electricity interconnection

Trans-European Infrastructure Projects of Common Interest Energy Energy

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  • Trans-European Infrastructure

    Projects of Common Interest


  • Innovation & Networks Executive Agency (INEA)

    European Commission - Directorate General for Energy



    Legal noticeThe information contained in this publication has been collected from input provided by project promoters. The

    European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information given, nor does it accept responsibility for any use made thereof. The project locations as depicted in the maps are indicative only. The final locations will

    be determined once the permit granting procedures have been completed.

    European Union


    Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged

  • Table of Contents

    Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................................................7

    Projects of Common Interest ...........................................................................................................................................81. Northern Seas offshore grid ........................................................................................................................................................................82. North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe .................................................................................................363. North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe .......................................694. Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan ...................................................................................................................................1315. North-South gas interconnections in Western Europe ............................................................................................................1446. North-South gas interconnections in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe ..................................................1727. Southern Gas Corridor ..............................................................................................................................................................................2258. Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan in gas .....................................................................................................................2369. Oil Supply Connections in Central Eastern Europe....................................................................................................................25210. Smart Grids Deployment ......................................................................................................................................................................260

  • Modern infrastructure with adequate interconnections and reliable networks is crucial for an integrated energy market where consumers can get the best value for their money. On 14 October 2013, the European Commis-sion adopted a list of 248 key energy infrastructure projects.

    The list includes 132 projects in the field of electricity transmission and storage, 107 projects in the field of gas transmission, storage and liquefied natural gas (LNG), seven oil projects and two smart grids projects.

    These Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) benefit from accelerated licensing procedures as well as improved regulatory conditions and may access financial support from the Connecting Europe Facility. Under this multi-annual programme, a budget of 5.85 billion has been allocated to trans-European energy infrastructure development for the period 2014-20.

    For a project to be included in the list, it has to comply with the following criteria: significantly benefit at least two Member States, contribute to market integration and further competition, enhance security of supply, and reduce CO2 emissions. Once completed, the projects will help Member States to integrate their energy markets, diversify their energy sources and bring an end to the energy isolation of some of them. The projects will also enable the grid to take up increasing amounts of renewables and as a result contribute to reducing CO2 emis-sions.

    The crucial role PCIs play in the security of supply in Europe was emphasized in the European Commission Communication of 28 May 2014 on a European Energy Security Strategy. Out of the 33 key security of supply infrastructure projects identified in this report, 31 are also projects of common interest.

    The list of PCIs will be updated every two years, in order to integrate new vital projects and remove those that have become obsolete.

    Updates of the project fact sheets assembled in this publication are available on-line via the interactive map located at: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/infrastructure/pci/pci_en.htm



  • 1.Northern Seas offshore grid





    Definition1.1.1 - Inte rconne ction be tw e e n Ze e brugge (BE) and the vicinity of Richborough(UK)ClusterPCI 1.1.1 - be longing to cluste r 1.1: Cluste r Be lgium Unite d Kingd om be tw e e nZe e brugge and Cante rbury [curre ntly know n as the NEMO proje ct]Type of technology employedNe w DC se a link includ ing 135 km of DC subse a cable w ith 1000 MW capacitybe tw e e n Richborough and Ze e brugge (offshore )Implementation statusFe asibility/FEED - Pe rm itting (the pe rm itting has alre ad y be e n initiate d to anticipatethe long pe rm itting proce d ure )

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDBe lgium (BE)Unite d Kingd om (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSElia Syste m Ope rator SAw w w .e lia.beNational Grid (Inte rnational Lim ite d )w w w .nationalgrid .comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MWV oltage : 400 kVLe ngth: 135 kmLOCATIONZe e brugge (BE) Richborough (UK)COMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.1.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.1Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.1.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    Canterbury Richborough

    Definition1.1.2 - In tern a l lin e between the vicin ity o f Richbo ro ugh a n d Ca n terbury (UK)ClusterPCI 1.1.2 - belo n gin g to cluster 1.1: Cluster Belgium Un ited Kin gdo m betweenZeebrugge a n d Ca n terbury [curren tly kn o wn a s the NEMO pro ject]Type of technology employedNew 400kV substa tio n in Richbo ro ugh a n d n ew 400kV AC do uble circuit OHLbetween Richbo ro ugh a n d Ca n terbury (o n sho re)Implementation statusFea sibility

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDUn ited Kin gdo m (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSNa tio n a l Grid Electricity Tra n smissio nplcwww.n a tio n a lgrid.co mBASIC TECHNICAL DATAVo lta ge: 400 kVLOCATIONRichbo ro ugh (UK) to Ca n tebury (UK)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.1.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.1Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.1.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition1.1.3 - Inte rnal line be twe e n Dunge ne ss to Se llind ge and Se llind ge to Cante rbury(U K)ClusterPCI 1.1.3 - be longing to cluste r 1.1: Cluste r Be lgium U nite d Kingd om be twe e nZe e brugge and Cante rbury [curre ntly k nown as the NEMO proje ct]Type of technology employedRe cond uctor 400k V AC d ouble circuit OHL be twe e n Cante rbury, Se llind ge andDunge ne ss (onshore )Implementation statusFe asibility

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDU nite d Kingd om (U K)PROJECT PROMOTERSNational Grid Ele ctricity Transm issionplcwww.nationalgrid .comBASIC TECHNICAL DATAVoltage : 400 k VLOCATIONCante rbury (U K) to Se llind ge (U K) andDunge ne ss (U K)COMMISSIONING DATE2015

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.1.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.1Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.1.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    Definition1.2 - PCI Belg ium two g rid-ready offshore hubs con n ected to the on shoresubstation Zeebrug g e (BE) with an ticipatory in vestm en ts en ablin g futurein tercon n ection s with Fran ce an d/or U KType of technology employedTwo offshore hubs con n ectin g offshore win d farm s an d con n ected to each otheran d to the AC on shore g rid with un derg roun d cables, in cludin g com pen sation(offshore)Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDBelg ium (BE)PROJECT PROMOTERSElia System Operator SAwww.elia.beBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3000 MVAVoltag e: 380 k VLen g th: 50 k mLOCATIONZeebrug g e (BE) Location of the offshorehubs: approxim ately +/- 35 k m to shore(the optim al location s an d g rid desig nare curren tly un der study with the win dfarm developers)COMMISSIONING DATE2016

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.2 - Electricity line

    Project of common interest:1.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition1.3.1 - In tercon n ection between En drup (DK) an d Niebll (DE)ClusterPCI 1.3.1 - belon g in g to cluster 1.3: Cluster Den m ark - Germ an y between En drupan d Brun sbttelType of technology employedNew 380 k V AC lin es (OHL) of about 200 k m an d with 3000 MVA capacity inGerm an y an d about 80 k m in Den m ark (on shore) an d n ew tran sform ers forin teg ration of on shore win d in Schleswig -Holstein , in cludin g lin es: - Brun sbttel Barlt (Sderdon n ) Heide Husum - Niebll- border of Den m ark En drup.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED on g oin g for Dan ish Part - Fin al In vestm en t Decision (FID) -Perm ittin g (part Brun sbttel Barlt/ Sderdon n ) Dan ish part: n ot yet started

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGerm an y (DE)Den m ark (DK)PROJECT PROMOTERST en n eT T SO Gm bHwww.ten n ettso.deEn erg in et.dkwww.en erg in et.dkBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3000 MVAVoltag e: 380 k VLen g th: 80 k mLOCATIONEn drup (DK), Kalten k irchen (DE),Brun sbttel (DE) to Brun sbttel (DE),Audorf (DE), Kalten k irchen (DE)COMMISSIONING DATEFirst part -2015, com plete -2021

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.3.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.3Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.3.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition1.3.2 - In tern al lin e between Brun sbttel an d Niebll (DE)ClusterPCI 1.3.2 - belon g in g to cluster 1.3: Cluster Den m ark - Germ an y between En drupan d Brun sbttelType of technology employedNew 380 k V AC lin es (OHL) of about 200 k m an d with 3000 MVA capacity inGerm an y an d about 80 k m in Den m ark (on shore) an d n ew tran sform ers forin teg ration of on shore win d in Schleswig -Holstein , in cludin g lin es: - Brun sbttel Barlt (Sderdon n ) Heide Husum - Niebll- border of Den m ark En drup.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED on g oin g for Dan ish Part - Fin al In vestm en t Decision (FID) -Perm ittin g (part Brun sbttel Barlt/ Sderdon n ) Dan ish part: n ot yet started

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGerm an y (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERST en n eT T SO Gm bHwww.ten n ettso.deBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3000 MVAVoltag e: 380 k VLen g th: 200 k mLOCATIONEn drup (DK), Kalten k irchen (DE),Brun sbttel (DE) to Brun sbttel (DE),Audorf (DE), Kalten k irchen (DE)COMMISSIONING DATEFirst part -2015, com plete -2021

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.3.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.3Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.3.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition1.4.1 - Inte rconne ction be twe e n Kass (DK) and Aud orf (DE)ClusterPCI 1.4.1 - be longing to cluste r 1.4: Cluste r De nm ark - Ge rm any be twe e n Kass andDolle rnType of technology employedUpgrad e of e x isting 400k V AC line and build ing a ne w 400k V route in De nm ark witha total le ngth of 40 k m .Implementation statusFe asibility /FEED - Final Inve stm e nt De cision (FID) (part Kass Aud orf)

