elicanews n.23 - english version

n. 23 year XVIII April 2015 | Trimonthly journal Registrazione Tribunale di Ancona n° 26/98 del 22/09/98 | Sent by postal subscription 70% | DIV.COR.D.C.I Ancona in this issue: | INTERVIEW WITH ANDREA GUERRA | THE BIRTH OF ELICA FRANCE | MARCHE EXPO 2015 IN THE ELICA SHOWROOM | ELICA: STILL AN IDEAL PLACE TO WORK IN 2015 HAPPY BIRTHDAY

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n. 23 year XVIII April 2015 | Trimonthly journal Registrazione Tribunale di Ancona n° 26/98 del 22/09/98 | Sent by postal subscription 70% | DIV.COR.D.C.I Ancona

in this issue:






Page 2: ElicaNews n.23 - english version


Before kicking off this editorial, a little prologue:Important moments are approaching in the development of our dear

Elica. The Expo is coming up and this event is ushering in communication initiatives across the board and around the world.The Casoli Award will be visiting Shanghai, valorising Elica and our passion for beauty.Filming is starting for a web series that will include both a whole bunch of surprises and some well-known, entertaining faces.Radio24 will have us as guests on one of its famous live broadcasts (April 14, an important date for Elica) and our Milan showroom will be hosting lots of activities to promote the Marche Region, amongst other things.Inside the Expo, Elica and the Fondazione Ermanno Casoli will be getting together for Save the Children with an installation by our friend, the artist Ettore Favini: helping a good cause and communicating our values and capabilities.A lot of things to do.A lot of energy.And that’s why, dear friends:

Less discussion, more action!This is my mantra and it has to become OUR obsession.Behind this message, there is a whole world of thought and behaviour thatwill have to be reviewed. For example:What’s a meeting involving ten people?An extremely expensive way to unload responsibility – “He was there too and now if something isn’t going well he should have said so at the time.”What’s an e-mail with ten cc?A low-cost way to unload responsibility:“I wrote to you and so you had the chance to say something then.”We can no longer afford either the one or the other.This is an old-fashioned mindset and not a professional one.It’s typical of people who are afraid to make decisions by themselves.Another wonderful topic linked to this school of thought involvesthe “fascinating” discussions regarding the attribution of expenses to this or that cost centre.Something so absurd it just about verges on the comical (we’re talking about sums like 214 euros), but which worries me so much because it denotes a myopic way of thinking that we have to fight together.The cost centre that counts is the Elica one, and that’s where we have to reduce expenses.I sometimes get the feeling that it’s not clear to everyone that it’s the all-over, not the individual, result which is the important one.Translation: if you make your budget by unloading costs on other offices and you feel comfortable with this, then you are dead wrong.Be proud about making your decisions and carrying through your ideas with your head held high, be proud of your work and try to see things in a general context.GO, GO, GO

The long tidal wave of crisis finally seems to be subsiding. These have been years that have made life seriously difficult for the country’s production system. Many companies have failed to come through the ordeal unscathed, others have changed ownership, not without major trauma.Throughout this incredible scenario, Elica not only reacted, but actually grew stronger. It was a time when exhaustion was the name of the game, and everyone has felt the strain.The results, however, prove that the road we have taken is the right one. Our profitability is steadily increasing and our financial position is much stronger than before.Continuing to invest in order to support our strategy, even in difficult times, has rewarded us. Giving a push to global markets and focusing on brands and products, all combined with the ability to make our processes more efficient, have been the crucial drivers in terms of ushering in a virtuous cycle.This fact should increase awareness with respect to our strength and at the same time help bolster our self-esteem. Without arrogance (the typical characteristic of the stupid) we must remember that we have been capable of great things and this should make us look to the future with even greater ambition.This conviction is fundamental. Now that the global economy is showing signs of real recovery, we have to reap the fruits of all the effort expended throughout this gruelling period.Raise up our heads, and let’s attack those spaces offered to us by the competition.


