electromagnetic transient analysis of the saturated iron core super conductor fault current limiter

Upload: k-rajendra

Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


      $EM!N@R on

    Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of

    the Saturated Iron-Core

    Suer conductor ault Current "imiter 

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter



     Superconducting fault current limiters offersuperior technical performance in comparison with

    conventional methods to limit fault currents.

     Considering the actual structure, the sophisticated

    equivalent magnetic circuit of the SISFCL was

    proposed first in the paper.

     The electromagnetic transient simulation model of

    the SISFCL was built in MatlabSimulin!.

     "ewton iteration method and fundamental

    magnetic magneti#ation curve are introduced.

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter



      )igher electrical loads, new consumers, and newdistributed generation plants are constantl* being added.

     The concern is that the e+pected fault current levels ma*

    e+ceed the interrupting capabilit* of the e+isting Cs.

      There are several traditional approaches to suppress the

    fault current

     System reconfiguration .

     Bus splitting.

     Insertion of high impedance transformers or air-

    core reactors.

     An alternative solution to the problem, whichhas gained much attention lately, is the

    application of

      -Fault Current Limiter ,,

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


    Comarision #ith SISC"

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


    n FCL is t*picall* installed in series with theequipment to be protected.

    'nder normal operating conditions, the FCL

    displa*s negligible impedance so that the powerflow is unobstructed.

    In the event of a fault, however, the FCL/s

    impedance rapidl* increases, which limits the

    fault current.

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter



    Base upon the task performed,

    a. un0interrupting t*pe .

    b. interrupting t*pe.

    c. Composite t*pe.

    FCLs can be implemented with passive non0linear

    elements, inductive devices, vacuum switches ,semi conductor switches, superconductors.

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter



    In the normal state the FCL is expected to:

    a1have a low insertion impedance2

    b1be able to withstand distribution and transmission level

    voltage and current ratings2

    c1have a low voltage drop2

    In case of a fault, the FCL is required to:

    a1be capable of limiting the first fault current pea!2

    b1displa* a large increase of impedance2

    c13ithstand the fault condition for a sufficient time

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


    ST'$T4& I$%"0C%$4

    S'54$C%"&'CTI"6 F'LT C'$$4"T

    LIMIT4$ .

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter



      In normal operation mode,

     The dc current in superconducting coil drives both

    iron cores into deep saturation.

     As the low permeability of saturation region, the

    inductance of SISFCL is very small in normaloperation condition.

     In a fault operating mode,

    The high ac current drives the wor!ing points of two iron cores

    to be out of saturation alternatel* each half c*cle.Since the permeabilit* of the cores increases significantl*, a high

    impedance value is obtained to limit the fault current .

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter




  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


     According to the law of magnetic circuits,

     Hs1ls+ H y1l y + Hc1lc= Naciac + Ndcidc =F1  (1)

     Hs1ls+ H y2l y + Hc2lc = Naciac − Ndcidc =F 2 (2)

     According to the equivalence principle, the equivalent

    excitation , currents of the two iron cores are satisfied


      Naciac + Ndcidc =Ndciμ1 (3)

      Naciac − Ndcidc =Ndciμ2  (4)

    The current-limiting inductances Lμ is given by

      Lμ=Lμ1+Lμ2=(Ls1 //L y1 //Lc1 ) + (Ls2 //L y2 //Lc2 ) (5)

     By combining all these eq.the magnetic flux ΦC1 and ΦC2 

     passthrough the iron coresC1 and C 2 , shown in Fig. 1.is

     given by….

      N 2dcc1(1/Lμ1 )= Naciac + Ndcidc = F1  (6)

      N 2dcc2(1/L μ2 )= Naciac − Ndcidc =F 2  (7)

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


    "ewton iteration methodis used in this paper to solve

    nonlinear computation

      since the magnetic flux is an unknown

    quantity , e q .(6) and (7) can be transformed into

      f() = 0 (8)

    The correction equation of newton iteration

    method is

    f((k)) + f ’((k))∆(k) = 0 (9)

     For k+1 step,(k+1)=(k)+ ∆(k) =(k) – f((k) ) / f ’((k) ) (10)

    The iteration calculation will not stop until the following condition is satisfied…


    max fi((k+1 ) ) < €

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


    lgorithm process

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


    E%ECTE& RES'"T

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter


    MM AN& "' ( T)( IR(N C(RES

  • 8/19/2019 Electromagnetic Transient Analysis of the Saturated Iron Core Super Conductor Fault Current Limiter