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGe rm any (DE)De nm ark (DK)PROJECT PROMOTERSTe nne T TS O Gm bHwww.te nne ttso.d eEne rgine t.d kwww.e ne rgine t.d kBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity : 4100 MVAVoltage : 400 k VLe ngth : 235 k m (total pe r cluste r)LOCATIONKass (DK) to Dolle rn (DE)COMMISSIONING DATEDE: First part - 2015, com ple te -2017;DK: com ple te -2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.4.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.4Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.4.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition1.4.2 - In tern al lin e betw een Audorf an d Ham burg /Nord (DE)ClusterPCI 1.4.2 - belon g in g to cluster 1.4: Cluster Den m ark - Germ an y betw een Kass an dDollernType of technology employedNew 400k V AC double circuit lin e (OHL) m ain ly in the trace of an existin g 220k V lin ebetw een Audorf an d Ham burg /Nord, in cludin g 2 n ew 400/230k V tran sform ers insubstation Audorf.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED - Fin al In vestm en t Decision (FID) - Perm ittin g (part Audorf Dollern )

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGerm an y (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERST en n eT T SO Gm bHw w w .ten n ettso.deBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 4100 MVAVoltag e: 400 k VLen g th: 235 k m (total per cluster)LOCATIONKass (DK) to Dollern (DE)COMMISSIONING DATEDE: First part - 2015, com plete -2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.4.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.4Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.4.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition1.4.3 - Inte rnal line be twe e n Ham burg/Nord and Dolle rn (DE)ClusterPCI 1.4.3 - be longing to cluste r 1.4: Cluste r De nm ark - Ge rm any be twe e n Kass andDolle rnType of technology employedNe w 400k V AC double circuit line (OHL) be twe e n Dolle rn and Ham burg/Nord,including 1 ne w 400/230k V transform e r in substation Ham burg/Nord and ne w400k V switchge ar in Kum m e rfe ld. The total le ngth of Ge rm an line s am ounts to 195k m and a 4100 MVA capacity (onshore ).Implementation statusFe asibility/FEED - Final Inve stm e nt De cision (FID) - Pe rm itting (part Audorf Dolle rn)

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGe rm any (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSTe nne T TS O Gm bHwww.te nne ttso.deBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 4100 MVAVoltage : 400 k VLe ngth: 195 k mLOCATIONKass (DK) to Dolle rn (DE)COMMISSIONING DATEDE: First part - 2015, com ple te -2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.4.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.4Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.4.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition1.5 - Denmark - Netherlands interconnection between Endrup (DK) and Eemshaven(NL)Type of technology employedAn HVDC 320 kV link of approximately 350 km and with a capacity of 700 MWbetween Denmark West and the Netherlands (offshore) to connect new offshorewind farms to the cable as a first step towards a meshed North Sea offshore grid.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED (finalized) - Final Investment Decision (FID) (preparation ongoing) -Permitting (ongoing)

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDDenmark (DK)Netherlands (NL)PROJECT PROMOTERSTenneT TSO GmbHwww.tennettso.deEnerginet.dkwww.energinet.dkBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 700 MWVoltage: 320 kVLength: 350 kmLOCATIONEndrup (DK) to Eemshaven (NL)COMMISSIONING DATE2019

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.5 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:1.5

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission



    FRANCELa Martyre


    Definition1.6 - PCI Fran ce Irelan d in tercon n ection betw een La Martyre (FR) an d Great Islan dor Kn ock raha (IE)Type of technology employedA n ew 320 k V 500 k V (depen din g on the techn olog y, to be fixed at a later stag e indetailed desig n studies) HVDC subsea con n ection of approxim ately 600 k m an dw ith a capacity of aroun d 700 MW betw een Irelan d an d Fran ce (offshore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDFran ce (FR)Irelan d (IE)PROJECT PROMOTERSEirGrid plcw w w .eirg rid.comRseau de T ran sport dElectricit /RT Ew w w .rte-fran ce.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 700 MWVoltag e: 320-500 k V (tbc)Len g th: 600 k mLOCATIONBrittan y, m ost probably La Martyre (FR)to future 400 k V substation at GreatIslan d or Kn ock raha (IE)COMMISSIONING DATE2025

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.6 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:1.6

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition1.7.1 - Fra nc e United King dom interc onnec tion b etween Cotentin (FR) a nd th evic inity of Exeter (UK) [c u rrently known a s FAB projec t]ClusterPCI 1.7.1 - b elong ing to c lu ster 1.7: Clu ster Fra nc e-United King dominterconnectionsType of technology employedA 225 km HVDC link b etween Fra nc e a nd Grea t Brita in via th e isla nd of Alderney,with a ca pa c ity b etween 1000 a nd 1400 MW - exa c t va lu e still to b e determined(onsh ore a nd offsh ore).Implementation statusFea sib ility/FEED - A list of a ll stu dies ca rried ou t so fa r for th e project:S ocioeconomic stu dy, Grid stu dy, S tu dy of reg u la tory a nd tra ding mec h a nisms forconnec ting renewa b le g enera tion to a n interconnec tor, Fea sib ility stu dies, S tu diespu rsu ing th e a c celera tion of th e completion da te, with a ta rg et da te of 2020 (2022does not yet inc lu de th ese a cc elera tions).

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDFra nc e (FR)United King dom (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSFABLink Ltd - a joint ventu re ofTra nsmission Investmentwww.tra nsmissioninvestment.c oma nd Alderney Renewa b le Energ ywww.a re.g gRsea u de Tra nsport d'Elec tric it / RTEwww.rte-fra nc e.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa pa city: 1000-1400 MW (tb c)Leng th : 225 kmLOCATIONCotentin (FR) to th e vicinity of Exeter(UK)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.7.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.7Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.7.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    Definition1.7.2 - France - United Kingdom interconnection between Tourbe (FR) and Chilling(UK) [currently known as the IFA2 project]ClusterPCI 1.7.2 - belonging to cluster 1.7: Cluster France-United KingdominterconnectionsType of technology employedNew subsea 320 kV HVDC link with a capacity of 1000 MW between the UK andFrance (offshore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED - Economic studies carried out; physical survey done in summer2012; preliminary design done in 2013 on the basis of physical survey data.

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDFrance (FR)United Kingdom (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSNational Grid International Ltd.www.nationalgrid.comRseau de Transport d'Electricit/RTEwww.rte-france.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MWVoltage: 320 kVLOCATIONCaen area, most likely Tourbe (FR) toChilling (UK)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.7.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.7Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.7.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition1.7.3 - France - United Kingdom interconnection between Coquelles (FR) andFolkestone (UK) [currently known as the ElecLink project]ClusterPCI 1.7.3 - belonging to cluster 1.7: Cluster France-United KingdominterconnectionsType of technology employedA new 51 km 320 kV DC electricity interconnector with a capacity of 1000 MWbetween Coquelles and Folkestone, via the Channel Tunnel (onshore and offshore).Implementation statusPlanning studies/FEED - Signed grid connection agreements with RTE and NGET

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDFrance (FR)United Kingdom (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSElecLink Limitedwww.star-capital.com/eleclink.htmBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MWVoltage: 320 kVLength: 51 kmLOCATIONCoquelles (FR) to Folkestone (UK)COMMISSIONING DATE2016

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.7.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.7Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.7.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition1.8 - PCI Germany - Norway interconnection between Wilster (DE) and Tonstad(NO) [currently known as the NORD.LINK project]Type of technology employedA new HVDC subsea cable of minimum 500 kV, approximately 520-600 km and witha capacity of 1400 MW between Southern Norway and Northern Germany(onshore and offshore).Implementation statusPre-feasibility - Feasibility/FEED

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGermany (DE)Norway (NO)PROJECT PROMOTERSStatnett SFwww.statnett.noTenneT TSO GmbHwww.tennettso.deKfWwww.kfw.deBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1400 MWVoltage: 500 kVLength: approximately 520-600 kmLOCATIONFeda / Tonstad (NO) to Wilster (DE)COMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.8 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:1.8

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition1.9.1 - Ire land Unite d Kingd om inte rconne ction be tw e e n Co. Offaly (IE), Pe m brok eand Pe ntir (UK)ClusterPCI 1.9.1 - be longing to cluste r 1.9: Cluste r conne cting ge ne ration from re ne w ablee ne rgy source s in Ire land to Unite d Kingd omType of technology employedAround 40 ind ivid ual onsh ore w ind farm s, totalling 3GW, colle cte d toge th e rth rough and und e rground private ne tw ork in th e m id land s of Ire land , conne cte dd ire ctly to th e UK national grid via tw o 600 k V HVDC sub-se a cable s ofapprox im ate ly 500 k m and w ith a capacity of 5 GW in Wale s (onsh ore andoffsh ore ).Implementation statusPre -fe asibility - Fe asibility/FEED - Final Inve stm e nt De cision (FID) - Pe rm itting

