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Election Analysis Current as of November 5, 11:00 a.m. 2020

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  • Election Analysis

    Current as of

    November 5, 11:00 a.m.


  • T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S

    1 Introduction

    2 117th Congress

    • Senate

    • House of Representatives

    • Reconciliation

    3 Snapshot of Newly Elected Officials

    4 Projected Committee Leadership

    5 Committee Changes

    6 Looking Toward 2022

  • I N T R O D U C T I O N

    While all election years are contentious to some degree, this one has been

    particularly so. Whatever the final outcome, post-election days result in raw

    feelings on one side and elation on the other. It is our hope that winners and

    losers alike – and all those who rooted for them – react with grace, a

    commitment to healing, and a firm resolve to maintain our Nation’s revered

    tradition of peaceful transition.

    Today many seats are still being

    decided, and with the razor thin

    margins in many cases, we are keeping

    a close eye on the races that are yet to

    be decided, while digesting the decided

    results and implications. With the

    possibility of vote recounts in the

    presidential elections, please note the

    laws that dictate the that action in the

    states in question.

    As we learn more in the coming hours,

    days, and possibly weeks, the bipartisan team at Prime Policy Group is

    prepared to help you navigate to navigate these unchartered waters. This

    analysis will be updated as we receive new information, so check back often

    for the most current state of play. And, as always, please reach out with any


    Arizona: Holds a recount if the margin is < 0.1%.

    Georgia: No automatic recount; candidates can

    request a recount if the margin is < 1%

    Michigan: A candidate can petition for a recount

    if they allege “fraud or mistake in the canvass of the

    votes" within two days of the completion of the

    canvass of votes. A recount is automatic if the

    margin is equal or < 2,000 votes.

    Nevada: Any candidate can request a recount

    and is responsible for the costs unless they are

    declared the winner as a result of the recount.

    North Carolina: A candidate can request a

    recount if the margin is < 0.5%, or 10,000 votes,

    whichever is less.

    Pennsylvania: Recount if the margin is < 0.5%.

    Wisconsin: A candidate can request a recount

    within three days following completion of the

    canvass of votes if the margin is < 1%. He or she can

    appeal to the state circuit court within five days of

    completion of the recount.

  • 117th Congress


    Control of the Senate remains up in the air. As of this writing, control of the U.S. Senate remains up in the air and may remain that way until early 2021 when both Georgia Senate seats

    appearing to be headed to runoffs, which will be held on January 5. Right now, Democrats have picked up

    2 seats, and with Republicans knocking off the incumbent in Alabama, the chamber’s margin is currently

    48 R – 48 D. Democrats were able to handily beat Sen. Cory Gardner (R) in Colorado, and in Arizona, Mark

    Kelly handed Sen. Martha McSally (R) her second Senate race loss in as many years.

    There are still 4 races that have yet to be called, including races in Georgia, North Carolina, and Alaska.

    The special election in Georgia is headed towards a runoff with Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R) facing Rev. Raphael

    Warnock. The second Senate race in Georgia remains uncalled, but Sen. David Perdue (R) has fallen below

    the 50% + 1vote needed to avoid a January race, and the race looks to be headed to a runoff because the

    outstanding votes left to come are from heavily Democratic counties.

    House of Representatives

    As anticipated, Democrats maintained control of the House of Representatives, despite

    many unanticipated losses; and a projected blue wave failed to materialize.

    Republicans were able to win back a number of

    districts that they had lost in 2018, and, as of

    now, the split is 206 – 190 with 39 races still

    uncalled. Among the notable results were the

    defeats of House Agriculture Chairman Colin

    Peterson (MN) and first term congresswomen

    Abby Finkenauer (IA), Donna Shalala (FL), Xochitl

    Torres Small (NM), and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

    (FL). Republicans successfully defended a

    number of seats in Texas and also recaptured

    South Carolina’s 1st District, while significantly

    increasing the number of Republican women

    who will serve in the chamber. Altogether, House

    Republicans had a very good night that few

    outside of the staunchest Republicans were expecting and have picked up a net of 6 seats.

    Key Dates Democrats will now begin the process of preparing for the 117th Congress, with a number of key dates set. Freshman orientation, which is currently scheduled to be in-person will be held from November 12 to November 21 and from November 29 to December 5. House Leadership Elections will be held on November 18 and 19, with the Steering Committee being constituted after those elections, sometime between November 20 and before the week of the November 30. The Steering Committee must vote of committee chair recommendations before the whole caucus votes on the selections the week of November 30.

  • Leadership Going into election night, Democrats did not expect any challenges to the current leadership team, and

    Speaker Pelosi was expected to easily retain the gavel next Congress. While still unlikely, there may be

    renewed conversation about Democratic messaging and changes in leadership. One of the few bright

    spots for House Democratic leadership was the

    win by Rep. Ben Ray Luján (NM), who was elected

    to the Senate. Luján, who has served as Assistant

    to the Speaker, will likely be replaced by Rep.

    Katherine Clark (MA).

    New Dem Leadership

    As a reminder, the New Dem Coalition now

    consists of 100+ members and is likely to again

    grow its ranks next Congress. For the first time in

    the Coalition’s history, there are active,

    competitive races for its vice-chair positions.

    There are seven members running for the four

    openings: Rep. Peters (CA-52), Rep. Kuster (NH-

    02), Rep. Bera (CA-07), Rep. Plaskett (VI-At-large),

    Rep. Houlahan (PA-06), Rep. Davids (KS-03) and Rep. Sherrill (NJ-11). Races are fluid but Bera, Plaskett and

    Houlahan seem to currently have an edge with the final seat likely to come down to Kuster or Peters.

    Lame Duck As the current CR expires on December 12, there will be a need to address government funding during

    the Lame Duck. We anticipate a CR that will run through the beginning of next year, likely expiring in

    March. There seems to be a working assumption that while additional attempts will be made during lame

    duck to pass a bipartisan COVID relief package, there is may not be one – although Sen. McConnell

    indicated today his hope to get something passed before the end of the year. Additionally, with control

    of the Senate remaining in flux, perhaps through early January, it remains to be seen what either party

    would agree to handle during a Lame Duck term.

    Looking Forward to the 117th Congress During the first 100 days, the House will spend time on many of the same message bills that saw Floor

    time the first quarter of 2019. Expect H.R. 1, the For The People Act, to again be the first bill to hit the

    floor. The voting rights package (H.R. 4) is likely to be the second bill to move to the floor and the police

    reform package will also see priority consideration. The idea is to use House floor time to message on

    issues with broad Caucus support.

    Caucus Chairs Committee Chair

    Congressional Black Caucus

    Joyce Beatty (OH)

    Congressional Hispanic Caucus

    Raul Ruiz (CA)/ Nanette Barragán (CA)/ Veronica Escobar (TX)

    Congressional Progressive Caucus

    Pramila Jayapal (WA) and/or

    Jamie Raskin (MD)

    New Dems Suzanne DelBene (WA)

    Blue Dogs Anthony Brindisi (NY)**

    *Traditionally the CPC has had two co-chairs but may move to a sole Chairmanship this Congress

    **Brindisi is currently behind in his still uncalled race

  • Reconciliation

    While a Democratic Senate now seems at best a 50/50 probability, if Democrats

    prevail and the chamber flips, all eyes will turn to the potential use of the budget

    which allows for an expedited process to pass tax and/or spending policies. The

    process known as “reconciliation” requires majority rule in both House and Senate

    in order to pass identical budget resolutions.

    Used twenty-five times since 1980, budget reconciliation allows for an expedited process to pass the

    congressional budget resolution, and any spending or revenue provisions that may be attached. Most

    recently, Republicans used reconciliation to pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017.

    For this process to work, the consensus budget contains “reconciliation instructions” which give

    instructions to specified committees to meet certain spending or revenue/tax targets through

    corresponding increases or decreases. Reconciliation instructions give committees specific numerical

    targets to meet within a set timeframe. While the budget resolutions can assume policy objectives to

    correspond to the fiscal instructions they cannot compel committees to adopt those specific policies to

    meet its targets. House and Senate instructions to committees must be corresponding. For example, the

    Senate cannot instruct the Agriculture Committee to meet a target

    while the House instructs the Energy and Commerce Committee.

    Legislation goes through regular order at the committee level, i.e.

    committee that receive “instructions” draft and mark up a bill to meet

    their targets. If multiple committees are given targets and report bills,

    the Budget Committee knits together the individual committee work

    into one package for the Parliamentarian’s review and subsequent

    floor consideration. And if a committee cannot report out legislation to

    meet its fiscal target the Budget Committee can report legislation to do

    so for the committee.

    Reconciliation bills are afforded special protections that allow

    expedited Senate consideration: debate is limited to 20 hours for the Senate bill and 10 hours for the

    conference report, amendments must be germane to the underlying bill, and the bill can pass with a

    simple majority as opposed to clearing the 60-vote threshold.

