation.

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2. Soot emanates from main engine and therefore combustion in main engine to

be maintained at best level.

3. Uptake temp, to be monitored closely. (If reqd. high temp alarms may be

fitted for exh.Gas IN and OUT temperatures for exh.gas. boiler)

4. Physical water washing, soot cleaning and its inspection, periodically is of great

help in keeping it clean.

Uptake Fires can be avoided by carrying out regular soot blowing and maintaining full water


Likewise, if a rise in the exhaust gas temperature differential across the boiler occurs, it could

indicate fouling of the tubes. If a fire does occur the engine should be stopped immediately and

the turbocharger air intakes covered to starve the fire of air. The soot blowers should not be used

as this could fan the fire.

Check to ensure full water circulation is maintained. A small fire may burn itself out as the heat

will be conducted away by the circulating water.

If a water washing system is fitted it could extinguish a small Fire. If there is a tube leak, the

circulation should be stopped and the boiler drained.

If the circulation stops it causes a risk of tube failure which can cause a hydrogen fire.

Without circulation the tubes will rapidly increase in temperature and may eventually rupture if

under pressure. The resulting water vapour dissociates releasing hydrogen which will burn

reaching temperatures as high as 2000°C. The heat sustains the reaction causing the iron to

oxidise which can melt the complete tube stack. In case of a high temperature fire the engine

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should be stopped immediately. The boiler circulation should be stopped and the boiler drained.

Boundary cooling should then be carried out until the fire is extinguished.

Any fire should be dealt with quickly to prevent a small fire becoming a large one which could

destroy the boiler.

10.QuestionSr 3 2006

With reference to hydraulic deck machinery:

(a)State the sources for contamination of the system;

(b) Describe possible effects due to contamination,

(c) Explain how the oil can be monitored by ships staff.Possible cause of contamination in the hydraulic system are ingress of water, metal particles

from general wear, dirt, grease, also oxidation products from overheated oil , air in the system.


Foreign particles

Metal particles – magnetic – wear down of pump gears, bearing [bush bearing]

Abrasion of piping

Sand and dust


Cargo residue


Moisture \ water content

Sources of contamination

From breathers of tanks

From header tanks left open

Wear down of pumps gears

Sludge formed due to oxidation of oil

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Oxides dark appearance

Water ingress due to hole on tank tops leading to rain water entry

Cooling water line leakage in cooler tubes and cooling water pump is kept on with out starting

the oil pump

Entry of water into topping up oil kept in drums on the deck due to holes on them

Due to different oil qualities – of wrong grade of oil leading to deterioration of quality

Due to condensation of air in tanks

Contaminants in a hydraulic; system can lead to three types of failure.

Catastrophic failure - This is where a component ceases to operate. If the damage is severe the

oil will be contaminated with debris and more

components in the system could become damaged.

Intermittent failure - This is perhaps the most common problem and is caused when dirt or wear

debris is large enough to prevent a valve

from seating or causing an obstruction to a small orifice, the dirt may eventually wash away and

the system will function normally. This type of intermittent fault results in an unreliable system,

with ship's staff wondering when the next breakdown will occur.

Degradation failure - Wear and erosion of components increases clearances and damages valve

seats and seals. This causes imprecise

control and a reduction in efficiency. If wear is occurring this will escalate and eventually cause

catastrophic failure.

Oil monitoring by ship staff.

Visual inspection- with water presence, water will become milkfish white. With oxidation colour

will become dark yellow. Water content can be checked by calcium carbide method. Sprinkling

water on

Hot plate, with water presence crackling noise can be heard. Check viscosity of oil with

oxidation, viscosity will increase. By flow stick method.

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Contamination can be monitored by testing regularly i.e. LO tests, filters cleaned regularly, if of

the magnetic type, build up metal particles should be noted as it could give an indication of

bearing failure.


Name method of F.W. generation on board ship

Sketch and describe any one method what treatment is give to render it fit for drinkingMethod of F.W. generation on board ship

Distillation, Reverse Osmosis (RO), flash distillation


The most commonly used form of shipboard freshwater generation is evaporative distillation,

which uses engine jacket cooling water or steam heat from exhaust or gas fired boilers to

evaporate sea water, which is then condensed into fresh water

Simple single effect evaporator

The single effect, high vacuum, submerged tube evaporator shown in Figure is supplied with

diesel engine cooling water as the heating medium. Vapour evolved at a very rapid rate by

boiling of the sea-water feed, tends to carry with it, small droplets of salt water which must be

removed to avoid contamination of the product. The demister of knitted monel metal wire or

polypropylene collects the salt-filled water droplets as they are carried through by the air, These

coalesce forming drops large enough to fall back against the Vapour flow.

