electrical safety manual & general safety instruction

SAVE ENERGY SAVE MONEY HIMACHAL PRADESH STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD ltd. (A State Govt. Undertaking) OFFICE ORDER In pursuance to the directions of HPERC & provisions contained in CEA Regulations/Notifications in the matter of Safety guidelines/instructions/standard operating procedures/measures related to safety, the HPSEBL had constituted a committee, comprising of the follow, ing Members, to put in place guidelines/instructions/standard operating procedure/measures relating to Safety:- l. Director(Operation), HPSEBL Chairman 2. DirE::Ctor(Technical), HPSEBL Member 3. Chief Engineer(Op), South, HPSEBL Member 4. Chief Engineer(Commercial), HPSEBL Member 5. Chief Engineer(Generation), HPSEBL Member 6. Chief Accounts Officer, HPSEBL Member 7. Chief Engineer(P & M), HPSEBL Member 8. Dy. Director(Personnel), HPSEBL Member 9. Superintending Engineer(SERC), HSPEBL Member Secretary. Based on the recommendations of this committee, the HPSEBL is pleased to notify the \\Electr;cal Safety Manual and General Safety Instructions", pertaining to Distribution and Electrical System functlon 7 to be followed in letter & spirit, by the field offices under HPSEBL, to prevent fatal and non fatal accidents. The Safety Manual relating to Hydro Generating Projects, under HPSEBL shall be notified separately. (Er. 5irkek) (Comm.), HPSEB, Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla-4 Phone: 0177-2656624 [email protected] No.HPSEBL/CE(Comm.)/Electric Safety/2014-15- ."'-.\ (, \- by Copy to:- 1. The Principal Secretary (Power) to the GoHP, along with the copy of Electrical Safety r.1anuai and General Safety Instructions for kind information please. 2. The E.D(Tech), HPERC, Keonthal Commercial Complex, Khalini,Shimla-2, along with the copy of Electrical Safety Manual and General Safety Instructions for kind information please. 3. H',e Chief Electrical Inspector, Block No. 29, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Distt. ShlmlatH.P.)-171009, along with the copy of Electrical Safety Manual and General . ).;1fety Instructions for kind information please. \,3/Tli e SEeIT), HPSEBL, Shimla-4, along with the copy of Electrical Safety Manual and GI:nerai Safety Instruction, to upload the same in the HPSEBL website. (Er. Ma e Irkek) Chi gineer (Comm.), HPsEB, Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla-4 Phone: 0177-2656624 [email protected] ·.

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Post on 03-Jan-2017




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    (A State Govt. Undertaking) OFFICE ORDER

    In pursuance to the directions of HPERC & provisions contained in CEA Regulations/Notifications in the matter of Safety guidelines/instructions/standard operating procedures/measures related to safety, the HPSEBL had constituted a committee, comprising of the follow,ing Members, to put in place guidelines/instructions/standard operating procedure/measures relating to Safety:

    l. Director(Operation), HPSEBL Chairman 2. DirE::Ctor(Technical), HPSEBL Member 3. Chief Engineer(Op), South, HPSEBL Member 4. Chief Engineer(Commercial), HPSEBL Member 5. Chief Engineer(Generation), HPSEBL Member 6. Chief Accounts Officer, HPSEBL Member 7. Chief Engineer(P & M), HPSEBL Member 8. Dy. Director(Personnel), HPSEBL Member 9. Superintending Engineer(SERC), HSPEBL Member Secretary.

    Based on the recommendations of this committee, the HPSEBL is pleased to notify the \\Electr;cal Safety Manual and General Safety Instructions", pertaining to Distribution and Electrical System functlon7to be followed in letter & spirit, by the field offices under HPSEBL, to prevent fatal and non fatal accidents.

    The Safety Manual relating to Hydro Generating Projects, under HPSEBL shall be notified separately.

    (Er. ~ 5irkek)c~eer (Comm.), HPSEB, Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla-4 Phone: 0177-2656624 ~il: [email protected]

    No.HPSEBL/CE(Comm.)/Electric Safety/2014-15- ."'-.\ ~ (,\- by Copy to:

    1. The Principal Secretary (Power) to the GoHP, along with the copy of Electrical Safety r.1anuai and General Safety Instructions for kind information please.

    2. The E.D(Tech), HPERC, Keonthal Commercial Complex, Khalini,Shimla-2, along with the copy of Electrical Safety Manual and General Safety Instructions for kind information please.

    3. H',e Chief Electrical Inspector, Block No. 29, SDA Complex, Kasumpti, Distt. ShlmlatH.P.)-171009, along with the copy of Electrical Safety Manual and General

    . ).;1fety Instructions for kind information please. \,3/Tlie SEeIT), HPSEBL, Shimla-4, along with the copy of Electrical Safety Manual and

    GI:nerai Safety Instruction, to upload the same in the HPSEBL website.

    (Er. Ma e Irkek)

    Chi gineer (Comm.),

    HPsEB, Vidyut Bhawan, Shimla-4

    Phone: 0177-2656624

    ~il: [email protected]

    . ~----~~--~.,------~-------------------

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]







    PaRe No. DESCRIPTIONLTlTLECHAPTER NO. I4to 6 ISafety Policy and Fundamentals of Safety1. I

    - I7 to 10Statutory Requirement Pertaining to Safety 2. I



    11 to 13Definitions/Terms3. I

    14 to 16Responsibility Assignment4.

    -- ._- - I17 to 325. Safety Precautions & Instructions 33 to 53Safety Document (Permit to work)6.

    39 to 47Safe working on Electrical Lines a)

    47 to 52Safe working on Sub-Station b)

    54 to 597. Safety Devices and Equipmems

    . --

    60 to 718. Earthing

    72 to --

    849. Construction and Transportation

    85 to 9010. Accidents, Investigation and Reporting

    9111. Tools & Plant

    12. First Aid 92 to 102

    13. 103 to 109Safety bindings on Contractors

    14. Do's and Do Not's 110 to 111

    - - . - 15. Safety alld Disaster Mallagement 112 to 116

    16. Construction Underneath Overhead Line 117 to 120

    Annexures Annexure-I Permit to Work 1121 to 122

    Annexure-II Permit to Work Audit 123

    Annexure-III Near Miss Incident Record 124


    Annexure-IV Form for Reporting Electrical Accidents 125 to 126

    Page 2

  • __ _

    _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ____


    _.. . .


    AnnexlIreV 127Application for Prearranged Shutdowns

    Annexure-VI Field Job Audit Form 128

    Annexure-VII 129Tool Bag Audit Form

    Annexure- VIII Safety Audit Form 130

    . ,

    _A n n ex__~_______ I FlrstAldB~~~R~cord . I! 1~ 1_______ u re - IX e~~~~________ __~____ -+_ 3~ ~~______~A_____e- X ~F~i~ e ln ~ n~ ort ______ -+ _________________n nex u r________ r_~~~ci~de~t~R~eLP~~~__________ '_132 to 133 I Annexure-XI Fire Extinguisher Record 134

    I Annexure-XII Accident Investigation Report (Accident 1135


    I ------~~---+~~--~~~------------------~~----------~ Annex l_lre- XII I ~li~hy / References I 13 6

    Page 3




    I! I Safety Policy and Fundamentals of Safety

    Safety PolicyI HPSEBL is committed to provide a sdfe working place J/ld environmt'llt to its authorized line statl I and other stakeholders as an integral part of its business philosophy and v,dues. All work shall be

    carried out with utmost care, giving due consideration to s;.ltf..'ty; which shall not be compromised

    under allY circumstance.

    We will make safety a top-of-the-mind matter for all authoriz~d line staff and will integrate it with

    all business processes through an Integrated Safety Man,lgement Jrproach, which fucuses on

    Peuple. Prou:sses, Systems. Technology and Facilities. supported by demonstrated leadership and

    duthuri zt.:'d line statlcommitment at all levels as the primc drivers.

    We believe that accidents and risks to health are prevelltJblc through a cuntinual improvement in

    working environment and the involvement of all authurized line stdfl in creJ ing a Safe, Healthy &

    Accident-tree work place for themselves and the society at IMge.

    To this effect we will also enhance the awareness, skill and co'11pete:1ct.:' levpl of our authorized line

    stafr. supervisory engineering associates and progressively to the CO~l


    Making safety devin~s inoperative.

    Using unsafe equipment. wrong tools for the job. or using hands instead of hand tool s

    Working on live electrical equipment that could conveniently be de-energized.

    Taking unsafe position or posture too close to opening and lifting while in awkward posi

    tion lriding on running boarcls or other unsafe places of vehicles).



    permit issued so that he CCIn be sure that all the permits-to work are returned when he has

    to charge the mains .

    Visitors and unauthorized persons shall not be allow'~d in the vicinity of live mains and ap

    paratus, unless accompanied by an authorized line st:1ff and it shall be the responsibility of

    the authorized line staff to ensure that instructions \'egarding safety are strictly complied

    with .

    1.2.4 Handlin!; of heavy objects i.!Od Storaee

    Authorized line staff shall l10t attempt to lift and stretch beyond th .: ir capacity. Necessary

    assistance should be obtained if it is inevitable or USl' equipment liRl' crane. lifting shackles.

    [)ulley blocks etc

    Extra care should be exercised during lowering (.Intl lifting when two or more authorized line staff carry heavy objects.

    Authorized line staff should avoid twisting or excess ive bending when lifting or setting down loads.