    Why is this important?

    Reconciliation has, at

    times, been leveraged to

    move controversial

    legislation – like the

    Affordable Care Act – that

    otherwise would have to

    clear higher hurdles under

    rules designed to protect

    the Senate’s minority.

  • Snapshot of Newly Elected Officials

    Alabama | Senate

    Tommy Tuberville (AL) @TTuberville Tommy for Senate Tommy Tuberville, the former head coach of the Auburn Tigers football team, has defeated incumbent Doug Jones (D) in the Alabama Senate race. Jones had previously won a special election in 2018 to fill the remaining two years of Jeff Sessions’ Senate term after Sessions was appointed U.S. Attorney General. Tuberville was endorsed by President Trump and ran as a political outsider, having never held elected office before. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Southern Arkansas and lives with his wife, Suzanne, in Auburn.

    Arizona | Senate

    Mark Kelly (D) @CaptMarkKelly Mark Kelly Mark Kelly defeated Senator Martha McSally (R), two years after Sen. McSally lost a previous Senate race to Senator Kyrsten Sinema. A political outsider, Kelly has never held elected office. He was endorsed by Senator Kamala Harris and former President Barack Obama. A former astronaut, Kelly lives with his wife, former Rep. Gabby Giffords, at their home in Tucson.

    Colorado | Senate

    John Hickenlooper (D) @Hickenlooper Hickenlooper for U.S. Senate Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper defeated incumbent Cory Gardner (R). A geologist by training, Hickenlooper also founded a series of brewpubs across Colorado. Having first served as Mayor of Denver, Hickenlooper served two terms as governor. His campaign has focused on issues like climate change, expanding healthcare, and gun safety laws. John Hickenlooper and his wife Robin Pringle live in Denver. 

    Florida | House

    Carlos Gimenez (R-26) @CarlosGimenezFL Carlos Gimenez for Congress Carlos Gimenez (R) defeated Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D) to win Florida’s 26th Congressional district. Gimenez is currently in Mayor of Miami-Dade, where he was initial elected in 2011. Gimenez and his family immigrated from Cuba in 1960, and he was a firefighter for Miami Fire-Rescue for 25 years. Gimenez lives with his wife.

    Maria Elvira Salazar (R-27) @MaElviraSalazar Mariaelvira Salazar 2020 Maria Elvira Salazar (R) defeated Rep. Donna Shalala to win Florida’s 27th Congressional district. Salazar was a rising journalistic star, having previously been an anchor for CNN Español, and Univision. Salazar holds degrees from the University of Miami, and Harvard. She resides in Miami with her husband and two daughters.


  • Georgia | House

    Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-07) @Carolyn4Ga7 Carolyn Bourdeaux for Congress Carolyn Bourdeaux flipped this metro Atlanta district, succeeding the retiring Rep. Rob Woodall (R). Bourdeaux, a graduate of Yale and the University of Southern California, earned her Ph.D. from Syracuse before working as a college professor. She also served as Director of Georgia’s Senate Budget and Evaluation Office. Bourdeaux and her husband live in Suwanee with their young son.

    Indiana | House

    Victoria Spartz (R-05) @Victoria_Spartz Spartz for Congress Victoria Spartz was elected to the House after defeating Democratic challenger Christina Hale. A Ukrainian immigrant who moved to the United States 20 years ago, Spartz, has run several businesses and served as a state senator since 2017. She ran on a platform to repeal needless regulations, reform health care, improve educational outcomes, and to protect the Second Amendment and private property rights. Victoria and her husband, Jason, a lifelong resident of Hamilton County, reside in Noblesville with their two daughters.

    Iowa | House

    Ashley Hinson (R-01) @hinsonashley Ashley Hinson For Congress Ashley Hinson defeated freshman congresswoman Abby Finkenauer (D) to flip the 1st district. Hinson is graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in broadcast journalism and worked as a reporter for KCRG-TV in Cedar Rapids. She was elected to the Iowa State House in 2016 and has served as the chairwoman of the Transportation Committee. Hinson and her husband Matt have two sons.

    Kansas | Senate

    Roger Marshall (R) @RogerMarshallMD Kansans For Marshall Rep. Roger Marshall will become Kansas’s next Senator after he defeated Kansas State Senator Barbara Bollier. Marshall is a physician and served two terms in the House prior to winning this election. In Congress, Marshall served as the health care task force chairman for the Republican Study Committee and focused on agriculture issues, pro-life issues, and eliminating excessive regulation. Marshall lives in Great Bend with his wife Lania and has four children.

    Michigan | House

    Peter Meijer (R-03) @VoteMeijer Vote Meijer Peter Meijer defeated Hillary Scholten to win the third district of Michigan, replacing retiring incumbent Rep. Justin Amash (L). Previously, Meijer served in Iraq for the U.S. Army as a conflict analysis NGO in Afghanistan, and most recently as an analyst at the Olympia Development of Michigan. On the campaign trail, he focused on his military service and his conservative values of opposing restrictions on firearms and regulations that limit religious freedom. Meijer lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his wife Gabriella.


  • Minnesota | House

    Michell Fischbach (R-07) @FischbachMN7 Fischbach for Congress Michell Fischbach defeated incumbent Rep. Collin Peterson (D). Fischbach, recently the 49th Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota, ran her campaign on a traditional Republican platform that focused on securing the border, supporting farmers financially and through better trade policy, and fixing the health care system through pass patient-centered reforms that increase competition and lower costs. She and her husband, Scott, live near Paynesville and have two grown children and five grandchildren.

    New Mexico | Senate

    Ben Ray Luján (D) @benraylujan Lujan for United States Senate Succeeding the retiring Sen. Tom Udall (D), Ben Ray Luján becomes the junior Senator from New Mexico. Luján has served in the House since 2008 and was Assistant Speaker of the House in the 116th Congress, making him the highest-ranking Hispanic member of the House. Prior to serving in Congress, he served on the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission. Luján has made sustainable energy, climate change, and healthcare central to his campaign. Ben Ray Luján lives in Nambé.

    New Mexico | House

    Yvette Herrell (R-02) @Yvette4congress Herrell for Congress Yvette Herrell defeated incumbent Rep. Xochitl Torres Small in a rematch of the 2018 midterm election. She previously served in the New Mexico House of Representatives for four terms and was an entrepreneur who owned several small businesses. Herrell campaign priorities centered around job creation, protecting Second Amendment rights, and reduction of regulations for the mining, energy, and agricultural industries. Herrell resides in Alamogordo, New Mexico.

    North Carolina | House

    Deborah Ross (D-02) @DeborahRossNC Deborah Ross Deborah Ross (D) won North Carolina’s open 2nd Congressional seat after court-ordered redistricting. She was previously a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives. During her tenure in the state House, Deborah served as both Majority and Minority Whip and chaired the Judiciary, Ethics, and Election Laws Committees. Ross resides in Raleigh with her husband. Ross completed law school at UNC-Chapel Hill.

    Kathy Manning (D-06) @KathyManningNC Kathy Manning for NC Kathy Manning (D) won North Carolina’s open 6th Congressional seat after court-ordered redistricting. Manning has experience leading non-profit organizations, including United Way, the National Conference for Community and Justice, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Manning and her husband have three children and live in Greensboro, North Carolina.


  • Madison Cawthorn (R-11) @CawthornforNC Madison Cawthorn for U.S. Congress In the seat White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (R) held for several terms, Madison Cawthorn (R) defeated Moe Davis to become the youngest member of Congress since 1797. Cawthorn is the owner of SPQR Holdings LLC, a real estate investment firm. He ran on a traditionally conservative platform, including secure borders and a strong national defense. Cawthorn is engaged to Cristina Bayardelle.

    Oklahoma | House

    Stephanie Bice (R-05) @StephanieBice Bice for Congress Stephanie Bice (R) defeated incumbent Rep. Kendra Horn (D) to flip Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District red. Bice has served in the Oklahoma State Senate since 2014, where she currently chairs the Senate Finance Committee. She and her husband have two daughters, and they reside in Oklahoma City.

    South Carolina | House

    Nancy Mace (R-01) @NancyMace Nancy Mace Nancy Mace (R) beat out one-term incumbent Joe Cunningham (D) in South Carolina’s First Congressional District. Mace has served in the state legislature since 2018. In 1999, she was the first female graduate of The Citadel. A single mom, Mace lives in Charleston with her two children.

    Tennessee | Senate

    Bill Hagerty (R) @BillHagertyTN Hagerty for Senate Ambassador Bill Hagerty, 61, will replace Senate legend Lamar Alexander, who is retiring following the expiration of his current term. Most recently, Hagerty was nominated in 2017 by President Trump to represent the United States as Ambassador to Japan. Prior to his nomination, Hagerty served as Director of Presidential Appointments for the 2016 Trump presidential transition team, while on leave from Hagerty, Peterson & Company, a private equity investment firm of which he was a founder and managing director. Hagerty ran a traditionally conservative campaign, focused on confirming constitutionalist judges, standing with law enforcement officers, curbing illegal immigration, instituting term limits for members of Congress, and standing with Israel. He is married to Chrissy Hagerty; they have four children.

