electrical engineering objective questions part 7

www.examrace.com I C.S.E I of 1 ·1 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING J] :l, -1. 5. There are two time functious g,(l) and ll :(t) 11 i lh FoW'ier trnnsfo nus 0 1 (1) and 0, cl) Fourier cransfo m1 ol' n,g 1 (l) .. b.g1 (t) wil l be (a lllld b 10 expr essu.>n l!re c:on stan c) a, The con' olatioo or a G 1 (I) and ben tn b Theproduct ofs'Gc !llld c, The sum or a Gt(f') an d bG 2 (I) t1 The prodt•ct or c; , U) Md a, V) u b Band1 1idtl1 of u modulated signal is a. Zero b. Tile of tlt e mod ulating signal c. Twice tlte frequencr ol' modulating Stgntd cl lnfinil) The balance equation Z = A.B ... A.B can be realized using only a. AND b. O.R gates c. NAND gates d , NOT gntes Current dram fo rm lhe power s uppl y 1s lowest m wbiah one ol' the following d1 .gital JC log•c f3mdy'' a TIL b, EOL c, MOS i.l . CMOS A MOSFET whb poT)' silicon gale IS preferred 10 a MOSI'I IT 11i tl 1 aluminum gate since in tlJc !irst eliSe th e a. De l'!ce becomes more t esist not to radutll on b. Gate can be self-ahi!ned to source and drain c. Isol ati on adj acent de11ces is beller d. Gate leakage curren t os snl;lller In semocondu ctor wafe r cleaning, t riChlo roethylene is used to remo1•e a Dus t p:ll'ticles from th e surface b, Grease from t he surface c. Imp urities from 11 1thin lhe CI)'Stal cl Mo is ture Iroon !h e s urface 1 I0. Work lunc!i on is a. Mlllimum at 11 hicb thenmon enoissinn occurs b. MJnimum excess ener gy needed for therrmoo emisso on c. Maxi mum temperature up to which thcrmion emission occurs d. Optilnum onergl l or lhermi on emrssro n For n p-type semiconduc1 or. Femu level li es a. In tile mi ddle of the en ergy gap b. Close to bottom of the conducuon ban.d c. Close to the lop of the conducloon band d. Cl use to the top of valence bnnd The force a q :md a grtluoded infinile conducting place kepi ay n distanced form iL is gi ved by ,, a 4. 76 , 1/' c. d 16trt ,d ' In soo lrce-free lmcrerfect med ium(spec1fied loss UUlgeo ltan Q). Maxwell's curl equat1oo can be written as: V ><H -<J il)F: L ;' (i -J tan o) b. v"' H = ;(l)e7f( 1 - {t an o) c. V >< H =-JmeE(I +.f t<tll6) d. V <H = - jtvr;E (I - ] tano) II' 1ve hnve a tOIItr l) l wh •cb is u ctual l) unstable of has too IOI\ gai n or phase-margins. thm for n more sah. sf actory performance or the sys tem, we shoul d repon to '"b jcl1 of the Jollowing' l 1 reduce the gain nf the :uuplj lier 2 Incorporate phase nd1ance ci rculi in th e www.examrace.com

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Post on 28-Sep-2015




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    There are two time functious g,(l) and ll:(t) 11 i lh FoW'ier trnnsfonus 0 1(1) and 0, cl)

    repeciti"Vel~ Fourier cransfom1 ol' n,g1 (l) .. b.g1 (t) will be (a lllld b 10 tlu~ expressu.>n l!re c:onstanc) a, The con' olatioo or a G1 (I) and ben tn b Theproduct ofs'Gc (~ !llld bG~ (I) c, The sum or a Gt(f') and bG2 (I) t1 The prodtct or c;, U) Md a, V)

    u b Band11idtl1 of u frequeoc~ modulated signal is a. Zero b. Tile frequen~ of tlte modulating signal c. Twice tlte frequencr ol' modulating

    Stgntd cl lnfinil) The balance equation Z = A.B ... A.B can be realized using only a. AND gat~s b. O.R gates c. NAND gates d, NOT gntes Current dram form lhe power s upply 1s lowest m wbiah one ol' the following d1.gital JC logc f3mdy'' a TIL b, EOL c, MOS i.l. CMOS A MOSFET whb poT)' silicon gale IS preferred 10 a MOSI'IIT 11itl1 aluminum gate since in tlJc !irst eliSe the a. Del'!ce becomes more t esistnot to

    radutll on b. Gate can be self-ahi!ned to source and

    drain c. Isolation bet11e~ adjacent de11ces is

    beller d. Gate leakage current os snl;lller In semoconductor wafer cleaning, triChloroethylene is used to remo1e a Dust p:ll'ticles from the surface b, Grease from the surface c. Impurities from 111thin lhe CI)'Stal cl Moisture Iroon !he surface


    I 0.