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Figure High vacuum, submerged tube evaporator

Evaporation of part of the sea water leaves a brine the density of which must be controlled by

continual removal through a brine ejector or pump. Air and other gases released by heating of the

sea water, but which will not condense, are removed by the air ejector. The evaporator shown

has a single combined ejector for extraction of both brine and air.

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The system above shows an evaporator typically heated by Main Engine Jacket water with

means to supply steam when the engine is shut down.

To start this evaporator

Open sea water cooling to the coiling coils

A take off line from the outlet of the cooler goes to the ejector booster pump. After shutting any

vents the booster pump is started. The vacuum in the shell should begin to drop.

A take off from the educator booster pump is led to the shell via a flow control valve. This

should be cracked to fill the unit increasing to a design level gradually as the vacuum increases.

It should be noted that it is possible on some systems to increase feed to a point where the

educator can no longer cope and the shell is overfilled.

This should be avoided as the possibility exists of getting saltwater on the demister -this is a

mesh arrangement designed to remove wetness from the steam.

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Should this happen then it can take considerably longer before the salinity of the distillate falls to

an acceptable level.

Treatment chemical in the feed should now be added

When the water reaches working level in the shell the heating coils may be warmed through. It

should be noted that it is rarely the case the educator is able to provide all the vacuum required,

instead as the unit begins to steam, the condensing of this steam assists to pull the down the shell


The heating should be increase as the shell pressure reduced. The maximum temperature in the

shell is governed by design and to a maximum of 85'C to reduce scaling

The salinometer may be switched on once condensate is detected in the distillate pump suction.

The distillate pump control may be switched to auto. On some installations a recirc is fitted

which dumps the outlet from the distillate pump back to the evaporator. This may take the form

of an automatic three way valve operated by the salinometer. In addition a manual dump to bilge

may be fitted to dump the initial charge of distillate out of the unit reducing the time to on-line

Initial treatment (Figure) involves passing the distillate through a neutralite unit containing

magnesium and calcium carbonate.

Some absorption of carbon dioxide from the water and the neutralizing effect of these

compounds, removes acidity.

The addition of hardness salts also gives the water a better taste.

The sterilizing agent chlorine, being a gas, is carried into the water as a constituent of sodium

hypochlorite (a liquid) or in granules of calcium chloride dissolved in water.

The addition is set to bring chlorine content to 0.2 ppm.

While the water resides in the domestic tank, chlorine should preserve sterility.

In the long term, it will evaporate so that further additions of chlorine may be needed.

The passage of water from storage tanks to the domestic system is by way of a carbon filter

which removes the chlorine taste.

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Figure Chlorine sterilization and conditioning


(a) For Freon-22 vapor compression refrigeration machine, state how each of the following faults arc indicated and how they arc remedied;

(i) Air in the system

(ii) Moisture in the system

(iii) Undercharge

(iv) Overcharge

(b) Describe with a diagram detailing the devices incorporated into the refrigeration system to protect the machinery and equipment against malfunction.



Page 44: EKG Class4 Question & Answer

Moisture in the system

If there is air in the system, water or moisture will also be present as the atmospheric air contains

a large percentage of moisture. If no ice has formed the indications are similar to those of the

presence of air, but if ice has formed as it is most likely to do at the regulator, it can cause a

complete stoppage at this part. This is liable to happen if evaporator gauge reading is below 82°

F. It is necessary to thaw the ice to remove the moisture and if it is in small quantity the moisture

can be absorbed by a “drier" inserted into the liquid line.

In putting the first charge of refrigerant into a machine, great care is taken to ensure all pipe lines

are exhausted of atmospheric air and free from moisture, an air pump being used for this



Air in the system

Air in the system is indicated by an abnormally high condenser gauge reading accompanied by

very small bubbles in the liquid in the sight glass. The remedy is to close the liquid stop valve or

regulator, and pump the entire charge into the condenser and receiver until the evaporator gauge

registers 1Ib/sq. inch, when the machine is stopped.  The compressor delivery valve is now dosed

and the condenser contents allowed to cool to the surrounding temperature. The air is now

expelled from the condenser and receiver through the vent plug at the top until the condenser

gauge reading, using the temperature scale, is reduced to that of the cooling water temperature.

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Having got rid of the air it will most likely be necessary to top up the charge of refrigerant. This

will be done after opening the discharge valve from compressor and resetting the regulator to its

normal working position.

Air can only find its way into the system by leakage from the atmosphere, at a defective pipe

joint or compressor crank-shaft gland seal, for example. It is undesirable as it lowers the

efficiency and leads to corrosion.



Condensing pressure is high.    

Bubbles in the sight glass

Compressor runs hot and tong time.   

Jumping of the gauge pointer    



During charging air enters into the system.    

If Freon - 12 b used air teaks into suction line (WP is less than atmospheric pressure).


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Pump down the refrigerant (air will not condensate- but remain on top of the condenser above

the liquid refrigerant). 