    Texas | House

    Troy Nehls (R-22) @SheriffTNehls Nehls for Congress Sheriff Troy Nehls will become the next Congressman from Texas’ 22nd District after defeating challenger Sri Preston Kulkarni. Nehls, 52, an Army veteran and longtime elected law enforcement officer, ran on a platform calling for Congress to pass a stimulus measure to help small businesses make it through the COVID-19 crisis, protecting the Texas energy industry and the jobs associated with it, and increasing awareness of mental illness, ensuring that everyone has access to affordable mental health services. Nehls resides in Richmond with his wife, Jill, daughters, Jenna, Cambry, and Tori, and their four dogs Archer, Buddy, Boo, and Lulu.


  • Tony Gonzales (R-23) @TonyGonzales4TX Tony Gonzales for Congress In this large district on the Mexican border, Tony Gonzales (R) will succeed retiring Rep. Will Hurd (R). Gonzales serves in the U.S. Navy as a cryptologist and has worked as a Department of Defense Legislative Fellow in the office of Sen. Marco Rubio (R). He also serves as an assistant professor in the University of Maryland system. Tony Gonzales and his wife, Angel, have six children.

    Virginia | House

    Bob Good (R-05) @GoodForCongress Bob Good For Congress Bob Good defeated Dr. Cameron Webb to represent the Fifth Congressional District of Virginia. Good previously served on the Campbell County Board of Supervisors and was the Senior Associate Athletic Director at Liberty University, where he wrestled in college. On the campaign trial, Good ran on a pro-Trump platform with promises to reduce taxes and support increased funding for police. Good lives with his wife Tracey in Lynchburg, Virginia, and is the father of three grown children.

    Wyoming | Senate

    Cynthia Lummis (R) @cynthiamlummis Lummis for Wyoming Former Congresswoman Cynthia Lummis, a lawyer by profession, returns to Capitol Hill, where she succeeds retiring Sen. Mike Enzi (R). Lummis served in the House for four terms and has also served in both chambers of the Wyoming legislature. In the House, she was a founding member of the Freedom Caucus. Lummis’ campaign emphasized energy and mineral issues, as well as agriculture and ranching. Cynthia Lummis has one daughter and continues to operate her family cattle ranches.


  • Projected Committee Leadership

    House of Representatives

    Committee Leadership

    Agriculture David Scott (GA), Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX), Ranking Member

    Appropriations Rosa DeLauro (CT)/Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL), Chairwoman Kay Granger (TX), Ranking Member

    Armed Services Adam Smith (WA), Chairman Mike Turner (OH)/Mike Rogers (AL), Ranking Member

    Budget John Yarmuth (KY), Chairman Steve Womack (AR), Ranking Member

    Education and The Workforce Bobby Scott (VA), Chairman Virginia Foxx (NC), Ranking Member

    Energy and Commerce Frank Pallone (NJ), Chairman Michael Burgess (TX)/Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), Ranking Member

    Ethics Ted Deutch (FL), Chairman Jackie Walorski (IN), Ranking Member

    Financial Services Maxine Waters (CA), Chairwoman Patrick McHenry (NC), Ranking Member

    Foreign Affairs Brad Sherman (CA)/Gregory Meeks (NY)/Joaquin Castro (TX), Chairman Michael McCaul (TX), Ranking Member

    Homeland Security Bennie Thompson (MS), Chairman Mike Rogers (AL)/John Katko (NY)/Clay Higgins (LA), Ranking Member

    House Administration Zoe Lofgren (CA), Chairman Rodney Davis (IL), Ranking Member

    Judiciary Jerrold Nadler (NY), Chairman Jim Jordan (OH)/Steve Chabot (OH), Ranking Member

    Natural Resources Raúl Grijalva (AZ), Chairman John Curtis (UT)/Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (AS), Ranking Member

    Oversight and Government Reform Carolyn Maloney (NY), Chairwoman Jim Jordan (OH)/Paul Gosar (AZ), Ranking Member

    Rules Jim McGovern (MA), Chairman Tom Cole (OK), Ranking Member

  • Science, Space and Technology Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX), Chairwoman Frank Lucas (OK), Ranking Member

    Intelligence Adam Schiff (CA), Chairman Devin Nunes (CA), Ranking Member

    Small Business Nydia Velazquez (NY), Chairwoman Steve Chabot (OH), Ranking Member

    Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (OR), Chairman Sam Graves (MO), Ranking Member

    Veterans’ Affairs Mark Takano (CA), Chairman Gus Bilirakis (FL)/Mike Bost (IL), Ranking Member

    Ways and Means Richard Neal (MA), Chairman Kevin Brady (TX), Ranking Member

    Senate – Projected Republican Majority

    Committee Leadership

    Agriculture John Boozman (AR), Chairman Debbie Stabenow (MI), Ranking Member

    Appropriations Richard Shelby (AL), Chairman Patrick Leahy (VT), Ranking Member

    Armed Services Jack Reed (RI), Chairman James Inhofe (OK), Ranking Member

    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Pat Toomey (PA), Chairman Sherrod Brown (OH), Ranking Member

    Budget Lindsey Graham (SC), Chairman Bernie Sanders (VT), Ranking Member

    Commerce, Science, and Transportation Roger Wicker (MS), Chairman Maria Cantwell (WA), Ranking Member

    Energy and Natural Resources John Barrasso (WY), Chairman Joe Manchin (WV), Ranking Member

    Environment and Public Works Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Chairwoman Tom Carper (DE), Ranking Member

    Finance Michael Crapo (ID), Chairman Ron Wyden (OR), Ranking Member

    Foreign Relations Jim Risch (ID), Chairman Robert Menendez (NJ), Ranking Member

    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Richard Burr (NC)/Rand Paul (KY)/Susan Collins (ME)/ Bill Cassidy (LA), Chairman

  • Patty Murray (WA), Ranking Member

    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

    Ron Johnson (WI), Chairman Gary Peters (MI), Ranking Member

    Judiciary Chuck Grassley (IA), Chairman Dianne Feinstein (CA)*/Dick Durbin (IL), Ranking Member

    Rules Roy Blunt (MO), Chairman Amy Klobuchar (MN), Ranking Member

    Small Business and Entrepreneurship Rand Paul (KY)/Tim Scott (SC), Chairman Ben Cardin (MD), Ranking Member

    Veterans’ Affairs Jerry Moran (KS), Chairman Jon Tester (MT), Ranking Member

    Indian Affairs John Hoeven (ND)/Lisa Murkowski (AK), Chairman Brian Schatz (HI), Ranking Member

    Ethics James Lankford (OK), Chairman Chris Coons (DE), Vice Chairman

    Intelligence Marco Rubio (FL), Chairman Mark Warner (VA), Ranking Member

    Aging Susan Collins (ME)/Tim Scott (SC)/ Josh Hawley (MO), Chairman Bob Casey (PA), Ranking Member

    *If Senate Democrats choose to replace Sen. Feinstein

    Senate – Projected Democratic Majority

    Committee Leadership

    Agriculture Debbie Stabenow (MI), Chairwoman

    John Boozman (AR), Ranking Member

    Appropriations Patrick Leahy (VT), Chairman

    Richard Shelby (AL), Ranking Member

    Armed Services Jack Reed (RI), Chairman

    James Inhofe (OK), Ranking Member

    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Sherrod Brown (OH), Chairman

    Pat Toomey (PA), Ranking Member


    Bernie Sanders (VT), Chairman Lindsey Graham (SC)/ Pat Toomey (PA), Ranking Member

    Commerce, Science, and Transportation Maria Cantwell (WA), Chairwoman Roger Wicker (MS), Ranking Member

  • Energy and Natural Resources Joe Manchin (WV), Chairman John Barrasso (WY), Ranking Member

    Environment and Public Works Tom Carper (DE), Chairman Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Ranking Member

    Finance Ron Wyden (OR), Chairman

    Michael Crapo (ID), Ranking Member

    Foreign Relations Robert Menendez (NJ), Chairman Jim Risch (ID), Ranking Member

    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

    Patty Murray (WA), Chairman

    Richard Burr (NC)/Rand Paul (KY)/Bill Cassidy (LA), Ranking Member

    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Gary Peters (MI), Chairman

    Ron Johnson (WI), Ranking Member

    Judiciary Dianne Feinstein (CA)*/Dick Durbin (IL), Chairman Chuck Grassley (IA), Ranking Member