ELICA NEWS IS NOW 18 YEARS OLD and for this important milestone we have decided to make a few changes to our house organ.First of all, new graphics, new colours and a new brand-aligned layout. The end section will no longer focus on the product, but will instead be dedicated to the spread of intranet use and other internet social activities. The cultural section, meanwhile, will host an interview with a famous person from the world of economics, politics or society, in order to meet the growing need for the company to be open to, and to interact with,outside influences. So, in with the new for Elica News, with a fresh, effective and essential graphic style perfectly suited to expressing the company philosophy and its work around the world. Happy reading! GABRIELE PATASSI

comment from the CEO

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Andrea Guerra, you’ve had a great career, starting off at Merloni Elettrodomestici in a small town like Fabriano, then moving on to the world of glasses with Luxottica; and now adviser to the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi. How do you see the evolution of the global economic scenario?Well, I think there are two basic things: first, I think that our business and management generation has been extremely lucky, because before us the world hadn’t opened up to the extent it has now and there wasn’t the possibility of having such a huge number of new consumers as we have today, which can be counted in billions rather than thousands. I think that’s a lucky thing in itself. Second, and this still has to be properly interpreted and understood, is that.....................................................................«we have certainly experienced a great and marvellous technological revolution, the third industrial revolution you could say.» .....................................................................

So, if you think about all these new markets and the technology that has made everything so available, then there’s no paradigm from the past that’s still really applicable, and I believe that all of this makes us lucky. It’s obvious that along with all the opportunities there are also new problems and new challenges, because the world we all live in is more interconnected, so now a problem from one part of the world immediately becomes a problem on the other side of the world. We have an unstable system and it’s harder to predict what’s going to happen than it used to be. There’s more stress, we’re connected 24 hours a day, we all move at different speeds, and we also have to have a different sense of responsibility in terms of our work, because what we do in Fabriano today is known in Chile and in China in just 24 seconds. For better or for worse, it’s a whole new world. And I think that for our generation, the first to have to deal with it, it's a thrilling and enjoyable phenomenon.

So the economy is globalized, information travels fast, so do goods and people. Does the idea of nation states still have any meaning?I think that everything has a sense, it’s a world of paradoxes, where it’s

«we have certainly experienced a great and marvellous technological revolution, the third industrial revolution you could say.» ............................................................

no longer about “or”, it’s all about “and”. So countries are going great guns, national organizations are going great guns. The important things to understand are size and role. As for Italy, the situation is quite clear: as a result of the population question, we’re going to get smaller as time passes, there is no doubt about this. And so we have to be different, open, faster, have the ability to attract world capital and world talent and world companies to Italy. But, on the other hand, we also have to be able to educate new generations so they can know how to work anywhere and with anyone. I think the European connection is increasingly more important and our role is to ensure that our new generations grow up as real citizens of the world who are really able to work in all sorts of conditions.

As a company we have 3,500 employees all around the world, in almost every continent: which aspects of a person’s character are the ones that count?As I said before, and this is something I keep coming back to, we have to have people who definitely know what they’re doing: who know how to do marketing, who know how to sell, who know how to administer... I have no doubt about all that. But the key thing is to know how to live and work in every kind of context, to know how to work with every type of culture. I really believe that today you need to have someone in the organization who is good at what they do, but .....................................................................«who also has an amazing ability for cultural integration.».....................................................................

There’s no point in having a Messi in marketing.....................................................................«if they aren’t able to work in all possible geographical situations..».....................................................................

Which is more important for a company: the people or the organization?Companies are made up of people, no doubt about that, so if I had to go for just one specific factor, then I’d say: people. The time you have to spend listening, listening, listening to thoughts, feelings, listening to what’s being said and what’s actually being said between the lines; the ability to spend time

together with your colleagues around the world; being sensitive enough sometimes, just to say “how are you doing?” to someone. How many of our people constantly think that just because they spend so many hours together with their employees, they never have to ask a person how they’re doing? That’s what changes companies. So, even coming before the organization, for me everything starts with the people.

Would you say that leadership is a natural gift?Leadership can clearly be a natural gift and it is something that is immediately visible when you see it in front of you. On the other hand, there are people who are leaders, but who are a little on the timid side, not necessarily extroverts the first time you meet them, and that’s where company environment comes in, how fertile it is, the company's ability to put people at their ease so they can really give us their best work. At that point, what exists within the company and the “mentors” of the youngsters there can really transform the situation and ensure that qualities which were at first hidden can start to blossom.

Managers have to make decisions, and we often hear about the solitude of the manager: have you ever experienced that sensation?What does that mean? That you have to make decisions? That you have to decide whether to do something or not? That’s not something to get all worked up about, not something to be surprised about. There are times when you have to make decisions and often when you make these decisions you’re on your own.

What advice would you give to a young person about to enter the world of work?The fact is that, especially at the beginning of your career, if you have the opportunity, if you have the possibility, the key thing is to be able to choose your bosses, choose your teachers, choose people who not only want you to respect them, but who are willing to teach you what it means to be in the company, what it means to make decisions, and how to live in an environment like the complex, multifaceted environment of a company.