Connect the collecting cylinder to the purging tine, open the valve and collect air in the cylinder. 

After purging shut the valve completely        

Check the level of the refrigerant, if required charge it.

Restart the compressor with all safety precautions.       



If the system is undercharged, either the condenser or the evaporator may be short of gas. An

undercharge in the condenser is denoted by a low condenser gauge reading and the appearance of

large bubbles in the liquid sight glass. If evaporator is short of gas, then compressor delivery

temperature will be high.   Another indication of undercharge is the necessity to run the machine

for longer periods between cut-outs, to maintain the cold room temperatures, assuming no

change in the cold room conditions. Undercharge is generally due to leakage of gas from the

system and will cause a rapid fall in efficiency.

The remedy is to add refrigerant to the machine until all bubbles disappear from the sight glass

with the regulator set to give correct gauge readings.


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Compressor runs hot and performance falls off

Low condenser gauge reading

Bubbles in the sight glass



Partial blockage at the filter or drier

Expansion valve blocked at the strainer.

Leakage at the shaft seal, flange coupling, valve gland etc.



Identify and rectify leakage.

Clean filter and drier.

Add more gas.


An overcharge will be indicated by a high condenser gauge reading, together with a full sight

glass reading, and a tendency for compressor delivery to become cold.

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This can only be rectified by discharge of gas from the machine, which can be done by

discharging slowly through the purge plug fitted on top of condenser, until the condenser gauge

reading returns to normal. Discharge should be to the open atmosphere and never to the engine-

room or an enclosed space. In the case of an ammonia machine, considering its toxic properties,

discharge may be made through a pipe into a vessel containing water, in which the ammonia is

absorbed. It is claimed that one part of water by volume, will absorb 800 parts of ammonia.

An overcharge of refrigerant can take place when using the compressor to draw from the storage

bottle when topping up, and particularly if gauges are defective.



High condenser gauge reading.

Sight glass full of liquid refrigerant

High-pressure switch activates to stop compressor



Excess refrigerant has been charged in the system

Air in the system or poor cooling

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Ice on the regulator




Remove the refrigerant from the system. This is done by connecting a cylinder-to the liquid line-

charging valve, starting the compressor and operating the charging valve. Purge air and maintain

effective cooling. Remove ice from the regulator.


Describe the boiler fuel burning system and indicate the effect of the following

Air supply insufficient

Air supply excessive

Presence of water in oil

Excessively high oil temperatureAnswer.

This refers to a semi automatic fuel oil system

Oil is pumped into the settling tank and any water allowed to settle out

This can then be drained off by means of spring loaded drain cock

When required for use the high suction valve on the settling tank is opened and oil is allowed to

pass to the cold filters fitted on the suction side of the FO service pump

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Due to high viscosity of the unheated residual oil only a coarse filter just sufficient to prevent

damage to the pump can be used @ this stage. This consist of a positive displacement pump

operating at a constant delivery pressure

A spring loaded relief valve fitted on the discharge side of the pump allows only excess oil to

spill back to the suction side of the pump in the event of over pressure

After leaving the pump, the oil temp is raised in the FO heater. This is done ion order to lower

the viscosity of oil making it easier to filter and finally to atomize

The correct oil temp is maintained by means of a thermostat placed in the outlet from the FO

heater, which controls the supply of seam to hater

The hot filters are fitted after the heater are normally of an auto clean type in some cases they are

constantly rotated by electric motors

These filters provide a fine filtration

This prevent wear and chokage of the fine passages in the atomizing tip of the fuel oil burner

The heated and filtered oil now passes through an automatic pneumatically operated valve which

varies the oil supply pressure to the burner in response to variation in the main steam pressure

transmitter to the master pressure controller

The combustion air controller also varies in order to maintain the correct ratio between the

amount of fuel and air supplied to the furnace

Two emergency valves are now fitted the 1st is manually operated quick closing shut off valve

which enables the FO to be shut off by hand from the boiler very rapidly in case of emergency

The second is a shut off v\v with a steam actuator operates to shut off the fuel in the event of loss

of water in the boiler

The oil is now ready to enter the individual dead legs supplying oil to the burners

An isolating v\v and a safety cock or similar device fitted to each leg

To enable oil temp in the system to be brought quickly up to and then maintained @ desired

operating value a recirculating valve is fitted which enables oil to be circulated through the ring

main back to the pump suction

This valve is closed as the burner are brought in operation

The system uses gas oil to flash up from cold. Air pressure is supplied to gas oil storage tank is

used to force oil through the burner. The use of this oil continues until sufficient steam pressure

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has been generated to enable the FO heater to be put into operation so as to raise the temp of

residual FO to a value required for its combustion

Safety fitting include quick closing valve operated from outside of E\R fitted to the suction lines

from the settling tanks which enable fuel to be shut off from the system in case of emergency.

