el imperativo is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) is used for commands, and imperative ideas

El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas.

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Page 1: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas

El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!)

Is used for commands, and imperative ideas.

Page 2: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas

Formation Depends on who you are speaking to, if you are speaking to “usted”, use the

subjunctive, eg. Escuche, por favor.

If you are speaking to one person in the “tu” form, you take the normal “tu” form, taking off the ‘s’ – e,g. hablas -> habla

Page 3: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas

Formation If you are speaking to more than one person – use the “vosotros” form. To

form it, you take off the ‘r’ from the infinitive and add a ‘d’ – escuchar-> escucha -> escuchad

If you are using a negative command, you put it into the subjunctive – no hables!

Page 4: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas

Formation Reflexives – if using a reflexive verb, you tack it on to the end of the ‘tu’

form – levantate

Reflexives – for the vosotros form, take off the ‘d’ and add ‘os’ – levantaos, or ‘nos’ - vamonos

Page 5: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas

Irregulars - tu

Page 6: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas


escribe 5 politicas usando el imperativo para que el gobierno integre nuevos inmigrantes latinoamericanos en el pais.

Page 7: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas

Rules for integration Offer fair working rights – ofrece derechos laborales justos / iguales

Put on language classes – pon clases de lengua

Change the perception of immigrants – cambia la percepción de inmigrantes

Teach the natives and immigrants about both cultures – enseña a los nativos y inmigrantes de ambas culturas

Encourage multicultural communities – fomenta / anima las comunidades multiculturales.

Page 8: El imperativo Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!) Is used for commands, and imperative ideas

Is a command – e.g. escuchad! (listen!)Is used for commands, and imperative ideas.

IRREGULARS (TU FORM)-------------------------------------


Depends on who you are speaking to, if you are speaking to “usted”, use the subjunctive, eg. Escuche, por favor.

If you are speaking to one person in the “tu” form, you take the normal “tu” form, taking off the ‘s’ – e,g. hablas -> habla

If you are speaking to more than one person – use the “vosotros” form. To form it, you take off the ‘r’ from the infinitive and add a ‘d’ – escuchar-> escucha -> escuchad

If you are using a negative command, you put it into the subjunctive – no hables!

Reflexives – if using a reflexive verb, you tack it on to the end of the ‘tu’ form – levantate

Reflexives – for the vosotros form, take off the ‘d’ and add ‘os’ – levantaos, or ‘nos’ - vamonos