    Work lunc!ion is a. Mlllimum t~mpurruur~ at 11 hicb

    thenmon enoissinn occurs b. MJnimum excess energy needed for

    therrmoo emissoon c. Maxi mum temperature up to which

    thcrmion emission occurs d. Optilnum onergl lor lhermion

    emrssron For n p-type semiconduc1or. Femu level lies a. In tile middle of the energy gap b. Close to ~1c bottom of the conducuon

    ban.d c. Close to the lop of the conducloon band d. Cluse to the top of ~Je valence bnnd The force bel~>een a ~harg~ q :md a grtluoded infinile conducting place kepi ay n distanced form iL is gi ved by

    ,, a 4.76,1/'


    d 16trt,d' In ~ soolrce-free lmcrerfect ~~~l

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    .l Use mtegral error c~mpensatioo m tire S)'StC111 Scl~t til~ correct anS\1 er !Sing tbc codes l?"'""' by a_ 1,2 a11d 3 b I :tud :! c. I muP d 2 and 1 For a fixed choo~ uf steady-state wloctty error. the 118e or dclwurrve output compensation m a proportional second order C(li\ITOI !\)'$t.em mcren.'iCS wbtch of the folJOWIDj11/ I Scnln~ttuuu 2. Undraped narurnl frequency J . Dampin_g ~tn Select the coOTect aMw(11

    ln the: rircLUt sho11. th~ millnl voltage on the ulse ll Pi4Vitlc

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    ~c:r-----~------ ~

    R o, , -i:::::IH---!>1-------1

    Ill the CirCUit shown. runctf'OIIIlf diode 0, ~~ a, To avuid lhc ~ntur:ilion of th~

    opcrntionnl amplifier b. To provrde dtc ncgotive feedback when

    I he mpul is negnnve c. To r.oducc lhe reverse breakdown

    vollnge ofD1 cl .lnsigniHcnnt and cnn be removed



    T -1


    r or the ~il'lluit ~hown in the ligur~. which 1)1\C a f I he following WIIVCrOrlll> repreSentS I he correct output

    f\t' 11 ~BV (b) ... i\ll 0 -8 V

    1c10~ (dl o~''" IV 1-:-rn f1or n los~lcss two wimHng singl~>ophuse trunsformer on NOLOAD. the following four phasor dingr.tms A. B. C and D ttre con~ider~d. Sutndlird ~mho Is arc bdng

    u~cd In mpl'ilS~nl the Vllltagc. cum.'tlt and llu~

    A 0 B 0



    1=, =- v,

    J of l-1

    c Q D 0


    Which l$ the correct j1hns(>r-d!agr!lnt'l a. A b. B c. c d. D

    A uL~,, x r;;; tl !l, ' ii' lG '::'Jl' : c. L b

    A Oll!mal Ll - ~connected J phase traostormer is obtllmcd b) connccung. three smgle-phase transformers L II and Ill as shown above. If rn!n~lbnner Ill is removed. the system \\'Quid nm operate in "'011~>-delta mod~. Under thi~ condition. tf \IOilugo Vt~o is designed by I' L60". the volmg~ I:... is a. I' L 60 b. I'Ll 80" c . I L 180 d I'L-60 A thr~phru.e 50 Ht. rrun~mf~~ion line hus a copaciUtnc., o r line to n~mml s O.OipF'H7tr Th~ voltage of the Hne fs 100 kV. The charglll CllTfllpl per ~lom

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    Ffjr d1e power '}'$l'eQI networl. shown. the zm>-~equence reactance's in ~u. are lnaioMed. The Ztm-stqucne driving 11oint rc:aclanec ufhu.~ J in p.u.. is u. IU2 b. O.JO "" cl.ltJ d. 0.20

    2 5 Whkh oF th

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    D. Sdting time (2"~) !,hi II

    r. I (~J,, Jt- :') 2. 4 1 (.;ro, ) 3 ~P( >r.;JJI ; ' ) ,, r. -[o~'ff / I!J,Jt-;'1]

    b. c.