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIre land (IE)Unite d Kingd om (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSGre e nw ire Ltd (ow ne d in turn byEle m e nt Pow e r and Hud son Cle anEne rgy)w w w .gre e nw ire .ieBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 5 GWVoltage : 600 k VLe ngth : approx im ate ly 500 k mLOCATIONCo. Offaly (IE) to Pe m brok e and Pe ntir,Wale s (UK)COMMISSIONING DATE2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.9.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.9Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.9.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition1.9.2 - Ire land Unite d Kingd om inte rconne ction be tw e e n Coolk e e ragh - Cole raineh ubs (IE) and Hunte rston station, Islay , Argy ll and Location C Offsh ore Wind Farm s(UK)ClusterPCI 1.9.2 - be longing to cluste r 1.9: Cluste r conne cting ge ne ration from re ne w ablee ne rgy source s in Ire land to Unite d Kingd omType of technology employedAn offsh ore inte rconne cte d e le ctricity grid base d on re ne w able re source s (w ind ,w ave and tid al, conne cting 3200 MW) consisting of 850 k m of HVDCinte rconne ctors w ith a capacity of 500-1000MW in th e north e rn are a (offsh ore ).Implementation statusPre -fe asibility

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIre land (IE)Unite d Kingd om (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSS cottish Gove rnm e nt, Ene rgyDire ctoratew w w .scotland .gov.uk /About/Pe ople/Dire ctorate s/Ene rgy CCDire ctorateIrish Gove rnm e nt, De pt. ofCom m unications, Ene rgy & NaturalRe source sw w w .d ce nr.gov.ieDe pt. of Ente rprise Trad e & Inve stm e nt,North e rn Ire landw w w .d e tini.gov.ukBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity : 500-1000 MWLe ngth : 850 k mLOCATIONIre land , Unite d Kingd omCOMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.9.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.9Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.9.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition1.9.3 - Ire land Unite d Kingd om inte rconne ction be tw e e n th e North e rn h ub,Dublin and Cod ling Bank (IE) and Traw sfy ny d and Pe m brok e (UK)ClusterPCI 1.9.3 - be longing to cluste r 1.9: Cluste r conne cting ge ne ration from re ne w ablee ne rgy source s in Ire land to Unite d Kingd omType of technology employedAn offsh ore inte rconne cte d e le ctricity grid base d on re ne w able re source s (w ind ,w ave and tid al, conne cting 3200 MW) consisting of 850 k m of HVDCinte rconne ctors w ith a capacity of 500-1000MW in th e north e rn are a (offsh ore ).Implementation statusPre -fe asibility

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIre land (IE)Unite d Kingd om (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSS cottish Gove rnm e nt, Ene rgyDire ctoratew w w .scotland .gov.uk /About/Pe ople/Dire ctorate s/Ene rgy CCDire ctorateIrish Gove rnm e nt, De pt. ofCom m unications, Ene rgy & NaturalRe source sw w w .d ce nr.gov.ieDe pt. of Ente rprise Trad e & Inve stm e nt,North e rn Ire landw w w .d e tini.gov.ukBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity : 500-1000 MWLe ngth : 850 k mLOCATIONIre land , Unite d Kingd omCOMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.9.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.9Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.9.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission



    UN ITED KIN GDOMPembroke

    Definition1.9.4 - Ire la nd Unite d Kingd om inte rconne ction be twe e n the Irish m id la nd s a ndPe m broke (UK)ClusterPCI 1.9.4 - be longing to clu ste r 1.9: Clu ste r conne cting ge ne ra tion from re ne wa blee ne rgy sou rce s in Ire la nd to Unite d Kingd omType of technology employedEne rgy Brid ge (EB) HVDC u nd e rgrou nd ca ble of +/- 320kV for the 1st circu it a nd +/-500kV for 2 a nd 3, re spe ctive ly, a nd with a tota l ca pa city of 5 GW . The le ngth of the3 circu its will be 290 km , 190 km a nd 129 km , re spe ctive ly. The ca ble will rou tela rge a m ou nts of re ne wa ble e le ctricity ge ne ra te d in a se rie s of inte rconne cte d Irishwind fa rm s d ire ctly into the UK m a rke t (onshore a nd offshore ).Implementation statusPre fe a sibility - Fe a sibility/FEED

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIre la nd (IE)Unite d Kingd om (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSMa instre a m Re ne wa ble Powe rwww.m a instre a m rp.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa pa city: 5 GWVolta ge : 320 kVLe ngth: 290 kmLOCATIONThre e inte rconne ctions linking Ire la ndto UK; the se a re : Circu it no.1: Irishm id la nd s to Pe m broke , Sou th W a le sCircu it no.2: Irish m id la nd s toAlve rd iscott, De von Circu it no. 3: Irishcoa st to Pe m broke , N orth W a le sCOMMISSIONING DATECom m issione d in pha se s; the se be ing:2017, 2018 a nd 2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.9.4 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.9Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.9.4

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition1.9.5 - Ire la nd Unite d King dom inte rconne ction b e twe e n th e Irish m idla nds a ndAlv e rdiscott, De v on (UK)ClusterPCI 1.9.5 - b e long ing to clu ste r 1.9: Clu ste r conne cting g e ne ra tion from re ne wa b lee ne rg y sou rce s in Ire la nd to Unite d King domType of technology employedEne rg y Bridg e (EB) HVDC u nde rg rou nd ca b le of +/- 320kV for th e 1st circu it a nd +/-500kV for 2 a nd 3, re spe ctiv e ly, a nd with a tota l ca pa city of 5 GW. Th e le ng th of th e3 circu its will b e 290 km , 190 km a nd 129 km , re spe ctiv e ly. Th e ca b le will rou tela rg e a m ou nts of re ne wa b le e le ctricity g e ne ra te d in a se rie s of inte rconne cte d Irishwind fa rm s dire ctly into th e UK m a rke t (onsh ore a nd offsh ore ).Implementation statusPre fe a sib ility - Fe a sib ility/FEED

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIre la nd (IE)Unite d King dom (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSMa instre a m Re ne wa b le Powe rwww.m a instre a m rp.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa pa city: 5 GWVolta g e : 500 kVLe ng th : 190 kmLOCATIONTh re e inte rconne ctions linking Ire la ndto UK; th e se a re : Circu it no.1: Irishm idla nds to Pe m b roke , Sou th Wa le sCircu it no.2: Irish m idla nds toAlv e rdiscott, De v on Circu it no. 3: Irishcoa st to Pe m b roke , North Wa le sCOMMISSIONING DATECom m issione d in ph a se s; th e se b e ing :2017, 2018 a nd 2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.9.5 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.9Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.9.5

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission



    UN ITED KIN GDOMPembroke

    Definition1.9.6 - Ire la nd Unite d Kingd om inte rconne ction be twe e n the Irish coa st a ndPe mbroke (UK)ClusterPCI 1.9.6 - be longing to clu ste r 1.9: Clu ste r conne cting ge ne ra tion from re ne wa blee ne rgy sou rce s in Ire la nd to Unite d Kingd omType of technology employedEne rgy Brid ge (EB) HVDC u nd e rgrou nd ca ble of +/- 320kV for the 1st circu it a nd +/-500kV for 2 a nd 3, re spe ctive ly, a nd with a tota l ca pa city of 5 GW . The le ngth of the3 circu its will be 290 km, 190 km a nd 129 km, re spe ctive ly. The ca ble will rou tela rge a mou nts of re ne wa ble e le ctricity ge ne ra te d in a se rie s of inte rconne cte d Irishwind fa rms d ire ctly into the UK ma rke t (onshore a nd offshore ).Implementation statusPre fe a sibility - Fe a sibility/FEED

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIre la nd (IE)Unite d Kingd om (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSMa instre a m Re ne wa ble Powe rwww.ma instre a mrp.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa pa city: 5 GWVolta ge : 500 kVLe ngth: 129 kmLOCATIONThre e inte rconne ctions linking Ire la ndto UK; the se a re : Circu it no.1: Irishmid la nd s to Pe mbroke , Sou th W a le sCircu it no.2: Irish mid la nd s toAlve rd iscott, De von Circu it no. 3: Irishcoa st to Pe mbroke , N orth W a le sCOMMISSIONING DATECommissione d in pha se s; the se be ing:2017, 2018 a nd 2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.9.6 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.9Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.9.6

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission


  • Definition1.10 - PCI No rw ay Unite d Kingdo m inte rco nne ctio nType of technology employedne w HVDC inte rco nne ctio n w ith a cap acity o f 1400 MW be tw e e n No rw ay and theUnite d Kingdo m.Implementation statusPre -/Fe asibility

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDNo rw ay (NO)Unite d Kingdo m (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSStatne tt SFw w w .statne tt.noNatio nal Grid Inte rnatio nal Ltdw w w .natio nalgrid.co mNo rthCo nne ct KSw w w .no rthco nne ct.noBASIC TECHNICAL DATACap acity : 1400 MWLOCATIONNo rw ay to Unite d Kingdo mCOMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.10 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:1.10

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission



    Definition1.11.1 - Hydro-pumped storage in North West IrelandClusterPCI 1.11.1 - belonging to cluster 1.11: Cluster of electricity storage projects inIreland and associated connections to United KingdomType of technology employedLarge Scale Hydro Storage facility with a daily capacity of 90 GWh (32850 GWhannually).Implementation statusFinal Investment Decision (FID) - Permitting

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIreland (IE)PROJECT PROMOTERSNatural Hydro Energywww.naturalhydroenergy.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 90 GWh (daily); 32850 GWh(annually)LOCATIONNorth West Ireland Connection point totransmission network: North WestIrelandCOMMISSIONING DATE2019