There is also emergency stops fitted to the fuel service pump

The system can easily be changed to manual control by simply bypassing the automatic control

v\v and controlling oil supply pressure by means of hand jacking wheel on the spring loaded

relief v\v governing the discharge pressure from the fuel oil service pump

Air supply insufficient

Will cause bad combustion causing carbon monoxide to be formed resulting in black smoke and

loss of heat

The risk of accumulating a dangerous collection of unburnt fuel in the plant this may cause back


Unburnt fuel and carbon gets deposited on the tube surface and affects the heat transfer which

may lead to overheating

Air supply excessive

Will cause a grey white smoke also a loss of heat as extra air is heated in going through the

furnace and carries the heat up the funnel

It might cause fire in exhaust trunking and uptake where carbon deposit and unburnt residue of

fuel is present

Burner flame may be distorted and may get extinguished due to turbulence

The flue gases will contain more O2 which is undesirable for IG on tankers

Water in fuel

Spluttering @ the burner will take place accompanied by hissing sound and white smoke will

appear @ the funnel

Fire is likely to be damaged

Sodium salts dissolved in water are highly corrosive at high temp and will lead to corrosion at

burner tip, tube nest etc

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Sodium can also cause damage to brick work

Water may evaporate at high temp and they can cause vapour lock in the fuel system, which will

cause fluctuation in the fuel pressure

Boiler efficiency drops due to loss of calorific value of fuel

Fuel oil high temperature

To high an oil temp results in carbonization and chocking of the tips

Because due to high temp viscosity decreases and hence fuel broken into very small particle and

hence burns near nozzle

High temp could also lead to vapour lock in the system causing improper supply of fuel to burner

and can trip the boiler

Oil may crack at high temp in the heater causing asphalt and carbon deposits on heater tubes

14.QuestionSr 3 2009,

Explain the operation of automatic self cleaning centrifuge. Detailed sketches should be used for your explanation. Labeling principle component and indicating directional flow of all fluid.

Explain how dam ring contribute to efficient centrifuging with reference to oil of different specific gravity. Answer

1 Conditioning and displacement water

2. Oil In, 3. Clean oil out, 4. Water Out

5. Disk stack 8. Flow control disk, 6. Hydraulic Pressure & Spring Force keeps bowl closed.

Hydraulic Pressure overcomes spring force to open bowl for sludging

7. Sludge discharge when bowl open, 8. Flow control disk

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Describe an automatic self-sludging centrifuge suitable for dealing with fuel of density up to

1O1Okg\m3 at I5deg C.


As the density of the oil approaches that of water (above 991 kg\m3) the hydraulic equilibrium in

the bowl becomes unstable, and a gravity disc will no longer maintain a water seal.

As the density of the oil approaches that of water (above 991 kg\m3) the hydraulic equilibrium in

the bowl becomes unstable, and a gravity disc will no longer maintain a water seal.

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To overcome this problem, Alpha Laval has developed the Alcap separator, the principle of

which is illustrated,

Oil is fed into the high speed rotating bowl which basically operates as a clarifier, but water and

solids are separated and are thrown to the outside of the bowl by centrifugal force,

At regular intervals a sludge cycle will take place.

Water is admitted into the bowl to soften the sludge and displace the oil in the bowl.

When a transducer in the oil discharge line detects water the bowl is opened and the sludge and

water discharged.

The bowl opens and closes very rapidly and oil loss is minimal.

If the fuel contains water it will build up in the bowl and start to be discharged with the clean oil.

The transducer in the discharge line will detect this and if this occurs after the minimum sludge

cycle time, a sludge cycle will be initiated; if the water is detected before the minimum sludge

cycle time, then water discharge valve will open.

The start up procedure for the centrifuge described

Ensure purifier has been fully assembled, that the bowl cover locking dogs are in position, and

the brake is off.

The purifier pump suction should be closed, the pump discharge valve open to the heaters, and

the recirc valve open back to the purifier suction.

The discharge from the purifier should be open to the settling tank.

The feed regulating valve to the purifier should be set to zero.

Start the purifier watching the ammeter, which should fallback as the purifier speed increases.

Ensure the purifier does not vibrate. In case of vibration or excessive current shut down

immediately and investigate.

Open the fuel suction from the settling tank to the purifier pump.

Warm through and open heating steam to and from heaters. Ensure heater control set to 95deg C.

Continue to recirc fuel until purification temperature is reached.

Open operating water and set bowl operating water to close.

Open feed regulator to purifier and shut recirc valve. Set purifier oil feed to minimum.

Ensure sludge cycle is set to x hours.

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Change discharge from settling to service tank, and adjust feed rate to match engine


Factors that assist separation are:

. Viscosity of the oil: The lower the viscosity the lower the drag force on sludge

Particles. Heating reduces viscosity of a fuel.

Throughput: Should be as slow as possible to maintain fuel demand.