    1\ 3 -l


    13 2 1 1 2

    c 4

    D 1 2 2

    lbe overage value of lhew:n~fonn ll(l) = 4 cos 41 - 1 sin 51" 4. 0 h. - (21 11') c. 2/ ~r (L 20 / :r

    34. A recipt'OC:ll two tort netwotl ,. ; ymmelrie"l if t1t- Zu = z;l! b. .i1 ~ I c. A =D J . a = 1

    ' 35. lf an RC tmpednce fimction, Z(l, h .. eqUt I A. Dual coovc.rtOI' 13. DC chopper C. Cyclo couvertur 0 , lnvelter Lb1 n l. Centet~l klh1 drivo 2. lncluctiun henting :'1. Rollin~ mill rlrivc 4. Electric:tl vehtcle 5. Sugr mills

    A ll C' a. 2 I 5 b. 3 4 ~. 2 4 d. 3 I 5

    D 3 2 J 2 Conoid~r the folio" h1J.! s takmcot.s: Disintt of c(ccl.ronic dc\'iethe op=tin!l point 2. 'l'o make !be O(l

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    d Til~ uddJ'\lS!> Of Ule IIOXI lllStrUCIJOR (O be e.xeruted

    A .S..h p , 3-ph:jSc, 400 V, 4-polc.. 5() H7 ~tnrrel-cage inducuon motor hns a full-

    lo~d speed of I ~~(I r p m, At half full-load the Speed nfthis motor would be u 148Urp.11L b 1470rpm. c 1-lfiQr p. m ii 1450rpm. r or a repulstotHyp~ sntgle-phas.! tnducuon motor lour conJigurauons of tl!c

    brush-a~ts tn relauon to the stator-field axts at an tnstan1 are constdereCott~ider the roiiO\\ tng SlllllllllentS I f lush AJ D ~onverter is the fusti!SL 2 Mmimum hardware IS used in

    nnplcmemln& 1he Flnsh AID comen~r Wlll~b of tf1~ sluiemcnls ~tVcn above ts arc COITCC17 a. I only IJ l only c. Both I and1 cl Nettber I uur 2 Copper bns u much low~r rl)Sistlvcly lhan aluminum StO: hns a dielectric conslruu of 3, Q and Xerogi.'l has a dielec1nc consmnl of 2 I In order to r.:ducc rh~ InterconneCt dclny in VLSI dnzwts, what should 11'l oombinarion M ulctal !llld llcll'Ctrt~ Juyer? a C(lpper wtth St01 b 1\llllllllllllll S I 0; c. t\lumtnfum wflh Xerogel d Copper whh Xcrogel


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    51 Consider th~ following 11terjal$ can be

    used at high fNquenci;;. Wbieb of tbe s~'t"'n"'tb giwn abol'.: arb corTecr'/ a, 1,2 nnd 3 b. 1 nnd 2 c 2 :mc.l ~ tl I nnd 3

    52 n.e E-fleld or u 11nif'onn pbne ""ve prt'i)Agaling ill diolefless Unu be so ll!l to oppell.r us ;m open circuit ot the input lcnrtioals'/

    ~ r = ..t 4 b. /= ). 2 .:. 1= 1. 3 d. l=..t

    54. Which one ol' th,e l'ollowlng i1< Ue copaci.ty Q[ swndard telephone .:hanuel Qccupying the trequooey range Qf JOO to '3~00 Hz Jur nn octuDI S 'JI.' rotio ol' 1023? u. .< lOOO bits per second ll. ~06\Ml bil!t per ~ceond c. 3471t200 'bits ptnt is mudt larger than those uf ordin:tay dic:le~trie mnt.criaiJt.

    7 ul IJ 3. 11u:re IS RPQnlaneous- I>OI:trizat1on of

    the material 11 hen it ts in the ferruelt-etri.; SI:LIC.

