electrical circuit - lecture#2

Electric Circuit Analysis Circuit elements Ahsan Khawaja [email protected]. pk Lecturer Room 102 Department of Electrical Engineering

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Page 1: Electrical Circuit - Lecture#2

Electric Circuit Analysis

Circuit elements

Ahsan [email protected] 102Department of Electrical Engineering

Page 2: Electrical Circuit - Lecture#2

Base Quantity

SI base units

Name Symbol

length meter m

mass kilogram kg

time second s

electric current ampere Atemperature kelvin K

amount of substance mole mol

luminous intensity candela cd

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Prefixes•Used to emphasize the significantly large or small numerical figures.•Some common prefixes…..

10-24 yocto y

10-21 zepto z

10-18 atto a

10-15 femto f

10-12 pico p

10-9 nano n

10-6 micro m

10-3 milli m

10-2 centi c

10-1 deci d

10 Deka da

102 hecto h

103 kilo k

106 mega M

109 giga G

1012 tera T

1015 peta P

1018 exa E

1021 zetta Z

1024 yotta Y

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• In SI system, charge is measured in coulombs (C).

• The charge on an electron is -1.602 x 10-19 C.• Hence 1 C of charge, there are

1/(1.602 x 10-19) = 6.24 x 1018 electrons.• Denoted by ‘ q ’.

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• ‘I’, is the rate at which charge is transferred or "flows" through a device.

• Mathematically,dq(t)

dti(t) =

where i = the current in amperes (A) q = the charge in coulombs (C)

the amount of charge passing through a device per unit of time.

1 ampere is 1 coulomb per second.

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0 5 10 15 20-1





0 5 10 15 20-0.8










0 5 10 15 20-3









0 5 10 15 200






Direct Current (dc)

Alternating/SinusoidalCurrent (ac)

Exponential Current

Damped Sinusoidal Current

Transient Current

Types of current

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Current sign conventionProper definition of current vector requires:•direction of the arrow(polarity).•value (magnitude).

A negative current of -3 A flowing in one direction is the same as a current of +3 A flowing in the opposite direction.

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Electronic VS conventional current

Electrons flow from negative terminal to positive terminal but conventional current flows in the opposite direction.

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Example DC current.

Find the charge passing through a point in a conductor if the current passing through the conductor has the waveform indicated.



2 A

Solution:The current does not change with time. Hence, a charge of 2 C is passing through the point each second.

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For the given current, which is given in graphical form, find the charge passing through a given point in the time interval 0-4 s.

t (sec)

10 A

10 2 43


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t (sec)

10 A

10 2 43




q(t) i(t)dt1 2

0 1

10tdt 10dt 3 4

2 3

( 10t 30)dt (10t 30)dt

Ans.= 5 + 10 -25 +35 C

= 25 C

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• Recognized by the 18th century Italian physicist Allessandro Antonio Volta.

• Voltage" or "potential difference” is defined as the energy required to move a unit charge through an element.

• Measured in volts (V).• Mathematically,


V = w = the energy in joules (J)

1 volt is 1 joule per coulomb.

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Voltage sign convention

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DC and AC voltage

• Like electric current, a constant voltage is called a “dc voltage” and is represented by “V”, whereas a sinusoidally time-varying voltage is called an “ac voltage” and is represented by “v”.

• A dc voltage is usually produced by a battery and an ac voltage is produced by an electric generator.

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Passive Sign Convention• The passive sign convention is satisfied when

the current enters through the positive(plus-marked) terminal of an element as shown.




. . .

The passive sign convention.

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Solution: p2 = (240)(2) = 480 W

p3 = (60)(1.5) = 90 Wp4 = (60)(0.5) = 30 W

Total power = 480 W + 90 W + 30 W= 600 W

+300 V –

+60 V –

+60 V –

+ 240 V –

2 A2 A

1.5 A

0.5 A

3 4


Find the power dissipated for the following circuit. Hint: P = V x I

What is the power generated by the source?

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Voltage VS Current

The voltage across an element can be • linearly proportional to the current through it

(a resistor) • proportional to derivative (an inductor) of the

current with respect to time. • proportional to integral (a capacitor) of the

current with respect to time.

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Voltage and Current Sources

Two types of basic electrical elements:

• passive elements.(dissipate power) • active elements. (generate power)

Active elements such as voltage and current sources can be classified as either independent or dependent sources.

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Independent Voltage Sources

An ideal independent source is an active element that can supply a specified voltage or current that is completely independent of a current or voltage elsewhere in the circuit.


(a) and (b) DC independent voltage source symbols. (c) AC independent voltage source symbol.

(a) (b) (c)


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Independent Current Sources

(a) (b)

(a) A time-varying independent current source. (b) A constant (DC) independent current source.

i I

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Dependent Sources• Dependent, or controlled, source is a source in which the

source voltage or current is determined by another voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit being analyzed.

• It is usually represented by diamond-shaped symbol.

(a) (b)

(a) A dependent voltage source. (b) A dependent current source.

v i

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Dependent sources of four types

1. A voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS)

2. A current-controlled voltage source (CCVS).

3. A voltage-controlled current source (VCCS).

4. A current-controlled current source (CCCS).

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v = bvx

v = bvx

vx is somewhere (not shown) and b is a constant.

i = whatever

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v = bix

v = bix

i = whateverix is somewhere (not shown) and b is a constant.

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i = bvx

i = bvx

vx is somewhere (not shown) and b is a constant.

v = whatever



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i = bix

i = bix

v = whateverix is somewhere (not shown) and b is a constant.



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Resistance ‘R’

• Unit of resistance is ohms (Ω)1 Ω = 1 V / A

• Resistance in a circuit arises due to collisions between the electrons carrying the current with the fixed atoms inside the conductor.

• Experiments show that for many materials, including most metals, the resistance remains constant over a wide range of applied voltages or currents.

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Ohm’s Law

• Ohm’s Law is an empirical relationship that is valid only for certain materials– Materials that obey Ohm’s Law are said to be ohmic


V V = R I

Ohm’s law

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Parallel connection Series connection




R1R2 R3

Req = R1 + R2 + R3

1/Req = 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3

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Q2. What is the ratio of the current flowing through each resistor (I1:I2) in the circuit?

1. 1:12. 3:13. 1:44. Need more info.

6 V

R1 = 10

R2 = 30

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1/Req = 1/Ra + 1/Rb

Req is smaller than Ra and Rb



Req ≈ 10

1000 = 1k

2Req < 2Practically all the current flowsThough the bottom one!!

Practical considerations for ‘R’