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.11.1 - Electricity storageProjects belonging to cluster 1.11Projects belonging to cluster 1.11Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.11.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission



    Definition1.11.2 - Ireland U nited King dom interconnection between North West Ireland andMidlands (U K)ClusterPCI 1.11.2 - belong ing to cluster 1.11: Cluster of electricity storag e projects inIreland and associated connections to U nited King domType of technology employedA 320-400 k V HVDC underg round cable interconnection of approx imately 450k mand with a capacity of 1200 MW between Ireland and the U K (onshore andoffshore).Implementation statusFinal Investment Decision (FID) - Permitting - List of all studies carried out so far onproject: Wind Studies, Irish Demand Studies, System Marg inal Price Analysis,Operational Modelling , Equipment Pricing , Financial Modelling , Storag e SitesInvestig ation, Dam and Power Station Desig n, Land Acquisition and Pricing , CableRouting , Transmission Facilities, Curtailment Studies

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIreland (IE)U nited King dom (U K)PROJECT PROMOTERSNatural Hydro Energ ywww.naturalhydroenerg y.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1200 MWVoltag e: 320-400 k VLeng th: approx ilately 450 k mLOCATIONNorth West Ireland to Midlands (U K)COMMISSIONING DATE2017

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 1.11PCI 1.11.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.11Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.11.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition1.11.3 - Hydro-pu m ped (seawater) storag e in Ireland GlinskClusterPCI 1.11.3 - b elong ing to clu ster 1.11: Clu ster of elec tric ity storag e projects inIreland and assoc iated c onnec tions to United King domType of technology employedCom b ined 1900 MW wind g eneration, with a 6.1 GWh (2226.5 GWh annu ally)storag e in Glinsk, Mayo (IE).Implementation statusFeasib ility/FEED - Final Inv estm ent Dec ision (FID) - Perm itting - List of all stu diescarried ou t so far on projec t (inclu ding 1.14): Transm ission rou te selection stu dy,Natu ra 2000 Assessm ent Transm ission rou te, Prelim inary Civ il and Electric al Desig nStorag e fac ility, System m odelling , Baseline env ironm ental stu dies Storag e fac ility,Draft EIS for Storag e fac ility

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIreland (IE)PROJECT PROMOTERSO rg anic Power Ltdwww.org anicpower.ieBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 6.1 GWh (daily); 2226.5 GWh(annu ally)LOCATIONGlinsk, Mayo (IE)COMMISSIONING DATE2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.11.3 - Electricity storageProjects belonging to cluster 1.11Projects belonging to cluster 1.11Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.11.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition1.11.4 - Ire la nd Unite d King dom inte rconne ction b e twe e n Glinsk, Ma yo (IE) a ndConna h 's Qua i, De e side (UK)ClusterP CI 1.11.4 - b e long ing to cluste r 1.11: Cluste r of e le ctricity stora g e proje cts inIre la nd a nd a ssocia te d conne ctions to Unite d King domType of technology employedA 500kV HVDC VSC ca b le of 530 km (sub se a Atla ntic 75, cross country Ire la nd222km , Irish Se a a pprox.230, 1-3 km onsh ore P e m b roke ) with a ca pa city of 1300MW , conne cting th e com b ine d wind g e ne ra tion a nd stora g e fa cility in Glinsk, Ma yo(IE) to Conna h 's Qua i, De e side (UK) (onsh ore a nd offsh ore ).Implementation statusFe a sib ility/FEED - Fina l Inve stm e nt De cision (FID) - P e rm itting - List of a ll studie sca rrie d out so fa r on proje ct (including 1.19): Tra nsm ission route se le ction study,Na tura 2000 Asse ssm e nt Tra nsm ission route , P re lim ina ry Civil a nd Ele ctrica l De sig nStora g e fa cility, Syste m m ode lling , Ba se line e nvironm e nta l studie s Stora g e fa cility,Dra ft EIS for Stora g e fa cility

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIre la nd (IE)Unite d King dom (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSOrg a nic P owe r Ltdwww.org a nicpowe r.ieBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa pa city: 1300 MWVolta g e : 500 kVLe ng th : 530 kmLOCATIONGlinsk, Ma yo (IE) to Conna h 's Qua i,De e side (UK) Route type : Onsh ore a ndoffsh oreCOMMISSIONING DATE2017

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 1.11PCI 1.11.4 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 1.11Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.11.4

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    Definition1.12 - PCI compressed air energy storage in United Kingdom - LarneType of technology employedCompressed Air Energy Storage using caverns / chambers to be created in beddedsalt deposits with an annual storage capacity of 550 GWh.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED - Environmental baseline studies in progress

    Northern Seas offshore grid

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDUnited Kingdom (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSGaelectric Energy Storage Ltdwww.gaelectric.ie/index.php/energy-storageBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 550 GWh (annually)LOCATIONLarne, Northern Ireland (UK)COMMISSIONING DATEPhase 1: 2016; Phase 2: 2019-2020;Subsequent Phases: 2022-2030

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 1.12 - Electricity storage

    Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:1.12

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission


  • 2.North-South electricity interconnections

    in Western Europe





    Zell AmZiller

    Definition2.1 - PCI Austria internal line between Westtirol and Zell-Ziller (AT) to increasecapacity at the AT/DE borderType of technology employedUpgrade of the existing 220 kV AC line (OHL) of 104 km between Westtirol (AT) andZell/Ziller (AT) (onshore) and erection of additional 380/220kV transformers in bothsubstations.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)PROJECT PROMOTERSAustrian Power Grid AGwww.apg.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: > 1200 MVAVoltage: 220 kVLength: 104 kmLOCATIONWesttirol (AT) to Zell/Ziller (AT)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.1 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition2.2.1 - Interconnection between Lixhe (BE) and Oberzier (DE)ClusterPCI 2.2.1 - belonging to cluster 2.2: Cluster Belgium - Germany between Lixhe andOberzier [currently known as the ALEGrO project]Type of technology employedConnection between Lixhe (BE) and Oberzier (DE) including a new 100 km HVDCunderground cable (voltage under investigation) and the extension of existing 380kV substations.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED - Permitting (the permitting has already been initiated to anticipatethe long and complex permitting procedure)

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDBelgium (BE)Germany (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSElia System Operator SAwww.elia.beAmprion GmbHwww.amprion.net/enBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MWLength: 100 kmLOCATIONLixhe, Lige area (BE) to Oberzier,Aachen / Dren region (DE)COMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 2.2PCI 2.2.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.2Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.2.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition2.2.2 - Internal line between Lixhe and Herderen (BE)ClusterPCI 2.2.2 - belonging to cluster 2.2: Cluster Belgium - Germany between Lixhe andOberzier [currently known as the ALEGrO project]Type of technology employedA new 380 kV AC circuit between Lixhe and Herderen (BE), a second 380 kV OHL in/ out from Herderen to Lixhe (10 km).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED - Permitting (the permitting has already been initiated to anticipatethe long and complex permitting procedure)

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDBelgium (BE)PROJECT PROMOTERSElia System Operator SAwww.elia.beBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MWVoltage: 2 x 380 kVLength: 10 kmLOCATIONLixhe, Lige area (BE) to Oberzier,Aachen / Dren region (DE)COMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 2.2PCI 2.2.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.2Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.2.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition2.2.3 - New substation in Zutendaal (BE)ClusterPCI 2.2.3 - belonging to cluster 2.2: Cluster Belgium - Germany between Lixhe andOberzier [currently known as the ALEGrO project]Type of technology employedThe addition of 2 transformers 380 / 150 kV in Lixhe and in Zutendaal, leading tonew substations in these locations (onshore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED - Permitting (the permitting has already been initiated to anticipatethe long and complex permitting procedure)

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDBelgium (BE)PROJECT PROMOTERSElia System Operator SAwww.elia.beBASIC TECHNICAL DATAVoltage: 380/150 kVLOCATIONLixhe, Lige area (BE) to Oberzier,Aachen / Dren region (DE)COMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.2.3 - Electricity substationProjects belonging to cluster 2.2Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.2.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.3.1 - Coordinated installation and operation of a phase-shift transformer inSchifflange (LU)ClusterPCI 2.3.1 - belonging to cluster 2.3: Cluster Belgium - Luxembourg capacity increaseat the BE/LU borderType of technology employedAs a first step (2016) a Phase Shifter Transformer (PST) would be placed in theexisting 225 kV line between LU and BE.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDLuxembourg (LU)PROJECT PROMOTERSCreos Luxembourg S.A.www.creos-net.luLOCATIONBascharage/Schifflange (LU) to Aubange(BE)COMMISSIONING DATE2016