And what advice would you give to an entrepreneur?First of all, it’s worthwhile remembering that the role of the entrepreneur, as the name implies, is doing business and, unfortunately, that’s something that has been forgotten here in Italy. Doing business means sacrifice, hard work and long-term planning in exchange for potentially great ethical, social and economic results. If we look at our country, however, what was an immense source of pride, something we could really feel gratified by, has, by and large, been put aside. Too many people prefer shortcuts and put income ahead of the company. It's time to go back to really doing business, to really being entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur today also means one very important thing: not being an inventor. In Italy we have a whole bunch of inventors, including inventors of business models, but unfortunately the small company is no longer needed. We must be able to build something big, something important, something that makes sense in the world as it is, and so the entrepreneur nowadays has to be even braver than before.

One last question: what would you feel like saying to Francesco Casoli?Francesco has had great moments of discontinuity in all the things that he’s done, in the sense that he realised, at some point, that his product was not a kitchen accessory, but an element of emotion in the kitchen, something which gives the kitchen character. Then he came to understand that a good leader at some point has to be generous, has to see that other people, at certain times, can take over the company and take it along different paths. Then he realized it was important to open up the capital to institutions and third-party organizations, and so the company went public. So, really, there isn’t much advice you can give to Francesco. If I had to venture an opinion, I’d maybe remind him that today’s consumers primarily spend their money on the basis of their emotions and that more work has to be done on the Elica brand, so that the story of the brand and the products and the emotions that they arouse is told with greater vigour and clarity than it is at the moment.


Andrea Guerra was born in 1965.He joined the Merloni Elettrodomestici company, which later became Indesit, in 1994. Here, for six years, he occupied a number of positions of responsibility in commercial, production and central service areas. In 2000, he was appointed Managing Director of the group, making him the youngest CEO of a listed company. During his tenure, Merloni Elettrodomestici increased their turnover every year, closing the year 2003 with a 21% growth over the previous year. In 2004, Andrea Guerra became CEO of Luxottica. In addition to official recognition from Merloni Elettrodomestici for the results achieved during his tenure there, Andrea Guerra was included in the 2004 Financial Times list of “25 business stars”.


Leggi la biografia di Andrea Guerra su Wikipedia

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For its Paris visit, Elica chose the stunning backdrop of the

Italian Institute of Culture to talk to to the French market and media about the philosophy that has always underpinned its strategies. The occasion for the event was the birth of Elica France, specially created in order to strengthen the company's presence on one of the main markets worldwide. With Elica France, whose B2B offices

and showroom are located in Porte d’Auteuil in Paris, the company will be closer to its customers and perfectly situated to monitor the needs of the market and respond promptly and effectively to any requirements.In the presence of the Italian Ambassador to Paris, Gian Domenico Magliano, and the Institute for Foreign Trade Director Laura Corte (photo), the Elica management illustrated its entry strategies for the French market.“We decided to have our event here because art facilitates communication between different cultures,” said Elica President Francesco Casoli. “We have always believed that contamination between art and business promotes innovative thinking and creativity, essential factors for those who want to promote design products and for anyone who wants to meet today’s global challenges. We are a

company dedicated to the treatment of air and its quality and that’s the direction in which we are carrying out our research and innovation activities. We are in France because we love our customers and in order to do this it’s vital for us to be close to them.”Elica CEO Giuseppe Perucchetti went on to say that “France, the third largest European market in the cooker hood field, is an essential goal in terms of the development of our brand. Elica’s potential in this area has not yet been fully expressed, and this represents a major growth opportunity. That’s why over the next two years we aim to double our share in this market.”Aria nuovo, then, in Paris. In a fresh and fascinating exhibition curated by architectural studio stARTT, the event featured stand-out Elica products presented with original and creative zest in the Salone Monumentale


of the Hotel de Galiffet, which houses the headquarters of the Italian Institute of Culture. A truly memorable setting, in other words, representative of the importance of art for Elica which, thanks to the initiatives promoted by the Fondazione Ermanno Casoli, has for many years promoted an active dialogue between art and business. On show was an exciting selection of new Elica hoods, including Ye, Nuage, Om Air, Amelie, Seashell, Edith, Audrey, Stripe, Elle and Lol, as well as the elegant fragrance diffuser Marie, which neutralizes kitchen odours while naturally perfuming the air of every room in the house. And that's not all. In Paris, Elica also introduced the revolutionary Stream system, where innovative technology provides wireless communication between hood and cooktop.