    Rules Amy Klobuchar (MN), Chairwoman

    Roy Blunt (MO), Ranking Member

    Small Business and Entrepreneurship Ben Cardin (MD), Chairman

    Rand Paul (KY)/Tim Scott (SC), Ranking Member

    Veterans’ Affairs Jon Tester (MT), Chairman

    Jerry Moran (KS), Ranking Member

    Indian Affairs Brian Schatz (HI), Chairman

    John Hoeven (ND), Ranking Member

    Ethics Chris Coons (DE), Chairman

    James Lankford (OK), Vice Chairman

    Intelligence Mark Warner (VA), Chairman

    Marco Rubio (FL), Ranking Member

    Aging Bob Casey (PA), Chairman Tim Scott (SC)/Josh Hawley (MO), Ranking Member

    *If Senate Democrats choose to replace Sen. Feinstein

  • Committee Changes

    Retired/ Running for Different Office Lost Primary Defeated in General Election

    Election too Close to Call or Headed to Run-Off Possible Vice-President Elect

    Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry

    Majority Minority Chairman Pat Roberts (KS)

    Mitch McConnell (KY) John Boozman (AR)

    John Hoeven (ND) Joni Ernst (IA)

    Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) Mike Braun (IN)

    Chuck Grassley (IA) John Thune (SD)

    Deb Fischer (NE)

    Kelly Loeffler (GA)

    Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (MI) Patrick J. Leahy (VT) Sherrod Brown (OH)

    Amy Klobuchar (MN) Michael Bennet (CO)

    Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)

    Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA) Tina Smith (MN) Dick Durbin (IL)

    Senate Committee on Appropriations

    Majority Minority Chairman Richard Shelby (AL)

    Mitch McConnell (KY) Lamar Alexander (TN) Susan M. Collins (ME)

    Lisa Murkowski (AK) Lindsey Graham (SC)

    Roy Blunt (MO)

    Jerry Moran (KS) John Hoeven (ND)

    John Boozman (AR) Shelley Moore Capito (WV)

    John Kennedy (LA) Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)

    Steve Daines (MT) Marco Rubio (FL)

    James Lankford (OK)

    Ranking Member Patrick J. Leahy (VT) Patty Murray (WA)

    Dianne Feinstein (CA) Richard J. Durbin (IL)

    Jack Reed (RI) Jon Tester (MT) Tom Udall (NM)

    Jeanne Shaheen (NH) Jeff Merkley (OR) Chris Coons (DE) Brian Schatz (HI)

    Tammy Baldwin (WI) Christopher Murphy (CT)

    Joe Manchin (WV) Chris Van Hollen (MD)

    Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Majority Minority Chairman James M. Inhofe (OK)

    Roger F. Wicker (MS) Deb Fischer (NE)

    Tom Cotton (AR) Mike Rounds (SD)

    Joni Ernst (IA) Thom Tillis (NC)

    Ranking Member Jack Reed (RI) Jeanne Shaheen (NH)

    Kirsten E. Gillibrand (NY)

    Richard Blumenthal (CT) Mazie Hirono (HI)

    Tim Kaine (VA) Angus King (ME)

  • Dan Sullivan (AK) David Perdue (GA) Kevin Cramer (ND)

    Martha McSally (AZ)

    Rick Scott (FL) Marsha Blackburn (TN)

    Josh Hawley (MO)

    Martin Heinrich (NM) Elizabeth Warren (MA)

    Gary Peters (MI) Joe Manchin III (WV)

    Tammy Duckworth (IL) Doug Jones (AL)

    Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs

    Majority Minority Chairman Mike Crapo (ID)

    Richard Shelby (AL) Patrick J. Toomey (PA)

    Tim Scott (SC) Ben Sasse (NE)

    Tom Cotton (AR)

    Mike Rounds (SD) David Perdue (GA)

    Thom Tillis (NC) John Kennedy (LA)

    Martha McSally (AZ) Jerry Moran (KS)

    Kevin Cramer (ND)

    Ranking Member Sherrod Brown (OH)

    Jack Reed (RI) Robert Menendez (NJ)

    Jon Tester (MT) Mark R. Warner (VA)

    Elizabeth Warren (MA) Brian Schatz (HI)

    Chris Van Hollen (MD) Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)

    Doug Jones (AL)

    Tina Smith (MN)

    Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)

    Senate Committee on Budget

    Majority Minority Chairman Michael B. Enzi (WY)

    Charles E. Grassley (IA) Mike Crapo (ID)

    Lindsey Graham (SC) Patrick J. Toomey (PA)

    Ron Johnson (WI) David Perdue (GA)

    Mike Braun (IN) Rick Scott (FL)

    John Kennedy (LA)

    Kevin Cramer (ND)

    Ranking Member Bernie Sanders (VT) Patty Murray (WA)

    Ron Wyden (OR) Debbie Stabenow (MI)

    Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Mark Warner (VA) Jeff Merkley (OR)

    Tim Kaine (VA) Chris Van Hollen (MD)

    Kamala Harris (CA)

    Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation

    Majority Minority Chairman Roger F. Wicker (MS)

    John Thune (SD)

    Roy Blunt (MO)

    Ted Cruz (TX)

    Deb Fischer (NE)

    Jerry Moran (KS)

    Dan Sullivan (AK)

    Cory Gardner (CO)

    Marsha Blackburn (TN)

    Shelley Moore Capito (WV)

    Mike Lee (UT)

    Ranking Member Maria Cantwell (WA)

    Amy Klobuchar (MN) Richard Blumenthal (CT)

    Brian Schatz (HI) Ed Markey (MA)

    Tom Udall (NM) Gary Peters (MI)

    Tammy Baldwin (WI)

    Tammy Duckworth (IL)

    John Tester (MT)

    Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)

  • Ron Johnson (WI)

    Todd Young (IN)

    Rick Scott (FL)

    Jacky Rosen (NV)

    Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources

    Majority Minority Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski (AK)

    John Barrasso (WY)

    Jim Risch (ID)

    Mike Lee (UT)

    Steve Daines (MT)

    Bill Cassidy (LA)

    Cory Gardner (CO)

    Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)

    Lamar Alexander (TN)

    John Hoeven (ND)

    Ranking Member Joe Manchin III (WV)

    Ron Wyden (OR)

    Maria Cantwell (WA)

    Bernie Sanders (VT)

    Debbie Stabenow (MI)

    Martin Heinrich (NM)

    Mazie Hirono (HI)

    Angus King (ME) Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)

    Senate Committee on The Environment and Public Works

    Majority Minority Chairman John Barrasso (WY)

    James M. Inhofe (OK)

    Shelley Moore Capito (WV)

    Kevin Cramer (ND)

    Mike Braun (IN)

    Mike Rounds (SD)

    Dan Sullivan (AK)

    John Boozman (AR)

    Roger Wicker (MS)

    Richard Shelby (AL)

    Joni Ernst (IA)

    Ranking Member Thomas R. Carper (DE)

    Benjamin L. Cardin (MD)

    Bernie Sanders (VT)

    Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)

    Jeff Merkley (OR)

    Kristen Gillibrand (NY)

    Cory Booker (NJ)

    Ed Markey (MA)

    Tammy Duckworth (IL)

    Chris Van Hollen (MD)

    Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

    Majority Minority

    Chairman Lamar Alexander (TN)

    Michael B. Enzi (WY)

    Richard Burr (NC)

    Rand Paul (KY)

    Susan Collins (ME)

    Bill Cassidy (LA)

    Pat Roberts (KS)

    Lisa Murkowski (AK)

    Tim Scott (SC)

    Mitt Romney (UT)

    Mike Braun (IN)

    Kelly Loeffler (GA)

    Ranking Member Patty Murray (WA)

    Bernie Sanders (VT)

    Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA)

    Tammy Baldwin (WI)

    Christopher Murphy (CT)

    Elizabeth Warren (MA)

    Tim Kaine (VA)

    Maggie Hassan (NH)

    Tina Smith (MN)

    Doug Jones (AL)

    Jacky Rosen (NV)

  • Senate Committee on Finance

    Majority Minority Chairman Charles E. Grassley (IA)

    Mike Crapo (ID)

    Pat Roberts (KS)

    Michael B. Enzi (WY)

    John Cornyn (TX)

    John Thune (SD)

    Richard Burr (NC)

    Rob Portman (OH)

    Pat Toomey (PA)

    Tim Scott (SC)

    Bill Cassidy (LA)

    James Lankford (OK)

    Steve Daines (MT)

    Todd Young (IN)

    Ben Sasse (NE)

    Ranking Member Ron Wyden (OR)

    Debbie Stabenow (MI)

    Maria Cantwell (WA)

    Robert Menendez (NJ)

    Thomas R. Carper (DE)

    Benjamin L. Cardin (MD)

    Sherrod Brown (OH)

    Michael Bennet (CO)

    Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA)

    Mark Warner (VA)

    Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)

    Maggie Hassan (NH)

    Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)

    Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

    Majority Minority Chairman Jim Risch (ID)

    Marco Rubio (FL)

    Ron Johnson (WI)

    Cory Gardner (CO)

    Mitt Romney (UT)