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.3.1 - Phase shift transformerProjects belonging to cluster 2.3Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.3.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition2.3.2 - Interconnection between Aubange (BE) and Bascharage/Schifflange (LU)ClusterPCI 2.3.2 - belonging to cluster 2.3: Cluster Belgium - Luxembourg capacity increaseat the BE/LU borderType of technology employedIn a second stage, one new interconnection between Creos grid in LU and ELIA gridin BE via a 16km AC double circuit 225 kV underground cable with a capacity of1,000 MVA (onshore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDBelgium (BE)Luxembourg (LU)PROJECT PROMOTERSCreos Luxembourg S.A.www.creos-net.luBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MVAVoltage: 225 kVLength: 16 kmLOCATIONBascharage/Schifflange (LU) to Aubange(BE)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 2.3PCI 2.3.2 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.3.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition2.4 - PCI France - Italy interconnection between Codrongianos (IT), Lucciana(Corsica, FR) and Suvereto (IT) [currently known as the SA.CO.I.3 project]Type of technology employedRepowering of existing tri-terminal HVDC interconnection between Sardinia,Corsica and mainland Italy via a 358 km DC subsea cable (onshore and offshore).Implementation statusFinal Investment Decision (FID)

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDFrance (FR)Italy (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTerna - Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpAwww.terna.itBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 600 MWVoltage: 220 kVLength: 358 kmLOCATIONCodrongianos (IT) to Suvereto (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.4 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.4

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission



    ITALYFRANCE Piossasco


    Definition2.5.1 - Interconnection between Grande Ile (FR) and Piossasco (IT) [currently knownas Savoie-Piemont project]ClusterPCI 2.5.1 - belonging to cluster 2.5: Cluster France - Italy between Grande Ile andPiossascoType of technology employedNew 190 km HVDC (VSC) interconnection between Grande Ile (FR) and Piossasco(IT) via an approximately 320 kV underground cable and converter stations at bothends (two poles, each of them for a maximum of 600 MW power capacity). Thecables will be laid in the security gallery of the Frejus motorway tunnel and alongthe existing motorways (onshore).Implementation statusConstruction

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDFrance (FR)Italy (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTerna - Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpAwww.terna.itRseau de Transport d'Electricit/RTEwww.rte-france.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 2 x 600 MWVoltage: 320 kVLength: 190 kmLOCATIONGrande Ile (FR) to Piossasco (IT), viaFrejus motorway tunnelCOMMISSIONING DATE2019

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.5.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.5Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.5.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.5.2 - In tern al lin e betw een Trin o an d Lacch iarella (IT)ClusterPCI 2.5.2 - belon g in g to cluster 2.5: Cluster Fran ce - Italy betw een Gran de Ile an dPiossascoType of technology employedA n ew 400kV AC double circuit (OHL) of 95 km an d w ith a capacity of 3000 MVAbetw een th e existin g 400kV substation s of Trin o an d Lacch iarella in North WestItaly area (on sh ore). Restructurin g w orks of local HV n etw ork associated to th e lin eTrin o Lacch iarella are plan n ed to be realized after th e 400 kV lin e.Implementation statusCon struction

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDItaly (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTern a - Rete Elettrica Nazion ale SpAw w w .tern a.itBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3000 MVAVoltag e: 400 kVLen g th : 95 kmLOCATIONTrin o (IT) to Lacch iarella (IT) an dassociated restructurin g of local HVn etw orkCOMMISSIONING DATE2014

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.5.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.5Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.5.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition2.6 - PCI Sp ain inter nal line b etw een Santa Llo gaia and Bescan (ES) to increasecap acity o f the interco nnectio n b etw een Bescan (ES) and Baixas (FR)Type of technology employedA new 40 k m sectio n o f 400 k V AC do ub le circuit (OHL) b etw een Sta. Llo gaia, Ramisand Bescan (ES) (o nsho re), p ar t o f the new Sta. Llo gaia Ramis Bescan Vic /Senmenat 400 k V OHL (single circuit in so me sectio ns ) . It w ill co nnect the alreadyco mmissio ned sectio n b etw een Bescan-Vic / Senmenat 400 k V to the cro ss-b o rderHVDC Sta LLo gaia (ES)-Baixas (FR). New 400 k V sub statio ns in Bescan, Ramis andSta.Llo gaia, w ith 400 / 220 k V transfo rmers in Ramis and Bescan.Implementation statusPer mitting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDSp ain (ES)PROJECT PROMOTERSRed Elctrica de Esp aa: S.A./REEw w w .ree.esBASIC TECHNICAL DATACap acity: 1200-1400 MWVo ltage: 400 k VLength: 40 k mLOCATIONSanta Llo gaia (ES) to Bescan (ES)COMMISSIONING DATE2014

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.6 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.6

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    Definition2.7 - PCI France - Spain interconnection between Aquitaine (FR) and the Basquecountry (ES)Type of technology employedNew 320 kV or 500 kV (voltage tbd) HVDC subsea cable interconnection ofapproximately 360 km and with a capacity of 2000 MW (tbc) between Aquitaineand the Basque country, via the the Biscay Gulf (offshore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDSpain (ES)France (FR)PROJECT PROMOTERSRed Elctrica de Espaa: S.A./REEwww.ree.esRseau de Transport d'Electricit/RTEwww.rte-france.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 2000 MW (tbc)Voltage: 320-500 kV (tbc)Length: 360 kmLOCATIONAquitaine (FR) to the Basque Country(ES)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.7 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.7

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    Definition2.8 - PCI Coordinated installation and operation of a phase-shift transformer inArkale (ES) to increase capacity of the interconnection between Argia (FR) andArkale (ES)Type of technology employedNew Phase Shifter Transformer (PST) in Arkale 220 kV substation, with affection tocontrol the flows on the 220 kV interconnection line between Arkale (ES) and Argia(FR). Coordinated installation and operation between the 2 countries affected willbe required.Implementation statusPre-feasibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe


    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.8 - Phase shift transformer

    Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.8

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition2.9 - PCI Germany internal line between Osterath and Philippsburg (DE) to increasecapacity at Western bordersType of technology employedNew +/- 400 HVDC lines (OHL) with a length of 40 km and 300 km of existing routeswith new technology and with a total capacity of 2000 MW from Osterath toPhilippsburg to integrate new wind generation especially from North/Baltic Seatowards Central-South for consumption and storage (onshore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGermany (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSAmprion GmbHwww.amprion.net/enTransnetBW GmbHwww.transnetbw.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 2000 MWVoltage: approximately 400 kVLength: 340 kmLOCATIONOsterath (DE) to Philippsburg (DE)COMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.9 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.9

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    Brunsb ttel WilsterKaltenkirchen

    Gro gartach


    Definition2.10 - PCI Ge rm any inte rnal line be twe e n Brunsbtte l-Gro gartach and Wilste r-Grafe nrhe infe ld (DE) to incre ase capacity at Northe rn and S outhe rn borde rsType of technology employedNe w DC line s (OHL) with a total capacity of 3.9 GW, with e ve ry line having a le ngthbe twe e n 670 and 770 k m (voltage tbd), to inte grate ne w wind ge ne ration fromnorthe rn Ge rm any towards southe rn Ge rm any and southe rn Europe forconsum ption and storage (onshore ).Implementation statusFe asibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGe rm any (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSTe nne T TS O Gm bHwww.te nne ttso.deTransne tBW Gm bHwww.transne tbw.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3.9 GWLe ngth: 670-770 k m (se ve ral line s)LOCATIONBrunsbtte l (DE), Wilste r (DE),Kalte nk irche n (DE) to Gro gartach (DE),Grafe nrhe infe ld (DE)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.10 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.10

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.11.1 - Inte rconne ction be twe e n bord e r are a (DE), Me ininge n (AT) and Rth i (CH)ClusterPCI 2.11.1 - be longing to cluste r 2.11: Cluste r Ge rm any Austria - Switze rlandcapacity incre ase in Lak e Constance are aType of technology employedConstruction of ne w 400 k V AC line s (OHL) and e x te nsion of e x isting one s onapprox im ate ly 380 k m and with a total capacity of 3500 MVA (tbd ), and e re ction ofa 400/220/110k V-substation. Transm ission route s includ e : He rbe rtinge n - Tie nge n,He rbe rtinge n - Pk t. Rom m e lsbach , He rbe rtinge n - Me ininge n (AT) Rth i (CH), Pk t.Wulle nste tte n - Pk t. Nie d e rwange n (onsh ore ).Implementation statusStud y / Pre -fe asibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)Switze rland (CH)Ge rm any (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSAm prion Gm bHwww.am prion.ne t/e nTransne t BWGm bHwww.transne tbw.comSwissgrid AGwww.swissgrid .ch /swissgrid /d eVorarlbe rge r be rtragungsne tzGm bH/Vue nwww.vue n.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3500 MVA (tbc)Voltage : 400 k VLe ngth : 380 k mLOCATIONSouth Ge rm any to Me ininge n (AT) andRth i (CH)COMMISSIONING DATELong te rm (und e r stud y)

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.11.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.11Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.11.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission









    Definition2.11.2 - Internal line in th e reg ion of point Rom m elsbac h to Herberting en,Herberting en to T ieng en, point Wullenstetten to point Nied erwang en (DE) and th ebord er area DE-ATClusterPCI 2.11.2 - belong ing to cluster 2.11: Cluster Germ any Austria - Switzerlandcapacity inc rease in Lake Constance areaType of technology employedConstruc tion of new 400 kV AC lines (OHL) and ex tension of ex isting ones onapprox im ately 380 km and with a total capac ity of 3500 MVA (tbd ), and erec tion ofa 400/220/110kV-substation. T ransm ission routes inc lud e: Herberting en - T ieng en,Herberting en - Pkt. Rom m elsbac h , Herberting en - Meining en (AT ) Rth i (CH), Pkt.Wullenstetten - Pkt. Nied erwang en (onsh ore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGerm any (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSAm prion Gm bHwww.am prion.net/enT ransnet BW Gm bHwww.transnetbw.comBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3500 MVA (tbc )Voltag e: 400 kVLeng th : 380 kmLOCATIONSouth Germ any to Meining en (AT ) andRth i (CH)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.11.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.11Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.11.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.12 - PCI Germa ny Netherla nds interco nnectio n between Niederrhein (DE) a ndDo etinchem (NL)Type of technology employedNew 380 k V AC do uble circuit (OHL) o f a p p ro xima tely 60 k m a nd with a ca p a city o f2x2360 MVA between Niederrhein a nd Do etinchem (o nsho re).Implementation statusFEED - Permitting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGerma ny (DE)Netherla nds (NL)PROJECT PROMOTERSAmp rio n GmbHwww.a mp rio n.net/enTenneT TSO bvwww.tennet.eu/nlBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa p a city: 2 x 2360 MVAVo lta ge: 380 k VLength: 60 k mLOCATIONNiederrhein (DE) to Do etinchem (NL)COMMISSIONING DATE2016

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.12 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.12

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition2.13.1 - Irelan d U n ited Kin g dom in tercon n ection between Woodlan d (IE) an dTurleen an (U K Northern Irelan d)ClusterPCI 2.13.1 - belon g in g to cluster 2.13: Cluster Irelan d U n ited Kin g dom (NorthernIrelan d) in tercon n ection sType of technology employedA n ew 400 k V AC sin g le circuit (OHL) of 140 k m an d with a capacity of 1,500 MVAbetween Turleen an 400/275 k V in Northern Irelan d (U K) to Woodlan d 400/220 k V(IE) (on shore).Implementation statusPerm ittin g

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIrelan d (IE)U n ited Kin g dom (U K)PROJECT PROMOTERSEirGridwww.eirg rid.comNorthern Irelan d Electricity (NIE)www.n ie.co.ukSystem Operator for Northern Irelan dLtd/SONIwww.son i.ltd.ukBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1500 MVAVoltag e: 400 k VLen g th: 140 k mLOCATIONWoodlan d (IE) to Turleen an , NorthernIrelan d (U K)COMMISSIONING DATE2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.13.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.13Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.13.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition2.13.2 - Ireland United King dom Interconnection b etween Srananag h (IE) andTu rleenan (UK North ern Ireland)ClusterP CI 2.13.2 - b elong ing to c lu ster 2.13: Clu ster Ireland United King dom (North ernIreland) interconnec tionsType of technology employedA new 275 kV and partly 220 kV AC c ross b order circ u it (OHL) of 196 km and withm inim u m capac ities of 710 MVA and partly 431 MVA b etween Srananag h 220 kVstation in Co. Slig o (IE) and Tu rleenan 400/275 kV station in North ern Ireland (UK)th at will fac ilitate th e integ ration of a planned wind g eneration of approxim ately768 MW, wh ic h equ ates to 0.1 GW/1000km (onsh ore).Implementation statusFeasib ility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIreland (IE)United King dom (UK)PROJECT PROMOTERSEirGridwww.eirg rid.comNorth ern Ireland Elec tric ity (NIE)www.nie.co.u kSystem Operator for North ern IrelandLtd/SONIwww.soni.ltd.u kBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: m inim u m capac ities of 710MVA and partly 431 MVAVoltag e: 275 kV and partly 220 kVLeng th : 196 kmLOCATIONSrananag h in Co. Slig o (IE) to Tu rleenanin North ern Ireland (UK)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.13.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.13Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.13.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission



    IT ALY



    Definition2.14 - PCI Italy Sw itze rland inte rconne ction be tw e e n T h usis/Sils (CH) and Ve rd e rioInfe riore (IT )Type of technology employedA +/- 400 kV HVDC cable inte rconne ctor of 150 km (of w h ich 47 und e r Com o lake )and w ith a capacity of 1000 MW (1100 MW continuous ove rload ) be tw e e n Ve rd e rioInfe riore , ne ar Milano (IT ) to T h usis, Graubund e n Canton (CH) (onsh ore ). Gre at partof th e cable s route w ill e xploit a se ction of an e xisting oil pipe line , no longe r inse rvice since January 1997 and th at crosse s th e Italian and Sw iss bord e r atSplge npass and is running close by th e tw o grid inte rconne ction points of th eGre e nconne ctor proje ct (Sils i.D. in Graubund e n and Ve rd e rio Infe riore , Le cco).Implementation statusPe rm itting - T h e proje ct is at a ve ry ad vance d stage of te ch nical and e nvironm e ntalfe asibility, w ith a large num be r of d e taile d stud ie s, ranging from topograph icalstud ie s, m arine surve ys of th e lake route , te m pe rature and re sistivity stud ie s alongth e route , ge ological stud ie s, load flow stud ie s, grid stud ie s (h arm onic, filte rd e sign), e tc. h aving be e n alre ad y pe rform e d d uring som e 8 ye ars of proje ctd e ve lopm e nt activity.

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDSw itze rland (CH)Italy (IT )PROJECT PROMOTERSGre e nconne ctorw w w .gre e nconne ctor.orgBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MWVoltage : approxim ate ly 400 kVLe ngth : 150 kmLOCATIONVe rd e rio Infe riore , ne ar Milano (IT ) toT h usis, Graubund e n Canton (CH), via ane xisting pipe line th at crosse s th e Italianand Sw iss bord e r at Splge npass and isrunning close by th e tw o gridinte rconne ction points of th eGre e nconne ctor proje ct (Sils i.D. inGraubund e n and Ve rd e rio Infe riore ,Le cco).COMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.14 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.14

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition2.15.1 - In tercon n ection between Airolo (CH) an d Bag g io (IT)ClusterPCI 2.15.1 - belon g in g to cluster 2.15: Cluster Italy Switzerlan d capacity in crease atIT/CH borderType of technology employedA n ew 400 k V DC/AC lin k (OHL) between Airolo, Bappan zen o an d Bag g io of about160 k m an d with a capacity of over 2.000 MW /1500 MVA between Italy an dSwitzerlan d (on shore), in cludin g the followin g n etwork item s: - 400k V ACcon n ection between Airolo (CH) an d Pallan zen o (IT); - HVDC con n ection betweenPallan zen o (IT) an d Bag g io (IT) - Rein forcem en t with n ew 400 k V section in Mag en tasubstation (IT)Implementation statusPerm ittin g (perm ittin g procedure started in October 2012 on Italian side)

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDSwitzerlan d (CH)Italy (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTern a - Rete Elettrica Nazion ale SpA.www.tern a.itSwissg ridwww.swissg rid.ch/swissg rid/deBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 2000 MW /1500 MVAVoltag e: 400 k VLOCATIONBag g io (IT) to Airolo (CH), Mag en ta (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 2.15PCI 2.15.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.15Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.15.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.15.2 - Upgrade of Mage nta substation (IT)ClusterPCI 2.15.2 - be longing to cluste r 2.15: Cluste r Italy Switz e rland capacity incre ase atIT/CH borde rType of technology employedA ne w 400 k V DC/AC link (OHL) be twe e n Airolo, Bappanze no and Baggio of about160 k m and with a capacity of ove r 2.000 MW/1500 MV A be twe e n Italy andSwitze rland (onshore ), including the following ne twork ite m s: - 400k V ACconne ction be twe e n Airolo (CH) and Pallanze no (IT); - HV DC conne ction be twe e nPallanz e no (IT) and Baggio (IT) - Re inforce m e nt with ne w 400 k V se ction in Mage ntasubstation (IT)Implementation statusPe rm itting (pe rm itting proce dure starte d in Octobe r 2012 on Italian side )

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDSwitze rland (CH)Italy (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTe rna - Re te Ele ttrica Naz ionale SpA.www.te rna.itSwissgridwww.swissgrid.ch/swissgrid/deBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 2000 MW/1500 MV AV oltage : 400 k VLOCATIONBaggio (IT) to Airolo (CH), Mage nta (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.15.2 - Electricity substationProjects belonging to cluster 2.15Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.15.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.15.3 - Interna l line betw een Pa via a nd Pia cenza (IT)ClusterPCI 2.15.3 - belo nging to cluster 2.15: Cluster Ita ly Sw itzerla nd ca p a city increa se a tIT/CH bo rderType of technology employedNew 400 k V AC do uble circuit (OHL) o f 45 k m a nd w ith a ca p a city o f 1.500/3.000MVA betw een 2 substa tio ns in Pa via a nd Pia cenza a rea (o nsho re).Implementation statusPre-fea sibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDIta ly (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTerna - Rete Elettrica Na zio na le Sp A.w w w .terna .itBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa p a city: 1500-3000 MVAVo lta ge: 400 k VLength: 45 k mLOCATIONPa via (IT) to Pia cenza (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 2.15PCI 2.15.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.15Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.15.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.15.4 - In tern al lin e betw een Tiran o an d Verderio (IT)ClusterPCI 2.15.4 - belo n gin g to cluster 2.15: Cluster Italy Sw itzerlan d cap acity in crease atIT/CH bo rderType of technology employedNew 140 km 400kV AC sin gle circuit (OHL) w ith a cap acity o f 1500 MVA betw eenTiran o an d Verderio substatio n s (o n sh o re), co n n ectin g also th e n ew 400 kVsubstatio n s Gro sio an d Ven in a an d in cludin g a w ide HV n etw o rk area restructurin gp ro gram .Implementation statusPre-feasibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDItaly (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTern a - Rete Elettrica Nazio n ale Sp Aw w w .tern a.itBASIC TECHNICAL DATACap acity: 1500 MVAVo ltage: 400 kVLen gth : 140 kmLOCATIONTiran o (IT) to Verderio (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionProjects belonging to cluster 2.15PCI 2.15.4 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.15Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.15.4