    Pushing should be resorted when moving a load horizontall y, rJther ':an pulling it. GripPll1g, grasping, and lifting with just the thumb and index finger should be avoided and

    whole ha nd and all the fingers should be used . StorJge of materia ls and equipment closer to energized lines or expo:;ed energized parts of

    equipment should be avo ided. If it becomes necessary. it sholilJ be stored, keeping the safe clearance into account of the system voltage, sag, side s wing etc., so I'hat under no circumstances there will be any chance of the stored material coming into contact with the live lines.

    Page 6



    Statutory Requirement Pertaining to Safety

    The Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board was constituted on 1st September, 1971 in accordance with the provisions of Electricity Supply Act (1948) and has been reorganized as Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. w.eJ. 14.06.2010 under company act 1956. HPSEBL is responsible for supply of continuous & Quality power to all categories of consumers in Himachal Pradesh. it is therefore necessary to see that the:

    I} Interest of the company (H PSEBL) and all its customers ilnd general public are protected.

    2) Silfety precautions are taken while carrying out construction. operation and maintenilnce of

    electricill installations.

    :q S:lfety of General Publ ic. HPSEBL Employees as well :I S tile rroperty is kert in mind .

    For ohservil nce of the il/)(jVe. rrovisions of various Acts. Regulation s. Rules. standilrds are to be ab

    ided The relevant Acts, ruILs, standards are described belovv .

    2.1 Electricity Act 2003

    A) Section 53:- provisions with respect to supply generally

    Provision relating to safety of electriCity supply- The Authority may. in consultation with the

    5t'lte Government specify suitable measures for-

    ill protecting the public (including the persons engaged in the generation. transmission or dis

    tri bution or trad ing) from dangers a rising from the generat ion. transm iss ion or d istri bution

    or trading or electricity. or use of electriCity supplied. or- installation. maintenance or use of

    any electric line or electrical plant.

    h) eliminating or reduCing the risks of personal injury to any person or damage to property of

    Llny rerson cr inter!c'rence with use of such property.

    c) pruhibiting the supply or transmission of electrit ity except by means of il system which

    conform s to the spl'c i ficati i)lls a-; may be specified .

    tI} giving notice in tl:e specitil'd form to the Appropriate Commission and the Electrical In

    spector, of accidenb and f"ilures of supplies or transmissions of electricity.

    e) keeping by gener


    2.2 Section 73 of Electricity Act 2003

    Functions and duties of Authority-

    The Authority shall perform such function and duties a~ central Govt. may lJ;" ~ scribe or direct and

    In particular to :

    a) advise the Central Government on the matters relating to lh ... national electricity policy,

    formulate short-term and perspective plans for development of the electricity system and

    co-ordinate the activities of the planning agencies for the optin~.ll utlllzation of resources to

    sub-serve the interests of the national economy and to provide reliab!e and affordable elec

    tricity for all consumers.

    b) specify the technical standards for construction of electrical plants, electric lines and con

    nectivity to the grid .

    c) specify the safety requirements for construction . operation Jnd maintenance of electrical

    plants and electric lines .

    d) specify the Grid Standards tor operation and maintenance of transmiss'.on lines .

    e) s lJl'city the conditions fill' installation of meters fl)r trc111smiss;on Jl1(.1 supply of electricity.

    I'} promote and assist in the timely completion of schemes and projects lor improvillg and augmenting the electricity syslem.

    g) promote measures for advancing the skill of persons engaged in the el:..ctricity industry.

    h) advise the Central Government on any matter on which its ;1d',' ice is sought or make recommendation to that Government on any matter if, in the opinion of the Authority. the recommendation would help in improving the generation, transmission, trading. distribution and utilization of electricity.

    i) collect and record the data concerning the generation. transmission , trading, distribution and utilization of electricity and carry out studies relating to cost, efticiency. competitiveneSs and such like matters.

    j) make public from time to time the information secured under this act and provide ror the lJubllC

  • r


    n) advise the Appropriate Government and the Appropriate Commission on all technical mat

    ters relating to generation. transmission and distribution of electricity.


    0) discharge such other functions as may be provided under this Act.

    2.3 Provision of the Indian Standards

    Provisions of Indian Standards vide its specification NO.IS:5216 (Part I) 1982 (Reaffirmed 1995)

    "Recommendations on safety procedures and practices in electrical works - General" and IS :52 16

    (Part II) 1982 (Re Reaffirmed 1995) "Recommendation on safety procedures and practices in elec

    trical work life saving Techniques detail out the safety instructions and precautions. which every

    pmployee who mCl Y be cO I! ce rned with the installation , operation and maintenance of electric lines

    ,1Inl appClr


    2.5 (EA Guidelines

    SOllie of the important recommendations of (EA on Safety:

    Formulation of Policy on Safety. Defining and documenting responsibilities for all levels 0/ function3r \l'S. Preparing Safety Manuals. Establishing procedures to identify hazards. Pmvicling adequate resources. PruviLling trailling for accident reporting. analysIs. Illvestig,1tion and recommendatiun of

    corrective actions. Es tablishing system for propt~r communication . documentation and record management.

    Establishing procedure lor auditing 01 safety system.

    Establishing system for periodic monitoring and revi(~w 01 tile Sall'lY system by the mandgement.

    OverSt'eing the performance or Contractors.

    Page 10

  • UAL & GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - - - --.... _ .__ .- ZG



    3.1 Authorized Person:

    Orlt' who is properly authorized to perform sJ1ecific duties under certain conditions or who is carrving out order from competent authority.

    3.2 Authorized Line Staff:

    One who receives salary and other benefits from the company from time to time and authorized by competent Engineer to work at licensee's distribution system.

    3.3 Clearance (for work):

    Authorization to rwrform a specified work or permission to enter a restricted area.

    3.4 Clearance (between objects):

    The clear distance between two obiects measured surface-to-surfClce.

    3.5 Connected Load:

    Connected Load means the sum of the ratings of the electricity consuming apparatus connected to lonSlimer's instaliatloJl .

    3.6 Dead:

    Dead means at or about earth potential and disconnected from any live system . Provided that the apparatlls separated from a live conductor by a spark gap shall not be deemed to be DEAD.

    Note: The term Dead is used only with reference to the current carrying parts, when there parts are !lot 'llive.

    3.7 De-Energized:

    Free from any electrical connection to a source of potential dil'ference and from electric charge; not hewing a potential diri'erence from that of the earth.

    3.8 Disconnected:

    Disconnected from any energy source.

    3.9 Earth:

    Earth means the conducting mass of earth or of a conductor /strip / wire connected to it through very small impedance.

    3.10 Earthed:

    Earthed means connected with the general mass of earth in such manner as to ensure at all times as immediate discharge of electricity without danger.


    Page 11


    3.11 Earthing System:

    Earthing system means an electrical system in which all the conductors and appliances are earthed.

    3.12 Electric System:

    The generation. transmission. distribution and other faci li ties operated by an electric utility or a

    portion thereot.

    3.13 Electrical Equipment:

    It Ille~n '> all the electrical apparatus pertaining to the sub-transmission. distribution amI utilization

    ull:lectrll~1 energy.

    3.14 Emergency:

    Em ergency means the occurrence of a condition occur that may endanger lile & property.

    3.15 Guarded:

    Guard ed means covered. shielded. fenced or otherwise protectt:!d by illl'anS of suitable casings. rails or meW I screens to remove the possibility of dangerous contan or approach by persons or objects at a point of danger.

    3.16 Hazard:

    It is a ny unsafe act or unsafe condition that may lead to injury of person~ or damage to property.

    3.17 Isolated:

    Isolated mea ns physically di sconnected from all the s upply sources.

    3.18 Installation:

    It meclllS clny composite electrical unit used for the purpose of generating. tra nsforming. transmitting, converting, distributing or utilization of electricity.

    3.19 Live:

    LiVl' Illcans electrically charged.

    3.20 Mesh voltage:

    The maximum touch voltage within a mesh of a ground grid .

    3.21 Over Head Lines:

    It IIH~an~ ,my electric supply line which is plJced above ground dnd in the open air excluding live I'cli ls uf ~ tl'Jcl io n system.

    Page 12


    3.22 Permit to Work:

    Permit to work is a form of affirmation issued hy an authorized person to anoth er authorized person/ authori zed line staff (suh-transmission/distrihution) to carry out work on the electri ca l apparalllS and service lines / equipments in normal and breal< down conditions. The authorized line staff working on electrical equipments should ensure that the lines are dead and earthed for safe working conditions.

    3.23 Safety Devices:

    Safety devices are the equipments designed for the protection of workmen and the Electric sys tem slich as Rubher Gloves, Safety Belts. Fire extinguisher, line hose etc.

    3.24 Qualified:

    Qualified means any persa ll who has adequate knowledge of the hazards involved in any operation.

    3.25 Step voltage:

    The difference in surface potential experienced hy a person bridging a di stance of one meter be

    tween two feet without containing any other grounded ohjects.

    3.26 Transferred Voltage:

    It is a special case of the touch voltage where a voltage is transferred into or out of the substation from or to a remote [1oint external to the substation site.

    3.27 Touch voltage:

    The potential difference hetween the ground potential ri se (GPR) and the surface potential at the [1oint where a person is standing while at the same time having a hand in contact with a grounded structure .

    3.28 Unauthorized line staff:

    Olle who is not [1ermitted to work on t>lectrical a[1paratus, exceJ1t under the sU[1ervision of an au

    thori/ed lille stafr.