Interface: If the oil/water interface is within the disc stack separator efficiency is reduced, as oil

cannot flow along the full surface of the disc.

b) Oils of different specific gravities may be treated by changing the size of the gravity disc /

dam ring, the purifier manual will have a chart to show the gravity disc required for different oils

at specific temperatures and S.G.

Increasing the sg of the oil will tend to push the interface outlet and cause overflow from the

heavy phase outlet until the equilibrium is restored. Should the interface be moved so far as to

breach the dam oil will be issued from the heavy phase outlet and an alarm will sound. The ideal

position for the interface is to lie over the distribution holes

Reducing the sg of the oil will tend to bring the interface towards the axis, this reduces the force

of separation on the oil mix and reduces the efficacy of the unit possibly leading to contaminants

and water carryover with the light phase outlet the "gravity" disc are changeable on virtually all

purifers. Their centre bore is governed by the sg of the oil being centrifuged. The largest bore

should be used without risking overflow

For efficient separation it is necessary to maintain an interface line as away as possible from the

centre line

But not beyond the outer periphery of the top disc

Other wise water will leak out

Oil will start overflowing or come out of the water side i.e. the seal is broken

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On the other hand if the interface lies on the inner periphery of distribution holes of separation

plates then separation efficiency will be very poor and water will come out with oil

To maintain the interface at desired level, to get best result irrespective of change in oil density

dam rings are to be adjusted

If oil specific gravity increases it is necessary to decrease dia to balance the forces at the

interface level

If gravity disc is not changed the interface will shift towards the periphery and it will lie outside

the periphery of top disc then oil will overflow

In order to maintain balance of force interface will start slipping towards the centre line and e

line and lie just inside of the distribution hole

Separation efficiency will drop and water will come out with oil

If back pressure valve is close more then oil pressure increases e line will gradually move out

and will overflow

Excessive high back pressure

If through put is too high

Viscosity of oil is too high, because of more drag separation efficiency will drop

If due to sludge deposition disc stack are chocked separation efficiency will drop

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15.QuestionSr. No. 4 APRIL 2007

(a) Draw a line diagram of the engine room section of a bilge system for a passenger or cargo vessel including the connection of oily-water separator; label the principal items.

(b) State-

(i) What type of valves are fitted in the bilge system and why? State the material of construction of the valves.

(ii) The means used in passenger vessel-to reduce flooding risk by way of bilge system in the event of collision,

(iii)The type of pump ideally used to discharge through the oily-water separator.

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Bilge System

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SDNR valves are provided to prevent flooding of engine room from the sea into the engine

room, if valve accidentally left open.

SDNR valves body cast steel not CI – crack. Valve spindle stainless steel / brass. Valve and seat

– stainless steel / brass

Passenger ships is provided with

an emergency bilge pumping system is provided, it shall be independent of the main system and

so arranged that a pump is capable of operating on any compartment under flooding condition; in

that case only the cocks and valves necessary for the operation of the emergency system need be

necessary for the operation of the emergency system need be capable of being operated from

above the bulkhead deck.

Emergency bilge pump is a submersible pump which can be operated under fully submerged

condition and power is provided by emergency generator.

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The pump with motor is fitted inside an air bell so that even in flooded condition the pump will

not get submerged in water.

Reciprocating pump is best suited for pumping out bilges through an oily water separator as it

has lesser turbulence, flow is laminar and there is no churning action. If centrifugal pump is used

there will be churning action of oil and water and hence difficult to separate. [Centrifugal pumps

are never used, lobe / single screw vane pumps may be used]

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Sketch an automatic sprinkler system for combating fire in passenger spaces on a ship and state –

(a) The safety devices incorporated in the system.

(b) How the system is charged?

(c) The parameters governing the volume of the pressure tank.

(d) Means provided to prevent the passage of seawater into the pressure tank.


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Figure Sprinkler system.

(a) The safety devices incorporated in the system.

The system is fitted with a tank relief valve, pressure gauge and water gauge glass, pressure

alarm, alarm test valve,

A drain valve for protection against freezing

Section stop valves, are locked open and if any of these valve in advertently closed a switch will

operate alarm.

This will prevent these valves from being operated by unauthorized persons.

Pressure gauges indicating the pressure in the system at each section stop valve and at a central


A gauge glass and relief valve provided on the pressure tank.

A non return valve provided on the line to prevent passage of sea water back into the pressure


(b) How the system is charged?

The system shown (Figure) has a pressure tank which is kept part-filled with fresh water and

pressurized to 8 bar by compressed air.

When the pressure drops below 5.5 bar, a salt water pump cuts in automatically so that if the

sprinklers operate a supply of water is maintained.

