elementary islamic course 2011


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Elementary Islamic course 2011. Revelation of Islam The Quran. Contents. Last revelation Names of revelation Definitions of Quran The most prominent attributes of the Quran are five: Revelation Beginning of the revelation How revelation came Characteristics of Quran Qur’an facts. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Last revelation Names of revelation Definitions of Quran The most prominent attributes of the Quran are five: Revelation Beginning of the revelation How revelation came Characteristics of Quran Qur’an facts

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Muhammad was the last messenger from Allah to mankind, and he brought the final revelation from God to man. Therefore the scripture containing this revelation is the last of the Holy Scriptures.The basic message of the Holy Qur'an is the same as the basic message of the previous revelations and books, and the directives and instructions, by which it provides guidance for man are of a universal nature. They apply for all times to come and in all situations. This revelation corresponds to man's position on earth and in history. Man has reached, in his development, the stage when universal principles need to be applied to safeguard his purposeful existence.

The Last Revelation

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The revelation from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad is referred to in the Qur'an itself by many names and amongst them as follows :

Al-kitab (scripture, see Al-Qur'an 21:10)Dhikr  (reminder, see Al-Qur'an 15: 9)Al-furqan  (criterion, see Al-Qur'an 25: 1)Al-tanzil (sent down, see Al-Qur'an 26: 192).



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Allah has also given the Qur’an many descriptions in His verses and amongst them are: Noor (Light)Huda (Guidance)Shifaa’ (Healing)Rahmah (Mercy)Mubaarak (Blessing)Bushraa (Good Tidings)Azeez (Mighty)Majeed (Glorious)Basheer (Bringer of Glad Tidings)Nadheer (Warner)Kareem (Noble)Ahsanul-Hadeeth (the Best of Speech)

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I. The verbal noun of the root word: qara’a means to read

II. Quran literally means ‘reading’ or ‘recitation’.

III. Quran is defined as ‘the book containing the speech of Allah (God), sent down upon the last Prophet Muhammad, through the Angel Gabriel, in its precise meaning and precise wording, transmitted to us by numerous persons (tawatur), both verbally and in writing. Inimitable and unique,

protected by God from corruption.

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I. it was revealed exclusively to the Prophet Mohammed;

II. it was put into writing;

III. it is all mutawatir;

IV. it is the inimitable speech of God;

V. and it is recited in salah.

The Most Prominent Attributes Of The Quran are Five:

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The revelation of the Quran began with sura al-Alaq and ended with the ayah in surah Al-baqarah 281

And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allāh. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.

The Quran itself indicated that it was sent down and revealed in three successive stages. The first descent was to Lawh al-Mahfuz (the ‘guarded tablet’) in a manner and times that is not known: ‘Nay, it is a glorious Quran in a guarded tablet’ (al-Buruj, 85: 21-22).


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The second descent was to the lowest heaven, described as bayt al-izzah (the abode of honour) and this occurred in the night of Laylatul Qadr :

“ Truly We have revealed it on the Night of Majesty ” (al-Qadr, 97:1)

In al-Dukhan, 44:3, it is revealed that ‘truly We revealed it on a blessed night’. The previous two passages suggest that the second stage of the revelation occurred in a single night, which is further specified as one of the last ten nights in the month of Ramadan.

Thus, it was only the last of the three stages that the Quran was revealed to mankind gradually, in about twenty-three years, the mediation of the archangel Gabriel.

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There are 114 suras and 6,235 ayat of unequal length in the Quran.

Both the order of the ayat within each sura, and the sequence were re-arranged and finally determined by the Prophet in the year of his demise.

The Quran consists of manifest revelation (wahy zahir), which is defined as communication from God to the Prophet Muhammad, conveyed by the angel Gabriel, in the very word of GodThe prophet received the revelation in a state of wakefulness, and thus no part of the Quran originated in internal inspiration or dreams.

• Manifest revelation differs from internal revelation (wahy batin) in that the latter consists of the inspiration (ilham) of concepts only: God inspired the Prophet and the latter conveyed the concepts in his own words; hadith of the Prophet fall into this category of internal revelation.

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Beginning of The Revelation

The revelation of the Qur'an began in the laila al-qadr of Ramadan (the 27th night or one of the odd nights after the 21st) after the Prophet Muhammad had passed the fortieth year of his life (that is around the year 610), during his seclusion in the cave of Hira' on a mountain near Makka. 

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Narrated Aisha, the mother of the faithful believers: Al-Harith bin Hisham asked Allah's apostle: 'O Allah's apostle. How is the divine inspiration revealed to you?' Allah's apostle replied, 'Sometimes it is "revealed" like the ringing of a bell, this form of inspiration is the hardest of all and then this state passes off after I have grasped what is inspired. Sometimes the Angel comes in the form of a man and talks to me and I grasp whatever he says'.

Sahihe al-Bukharis

How How Revelation Came Came

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1 – the prayer is only valid when the Muslim recites the prescribed chapters in it that the prophet has taught us. 

the messenger of Allah said, what translated means, 

“there is no prayer for whoever does not read the fati’ha of the book.” [al-bukhari & muslim].

Characteristics of The Quran Characteristics of The Quran

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2 – the Quran will always be protected from change and alterations, for Allah said, what translated means, 

“verily we: it is we who have sent down the revelation and surely, we will guard it (from corruption).” [15:9]. 

the previous books, such as the torah and the gospel, were changed and altered by the Jews and Christians.

3 – the Quran is free from contradictions, for Allah said, what translated means, 

“had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions.” [4:82].

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4 – the Quran has been made easy to recite and memorize,

“and indeed, we have made the Quran easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)? “ [54:132].

5 – the Quran is Allah's eternal miracle that can never be reproduced or mimicked in any form or shape. 

Allah said, what translated means, 

“or do they say, “he (Mohammad) has forged it?” say, “bring then a surah like unto it!”” [10:38].

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6 – tranquility and peace will descend on those who recite it. 

The messenger of Allah said, what translated means, 

“no group of people meet in one of the houses of Allah (mosques) for the purpose of reciting the Quran and studying it amongst themselves, but tranquility will descend on them, the mercy will fill them, the angels will accompany them, and Allah will mention them to those who are with him (the angels in heaven).” [Muslim].

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7 – the Quran cleanses the heart from the ills of shirk and hypocrisy. 

Some of the ayat and suras of the Quran also have a cure for the ills of the body, such as al-fati’hah and also al- mu’awwithatan (the last two suras of the Quran). 

Allah said, what translated means, 

“o mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your lord (the quran), and a healing for what is in your breasts, -- a guidance and a mercy for the believers.” [10:57],


“and we send down from the quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe.” [17:82].

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8 – the stories that the Quran narrates to us are true and not fantasies. For example, the story of prophet mosses and pharaoh is true, for allah said, what translated means, 

“we recite to you some of the news of mosses and pharaoh in truth.” [28:3]. The story of the residents of the cave is also true, “we narrate unto you (o Mohammad) their story with truth.” [18:13]. All the stories that Allah narrates in the Quran are true, “verily! This is the true narrative.” [3:62].

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Total alphabets Total words Total verses Chapters (suras)

Frist revelation Last revelation

323,760 86,430 6, 235 114

610 CE 632 CE

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