    Lindsey Graham (SC)

    John Barrasso (WY)

    Rob Portman (OH) Rand Paul (KY)

    Todd Young (IN)

    Ted Cruz (TX)

    David Perdue (GA)

    Ranking Member Robert Menendez (NJ)

    Ben Cardin (MD)

    Jeanne Shaheen (NH)

    Chris Coons (DE)

    Tom Udall (NM)

    Christopher Murphy (CT)

    Tim Kaine (VA)

    Ed Markey (MA)

    Jeff Merkley (OR)

    Cory Booker (NJ)

    Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

    Majority Minority Chairman Ron Johnson (WI)

    Rob Portman (OH)

    Rand Paul (KY)

    James Lankford (OK)

    Mitt Romney (UT)

    Rick Scott (FL)

    Mike Enzi (WY)

    Josh Hawley (MO)

    Ranking Member Gary Peters (MI)

    Thomas Carper (DE)

    Maggie Hassan (NH)

    Kamala Harris (CA)

    Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)

    Jacky Rosen (NV)

    Senate Committee on the Judiciary

    Majority Minority

  • Chairman Lindsey Graham (SC)

    Charles E. Grassley (IA)

    John Cornyn (TX)

    Mike Lee (UT)

    Ted Cruz (TX)

    Ben Sasse (NE)

    Josh Hawley (MO)

    Thom Tillis (NC)

    Joni Ernst (IA)

    Mike Crapo (ID)

    John Kennedy (LA)

    Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (CA)

    Patrick J. Leahy (VT)

    Richard J. Durbin (IL)

    Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)

    Amy Klobuchar (MN)

    Christopher A. Coons (DE)

    Richard Blumenthal (CT)

    Mazie Hirono (HI)

    Cory Booker (NJ)

    Kamala Harris (CA)

    Senate Committee on Rules and Administration

    Majority Minority Chairman Roy Blunt (MO)

    Mitch McConnell (KY)

    Lamar Alexander (TN)

    Pat Roberts (KS)

    Richard Shelby (AL)

    Ted Cruz (TX)

    Shelley Moore Capito (WV)

    Roger Wicker (MI)

    Deb Fischer (NE)

    Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)

    Ranking Member Amy Klobuchar (MN)

    Dianne Feinstein (CA)

    Charles Schumer (NY)

    Richard J. Durbin (IL)

    Tom Udall (NM)

    Mark R. Warner (VA)

    Patrick Leahy (VT)

    Angus King (ME)

    Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)

    Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

    Majority Minority Chairman Marco Rubio (FL)

    Jim Risch (ID)

    Rand Paul (KY)

    Tim Scott (SC)

    Joni Ernst (IA)

    James Inhofe (OK)

    Todd Young (IN)

    John Kennedy (LA)

    Mitt Romney (UT)

    Josh Hawley (MO)

    Ranking Member Benjamin L. Cardin (MD)

    Maria Cantwell (WA)

    Jeanne Shaheen (NH)

    Ed Markey (MA)

    Cory Booker (NJ)

    Chris Coons (DE)

    Mazie Hirono (HI)

    Tammy Duckworth (IL)

    Jacky Rosen (NV)

    Senate Committee on Veteran’s Affairs

    Majority Minority Chairman Jerry Moran (KS)

    John Boozman (AR)

    Bill Cassidy (LA)

    Mike Rounds (SD)

    Thom Tillis (NC)

    Dan Sullivan (AK)

    Marsha Blackburn (TN)

    Kevin Cramer (ND)

    Kelly Loeffler (GA)

    Ranking Member Jon Tester (MT)

    Patty Murray (WA)

    Bernie Sanders (VT)

    Sherrod Brown (OH)

    Richard Blumenthal (CT)

    Mazie Hirono (HI)

    Joe Manchin III (WV)

    Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)

  • Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

    Majority Minority Chairman Member John Hoeven (ND)

    John Barrasso (WY)

    Lisa Murkowski (AK)

    James Lankford (OK)

    Steve Daines (MT)

    Martha McSally (AZ)

    Jerry Moran (KS)

    Ranking Member Tom Udall (NM)

    Maria Cantwell (WA)

    Jon Tester (MT)

    Brian Schatz (HI)

    Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)

    Tina Smith (MN)

    Senate Committee on Ethics

    Majority Minority James Lankford (OK)

    Pat Roberts (KS)

    Jim Risch (ID)

    Chris Coons (DE)

    Brian Schatz (HI)

    Jeanne Shaheen (NH)

    Senate Committee on Intelligence

    Majority Minority Chairman Marco Rubio (FL)

    Richard Burr (NC)

    Jim Risch (ID) Susan Collins (ME)

    Roy Blunt (MO)

    Tom Cotton (AR) John Cornyn (TX) Ben Sasse (NE)

    Vice Chairman Mark Warner (VA)

    Dianne Feinstein (CA)

    Ron Wyden (OR)

    Martin Heinrich (NM) Angus King (ME)

    Kamala Harris (CA)

    Michael Bennet (CO)

    Senate Committee on Aging

    Majority Minority

    Chairwoman Susan M. Collins (ME)

    Tim Scott (SC)

    Richard Burr (NC)

    Martha McSally (AZ)

    Deb Fischer (NE)

    Marco Rubio (FL)

    Josh Hawley (MO)

    Mike Braun (IN)

    Rick Scott (FL)

    Ranking Member Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA)

    Kristen E. Gillibrand (NY)

    Richard Blumenthal (CT)

    Elizabeth Warren (MA)

    Doug Jones (AL)

    Kyrsten Sinema (AZ)

    Jacky Rosen (NV)

    Joint Economic Committee

    Senate Republicans Senate Democrats

    Chairman Mike Lee (UT)

    Tom Cotton (AR)

    Rob Portman (OH)

    Bill Cassidy (LA)

    Martin Heinrich (NM) Amy Klobuchar (MN)

    Gary Peters (MI) Maggie Hassan (NH)

  • Ted Cruz (TX)

    Kelly Loeffler (GA)

    House Republicans House Democrats David Schweikert (AZ)

    Darin Lahood (IL)

    Kenny Marchant (TX)

    Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA)

    Vice Chairman Dob Beyer (VA)

    Carolyn Maloney (NY)

    Denny Heck (WA)

    David Trone (MD)

    Joyce Beatty (OH)

    Lois Frankel (FL)

    House Committee on Agriculture

    Minority Majority Chairman Collin Peterson (MN)

    David Scott (GA)

    Jim Costa (CA)

    Marcia L. Fudge (OH)

    Jim McGovern (MA)

    Filemon Vela (TX)

    Stacey Plaskett (VI)

    Alma Adams (NC)

    Abigail Spanberger (VA)

    Jahana Hayes (CT)

    Antonio Delgado (NY)

    TJ Cox (CA)

    Angie Craig (MN)

    Anthony Brindisi (NY)

    Josh Harder (CA)

    Kim Schrier (WA)

    Chellie Pingree (ME)

    Cheri Bustos (IL)

    Sean Patrick Maloney (NY)

    Salud Carbajal (CA)

    Al Lawson (FL)

    Tom O’Halleran (AZ)

    Jimmy Panetta (CA)

    Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ)

    Cindy Axne (IA)

    Xochitl Torres Small (NM)

    Ranking Member K. Michael Conaway (TX) Glenn Thompson (PA)

    Austin Scott (GA)

    Rick Crawford (AR)

    Scott Desjarlais (TN)

    Vicky Hartzler (MO)

    Doug LaMalfa (CA)

    Rodney Davis (IL)

    Ted Yoho (FL)

    Rick W. Allen (GA)

    Mike Bost (IL)

    David Rouzer (NC)

    Ralph Abraham (LA)

    Trent Kelly (MS)

    James Comer (KY)

    Roger Marshall (KS)

    Don Bacon (NE)

    Neal Dunn (FL)

    Dusty Johnson (SD)

    Jim Baird (IN)

    Jim Hagedorn (MN)

    Chris Jacobs (NY)

    Troy Balderson (OH)

    House Committee on Appropriations

    Majority Minority Chairwoman Nita Lowey (NY)

    Marcy Kaptur (OH)

    Peter Visclosky (IN)

    José E. Serrano (NY)

    David E. Price (NC)

    Rosa DeLauro (CT)

    Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA)

    Sanford D. Bishop (GA)

    Barbara Lee (CA)

    Ranking Member Kay Granger (TX)

    Hal Rogers (KY)

    Robert Aderholt (AL)

    Michael Simpson (ID)

    John Carter (TX)

    Ken Calvert (CA)

    Tom Cole (OK)

    Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)

    Steve Womack (AR)

  • Betty McCollum (MN)

    Tim Ryan (OH)

    C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD)

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)

    Henry Cuellar (TX)

    Chellie Pingree (ME)

    Mike Quigley (IL)

    Derek Kilmer (WA)

    Matt Cartwright (PA)

    Grace Meng (NY)