Compressed air delivered from the electrically driven air compressor raises the pressure in the

tank to a predetermined level, this should be such that the pressure at the highest sprinkler head

in the system is not less than 4.8Bar

An electrically operated pump-with direct suction to the sea comes into operation when the fresh

water charge in the pressure tank has been used up

This is arranged to operate automatically through the pressure relay

A hose connection is also provided so that water can be supplied to the system from the shore

when the vessel is in dry dock.

(c) The parameters governing the volume of the pressure tank.


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Contents level is indicated by a gauge glass and this is specified as equivalent to one minute's

discharge of the pump. Tank volume is at least twice that of the water specified. Initially the flow

of water through a sprinkler system relies on the pressure exerted by the compressed air. It must

be arranged that during expulsion of the standing charge of fresh water from the tank, the air

pressure remains sufficient to overcome the head to the highest sprinkler and to provide enough

working pressure for the sprinkler. Thus a compressor connected and having automatic starting is

provided. Supply pressure must be higher than that in the lank so that air can be replenished

under pressure. The tank is also provided with a fresh water supply, drain and relief valve. The

pipe from the tank to the system has a non-return valve to prevent entry of sea water to the tank.


(d) Means provided to prevent the passage of seawater into the pressure tank.

A non-return valve fitted in the tank outlet line ensures that no sea water can pass back into the

pressure tank.


With reference to electro-hydraulic steering gears:

Explain in terms of control parlance the function of the "Hunting gear"

Explain the consequences if the standby pumping unit is motored;

State TWO methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being motored by the operating unitAnswer.

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The telemotor is the receiver of the hydraulic remote control system from the wheel on the


The linkage through the floating level of telemotor, pump and rudder stock forms the hunter


Hunting gear is a cut-off linkage. one end of which is connected to the rudder stock and the other

to the free-end of floating lever, to bring the rudder to stand-still desired position as directed

from the steering wheel at the bridge by counter acting the initial movement and restoring the

variable delivery pump control lever to the no-stroke position.

Purpose - As the tiller and rudder stock moves, the free end of the floating lever connected with a

linkage to the rudder stock, acts to counter-act the initial movement (i.e. hunts) and brings the

rudder stock to rest progressively by restoring the pump control lever to the no-stroke position,

when the rudder reaches the desired position as initiated by steering telemotor.

The pump is only required to deliver oil when the steering wheel is moved. The hunting gear

returns the pump operating rod to mid-position as soon as the helmsman stops turning the wheel.

When the rudder has moved through the angle corresponding to the wheel position, it will remain

there until the wheel and telemotor are moved again.

The sketch shows simply, the operation of the hunting gear. The telemotor moves the end of the

floating rod A to A1 and the pump control is moved, therefore from B to B1. Pumping of the

hydraulic oil causes movement of the rams and the end of rod C moves to C1 thus causing the

pump control to be pulled back to the neutral position B.

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If the rudder is displaced by a heavy sea through lifting of the relief valves, the hunting gear is

moved by the rudder stock. This will put the pump on stroke and the rudder will be restored to its

previous position.



Explain the consequence if the stand by pumping unit is motored

As a variable stroke pump can operate as a motor if pressure oil is applied to one side while it is

on stroke, it is necessary to prevent wind milling or rotation of the pump which is on stand by


Sluggishness i.e. time taken for rudder to move to the desired angle increases,

As the output of the operation pump, instead of moving the steering gear is used up in rotating

the stand by pump.

Normally time taken for moving from 30deg on one side to 35deg on the other side is 28second

when the ship is fully loaded and moving ahead.

This time increases.


The ball bearing races on the stand-by pump have been failing due to brinelling of the ball

bearings, caused by ship vibrations, and in these cases it is usual to fit devices which allow the

stand by pump to be motored slowly.


State two methods employed to prevent the standby hydraulic pump being motored by the

operating unit

Non-reverse locking gear

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Non-reverse locking gear to stop pump idling

One method to prevent this, is using a fixed ratchet is provided concentric with the pump driving

shaft. Pawls that can engage this ratchet are carried in the drive coupling. When the pump is on

stand-by the pawls engage with the ratchet and prevent rotation when oil on the delivery side of

the operating pump is on pressure.


In this condition the tendency to motor the stand by pump will always be against its normal

direction of rotation. As soon as the pump is started, rotation being in the opposite direction, the

pawls disengage and by centrifugal action fling out against the inner flange of the coupling

completely clear of the ratchet. When a pump is on stand-by and the rudder is being driven by

water pressure in the direction in which it is being moved so as to generate pressure on what is

normally the suction side of the operating pump, this will cause the stand by pump to rotate in its

normal running direction. This means that the pawls will disengage and the pump will be

motored round, allowing the rudder to move more quickly to a new steering position than the

single operating pump will allow.


Another method of protection against rotation of the stand by pump is to fit Servo pressure

operated automatic change over valves in the pipelines; these ensure that the pump can only be

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started in the unloaded condition (neutral) and in addition prevents the stand by pump from being

motored by the pump in service.