elica world



ARIANUOVA @ AWE 2015 FAIR IN SHANGHAIElica has made its first showing

in the Appliance & Electronics WorldExpo (AWE) in Shanghai, China. Located in the "FUTURE@ HOME"Concept Hall at the invitation of the organizer, Elica is showing Chinaand Asia the future of the kitchen appliance.This time Elica presented its full product lines, including hoods, hobs and built-in appliances, designed to meet the Chinese consumer and real estate developer’s needs for a complete product range and one-stop shopping.There was a whole lot of “wow” effect created when professional visitors crowded into the Elica booth: “Wow, that's really a hood? I’ve got to have that for my living room!” and “That's the product I’ve been looking for for years to fit my kitchen solution!” Elica design has completely changed the Chinese idea that the

hood is only a functional product, demonstrating that it is also a piece of art capable of improving both the kitchen environment and lifestyle. It wasn’t only the design of the products that attracted visitors' gazes, but also the profound knowledge of the Chinese market shown by the various product features, packed with Elica know-how regarding the quite unique Chinese cooking style, that astonished the professional visitors.The presence of Elica Group CEO Giuseppe Perucchetti, Elica Group Marketing Director Francesco Boromei, Elica Group Design Centre Chief Fabrizio Crisa and the Chairman of the Zhenjiang Elica Putian Electric Co. Ltd (Elica’s Chinese plant) Roberto Di Fiore, showed the Expo that the company really means business. Elica has taken another important step in China, and this fashion brand with its great history will soon take off in the biggest kitchen appliance market in the world.


Francesco Casoli, the Italian

ambassador to France,

Giandomenico Magliano, the

Director of the Institute for

Foreign Trade, Laura La Corte

Guarda il video dell'evento sul

canale ufficiale Elica Youtube

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Milan’s Expo 2015 represents a huge opportunity to relaunch

our country. That’s why Elica has decided to make its showroom in the city’s Brera area available to all the public and private professionals from the Marche. Here, at Via Pontaccio 8, they will find the perfect space to meet the partners,

buyers, tour operators and visitors who will be flocking to Milan during the Expo. “I have always been convinced”, said Elica President Francesco Casoli, “that Italy will become competitive only if it manages to create a network between companies and public entities in such a way as to


It’s a well-established fact that playing a sport or performing

regular physical and motor activity helps a person to keep fit. Many people, however, do not really take into account the positive effects that this sort of behaviour may have on health, especially if it is something that has been properly instilled since childhood or adolescence. In industrialised countries, the fight against a

sedentary lifestyle has become a fundamental objective, and it has to be carried out not only by the health service and health promotion agencies, but also by other sectors, such as transport, urban planning, construction, production areas and school. The reasons why there has been a steady increase in physical inactivity are many and pertain to the sphere of both individual and socio-environmental factors. The opportunities to do physical activity during working hours, for example, are increasingly limited: as the widespread use of technology evolves through the workplace, sedentary behaviour and lower energy consumption by workers are promoted. Scientific evidence, however, speaks for itself: regular physical activity of moderate intensity is conducive to a salutary lifestyle, with significant benefits for a person’s overall health. Physical exercise, preferably aerobic, need

not take up too much of your time: 30 minutes of movement a day (walking, swimming, cycling), at least five times a week, is sufficient in order to provide many benefits in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, metabolic and psychological terms.Elica promotes a culture that aims to encourage a healthy lifestyle through Aerò, the company gym that has become our very own wellbeing space. Aerò was inaugurated in Elica’s Fabriano head office on April 30th, 2010 and over the last five years many of us have taken the opportunity to dedicate a bit of time to ourselves and focus on our psychophysical wellbeing, either taking advantage of the lunch break or the beginning or end of the working day. Being able to train in the workplace itself, make use of the equipment in the AERÒ ELICA FITNESS area – open from early in the morning – and take advantage of the advice and supervision of