    Mark Pocan (WI)

    Katherine Clark (MA)

    Pete Aguilar (CA)

    Lois Frankel (FL)

    Cheri Bustos (IL)

    Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ)

    Brenda Lawrence (MI)

    Norma Torres (CA)

    Charlie Crist (FL)

    Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ)

    Ed Case (HI)

    Jeff Fortenberry (NE)

    Chuck Fleischmann (TN)

    Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA)

    David P. Joyce (OH)

    Andy Harris (MD)

    Martha Roby (AL)

    Mark Amodei (NV)

    Chris Stewart (UT)

    Steven M. Palazzo (MS)

    Dan Newhouse (WA)

    John R. Moolenaar (MI)

    John Rutherford (FL)

    Will Hurd (TX)

    House Armed Services Committee

    Majority Minority Chairman Adam Smith (WA)

    Susan A. Davis (CA)

    Jim Langevin (RI)

    Rick Larsen (WA)

    Jim Cooper (TN)

    Joe Courtney (CT)

    John Garamendi (CA)

    Jackie Speier (CA)

    Tulsi Gabbard (HI)

    Donald Norcross (NJ)

    Ruben Gallego (AZ)

    Seth Moulton (MA)

    Anthony Brown (MD)

    Ro Khanna (CA)

    William Keating (MA)

    Filemon Vela (TX)

    Andy Kim (NJ)

    Kendra Horn (OK)

    Gil Cisneros (CA)

    Chrissy Houlahan (PA)

    Jason Crow (CO)

    Xochitl Torres Small (NM)

    Elissa Slotkin (MI)

    Mikie Sherrill (NJ)

    Veronica Escobar (TX)

    Deb Haaland (NM)

    Jared Golden (ME)

    Lori Trahan (MA)

    Elaine Luria (VA)

    Ranking Member Mac Thornberry (TX)

    Joe Wilson (SC)

    Rob Bishop (UT)

    Michael R. Turner (OH)

    Mike Rogers (AL)

    K. Michael Conaway (TX)

    Doug Lamborn (CO)

    Rob Wittman (VA)

    Vicky Hartzler (MO)

    Austin Scott (GA)

    Mo Brooks (AL)

    Paul Cook (CA)

    Bradley Byrne (AL)

    Sam Graves (MO)

    Elise Stefanik (NY)

    Scott Desjarlais (TN)

    Ralph Abraham (LA)

    Trent Kelly (MS)

    Mike Gallagher (WI)

    Matt Gaetz (FL)

    Don Bacon (NE)

    Jim Banks (IN)

    Liz Cheney (WY)

    Paul Mitchell (MI)

    Jack Bergman (MI)

    Michael Waltz (FL)

  • Anthony Brindisi (NY)

    House Committee on the Budget

    Majority Minority Chairman John Yarmuth (KY)

    Seth Moulton (MA)

    Hakeem Jeffries (NY)

    Brian Higgins (NY)

    Brendan Boyle (PA)

    Rosa DeLauro (CT)

    Lloyd Doggett (TX)

    David Price (NC)

    Jan Schakowsky (IL)

    Dan Kildee (MI)

    Jimmy Panetta (CA)

    Joe Morelle (NY)

    Steven Horsford (NV)

    Robert Scott (VA)

    Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX)

    Barbara Lee (CA)

    Pramila Jayapal (WA)

    Ilhan Omar (MN)

    Albio Sires (NJ)

    Scott Peters (CA)

    Jim Cooper (TN)

    Ro Khanna (CA)

    Ranking Member Steve Womack (AR)

    Bill Johnson (OH)

    Rob Woodall (GA)

    Jason Smith (MO)

    Bill Flores (TX)

    George Holding (NC)

    Chris Stewart (UT)

    Ralph Norman (SC)

    Chip Roy (TX)

    Daniel Meuser (PA)

    Dan Crenshaw (TX)

    Kevin Hern (OK)

    Tim Burchett (TN)

    Chris Jacobs (NY)

    House Committee on Education and Labor

    Majority Minority Chairman Bobby Scott (VA)

    Susan A. Davis (CA)

    Raúl Grijalva (AZ)

    Joe Courtney (CT)

    Marcia Fudge (OH)

    Gregorio Kilili Sablan (NMI)

    Frederica Wilson (FL)

    Suzanne Bonamici (OR)

    Mark Takano (CA)

    Alma Adams (NC)

    Mark DeSaulnier (CA)

    Donald Norcross (NJ)

    Pramila Jayapal (WA)

    Joe Morelle (NY)

    Susan Wild (PA)

    Josh Harder (CA)

    Lucy McBath (GA)

    Kim Schrier (WA)

    Lauren Underwood (IL)

    Jahana Hayes (CT)

    Donna Shalala (FL)

    Andy Levin (MI)

    Ilhan Omar (MN)

    Ranking Member Virginia Foxx (NC)

    Phil Roe (TN)

    Glenn Thompson (PA)

    Tim Walberg (MI)

    Brett Guthrie (KY)

    Bradley Byrne (AL)

    Glenn Grothman (WI)

    Elise Stefanik (NY)

    Rick Allen (GA)

    Lloyd Smucker (PA)

    Jim Banks (IN)

    Mark Walker (NC)

    James Comer (KY)

    Ben Cline (VA)

    Russ Fulcher (ID)

    Ron Wright (TX)

    Dan Meuser (PA)

    Dusty Johnson (SD)

    Fred Keller (PA)

    Gregory Murphy (NC)

    Jeff Van Drew (NJ)

  • David Trone (MD)

    Haley Stevens (MI)

    Susie Lee (NV)

    Lori Trahan (MA)

    Joaquin Castro (TX)

    House Energy and Commerce Committee

    Majority Minority Chairman Frank Pallone (NJ)

    Bobby Rush (IL)

    Anna Eshoo (CA)

    Eliot Engel (NY)

    Diana DeGette (CO)

    Michael Doyle (PA)

    Jan Schakowsky (IL)

    G.K. Butterfield (NC)

    Doris Matsui (CA)

    Kathy Castor (FL)

    John Sarbanes (MD)

    Jerry McNerney (CA)

    Peter Welch (VT)

    Ben Ray Luján (NM)

    Paul Tonko (NY)

    Yvette D. Clarke (NY)

    David Loebsack (IA)

    Kurt Schrader (OR)

    Joseph P. Kennedy (MA)

    Tony Cardenas (CA)

    Raul Ruiz (CA)

    Scott Peters (CA)

    Debbie Dingell (MI)

    Marc Veasey (TX)

    Ann Kuster (NH)

    Robin Kelly (IL)

    Nanette Diaz Barragán (CA)

    A. Donald McEachin (VA)

    Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE)

    Darren Soto (FL)

    Tom O’Halleran (AZ)

    Ranking Member Greg Walden (OR)

    Fred Upton (MI)

    John Shimkus (IL)

    Michael C. Burgess (TX)

    Steve Scalise (LA)

    Robert Latta (OH)

    Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA)

    Brett Guthrie (KY)

    Pete Olson (TX)

    David B. McKinley (WV)

    Adam Kinzinger (IL)

    Morgan Griffith (VA)

    Gus M. Bilirakis (FL)

    Bill Johnson (OH)

    Billy Long (MO)

    Larry Buchson (IN)

    Bill Flores (TX)

    Susan Brooks (IN)

    Markwayne Mullin (OK)

    Richard Hudson (NC)

    Tim Walberg (MI)

    Earl “Buddy” Carter (GA)

    Jeff Duncan (SC)

    Greg Gianforte (MT)

    House Committee on Ethics

    Majority Minority Chairman Ted Deutch (FL)

    Grace Meng (NY)

    Susan Wild (PA)

    Dean Phillips (MN)

    Anthony Brown (MD)

    Ranking Member Kenny Marchant (TX)

    George Holding (NC)

    Jackie Walorski (IN)

    Michael Guest (MS)

    House Committee on Financial Services

    Majority Minority

  • Chairwoman Maxine Waters (CA)

    Carolyn Maloney (NY)

    Nydia Velázquez (NY)

    Brad Sherman (CA)

    Gregory W. Meeks (NY)

    William Lacy Clay (MO)

    David Scott (GA)

    Al Green (TX)

    Emanuel Cleaver (MO)

    Ed Perlmutter (CO)

    Jim Himes (CT)

    Bill Foster (IL)

    Joyce Beatty (OH)

    Denny Heck (WA)

    Juan Vargas (CA)

    Josh Gottheimer (NJ)

    Vicente Gonzalez (TX)

    Al Lawson (FL)

    Michael San Nicolas (GU)

    Rashida Talib (MI)

    Katie Porter (CA)

    Cindy Axne (IA)

    Sean Casten (IL)

    Ayanna Pressley (MA)

    Ben McAdams (UT)

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY)

    Jennifer Wexton (VA)

    Stephen F. Lynch (MA)

