electron spin resonance draft

The Electron Spin Resonance of DPPH By Joseph Dotzel With Jedidiah Riebling Date: 2/18/2014 Abstract In this paper, we consider the science of Electron spin resonance. We set out to find three things in this experiment. We were to determine the magnetic field as a function of the resonance frequency, to determine the land é splitting factor, and the find the width of resonance. Using our sample of DPPH, we took measurements of both DC current and Magnetic field strength over a range of frequencies from 15 MHz to 100 MHz. We also took measurements of the line width of resonance at 50 MHz. Using these measurements we were able to obtain a value of 2.00 ± 0.01 for the land é splitting factor, and a value of0.48 ± 0.20 mT for the width of resonance. The accepted values for each of these factors fell within the error bars of our experimental values. Introduction In this experiment we are using phenomena of electron spin resonance. Since its discovery by the Russian scientist Zavoisky in 1944, electron spin resonance (ESR) has proven useful in

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Page 1: Electron Spin Resonance Draft

The Electron Spin Resonance of DPPHBy Joseph Dotzel

With Jedidiah RieblingDate: 2/18/2014


In this paper, we consider the science of Electron spin resonance. We

set out to find three things in this experiment. We were to determine the

magnetic field as a function of the resonance frequency, to determine the

landé splitting factor, and the find the width of resonance. Using our sample

of DPPH, we took measurements of both DC current and Magnetic field

strength over a range of frequencies from 15 MHz to 100 MHz. We also took

measurements of the line width of resonance at 50 MHz. Using these

measurements we were able to obtain a value of 2 .00±0.01 for the landé

splitting factor, and a value of0.48±0.20mT for the width of resonance. The

accepted values for each of these factors fell within the error bars of our

experimental values.


In this experiment we are using phenomena of electron spin

resonance. Since its discovery by the Russian scientist Zavoisky in 1944,

electron spin resonance (ESR) has proven useful in observing crystalline

structures and has many applications in the fields of physics, chemistry, and

medical fields.1

Electron spin resonance is performed by observing the absorption of

radiation of a paramagnetic sample placed within an oscillating magnetic

field. The magnetic field induces a change in the spin state in the electrons

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of the sample, causing an emission of photons, which can be observed as a

change in the magnetic field. 2

In order to perform this experiment a special paramagnetic substance

is required. The substance that is used is 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl or

DPPH. It is a free radical that is relatively stable and contains an unpaired

electron on the nitrogen chain (see fig 1).This electron contributes almost

zero orbital angular momentum or is “quenched”. This means that the

interaction of this electron with the magnetic field will be entirely from the

spin of the electron.2

Figure 1 DPPH3

This experiment will have three goals. The first is to determine the

magnetic field B0as a function of the resonance frequency. The second will

be to determine the landé splitting factor g. The last is to find the width of

resonance δB0. The rest of this paper will cover the theory, experimental

method, the data, and the results of the experiment.


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The theory of electron spin resonance is based around the angular

momentum of the free electron in the DPPH. Since the electron is

“quenched”, we can assume the orbital angular momentum to be zero. The

spin angular moment whose magnitude is given by

SS=√ss (ss+1)ħ (1)

where the spin quantum number s=½ and ħ is Planck’s reduced constant.

With this we can determine the magnetic moment of the spin given by

μ= gmSħ

=± 12g μB (2)

Where μB= eSm

=12e ħm is the “Bohr magneton” and g is the landé splitting factor

or g-factor. Since we are considering the electron in DPPH a free electron

with no orbital angular momentum the g-factor should be g=2.0023. This

comes from the Dirac function and quantum electrodynamics.2

Using equation (2) we can determine the energy of an electron at a

given spin state using the equation E=− μ⃗ ⋅ B⃗ where B is the magnetic field.

As shown in figure 2 the two possible energy states will be E+12

=12g μB B and


=−12g μBB and the change in energy is given by Equation 3 where h is

planks constant and v is the resonance frequency.

△E=hv=¿ g μB B (3)

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For the purposes of this experiment equation 3 will be used to solve for our

experimental landé splitting factor g.