qualified staff, is definitely a chance not to be missed.For several months now, the person guiding us in this pursuit of a healthy life has been Fabriano-born Claudia Mearelli. Claudia, a multi-talented sportswoman, has worked in this field for years: she has a degree in Motor Science and a variety of specialist skills, including diving, swimming for pregnant women and children, and motor rehabilitation for patients with Parkinson's. Our “motor educator”, as she calls herself, with her expertise, tenacity, equipment, ropes and mats, is carrying out the Elica wellness project with great enthusiasm, accompanying us all in looking after our physical welfare.The training she provides involves exercises performed mainly on the floor and calisthenics, activity that leads to total control of the body through the use of its own natural resistance and the force of gravity. Contact with the floor allows continuous improvement of neuromotor coordination, as well as joint mobility and stabilisation. This helps compensate for the pampered behaviour encouraged by a sedentary lifestyle and develops the physical capabilities of every kind of person, whether they are athletic or not. It is a highly effective form of workout, optimal for all the structural components of the body and which takes into account a variety of needs, problems and subjective issues. The word “calisthenics” derives, in fact from the Greek kállos (beauty) and sthénos (strength), giving us the concept of “harmonic force”. It is, therefore, an education in movement, an extremely valuable form of physical and mental training, aiming mainly at a state of wellbeing rather than performance. So, when you’re there in Aerò you may sweat, but you also relax. You stretch, you extend, you ease off, you breathe and – above all – you smile.


make our home area an attractive one. This explains our decision to host the Marche Region at our Milan Showroom. I am sure that having a permanent space in Milan from May 1 to October 31 will be a great chance to attract investment and to get Marche companies involved in highlighting our professional

identity and productive excellence with the aim of relaunching the regional economy.”For more information: http://www.expo2015.marche.it


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elica home

Elica has once more achieved the Top Employer Italy certification,

the prestigious worldwide award given annually by the Top Employers Institute to companies that demonstrate the excellent working conditions provided for their employees.This 2015 award has been obtained by Elica following a long and complex evaluation process conducted with the aid of the HR Best Practices Survey research-questionnaire, which analyses the company in relation to its HR area: implementation of HR management policies, strategies adopted, monitoring, internal and external

communication, working conditions and opportunities for growth and development.Our HR strong points are the training and valorisation programs directed at the talented, both youthful and otherwise, such as our Talent Days: these are orientation and training days, the latest edition of which involved more than 60 young people, including the children of employees and local high school students. Initiatives aimed at employees and their families also include E-STRAORDINARIO, a project developed by the company together with the Fondazione Ermanno Casoli which uses

theoretical discussion groups and workshops to spread the world of contemporary art throughout a variety of companies.“We are particularly proud about achieving this important certification this year,” says Elica HR Director Emilio Zampetti, “because it represents such a significant recognition of the principles and values that guide our company. At a time when the economy is still fragile, we believe that our employees are more and more the real stars – the ones who, with their skill, dedication and passion, help us, day after day, to achieve the best possible results. We are proud that






We Are is an international camp attended by the children

of Elica employees in plants and offices in Italy, Poland, Germany and Russia. Now in its third year, We Are is not only a study trip, but a real process of growth, one that is aimed at both learning English and the personal enrichment that comes from comparing different countries and cultures and the daily contact between young people of various

nationalities.This ambitious goal and the valuable experience of I Am have given rise to a format which, each year, involves getting to know a different European country. After Poland and Greece, this year’s destination is the Czech Republic: the participants will stay at the Hotel Barbora, which they will have all to themselves, in the town of Spindleruv Mlyn.Here, they will learn something

about Czech culture and that of all the countries taking part in the project, not just through the study of language, but especially thanks to the games and sports activities in which they will all be involved. Naturally, there will also be the opportunity to visit Prague and its beautiful old town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.This year, we have once again gone with the Berlitz School for

this has been recognized at both a national and international level.”The company's total commitment to HR management has indeed also been appreciated abroad, with the Group’s Polish subsidiary Elic Group Polska being certified by Top Employers Poland 2015 for the implementation of its excellent employment and professional development policy.

the English lessons: thanks to its method based on communication and student participation, we believe it is the right school for a project that sees interaction and mutual understanding amongst participants as one of its cornerstones. Moreover, the school’s thirty years of experience with the young ensures the presence of trained, motivated teachers who are able to integrate seamlessly with their students.After months of work putting together the project with our partners, applications are finally on the way and we can look forward to meeting up with the youngsters and setting off on what will be a wonderful international adventure!See you in the Czech Republic!

Julia Sciuto receives the




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social cohesion and creativity, in the belief that contemporary art can help us break away from traditional paradigms of common knowledge. In environments where this attitude becomes habitual, it’s possible to activate processes of change more quickly and effectively.This, anyway, is the philosophy of the Fondazione Ermanno Casoli, and it’s one that is supported by a growing number of companies. We are delighted that this should achieve recognition from “outside observers” such as the Culture + Enterprise Award.