    Tulsi Gabbard (HI)

    Alma Adams (NC)

    Madeleine Dean (PA)

    Jesús “Chuy” Garcia (IL)

    Sylvia Garcia (TX)

    Dean Phillips (MN)

    Ranking Member Patrick McHenry (NC)

    Frank D. Lucas (OK)

    Bill Posey (FL)

    Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO)

    Bill Huizenga (MI)

    Steve Stivers (OH)

    Ann Wagner (MO)

    Andy Barr (KY)

    Scott Tipton (CO)

    Roger Williams (TX)

    French Hill (AR)

    Tom Emmer (MN)

    Lee Zeldin (NY)

    Barry Loudermilk (GA)

    Alexander Mooney (WV)

    Warren Davidson (OH)

    Ted Budd (NC)

    David Kustoff (TN)

    Trey Hollingsworth (IN)

    Anthony Gonzalez (OH)

    John Rose (TN)

    Bryan Steil (WI)

    Lance Gooden (TX)

    Denver Riggleman (VA)

    William Timmons (SC)

    Van Taylor (TX)

    House Committee on Foreign Affairs

    Majority Minority Chairman Eliot Engel (NY)

    Brad Sherman (CA)

    Gregory Meeks (NY)

    Albio Sires (NJ)

    Gerald Connolly (VA)

    Ted Deutch (FL)

    Karen Bass (CA)

    William Keating (MA)

    David Cicilline (RI)

    Ami Bera (CA)

    Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX)

    Christopher Smith (NJ)

    Steve Chabot (OH)

    Joe Wilson (SC)

    Scott Perry (PA)

    Ted Yoho (FL)

    Adam Kinzinger (IL)

    Lee Zeldin (NY)

    Jim Sensenbrenner (WI)

    Ann Wagner (MO)

  • Joaquin Castro (TX)

    Dina Titus (NV)

    Adriano Espaillat (NY)

    Ted Lieu (CA)

    Susan Wild (PA)

    Dean Phillips (MN)

    Ilhan Omar (MN)

    Colin Allred (TX)

    Andy Levin (MI)

    Abigail Spanberger (VA)

    Chrissy Houlahan (PA)

    Tom Malinowski (NJ)

    David Trone (MD)

    Jim Costa (CA)

    Juan Vargas (CA)

    Vicente Gonzalez (TX)

    Brian Mast (FL)

    Francis Rooney (FL)

    Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)

    John Curtis (UT)

    Ken Buck (CO)

    Ron Wright (TX)

    Guy Reschenthaler (PA)

    Tim Burchett (TN)

    Greg Pence (IN)

    Mike Guest (MS)

    Mark Green (TN)

    House Homeland Security Committee

    Majority Minority Chairman Bennie Thompson (MS)

    Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX)

    Jim Langevin (RI)

    Donald Payne (NJ)

    Kathleen Rice (NY)

    Lou Correa (CA)

    Xochitl Torres Small (NM)

    Max Rose (NY)

    Lauren Underwood (IL)

    Elissa Slotkin (MI)

    Emanuel Cleaver (MO)

    AL Green (TX)

    Yvette Clarke (NY)

    Dina Titus (NV)

    Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ)

    Nanette Barragán (CA)

    Val Demings (FL)

    Ranking Member Mike Rogers (AL)

    Peter King (NY)

    Michael McCaul (TX)

    John Katko (NY)

    Mark Walker (NC)

    Clay Higgins (LA)

    Debbie Lesko (AZ)

    Mark Green (TN)

    John Joyce (PA)

    Dan Crenshaw (TX)

    Michael Guest (MS)

    Dan Bishop (NC)

    Jeff Van Drew (NJ)

    Mike Garcia (CA)

    House Committee on House Administration

    Majority Minority Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren (CA)

    Jamie Raskin (MD)

    Susan A. Davis (CA)

    G.K. Butterfield (NC)

    Marcia Fudge (OH)

    Pete Aguilar

    Ranking Member Rodney Davis (IL)

    Mark Walker (NC)

    Barry Loudermilk (GA)

  • House Committee on the Judiciary

    Majority Minority Chairman Jerrold Nadler (NJ)

    Zoe Lofgren (CA)

    Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX)

    Steve Cohen (TN)

    Hank Johnson (GA)

    Ted Deutch (FL)

    Karen Bass (CA)

    Hakeem Jeffries (NY)

    David Cicilline (RI)

    Eric Swalwell (CA)

    Ted Lieu (CA)

    Jamie Raskin (MD)

    Pramila Jayapal (WA)

    Val Demings (FL)

    Lou Correa (CA)

    Mary Gay Scanlon (PA)

    Sylvia Garcia (TX)

    Joe Neguse (CO)

    Lucy McBath (GA)

    Greg Stanton (AZ)

    Madeleine Dean (PA)

    Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (FL)

    Veronica Escobar (TX)

    Ranking Member Jim Jordan (OH)

    Jim Sensenbrenner (WI)

    Steve Chabot (OH)

    Louie Gohmert (TX)

    Doug Collins (GA)

    Ken Buck (CO)

    Martha Roby (AL)

    Matt Gaetz (FL)

    Mike Johnson (LA)

    Andy Biggs (AZ)

    Tom McClintock (CA)

    Debbie Lesko (AZ)

    Guy Reschenthaler (PA)

    Ben Cline (VA)

    Kelly Armstrong (ND)

    Greg Steube (FL)

    Tom Tiffany (WI)

    House Natural Resources Committee

    Majority Minority Chairman Raúl Grijalva (AZ)

    Grace Napolitano (CA)

    Jim Costa (CA)

    Gregorio Kilili Sablan (NMI)

    Jared Huffman (CA)

    Alan Lowenthal (CA)

    Ruben Gallego (AZ)

    TJ Cox (CA)

    Joe Neguse (TX)

    Mike Levin (CA)

    Deb Haaland (NM)

    Joe Cunningham (SC)

    Nydia M. Velázquez (NY)

    Diana DeGette (CO)

    William Lacy Clay (MO)

    Debbie Dingell (MI)

    Ranking Member Rob Bishop (UT)

    Liz Cheney (WY)

    Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (AS)

    Paul Cook (CA)

    John Curtis (UT)

    Russ Fulcher (ID)

    Jeniffer González Colón (PR)

    Paul Gosar (AZ)

    Garret Graves (LA)

    Louie Gohmert (TX)

    Kevin Hern (OK)

    Jody Hice (GA)

    Mike Johnson (LA)

    Doug Lamborn (CO)

    Tom McClintock (CA)

    Daniel Webster (FL)

  • Anthony Brown (MD)

    A. Donald McEachin (VA)

    Darren Soto (FL)

    Ed Case (HI)

    Steven Horsford (NV)

    Michael San Nicolas (GU)

    Matt Cartwright (PA)

    Paul Tonko(NY)

    Jesús “Chuy” García (IL)

    Nanette Barragán (CA)

    Bruce Westerman (AR)

    Rob Wittman (VA)

    Don Young (AK)

    House Committee on Oversight and Government

    Majority Minority Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (NY)

    Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)

    William Lacy Clay (MO)

    Stephen Lynch (MA)

    Jim Cooper (TN)

    Gerald Connolly (VA)

    Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL)

    Jamie Raskin (MD)

    Harley Rouda (CA)

    Kweisi Mfume (MD)

    Ro Khanna (CA)

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)

    John Sarbanes (MD)

    Peter Welch (VT)

    Jackie Speier (CA)

    Robin Kelly (IL)

    Mark DeSaulnier (CA)

    Brenda Lawrence (MI)

    Stacey Plaskett (VI)

    Jimmy Gomez (CA)

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY)

    Ayanna Pressley (MA)

    Rashida Tlaib (MI)

    Katie Porter (CA)

    Ranking Member James Comer (KY)

    Jim Jordan (OH)

    Paul Gosar (AZ)

    Virginia Foxx (NC)

    Thomas Massie (KY)

    Jody Hice (GA)

    Glenn Grothman (WI)

    Gary Palmer (AL)

    Michael Cloud (TX)

    Bob Gibbs (OH)

    Clay Higgins (LA)

    Ralph Norman (SC)

    Chip Roy (TX)

    Carol Miller (WV)

    Mark Green (TN)

    Kelly Armstrong (ND)

    Bill Steube (FL)

    Fred Keller (PA)

    House Committee on Rules

    Majority Minority Chairman Jim McGovern (MA)

    Alcee Hastings (FL)

    Norma Torres (CA)

    Ed Perlmutter (CO)

    Jamie Raskin (MD)

    Ranking Member Tom Cole (OK)

    Rob Woodall (GA)

    Michael Burgess (TX)

    Debbie Lesko (AZ)

  • Mary Gay Scanlon (PA)

    Joe Morelle (NY)

    Donna Shalala (FL)

    Doris Matsui (CA)

    House Committee on Science, Space and Technology

    Majority Minority Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)