    Wl!icb of the s lillemcnl!! given ~lluvc ~re c:ottc:ct2 1.,2 and 3 b. 1 and 2 c. 2 and 3 d. I and-'

    56. lf'N = number of atrom,;/m1 a a = Polaris ability

    ~ = o~ohllepennilliVity of free space Tll

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    d. lucr"-asc rhc r.sing anJJIU limtr during inv~rtc.r operation

    ~ : 2 f reqooncy

    Which one of rhc li1llowln!;!, is the minimmn phase lrdllSfer function thnl corresponds to Bode magnitude plot sho""' on ligurc'/

    J n, - -

    2.1+1 b. 2s-'- l

    I "-

    -r--$-l 2 I a. -,r t I 2

    Cons1der Ute LTI system wuh ullpclls.o response !t(l) =- u(t).u >O, which one of Jhc lblloll'lng g11'~ ~~~ rc.~ponse 10 the SI!!OOI .~{1)=~ "u(t) ? a. J'(t) =rnn con: IS ~~>C-d 1(1

    I lncrcusc rhe ~ful nux 2. !!duo~ the lcaknge nux 3 Reduce the us.!ful Oll~ Whrcb of Ut~ above isl:rre corw:l7 a. 2 only b. I Wld2 c. 2 und 3 d. 3 0111)

    Sol I~

    64. II single.-phnsc dlode-br.dgc rectlroer is connect~d to a load resistor of SOohm~. The source voltng.e is v= 200sin ror. whore w = 2r. A 50 mdlnns per second. n1e pQWer dissipute.d in the Jontl resistur i~

    400 6.67 v c. 101\V d JIJOV

    66. I I' both tbe in puiS Ill a balI' udder are I. tbc sum and CIJIT}' outpul nro. rcspccrivcly



    a. 0,() h U,l c. 1.(1 d 1. 1 The numh\!r nf >1\llllrivinl logic 1\urctious iua1-vanuhlc logic family is a. ~ b. Ill (!. u d. 16 u

    v' --c~=:r-----,1 R 'r----J'----,

    ~o !)


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    A sinusoidal !ciDntor i! boil u".in~ ~n mnplifier of Teal !~"in .-\. inlinik input impedance and 1 he f""dh,,ck 1/1} network ~1\own in the ITgure. lf l i \'. lb~n 2 0 i$ equal to a. 2jX h. jX

    ~. iX tL 2j'X n.. only lbbil long instruction in a rnad1ine code that IL~es immediat addreo.-sing modein 8085 io a. LXUil.:XX.X b. LDAXXXX c. Ull..D~'-""C\ J. 'LI\oiPXX.\.. "\ Whicb or t)le following. ttiL'mOry IJnit no:ed fJeriudic refreshing? n. ROM b, EPROM c. Sl~l ic RAt\ I d. l)~,.amlc RAM ' l'wo 3-phaoe lteruator:s """ synchroml.ed so ~101 ~1eir no load wllllg.:s E1 and E, arc. equalt- r.r the exdtntion or mac:hlno 1 is pt\w increased. ibeo I. A I()C.'II cil'l!ulnfing Clln','lll I is sd Up. 2. I, mugnoti7)n!! in n~\111'1: lor machine 2. 3. 1, tenci~ IQ reduceEu. .J.. 'J11e terminal vol!llgcs J ocs not cthmgc, Wl>icb uf Lhc Slllh:tncnt. gi1 en ohul'e nrc

    ~ ongle d, RCO>etivt fX)Wcr and ollllgc magnicudc






    I) of 14 Bond-] imlled White GaUS!Iion Not1urc.

    Which Of U1c Mtcwtnl' gi~etl ~b(m: is/are C(lm:ct1 a. I and2 b. 2 ltnly c. 'I and 3

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    b, One $elect Hne ~nd one ou1put line c. 'l'brc::e~clecllines and one oulputllne tl, rwo >elect lmes omd ~IWo OUIJJUI llno:s

    80. lan-implnntnlion t $Uperiqr process 10 cliJ'fusion because .of which or u,e following rt:asuos? L It i! lu.[\h lcmperutwc pmc'Ss. 2. ll rosulu. in prooiso> control or depth

    ond pro.file. J , l.1t1Jc.e cbmoge due to high enerl!Y ion

    benm. can be annealed. Seltel U1e ~llfrO.:t nn!\Yet u.~ing U1c ~ode given bclo\\ 1,2 and3 h. I and 2 tl. 2 and 3 d. I Md 3

    S I C:ortidar the f11llowingproce.s steps u.~ doo:s lhe SiO, Ioyer exhibit fill' usc in JC filhrjc l ion1 L l t provides proh!ctive ~onductma

