electrical engineering s tudents' european asso ciation final

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation Anabela Brkić a n [email protected] Andrej Šimić [email protected] m

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Page 1: Electrical engineering s tudents' european asso ciation final

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Anabela Brkić[email protected]

Andrej Šimić[email protected]

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Šta je EESTEC?

Udruženje studenata elektrotehnike Evrope— Osnovano u Ajndhovenu 1986. godine— Od 1995. sjedište je u Cirihu— Od 2002. ponovo vraćeno u Holandiju

Trenutno ima 49 članova (Lokalnih komiteta) u 25 zemlje Evrope

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Ciljevi EESTEC-a Uspostavljanje

međunarodnih veza Razmjena ideja i iskustava Poređenje raznih

obrazovnih sistema Povećanje mogućnosti

zapošljavanja Upoznavanje drugih kultura

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

LC Achen LC Belgrade LC Craiova JLC Gliwice JLC Izmir LC Ljubljana LC Niš LC Rijeka LC Talinn Observer Warwick LC Ankara LC Bucharest LC Delft LC Hamburg LC Krakow LC Lugano LC Novi Sad

LC Sarajevo LC Tampere LC Wroclaw Observer

Antwerp LC Budapest LC East Sarajevo LC Helsinki JLC Lille LC Madrid LC Patras JLC Sheffield LC Trieste LC Zagreb LC Athens LC Cosenza LC Eskisehir Observer Iasi

JLC Linkoping LC Maribor LC Podgorica LC Skopje LC Tuzla Observer Xanthi LC Banja Luka Observer Coventry LC Famagusta LC Istanbul LC Lisabon LC Munich JLC Riga LC Sofia Observer Vienna LC Zürich

Lokalni komiteti (LC’s)

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation


Radionice (Workshops)

Razmjene (Exchanges)

Kongres (Congress)

ECM (EESTEC Chairperssons Meeting)

T4T (Training for trainers)

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Radionice Jednonedjeljni seminari o

naučnim temama Predavanja stručnjaka iz

kompanija i sa fakulteta Praktičan rad ECTS bodovi

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Razmjene Razmjena studenata dva

ili više lokalnih komiteta Upoznavanje drugih

univerziteta i njihovog načina rada, kao i kulture drugih zemalja

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Kongres Godišnje generalno

okupljanje Rasprave o

trenutnim pitanjima bitnim za EESTEC

Izbori Planiranje radionica i

razmjena Primanje novih

lokalnih komiteta

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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ECM- EESTEC Chairpersons Meeting Godišnje okupljanje

predsjednika lokalnih komiteta i Board-a

Soft skill treninzi Radne grupe

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Aktivni članovi imaju priliku da i sami postanu treneri, dobijaju certifikat

Mnoge prednosti ukoliko postanete trener

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

T4T – Training for trainers

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Zašto biti član EESTEC-a? Saradnja sa drugim studentima Poboljšavanje raznih vještina

— Organizacione sposobnosti— Usavršavanje jezika— “Soft Skills”

Putujte i upoznajte druge evropske zemlje Volontiranje

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Šta smo mi napravili? EnerGreen

• oktobar 2005, 19 participanata• o alternativnim izvorima energije,prenosu energije

Cable vs. Wireless• 21. oktobar – 3. novembar 2007• prednosti i mane kablovskih i bežičnih mreža • odnos sa triple play

WON '09 - The Next Generation• 14 - 20 mart 2009, 20 participanata• integracija fiksne i mobilne mreže u vidu IMS sistema• uticaj konvergencije mreže na implementiranje triple playa

First Trainer's Meeting

• 19. oktobra – 25. oktobra 2010. 14 participanata

• unapređenje trening sistema unutar EESTEC-a

• inkorporiranje novih trening metoda kao i novih oblasti znanja

13-16. maja ugostili 13 studenata iz Lugana

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Gdje smo bili?

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

’’Grab the Autumn’’, Beograd, decembar 2006.

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

’’Intercultural competence’’, Minhen, maj 2006.

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

’’ Summer Camp’’, Budimpešta, jul 2006.

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

’’Power engineering’’, Atina, decembar 2005.

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

’’Chairpersons meeting’’, Istambul, novembar 2006.

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“E-Heath”, Madrid, april 2009.

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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“Bio-improve-your-life”, Atina, maj 2009.

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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“IEEE & EESTEC Southeastern Europe Student Branch and GOLD Congress 2009”,

Novi Sad maj 2009.

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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“Chupakraba Electrico”, Zagreb maj 2009.

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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“EFID EESTEC Frequency Identification”, Istambul, jun 2009.

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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’Chairpersons meeting’’,Skopje, novembar 2009.

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Još jedna sitnica Svaki EESTEC događaj je propraćen ludim provodom i

nezaboravnim zabavama do jutarnjih sati

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Internacionalno veče

Internacionalo veče je sastavni dio skoro svake radionice

Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

…kao i ostale aktivnosti…

...grudvanje u Rumuniji ...kuglanje u Njemačkoj

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

... paintball i klizanje u Beogradu...

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LC Banja Luka, trenutno broji oko 20 aktivnih članova

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10. rođendan LC Beograd

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First Trainers Meeting, rafting

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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation


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Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation

Hvala na pažnji!

Zašto da ne budete član svega ovoga?!

Učlanite se!

[email protected]