    3.29 Unsafe conditions:

    Dangerous conditions, hazi.lrdous conditions, defective conditions or unusual condition s that could be conducive to accidents.

    Page 13



    Responsibility Assignment

    Success in implementation 01 sarety policy in the lUfllpany lies in Jssigllng clear responsibility

    101 ~dlety JJld health.

    Clear assignment or responsibility as described here In after will .lilow l'dch employee to know

    what activities and behaviors are expected of him. rather than assumption or miSs JI1terpretatlon

    of what he needs to do. Unless It is explicitly understood. it will not be possible to establish ac

    countability for the implementatioJl of the safety policy.

    Having assessed the various activities in the company. task to be accomplished by each depart

    ment IS described below.

    4.1 Electrical Safety Qf icersl1l:

    The rising trend of electrical accidents in any organization i" due to safety precdutions not being

    followed properly. besides improper maintenance of salety equiplllCI:t. In HPSEBL Electric Sdfe

    ty ollicer has been nominated/designated and Salety Rl'Spllnslbiliti'~s has been assigned to vari

    ous othcers at Corporate Level dS well as various Circles of HPSEBL to Imf!lement and monitor

    the Safety Procedures to ensure the reduction in accidents in the urganization dnci to minimize

    tht. los::> 01 men and nlaterials.

    HPSEBL Safety Organization Structure:

    Electrical Safety Of icc/' I (Corporate Level)

    Chief Engineer ( P & M)

    All the Dy. CE / All the Dy. CE/ Dy.CE/SE

    I ,

    All the DY.CE/SE (Electrical) at SE lOP.') SE (Generatlun) (Protection) Dy. eE/ I variolls Hydro projects

    Sf (ES) I under execu tion I

    Page 14


    4.2 Responsibility of Electrical Safety Qfficer (Corporate Level):

    The Chief Engineer (P & M) shall be the Electrical Safety Officer at the Corporate level and his

    responsibilities shall be as follows:

    Promote a safe and healthy culture throughout the company.

    Set a high standard for safety and health practices & lead them by example.

    Ensure that the needed financial. material and personnel resources are provided to

    achieve the goals and objectives of safety and health prog ramme

    Ensure that the programme is fully implemented and effective.

    Upgrade the stipulated norms time to time and take corrective actions that are

    needed .

    Ensure thal each employee is provided with adequate and appropriate occupational

    safety and health training.

    Review each accident anci conduct any invt'stigation where in an Clccident has re

    sulted in serious injury (fatal/non-fatal) or property damage.

    Review the programme on an annual basis.

    Ensure the company's compliance with all applicable federal & local safety and health


    Ensure that the safety and health policies are comprehensive & effective.

    Promote safe ty & health and serve as a resource to all staff.

    4.3 Responsibilities of Electrical Safety Officers at Circle Level:

    All the Dy. CE/SE(Op). Dy. CE/SE(ES). Dy. CE/SE(Generation). Dy. CE/SE(Protection) and Dy.

    CE/SE(Electrical) at various Hydro projects under execution under HPSEBL shall act as Elec

    trical SClfety Officers 01 the respective circles Clnt! they shall ensure the following:

    Ensure that each element of programme is implenlt'llted within the periphery of the circle.

    Ensure that all circles and down below up to lineman/supervisor in the jurisdiction comply

    with the programme.

    Ensure that safety/health surveys are conducted In his/her circle on regular basis. fre

    quently (Once per quarter) .

    Ensure that each equipment in the jurisdiction of circle is properly maintained .

    Ensure that each Division. Sub-Division (Sub-Station & line maintenance) up to supervisor,

    (Jr. Engineer/linem


    4.5 Responsibilities of Officers at Sub-Divisional Level:

    Ensure that edch lille stdtT/employee receives rdrL'shL:r training whenever re4uired by law. chJngeu proceuures or whenever circumstances indicat'..' the l1eed for t(:tining.

    Frequent conduct of safety alll.i health inspection of his / her work area.

    4.6 Safety Committee:

    For eftectlve implementation of the Safety Practices to avoid accidents. tilt' Safety Committee

    shdll be formed at Divisional Level. Circle Level and Corporate level to camp.lign the safety 01 the

    Employee. consumer and general Public. to develop training module ~lnd imparting Safety Train

    Ing to the employees which also includes the tools / e4uipments to be pro\' Jed to the J.E.s. linemen. for effective usage of tools and rlants.

    The responsibilities and functions of the Safety Committee shall be as follows:

    l . Sd lelY COll1mittee shdll meel unce in J month to review the ,J(j' lption of sdfety practice at dl! field work levels.

    2. Sdlety Committee shall ensure availability of all safety e4uiplll'-'l1t/tools with the linemen alld Section Ofticers.

    3. Safety Committee shall ensure availability ofSalety Manuals in all the sections.

    4. Safety Committee shall ensure strict adherence of implementl!l~ "Work Permit" practices

    In the field. The respective ASE/Sr. Executive engineer (Division.) shall get the Work Permit formats printed and supplied to the fleld units with in:,~ructioq ; to adopt.

    5. The Safety Committees shall ensure imparting Safety Training to al: the authorized line stall; employees.

    6. The Safety Committee shall (llso review whether periodical t\: ':liflg or safety equipment is

    done or not and ensure proper working condition of the safeti' tquiplilents.

    7. The Safety Committee shall hold discussion with the Emplovees Union for adoption of uniform for the Linemen and ensure that the uniform is made J\':lilablc.


    Page 16


    CHAPTER - 5

    Safety Precautions & Instructions

    5.1 General Safety Precautions:

    Safety Precautions are fll'ceSsary to ilvoid the accidents ~lnd the General Safety Instructions that

    are required to bf' folluvl'ed are JS follows:

    1. All volt , " I.'S Shill! be considered dilngerous eVl' il though it may not be high enough to

    rroduce -;l'riou ~ ;I\ock.

    2. All Electric circuits are to be treated as live and no work (maintenance, repairs, cleaning)

    is to be carried out on any part of electrical apparatus on circuit unless such parts are:

    a. Dead.

    b. Isolated and all practicable steps taken to lock off from live conductors.

    (' Efficiently connected to earth between such points and points of work.

    d. Permit to Work(PTW), to work on the equipments has been issued.

    e. By ensuring the equipment and conductor for its de-energized condition.

    3. Working Conditions requiring more than one work man

    I. On some hazardous works it is not desirable for one man to work alone. The

    AE/IE s11 ,:11 I determine when additional men are needed to protect authorized

    line staff iigainst accidents or to render assistance in case of unforeseen circums


    ii. On especially hazardous jobs where close clearance or difficult working condi

    tions are encountered, an observer may be required. On any job which in the

    opinion of the AE/JE requires an observer, the AE/IE or a man appointed by him

    will act 3': an observer. The observer should not engage in any activity that will

    interfere with the duty.

    4. Under no circum tance shall an authorized line staff hurry or take unnecessary chances

    when working under haJ.ardous conditions, neither shall he attempt to perform hazard

    ous work when e:\tremt'ly tired or exhausted.

    s. Authoriz..o lin~ staff must use the standard protective safety equipment intended for each job.

    6.. Only exp,riennd/authurized line staff shall be permitted to clean around energized or moving hjuipnwnt.

    7. The authurized li!le staff working on pole or in all elevated position should not work on

    electrical apparatus or circuit without using a suitable safety belt or other adequate

    means to safe guard against falling .

    . Page 17


    8. Circuits should be tagged. marked or lettered unless clear identification by other means


    9. No authorized line staff should go or take any conduction objects within the distance given from any exposed Uve part at the voltages specified.

    10. Telephone conductors and ground wires of lightning arresters. though they may be at or near ground potential are liable to develop high-induced yoltagnmder fqult conditions. Suitable precautions should be taken' when working on or near Slid\' circuits.

    11. When fighting fires n~ar exposed live parts, authorized line staff should avoid using fireextinguishing liquids, which are not insulating. If necessary, all neighboring equipment may be disconnected or made dead.

    12. After tripping of circuit breaker the isolation in air media by an air break switch or isolator should preferably be visible.

    13. No signal system like waving hands, fl

  • I. .-~~ . .-... ..~ ...t !> Y MANUAL & GENERAl, SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS

    2. After switching off the supply, before touching the lines, each conductor of line shall be

    tested for pressure (voltage) by a discharge rod. The discharge wires should he kept at least two feet away from the body. The procedure is necessary in order to make sure that the line to he worked on is actually the line that has been isolated. Rubher gloves or preferably gauntlets should he used on hoth hands.

    3. All the conductors shall then be short circuited together and adequately earthed: this shall he done at .the points on each side of the place therehy creating a safety zone where the work is carried out. Rubber gloves or gauntlets shall he used while doing this work. Poles on which work is actually to be carried out should also be earthed.

    4. A working section at either end of which the conductors are earthed shall not exceed 1.5 km in length. In the case of lines meeting or crossing at any pole which forms the site of work. all the lines crossing or ending at that pole shall be earthed as stated above unless work on the one line with any or all the remaining lines alive is otherwise permissihle and so specified in the permit-to-work.

    5. Ensure that there is no possibility of back feed due to some emergency electrical supply such as DG sets, IJIvertors. solar panels or other energy source installed in the system.

    6. All phases shall he earthed even if work is to be carr.ied out on one phase only.

    7 . When work is t() be carried out on lines of all insulated conductors where grounding points are not i)rllvided at point of work. temporary. grounds shall be connected at point of work to an l'l ri cient portahle earth straight driven into the ground. The line shall also he grounded at the nearest line grounding point on either side of the point of work.