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission


  • POR TUGALAlfena


    Definition2.16.1 - Inte rnal line be twe e n Pe d ralva and Alfe na (PT)ClusterPCI 2.16.1 - be longing to cluste r 2.16: Cluste r Portugal capacity incre ase at PT/ESbord e rType of technology employedNe w 50 k m d ouble circuit OHL Pe d ralva - Alfe na 400 k V (initially with only onecircuit installe d ), with a capacity of 1630/1860 MVA pe r circuit corre spond e nt tosum m e r/winte r (onsh ore ). In a se ction th e construction of th is line m ay tak ead vantage of an e x isting corrid or of 150 k V single circuit line .Implementation statusPre -fe asibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDPortugal (PT)PROJECT PROMOTERSR e d e Elctrica Nacional S.A./R ENwww.re n.ptBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity : 1630/1860 MVA pe r circuitcorre spond e nt to sum m e r/winte rVoltage : 400 k VLe ngth : 50 k mLOCATIONNorth Portugal ne ar Spanish bord e rPe d ralva (PT) Alfe na and Pe d ralva (PT) Vila Fria B (PT); Inte rior North tolittoral Frad e s B (PT) R ibe ira Pe na (PT) Frid o (PT) - Fe ira (PT)COMMISSIONING DATE2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.16.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.16Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.16.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.16.2 - Inte rnal line be tw e e n Pe dralva and Vila Fria B (PT)ClusterPCI 2.16.2 - be longing to cluste r 2.16: Cluste r Portugal capacity incre ase at PT/ESborde rType of technology employedNe w 55 k m double circuit Pe dralva - Vila Fria B 400 k V OHL (initially one circuitinstalle d), w ith a capacity of 1630/1860 MVA pe r circuit corre sponde nt tosum m e r/w inte r (onshore ).Implementation statusPe rm itting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDPortugal (PT)PROJECT PROMOTERSRe de El ctrica Nacional S .A./RENw w w .re n.ptBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1630/1860 MVA pe r circuitcorre sponde nt to sum m e r/w inte rVoltage : 400 k VLe ngth: 55 k mLOCATIONNorth Portugal ne ar S panish borde rPe dralva (PT) Alfe na and Pe dralva (PT) Vila Fria B (PT); Inte rior North tolittoral Frade s B (PT) Ribe ira Pe na (PT) Frid o (PT) - Fe ira (PT)COMMISSIONING DATE2015

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.16.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.16Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.16.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission




    RibeiraDe Pena


    Definition2.16.3 - Inte rnal line be twe e n Frade s B, Ribe ira de Pe na and Fe ira (PT)ClusterPCI 2.16.3 - be longing to cluste r 2.16: Cluste r Portugal capacity incre ase at PT/ESborde rType of technology employedNe w 160 k m double circuit OHL 400 k V Frade s B Ribe ira de Pe na Frido Fe ira,along with the ne w 400/60 k V substation of R. Pe na and the switching station ofFrido. Capacity is 2x (1630/ 1860 MVA) (sum m e r/winte r) be twe e n Frade s B and R.Pe na, and 2080/2370 MVA (sum m e r/winte r) along R. Pe na Frido Fe ira(onshore ). On a large e x te nsion this line share s towe rs with the ne w 220 k V lineV.P.Aguiar - Carrapate lo - Estarre ja.Implementation statusPe rm itting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDPortugal (PT)PROJECT PROMOTERSRe de Elctrica Nacional S .A./RENwww.re n.ptBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity : 2x 1630/1860 MVA(sum m e r/winte r) be twe e n Frade s B andR. Pe na and 2080/2370 MVA(sum m e r/winte r) along R. Pe na Frido Fe iraVoltage : 400 k VLe ngth: 160 k mLOCATIONNorth Portugal ne ar S panish borde rPe dralva (PT) Alfe na and Pe dralva (PT) Vila Fria B (PT); Inte rior North tolittoral Frade s B (PT) Ribe ira Pe na (PT) Frido (PT) - Fe ira (PT)COMMISSIONING DATE2016

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.16.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 2.16Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.16.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Vila DoConde



    Definition2.17 - PCI Po rtuga l - Sp a in in terco n n ectio n between Vila Fria - Vila do Co n de Reca rei (PT) a n d Bea riz - Fo n tefra (ES)Type of technology employedNew 400 k V AC do uble circuit (OHL) o f 162 k m (112 k m in Po rtuga l a n d 41 k m inSp a in ) between Bea riz - Fo n tefra (ES) a n d Vila Fria Vila do Co n de Reca rei (PT),with o n ly o n e circuit bein g in sta lled o n the Fo n tefra Vila do Co n de sectio n(o n sho re). New 400 k V substa tio n s Fo n tefra , Bo bo ra s, Vila Fria B a n d Vila doCo n de.Implementation statusPermittin g

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDSp a in (ES)Po rtuga l (PT)PROJECT PROMOTERSRede Elctrica Na cio n a l S.A./RENwww.ren .p tRed Elctrica de Esp a a : S.A./REEwww.ree.esBASIC TECHNICAL DATAVo lta ge: 400 k VLen gth: 162 k mLOCATIONBea riz (ES) - Fo n tefra (ES) to Vila Fria(PT) - Vila Co n de-Reca rei (PT)COMMISSIONING DATE2016

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.17 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:2.17

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.18 - PCI capacity in crease of h ydro-pum ped storag e in Austria - Kaun ertal, TyrolType of technology employedAusbau Kraftwerk Kaun ertal is a Hydro pum ped storag e plan t project (upperstag e) with a capacity of 400 MW an d a h ydro storag e plan t project (lower stag e)with a capacity of 500 MW in th e Austrian area of th e tz taler Alps. It con sists of 4water in tak es with a diversion g allery to th e existin g basin Gepatsch an d th e n ewreservoir Platz ertal as upper basin for th e n ew pum p storag e power station .Adddition al is plan n ed to con struct a n ew peak load power station at Prutz sh arin ga n ew waterway with th e existin g power plan t Kaun ertal. Th e affected water bodyis In n -Dan ube.Implementation statusPerm ittin g

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTIW AG-Tiroler W asserk raft AGwww.tiwag .atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 400 MW (upper stag e); 500MW (lower stag e)LOCATIONLocation Austria / Tyrol / Kaun ertal;In n tal/ tz taler Alps - Con n ection poin tto tran sm ission n etwork : 220 k VDistribution Network der TIW AG NetzAG at UW Prutz . Addition al Project.COMMISSIONING DATE2024

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.18 - Electricity storage

    Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.18

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition2.19 - PCI hydro-pumped storage in Austria - Obervermuntwerk II, VorarlbergprovinceType of technology employedThe plant is designed as an underground power plant, situated in the rock massconsisting Silvretta crystallin between the reservoir Silvretta (2030 a.s.l.) and thereservoir Vermunt (1745 a.s.l and functioning as a pumped storage with 2 ternaryunits (turbine, generator, pump) with an annual capacity of approximately 800GWh, incl. 47,4 GWh based on water inflow.Implementation statusPermitting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)PROJECT PROMOTERSVorarlberger Illwerke AGwww.illwerke.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: approximately 800 GWh(annual)LOCATIONObervermunt II, Vorarlberg province(AT) - Connection point to transmissionnetwork: Partenen/UmspannanlageBrsCOMMISSIONING DATE2018

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.19 - Electricity storage

    Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.19

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition2.20 - PCI capacity increase of hydro-pumped storage in Austria - Limberg III,SalzburgType of technology employedThe pumped hydro storage power plant Limberg III will generate an additionalcapacity of 480 MW (500-850 GWh annually). Two variable-speed Francispumpturbines with asynchronous motor-generator use the head between the twoexisting annual storage reservoirs for the production of additional backup andbalancing energy. All facilities of the new power plant will be built below surface.Power transmission (energy outlet and intake) is ensured by an existing 380 kVdouble line linking the tension insulator portal to the substation Kaprun/mainstage.Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED - Permitting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)PROJECT PROMOTERSVERBUND Hydro Power AGwww.verbund.com/at/deBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 480 MW (daily); 500-850 GWh(annually)LOCATIONSalzburg (AT) - Connection point totransmission network: 380 kVswitchyard UW TauernCOMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.20 - Electricity storage

    Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:2.20

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition2.21 - PCI h ydro-pu m pe d stora g e in Ge rm a ny - R ie dlType of technology employedA pu m pe d stora g e powe r pla nt with 300 MW insta lle d ca pa city a nd a n a nnu a lca pa city of 330-462 GWh is pla nne d u pstre a m from Joch e nste in HPP a t th eDa nu b e . Dra wdown a nd re tu rn of wa te r will b e e nsu re d via Da nu b e a nd a stora g ela ke to b e cre a te d sou th we st of Gottsdorf town, a pprox. 350 m a b ove th e livestora g e of Joch e nste in. Th e u pstre a m wa te r condu it is de sig ne d a s a n incline dsh a ft. Th e downstre a m wa te r condu it joins th e inta ke /ou tle t stru ctu re on th eDa nu b e u nde rg rou nd.Implementation statusFe a sib ility/FEED - Pe rm itting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Western Europe