    Zoe Lofgren (CA)

    Dan Lipinski (IL)

    Suzanne Bonamici (OR)

    Ami Bera (CA)

    Lizzie Fletcher (TX)

    Haley Stevens (MI)

    Kendra Horn (OK)

    Mikie Sherrill (NJ)

    Brad Sherman (CA)

    Steve Cohen (TN)

    Jerry McNerney (CA)

    Ed Perlmutter (CO)

    Paul Tonko (NY)

    Bill Foster (IL)

    Don Beyer (VA)

    Charlie Crist (FL)

    Sean Casten (IL)

    Ben McAdams (UT)

    Jenifer Wexton (VA)

    Conor Lamb (PA)

    Ranking Member Frank Lucas (OK)

    Mo Brooks (AL)

    Bill Posey (FL)

    Randy Weber (TX)

    Brian Babin (TX)

    Andy Biggs (AZ)

    Roger Marshall (KS)

    Ralph Norman (SC)

    Michael Cloud (TX)

    Troy Balderson (OH)

    Anthony Gonzalez (OH)

    Michael Waltz (FL)

    Jim Baird (IN)

    Francis Rooney (FL)

    Greg Murphy (NC)

    Mike Garcia (CA)

    Tom Tiffany (WI)

    House Committee on Small Business

    Majority Minority Chairwoman Nydia Velázquez (NY)

    Abby Finkenauer (IA)

    Jared Golden (ME)

    Andy Kim (NJ)

    Jason Crow (CO)

    Sharice Davids (KS)

    Kweisi Mfume (MD)

    Judy Chu (CA)

    Dwight Evans (PA)

    Brad Schneider (IL)

    Adriano Espaillat (NY)

    Antonio Delgado (NY)

    Chrissy Houlahan (PA)

    Angie Craig (MN)

    Ranking Member Steve Chabot (OH)

    Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (AS)

    Troy Balderson (OH)

    Kevin Hern (OK)

    Jim Hagedorn (MN)

    Pete Stauber (MN)

    Tim Burchett (TN)

    Ross Spano (FL)

    John Joyce (PA)

    Dan Bishop (NC)

  • House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

    Majority Minority Chairman Peter DeFazio (OR)

    Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)

    Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)

    Rick Larsen (WA)

    Grace Napolitano (CA)

    Daniel Lipinski (IL)

    Steve Cohen (TN)

    Albio Sires (NJ)

    John Garamendi (CA)

    Hank Johnson (GA)

    André Carson (IN)

    Dina Titus (NV)

    Sean Patrick Maloney (NY)

    Jared Huffman (CA)

    Julia Brownley (CA)

    Frederica Wilson (FL)

    Donald Payne, Jr. (NJ)

    Alan Lowenthal (CA)

    Mark DeSaulnier (CA)

    Stacey Plaskett (VI)

    Stephen Lynch (MA)

    Salud Carbajal (CA)

    Anthony Brown (MD)

    Andriano Espaillat (NY)

    Tom Malinowski (NJ)

    Greg Stanton (AZ)

    Debbie Murcarsel-Powell (FL)

    Lizzie Fletcher (TX)

    Colin Allred (TX)

    Sharice Davids (KS)

    Abby Finkenauer (IA)

    Jesús “Chuy” Garcia (IL)

    Antonio Delgado (NY)

    Chris Pappas (NH)

    Angie Craig (MN)

    Harley Rouda (CA)

    Conor Lamb (PA)

    Ranking Member Sam Graves (MO)

    Don Young (AK)

    Rick Crawford (AR)

    Bob Gibbs (OH)

    Daniel Webster (FL)

    Thomas Massie (KY)

    Scott Perry (PA)

    Rodney Davis (IL)

    Rob Woodall (GA)

    John Katko (NY)

    Brian Babin (TX)

    Garret Graces (LA)

    David Rouzer (NC)

    Mike Bost (IL)

    Randy Weber (TX)

    Doug LaMalfa (CA)

    Bruce Westerman (AR)

    Lloyd Smucker (PA)

    Paul Mitchell (MI)

    Brian Mast (FL)

    Mike Gallagher (WI)

    Gary Palmer (AL)

    Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)

    Jeniffer González-Colón (PR)

    Troy Balderson (OH)

    Ross Spano (FL)

    Pete Stauber (MN)

    Carol Miller (WV)

    Greg Pence (IN)

    Mike Garcia (CA)

    House Committee on Veterans Affairs

    Majority Minority Chairman Mark Takano (CA)

    Julia Brownley (CA)

    Ranking Member Phil Roe (TN)

    Gus Bilirakis (FL)

  • Kathleen Rice (NY)

    Conor Lamb (PA)

    Mike Levin (CA)

    Anthony Brindisi (NY)

    Max Rose (NY)

    Chris Pappas (NH)

    Elaine Luria (VA)

    Susie Lee (NV)

    Joe Cunningham (SC)

    Gil Cisneros (CA)

    Collin Peterson (MN)

    Gregorio Kilili Sablan (NMI)

    Colin Allred (TX)

    Lauren Underwood (IL)

    Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (AS)

    Mike Bost (IL)

    Neal Dunn (FL)

    Jack Bergman (MI)

    Jim Banks (IN)

    Andy Barr (KY)

    Dan Meuser (PA)

    Chip Roy (TX)

    Greg Steube (FL)

    Senate Committee on Ways and Means

    Majority Minority Chairman Richard Neal (MA)

    Lloyd Doggett (TX)

    John Larson (CT)

    Earl Blumenauer (OR)

    Ron Kind (WI)

    Bill Pascrell (NJ)

    Danny Davis (IL)

    Linda Sanchez (CA)

    Brian Higgins (NY)

    Terri Sewell (AL)

    Suzan DelBene (WA)

    Judy Chu (CA)

    Gwen Moore (WI)

    Dan Kildee (MI)

    Brendan Boyle (PA)

    Don Beyer (VA)

    Dwight Evans (PA)

    Brad Schneider (IL)

    Tom Suozzi (NY)

    Jimmy Panetta (CA)

    Stephanie Murphy (FL)

    Jimmy Gomez (CA)

    Steven Horsford (NV)

    Ranking Member Kevin Brady (TX)

    Devin Nunes (CA)

    Vern Buchanan (FL)

    Adrian Smith (NE)

    Kenny Marchant (TX)

    Tom Reed (NY)

    Mike Kelly (PA)

    George Holding (NC)

    Jason Smith (MO)

    Tom Rice (SC)

    David Schweikert (AZ)

    Jackie Walorski (IN)

    Darin LaHood (IL)

    Brad Wenstrup (OH)

    Jodey Arrington (TX)

    Drew Ferguson (GA)

    Ron Estes (KS)

    House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

    Majority Minority Chairman Adam Schiff (CA)

    Jim Himes (CT)

    Terri Sewell (AL)

    Ranking Member Devin Nunes (CA)

    K. Michael Conaway (TX)

    Michael Turner (OH)

  • André Carson (IN)

    Jackie Speier (CA)

    Mike Quigley (IL)

    Eric Swalwell (CA)

    Joaquin Castro (TX)

    Denny Heck (WA)

    Peter Welch (VT)

    Sean Patrick Maloney (NY)

    Val Demings (FL)

    Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL)

    Brad Wenstrup (OH)

    Chris Stewart (UT)

    Rick Crawford (AR)

    Elise Stefanik (NY)

    Will Hurd (TX)

  • Looking Toward 2022

    Senators up for Reelection at Midterm

      Democrats (13)  Republicans (21) * Mark Kelly (AZ) Roy Blunt (MO)

    Michael Bennet (CO) John Boozman (AR)

    Richard Blumenthal (CT) Richard Burr (NC)

    Catherine Cortez Masto (NV) Mike Crapo (ID)

    Tammy Duckworth (IL) Chuck Grassley (IA)

    Kamala Harris (CA)* John Hoeven (ND)

    Maggie Hassan (NH)  Ron Johnson (WI)

    Pat Leahy (VT)  John Kennedy (LA)

    Patty Murray (WA)  James Lankford (OK)

    Brian Schatz (HI)  Mike Lee (UT) 

    Chuck Schumer (NY)  Kelly Loeffler (GA)** 

    Chris Van Hollen (MD)  Jerry Moran (KS) 

    Ron Wyden (OR)  Lisa Murkowski (AK) 

      Rand Paul (KY) 

      Rob Portman (OH) 

    Marco Rubio (FL) 

      Tim Scott (SC) 

      Richard Shelby (AL) 

      John Thune (SD) 

      *Pat Toomey (PA) 

      Todd Young (IN)

    **Whomever wins the GA Senate special will have to run again in 2022 *Sen. Toomey has already announced he is not running for reelection

    Cover - Table of Contents.pdf1 - Intro.pdf2 - 117th Congress.pdf3 - Bios.pdf4 - Committee Leadership.pdf5 - Committees.pdf6 - 2022.pdf