    8. Where two or more crew of authorized line staff are working independently on the same line or equipment. each crew shall properly protect them by placing their own temporary grounds.

    5.3 Working o.n lines and equipment adjacent to live eqUipment or lines

    1. When working near live lines or apparatus. each man should plan his moves and tJke extreme care in moving from one position to another.

    2. Where impractical to erect barriers between men at work and live parts within reach of their hands and objects heing handled, continuous watch shall be kept by the Foreman/ Supervisur or someone specifically designated hy him for that purpose

    3. Wh en a truck is used near live parts. illt workmen except the driver should stJY away from the truck. Driver should see that truck is clear from live lines hefore leJving Jnd entering the truck . To maintain Equip-potential. the authorized staff neilr the vehicle must have insuIJH:'d ruhher l!lats underneath .

    4. Special care should be taken while working on Toff/4pole or 6- pole structures under direct supervision of foreman by providing suit"hle lock and key arrangement.

    5.4 Work on Double Circuit Overhead lines with one Circuit alive

    1. To distinguish J dead circuit from a live one. green flags should he fitted on the

    tower/poles. Flags of any other color shall not be used for indicating a dead circuit.

    Page 19


    2. Flags will be removed only after work is t1nished and tempnrar-y t:round has been reo

    moved. 3. If the Sub-Station has source supply from one 01 the circuits Jnd shut down of sub

  • 10. On arriving at the working position. the authorized line staff should put his safety belt

    around the pole or some other suitable supports and make sure that the belt is propt:'rly St'cureci. Care should be taken to prevent the straps on safety belt coming in contact with anything that may open the snap and thus release the safety belt. Safety belts should not be attached to insulator pins. span wires. guy wires etc.

    11. Authorized line staff tools should be so secured that they will not fall out of the tool belts. An authorized line staff should carry only the minimum number of tools in his belt. All other tools should be kept on the ground until they are required and then raised by means of a matl'rial bag attached to a hand line.

    12. Ordinari ;ly no authorized line staff should work vertically below another authorized line staff on the same pole except under emergencies. When this condition is necessary. extreme care should be taken to prevent tools or other objects being dropped upon the man below.

    13. When transferring wires and equipment from an old pole to a new pole, the old pole should l'ither be locked to the new pole or guyed or both, as the condi lt ion may demand .

    14. Before an authorized line staff cuts an overhead conductor he should make slIre that it will fall clear. Where there is a possibility of the falling line coming in contact with another wire or doing other damage. it should be lowered with a rope.

    15. All light equipment and tools to be used aloft should be raised and lowered hy means of a hand line and canvas bucket. or other suitable container. Men on the ground should stand clear of overhead work to prevent being struck by falling objects,

    16. Tools and materials should not be thrown from the ground to an authorized line staff working aloft. nor should authorized line staff throw tools and materials from working place to the ground.

    17. No authorized line staff shall work in such a manner that his arms or any tools extel1d beyond the body of tower when working on the live side.

    18. Broken insulators or other sharp edged material shall not he left in vacant lots. along the right of way or in the location where the hazard of cutting feet could be caused for men or animals.

    19. When stringing wires across streets and highwilYs. avoid interfering with traffic or causing injury to workmen or pedestrians. Danger signs should be erected on both sides of the work locCltion and where conditions warrant. flag-men should be stationed. No stringing should be done with the force ofvehicie.

    20. Hand lines. materials. tools or equipment must not be scattered around streets. side walks. hi2.hways, etc.. but must be kept in a neat and orderly manner where they will not be liable to cause accident.

    21. In handling win's on a pole. they should he raised or lowered with a dry hand line and extreme care should be exercised to prevent th\!r11 from coming in contact with live lines and equipment.

    22. A safety belt should be lIsed when working on overhead locations. jn its absence. manila rare may he permitted round the waist of the workman and tied to cross arm or pole as an alternative to the lise of safety helt. under exceptional circumstances. The ropes sl\O\lld he kept in good condition and scraprt'd when not safe. It is necessary that the

    Page 21


    rope is twisted round the pole once or twice ill order that release of tension 011 the pole may not cause it to s lip down the pole.

    23 . Use ladders of suitable lengths to go up the po!t's io replace fuse s or to carry out other minor works un feeders .Illd wherever possible or IIL'ceSSJry. dry !11r!wry rod should al

    so be used.

    5.6Construction works on Lines

    Haulinl: Poles

    Poles must be securely held un trucks to assure th,ll the binders \vill nut be released in

    rough going.

    2. The speed of trucks hauling poles must be restricted to a point assuring safety to the operators of trucks and the traveling public.

    3 A red flag by day and a red light by night Illust be attached to th\' end of poles being hauled . The red light must be visible in any cllrection.

    Pole Stora&:e

    When poles Jre stored 011 pole racks they shJII be [Jroperly blocked . to keep them intJLl on the rack. Poles of difterent sizes should not be mixed but stored s~PJrately.

    L. When poles Jre stocked tl'mporarily neJr a rOdd. tht'y should be pl.lced

  • -


    S In ohstructing a highway during the erection of poles, suitable signs or warnings shall be used on each side of the work to advise approaching traffic of the obstruction. Where traffic is heavy flag-men should be used for this purpose. Signs or signals must be moved along as the work progresses.

    Installation of Guy Wires

    When insulators are used they should be connected into the guy wire line before the guy wire is set in pbce. Rubber gloves should be worn while installing guy wires through live circuits.

    2 In new_ work, guys should generally he installed before line wires are strung. I'n reconstruction work .~lIys should he installed before :my changes are made in the line wires and care must he taken not to place excessive pulls on the pole and wires already in a position .

    3 Guys should be so insti'liled as not to interfere ;lny more thi'ln necessary with the climbing space and shuuld clear all high tension wires (IS far as practicable.

    4 Guy strain insulators should be provided wherever necessary to secure the required amount of insu\.1[ion.

    S . Guys shuuld he carefully installed on poles to pn:,vent them from becoming louse. Where necessary a guy hook may he used to prevent the guy from slipping down the pole. These hooks should not interfere with climbing and should he so placed that they will not be used as steps. Where guys are liable to cut into the surface of a pole, the pole should he protected at the point where the guy is attached by a guy plate. The guy plate must be well secured to the pole to prevent the possibility of injury to an authorized line staff climbing up or down the pole.

    6 All guys which are anchored should be installed so that the guy does not interfere with street or highway traffic. Where these guys are located near street or highway, they should he equipped with tr;lITic guards (trd before any changes in pole strain are melde.

    Foreign Wire Attachments

    Foreign wirl' att;1chments, such as signal lines, signal equipment and so forth, should be considered .Iive and should be avoided at all times, unless otherwise protected While an authorized line staff is working on high tension lines, he should be careful not to disturb foreign lines and equipment which may be attached to the same pole.

    Page 23


    Hack FjJ1in~

    Side guys, etc., should not be removed until sufficient stamping has been done to prevent

    the falling of the pole.

    Dismantlin~ poles

    All poles must be guyed at least three ways by means of guy ropes belore any other work

    proceeds on the pole. This can be done by:

    a) Make two turns around the pole with a sling and tie securely.

    b) Tie three guy lines around the sling at the proper anl::les.

    c) Insert a pike pole under two sides of the sling and work tht> sling well up the pole.

    d) Snub off securely by means of crow bars driven inro solid ground lin any other substan

    tial snub.

    e) Authorized lines staff may then climb up the pole salely Jnd relcJse all conductors and other eljuipment and the pole may then be slowly hrought duwn.

    Strincin~ Wires

    1. In stringing of wires, care must be taken not to put kinks into any part. Kinks reduce the

    strength of the wire and may result in snapping of wire laler on.

    2. In handling and stringing of weather proof covered wires, Clre nll(st be taken not to injure the weather proof covering.

    3. An authorized line staff must not change the strains 011 a pole by adding wires until he is satisfied that the poles will safely stand the altered strain.

    Tree Trimmin~

    1. Tht' plibliL' shall be proteL'tl'd against hazards 01 tl'l~e trim :ning along public stI 'eets and

    highways by placing danger signals Jnd Signs.

    2. Before climbing, the limbs 01' br


    night to avoid walking into the fallen wires or metal fences which may be energized by

    (!lIen conductors.

    2. Be careful with lighted cigarettes and matches, which may cause a fire along transmission line right of way. Break matches and crush cigarettes hutts into earth on discarding.

    3. PATROLM EN shoul.d be alert from stumbling 11JZards and from poisonous plants and snakt:'s

    Line Work under Adverse Weather Conditions

    In the evt:'nt of the near arproach of lightning storm all work on overhead lines sh all ct:'ase immt:'diately.


    Work on Live Low Voltage Mains

    Only competent, experienced and authorized line staff may work on live low voltage mains and te st ing apraratus only after adhering to all the requisite safety requirement.

    Use of Insulating Guards

    J. No authorized line staf f shaH work on low volta~e main with live conductors (UG Cable) a longs id~ him ulltil all those conductors are insulated for a distance at leas t 900 mOl on t:'


    c) The neighboring cables, if any. should be aJeljudte.ly protected.

    d) Before Clltting the de.ld cable. a steel wedl'L' sh~l! be Gln:~flllly driven through it at the point where it is to be Clit.

    Minimum Workiu!: 12jstancel21

    1. No authorized line st~)tl shall work within lht' minimlllll WOI king distallce, which is normally, 4'/1.2 Mts. trom the exposed live high voltagl~ mail;:'.