Another method of protection against rotation of the stand by pump is, 

Pump isolation valve

Isolating valves are also fitted to pumps so that a pump can be completely shut off from the

circuit and removed for servicing while steering is continued with the other pump.  

18.QuestionDEC, Emergency set 2006

Explain why each of the following features is considered desirable for air compressors:

(a) A single-throw crank for a multi-stage compressor;

(b) Minimum clearance volume;

(c) Multi tubular inter-stage cooler,

(d) Generous size of suction filterAnswer

A single-throw crank for a multi-stage compressor;

Points regarding this type.

Due to single-throw compressor becomes compact

Size of electric motor reduces

Volumetric efficiency increases maintenance becomes complicated

Removal of piston also becomes difficult

Capacity of compressor is high

Wear down affects both stages equally;

Single set of running gear,

Minimal length of machine,

Controlled lubrication of H.P. stage

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The clearance volume is very important in the efficient operation of a compressor.

Too large a clearance and the air trapped there at the end of a compression and delivery stroke

will expand back to suction conditions before a fresh charge can be drawn in.

This can dramatically reduce the volumetric efficiency of the compressor;

The clearance volume should be kept as small as is safely possible; too small and collision

between the piston top and the cylinder cover may result.

This problem may occur when bearing wear down takes place in the crankshaft system.

The slack so generated may allow the piston to 'throw' itself up and collide with the cover.

This dangerous condition is particularly apparent when the compressor is running unloaded

(compression is not taking place and there is little or no resistance to piston movement).

During compressor overhaul, always check bearing clearances as well as bumping clearances

(i.e. distance between piston top and cylinder cover at tdc).

The stage compression (and the relatively low compression ratios thereby available) also reduces

the amount of air trapped in the clearance volume and hence again improves the volumetric

efficiency over single stage compression.

Compression in a single stage would, for a given clearance volume, result in a large mass of air

being trapped due to the high pressure (pv = mRT) with its consequent expansion greatly

reducing the effective suction.

Excessive piston end-clearance gives a large clearance volume which will be full of air at high

pressure when the piston reaches the end of its stroke.

On the outward stroke of the piston the air within the clearance volume expands until the

pressure within the cylinder is low enough to allow the suction valves to open.

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With a large clearance volume the outward travel of the piston will be greater before the pressure

is low enough within the cylinder to allow the suction valves to open.

In consequence a large part of the suction stroke is made ineffective and the amount of air taken

into the cylinder during each suction stroke is reduced.

This lowers the volumetric efficiency.

Air cooling is achieved in multi tube heat exchangers circulated with water.

The straight tubes are easier to keep clean and offer small resistance to air flow. Should one

perforate however, the pressure of the air would immediately be imposed upon the whole of the

coolant passages (water being incompressible).

This would put such a strain upon the relatively weak casings that rupture would almost certainly

result were it not for the large area relief devices fitted to the water casing.

These may take the form of spring loaded valves or bursting discs.

In either case they offer, on lifting, a rapid release of volume and would drop the pressure

quickly enough to protect the casing from damage.

More cooling efficiency higher saving in work input

When a straight tube leaks it can be plugged and remain in service until it is convenient to renew


Surface area increases with multi tubular heat exchanger, therefore better cooling

Generous size of suction filter

Suction filter should be big enough, surface area of filter increase

Offer less resistance to air

Entry in L.P. stage will not get affected if filter is partially chocked

Filter cleaning interval can be increased

Vol efficiency will not drop if filter gets choked

More air can be inducted

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19.QuestionSr 11 2008,

State why each of the following are fitted to ships steering gear system

Brake or locking devices.

Shock buffer relief valve.

Steering gear stops or cut-outs.

Rudder stop.

Describe the routine testing of steering gear.Answer.

Brake or locking devices. In the event of loss of electrical power the rudder may be locked

hydraulically. If loss of fluid occurs then mechanical locking may be applied. The rudder is

locked in mid ship position to allow the vessel to proceed.

Shock buffer relief valve. Drive back – occurs when heavy seas strike the rudder. Very high

pressure could damage the gear if relief is not provided

Steering gear stops or cut-outs. These [and there may be several] are provided to give a soft stop

i.e. the gear is not slammed against the rudder stops which could damage the gear and lift the

relief valves.

Rudder stop. In single screw ships rudder may strike the propeller, some balanced rudders may

jam. With conventional rudders the lift falls off at 35 degrees.

Describe the routine testing of steering gear.