    Ioyer on thesilioon surl~ce. -2. II pro, ides surfac" p~ssVlllion 3. ll soves a an insulator on the silicon

    surfoet>. -4. 11 provitlo~ suprJort for ll lC

    compnnot11s to be l':tbrrClltetlll"c:r it. Select the COI'TCCI nnswe~ ru;ins tho lde givtm below: a. 2 nnd J b. "and~ c. I and~ d. land 2



    83. Mttt~h List 1 {Element of MecllaniiUll 87. Sytcm) wltb List ll (/lnalogowl Elomrnt

    ltJoll4 on Blo:ctrlcal Network) :md select the correct answer;

    l.i~ I A. tvlai>$ B. Sprutg C. l)amp~r D. l)i.;placl:tll1>nl List n l. lnductonoc 2 Cl1Jl"aitnncc 3. R~iSt3nl!C 4. Chnrsc 5. Current

    A a t' D .. 1 2 J 4 b. ~ 3 S I ~ I ~ 5 4 II 4 2 3 Three block$ G, Gt nnd C''l arc cunneeted in some ft~;;hion .3uch tbnl ove(all IJ .. nsftr

    futw.tion~ is G, G, ( 1' G,G' ) . 111e l)Joc:!;s 1-G,G,

    are oonnccled iolhe following manner: 3 . G,. C::: with negative reedbaclr and

    comhinatiQn llar;,l)ej w11h G~ h. G,, GJ with nugativc rceclbnck ~nd G..

    in porJ lltl c. Gs. ~ iS '"'sc.~de 011d comhinolicm in

    pnrollel with G1 d. G~,Clj in casc.1de and combination in

    pnrnlle l with 0: Tite uni1 in1puL~e restlOnse of the system dcscrib

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    In the llii'Oilll shown m 1be figure. \foliage~ IS !JlVC!O b)

    cW I ' (l Jl+ ' b '~ c_ tf. +Fir!


    J /It'' +V rf! I

    tn u

    IDV . .,

    1n tb1s t:trouu ~bown, l!urrem through R b (l 0 b 05A c: 25A

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    B. Doth A and R are indi Vtdt mvbile at all

    ~. Both i\ ~nd Rare ntdi"idun lly true anti R i.s tbe correct explanation of A

    b. B

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    1L Diflbrcntiator and phnsc modul!ltor A ~-pha~., eylindricn1-rofor allem~tOr. Number of teeth 'I" the rmor should

    l>~"eli:rAbly be qqu l to L Ti 2. Elg)lt 3. Si:t -t Pour 5. rwo

    Wlu~h ofthe above nrc correct'! "- l1111d 3 h. 3 nnd ' .:. 2 aml:1 d. 1. 2 nnd 4 Whidt methods can be used fot Ute moasur mcut of three pltruw I"'"'"' for :m unbalnoced loDd2 I. 'lltree voftmol'e"' 2. 'two voltmeters and one anm1eter :.. Two 'V~Llmeter' 4. 01ll: wrcUmet.:t S:t the t~t answer u..

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    113. M:ttch List 1 " lth Li;t U and select lh~ C(>rrect answer List L (Power Plunt) A. N ucl;:.u B, Diccl C. Gru; turbino 0. Hydro l'.ist II (A pplk:ll inn ) I. Base lod 2. Stand-hy 3. Ua.5c load o peak IIJad -1 . Pe:~k food

    A n c

    ' I 3 4

    b. It 2 I !;. ~ ' ~ I (L l 2 -1

    D 2 3 2 3

    I 14 Match List l with List Jl and select tho: oorlect uswcr. Lii l (Protllc lo ground 3 . S hort circuit -t inter-rum s. c herloadlns

    A B (' D .~ I -1 2 s ... s 2 :> 1 c. 1 2 3 s d. s 4 2 I

    115. Which ) microlmc.,.sors ond oricrt)c(lntl'l) lff papo:r? u, Strain guuge b. LVDT c. Dinph>rm d. C~paci1~ncc lmnsducer \Vhioh one of die rouowi11!! frequency band fur COnitilunjcalion? u, 3 to JO kHz h. 3 Ill 30 1\ffiz c. ~ to .~0 GHz d. l o-' to 1(1' Gitl

    j!t the-sakUite