    2. Under certain conditions, tor special work and in an ...'I;}crgellcy, all authorized line staft may work within the minimum sate working distJnce where the worl< is directly dnd specifically :);]nctioned by tht: SUj1L" -visor n'ipons ible tor the work and authorized line statt i~ tully experienced ,Ind aware of the dall"'~rs thelt exist.

    3. In all such cases. the ,wthorized line sUII' sh. II be dCCl ):npalliL'd by ,.lIlother person that is also aware of tile dangers which exist :Ind W!H; i~ ca .wle of rendering First AId and Artificial Re~piration .

    Devices for grovin!: D~ Hi!:h Volta!:e Mains

    l. Only devices approved and issued for the purpose sha!1 be used:

    2. The High Voltage Neoll Lamp contact indicplied. the rndicating tubes should glow. Each set of rods is normally marked tor the maximum voltage on which it may be used and must not, under any circulllst,lnces be used on higher voltages.

    Use of Hi!:h Volta!:e COlltact Indicator and Phasio!: Rod~

    While using the high voltage contact indicator ilnd phasing rods. the following shall be complied with:

    l. Ensure that the rod is clean and dry.

    2. Check the rod by applying it to known live mains of the currect voltJge - the inuicJt~ II1g tube must glow.

    3. Apply the rod to eJch phase 01 the mains to be proved dead. The illdic,lting tube must not glow. Be very carelul to be in a position to see the glow in the inuicating lube, if .Illy. should JppL'Jr.

    4. Again. check the rod by applying it to Ilive IllJins .IS in (2) Jbove. Again. lhe indicating tube must glow.

    Page 26



    Note: All the "bove operations shJl1 be carried out at the same place and time. If no live high voltage mains or apparatus are available on the site, rods up to 11 kV may be tested by applying them to the top of ZI spark plug in running motor car engine. If the rod is in orlier, the inciicating tube will glow each time the plug sparks. Therefore, the glow wiH be intermittent, but the indicating tube must glow on this test or the rod is useless as a means of proving dead. Remember to test the rod before and after use.

    Work on Cubicle Type High Voltage Panels

    If draw out cubicles are the ones on which work is programmed, these cubicles shaJl be drawn out after switching off circuit breakers, and the draw out panels effectively discharged before any work is done over the same.

    5.8 GeneralSafety Instructions

    5.8.1 House keeping

    Workmen are frequelltly injured by tripping, stumbling, stepping on or bumping into tools,

    Ill~llerial "fld other obJect. left Iyillg around or hy carpll'ssly placed object falling from


    IX. Dirty and oily waste r,lgs should be depoited in aprroved cOlltainer and disposed off as soon as practicable to avoid fire hazclrd.

    x. Broken light bulbs. glass. metal scrap and other sharp objects should be dumped in a specified place or containers provided specially for them.

    xi. Discarded fluorescent and other gas filled tubes shall be disposed otl safely.

    xiI. Broken insu,lators or other sharp edged Illateria! shall nut be Idt in vacant lots. along the right of way or in the location where the hazard ot cutting leet could bt' caused to men & animals.

    xiii. Line materials. tools or equipment must IIDt he scattt'! l'd


    x. Pipe, conduih, reinforcing rods and other conducting material should not be carried

    on shoulder near exposed Jive electrical equipment or conductors.

    xi. Rope tackle and slings wherever required should be checked to ascertain that they have sufficient strength to perform the work in hand.

    5.8.4 Cleanin~ ofParts:- With inflammable solvents

    i. Adequate ventilation must be available to avoid fire explosion and health hazards.

    ii Avoid breathing solvent vapours.

    iii. Keep open fl:lmes and sparks away from inflammable liquids and their vapors.

    iv. Metal nozzle of a hose for spraying flammable solvents shall be grounded.

    v. Goggles and safety mask shall be used when blowing out dust with compressed air.

    5.8.5 SJuworts & Sc~ffQJds;..:

    I. Do no! stand taking surrort of any structure. pole equirmellt in the yard .

    II. Do not Lise ~lIprort for men, material/eqlllllment to roles, scaffolds, Ladder, walk

    way or Portion of tree. and any elevated structure. unless it ensures that they are

    firmly secure & adequate enough to take load. Do not stand by taking above support

    iii. Scaffolding should be checked before use, for its strength, rigidity.

    iv. '. The footing and anchorage point for scaff holds shall be sound rigid, and capable of

    carrying the maximum load without settling or displacement.

    v Carry the sc;.ffolds/ladders carefully in the y:lrd.

    vi. Scaffolds should not be moved before all the Material/Tools/Equipment are re


    vii. Authorized line staff working on slispended scaffold shall be protected by an inde

    renLienr life line.



    Fire is a great destructive natural force. It can destroy vital stores, equipments, accommodation and amenities. Majority of Fires, which affect properties, are due to careles'~ ness, ignorance, arson, lack of discipline and failure to observe statutory and general re~ulation. A little knowledge on this subject may save loss of lives and rroperties.

    Ordinary Fire is a chemical reaction between a fuel and oxygen in presence of heat. In other words, it may be stated that three things are essential to initiate a Fire viz. OXYGEt~, FUEL & HEAT v"hich can be rt'presented as three arms ofa triangle. The triangle is known "Fire Triclngle". A Fire cannot lake place in



    Fire Triangle

    In extinguishing a Fire, all that is done is to brc

  • -~


    ii. CLASS - B:

    Fires involving flammable liquids or liquefiable solids are categorized as Class-B Fire.

    Fires in petrol, kerosene, diesel, oil etc. are the examples of Class - B Fires. Smothering

    rllPthod is normally used for extinguishing Class- B Fires.

    iii. CLASS - C: Gaseous Fires are categorized as Class ~ C Fire. Fires in LPG, Acety,lene. natural gas etc. are the examples of Class- C Fires. Starvation method is normally used for extinguishing Class-( Fires.

    iv. CLASS - D: Fires in metals are categorized as Cla ss-D Fire. f ires in Sodium. Magnesium. Potassium etc. eIre the eXJmples of C1Jss-O Fires. A special type of powder is used tor fighting Clas. o Fires. There is no chance ofClass-D Fire in Sub-Station.


    It is very e3sy to extinguish a Fire when it is smJl1. If Fire is not controlled in its incipient stag, then it may require lots of manpower. time Jnd money to control. Hence. it is better to Jttack Fire whl'1l it is small.

    To extinguish small Fire. Fire Fighting extinguishers must be kept at the strategic locations in all rhe Sub-Stations. This can be easily identified by its red colored and cylindrical in shape. These Fire extinguishers must be used for extinguish small Fires by an authorized line staff nearest to it. Therefore, the operational knowledge of Fire extinguishers isIi

    i illt'vitahle for each and every authorized line stalT working in Sub-Station.

    I There are variou

  • II


    The information regarding suitabdity of Flr~ e\linguish~rs is given ill form oj capital it'tkrs in circle. II charJcter 'A' is written inside the circle then it is suitable luI' ClassA Fires. It characters 'H' &'(' are written tlwl! it is suitdble for Class-B &Class-C Fires.

    lioi. The method of uperation uf Fire extinguhhers varies from type and capacities. It is . therdore, essential, to read carefully the Tllethod of oper:tlion V\ ritten on the sticker ot particular Fire extinguishers. A stepwise drawing lur uperatiun is also shuwll.

    The date of checking and due date uf checking Tllllst be checked betore the oper,Hlon ot Fire Extinguisher. It must be ensured that the Fire extinguisher is wt'li tnclintained and re.:Jdy tor u~e .



    Safety Document (Permit to work)

    Safely is ensured by toill/wing certain well defined Policies, rrocedures and methods during con

    struction, operation & m;lintenance. The objective of safety documentation system is to ensure

    th~t written instructions & guideline are availahle and are to be fo 'I'lowed.

    Safety document . system is an essential part of safety Management by following safety

    Rules/Proceciures & precautions so that the safety is ensured .

    These Rules/Procedures & precautions are documented and the documents are issued by the shift in charge with strict instructions to be followed up at appropriate stage. (With the signature

    and seal)

    These safety documents are also useful in investigation of dccident

    Following are the written documents. To be maintained hy the suh-Station in charge.

    I) Permil to Work Bllok

    2) Electric


    Every list maintained under sub-regulation (1) or regulation 4 shall be produced betore all

    Inspector, when required.

    iii. As per Regulation 30 of CEA (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply). Regulatlons,2010

    Every such Installation shall be periodically inspected and tested at interval not exceedlllg

    fi Vt' years. 1

    iv. As per sub-regulation 6 of Regulation 46 of CEA (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply). Regulations.2010

    Record of all tests, trippings maintenance works, record of all eyuipmt"H & supply line shall

    b ~ duly kept in such a way that these records can be colllpareo 'Nith earlier ones.

    v. As per IS 5216 Part I SI". No.4

    a. All Mess,lges and instl uctions relating to thL' oper:ltion lit swit.-l1l's ,lIll.l other impor tal1 communica tion concerning the work sllall be reUJrlied iii the register of Mes

    sages. b. The issue of permit shJII be entered in the log hook or log sllt'L'~ either in red ink or

    should be under -lined.

    vi. As per sub-regulation 1 of Regulation 46 01 CEA (Measun's Relating to Safety and Electric Supply). Regulations.2010:

    I3t'1ore approval is accorded by the Electrical Inspector under regulatil':\ 43, the lllanufactur

    er's test certitkate shaU, if required, be produced for all routine tests c!S reyuired under the

    relevant Indian standards.