Under international (IMO, SOLAS) regulations the Master must, within 12 hours before each

departure ensure that the steering gear is checked and tested in order to be sure that it is working


The test procedure shall include, where applicable, the operation of the following :-

a) Main steering gear.;

b) Auxiliary steering gear;

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c)  All remote control systems for steering gear;

d) Steering positions located on the navigating bridge ;

e) Emergency power supply ;

f)      Rudder angle indicators in relating to the actual position of the rudder;

g) Remote steering gear control system power failure alarm ;

h) Steering gear power unit failure alarm

and   i)  Automatic isolating arrangements and other automatic equipment required for steering


Tests and checks shall include ;-

a) Full and free movement of rudder according to the required capabilities of the steering gear;

b) A visual inspection of the steering gear and its connecting linkages ;

c)  Operation of the means of communication between the navigating bridge and the steering

gear compartment.

Changeover Procedure:-

All relevant staff concerned with the operation should be familiar with the operation of the

steering gear and the disposition and the purpose of isolating and bypass valves for emergency

use and be aware of the procedure to be followed in the event of any failure.


The regulation requires that emergency steering gear drills be carried at every 3 months. These

drills must include direct control from steering gear compartment, the communication procedure

with the navigating bridge and where applicable, the operation of the alternative power supply.

Simple operating instructions with a block diagram showing the changeover procedure for

remote steering gear control systems and steering gear power units, must be permanently

displayed on the navigation bridge and in steering gear compartment.

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20.QuestionEmery 2007-2008

What is the purpose of a fusible plug on an air receiver and at what temperature is it designed to melt.

What inter locks are there on the starting air system

What is the pressure of a starting air receiver?

Explain how would you start an air compressor and stop it after overhaul.

What safety devices are fitted to a start air line?

If it is possible to isolate the safety valve from the receiver a fusing plug must be fitted to release

pressure and discharge the received in the event of heating due to a fire in the vicinity.

The fusible plug should have a melting temperature of 150°C and a connection must be made to

discharge the contents in a safe manner.

The starting system interlocks are

a) Turning gear interlock,

b) Telegraph in either ahead or astern position

The reversing system interlocks are

a) Air start servo, which blocks the air start system until the air servo is in the final

reversed position

b) Fuel pump servo, which blocks the "fuel on" signal to the governor, and the

governor start booster when ANY ONE of the fuel pump servo's are not in their end position

c) Rotational direction safeguard, which also blocks the "fuel on" signal to the

governor, and the governor start booster until the engine is rotating in the same position as the

engine telegraph

Air is normally stored at pressures up to 30 bar for the main engine starting.

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Cautions Before Starting

Before starting the compressor, the following items must be observed.

1) Any loose bolts, nuts, piping joints, etc, must be tightened securely.

2} The oil gauge of the crankcase has markings for the maximum and the minimum oil level, and

the oil level always must be kept between these two marks-

3) At the time of first operation (or after a long stop for 2 weeks or more), release the low-

pressure valve, check that the cylinder sliding parts are free of rust, dirt,, or other foreign matter,

and apply a sufficient quantity of lubrication oil to the sliding parts,

4) Do not touch the lever of the lubricator.

5) For the cylinder lubrication piping, initially loosen the pipe joints at the inlet and the outlet of

the lubricator and pull up the manual priming pump handle at least five times to completely vent

the air, and confirm that the oil signal {gear type) turns and that oil comes to the lubrication hole

in the cylinder. Then restore the low-pressure air valve and the valve cover, turn the crankshaft 5

to 10 times, and confirm that no foreign matter has been caught

6) Check that cooling water is flowing- (Open the manual valve of the line.)

7) The manual valve of the air line must be open all the way.

8) Conform the rotation direction.

9} All main valves of accessory equipment must be open.

Cautions before Starting and During Operation

1) For the first operation, release the air tank on the machine side, execute no-load operation,

and confirm that there is no leakage of air and water lines.

2) For the first start after stop for a long time, remove the suction strainer and add 10 to 20 cm2

of lubrication oil, as the cylinder inside will have run out o£ oil- At this time, a vacuum

phenomenon will be caused when the suction side is closed completely, which is

dangerous, and sufficient care is required,

3) Operate the compressor for 5 to 10 minutes under the conditions of steps 1) and 2) - In

extremely cold weather, the viscosity of the oil changes and the Lp pressure may drop, so that

conscientious operation is required,

4) During operation, pay attention to abnormal noise, abnormal smell, and abnormal

temperatures from the machine.

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5) When no-load operation shows no abnormalities, gradually raise the discharge pressure.

During operation, refer to the test record every q, 2 to o#5MPa of pressure increase, and

confirm that there are no abnormalities in regard to stage pressure etc.


1) In case of manual operation: Execute manual stop on the machine side.

2} In case of automatic operation: When the equipment is operating normally, automatic stop

will be executed by the pressure switch,

Starting line safety devices

Air Line Safety Valve, Safety Bursting Cap, Relief Valves.

Fig. Air Line Safety Valve.

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Fig.Safety Bursting Cap.

Fig.Starting tine Diagram Showing Location of Relief Valves.