    COUNTRIES INVOLVEDGe rm a ny (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSDona u kra ft Joch e nste in AGBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa pa city: 300 MW (insta lle d); 330-462GWh (a nnu a lly)LOCATIONR ie dl, ne a r Joch e nste in (DE) b orde rwith AT - Conne ction point totra nsm ission ne twork: 220 kVswitch ya rd PP Joch e nste inCOMMISSIONING DATE2019

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 2.21 - Electricity storage

    Project of common interest:2.21

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission


  • 3.North-South electricity interconnections

    in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe





    St Peter

    Definition3.1.1 - Interconnection between St. Peter (AT) and Isar (DE)ClusterPCI 3.1.1 - belonging to cluster 3.1: Cluster Austria - Germany between St. Peterand IsarType of technology employed380 kV AC OHL between Isar and St. Peter with a total capacity of 4.100 MVA,including 110 km of new line in DE (including Pirach), 61 km of new circuit on anexisting line, new 380 kV switchgears in Altheim, Simbach, Pirach and St. Peter andone new 380/220 kV transformer in the substations Altheim and St. Peter andfourth circuit on the line between Isar and Ottenhofen (onshore).Implementation statusPermitting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)Germany (DE)PROJECT PROMOTERSTenneT TSO GmbHwww.tennettso.deAustria Power Grid AGwww.apg.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 4100 MVAVoltage: 380 kVLength: 171 kmLOCATIONIsar (DE) to St. Peter (AT)COMMISSIONING DATE2017

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.1.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 3.1Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:3.1.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    St Peter


    Definition3.1.2 - Internal line between St. Peter and Tauern (AT)ClusterPCI 3.1.2 - belonging to cluster 3.1: Cluster Austria - Germany between St. Peterand IsarType of technology employedCompletion of the 380 kV AC line (OHL) with a length of approximately 174km anda capacity of approximately 2 x 2400 MVA between St.Peter and Tauern (as animportant part of the 380 kV Ring) and namely: the upgrade of the existing 380 kVline between St.Peter and Salzburg from 220 kV operation to 380 kV operation andthe erection of a new internal double circuit 380 kV line connecting Salzburg andTauern, replacing the existing 220-kV-line on an optimized route (onshore).Moreover, the erection of the new substation Wagenham and Pongau and theintegration of the existing substations Salzburg and Kaprun is planned.Implementation statusPermitting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)PROJECT PROMOTERSAustria Power Grid AGwww.apg.atSalzburg Netz (DSO)www.salzburgnetz.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 2 x 2400 MVAVoltage: 380 kVLength: 174 kmLOCATIONSt. Peter (AT) to Tauern (AT)COMMISSIONING DATE2019

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.1.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 3.1Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:3.1.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    St Peter

    Definition3.1.3 - Internal line between St. Peter and Ernsthofen (AT)ClusterPCI 3.1.3 - belonging to cluster 3.1: Cluster Austria - Germany between St. Peterand IsarType of technology employedUpgrade from 220 kV operation to 380 kV of the 112 km AC OHL with a capacity ofapproximately 3000 MVA between Ernsthofen and St.Peter (onshore) and erectionof a 380 kV substation.Implementation statusConstruction

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)PROJECT PROMOTERSAustria Power Grid AGwww.apg.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3000 MVAVoltage: 380 kVLength: 112 kmLOCATIONErnsthofen (AT) to St.Peter (AT)COMMISSIONING DATE2013

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.1.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 3.1Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:3.1.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission







    Definition3.2.1 - Interconnection between Lienz (AT) and Veneto region (IT)ClusterPCI 3.2.1 - belonging to cluster 3.2: Cluster Austria - Italy between Lienz and VenetoregionType of technology employedThe reconstruction of the existing 220 kV interconnection line between Soverzeneand Lienz as a 400 kV AC insulated tie-line of about 100-150 km (approximately 35km on AT and the rest on IT side) and with a capacity of 1500 MVA between Lienzand Veneto region substations, along an optimized route, which minimizes theenvironmental impact (onshore).Implementation statusFeasibility/FEED

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)Italy (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTerna - Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpAwww.terna.itAustrian Power Gird AGwww.apg.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1500 MVAVoltage: 400 kVLength: about 100-150 kmLOCATIONLienz (AT) to Veneto region (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.2.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 3.2Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:3.2.1

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Lienz Obersielach

    Definition3.2.2 - Internal line between Lienz and Obersielach (AT)ClusterPCI 3.2.2 - belonging to cluster 3.2: Cluster Austria - Italy between Lienz and VenetoregionType of technology employedA 380kV AC line (OHL) with a length of approximately 190 km and a capacity ofapproximately 3000 MVA connecting the substation of Lienz and Obersielach toclose the Austrian 380kV Ring in the southern gird area (onshore). New upgradetechnologies which are under investigation may allow earlier commissioning than2023.Implementation statusPre-feasibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)PROJECT PROMOTERSAustrian Power Grid AGwww.apg.atBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 3000 MVAVoltage: 380 kVLength: 190 kmLOCATIONObersielach (AT) to Lienz (AT)COMMISSIONING DATE2023

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.2.2 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 3.2Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:3.2.2

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition3.2.3 - In tern a l lin e betw een Vo lp a go a n d No rth Ven ezia (IT)ClusterPCI 3.2.3 - belo n gin g to cluster 3.2: Cluster Austria - Ita ly betw een Lien z a n d Ven etoregio nType of technology employedRea liza tio n o f a n ew 31 k m 400 k V AC OHL w ith a ca p a city o f 1500 MVA betw eenthe existin g substa tio n o f No rth Ven ezia a n d the future 400 k V substa tio n o fVo lp a go , co n n ected in a n d o ut to the 400 k V Sa n drigo Co rdign a n o lin e (o n sho re).Implementation statusFin a l In vestmen t Decisio n (FID)

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDIta ly (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTern a - Rete Elettrica Na zio n a le Sp Aw w w .tern a .itBASIC TECHNICAL DATACa p a city: 1500 MVAVo lta ge: 400 k VLen gth: 31 k mLOCATIONVo lp a go (IT) to No rth Ven ezia (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.2.3 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 3.2Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:3.2.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition3.3 - PCI Austria - Italy interconnection between Nauders (AT) and Milan region (IT)Type of technology employedNew 400 kV AC/DC interconnection line (OHL) of about 200 km and with a capacityof 1000 MW/1500 MVA between Nauders (AT) and Milan Area (IT) (onshore). Theproject will be realized in two different phases: - phase1) realization of the first partof the line connecting Nauders (AT) and Curon (IT); regarding phase1) Terna is incontact with the Austrian TSO (Austrian Power Grid AG) discussing technicaloptions; - phase2) prosecution of realization of the line until Milan area.Implementation statusPre-feasibility/Feasibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustria (AT)Italy (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSTerna - Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpAwww.terna.itBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1000 MW/1500 MVAVoltage: 400 kVLength: 200 kmLOCATIONNauders (AT) to Milan Area (IT)COMMISSIONING DATE2022

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.3 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:3.3

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission






    Definition3.4 - PCI Austria Italy interconnection b etw een Wur mlach (AT) and Somp lago (IT)Type of technology employedA new 220 k V AC OHL of 40 k m and w ith a cap acity of 300 MVA from Somp lagosub station to Wurmlach sub station (onshore).Implementation statusPer mitting

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDAustr ia (AT)Italy (IT)PROJECT PROMOTERSAlp e Adr ia Energia S.p .ABASIC TECHNICAL DATACap acity: 300 MVAVoltage: 220 k VLength: 40 k mLOCATIONSomp lago (IT) to Wurmlach (AT)COMMISSIONING DATE2015 (2017 p rop osed b y APG)

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.4 - Electricity lineExisting power grid

    Project of common interest:3.4

    Source: PLATTS, GISCO, European Commission





    Definition3.5.1 - Interconnection between Banja Luka (BA) and Lika (HR)ClusterPCI 3.5.1 - belonging to cluster 3.5: Cluster Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatiabetween Banja Luka and LikaType of technology employedNew 400 kV AC interconnection line (OHL) of 155 km (45 km in Croatia) and with acapacity of 1320 MVA between Banja Luka and Lika (onshore).Implementation statusPre-feasibility

    North-South electricity interconnections in Central Eastern andSouth Eastern EuropeCOUNTRIES INVOLVEDBosnia and Herzegovina (BA)Croatia (HR)PROJECT PROMOTERSHrvatski operator prijenosnog sustavad.o.o. / HOPSwww.hep.hr/opsBASIC TECHNICAL DATACapacity: 1320 MVAVoltage: 400 kVLength: 155 kmLOCATIONBanja Luka (BA) to Lika (HR)COMMISSIONING DATE2020

    Electricity interconnectionPCI 3.5.1 - Electricity lineProjects belonging to cluster 3.5Existing power grid

    Project of common interest:3.5.