    6.1 Permit System:

    Permit System (GenerallnstI'Uctions) 1. TIll' written docul1lent 'permit to work' shall be issued for salt' working & precautions to be

    l.IKen at work spot.

    2. I)erlllit tur work shall be applied by an authorizl'd per'on to t.d:e lin l' de.!r and shall be is

    sued by the Engineer (or competent person in cIJargl' of 0pl'I.Il!on) in writing in the furm

    prescribed [Annexure-I].

    3. The work spot may be far away from the switching Sub-Stali,)!1. Henl'e the Permit to work

    sh.111 be issued with the necessary precautions to be taken at the work spot.

    4. No authorized line staff shall can'yout or attempt any work on live ,'pparatus or work in

    proximity of open conductor lInless the supervisor has necessJIY permit to work, issued by

    competent authority.

    5. No authorized line staff shall carry out or attempt any work on live mains or apparatus ex

    cept with a permit-to-work and under the direct sUiJervision of a competent authorized


    6. The special instructions to provide sate working conditions sh

  • - ,-----.~


    7. The ClutllOrizl:'cl person staff-in-charge of work shall explain the nature and duration of

    worl< to he carried out to the permit issuing authority, and ohtain from him a permit-to

    work hefore commencing any work.

    8. Application for Pre-arranged shutdown: Except for emergencies, all works for repairs,

    maintenance and construction on or in close proximity of live apparatlls anci mains, shall be

    prearranged and programmed. Accordingly, applications for prearranged shutdowns shall'

    he suhmitted hy the Supervisor to the officer in charge, in the prescribed form, vide annex

    ure V which when duly approved, will be presented to the concerned Permit issuing Officer

    for switching off the apparatus and issue of permit-to-work. These applications shall be

    made sufficiently in advance to enable the permH Issuing Officer to carry out necessary

    load management, if any and other operations connected with the work. The duration and

    nature of the work must be clearly explainedto the Permit Issuing Officer hefore getting a


    9. Issue and return of permit shall only be allowed in person or on PLCC (Power Line Carrier

    COllllllunic;;tion substation)/ Bro;ldhand communic;ltion system having caller 10.

    10. In case of Issue & return of permit on phone, the In charge of the shiFt sh

  • ii


    Special Instructions to Supervisors

    The JutllOrized person in-charge, before allowing any workman to commence work on the mains

    ,md Jpparatus/line, shall take the lollowing precautions in Glse of Ilew construction work, recon

    tigur,ltion. reinforcement Jnd maintenance workl41:

    I. bplJin the nature of work and the precautions taken by the pt'rmit issuing authority to en

    sure the safety of the workmen and also the precautions to be taken by them during the

    progress of the work.

    2. The circuit bre:tkers of lille/JJ1pJratus h

  • - --

    'n__ .... ------~ -



    a) On equipment in the sub-stations:-

    It is also the duty of the permit holder to check whether the equipment/line has heen properly

    earthed. The staff member shall he informed.

    On which equipment/part of equipment where it is safe to work.

    ii The Area where it is dangerous to work shall be barricaded by ropes & flags.

    iii When men have to climh up structures or apparatus which hring them under re

    duced clear~lllce to live parts, the authorized line staff shall he present at site and

    din'ct the work.

    h) Overhead line:-

    I. Before touching the conductors, each conductor shall he discharged and connected well to

    e;lrth by means of discharge rods.

    2. This shall he done 3t two points on each side of the place of work. In addition, the conduc

    tors should be earthed on poles (or towers) on which work is actually carried out, as per

    standard practice.

    3. The work pn one uf the circuits of a double circuit line shall be carried out in accordance

    with the following regulations.

    The minimum distance from the conductors of the live circuit and where the men are

    working on the (dead circuit) shall be 1500mm & above( for 220 kV Phase to

    phaselll )

    \I Only minor work

  • -- -----


    I 2. The operatIOn reported to have been done by other side stations or in connection with!

    the issue or return of a permit shall also be logged.

    J. The issue and return of the permit shall be logged IH the b(lIlj< in red ink.

    4 . When change of shift occurs during the pentielll'Y of a permit, the olltgoing in charge shall specifically orally inform the incoming in Chill w~ operator ,'s well i:~ S by logging in handing

    uver note. regarding the I.lermit which is pelldillg.

    S. The incoming in charge operator shall also nutL' the pendency of the pt'l'Illlt.

    6. No line or eljuipl1lent should be made again 1iVt' unti! the pel mil issued on it. i!> returned.

    7. The same authorized line staff who takes the permit shoul:': rdurn tlie permit.

    6.2 Switching operations:

    I. General 1. Every telephone message relating to switching operations of Extr;] High Voltage and high

    voltage system shall be written down. Every such message shall bt repeated in full to the

    sender to ensure that the massage has been accurately received & understood . ID callers

    should be installed at each Sub-Stations

    L. A record of high voltage switching operations wtll b'~ entered in s~~itioll logs.

    3. The Permission of SLDC/ALDC Shim/;) is essenti,Ii fur any -;witc:.ing operatioll in EHV

    Sub- Sta (tons.

    4. If the cirClllt is controlled by an auto reciosing. the reclosing mechanism shall be made


    5. Interlock system should not be made inoperative unless authurizl'd by the Engineer-in


    6 . It, during a switching operation. a piece of Equipment shows any sign of distress. switch

    ing must cease immediately and the Shift In-char~e should he inlnrmed . All authorized

    line staff must be warned that a potential hazard exists .

    7. "Nu Back Feed" permit must be obtained fro III dll concerned statiuns. The detLlils of the

    No /)ack Feed Permit must he l'ntered in the suhstLltiun loghooi< alung with fllt'Ssage

    number, date ,lilt! time. Thl' flH'SSJge number. dLlte and time must be recorded on the


    ~ . Danger signs should be displayed.

    Page 38

  • I -


    9. Unauthorized person should not be allowed inside a hazardous operation area like a bus

    compartment, switchyard etc. unless such person is accompanied by a responsible au

    thorized person.

    10. When carrying ladders. pipes. conduits. reinforcing rods and other long material into

    stations/switch yards. bus compartments rooms and other places where there is danger

    of touching it to live parts. the material should he held by two men. one at each end and

    l~lITied in the hands and not on the shoulders.

    J I. Carp should he t,lken to prevent clothing. wiping clothes. waste dusters. oil cans or tools

    frolll catching in the moving parts of machinery.

    12. When using compressed air on electrical machinery an insulating hose and nozzle

    should be used. Dust proof goggles and safety mask should always be used when clean

    ing with compressed air. Compressed air should never be used for cleaning or dusting

    cloths or any part of the body.

    \3 . All authorized line staff shall be familiar with the use of fire extinguishing apparatus. lo

    cations of the apparatus. sand pails. water hoses. etc. The fire e?'tinguishers shall he suit

    able for use on or near Electrical equipment. Soda acid extinguishers should never he

    used on l'lectric)1 fires

    II. Taking the Iinc/equil,)ment out of service :

    I. The load on !in(> must be recorded hefore switching off.

    2. In case of Parallel line/equipment. the anticipated load transfer after switching shall

    he judged and accordingly the decision regarding switching shall he taken .

    3. The authorized person who is going to supervise the work must he ready to take per

    mit / and he shall apply for permit.

    4. After ohtaining permission from Suh-Station/SLDC/ALDC (In case of EHV System) in

    form the other end Sub-Station shift in charge accordingly.

    III. In case of shutdown on line/Transformer a) Ensure that the Circuit Breaker of the associated line is open first and confirm all the

    three poles

  • -- - --- -----


    4. In case of line, No return permit shall be taken on phonl:' from uther end side S/Stn.

    Substation Shi It in charge.

    5. The "Permit to Work" ('Line clear' permit) shall be is


    iii. Close both side isolator & confirm that all three poles are closed properly.

    iv Inform the Sub-Station, SLDC/ALDC (In case of EHV system) regarding operation & take permission for charging.

    v. If permitted, close HV. side Breaker and after a period of 1-2 minutes, charge L.V.

    side breaker.

    NOTE: - The Permission/information to SLDC/ALDC shall be required in case of EHV system


    6.3 S1!k wQrking on lines

    General safety precautions:

    1. Before climbing an elevated structure every authorized line staff shall first assure him

    self that the structure is strong enough, sustain his weight safely.

    2. If poles or cross arms are apparently unsafe because of decay or unbalanced tensions

    of wires on them, they shzdl be properly braced or guyed be fore they are climbed Oil ,

    ~t In choosing the climbing side, the side of th e pole where the ground wire is attached

    should not be used .

    4 , Authorized line staff shall wear their safety Iwlts while working on the poles and tow


    5. Wire hooks shall not be attached to authorized line staff belts or safety straps.

    6. Safety straps should be placed above the top cross arm when it is at t'he top of the pole,

    7, Authorized line staff tools should be so secured that they will not fall out of the tool

    belts, A authorized line staff should carry only the minimum number toolls in his belt.

    All other tools should be kept on the ground until they are required and then raised by

    means of a material bag attached to a hand line.

    8, All light equipment and tools to be used aloft should be raised and lowered by means

    of a hand lin~ and canvas bucket, or other suitable container, Men on the ground

    should stand clear of overhead work to preVl':1t being struck by falling objects,

    9. Tools and materials should not be thrown from the ground to an authorized line staff

    working aloft, nor should


    13. The "CIRCUIT UNDER SHUT DOWN" board as per PTW should be present at the work

    ing location(s) t1xed with the help of a circuit plate or any other rei-able method.