Figure 2: electron splitting in applied magnetic field3

In order to determine the magnetic field used in equation 3, a

measurement can be taken using a tesla meter or it can be determined by

measuring the DC current using an ammeter. Using the current and the

following equation

B=μ0(45)32 NRI (4)

where μ0is the permeability of free space, N is the number of turns of the

Helmholtz coils, R is the radius of the Helmholtz coils, and I is the current

passing through the Helmholtz coils the magnetic field can be determined.

For our experiment we will use both methods.

In addition to the magnetic field and g factor, the width of resonance

δB is also worth exploring. For the purposes of this experiment, the width of

resonance is a representative of the uncertainty of energy splitting δE. The

uncertainty principle states that you cannot know the exact location and

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momentum of an electron at the same time. As your measurement of one

becomes more precise the other becomes less precise. It can be applied as

δ E∗T ≥ ℏ2

where T is the lifetime of the energy state. Using equation 3 we can get the

relation of

δB= ℏ2g μBT


This equation theoretically proves that the width of resonance is

independent of the frequency.

For the purposing of this experiment the width of resonance will be

determined by taking measurements of the line width at resonance δW , the

Voltage of modulation Umod , and the AC current of the system Imod. The line

width can be converted to a voltage by using the following conversion factor

where δW is the line width.

δU=δW∗0.2 voltscm (6)

From this, a current can be found by using the following equation

δI= δUU mod

∗2√2∗I mod (7)

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After obtaining this the width of resonance can be found by inserting this

value into equation 4. Having discussed the mathematics and physics of the

experiment, the experimental method can be explained.

Experimental Method

To perform the experiment the equipment was set up as in figure 3,

described in more detail in the lab manuel4, with the Helmholtz coils at a

distance of R apart (figure 4). Measurements were then made of the DC

current and magnetic field at resonance for a range of frequencies for each

RF probe.

Figure 3 Pasco SE-9634 Electron Spin Resonance Apparatus4 Figure 4

Helmholtz coil setup4

In order to get a sufficient amount of results across the spectrum of

frequencies 3 RF probes were used and measurements of the DC current

were taken using a ammeter . For the large probe 8 measurements were

made at frequencies between 15-35 fMHz . For the medium probe 11

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measurements were made between 25-75 fMHz . Finally for the small probe 9

measurements were made between 60-100 fMHz , resulting in 28

measurements being made. These ranges were chosen to cover the range of

measurable frequencies for each RF probe.

In order To find the resonance at each frequency, the DC current was

adjusted so the resonance pulses on the oscilloscope occurred when the AC

current to the Helmholtz coils was zero (fig 5). The current was then

measured using an ammeter.

Figure 5 oscilloscope display screen at resonance. Figure 6 Measurement of Half


The measurements for the magnetic field were made using a tesla meter for

each frequency at the location of the sample. The magnetic field was then

calculated using equation 4 to be compared to the measured values.

In order to determine the landé splitting factor g, the relationship

between the frequency and magnetic field was plotted and from that the

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slope of the curve fit was obtained. This slope value vB can be used with

equation 3 in order to solve for g.

Finally, to obtain the width of resonance, a measurement of the line

width of the resonance peak is needed. To do this the oscilloscope was

switched to x-y mode at a frequency of 50 fMHz and the line width was

measured at the half minimum (Fig6) of the peak. A measurement of the AC

current was also taken using the ammeter. Using the line width, AC current,

and the voltage Umod the width of resonance can be determined using

equations 7 and 4.

Data and Analysis

The first set of data (Table 1) shows the measured Magnetic field vs.

the calculated magnetic field. The data shows figures that are very

comparable to each other. Most of the values fall within or just outside the

error bars. This is a good sign that the experimental equipment and

procedure are being used correctly.