Deborah Carè and Marcello Smarrelli receive the 2014 Culture + Enterprise Award in in Milan.

It’s always a special moment when you receive an award: you

can react with an expression of surprise, or with a nudge to your colleagues, as if to say “I knew we were the best.” It certainly produces a sensation of immense satisfaction. But, more than anything, getting an award means obtaining the external recognition without which you may at times end up feeling rather demoralised. And that is, above all, the real value represented by the 2014 “Culture + Enterprise Award” being given to the Fondazione Ermanno Casoli, whose E-STRAORDINARIO project, created by the FEC and originally tried out in Elica, was awarded first place in the Cultural Partnership and Sponsorships section. The prestigious award, now in its second edition, is promoted by Federculture and The Round Table, with the participation of a number of other institutional partners: the Council of Europe, the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, ANCI, the Milan Chamber of Commerce, the Lombardy Region, the City of Milan, ASSOCOM, ASSOLOMBARDA, ASSOREL, FERPI and UPA.E-STRAORDINARIO, as is well-known in Elica, was first of all tested inside the company itself, and then went on to collaborations with other high-quality companies such as ACRAF (Aziende Chimiche Riunite Angelini Francesco) and the Sole 24 ORE Group. Developed since 2009 by Deborah Carè and Marcello Smarrelli, E-STRAORDINARIO is the flagship of FEC activities: artists are invited to run a training course for company employees and, with the mediation of the company trainer, and following one or more days of workshops, a work is created from the partnership between artist and employees. The aim of this methodology is to trigger original innovation processes while simultaneously strengthening


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Elica S.p.A.Via Ermanno Casoli, 2 60044 Fabriano (An) ItalyPhone +39 0732 6101

Number 23 | Year 18 Published by ELICA S.p.A.Via Ermanno Casoli, 260044 Fabriano, Ancona

Produced by HR ManagementEditor Sandro Petrucci Staff Gabriele PatassiUfficio Stampa Corporate ([email protected])

Trimonthly journal Registrazione Tribunale di Ancona n° 26/98 del 22/09/98Sent by postal subscription 70%70% div.cord.d.c.i. Ancona

Graphics dedalogroup.com

Paper usedFabriano Offset 2001 g/m2 145

Alessandro Rossi11/12/14 4:19 PMI'm exited for the official launch of Elica Planet! elicaplanetNow It's time to publish contents!+11 (11 Votes) 1 Comment Respost

Jose Luis Vidal11/13/14 11:29 PMHappy about WORK shop celebration with Mexican Universities... :)+5 (5 Votes) 5 Comment Respost

Luigi Carbone11/25/14 1:33 PMNew painted floor... Work in progress...!+1 (1 Votes) Comment

Giacomo Vagnoni11/26/14 8:42 AMToday I want to share with you a very interesting article from Ansa. I am open for discussion!

http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/magazine/numeri/2014/10/31/finanza-etica-il-laboratorio-della-nuova-economia_ad16d69b-c269-4476-abed-75116d979022.html0 (0 Votes) Comment

Laura Reynoso12/10/14 10:40 PMThis month, our President Francesco Casoli, recived the honor award "Premio Mexico-Italia" An award which on this 6th year was based on Design. Another award winned by Elica for our great job in mixing technology & design to build great appliances with great esthetics an functionality!+7 (7 Votes) 1 Comment Respost

Giacomo Romagnoli12/18/14 8:24 AMThanks Francesco for the amazing party+12 (12 Votes) Comment Respost

Leonardo Silvi12/19/14 1:47 PMI wish you a Christmas beautiful like a sky full of stars!!!+7 (7 Votes) 2 Comment Respost

Rossella Magurno12/21/14 8:57 AMSupply Chain team wishes you a Merry Christmas!!!+4 (4 Votes) Comment Respost

Julia Sciuto1/22/15 4:14 PMELICA has been chosen out of all these firms, as the National Champion in the Innovation Category, for 2014.

The only thing this important reward and remarkable achievement needs is your vote!+3 (3 Votes) Comment


Saverio Verini2/25/15 4:18 PMSul blog ATP Diary si parla di E-STRAORDINARIO e del workshop "Esercizi di stile", che ha visto il coinvolgimento di 7 dipendenti Elica.

The only thing this important reward and remarkable achievement needs is your vote!+3 (3 Votes) Comment Respost


Massimo Belegni2/27/15 6:31 PMCors di Fotografia a Jesi in Notices - Eventi - Arte e Cultura+2 (2 Votes) Comment


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