    14. All the authorized line staff who work on the transmissioll towers, conductors or fit

    tings, shall wear and make use of all safety Ill'lts/harnessl:s , helllll'ts and other safety

    cquipment provided for their safety and protcction.

    15. One green tlag shall be attached at the Anti climbing devicl' level. One green tlag shall

    be attached at each conductor cross arm levcl. All tilese grl'l:n tlags shall be attached to

    thL' side of the tower that supports the circuit under shutdown.

    16. Six red !lags should be attached in the centrl: lilll: of thL' towl:r .It cross arm level to

    ide ntify the d,lIlger zone oj the live circuit.

    17. The JboVL' green eHld red ILlgs should he .Itt.ll hed to .II! tuwers Oil which dutllOrized

    lillt' stdfLlrt' likely to climb.

    18. Sa fe Electrical Clearance shall be maintained by ,til authorized !ine sta fluntil all the

    additional earths are correctly connected to conductors or jump,'rs of circuits under

    shut down.

    19. After completing the work. all tools, plant and material shall be removed lrom the con

    ductors dnd fittings. The last authorized line stall shall remove the lille end c1alllPs

    from the conductors/jumpers sitting or standing at the puint of connection of these

    additional earths to the tower/cross arm side. After that the ea rth end clumps shall be

    removed. This procedure shall be repeated for the disconnection of all other additional


    20. While coming down from the tower, the authorized line stall will rel1love the rl:d tlags

    and the green tlags.


    The following precautions shall bl: taken tor Hot-Linc barc-ha nd work ill Jddition to all other applicablc precautions specified in these SwndanJs:

    1. Only qualified and trained authorized line st,lll. tralllL'd lor Hot-Lint' bare-hand technique and the pertinent safety requirements therl:tI), Sh;lH be permitted to du the work.

    2. The fullowing checks shall be made befurl: cOlllmencing Hol- Line bare-hand wurk on energized high-vultage conductors ur equipment: i. . The voltage rating of the circuit 011 which the \'.'0 1k is to be carried out, ii . The clearann.' to ground of the line and other t!nergized parts on which

    work is to be carried out, iii . The voltage limitations of the aerial-lift cquipmcnt intended to be used .

    3. The Hot Line equipment to he used shall be of proper design and tested .

    4. Only authorized line stall tl.. lilled dnd qULllified to carry out Hot-Line ba re-hand work shall supervise the work

    S. II any automatic re- closing feature is available 011 the circuit brcakers or switches, the same shall be made inoperative before colllmenclng the work on any energized Line or equipment.

    Pagt' 42



    I I I


    6. The work shall not he carried out during thunderstorms.

    7. A conducting Bucket liner or any other suitable conducting device shall be provided for honding the insulated aerial device to the energized Line or equipment.

    8. Adequate electrostatic shielding for the rated voltage of the line or equipment on which work is heing carried out shall be provided to the workmen wherever necessary or conducting clothing shall he provided.

    9. Only tools and plant intended for hot Line hare-hand work shall be used, and these shall he kept clean and dry.

    10. The out riggers on the aerial truck shall be extended and adjusted to stahilize the body f)f the truck hefore the hoom is elevated. The body of the truck shall be bonded to ~tIl effective grol'nd or harriclded and same shall ht' considered as energized equipment f,)1' all purposl.:'


    18. The use of hand lines he tween buckets, booms, and ground is prohibited.

    19. No conducting materi.llionger than 0.9 meter, other than the jumpers of appropriate length, armor rods, and tools shall be placed in the hucket

    20. Non-conductive type handlines may be used from lilll' to ground only when the same is not su pported I'l'Om the bucket.

    21. The bucket and the upper insulated boom ~hai ' not be over Slressed by attempting to lift or support weights in excess of the m.lllul cturer\ rating.

    6.3.2 Inspection and Testing:

    Inspection and Testing of line shall be carried but as per cl.,use 5.4.1 ant 5.4.2 of Electric Safety Manual and General Safety Instructions.

    6.3 .3 Safety rules for supe.rvisor:

    1. The supervisor shall designate the tools to be used and the method to be used for

    each individual job, adhering to safety rules herein. He shall be held directly re

    sponsible for enforcement of II these safety rules.

    2. It 511.111 be the duty of the supervisor to see th


    Y. Authorized line staff shall he cautioned against the danger of corning in contact with any guy wires attached to structure upon which hot-line maintenance is heing performed .

    6 .3.4 Safety rules for authorized line staff:

    No authorized line staff shall start to do any hot-line maintenance work without first assuring himself that he thoroughly understood the work to be done and the method of doing it. In case

    tlwre is any dOt;ht in his mind. he shall ask the supenisor and receive the required informa

    tion from him.

    1. TI1I:' authorized line stall shall at all time ke!:'p parts of his body as far as possible from the tool end of the stick. On poles with vertical formation with or without tapings. where there is an abundance of hard\\are. ruhber gloves should be used while changing out dead-end disc to eliminate the effect of static discharges.

    2. Authorized line staff shall see that their s,lfety 'belts are properly fastened befor!:' th!:'y start work.

    3. Wben in douht concerning the strength of the tool or piece of equipment. it should not lie used.

    4. Hot-line m~linten

  • '.,~ "


    10. When moving live conductor. the authorized line staff shall stay b1,ow the conductor that is being moved until it is thoroughly secured in a safe ~orking poSition. Blocks shall be used on the end of the hot-line tools so that the cqnductor may be moved slowly and carefully. I

    11. When working on lines paralleling or crossing roads or highways. special attention shall be paid to securing adequate clearance for all moving vehicles.

    12. Hot-line tools shall never be placed directly on the ground as it is possible that they might absorb moisture which would reduce their dielectric strength.

    13. Authorized line staff must at all time take extreme ca~ in transporting and using tools so as not to damage them.

    14. All tools used on each job shall be carefully inspected before aAd after the work is done.

    15. All tools. when not in use, must be kept in canvas bags or whether-proof boxes provided for that purpose. Care should be exercised to see that too&s kept in these bags or boxes are stored in a dry and. if possible warm place. Wooden sticks should be "-~.1 inspected regularly. dried out and thoroughly maintained at intervals. depending

    upon the extent of use and exposure.

    16. Hot-line maintenance work shall not be hurried. The job should be done safely even though it takes more time.

    17. The authorized line staff should avoid wearing rings, wrist-waKhes. identification bracelets, etc. when engaged in hot-line work.

    18. Rubber-Gloves should be worn when within reach of the live cooductor.

    19. Ground wire should either be covered by rubber goods or lowered down to a safe working distance; it should be ensured that it does not contact with any lines below. Rubber gloves should be worn when disconnecting and connecting ground- wire.

    20. Do not throw tools or materials to or from authorized line statfon pole.

    21. Ground man must maintain safe working distance from poles.

    22. Safety hats should be worn by the entire authorized line staff wHile engaged in hot line work.

    23. Suggested working clearances are as followslll ;

    Line Voltages (kV) Min. Clearances (In Mecer) 2.2 to 6.6 0.305

    11 kV 0.610

    33 kV 0.71

    66kV 0.91

    110 kV 1.02

    220 kV 1.52

    The working clearance gives the minimum safe working distance from the conductors or from the hot end of Hot-Sticks to the authorized line staff .. In General it is a good

    Page 46

  • ".. UsN : -"" ~_ '~~ ~ .. ..-wet _ ..... ELEC'TRIC;J.L SAFE-;Y MANUAL & GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS

    practice to maintain a working position so that no conductor. regardless of voltage. is within the reaching distance of a authorized line staff.

    24. Maintain steady pull on fall lines or hand line or set of blocks; do not jerk.

    25 . Never tie hand lines. fall lines, snuh lilH's. to truck or other vehicles.

    2(J. Do not use rope directly on conductors carrying over 5000 volts without separating

    the rope from the conductor by a link stick.

    27. Be sure that temporary anchoring devices \vill handle the strain placed on them .

    28. Be sure that temporary lines are tied securely to anchors and that they are placed in

    such a position that they will not interface with the work in progress or he accident

    ly loosened .

    6.4 Safe Working in Sub-Station:

    6.4.1 General Safety Instructions:-

    I. Danger signs should he displayed to warn person , the presence of high voltage equipment.

    ii. Gates in switchyard fences anu doors to hus compartments and other enclosures cont"IIning live equipment should be kept locked at all times excppt when authorized line staff are working insiue.

    iii . Unauthorized person should not be allowed inside a hazardous operation area like a bus compartment. sWitchyard etc. unless such person is accompanied hy a responsible authorized person. who shall always be present while such person remains in the area. Any person deputed to cjean the noors or parts of the plant in such areas IIIUSt be given clear instructions and a responsible person must be present while the mall is carrying out the work to ensure tha t the man does not endanger his own safety.

    iv. Before doing any work on rotating equipment. it should be shut down and properly disconnected from power source.

    v . Care should :Je taken to prevent clothing. wiping cloths, waste dusters. oil cans or tool s from getting caught in the moving part!> of machinery.

    vi. When using compresseu air on live electrical machinery, an insulating hose anu nozzle should be used. Dust proof goggles Zlnd safety mask should always be used when cleaning with compressed air. Compressed air should never he used for cleaning or dusting clothes or any part of the body.

    vii. If authorized line staff are working on H.T. (voltage above 650V) equipment. the area safeguarded for work shall be cordoned off by tying a white rope or cottonIII tape all rounu and danger boards shall he fixeu within the safe guarded area at various location with the inscription facing the safe working area to warn the other line

    J, Page 47



    staff! personnel not to cross over thl~ are,\ with live eqllip:nent during the progress of work.

    viii. It should be ensured thelt maintenance alld repair wo, ks are done promptly hefore the equipment deteriorates further and bCl"ll!l1t' a source of dil,lger. It shall be alsu ensured that defective equipment is not reldincd in opl'ration till they are rectified.

    ix. It should be ensured that the appropriate .lI1d proper tools are used for maintenance and repair. Tht'se tools should be jlL'riudically c!\':l.:

  • em above floor level or terminating just helow cable gland, sealed at the bottom

    and filled with sand or small pebbles.