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Current amps Measured Magnetic Field mT Calculated Magnetic Field mTerror = ±0.01 error = ±0.03 error = ±0.02

0.45 0.80 0.850.39 0.70 0.740.38 0.68 0.720.49 0.88 0.930.55 0.98 1.040.58 1.00 1.10.66 1.18 1.250.70 1.30 1.330.47 0.83 0.890.60 1.06 1.140.69 1.28 1.310.81 1.53 1.540.87 1.64 1.650.91 1.72 1.731.03 1.92 1.961.09 2.00 2.071.23 2.35 2.341.30 2.41 2.471.42 2.61 2.71.14 2.12 2.171.27 2.38 2.411.31 2.40 2.491.40 2.65 2.661.52 2.87 2.891.57 2.95 2.981.71 3.16 3.251.77 3.38 3.361.86 3.57 3.53

Frequency MHz Measured Magnetic Field mTerror = ±0.1 error = ±0.03

15.0 0.8018.0 0.7021.0 0.6824.0 0.8827.0 0.9830.0 1.0033.0 1.1836.0 1.3025.0 0.8330.0 1.0635.0 1.2840.0 1.5345.0 1.6450.0 1.7255.0 1.9260.0 2.0065.0 2.3570.0 2.4175.0 2.6160.0 2.1265.0 2.3870.0 2.4075.0 2.6580.0 2.8785.0 2.9590.0 3.1695.0 3.38

100.0 3.57

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Table 1: Measured and calculated magnetic field Table 2:

Frequency vs magnetic field

Table 2 shows the frequency, magnetic field, and current

measurements collected during the experiment. From the data in table 2, a

positive correlation between frequency and magnetic field becomes

apparent. As the frequency is increased from 15 MHz to 100 MHz over the

three RF probes the magnetic field increases from 0.80 mT to 3.57 mT. By

plotting frequency vs. magnetic field (fig 6), we find that this relationship is

linear in nature. Applying a linear curve fit gives the equation of

Y=0.050553+0.034555 x and an R value of 0.99664 showing that this is a very

strong fit for the data.

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Figure 6: Frequency vs. Magnetic field strength

Using the slope of the curve fit and equation 3, we found the

landé splitting factorg=2.00±0.01. This is a very good result considering that

the accepted value of g for a sample of DPPT is 2.0023. The accepted value

fell well within the error bounds of our experimentally determined g value.

Using measurements of the line width at resonance and

equations 6 and 7, the width of resonance was determined to be

δB=0.48±0.20mT . The accepted value for the width of resonance ranges from

0.15 to 0.81 based on the solvent in which the substance has been

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recrystalized in1. Our experimentally found value falls well within this range

of values.

The error for this experiment starts with the precision of the equipment

we used. From there, the error was calculated using the standard error



=√( δXX )2+( δYY )

2+( δZZ )


Of note, the error of the measured magnetic field was taken from the

fluctuations we saw from the tesla meter rather than the precision of the



This experiment set out to find three things, to find the magnetic field

as a function of the resonance frequency, to find the landé splitting factor g

and to determine the width of resonance. This experiment was a success as

it managed to accomplish all of these. Furthermore the accepted values for

the landé splitting factor and the width of resonance fell well within the error

bars of our experimentally obtained values. Considering the results there

was little uncertainty from the experiment, however one is notable. The tesla

meter had a lot of fluctuations while taking measurements. This was

minimized by including this in our error calculations. Other sources of

uncertainty would be room temperature and humidity of the room affecting

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the equipment. In conclusion, this experiment helps demonstrates the

science and concept behind electron spin, which is an important part of

examining molecular and crystal structures in the field of physics, chemistry,

and medicine.


"Electron Spin Resonance at DPPH." LEYBOLD Physics Leaflets. LEYBOLD

DIDACTIC GMBH Web. 28 Feb. 2014.



"Electron Spin Resonance." New York University Department of Physics. Web.

18 Feb. 2014.



Griffith, Dave. Instruction Manual and Experiment Guide for the PASCO

scientific Model SE-9634, 9635, and 9636. Roseville, CA: PASCO

Scientific, 1995. Print.

Kaur, Parminder, Paul Oyala, and Yu Guo. "EPR: Theory." - Chemwiki. N.p.,

n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

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