    3. Whenever possible, all jute shavings shall be removed from cables in switch

    rooms, basements and tunnels.

    4. Where cahlt's rest on the floor of tunnel or basements, they shall be separated into

    groups by vertical barriers of tile brick, or concrete and the trenches so formed

    shall be filled with small pebbles. Alternatively, the cables may be separately

    clamped and each cable run shall be separated by a minimum clear space of 75 mm .

    S. The cable shaLl not be routed near hot steam pipe, turbine, pu,lverised coal pipe

    and near hot gas ducts. Wherever it is unavoidable fire resistant cables shall be


    6. Power cahles and control cables shall run in separate trenches, wherever possible. Fire Protection of Transformer 151;_

    1. No fixed fire protection equipment ( such as high velocity spray) is required on transformers below 10 MVA or in the case uf uil filleu transfornwrs with oil capacity of 2000 litres and below. For all other trClnsformers high velocity water spray system ,shall be rroviued. This system shall be separately mounted and designed to tilke into account the possibility of a transformer explosion. The water s pray de luge valve house shall be located outside the transformer fire zones and protecteu from radiant heat and other fire effects. The actuation of this system shall be au tomatic but manual operating valves shall also be provided.

    2. The high velOCity spray system for the tCClnsformers should be well designed to hilve adequate coverage of the entire tran~i'ormer unit including the conserviltion tanks, the lldshings and the bottom area. The positioning of the nozzles should be sllch to protect all surfaces of the transformer and to give standard discharge rate for the system to be protected. The automatic high velocity water spray shall be of pre-active with qllartzoid bulbs.

    3. Fire barriers walls shall be provided between transformers where they are less than 1) III ~lpart or wlwre the oil capacity e:\ceeus 2000 liters.

    4. T!l\' translllrmer ,;halllw so designed as I n permit the safe testing of the fire protection sy;tem, with discharge of water, while on load.

    S. There shail be CltT~lngl'l1lents for containnlt.' tlt of the spilled oil. For IMge transfor mers the drainClge systern as well ClS stor, "e pit shall be sufficient to accommodate at \eClst th(' totClI volume of the oil and Clll ;'Illowable volume of fire fighting wClter. The draill pipes sllClII be provided with st,1ndClrd type of flClme arresters.

    6. The fire protection systems covering the transformers, associated oil conservator tank and cooler batteries shall be designed to meet the single risk concept so that simultClneuus deluge over all the three risk zones is possible. Maintenance work on Transformers;

    When work is to be carried out on a tratlsformer, both the low and high tension

    (Primary & secondary sides) breakers and isolator shall be opened. Similarly when

    isolating transformers to which potential transformers are connected, such poten

    tial transformers shall be isolated and secondary P.T. fuses removed to prevent

    any possibility of transformer being made alive through synchronizing or voltme

    ter plug.

    Page 49

  • . -_._------



    Before commencing any work on a transformer. the trOlnsformer winding should be discharged to ground. In case the transformer is isolated from the supply by single point (jf disconnection e.g. fuse, the transformer shall be safeguarded by shorting the phase terminals together and connecting them to ground. before commencing any work.. The neutral ground of a transformer should never be treated as the grounding of phase terminals, as required above.

    6.4.4 Work on Circuit Breaker:

    The FollOWing Precautions shall be taken before commencing themaintenatlce work in the CirCUit Breakers:

    1. Breaker must be open before any disconnections ..

    2. It is to be ensured that line and bus isolators are open and there is no back feed from potential transformers and interlocking should be ensured.

    3. Main fuses at the switchboard/panel should be removed and D.C. voltage must be disconnected from breaker mechanism

    4. Tools and equipment should be in safe working condition.

    5. In outdoor HV or EHV breakers work must be done from Lildders or platforms alongside the breaker. Energized overhead conductors are dangerous for workmen to stand on these breakers. Essential work may be dooe from the top of the breaker only if protective barriers have been installed.

    6. Do not operate the breaker by solenoid or other operating lJlef.:hanism without oil in the tank, as this wHi damage the breaker mechanism.

    7. When working on the mechanism with the breaker-dosed, wire the trip latch or block the breaker closed sothat it cannot be tripped accidentilily. Be sure that autoreclosure feature has been by-passed during maintenance work.

    8. In case of ABCB and other pneumatically operated circuit breakers the circuit breakers should be closed after opening the isolators on both sides, to prevent fall of pneumatic pressure.

    9. After maintenance work is over the breaker should be operated by relay operation as test check. This ensures safety of the system for future faults.

    6.4.5 Isolator Operation. Earth Switch Operation

    1. The Circuit Breaker shall be open/off.

    2. The isolators should not operate lopen or close) on load in any case.

    3. The isolators should not be operated (open or close) on charged line / transformer in any case.

    4. After opening isolator be sure that there is no pole stuck and all three poles of the isolators have been opened fully.

    Page 50


    5. After closing isolator be sure that all three poles of the isolators have been closed.

    6. The isolator should be locked with pad lock and key after opening on PTW and should be closed when PTW is returned properly.

    7. When PTW is given for work on line the Earthing switch is closed after opening the isolator and both should be locked in position till returned of PTW prorerly.

    6.4.6 Instrument Transformers Operation:-

    I. The instrument transformers should he grounded.

    2 One lead of the secondary circuit of the current transformers should he connected

    to ground at all times whell the C.T. is in service.

    3. Potential tr:lllsformer secnndary should n('ver be shorted to ground except at star


    4 . The 'low vnltage winding of potential tran'>forrners should always have one side rerll1anl'l"Itly and dfectively grounded.

    6.4.7 Capacitors:-

    I. Every capacitor shall be treated as 'hot' until proved otherwise. Capacitors store

    energy and are not necessarily dead when disconnected from the lines. Once

    charged, a capacitor may retain this charge for several hours even after it has been

    di sconnected.

    2. Before commencing work on the capacitors. first open all cut-outs or disconnecting

    devices to the caracitors. then wait for at le,lst five minutes for the internal resistor

    to reduce the voltage. Next use a hot stick. short circuit and ground all terminals of

    the capacitor. The short circuit grounding Jumrers should be left attached while

    work is being dOlle on the capacitor.

    3. To pl


    S. Don't take open flam e near the battery especially while it is being charged.

    6.4.9 ole distribution:

    1. DIC Distribution Board (DCDB) /Battery Charel'r must he ck.med regularly . ConnectioJls must be Tight / Rigid.

    2. Only H.R.C. fuses of adcljuate and correct rdting shall be used. r-.laintain the stock in th e site sture.

    3. On DCDB, every DC leeder DC Cable providcd lor bay shdll be lumed sepdra tely .

    4. Separate Room shall be provided for DC distribution system in tile substation.

    5. AC power cables & DC control cables shall be run separately in r;:;ble Trench as soon as possible.

    6. Do not pull out the control cables with force & Jerk.

    7. The defective cable sh;.lll be removed fronl Trench. Both ends of the cable must be made free tlrst, pull the cable gently /smoothly, \Nithout disturL:ng other live cables.

    6.4.10 Protection for EHV Sub Station:

    1. The licensee/ utility/ company shall provide & lIlaintaili apprupriate protective relays at 33kV and abovc S/Stn. including all Lhe 33 kV 0.: higher ,roltage transmission

    . lines. The protective relays will also be pruvid ed on 11 kV olltgoing feeders from the entire source S/StIls.

    2. All protective relays shall be tested for their proper operations atleast once every year & record of such testing will be maintained.

    3. Record of mal-operations or non-operations of all protective relays shall be maintained. After every such mal-operation investig3tion for its causes will be carried out & remedial measures will be taken. EHV substati.on shall maintain following T&P (minimum) for safe working:

    1. Ten sets of discharge rods. 2. Good 4uality Torch (4:10.) with fresh cells. 3. First Aid Box. 4. Tool Box (2nos) containing Insulation, Tape, all size ring & flat spanners, Allen key

    set. pliers (big, small size) Insulation cutter etc. a. H.R.C. fuses of various capaci ties .

    5. Ladder (4nos.) . 6. Ropes. 7. AIC Distribution Board with adequate wiring set. 8. Tong Tester. 9. Megger (skV). 10. Multi meter with cords. 11. Danger Boards. 12. Good quality rubber (hand) gloves.

    Page 52



    For f



    Safety Dev.ices and Equipments

    7.1 Salety Devices and equipments The following Safety Devices ollli equipments are I'equired:

    1. Rubber Hand Gloves, Gauntlets (11 kV class) . 2. Safety Belts. 3. Leather Protective Gloves 4. Hand lines. 5. Ropes. 6. Helmets. 7. GOS Rodslll kV Insulated). 8. Goggles. 9. Fibre Ladder. 10.